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沈世鹏  冷希圣 《外科》1997,2(4):203-205
目的和方法:复习1991年9月至1996年的5年病历资料,将其中80例手术证实、以肝门部胆管梗阻为主要临床表现的病历进行了分析。结果:80例病人中,恶性梗阻57例,占63.8%;良性梗阻29例,占36.2%。恶性梗阻主要包括肝门部胆管癌、胆囊癌、肝癌、肝门部转移癌,以肝门部胆管癌常见。良性梗阻主要包括Mirizzi综合征、肝门部结石及其他。结论:肝门部胆管梗阻临床上主要表现为黄疸、肝内胆管扩张,应  相似文献   

肝门部胆管癌的诊治经验和现代进展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
肝门部胆管癌又称高位或近端胆管癌,是指位于胆囊管开口以上的胆管癌。1954年由Browns行第一例手术切除,Klatskin于1965年首次全面总结了该病的临床、病理特点,故又称Klatskin瘤。它占肝外胆道肿瘤总数的58%~75%,1990年全国调查1098例肝外胆管瘤,其中高位胆管癌占58.4%。我院1987—1997年10年间共收治88例胆管癌,其中48例为高位胆管瘤,占54.5%。肝门部胆管瘤的主要临床表现为进行性加深的黄值,其致死的主要原因不是肿瘤本身的破坏和远处转移,而是继发的梗阻和感染。80年代以前,因对该病的认识不足加之发现该病时常常为晚…  相似文献   

肝门胆管癌的鉴别诊断   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
目的 提高对肝门胆管癌诊断和鉴别诊断的认识,减少对其误诊误治;方法 对上海中山医院1993年1月至1996年12月收治的33例术前诊断为肝门胆管癌的手术病例进行回顾性分析.根据病理结果,探讨影像学检查、肿瘤相关抗原、组织活检和细胞学检查以及手术探查对肝门胆管癌诊断和鉴别诊断的价值。结果 根据病理结果.33例手术病例中有8例系其他肝门部梗阻性疾病被误诊为肝门胆管癌,误诊率占所有手术的24.2%。这8例被谋诊患者中,包括肝门胆管癌栓3例,特发性良性狭窄2例。咀囊管癌累及肝总管1例,胆囊管残株癌1例,肝外胆管结核1例。结论 虽然有较多的方法可用于肝门胆管癌的鉴别诊断.但临床误诊率仍较高。我们建议对所有肝门胆管癌病人.只要无手术禁忌证,均应积极手术探查。  相似文献   

肝门部胆管癌或称上段胆管癌,占肝外胆管癌的58%~75%[1]。我们自1994年1月至1995年12月间对4例肝门部胆管癌施行了胆囊切除、肝方叶切除、肝门部胆管、肝外胆管切除,肝门周围淋巴结清扫(肝门部胆管骨骼化切除),肝内胆管空肠Roux-en-Y...  相似文献   

胆道介入治疗肝门部胆管梗阻   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
肝门部胆管梗阻常因胆管本身的原发性肝门部胆管癌及该处的恶性肿瘤 (包括转移性癌 )而发生继发性梗阻。其发病种类较多 ,但临床上表现为类似症状 ,因而将此类情况 ,统称之为肝门部癌 ( hilar car-cinoma) [1]。包括肝癌、胆囊癌侵犯肝门 ;胰腺癌肝门转移 ;胃癌、结肠癌、肝癌肝门部淋巴结转移 ;胆管内肝细胞癌栓 ;肝门部恶性淋巴瘤 ;少见的原发于肝门部肿瘤 ,如来源于神经、血管、脂肪、纤维组织的原发性肿瘤。虽来源不同的肝门部癌其共同的临床表现为 :无痛性进行性梗阻性黄疸 ;肝内胆管扩张 ,常为双侧性 ;肝门部肿块 ;肝门区淋巴结肿大 ;…  相似文献   

