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PURPOSE: To describe the correlation between visual field loss and the duration, dosage, and total amount of vigabatrin (VGB) medication in a group of patients with epilepsy. Co-medication of antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) and compliance were also studied. METHODS: Ninety-two patients (53 male and 39 female) taking VGB medication in the past or the present, attending the Outpatient Epilepsy Clinic in Utrecht, were examined with the Goldmann perimeter. The amount of visual field loss was calculated by the Esterman grid method and by a new method, with which the percentage surface loss of the visual field is measured. A complete drug history was compiled, specifying the amount and duration of VGB medication. Concomitant AED medication was noted. Serum levels of AEDs were determined. RESULTS: Linear regression showed the total amount of VGB as the most significant parameter to predict visual field loss (p < 0.001). Further, men were more affected than women (p = 0.026). Compliance was good, and other AEDs did not influence the results. CONCLUSIONS: Because prolonged use of VGB medication is correlated with the amount of visual field loss, VGB should be prescribed only when there are no alternatives. In such cases, we recommend an examination of the peripheral visual field before starting therapy and a repeated examination every 6 months.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To test the hypothesis that physical symptoms referred to the head might be specifically associated with depression in patients with cognitive impairment. METHODS: Subjects were taken from those enrolled in 'The Mild Project' a prospective study on the natural history of mild dementia (Mini Mental State Examination > or = 18) and with a diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease, vascular dementia, and mild cognitive impairment. A total of 129 subjects were included in the study. Physical symptoms were assessed with a checklist investigating nine different body organs or apparati. Physical symptoms were grouped into those referred to the head (Head Symptoms: ear and hearing; eyes and sight; and head and face) and all the others (Body Symptoms). Depressive symptoms were assessed with the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) and physical comorbidity with Greenfield's Index of Disease Severity (IDS). RESULTS: The number of patients reporting one or more Head Symptoms linearly increased with increasing depression severity (Mantel-Haenszel test = 6.497, df = 1, p = 0.011), while the number of patients reporting one or more Body Symptoms linearly increased with increasing physical comorbidity (Mantel-Haenszel test = 4.726, df = 1, p = 0.030). These associations were confirmed in multivariate logistic regression models with adjustment for potential confounders (age, gender, education, cognitive performance, daily function, and diagnosis). CONCLUSIONS: Head Symptoms are specifically associated with depression while Body Symptoms with physical comorbidity, in patients with cognitive impairment. Recognizing these associations in individual patients may help clinicians decide whether to initiate or continue antidepressant therapy or whether to carry out physical instrumental investigations.  相似文献   

Objective To examine the associations between life satisfaction, loneliness, general health and depression among 172 medical students in Malaysia. Method Participants completed a questionnaire battery, which included the 12-item General Health Questionnaire, Beck’s Depression Inventory, the Revised UCLA Loneliness Scale and the Satisfaction With Life Scale. Results Life satisfaction was negatively and significantly correlated with suicidal attitudes, loneliness and depression; and positively with health, which was negatively and significantly correlated with depression and loneliness. Self-concept was negatively correlated with loneliness and depression, depression was positively and significantly correlated with loneliness. Mediational analyses showed that the effects of loneliness and life dissatisfaction on depression were fully mediated by health. Conclusion Even though less satisfied, and particularly lonelier, individuals are more likely to report higher levels of depression, this is only the case because both higher loneliness and life dissatisfaction are associated with poorer health. These results are discussed in terms of their implications for the diagnosis and treatment of mental health disorders in developing nations.  相似文献   

Although exposure to early adversity and prior experiences with depression have both been associated with lower levels of precipitating life stress in depression, it is unclear whether these stress sensitization effects are similar for all types of stress or whether they are specific to stressors that may be particularly depressogenic, such as those involving interpersonal loss. To investigate this issue, we administered structured, interview-based measures of early adversity, depression history, and recent life stress to one hundred adults who were diagnosed with major depressive disorder. As predicted, individuals who experienced early parental loss or prolonged separation (i.e., lasting one year or longer) and persons with more lifetime episodes of depression became depressed following lower levels of life stress occurring in the etiologically-central time period of three months prior to onset of depression. Importantly, however, additional analyses revealed that these effects were unique to stressors involving interpersonal loss. These data highlight potential stressor-specific effects in stress sensitization and demonstrate for the first time that individuals exposed to early parental loss or separation, and persons with greater histories of MDD, may be selectively sensitized to stressors involving interpersonal loss.  相似文献   

Objective: The purpose of this research was to test the clinical use of the gerotranscendence (GT) theory and its influence on GT perspective, depression, and life satisfaction among a group of institutionalized elders.

