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We have recently reported that human pregnancy is characterized by a 10- to 20-fold elevation of eosinophil major basic protein (MBP) immunoreactivity in maternal blood. Here we show, by immunofluorescence, that placental tissue specifically binds antibody to MBP in and around the placental X cells and placental-site giant cells and, using thin plastic sections, that placenta has no infiltrating eosinophils. The X cells line the inner aspects of placental septal cysts, and the cyst fluid, obtained by aspiration, contains immunoreactive MBP at concentrations of 100 micrograms/ml, a sixfold greater concentration than the highest levels measured in maternal blood. The soluble MBP immunoreactivities in placental homogenates and in maternal serum chromatograph identically on Sephadex G-50, and both these gestational MBP molecules migrate as though substantially larger than the MBP found in serum from patients with hypereosinophilic syndrome or purified from the eosinophil granule. Our inability to demonstrate eosinophils in maternal blood or placental tissue, coupled with the large quantities of immunoreactive MBP highly localized in placental cysts and the chromatographic behavior of this molecule, suggest that the MBP detected in human gestation is produced by placenta.  相似文献   

Localization of eosinophil granule major basic protein in human basophils   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
In experiments using an immunofluorescent method to localize human eosinophil granule major basic protein (MBP) in cells and tissues, a small number of cells stained for MBP that subsequently could not be identified as eosinophils. Because the Charcot-Leyden crystal protein, another eosinophil protein, was recently identified in basophils, we tested whether MBP might also be a constituent of blood basophils. Highly purified, eosinophil-free basophil suspensions were prepared using the fluorescence-activated cell sorter (FACS) to sort basophil-containing mononuclear cell preparations stained with fluorescein-conjugated sheep IgG anti-human IgE antibody. Using these FACS-purified basophils, we found that: (a) enrichment for surface IgE-positive cells (greater than 95% basophils) by FACS also enriched for cells staining for MBP by immunofluorescence; (b) MBP appeared to be localized in the histamine-, heparin-containing granules; (c) significant quantities of MBP were measurable by radioimmunoassay (RIA) in freeze-thaw detergent extracts of purified basophils; and (d) RIA dose-response curves for extracts of purified eosinophils and basophils had identical slopes. The MBP content of basophils from normal individuals averaged 140 ng/10(6) cells, whereas purified eosinophils from normal donors and patients with the hyper-eosinophilic syndrome averaged 4,979 and 824 ng/10(6) cells, respectively. MBP was also detected by immunofluorescence and RIA in cells obtained from a patient with basophil leukemia, although the MBP content for basophil leukemia cells was lower than that for normal basophils. We conclude that basophils contain a protein that is immunochemically indistinguishable from eosinophil granule MBP.  相似文献   

A protein immunochemically related to the eosinophil granule major basic protein (gMBP) is found in increased concentration in the plasma of pregnant women and has been localized to placental trophoblasts by immunofluorescence. Pregnancy MBP (pMBP) is indistinguishable from gMBP in its reactivity with polyclonal antisera and a panel of 14 mouse mAbs. We report the purification of pMBP from human placenta by: (a) affinity chromatography over mAb immobilized on Sepharose, (b) gel filtration in 6 M guanidine.HCl buffer, and (c) reversed-phase HPLC. Purified pMBP and gMBP are biochemically indistinguishable in that both: (a) bind to DNA, (b) polymerize and bind to carrier proteins via disulfide linkages, (c) have a molecular weight of 14,000, (d) have isoelectric points greater than 10.6, (e) comigrate in two-dimensional gels, (f) coelute during reversed-phase HPLC on C18 columns, (g) have identical peptide maps after three different digestions, and (h) have partial amino acid sequence identity. This physicochemical identity has important implications as to the role of pMBP in human placentation.  相似文献   

