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Although it has been demonstrated that many of the behavioral responses to psychomotor stimulants are gender dependent and hormonally sensitive, few studies have examined the possibility that the estrous cycle interacts with drug reinforcement in laboratory animals. The present experiment assessed the effect of the estrous cycle on two aspects of cocaine self-administration behavior: the breaking point on a progressive ratio (PR) schedule and the rate of cocaine intake on a fixed ratio one (FR1) schedule. On the PR schedule, the first lever response produced a drug infusion. Subsequent response requirements escalated with each injection until the behavior extinguished. Breaking points were defined as the final ratio completed. On a FR1 schedule, the estrous cycle had no effect on the rate of drug intake. On a PR schedule, female rats reached higher breaking points during estrus than during other stages of the estrous cycle. Furthermore, female rats displayed higher breaking points than male rats. It appears that the estrous cycle influences an animal's motivation to self-administer cocaine.  相似文献   

RATIONALE: Inhibitors of neuronal dopamine uptake, such as GBR 12909, decrease IV cocaine self-administration by laboratory animals and have been proposed as potential therapeutic agents for abuse of psychomotor stimulant drugs. OBJECTIVES: This study was performed to determine how GBR 12909 alters the discriminative stimulus effects of methamphetamine and cocaine. METHODS: Rats were trained to discriminate between IP injections of 10 mg/kg cocaine and saline and were tested for stimulus generalization to cocaine, GBR 12909, and methamphetamine. Based upon the ED50 of the individual drugs, combinations of GBR 12909 and either cocaine or methamphetamine were tested that comprised a) 1 part GBR 12909 and 2 parts cocaine or methamphetamine, or b) 2 parts GBR 12909 and 1 part cocaine or methamphetamine. RESULTS: GBR 12909 and cocaine were equipotent and 30-fold less potent than methamphetamine in producing cocaine-like discriminative effects. GBR 12909 and cocaine produced cocaine-like discriminative effects synergistically in the ratio of 1 part GBR 12909:2 parts cocaine (0.16+0.32 to 1.92+ 3.87 mg/kg) and nearly synergistically in the ratio of 2 parts GBR 12909:1 part cocaine (0.32+0.16 to 3.92+ 1.91 mg/kg). GBR 12909 and methamphetamine (0.32+0.02 to 3.20+0.22 mg/kg or 0.65+0.01 to 6.53+0.1 mg/kg) were simply additive in both sets of fixed-ratio dose combinations. CONCLUSIONS: The synergy of GBR 12909 and cocaine and the additivity of GBR 12909 and methamphetamine run counter to the presumed mechanisms of action of these drugs at dopamine nerve terminals, which might have implications for the use of GBR 12909 in the treatment of addiction to cocaine or amphetamines.  相似文献   

Rationale and objectives In preliminary studies, we observed that opiate dependent rats self-administered only a small number of morphine injections under a PR (progressive ratio) schedule developed to study psychostimulant self-administration. Therefore, a new schedule was developed to support morphine self-administration by incrementing response requirements in a relatively gradual manner. The present study compared morphine self-administration under a commonly used PR schedule to self-administration maintained by our modified PR schedule. Methods After pretreatment with non-contingent morphine, rats acquired self-administration under fixed-ratio (FR) schedules of intravenous morphine delivery. Morphine-maintained behavior was evaluated under a standard PR schedule (termed "PR3–4", because the third response requirement was four lever presses), and our modified PR schedule (termed "PR9–4", because the ninth response requirement was four lever presses). The PR9–4 schedule was also evaluated for self-administration of morphine doses of 0.001–3.2 mg/kg per injection. Results The number of ratios completed for morphine self-administration on the PR9–4 schedule, but not the PR3–4 schedule, exceeded values obtained during extinction. Dose-related increases in completed ratios occurred for morphine self-administration on the PR9–4 schedule, with stable patterns emerging after three sessions. A relatively flat dose-response relationship was observed, which did not increase monotonically with morphine dose. Morphine self-administration on the PR9–4 schedule decreased mean inter-injection interval and prolonged the duration of responding during 6-h sessions. Conclusions In the present study, a schedule that incremented response requirement gradually (PR9–4) supported reliable self-administration across a range of morphine doses.  相似文献   

