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人体各骨关节都有一定的形态,大小和位置,彼此构成一定的解剖关系,并有其一定的正常范围,而这种范围常会受到各种疾病或先天畸形等因素的影响而发生变化。测量它们的值有利于发现异常及其程度,协助临床进行诊断,X线在这方面起着重要的作用。  相似文献   

中国儿童心脏X线测量研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
关于成人心脏X线测量,国内外报导频多,但关于儿童心脏X线测量研究,国外报导较少,国内尚未见系统研究,为配合儿童心血管疾病的防治工作,建立中国儿童心脏正常大小的标准,我们进行了这方面的研究,现将其结果报告如下。  相似文献   

通过对西安城区1 607例初生至17岁正常儿童青少年蹠趾骨长度的X线测量,计算出各年龄性别组的正常平均值和标准差及年增长率,结果表明蹠趾骨长度随年龄增加而逐渐增大,其发育符合人体生长发育规律。本文为评价人体生长发育和诊断某些疾病(如骨体质性疾病)提供了正常标准,也为人类学提供了正常国人体质的基本资料。  相似文献   

Mu趾外翻畸形的X线测量及指导手术的价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

外翻是指 趾近节趾骨自第一跃趾关节处外翻、内旋,第一跖骨自跖趾关节处内翻,第一跖骨头向内侧突出变形。本文着重对 外翻进行有关X线方面的研究,并对30例 外翻及50例健康女性的足部进行有关角度的测量。  相似文献   

氟骨症的常用摄片部位及X线表现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王连方  李秀凤等 《临床放射学杂志》1985,4(3):151-152,164,T024
骨骼X线摄片检查是诊断氟骨症的可靠方法,前臂,小腿和骨盆摄片基本上满足了诊断和分型和要求,已为多数病区用作常用摄片部位,但对这些部位的X线表现目前尚缺乏较全面描述,我们根据新疆某病区病情不同单位病例,分析这些部位X线表现,探索其诊断价值。.  相似文献   

我们对浙江乐清沿海地区440例健康青少年(均属在校中,小学生)进行了X线测量,为有关引起右下肺动脉干(以下简称右下干),变化的心血管疾患或其他疾患提供参考资料。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the foot strike patterns (FSPs) and neutral support (no INV/EVE and no foot rotation) in children, as well as to determine the influence of shod/unshod conditions and sex. A total of 713 children, aged 6 to 16 years, participated in this study (Age = 10.28 ± 2.71 years, body mass index [BMI] = 19.70 ± 3.91 kg/m2, 302 girls and 411 boys). A sagittal and frontal-plane video (240 Hz) was recorded using a high-speed camcorder, to record the following variables: rearfoot strike (RFS), midfoot strike (MFS), forefoot strike (FFS), inversion/eversion (INV/EVE) and foot rotation on initial contact. RFS prevalence was similar between boys and girls in both shod and unshod conditions. In the unshod condition there was a significant reduction (p < 0.001) of RFS prevalence both in boys (shod condition = 83.95% vs. 62.65% unshod condition) and in girls (shod condition = 87.85% vs. 62.70% unshod condition). No significant differences were found in INV/EVE and foot rotation between sex groups. In the unshod condition there was a significant increase (p < 0.001) of neutral support (no INV/EVE) both in boys (shod condition = 12.55% vs. 22.22% unshod condition) and in girls (shod condition = 17.9% vs. 28.15% unshod condition). In addition, in the unshod condition there is a significant reduction (p < 0.001) of neutral support (no foot rotation) both in boys (shod condition = 21.55% vs. 11.10% unshod condition) and in girls (shod condition = 21.05% vs. 11.95% unshod condition). In children, RFS prevalence is lower than adult’s population. Additionally, barefoot running reduced the prevalence of RFS and INV/EVE, however increased foot rotation.  相似文献   

