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目的对SF-36量表用于事业单位工作人员健康测量的信度与效度进行评价,为事业单位工作人员健康测量工具的开发或选择提供依据。方法应用SF-36量表对整群抽取的东莞市5家事业单位的员工进行调查,采用SPSS和LISREL软件对SF-36量表的信度与效度进行分析。结果 SF-36量表的整体克朗巴哈系数以及PCS和MCS两个领域8个维度各自的克朗巴哈系数均在0.70以上,Spearman-Brown分半信度系数为0.767。量表结构效度的二阶验证性因子分析模型拟合指数RMSEA为0.071,NNFI为0.90,CFI为0.91,一阶因子载荷标准解以及二阶因子载荷标准解均大于0.30,t检验的P<0.05。结论 SF-36量表用于事业单位员工健康状况测量具有较好的信度与效度,可以作为事业单位工作人员健康测量的工具。  相似文献   

目的 评价SF-36量表用于城市化居民生命质量评价的信度和效度,为选择合适的健康测量工具提供参考。方法 采用多阶段整群系统抽样方法,使用SF-36量表进行入户调查,利用Spearman-Brown系数和Cronbach''s α 系数评价量表分半信度和内部一致性信度,集合效度实验和区分效度实验成功率评价量表集合效度和区分效度,采用相关分析和非参数检验以自评健康状况为标准进行标准关联效度分析,结构效度评价采用基于结构方程模型的验证性因子分析。结果 SF-36量表应用于城市化居民生命质量评价具有良好的分半信度(R=0.94)和内部一致性信度(除"躯体疼痛"和"精力"维度外,Cronbach''s α 系数为0.70~0.91),量表集合效度(定标成功率为88.57%)、区分效度(定标成功率为90.61%)和准则效度(γs=0.56,评分与自评健康状况相一致)良好,二阶验证性因子分析模型对数据拟合度较差(拟合优度指数为0.721,调整拟合优度指数为0.682,比较拟合指数为0.731,残差均方和平方根为0.084,近似误差均方为0.098),提示结构效度欠佳。结论 SF-36量表用于城市化居民生存质量评价具有良好的信度、集合效度、区分效度和标准关联效度,但结构效度欠佳,建议在实际应用中对相应条目进行调整。  相似文献   

目的:评价SF-36量表用于测量上海市居民健康及生存质量的信度和效度。方法:采用SF-36生存质量量表,由经过统一培训的调查员对上海市15岁以上居民2016人进行面对面访谈,对测量结果进行信度和效度分析。信度包括内部信度和分半信度,效度包括准则效度和结构效度。采用相关分析、非参数检验、多重比较和因子分析方法对SF-36量表的信度和效度进行评价。结果:整个量表的Cronbach’α系数以及去掉一项内容后得到的Cronbach’α系数均高于0.8,总量表的分半信度和各个分量表的分半信度均高于0.6。反映量表的信度较好。在准则效度的评价中,实际结果和理论推断和以往研究结果相一致,表明量表的准则效度较好。因子分析所产生的3个公共因子可解释总变异的75.30%,并在相应项目上有较强的因子负荷,表明量表的结构效度较好。结论:SF-36量表具有较好的信度和效度,适用于上海市居民的生存质量评价。  相似文献   

目的:评价中文版简明健康状况调查表(SF-36量表)在慢型克山病患者生存质量调查中应用的信度与效度,为该人群生活质量研究及治疗康复评价提供科学依据。方法:2017年8月,采用整群随机抽样方法,抽取甘肃省平凉市2017年家庭病床自我管理治疗的175例慢型克山病患者为调查对象,收集人口学资料和病情资料;并采用中文版SF-3...  相似文献   