The reinforcing effects of cocaine have been associated with its actions at the dopamine reuptake site. Previous studies have shown that selective dopamine reuptake inhibitors can attenuate cocaine self-administration in animals, suggesting that they may serve as pharmacotherapeutic agents. In order to assess the potential reinforcing effects of one of these agents, the acquisition and maintenance of GBR 12909 self-administration were studied in different groups of rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) that were either experimentally naive or experienced with respect to the self-administration of cocaine or GBR 12909. Lever-pressing was maintained under a multiple FR30 schedule with alternating components of either food or drug presentation. Experimentally naive monkeys failed to self-administer low doses of GBR 12909 (3–30 µg/kg per injection). However, after a history of cocaine self-administration, GBR 12909 (56 µg/kg per injection and then 30 µg/kg per injection) maintained numbers of drug deliveries similar to those maintained by cocaine. When another group of experimentally-naive monkeys was initially exposed to GBR 12909 self-administration, 56 µg/kg per injection failed to maintain responding. However, subsequent exposure to 100 µg/kg per injection established GBR 12909 self-administration, and high levels of responding were sustained later when the unit dose was decreased to 30 µg/kg per injection. In monkeys with prior experience with cocaine self-administration (75 sessions) unit doses of either 30 µg/kg per injection or 56 µg/kg per injection GBR 12909 maintained responding. In another group of monkeys with a more extensive history of cocaine self-administration (320 sessions), unit doses of either 10 µg/kg per injection or 30 µg/kg per injection GBR 12909 maintained responding. These results show that drug-maintained responding can be established with higher unit doses of GBR 12909. After exposure to these higher, more effective doses of GBR 12909, or effective doses of cocaine, lower doses of GBR 12909 are more likely to support drug-maintained responding.  相似文献   

Heroin self-administration behavior under a progressive ratio (PR) schedule of reinforcement was evaluated in rats. The schedule was designed to restrict drug intake, minimize opiate dependency, and quantify the number of responses emitted (final response ratio) in order to receive a limited number of heroin infusions. Final ratios were found to be stable and did not increase with chronic (31 days) PR reinforcement. The ability of the PR schedule to detect changes in heroin reinforcement was demonstrated by evaluating the effect of naltrexone pretreatment and unit dose alteration on final ratios. Naltrexone (0.4 mg/kg) reduced final ratios and an inverted U dose-response relationship was established for the unit heroin doses 12.5–100 µg/injection. Maximal final ratios occurred with 50 µg/injection heroin reinforcement. This PR schedule may provide a useful method for evaluating the effects of pharmacological manipulations or lesions on opiate reinforcement.  相似文献   

