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Pulmonary ventilation-perfusion MR imaging in clinical patients   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of comprehensive magnetic resonance (MR) assessment of pulmonary perfusion and ventilation in patients. Both oxygen-enhanced ventilation MR images and first-pass contrast-enhanced perfusion MR images were obtained in 16 patients with lung diseases, including pulmonary embolism, lung malignancy, and bulla. Inversion recovery single-shot fast spin-echo images were acquired before and after inhalation of 100% oxygen. The overall success rate of perfusion MR imaging and oxygen-enhanced MR imaging was 94% and 80%, respectively. All patients with pulmonary embolism showed regional perfusion deficits without ventilation abnormality on ventilation-perfusion MR imaging. The results of the current study indicate that ventilation-perfusion MR imaging using oxygen inhalation and bolus injection of MR contrast medium is feasible for comprehensive assessment of pulmonary ventilation-perfusion abnormalities in patients with lung diseases.  相似文献   

目的 探讨氧增强MR肺通气成像联合肺灌注成像诊断气道阻塞和肺栓塞(PE)病变的可行性和价值。方法 对8只犬通过肺段动脉水平注入凝胶海绵颗粒复制周围型PE模型,其中5只经自制球囊导管插入二级气道又建立气道阻塞模型。通过吸纯氧前后的图像减影可获得氧增强MR肺通气图像。利用对比剂首次通过法可进行MR肺灌注成像。观察MR肺通气和灌注成像的表现,并与大体病理解剖、核素肺通气-灌注成像和肺血管造影进行对照。结果 MR肺通气和灌注成像在气道阻塞区的表现相匹配,但在肺栓塞区不匹配。气道阻塞区在MR肺通气成像中的缺损区域小于核素肺通气成像。根据信号强度随时间变化曲线,肺灌注异常区可分为灌注缺损和减低区。MR肺通气联合灌注成像诊断肺栓塞的敏感度和特异度分别为75.0%和98.1%;其诊断结果与核素肺通气一灌注成像和肺血管造影的一致性较好(K=0.743、0.899)。结论 氧增强MR肺通气成像联合肺灌注成像可用来诊断肺内气道和血管异常,该方法与核素肺通气-灌注成像类似,并能提供量化的功能信息和更高的时间、空间分辨率,具有临床应用价值。  相似文献   

Pulmonary atelectasis: signal patterns with MR imaging   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Herold  CJ; Kuhlman  JE; Zerhouni  EA 《Radiology》1991,178(3):715-720
To assess the signal characteristics of different types of pulmonary atelectasis on magnetic resonance (MR) images, the authors studied obstructive atelectasis (OA) in 17 patients and nonobstructive atelectasis (NOA) in 25 patients. All patients underwent electrocardiographically gated MR imaging studies of the thorax with standard spin-echo sequences. No signal differences were observed between either type of atelectasis on T1-weighted images. Conversely, OA and NOA appeared significantly different on spin-density-weighted images (P less than .001) and on T2-weighted studies (P less than .0001). On T2-weighted images, all 17 cases of OA appeared hyperintense, whereas 22 of 25 cases of NOA demonstrated a very low signal intensity. Differences in the pathophysiology of OA and NOA presumably account for this observation. In OA, alveolar air is totally resorbed and secretions accumulate in the obstructed lung. The resulting increase in free fluid prolongs the T2 relaxation times and leads to high signal intensity on T2-weighted images. In NOA, the short T2 relaxation time of lung tissue in the absence of secretions and potential magnetic susceptibility effects due to residual air are likely to be responsible for the low T2 signal pattern.  相似文献   

Psoas muscle disorders: MR imaging   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Lee  JK; Glazer  HS 《Radiology》1986,160(3):683-687
Nineteen patients with evidence of psoas and iliopsoas abnormalities on computed tomographic (CT) scans (12 with metastases, three with lymphoma, two with hematoma, and two with abscess) were examined with magnetic resonance (MR) imaging. The abnormal psoas could be identified on both T1- and T2-weighted spin-echo images, although T2-weighted sequences provided better contrast. The psoas muscle can be affected by one of three mechanisms: total replacement, lateral displacement, or medial displacement. In four patients in whom the CT study showed apparent enlargement of a psoas muscle, subsequent MR imaging examinations demonstrated that the psoas muscle was compressed and displaced laterally by a paraspinal mass. MR images provided better contrast between the normal and abnormal psoas than CT scans in nine cases; MR images were inferior to CT scans in two cases because calcifications (one case) and air bubbles within an abscess (one case) were not detectable.  相似文献   