SF-36用于肺结核的信度、效度及敏感性评价   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
目的 评价中文版SF - 36量表用于肺结核 (PTB)病人的生命质量测量的信度、效度、敏感性。方法 用自行研制的中文版SF - 36量表对肺结核病人及对照进行测量。采用Cronchbach’sα评价量表的信度 ,因子分析评价量表的效度 ,用配对t检验比较患者组和对照组的评分来评价量表的敏感性。结果 对于病人组和对照组 ,SF - 36量表效度 (因子分析聚合为 2个公因子 )、信度 (Cronchbach’sα >0 7)较好。肺结核病人各项得分均低于对照组 ,说明量表的敏感性较高。结论 中文版SF - 36量表是测量肺结核病人的生命质量的有效量表 ,但量表中个别词句的翻译仍须改动 ,并且有必要进行更大样本的调查 ,建立中国人的生命质量正常值标准 ,以利于生命质量的评价  相似文献   

目的:评价SF-36量表用于测量腰椎间盘突出所致坐骨神经痛患者的生命质量的信度和效度,探讨SF-36量表用于腰椎间盘突出所致坐骨神经痛患者的可行性.方法:用SF-36量表对四个医院的坐骨神经痛患者进行问卷调查,通过Cronbach's α系数评价量表的信度,通过结构方程模型对问卷的效度进行评价.结果:SF-36量表各维度Cronbach' sα系数均在0.70以上,结构方程模型适配度指标为:x2/df,RMSEA=0.057,IFI=0.904,CFI=0.901.结论:SF-36量表用于评价腰椎间盘突出所致坐骨神经痛患者的生命质量信度和效度较好,可以用于对坐骨神经痛患者生命质量的评价.  相似文献   

SF-36量表在肺结核病人中使用的信度和效度   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
目的 评价SF -3 6生命质量量表在肺结核病人中使用的信度和效度 ,探讨SF -3 6量表应用于肺结核病人一般生命质量研究的可行性。方法 采用整群抽样法 ,用SF -3 6量表对住院肺结核病人进行问卷调查。结果 在结构效度评价中 ,因子分析结果与假设有相当的一致性。内部一致性 (Cronbancha系数 )除GH (健康总体自评 )外 ,其余α >0 7,具有较高的信度。结论 SF -3 6量表适合肺结核病人生命质量测评  相似文献   

SF-36健康调查量表应用于城市贫困人群的信度和效度   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
"生命质量"是70年代国外医学界引入的概念[1],自引入以来,产生了许多生命质量测评量表,其中SF-36健康调查量表(the SF-36 Health Survey)已成为全球应用最广的生命质量测评工具,被普遍作为生命质量测量量表使用.本文采用SF-36健康调查量表对沈阳市贫困人群的生命质量进行调查,分析其信度和效度,为SF-36健康调查量表在贫困人群的应用提供了资料.  相似文献   

目的 评估SF-12生命质量量表用于评价流动人口生命质量时的信度和效度。方法 采用内部一致性信度评估SF-12生命质量量表的信度,采用集合效度、区分效度和结构效度评估SF-12量表的效度。结果 SF-12生命质量量表用于评价流动人口生命质量时的内部一致性信度cronbach'sα=0.84,各维度与总分的相关系数除了躯体活动功能(PF)=0.43,其余均>0.50;各维度的Cranach'sα系数均>0.70,且在删除相应维度后的Cronbach'sα系数均>0.70;8个维度的集合效度定标实验成功率均为100%,区分效度定标实验成功率均为100%;对量表的理论结构模型进行验证性因子分析,所得模型结构与原始假定一致,拟合指标结果为不规范拟合指数(NNFI)=0.95、比较拟合指数(CFI)=0.96、调整后的拟合优度指数(AGFI)=0.96、近似误差均方根(RMSEA)=0.06。结论 SF-12生命质量量表用于评价流动人口生命质量时具有较好的信度和效度。  相似文献   

目的 了解健康测量量表SF-36维文版应用于2型糖尿病患者生命质量测量的效度和信度.方法 应用SF-36维文版量表对77名2型糖尿病患者进行测试,计算该量表的内部一致性信度、分半信度、敏感性分析、结构效度等.结果 SF-36 Cronbach's α系数为0.945,分半信度系数为0.837;敏感性分析显示“Alpha...  相似文献   