Methods: An experimental study utilizing pre–post group design and random assignment of elders into intervention and control group was conducted. The intervention support group was implemented in the experimental group once a week for eight weeks for 60?min. Over the eight-week period, 35 subjects in the experimental group and 41 in the control group completed the study. Data were collected one week before and one week after the intervention for both groups. Instruments include the GT Scale, Geriatric Depression Scale short form, and Life Satisfaction scale. Data were analyzed by paired t-test, Wilcoxon, McNemar, and analysis of co-variance.

Results: Pre- and post-test scores on the GT perspective and life satisfaction were significantly increased (p?=?0.000) in the experimental group. The mean depression score of the experimental group showed a slight but not significant decrease (p?=?0.06). However, significant post-test differences were noted between groups in GT perspective, depression, and life satisfaction (p =?0.000, 0.01, and 0.000).

Conclusion: The findings of this study suggest that after participating in a GT support group, institutionalized elders’ GT perspective and life satisfaction were enhanced, and depression reduced. The positive effects demonstrated by this study can be extended and applied to the clinical health promotion of institutionalized elders. Ongoing GT intervention is encouraged to promote mental and spiritual health among institutionalized elders.  相似文献   

IntroductionWhereas evidence has shown that a sense of purpose is linked to optimal adjustment, longitudinal work investigating the development of purpose identification as well as its effect on psychological functioning among non-Western samples during adolescence is needed.MethodsThree hundred and eighty-seven senior high school students (253 female, 65.37%; mean age = 15.76 years at the first investigation) from Taiwan completed surveys four times beginning in the fall of tenth grade and ending in the spring of eleventh grade with a six-month interval. Using self-ratings, purpose identification was evaluated in all four assessments and psychological functioning was examined through life satisfaction and depressive symptoms in the first and the last survey.ResultsGrowth curve analyses revealed an increased slope in purpose identification over the first two years of high school, and such a trajectory was similar across boys and girls. Additionally, increases in purpose identification predicted enhanced life satisfaction and reduced depressive symptoms among both boys and girls. There was only one gender difference: The negative association between purpose identification trajectory and depressive symptoms was stronger for girls than for boys.ConclusionsThere is an increase in the development of identified purpose during middle adolescence among high school students in Taiwan. Such change not only promotes life satisfaction in adolescents but is also preventive of adolescent depression. As such, the current findings highlight the significance for adolescents to discover and commit to a purpose.  相似文献   

Background: Research has shown that some 30% of total care needs in people with late-life depression (LLD) are unmet. It is not known to what extent patients actually don't receive any care for these needs or consider the care to be insufficient and their satisfaction with the provided care.

Aim: The aim of this study is to obtain insight into the care provided in relation to the reported unmet care needs and satisfaction with the total care provided is examined.

Method: A cross-sectional study of 99 people with LLD in an ambulatory setting.

Results: In 67% of patients, at least one unmet need was ascertained. In most cases (80%) care was actually provided for those needs by professionals and/or informal caregivers. Patients were satisfied with the care delivered for 81% of the reported care needs. Satisfaction was lowest for social care needs (67%). For six specific care needs it was demonstrated that dissatisfied patients were significantly more depressed than satisfied patients.