Bone marrow disorders: characterization with quantitative MR imaging   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Smith  SR; Williams  CE; Davies  JM; Edwards  RH 《Radiology》1989,172(3):805-810
Thirty patients with various hematologic disorders and 15 healthy control subjects underwent quantitative magnetic resonance (MR) imaging of the lumbar spine with spin-echo techniques. Images of patients with infiltrative bone marrow disorders showed significantly more prolonged T1 times than those of control subjects (P less than .001). It was not possible to distinguish different diffuse infiltrative bone marrow disorders on the basis of T1 values. Aplastic anemia could be distinguished from normality because of significantly shortened T1 (P less than .001). A significant correlation was seen between T1 and bone marrow cellularity (r = .74, P less than .001). T2 was of no value in the characterization of bone marrow disorders. Quantitative MR imaging dose not improve the diagnostic potential of bone marrow imaging in the detection of diffuse marrow infiltrates.  相似文献   

"Single shot" magnetic resonance (MR) diffusion imaging was used to study the details of signal decay curves in experimental perturbations of cerebral perfusion induced by hypercapnia or death. Despite large perfusion increases observed with dynamic susceptibility-contrast MR imaging, no correlation with these changes was seen in either the diffusion coefficient or any other intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) model parameters in dog gray matter as arterial carbon dioxide pressure increased. Non-monoexponential signal decay in cat gray matter was seen both before and after death. In addition, cat gray matter demonstrated a steady decrease in the diffusion coefficient after death. These data are strong evidence that the fast component of the non-monoexponential diffusion-related signal decay is not due solely to perfusion. The authors believe that a second compartment of nonexchanging spins, most likely cerebrospinal fluid, accounts for the non-monoexponential decay.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To retrospectively identify pulmonary arterial (PA) flow parameters measured with phase-contrast magnetic resonance (MR) imaging that allow noninvasive diagnosis of chronic PA hypertension (PAH). MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study was HIPAA compliant and was approved by the institutional review board; a waiver of informed consent was obtained. Fifty-nine patients (49 female patients; mean age, 46 years; range, 16-85 years) known to have or suspected of having PAH underwent breath-hold phase-contrast MR imaging and right-sided heart catheterization (RHC). The presence of PAH (mean pulmonary artery pressure [mPAP], >25 mm Hg) was confirmed in 42 patients. Parameters, including PA areas, PA strain, average velocity, peak velocity, acceleration time, and ejection time, were measured in each patient by investigators blinded to RHC results. These measurements were correlated with mPAP, systolic pulmonary artery pressure (sPAP), and pulmonary vascular resistance index (PVRI). The diagnostic ability of phase-contrast MR imaging to depict PAH was quantified. Statistical tests included Spearman rho coefficients, receiver operating characteristic curve analysis, and Bland-Altman plots. RESULTS: Results showed average velocity to have the best correlation with mPAP, sPAP, and PVRI (r = -0.73, -0.76, and -0.86, respectively; P < .001). Average velocity (cutoff value = 11.7 cm/sec) revealed PAH with a sensitivity of 92.9% (39 of 42) and a specificity of 82.4% (14 of 17). Sensitivity and specificity for the minimum PA area (cutoff value = 6.6 cm(2)) were 92.9% (39 of 42) and 88.2% (15 of 17), respectively. CONCLUSION: The average blood velocity throughout the cardiac cycle is strongly correlated with pulmonary pressures and resistance.  相似文献   