The distal insertions of the tendons crossing the ankle as well as the tendons originating in the foot are less well known by radiologists. We review the anatomy and ultrasound appearance of these insertions using our own cadaveric sectioning and dissection. The ultrasound images were correlated with anatomical slices. Occasionally magnetic resonance images were also used for better understanding. Understanding the normal appearance of these tendon insertions is important for diagnosing pathology in this region.  相似文献   

目的:骨矿定量检查中不能忽视X线平片的重要性。材料与方法:使用双能X线吸收法(DXA)对5例病人的全身及腰椎进行测定。结果:X线平片显示5例皆有不同程度的骨减少及退行性脊椎病。2例腹主动脉钙化,1例棘间、棘上韧带钙化。DXA测量,5例患者的全身骨量均低于正常值,而4例腰椎骨量都高于正常峰值。结论:强调各种骨矿定量检查方法必须结合X平片检查,才能发挥更大作用。  相似文献   

BackgroundThe Foot Profile Score (FPS) is a single score that summarises foot posture and dynamic foot motion during the gait cycle based on the kinematic data of the Oxford Foot Model. The FPS enables clinicians and researchers to quantify foot abnormalities during gait, to monitor change in foot/ankle motion over time, and to measure the outcome of intervention. With the creation of a new outcome measure, it is important to test its responsiveness in a clinical population for whom it may be sensitive to change.AimTo evaluate the responsiveness of the FPS in a clinical population following isolated foot and ankle surgery.MethodsUsing previous work completed to validate the FPS, we defined the minimal clinically important difference (MCID) for the FPS. Using this MCID, we applied it to a clinical population of 37 children with cerebral palsy, spastic hemiplegia, comparing their FPS before and after foot and ankle surgery. A regression analysis looked at potential relationships between the change in FPS and their pre-operative FPS, age at surgery, and time since surgery.ResultsAn MCID of 2.4 degrees was calculated through regression analysis. The mean change from the pre-operative FPS to the post-operative FPS was 4.6 (SD 3.7 with a range from −0.1 to 13.4). Twenty-eight children (76%) had a change in their FPS greater than the MCID. A regression analyses only showed a clear regression between pre-operative FPS and change in FPS (R2 = 0.58 p < 0.01).  相似文献   

儿童正常胸腺CT测量   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
本文对272例1月至14岁儿童进行胸部横断CT扫描。依年龄分5组,测量每叶胸腺厚度、宽度、每叶厚度与主动脉弓直径比值T/D、奇静脉弓层面两叶胸腺面积和、胸腺平均CT值,5组数值进行统计学处理,结果提示:儿童期胸腺厚度相对稳定,所有5组胸腺厚度均小于22mm。T/D值能反映胸腺与年龄之间的关系,1岁以内T/D值小于1.8,以后随年龄增长呈递减趋势,1 ̄6岁T/D值小于1.2,6 ̄14岁T/D值小于0  相似文献   

Gait parameters such as stride length, width, and period, as well as their respective variabilities, are widely used as indicators of mobility and walking function. Foot placement and its variability have thus been applied in areas such as aging, fall risk, spinal cord injury, diabetic neuropathy, and neurological conditions. But a drawback is that these measures are presently best obtained with specialized laboratory equipment such as motion capture systems and instrumented walkways, which may not be available in many clinics and certainly not during daily activities. One alternative is to fix inertial measurement units (IMUs) to the feet or body to gather motion data. However, few existing methods measure foot placement directly, due to drift associated with inertial data. We developed a method to measure stride-to-stride foot placement in unconstrained environments, and tested whether it can accurately quantify gait parameters over long walking distances. The method uses ground contact conditions to correct for drift, and state estimation algorithms to improve estimation of angular orientation. We tested the method with healthy adults walking over-ground, averaging 93 steps per trial, using a mobile motion capture system to provide reference data. We found IMU estimates of mean stride length and duration within 1% of motion capture, and standard deviations of length and width within 4% of motion capture. Step width cannot be directly estimated by IMUs, although lateral stride variability can. Inertial sensors measure walks over arbitrary distances, yielding estimates with good statistical confidence. Gait can thus be measured in a variety of environments, and even applied to long-term monitoring of everyday walking.  相似文献   

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