We have shown that serum levels of a molecule immunochemically similar to eosinophil granule major basic protein (MBP) are elevated in pregnant women throughout gestation. MBP levels increase during gestation and plateau at approximately 7,500 ng/ml by the 20th wk (greater than 10-fold above normal). Levels return to normal after delivery, with a T1/2 of 13.7 d. The MBP in pregnancy serum is remarkably similar to the eosinophil granule MBP in that: (a) pregnancy MBP fully inhibits the binding of radiolabeled MBP standard in a double antibody radioimmunoassay; (b) this inhibition reaction is specific for human MBP because pregnancy serum produces no inhibition of the binding of radiolabeled guinea pig MBP in the guinea pig MBP radioimmunoassay; (c) in a two-site immunoradiometric assay for MBP, slopes of dose- response curves for pregnancy serum, purified MBP, and serum from a patient with hypereosinophilic syndrome are identical, and maximal binding is comparable; (d) reduction and alkylation of pregnancy sera increases measured MBP 100-fold, as previously shown for eosinophil granule MBP in serum; and (e) the MBP in pregnancy serum demonstrates the same pattern of heat lability as has been previously reported for MBP. Four observations have raised the possibility that the eosinophil is not the source of the MBP in pregnancy serum: (a) no correlation between serum MBP level and peripheral blood eosinophil count exists in pregnant women, in contrast to previous studies of patients with eosinophilia; (b) levels of three other eosinophil-associated proteins are normal or low in pregnancy sera, whereas the serum levels of these proteins are elevated in patients with eosinophilia; (c) the slopes of dose-response curves for pregnancy sera and MBP standards differ in the double antibody radioimmunoassay; and (d) the molecule in pregnancy serum elutes from Sephadex G-50 columns at the void volume, while eosinophil granule MBP and the MBP in serum of patients with eosinophilia elute at a volume consistent with the previously established molecular weight of 9,300. These findings suggest that the MBP in pregnancy serum is derived from a source other than the eosinophil.  相似文献   

Complementary DNA (cDNA) clones corresponding to the major histocompatibility (MHC) class III antigen, complement protein C2, have been isolated from human liver cDNA libraries with the use of a complex mixture of synthetic oligonucleotides (17 mer) that contains 576 different oligonucleotide sequences. The C2 cDNA were used to identify a DNA restriction enzyme fragment length polymorphism that provides a genetic marker within the MHC that was not detectable at the protein level. An extensive search for genomic polymorphisms using a cDNA clone for another MHC class III gene, factor B, failed to reveal any DNA variants. The genomic variants detected with the C2 cDNA probe provide an additional genetic marker for analysis of MHC-linked diseases.  相似文献   

Eosinophil granule major basic protein (MBP), a potent toxin for helminths and mammalian cells in vitro, is a single polypeptide chain rich in arginine. MBP has been localized on damaged helminths and tissues in hypersensitivity diseases including bronchial asthma. The MBP cDNA indicates that MBP is translated as a slightly acidic preproprotein with an acidic propart. To test the hypothesis that the acidic pro-part of proMBP inhibits the toxicity of mature MBP, acidic polyamino acids (aa) were used as antagonists of MBP toxicity to K562 cells and guinea pig tracheal epithelium and used as antagonists of MBP airway hyperresponsiveness in primates. The acidic poly aa inhibited MBP toxicity and MBP airway hyperresposiveness. The acidic poly aa inhibited MBP toxicity in a charge-dependent manner similar to that proposed for proMBP, suggesting that the acidic pro-part of proMBP functions to mask mature MBP toxicity. This inhibition was not limited to MBP, but also applied to polyarginine and eosinophil cationic protein. These acidic poly aa may be useful to inhibit the actions of a number of cationic toxins released by the eosinophil in numerous hypersensitivity diseases.  相似文献   

Major basic protein (MBP) is a primary constituent of eosinophil granules. In this report, we demonstrate that MBP from human eosinophil granules initiates a nonlytic histamine release from human leukocytes. A direct effect of MBP on basophils was confirmed using purified human basophils. The kinetics of release were similar to those reported for poly-L-arginine, although MBP was less potent than poly-L-arginine of similar molecular weight. Reduction and alkylation of MBP diminished both the potency and efficacy of the molecule. Native MBP also stimulated histamine secretion from purified rat peritoneal mast cells in a manner characteristic of other polycations. These results emphasize the bidirectional nature of the basophil/mast cell-eosinophil regulatory axis.  相似文献   