Reliability and construct validity of the SF-36 in Turkish cancer patients   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In this study, we assessed the reliability and construct validity of the SF-36, Turkish version on 419 cancer patients. Cronbach’s α coefficients surpassed the 0.70 criterions for all subscales indicating good internal consistency. Results of the test–retest method showed that the stability coefficients for the eight subscales of the SF-36 ranged between 0.81 and 0.94. Principal components factor analysis with varimax rotation confirmed the presence of seven factors in the SF-36: physical functioning, role limitations due to physical and emotional problems, mental health, general health perception, bodily pain, social functioning, and vitality. In conclusion, the Turkish version of the SF-36 is a suitable instrument that could be employed in cancer research in Turkey.  相似文献   

There is an interest in the consequences of deriving a single index measure of health for validity and sensitivity. This paper presents the results of testing a recent example of a general health measure designed to derive a single index, the Euroqol (EQ), and presents a comparison with a new, influential profile measure, the Short Form 36 (SF-36) Health Survey Instrument. The EQ and an anglicised version of the SF-36 health survey, both designed for self-completion, were included in a postal survey of a random sample of 1980 patients from two practice lists in Sheffield, UK. The response rate for the EQ questionnaire was 83%, and the rate of completion over 95%. Evidence was found for the construct validity of the EQ dimension responses and the derived total EQ health score in terms of distinguishing between groups with expected health differences. Considerable agreement was found between EQ responses and the total EQ score, and the UK SF-36 profile scores. There was substantial evidence of EQ being less sensitive at the ceiling (i.e. low levels of perceived ill-health) and throughout the range of health states. A recent restructuring of the EQ, may help overcome some of the problems with the physical dimensions by reducing their skewness.  相似文献   

Criterion validity and reliability of the SF-36 in a population sample   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
This study aimed to determine the criterion validity of the Short Form 36 health survey questionnaire (SF-36) in a large community sample, and to explore the instrument's internal consistency and validity in groups reporting different levels of ill-health. A postal survey was undertaken using a questionnaire booklet, containing the SF-36 and a number of other items concerned with lifestyles and illness. The questionnaire booklet was sent to 13 042 randomly selected subjects between the ages of 18–64 years, drawn from Family Health Services Authority (FHSA) computerized registers for Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Northamptonshire and Oxfordshire. This paper is based upon the 9332 (72%) responses gained. Scores for the functional status and well-being scales of the SF-36 were used as outcome measures. The response rate for the questionnaire booklet was 72%. Internal consistency of domains was found to be high, both for the sample as a whole, and when broken down by specific subgroups. Criterion validity was assessed by comparing scores for the seven multi-item dimensions assessing functional status and well being with a single global health question. The global question was the first item of the SF-36 and asks respondents to evaluate their health overall. Statistically significant trends were observed for decreasing SF-36 scores (i.e., those indicating greater health problems) with worsening self-rated general health. These results provide further psychometric evidence for the use of the SF-36 when used with groups reporting varying extents of ill-health.  相似文献   

This paper examines the performance of the SF-36 as a self-reported outcome measure in a diverse sample of Australian hospital in-patients. The data derive from the Care Continuum and Health Outcomes Project with a total of 2088 randomly selected patients, yielding a response rate of 80%. Distributions, completion rates and, in particular, correlates of measures were used to investigate the validity of the SF-36 according to clinical and psychometric criteria. Physical functioning, bodily pain, role limitations- physical, general health and vitality scales better represented physical than mental health, with the relative strength decreasing in that order; while mental health, role limitations-emotional and social functioning scales better represented mental health, with the relative strength decreasing in order. A cultural dimension was a strong independent correlate of all scales. While the SF-36 performed satisfactorily, there were weaknesses: the social functioning scale was too narrow to cover social health, both role limitations scales had crude response categories and particular subgroups, the frail elderly and those with complex health conditions, required measures with finer gradings for scales such as physical functioning and bodily pain. Further testing is needed to develop self-reports for use in hospital outcomes measurement which is already proposed in Australia.  相似文献   