The sensitivity of magnetic resonance (MR) imaging for detection of pulmonary metastases in 11 patients scheduled for thoracotomy and curative resection of metastases was evaluated with a prospective, controlled study. MR imaging performed at 0.5 T was compared with chest radiography, computed tomography (CT), and thoracotomy in 12 cases. (One patient had two separate occurrences of pulmonary metastases.) All images were interpreted in blinded fashion. When all MR sequences were interpreted together, MR imaging enabled correct identification of all patients with pulmonary nodules (100%). CT enabled detection of at least one nodule in all 12 cases (100%) by design; the sensitivity of chest radiography was only 64%. For individual nodules, MR imaging was at least as sensitive as CT (P2 less than .25 [two-sided value]) and significantly more sensitive than chest radiography (P2 less than .01). Among all MR sequences, short inversion time inversion-recovery sequences had the highest sensitivity for detection of individual nodules (82%).  相似文献   

The authors obtained magnetic resonance images of the pulmonary vasculature with reduced artifacts caused by cardiac and respiratory motion by acquiring a series of moderately thin sections in a single breath-hold with an ultrafast gradient-echo pulse sequence. The series of two-dimensional images was postprocessed with a maximum-intensity projection algorithm. Time-of-flight inflow enhancement increased the signal intensity of arteries and veins while radiofrequency phase spoiling produced limited stationary spin suppression of the chest wall. Moderately thin (8-mm) section thicknesses were used to attain the resolution necessary to visualize smaller pulmonary vascular segments up to the chest wall while the number of acquired sections was minimized. Because the body coil did not provide an adequate signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) for a single excitation and thin-section acquisitions, phased-array coils covering either the right or left lung were used to single breath-holds prevented the misregistration and blurring that occurred in examinations performed with multiple breath-holds.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To determine prospectively the accuracy of a magnetic resonance (MR) perfusion imaging and MR angiography protocol for differentiation of chronic thromboembolic pulmonary arterial hypertension (CTEPH) and primary pulmonary hypertension (PPH) by using parallel acquisition techniques. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study was approved by the institution's internal review board, and all patients gave written consent prior to participation. A total of 29 patients (16 women; mean age, 54 years +/- 17 [+/- standard deviation]; 13 men; mean age, 57 years +/- 15) with known pulmonary hypertension were examined with a 1.5-T MR imager. MR perfusion imaging (temporal resolution, 1.1 seconds per phase) and MR angiography (matrix, 512; voxel size, 1.0 x 0.7 x 1.6 mm) were performed with parallel acquisition techniques. Dynamic perfusion images and reformatted three-dimensional MR angiograms were analyzed for occlusive and nonocclusive changes of the pulmonary arteries, including perfusion defects, caliber irregularities, and intravascular thrombi. MR perfusion imaging results were compared with those of radionuclide perfusion scintigraphy, and MR angiography results were compared with those of digital subtraction angiography (DSA) and/or contrast material-enhanced multi-detector row computed tomography (CT). Sensitivity, specificity, and diagnostic accuracy of MR perfusion imaging and MR angiography were calculated. Receiver operator characteristic analyses were performed to compare the diagnostic value of MR angiography, MR perfusion imaging, and both modalities combined. For MR angiography and MR perfusion imaging, kappa values were used to assess interobserver agreement. RESULTS: A correct diagnosis was made in 26 (90%) of 29 patients by using this comprehensive MR imaging protocol. Results of MR perfusion imaging demonstrated 79% agreement (ie, identical diagnosis on a per-patient basis) with those of perfusion scintigraphy, and results of MR angiography demonstrated 86% agreement with those of DSA and/or CT angiography. Interobserver agreement was good for both MR perfusion imaging and MR angiography (kappa = 0.63 and 0.70, respectively). CONCLUSION: The combination of fast MR perfusion imaging and high-spatial-resolution MR angiography with parallel acquisition techniques enables the differentiation of PPH from CTEPH with high accuracy.  相似文献   

Prostatic disorders: MR imaging at 1.5 T   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Pelvic magnetic resonance (MR) images obtained at 1.5 T of 31 men with known genitourinary disease were reviewed retrospectively. In most, peripheral and central prostatic zones could be seen on axial images obtained with long repetition times/echo times (TRs/TEs). The prostate had no specific signal intensity that enabled differentiation between benign and malignant changes. Each patient with known extracapsular prostatic carcinoma had a peripheral zone defect--1 cm or greater in diameter with ill-defined borders and relatively lower signal intensity than that of the remainder of the peripheral zone--that correlated with the site of clinical-pathologic involvement. Correlation of a peripheral zone defect on long TR/TE images as a sign for extracapsular spread of prostatic cancer was 100% sensitive, yet 54% specific, with excellent interobserver agreement. Stage A2 and B1 prostatic carcinoma was not detected. Benign prostatic hyperplasia was seen as centrally located proliferation and nodularity, usually with discrete margins and a wide spectrum of low- to high-signal-intensity features. MR imaging may have a role in differentiating between intracapsular and extracapsular prostatic carcinoma.  相似文献   