We have examined the effects of direct intratracheal instillation of purified eosinophil granule proteins on pulmonary function and airway responsiveness in primates. The results of this study show for the first time that installation of major basic protein (MBP) directly into the trachea of primates results in a significant and dose-related increase in airway responsiveness to inhaled methacholine. Furthermore, MBP and eosinophil peroxidase (EPO) induce a transient bronchoconstriction immediately after instillation that resolves by 1 h postinstillation. In contrast, instillation of other eosinophil granule proteins had no effect on airway responsiveness or pulmonary function. These data indicate a direct role of the eosinophil in the pathogenesis of airway hyperresponsiveness. We suggest that the MBP of human eosinophils has an effector role in the pathogenesis of airway hyperresponsiveness which may involve active interaction with resident airway tissue cells. MBP may also mediate altered lung function in various inflammatory lung diseases associated with pulmonary eosinophilia.  相似文献   

A radioimmunoassay was established for the human eosinophil granule major basic protein (MBP). The mean level of MBP in sera from 105 normal control patients was 454 ng/ml, whereas in a sample of 188 patients with various forms of diseases, including the hypereosinophilic syndrome, levels as high as 14,000 ng/ml were measured. Serum levels of MBP did not correlate with eosinophil counts in normal subjects, but a positive correlation was seen in patients with eosinophilia; the patients with eosinophil counts greater than 350/mm3 generally showed increased levels of MBP. Many patients with skin disease and normal eosinophil counts had elevated levels of serum MBP. Monomer MBP has a molecular weight of 9,300, but in sera of patients with eosinophilia, the MBP activity was of high molecular weight, greater than 50,000. Analyses of serum by Sephadex G-200 and by electrofocusing suggest that MBP is not simply polymerized, but rather is bound to a larger carrier molecule. Monomeric MBP can be isolated from serum by reduction of serum with dithiothreitol, alkylation with iodoacetamide, and acidification to pH 2 followed by fractionation on Sephadex G-50 at pH 2. Under these conditions, up to 80% of the MBP emerges in monomeric form. The results indicate that eosinophil granule proteins circulate in blood covalently bound to serum proteins, and that elevated concentrations of serum MBP are present in some diseases associated with eosinophilia.  相似文献   

The thyroid microsomal antigen (MSA) in autoimmune thyroid disease is a protein of approximately 107 kD. We screened a human thyroid cDNA library constructed in the expression vector lambda gt11 with anti-107-kD monoclonal antibodies. Of five clones obtained, the recombinant beta-galactosidase fusion protein from one clone (PM-5) was confirmed to react with the monoclonal antiserum. The complementary DNA (cDNA) insert from PM-5 (0.8 kb) was used as a probe on Northern blot analysis to estimate the size of the mRNA coding for the MSA. The 2.9-kb messenger RNA (mRNA) species observed was the same size as that coding for human thyroid peroxidase (TPO). The probe did not bind to human liver mRNA, indicating the thyroid-specific nature of the PM-5-related mRNA. The nucleotide sequence of PM-5 (842 bp) was determined and consisted of a single open reading frame. Comparison of the nucleotide sequence of PM-5 with that presently available for pig TPO indicates 84% homology. In conclusion, a cDNA clone representing part of the microsomal antigen has been isolated. Sequence homology with porcine TPO, as well as identity in the size of the mRNA species for both the microsomal antigen and TPO, indicate that the microsomal antigen is, at least in part, TPO.  相似文献   

We have transfected the mouse CD4 gene into a beef insulin (BI)-specific murine T helper hybridoma that lacks CD4 surface expression. The CD4-expressing transfectants have acquired an additional reactivity for pork insulin (PI), which was not detectable in the original recipient cell. The transfectants' response to PI can be completely abrogated by anti-CD4 antibodies. The transfected clone showed a 50-fold increased sensitivity towards BI in comparison to the same CD4- hybridoma. These experiments suggest that CD4 may be important in determining the antigen fine specificity and, therefore, may also play a role in altering the T cell repertoire.  相似文献   