经内镜胆管支架置放技术相关问题探讨   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的探讨内镜胆管支架置放技术的,临床应用范围和操作过程中应注意的问题。方法对我院1999年8月~2006年12月经内镜放置胆管支架进行治疗的185例,临床资料作回顾性分析。结果185例均成功置管,引流总有效率达100%.恶性胆道梗阻148例,占80%(148/185),其中肝门胆管癌49例,壶腹周围癌及其他器官恶性肿瘤术后的梗阻性黄疸99例.使用胆管塑料支架96例,胆管金属支架52例;胆管结石及胆道良性病变置放塑料支架37例,占20%(37/185),其中胆管结石23例,胆道良性狭窄8例,硬化性胆管炎2例,胆道术后胆漏4例。148例恶性胆道梗阻患者经引流1周后黄疸指数明显下降.皮肤瘙痒等症状迅速改善。23例胆管结石患者经支架引流后.胆道感染症状得以控制.全身情况明显改善.4例胆漏患者经引流后治愈。结论严格掌握支架置放指征,合理选择支架型号和所需引流的胆管分支,规范操作流程是保证支架成功置放和有效引流的关键。  相似文献   

1 引言 胆管细胞癌是一种腺癌,由胆管上皮细胞恶变而来,这些上皮细胞沿着胆管系统从肝内小胆管到肝门部或肝外的大胆管生长[1-3].既往认为肝门部胆管癌属于ICC的范畴[4],但事实上,肝门部胆管癌更像ECC,而不是ICC[6,7].肝门部胆管癌和其他ECC一起,占所有胆管细胞癌的80%左右[2-7].,ECC的高危年龄段在60 ~ 70岁,多见于男性,早期常有胆道梗阻症状.相反,典型的ICC发病年龄在50-60岁之间,没有性别差异,可长时间无症状[2-7].因而,ICC中期生存率较短,非手术治疗病人只能活6个月左右,而且切缘阴性病人的5年生存率也只有20% ~40% [3,8-12].  相似文献   

肝门胆管癌的临床诊断   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
目的:探求实用和有效的诊断肝门胆管癌的方法。方法:对61例肝门胆管癌及50例良性胆道疾病(肝门胆管结石伴肝管狭窄、肝门胆管损伤性狭窄)的临床表现,实验室和影像检查结果比较分析。结果:肝门胆管癌的主要表现为梗阻性黄疸和右上腹痛。肝门胆管癌病人血清CA19-9水平显著高于良性对照组(P<0.01)。血清CA19-9,CEA诊断肝门胆管癌的敏感性和特异性分别是83.6%,17.4%和68%,100%。B超,电脑彩超,CT,MRI诊断肝门胆管癌的敏感性和特异性分别是70%,97%,71.9%,78.3%和95.7%,100%,90.9%,87.5%。所有46例肝门胆管癌病人行MRC均能明确显示胆管梗阻部位和扩张的肝门胆管树。结论:血清CA19-9有助于肝门胆管癌的诊断。彩超,MRI结合MRC是诊断肝门胆管癌的首选影技术。  相似文献   

第Ⅲ段肝管空肠吻合解除肝门部胆管恶性梗阻   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
肝门部胆管恶性梗阻的治疗仍然十分困难。若不解除胆道梗阻,病人很快因肝细胞功能衰竭而死亡。由于肿瘤在肝门部侵润性生长,直接经肝门的手术往往不可能实现。1980~1993年间,我们采用第Ⅲ段肝管空肠吻合术姑息治疗28例肝门部胆管恶性梗阻的黄疸病人。24例为肝门部胆管癌,2例为胆囊癌,2例为胃癌肝门部淋巴结转移。术后19例病人恢复顺利;5例发生并发症,4例病人手术后死亡。24例存活病人中,19例黄疸完全消退3月以上,手术有效率为79%。4例黄疸再次出现,2例因胆管炎需要入院治疗。作者认为:第Ⅲ段肝管空肠吻合术能有效解除不能切除的肝门部恶性肿瘤病人的胆道梗阻。  相似文献   