Rationale. "Agonist" therapy for drug addiction proposes that a long acting analog, with similar properties to the abused substance might serve as a useful therapeutic agent. HD-23 is a very long acting tropane analog that displays a neurochemical profile similar to cocaine. Objective. To determine, using self-administration procedures and three different schedules of reinforcement, the effect of HD-23 on rate of cocaine intake (fixed ratio), the effect of HD-23 on the motivation to respond (progressive ratio) and the time course of HD-23 pretreatment (discrete trials). Methods. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were implanted with chronically indwelling intravenous cannulae and trained to self-administer cocaine (1.5 mg/kg per infusion) on a fixed ratio schedule. After a stable baseline was established, separate groups of rats (n=6–8) were given access to various doses of cocaine (0.37, 0.75, 1.5 or 3.0 mg/kg per injection) on a fixed ratio schedule during daily 3-h sessions, or to various doses of cocaine (0.18, 0.37, 0.75, 1.5 mg/kg per injection) on a progressive ratio schedule during daily 5-h sessions. A separate group of rats (n=10) was tested using a discrete trials procedure; animals were given the opportunity to self-administer cocaine (1.5 mg/kg per injection) during 10-min trials which were initiated every 20 min throughout the day/night cycle. Results. On the FR schedule, pretreatment with HD-23 (1.0 mg/kg) decreased the rate of cocaine intake. HD-23 shifted the dose-response curve on the PR schedule to the left. On the discrete trials schedule, animals displayed a circadian pattern of drug intake; pretreatment with HD-23 significantly increased cocaine intake for about 8 h during the light phase when the probability of responding would otherwise have been very low. Animals pretreated with HD-23 displayed a high probability of cocaine self-administration for about 14 h. Conclusions. The results are consistent with the idea that an acute pretreatment with the long-acting agonist, HD-23, augmented rather than diminished the motivation to self-administer cocaine. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Rationale: Robust intravenous (i.v.) nicotine self-administration (SA) in rats has been reported by several laboratories, including our own, using fixed ratio (FR) schedules of reinforcement. Studies on other drugs of abuse, however, suggest that progressive ratio (PR) schedules may provide additional information not gained using FR schedules. Objective: Here, we attempt to establish and characterize nicotine SA on a PR. Methods: One study allowed animals to acquire SA on a FR at four doses of nicotine (0.02, 0.03, 0.06, 0.09 mg/kg) before being switched to a PR. A second study examined extinction by saline substitution or pretreatment with the nicotinic antagonist, mecamylamine, including a preliminary analysis into the role of secondary reinforcers in the extinction process. Results: SA of nicotine on a PR was stable across repeated sessions. The number of infusions earned on a PR correlated with infusion rate on a FR; however, a large portion of the variance in SA on a PR could not be accounted for by infusion rate on a FR. Infusions on a PR increased across the same range of doses that produced a decrease in the infusion rate on a FR. Extinction of responding occurred after saline substitution or pretreatment with mecamylamine, and animals re-acquired when nicotine was again available without pretreatment. The presence of drug-paired stimuli appeared to lengthen the extinction process. Conclusions: Nicotine supports stable SA on a PR. Since PR and FR schedules may measure different aspects of nicotine reinforcement, PR schedules may be valuable in further characterizing group and individual differences in nicotine reinforcement. Received: 28 December 1998 / Final version: 14 June 1999  相似文献   

Female Sprague-Dawley rats were trained to self-administer phencyclidine (PCP; 0.125, 0.25, or 0.5 mg/kg/injection) on a fixed ratio (FR) schedule of reinforcement under limited access conditions (3 h). Initial training began with cocaine, which was later replaced with ketamine and then one of the three unit doses of PCP. Baseline rates of injection were determined at RF 10. The size of the ratio was then incremented geometrically every fifth daily session. Increasing the ratio resulted in a decrease in the number of injections per session. Furthermore, this decrease was greater for the 0.25 mg/kg dose than for the 0.5 mg/kg unit dose. The self-administration of the 0.125 mg/kg dose was variable and rapidly extinguished upon the increase in fixed ratio. The results indicate that PCP is self-administered by rats under the conditions imposed in this study. Furthermore, the relative reinforcing efficacy of the different unit doses of PCP could be discriminated using this type of response cost procedure.  相似文献   

This experiment used rats to test whether a regimen of chronic cocaine would produce tolerance to cocaine i.v. self-administration under a progressive ratio (PR) schedule of reinforcement. Under this PR schedule, an increasing number of responses was required to complete the ratio for each subsequent cocaine injection, and failure to complete the required ratio for the next injection within 1 h of the previous cocaine injection terminated the session. The number of injections taken in the session was termed the breaking point and used as the dependent variable. Rats were trained under this schedule until breaking point values were stable, after which cocaine dose-effect data were obtained: the breaking point increased as the dose of cocaine increased. Subsequently, rats were assigned to one of two groups for 7 days of chronic treatment: one group was infused with cocaine (18 mg/kg, given over 20 min once every 8 h) and the other group received 0.9% saline. Following termination of chronic treatment, cocaine dose-effect data were redetermined in both groups. Chronic cocaine treatment significantly decreased breaking point values across the entire dose-effect curve, although the effect was observed in only four of seven subjects. In contrast, chronic saline treatment produced no significant effect on the breaking point measures. Following a further 5 days of recovery from chronic treatment, cocaine dose-effect data were redetermined in both groups; these curves were essentially identical to those obtained before chronic treatments. These data support the hypothesis that tolerance occurs to the reinforcing effects of cocaine, as measured by a decrease in the breaking point, at least for a subset of animals.  相似文献   