Phospholipase D preferentially contained in human eosinophil polymorphonuclear leukocytes as compared to other leukocytes was isolated by sequential asion and cation exchange chromatography and gel filtration. The purified eosinophil enzyme specifically liberated choline from I-alpha-phosphatidyl choline with a pH optimum of 4.5-6.0 and exhibited a pI of 5.8-6.2 on polyacrylamide-gel isoelectric focusing, which are properties shared by phospholipase D from plant sources; however, its apparent mol wt of 60,000 is approximately one-half that of the plant enzymes. Eosinophil and cabbage phospholipase D inactivated a partially purified rat platelet-activating factor (PAF) in a time- and dose-dependent reaction. The cleavage of this PAF activity was attributed to the inherent phospholipase D activity of the eosinophil enzyme since the two activities chromatographed together at each purification step, and there was apparent reciprocal inhibition of choline-generating activity by PAF and of PAF-inactivating activity by phosphatidyl choline. Thus, possible regulatory functions of the eosinophil in immediate hypersensitivity reactions include inactivation of a PAF by phospholipase D as well as degradation of slow-reacting substance of anaphylaxis by arylsulfatase B.  相似文献   

The effect of human eosinophil major basic protein (MBP) as well as other eosinophil proteins, on binding of [3H]N-methyl-scopolamine ([3H]NMS: 1 x 10(-10) M) to muscarinic M2 receptors in heart membranes and M3 receptors in submandibular gland membranes was studied. MBP inhibited specific binding of [3H]NMS to M2 receptors but not to M3 receptors. MBP also inhibited atropine-induced dissociation of [3H]NMS-receptor complexes in a dose-dependent fashion, demonstrating that the interaction of MBP with the M2 muscarinic receptor is allosteric. This effect of MBP suggests that it may function as an endogenous allosteric inhibitor of agonist binding to the M2 muscarinic receptor. Inhibition of [3H]NMS binding by MBP was reversible by treatment with heparin, which binds and neutralizes MBP. Eosinophil peroxidase (EPO) also inhibited specific binding of [3H]NMS to M2 receptors but not to M3 receptors and inhibited atropine-induced dissociation of [3H]NMS-receptor complexes. On a molar basis, EPO is less potent than MBP. Neither eosinophil cationic protein nor eosinophil-derived neurotoxin affected binding of [3H]NMS to M2 receptors. Thus both MBP and EPO are selective allosteric antagonists at M2 receptors. The effects of these proteins may be important causes of M2 receptor dysfunction and enhanced vagally mediated bronchoconstriction in asthma.  相似文献   

In antigen-challenged guinea pigs there is recruitment of eosinophils into the lungs and to airway nerves, decreased function of inhibitory M2 muscarinic autoreceptors on parasympathetic nerves in the lungs, and airway hyperresponsiveness. A rabbit antibody to guinea pig eosinophil major basic protein was used to determine whether M2 muscarinic receptor dysfunction, and the subsequent hyperresponsiveness, are due to antagonism of the M2 receptor by eosinophil major basic protein. Guinea pigs were sensitized, challenged with ovalbumin and hyperresponsiveness, and M2 receptor function tested 24 h later with the muscarinic agonist pilocarpine. Antigen-challenged guinea pigs were hyperresponsive to electrical stimulation of the vagus nerves compared with controls. Likewise, loss of M2 receptor function was demonstrated since the agonist pilocarpine inhibited vagally-induced bronchoconstriction in control but not challenged animals. Pretreatment with rabbit antibody to guinea pig eosinophil major basic protein prevented hyperresponsiveness, and protected M2 receptor function in the antigen-challenged animals without inhibiting eosinophil accumulation in the lungs or around the nerves. Thus, hyperresponsiveness is a result of inhibition of neuronal M2 muscarinic receptor function by eosinophil major basic protein in antigen-challenged guinea pigs.  相似文献   