Conclusion: Even though patients might receive care for certain needs, this does not mean that their needs are met. A substantial proportion of patients with LDD feel that they need additional help for unmet needs.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The present study assessed the relationship of depression, pain, and fatigue to subjective cognitive complaints and objective impairment in patients with fibromyalgia (FM), patients with other chronic pain disorders, and healthy controls. METHOD: Neuropsychological assessment was conducted on 28 FM patients, 27 chronic pain patients, and 21 healthy controls. Five FM patients and five chronic pain patients were excluded due to poor effort on cognitive tasks. Assessment included measures of depression, pain, fatigue, subjective cognitive complaints, memory, executive functioning, intellect, attention, and psychomotor speed. Analysis of covariance was used to assess group differences in cognitive complaints and cognitive test performance, after controlling for depression, pain, and fatigue. Hierarchical regression was used to assess whether objective test performance was related to subjective cognitive complaints, after controlling for depression, pain, and fatigue. RESULTS: FM patients had more memory complaints and reported more fatigue, pain, and depression than other groups. Groups were not different in cognitive performance, after controlling for fatigue, pain, and depression; depression was related to memory performance and fatigue was related to psychomotor speed. Neuropsychological test results did not add significantly to the variance accounted for in subjective cognitive complaints, after accounting for depression, pain, and fatigue. CONCLUSION: Psychological factors, particularly effort, depression, and fatigue, are important in understanding both subjective cognitive complaints and objective cognitive impairment in FM and other chronic pain disorders.  相似文献   


Objective. Cognitive impairment commonly occurs in hepatitis C virus (HCV) patients. The objective of this study was to estimate the prevalence and sociodemographic and clinical correlates of cognitive impairment in HCV patients before and after 12 weeks of interferon treatment in comparison with a control group. Methods. Hundred and sixteen consecutive HCV patients were included in the study and divided into treated and untreated groups. All patients were assessed using sociodemographic and clinical questionnaire, Montreal Cognitive Assessment Scale (MOCA) and Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) before and after 12 weeks of treatment or observation. Results. Thirty-eight percent of treated patients showed cognitive impairment at baseline, which increased to 69% after 12 weeks of interferon treatment. This cognitive impairment was reflected in the total MOCA score and in visuo-constructional skills, attention, concentration, working memory, language, and short-term memory, which was not shown by untreated group after 12 weeks of observation. Cognitive impairment was associated with low education, but not with depression, anxiety, or virological response. Conclusions. Cognitive impairment is common in HCV patients and increases significantly after interferon treatment. It is not related to depression or anxiety in HCV patients. Future research should focus on prevention, treatment and outcome of cognitive impairment in HCV patients, particularly those receiving interferon therapy.  相似文献   

Objective. To assess the effects of a range of chronic systemic and neurological disorders on three life quality indicators: disability, depressive symptoms and life satisfaction. Methods. As part of the Sydney Older Persons Study, a community survey was carried out with 434 non-demented people aged 75 or over living in Sydney, Australia. Subjects were given a medical examination covering the following disorders: heart disease, chronic lung disease, bone and joint disease, stroke, visual loss, peripheral vascular disease, obesity, other systemic diseases, gait ataxia, gait slowing (including Parkinsonism) and cognitive impairment short of dementia. They were also assessed on a clinician-rated disability scale and given self-report depression and life satisfaction scales. Results. Gait slowing affected all three indicators of life quality. Heart disease and chronic lung disease affected disability and depressive symptoms, but not life satisfaction. These associations were present when the effects of age, sex, education and all other disorders were controlled in multiple regression analyses. However, when disability was also controlled, none of the physical disorders predicted life satisfaction and only heart disease continued to predict depressive symptoms. Conclusion. Of the physical disorders considered in the study, gait slowing, heart disease and chronic lung disease had the greatest impact on life quality. These disorders affect depressive symptoms and life satisfaction largely because they increase disability. Copyright © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