本文报告5例因罕见病变所致的肝门部胆管梗阻:例1为肝尾叶小肝癌胆管内生长并血栓;例2为胆道印戒细胞癌并全胆道钙化;例3为Cardi氏病并肝门狭窄;例4例为化脓坏死性胆管炎并胆管栓塞;例5为左肝胆管囊腺癌侵及肝门。5例患者虽然入院时均已明确为肝门部或高位胆管梗阻,但对其病因及病理诊断则均有误差。属临床上较罕见及疑诊病例,个别病例尚未见报道。作者分析和讨论了肝门部胆管梗阻性病变的共性与复杂特性,认为临床医师在选择与参考现代影像学诊断的同时,必须全面综合临床资料进行分析。B超引导下的穿刺活检是定性诊断的有力依据。对肝门部梗阻性病变无论其为良性或恶性病变,均应积极尽早地治疗,以避免因肝功能衰竭而失去治疗机会。  相似文献   

肝外胆管梗阻性疾病的MRCP诊断价值   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
目的探讨磁共振胆胰管成像技术对肝外胆管梗阻性疾病的诊断价值。方法对52例经病理或随访证实的肝外胆管梗阻性疾病患者的MRCP资料进行回顾性分析,总结良恶性肝外胆管梗阻的不同MRCP表现。结果52例中,MRCP均能够准确测定胆管扩张程度和梗阻的水平,其中良性梗阻27例,MRCP主要表现为胆管均匀扩张及逐渐狭窄,肝外胆管较肝内胆管扩张明显,肝内胆管呈“枯树枝状”;恶性梗阻25例,MRCP主要表现为胆管截断,胆胰管扩张,出现“双管征”,肝内外胆管扩张一致。恶性梗阻患者的肝内外胆管扩张程度明显大于良性梗阻者。结论MRCP作为一种无创的影像检查方法,对肝外胆管梗阻性疾病的诊断具有较高准确性,  相似文献   

目的:探讨良恶性肝外胆管梗阻病变的CT表现及其诊断意义。方法:回顾经手术病理证实的肝外胆管梗阻病变76例(良性34例,恶性42例)。结果:肝内胆管呈枯枝状轻中度扩张,肝内外胆管不一致扩张(内轻外重),肝外胆管远段梗阻,梗阻部胆管呈削尖状狭窄,肝外胆管壁呈弥漫环形增厚,对良性梗阻的诊断有重要意义。肝内胆管呈软藤状重度扩张,肝外胆管中段梗阻,梗阻部胆管呈伴或不伴肿块的截断型或突然狭窄型,肝外胆管壁局限不规则增厚,高度揭示恶性梗阻。结论:良恶性肝外胆管梗阻病变均有特征性CT表现,通过分析胆管形态和临床资料基本能判断梗阻的性质。  相似文献   

Metaplasia of bile duct epithelium was studied clinicopathologically in 36 autopsy cases (Group-A), 18 surgical cases of obstructive jaundice without bile duct carcinoma (Group-B) and 56 surgical cases of bile duct carcinoma (Group-C). The results were as follows: In Group-A there were 24 cases with metaplastic pyrolic glands, and no metaplastic goblet cells. In group-B, there were 16 cases with metaplastic pyrolic glands, 2 cases with metaplastic goblet cells and 1 case with enterochromaffin cells. The mucosa of non-tumorous region of Group-C had metaplastic pyrolic glands in 46 cases, metaplastic goblet cells in 14 cases, enterochromaffin cells in 2 cases and intestinal absorbtive epithelia in 5 cases. In the tumorous region, however, tumor cells with goblet vesicles (malignant goblet cells) were seen in 31 cases, malignant intestinal absorptive villi were in 18 cases, malignant enterochromaffin cells were in 8 cases. Thirty one cases with malignant goblet cells were classified as intestinal type of the bile duct carcinoma (I-type). And 25 cases without malignant goblet cells were classified as non-intestinal type of the bile duct carcinoma (non-I-type). Conclusively, these clinicopathological findings suggest that I-type and non-I-type in the carcinoma of the bile duct are identifiable and I-type in the carcinoma of the bile duct are identifiable and I-type may arise from the lesion with intestinal metaplasia of the benign epithelia of the duct.  相似文献   