Riley  E.D.  Bangsberg  D.R.  Perry  S.  Clark  R.A.  Moss  A.R.  Wu  A.W. 《Quality of life research》2003,12(8):1051-1058
Objective: To assess the reliability and validity of the Short-Form 36 (SF-36) health survey as a health status indicator among HIV-infected homeless and marginally housed (HMH) individuals. Methods: Between July 1996 and May 2000, a sample of HMH individuals completed interviews that included the SF-36. Responses to the SF-36 were analyzed for missing data, range, internal consistency, and construct validity. Results: Among 330 individuals interviewed, 83% were male, 43% were African-American, and the median age was 39 years. All internal consistency reliability coefficients exceeded 0.70, all item–scale correlations exceeded 0.40, all items were more strongly correlated with their hypothesized scale than any other scale, and all reliability coefficients exceeded inter-scale correlations for the same scale. Three of four physical health scales were significantly associated with CD4 cell count and HIV viral load. All scales were significantly associated with depression. Discussion: We found that scales were internally consistent, items correlated to an acceptable degree with their hypothesized scales, items were distinct from other scales, physical scales were associated with CD4 cell count and viral load, and all scales were associated with depression. These analyses provide evidence for the reliability and validity of the SF-36 as a measure of health status in HIV-positive HMH individuals.  相似文献   

Assessing the validity of the SF-36 General Health Survey   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Our objective was to assess the validity of the SF-36 General Health Survey against the Social Maladjustment Schedule (SMS) and two questionnaire measures, the Social Problem Questionnaire and the Nottingham Health Profile (NHP) in a random subsample of 206 men and women from the Whitehall II study, a longitudinal survey of health and disease amongst 10,308 London-based civil servants. We found that social functioning on the SF-36 correlated significantly with social contacts, total satisfaction and total management scores on the SMS, and social isolation and emotional reactions on the NHP. General mental health on the SF-36 was associated with marriage, social contacts, leisure scores, total satisfaction and total management scores on the SMS, and emotional reactions, energy level and social isolation on the NHP. Conversely, physical functioning and physical role limitations were generally not associated with the SMS but were associated with physical abilities and pain on the NHP. In conclusion, this study offers evidence of the discriminant validity of the general mental health and physical functioning scales of the SF-36. We also found moderate construct and criterion validity for the social functioning scale of the SF-36 and considerable overlap between the general mental health and social functioning scales.  相似文献   

目的 评价12条目简短生命质量量表(SF-12)在西部农村青少年生命质量测量中的信度和效度。方法 于2015年11月采用整群随机抽样方法对在四川省资中县抽取的2所农村中学2 871名初一和高一年级学生进行问卷调查;采用内部一致性信度评估量表的信度,采用集合效度、区分效度和结构效度评估量表的效度,并检验SF-12量表在不同人群中的区分度。结果 SF-12量表总的Cronbach's α系数为0.80,生理健康总测量因子(PCS)和心理健康总测量因子(MCS)的Cronbach's α系数分别为0.66和0.74,各维度删除该维度系数后Cronbach's α系数均>0.75,量表的内部一致性较好;集合效度和区分效度试验成功率均为100%,量表中各条目与相应维度的相关性系数r均>0.80;探索性因子分析结果显示,特征根>1的2个公因子累计方差贡献率为51.56%;验证性因子分析模型适配度良好(χ2/df=4.189、GFI=0.996、CFI=0.992、RMR=0.017、RMSEA=0.033、NFI=0.989、IFI=0.992);不同特征学生PCS和MCS得分比较,不同性别、留守情况、抑郁症状及2周内患病或感到身体不适学生PCS和MCS得分和不同年级MCS得分差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05),量表具有较好的区分度。结论 SF-12量表在西部农村青少年生命质量的测量中具有较高的信度、效度和区分度。  相似文献   

SF-36量表应用于外来勤杂人员健康调查的信度和效度   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王冬  许军  姚卫光 《职业与健康》2008,24(9):863-864
目的评价SF-36量表在高校外来勤杂人员的信度和效度。方法采用SF-36生存质量量表,由经过统一培训的调查员对广州市某高校133名外来勤杂人员进行面对面现场测试,计算8项内容的评分,分析信度和效度。结果量表中除社会功能(0.69)外,其余各项维度Cronbach,a系数大于0.70;集合效度和区分效度较好;因子分析产生2个公共因子,解释65.13%的方差。结论SF-36量表具有较好的信度与效度,适于评价高校外来勤杂人员的生存质量。  相似文献   

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