Six known or suspected pulmonary arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) in four patients were evaluated with magnetic resonance (MR) imaging at 1.5 T. All lesions were imaged using a gradient-refocused echo pulse sequence with a 25/13 ms [repetition (TR)/echo (TE) times] and a 30 degrees flip angle, as well as with a cardiac-gated spin echo short TR/TE pulse sequence technique. Five of the lesions were vascular in nature based on their signal intensity characteristics, and one nonvascular lesion was a carcinoid tumor. On the spin echo images, the AVMs showed a central signal intensity void with a peripheral rim of intermediate signal intensity that was detectable for lesions greater than or equal to 1.5 cm in size. Smaller lesions were more difficult to distinguish from the surrounding air-filled lung, which normally generates no appreciable signal on MR images. The AVMs demonstrated uniform high signal intensity on the gradient echo pulse sequence and were more conspicuous, irrespective of size. With a single breath-hold scan, the vascular nature of the lesion could be rapidly confirmed with an acquisition time of 13 s. In three patients, the cine MR gradient echo images showed a pulsatile quality to the signal intensity in the lesion over the cardiac cycle similar to that within adjacent pulmonary vessels. The results of this study show a potential role for gradient echo MR imaging as a rapid, noninvasive method to evaluate the vascular nature of an atypical pulmonary nodule.  相似文献   

MR imaging of neuronal migrational disorders   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Neuronal migrational disorders of the brain represent abnormalities in the formation of the neocortex caused by faulty migration of the subependymal neuroblasts. These migrational anomalies include lissencephaly (agyria/pachygyria), pachygyria, schizencephaly, heterotopias, hemimegalencephaly, and polymicrogyria. We used MR imaging (performed on a 0.5-T or 1.5-T scanner) to evaluate 21 patients who had neuronal migratory anomalies. Four patients had lissencephaly, seven had pachygyria, including one patient with hemimegalencephaly, seven had schizencephaly, and three had heterotopias. All MR scans included T1-weighted spin-echo sequences, and seven also had inversion-recovery sequences. The cortical surface, cortex, and gray-white matter interface were well evaluated with both sequences; however, the inversion-recovery images were superior. All but two patients were imaged in both the axial and coronal planes: both projections demonstrated well the migrational abnormalities. MR is an excellent method for diagnosing the migrational anomalies of lissencephaly, pachygyria, schizencephaly, heterotopias, and hemimegalencephaly; it appears to be the imaging method of choice for evaluating these disorders.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To determine differences in the signal intensity (SI) time courses at oxygen-enhanced magnetic resonance (MR) lung imaging in healthy volunteers and patients with pulmonary diseases and to correlate these differences with pulmonary diffusing capacity. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Seventeen patients with pulmonary diseases and 11 healthy volunteers underwent oxygen-enhanced MR imaging while they breathed room air and 100% oxygen. A turbo spin-echo sequence with global or section-selective inversion pulses was used. For postprocessing, SI slope maps during the breathing of 100% oxygen were calculated. Mean SI slope and SI change values were compared with the diffusing capacity of the lung for carbon monoxide (DLCO). RESULTS: The SI slopes were significantly different for patients and volunteers (P < or = .05, Mann-Whitney U test). Linear correlations were detected between the DLCO and SI slopes for the section-selective inversion pulse (r(2) = 0.81) and the global inversion pulse (r(2) = 0.74). A lower correlation was associated with the SI change for the section-selective pulse (r(2) = 0.04; global pulse, r(2) = 0.81). Regional differences were seen in the SI slope and SI change maps. These differences correlated with findings on radiographs and computed tomographic scans. CONCLUSION: The SI slope during the breathing of 100% oxygen allows spatially resolved assessment of the pulmonary diffusion capacity.  相似文献   

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