韩宁  黄强 《肝胆外科杂志》2007,15(6):449-451
目的探讨经内镜胆管内支架置入术对各种良恶性胆管梗阻的治疗效果。方法95例良恶性胆管梗阻病人先行内镜逆行胰胆管造影(ERCP)检查,确定胆管梗阻病变部位和性质后,再决定使用内镜下塑料胆道支架引流(ERBD)和内镜下金属胆道支架引流(EMBE)。结果95例患者中92例插管成功,成功率96.84%(92/95)。针对良性胆管梗阻行ERBD 28例,主要见于胆总管结石;针对恶性胆管梗阻行ERBD 44例,行EMBE 20例,主要见于胰头癌、胆管癌、壶腹癌、原发性肝癌及肝门、肝内转移压迫胆管,所有病例均在引流后总胆红素及直接胆红素明显下降。结论:经内镜下胆管内支架引流术的应用愈来愈广泛,其操作安全而有效,特别是对各种良恶性病变引起的胆管梗阻起了关键性的治疗作用。  相似文献   

Preoperative biliary drainage has been in use for a long time and is still being performed today in some institutions, but there has been a long-standing issue as to whether the necessity of this procedure has been proven medically. Many problems existed previously, such as systemic complications due to the difficulty in diagnosing and differentiating obstructive jaundice from jaundice left untreated for a long time, or surgeon-based problems such as a lack of surgical skill or undeveloped surgical techniques, or even inexperience in perioperative patient management. These problems, however, are being overcome with time, and the advantages of preoperative biliary drainage are now being questioned according to evidence-based medicine. Several recent controlled trials have clearly shown that preoperative biliary drainage is not necessary for lower bile duct obstruction, although it was noted that surgery after reduction of jaundice by percutaneous transhepatic cholangial drainage (PTCD) was very easily performed. It is important to understand that preoperative biliary drainage is unnecessary for lower bile duct obstruction, whether the technique follows a percutaneous approach, an endoscopic apporach, or stenting. Although it is still being debated, there have already been several reports regarding whether preoperative biliary drainage is necessary for upper bile duct obstruction, such as hilar bile duct carcinoma. This also needs to be clarified by randomized controlled trials. Aside from preoperative biliary drainage, the utilization of biliary drainage or stenting has been fully recognized as important for removing intrahepatic stones or choledochal stones, as well as for emergency drainage for acute cholangitis and for the treatment of unresectable malignant biliary stenosis. Additionally, percutaneous transhepatic cholangioscopy (PTCS), using the PTCD, or percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage (PTBD) route, plays a major role not only in the removal of biliary stones but also in the diagnosis of cases in which it is difficult to differentiate between benign and malignant lesions. Received: August 2, 2000 / Accepted: September 22, 2000  相似文献   

BACKGROUND. Hilar obstructions remain a challenge with regard to diagnosis and treatment. METHODS. In the period from 1984 to 1990, 82 patients underwent resective surgery under the presumptive diagnosis of hilar cholangiocarcinoma (Klatskin tumor). The diagnosis was based on the combined appearances on direct cholangiography and ultrasonography in all cases, with the use of various other imaging modalities in some cases. RESULTS. The perioperative findings from an experienced surgical team were usually thought to be compatible with bile duct carcinoma. However, histologic examination of the resected specimens revealed benign fibrosing or localized sclerosing lesions in 11 patients (13.4%). CONCLUSIONS. The current state of diagnostic imaging fails as yet to discriminate reliably between benign and malignant hilar lesions. Whereas the immediate therapeutic consequences may be equal (resection followed by hepaticojejunostomy), the late consequences differ in a major way because benign disease has a much better prognosis. In the presence of suspicious hilar obstruction, operable lesions should not be treated by "palliative" intubational techniques and radiation therapy without a firm diagnosis of malignancy. However, overtreatment (extended liver resection, vascular reconstruction, and liver transplantation) should be avoided as well when a benign lesion has not been ruled out.  相似文献   