《Journal of adolescence》2014,37(8):1421-1433
The study investigated associations of Slovene emerging adults' age, gender, living situation, romantic relationship, and employment status with aspects of individuation in relation to mother and father. Controlling for demographic variables and transitional markers of adulthood, we further explored the contribution of individuation measures to individuals' perceptions of achieved criteria for adulthood and life satisfaction. The participants provided self-reports on the Individuation Test for Emerging Adults, the Satisfaction With Life Scale, and the list of Achieved Criteria for Adulthood. Age and living out of parental home were positively associated with self-reliance in relation to both parents, whereas female gender was related to higher levels of connectedness and seeking parental support. Along with age and involvement in a romantic relationship, connectedness and self-reliance predicted adulthood criteria attainment and life satisfaction. The results support the models of individuation that emphasize growing autonomy and retaining connectedness to parents as pathways towards personal adjustments.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Elderly people who develop depression have demonstrable changes in cerebral structure but little is known of the relationship between regional cerebral volumes, treatment response and cognitive impairment. METHOD: Forty-four patients with major depression diagnosed according to DSM-IIIR criteria underwent magnetic resonance imaging and regional cerebral volumes were quantified using multispectral analysis. Response to antidepressant treatment was assessed prospectively and a neuropsychological test battery was administered. RESULTS: There was a trend for smaller fronto-temporal volumes in the treatment-resistant patients. Impaired immediate working memory was linked with reduced frontal and parietal lobe volume and impaired short-term memory functioning was associated with reduced temporal lobe volume. Ventricular enlargement was associated with prior administration of electro-convulsive therapy, poor physical health and later age at onset of first episode of depression. CONCLUSION: In late-life depression, brain changes should not preclude vigorous antidepressant treatment. Regional cerebral volume changes may be a complication of poor physical health and are associated with memory dysfunction even upon recovery from depression.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Past research has demonstrated that there is a high level of depression among older people, particularly for those with cognitive impairment and those in residential care. The current study was designed to determine the prevalence of depression among older people in hostels with cognitive impairment using a structured diagnostic interview. A further aim was to determine an appropriate screening instrument to detect depression within this population. It was also designed to evaluate the extent to which depression among these older people had previously been detected. METHOD: Five commonly used depression scales were administered and compared to the results of the diagnostic interview. RESULTS: The results demonstrated that 38.9% of older people were diagnosed with depression, but that only 50% of these people had been previously diagnosed with this disorder. All scales showed some level of validity to detect depression. CONCLUSIONS: The implications of these findings for our understanding of depression among older people with cognitive impairment are discussed.  相似文献   

Our aim was to study the associations between life satisfaction and treatment factors and how depression affects these associations among patients with schizophrenia (n=403), major depression (n=349) and anxiety disorder (n=139) from a defined area. Treatment satisfaction and compliance were high, but life satisfaction was low regardless of diagnostic group. Patients with schizophrenia recorded better life satisfaction than patients with the other disorders. There were few independent associations between life satisfaction and treatment factors. Fortunately, factors amenable to treatment intervention, such as depression, problem-solving ability and social support, were independently related to life satisfaction in every diagnostic group. Depression decreased these associations significantly only in patients with schizophrenia. Life satisfaction and treatment satisfaction should be included as separate variables in treatment outcome studies.  相似文献   

PurposeThe current study examined self-esteem, social support, and life satisfaction in Chinese parents of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and observed the mediation effects of social support on the relationship between self-esteem and life satisfaction.MethodsWe compared 118 Chinese parents of children with ASD to 122 demographic-matched parents of typically developing children on measures of self-esteem, social support, and life satisfaction using the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (SES), Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS), and Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS), respectively.ResultsParents of children with ASD scored significantly lower on self-esteem, social support, and life satisfaction than the controls (ps < 0.01), and social support partly mediated the relationship between self-esteem and life satisfaction in both groups. Hierarchical regressions indicated that after controlling for demographic variables, social support and self-esteem were significant predictors of life satisfaction in both groups but explained more variance in life satisfaction for the parents of children with ASD.ConclusionsSocial support and self-esteem play a more important role in life satisfaction for parents of children with ASD than those of typically developing children. Life satisfaction is positively related to higher household income, higher self-esteem, and stronger social support for parents. Self-esteem is likely to be associated with greater life satisfaction by means of greater social support. Future research and interventions should focus on fostering a more positive climate of social support for ASD families in China.  相似文献   

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