Guinea pig eosinophil granules contain a protein, the major basic protein (MBP), which accounts for more than half of the total granule protein, has a high content of arginine, and displays a remarkable tendency to form disulfide-linked aggregates. In this study we have purified a similar protein from human eosinophil granules and have compared the human MBP to the protein comprising the Charcot-Leyden crystal (CLC). Eosinophils from patients with various diseases were purified and disrupted, and the granule fraction was obtained. Examination of the granule fraction by transmission electron microscopy showed numerous typical eosinophil granules. Analyses of granule lysates by gel filtration and by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed the presence of peroxidase and MBP with properties similar to that previously found in guinea pig eosinophil granules. The human MBP had a molecular weight of 9,200, contained less than 1% carbohydrate, was rich in arginine, and readily formed disulfide-bonded aggregates. CLC were prepared from eosinophil-rich cell suspensions by homogenization in hypotonic saline. The supernates following centrifugation of cell debris spontaneously formed CLC. Analysis of CLC revealed the presence of a protein with a molecular weight of 13,000 containing 1.2% carbohydrate. The protein displayed a remarkable tendency to aggregate even in the presence of 0.2 M acetic acid. Human MBP and CLC protein differed in their molecular weights, carbohydrate compositions, and amino acid analyses. Mixtures of the MBP and the CLC protein yielded two bands in polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Neither eosinophil protein increased vascular permeability in the guinea pig skin or contracted the guinea pig ileum. The results indicate that the human MBP and the CLC are distinct substances with properties such that one cannot be derived from the other.  相似文献   

Community-acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MRSA), which has staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec (SCCmec) type IV or V, has become a major concern worldwide. However, the involvement of SCCmecIV (or V) in community spread is still not fully understood. In this study, we searched for a possible adhesin gene in SCCmecIV, which could contribute to community colonization and spread. For this, we determined the entire SCCmecIV sequence of CA-MRSA in Japan, which was previously characterized as multilocus sequence type (ST) 8/SCCmecIVx (type IV with unknown subtypes). The SCCmecIV was 25,555 bp in size and flanked by 15-bp att sequences. The 8.2-kb J1 region was unique (through recombination) and contained a 4.8-kb orf (named spj), encoding for a novel 1,604-amino acid cell-wall-anchored surface protein (CWASP/J) with the LPXTG motif. The spj gene had no homology with any sequence submitted to GenBank, indicating a novel gene sequence. The new SCCmec IV was tentatively designated SCCmecIVl. A PCR assay specific to the spj gene was developed. Two steps of PCR for detection of the spj gene and SCCmecIV showed that ST8/SCCmecIVl MRSA is spreading widely in the community. This study demonstrates a new SCCmecIV encoding a novel CWASP, which could contribute to community spread as a potential colonization factor. Because ST8 CA-MRSA with SCCmecIVl causes skin and soft tissue infections and occasionally invasive infections, surveillance is needed.  相似文献   

Cloning and characterization of a second complementary DNA for human tryptase.   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
A second cDNA for human tryptase, called beta-tryptase, was cloned from a mast cell cDNA library in lambda ZAP. Its nucleotide sequence and corresponding amino acid sequence were determined and compared with those of a previously cloned tryptase cDNA, now called alpha-tryptase. The 1,142-base sequence of beta-tryptase encodes a 30-amino acid leader sequence of 3,089 D and a 245-amino acid catalytic region of 27,458 D. The amino acid sequence of beta-tryptase is 90% identical with that of alpha-tryptase, the first 20 amino acids of the catalytic portions being 100% identical. This identity, together with recognition of each recombinant protein by monoclonal antibodies directed against purified tryptase validate the tryptase identity of both alpha-tryptase and beta-tryptase cDNA molecules. Modest differences between the nucleic acid sequences of alpha- and beta-tryptase occurred throughout the cDNA molecules except in the 3' noncoding regions, which were identical. Although most highly conserved regions of amino acid sequence in the trypsin superfamily are conserved in both tryptase molecules, beta-tryptase has one carbohydrate binding site compared to two in alpha-tryptase, and one additional amino acid in the catalytic sequence. Regions of the substrate binding pocket in beta-tryptase (DSCQ, residues 218-221; SWG, residues 243-245) differ slightly from those in alpha-tryptase (DSCK, residues 217-220; SWD, residues 242-244). The presence of both alpha- and beta-tryptase sequences in each haploid genome was indicated by finding alpha- and beta-tryptase specific fragments after amplification by PCR of genomic DNA in 10 unrelated individuals. Localization of both alpha- and beta-tryptase sequences to human chromosome 16 was then performed by analysis of DNA preparations from 25 human/hamster somatic hybrids by PCR. It is now possible to assess the expression of each tryptase cDNA by mast cells and the relationship of each gene product to the active enzyme.  相似文献   

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