腹腔镜胆囊切除术肝外胆管损伤的防治   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 研究腹腔镜胆囊切除术中预防肝外胆管损伤的有效措施。方法 分析我院近10年行腹腔镜胆囊切除术10800例,其中肝外胆管损伤8例,损伤率0.08%,以肝外胆管横断伤最多见6例,其余电灼伤和钳闭坏死各1例。8例损伤均发生在开展腹腔镜前5年的5000例中,后5年5800例LC未发生肝外胆管损伤。结果 8例肝外胆管损伤均行胆肠Roux-en-Y吻合治愈。结论 良好显露Calot三角,靠胆囊纯性分开Calot三角,认淮胆囊壶腹与胆囊管交汇部并游离出其延伸段是确认胆囊管的可行方法,此时,多能辨认清肝总管,胆总管,胆囊管,胆囊壶腹即“三管一壶腹”的相互解剖关系,可有效避免肝外胆管损伤。  相似文献   

We report an unusual case of adenomyoma of the common hepatic duct mimicking bile duct cancer. A 50-year-old woman was referred to our hospital for the investigation of general fatigue. Laboratory data showed abnormal liver test results and computed tomography showed a mass lesion in the hepatic hilum and dilatation of the intrahepatic bile ducts. These findings led to a preoperative diagnosis of hilar bile duct carcinoma, and we performed a left lobectomy with resection of the extrahepatic bile duct. Macroscopically, an elevated lesion was found in the common hepatic duct, which was confirmed histologically to be an adenomyoma. Bile duct strictures are rarely caused by benign tumors of the biliary tract, such as adenomyoma. Surgical resection of the bile duct should be considered for all bile duct strictures because it is often difficult to differentiate malignant from benign lesions in this location preoperatively, and malignant cells may be present in the lesion.  相似文献   

肝门部胆管癌的外科治疗   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 分析一个单位 1986-2 0 0 2年间治疗肝门部胆管癌的经验。方法 回顾 1986-2 0 0 2年在解放军总医院肝胆外科治疗 2 91例肝门部胆管癌的纪录 ,全部治疗均在单一的科室技术领导下进行 ,有一定的连贯性。外科治疗手段主要是依据手术中所发现的病理情况决定。根治性切除术的标准是指切除的边缘病理上未发现残留癌细胞者。结果 在我国 ,肝外胆管癌是并非少见的疾病 ,近年来手术治疗的病例数有增多倾向。然而 ,根治性切除手术有困难 ,甚至联合肝切除亦难以达到根治目的 ,因而根治性切除率只分别为 3 7.6%和 41.2 %。无切除术后 3 0d内死亡。有 4例病人于切除术后长期无瘤生存 ,5年以上生存率为 13 .3 % ;另有 2例病人亦生存达 5年以上 ,但癌复发 ,现仍在接受进一步治疗。结论 肝门部胆管癌是多态性的疾病 ,只是极少数表现为较“良性”的倾向 ,而绝大多数则于手术切除后易于复发 ,虽然手术似乎是已达治愈性。切除性治疗 ,甚至是姑息性切除 ,仍可以达到延长生命和提高生活质量的效果。扩大手术切除和淋巴结清扫范围的治疗作用尚未能确定  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Extensive hilar bile duct resection beyond the second- or third-order intrahepatic biliary radicals is usually required for patients with hilar cholangiocarcinoma as well as those with benign inflammatory stricture. Most hilar cholangiocarcinoma is resected with combined major hepatectomy to obtain free surgical margins. The purpose of this study was to show the surgical procedure and the usefulness of extensive hilar bile duct resection using a transhepatic approach for patients with hilar bile duct diseases. METHODS: Five patients with hepatic hilar bile duct disease and who were unfit for major hepatectomy for several reasons underwent extensive hilar bile duct resection by way of a transhepatic approach. Four of the patients had hilar bile duct cancer, including 1 with mucous-producing bile duct cancer of low-grade malignancy and 1 with a postsurgical benign bile duct stricture. RESULTS: After extensive hilar bile duct resection, bile duct stumps ranged in number from 3 to 7 mm (mean 4.4). Surgical margins at bile duct stump were free of cancer in all 4 cancer patients. The long-term outcomes were as follows: 3 patients are alive at the time of publication, and 2 patients have died. CONCLUSIONS: A transhepatic approach may be useful when performing extensive hilar bile duct resection bile duct stricture of biliary disease at the hepatic hilus, especially in high-risk patients who are unfit for major hepatectomy as well as in those having benign bile duct stricture and low-grade malignancy.  相似文献   

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