Although cocaine readily induces taste aversions, little is known about the mechanisms underlying this effect. It has been suggested that its inhibitory effects at one of the monoamine transporters may be mediating this suppression. Using the cross-drug preexposure preparation, the present series of studies examined a possible role of dopamine (DA) in this effect. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were exposed to cocaine (18 mg/kg; Experiment 1) or the selective DA transporter (DAT) inhibitor GBR 12909 (50 mg/kg; Experiment 2) prior to the pairing of a novel saccharin solution with injections of GBR 12909 (32 mg/kg), cocaine (18 mg/kg) or vehicle in a conditioned taste aversion (CTA) procedure. Preexposure to cocaine attenuated aversions induced by itself but not aversions induced by GBR 12909 (Experiment 1). Conversely, preexposure to GBR 12909 attenuated aversions induced by itself and cocaine (Experiment 2). This asymmetry suggests that cocaine and GBR 12909 induce CTAs via similar, but non-identical, mechanisms. These data are discussed in the context of previous work demonstrating roles for dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin in cocaine-induced CTAs.  相似文献   

Responding maintained under progressive ratio (PR) and fixed ratio (FR 160) schedules of IV saline or cocaine (0.01–4.0 mg/kg) injections was studied in baboons. Each injection was followed by a time-out period which was 3-h with the PR schedule and was either 3 or 12 h with the FR schedule. On the PR schedule the ratio requirement was systematically increased each day until reaching the breaking point at which self-injection performance fell below a criterion level (one or zero injections per day). Overall response rates on the PR schedule increased with progressive increases in the ratio until a maximum at which an abrupt reduction in responding occurred. With the 3-h time-out the dose-breaking point function on the PR schedule was similar to the dose-response rate function on the FR schedule. These dose-effect functions were inverted U-shaped curves characterized by a graded ascending limb (0.01–0.32 mg/kg) and a downturn at the highest doses (3.0–4.0 mg/kg). On the FR schedule the downturn in the dose-response rate function was attributable to a cumulative drug effect as revealed by manipulation of time-out duration and analysis of sequential interresponse time distributions and cumulative response records. PR and FR schedules provide similar information about the relative reinforcing efficacy of different cocaine doses.Portions of the results with the progressive-ratio schedule have been described previously (Griffiths et al., 1978a)  相似文献   

RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES: Heroin previously was shown to engender partial cocaine-like discriminative stimulus (DS) effects in squirrel monkeys. The present study assessed the degree to which heroin modified the DS effects of cocaine and the cocaine-like DS effects of the selective dopamine transport blocker GBR 12909. METHODS AND RESULTS: In squirrel monkeys discriminating cocaine (0.3 mg/kg) from saline, cocaine and GBR 12909 dose-dependently engendered levels of responding on the cocaine-associated lever greater than or equal to 90% (full substitution). Heroin engendered full substitution for cocaine in two monkeys, partial substitution (75%) in a third monkey, and no substitution in the fourth monkey. When administered as a pretreatment, heroin shifted the dose-response function for cocaine to the left in the three monkeys for which heroin engendered cocaine-lever responding, but did not alter the DS effects of cocaine in the fourth monkey. Heroin pretreatment also shifted the dose-response function for the cocaine-like DS effects of GBR 12909 to the left in the former three monkeys, and did not alter the effects of GBR 12909 in the fourth monkey. Isobolographic analysis of the DS effects of cocaine-heroin and GBR 12909-heroin combinations in the former three monkeys revealed that the potencies of the combinations were not different from predicted values based on dose-additive effects. CONCLUSIONS: These findings show that heroin can enhance similarly the DS effects of cocaine and GBR 12909, suggesting that activation of dopaminergic systems underlies enhancement of the interoceptive effects of cocaine by heroin.  相似文献   

The discovery and development of medications to treat addiction and notably, cocaine addiction, have been frustrated by both the complexity of the disorder and the lack of target validation in human subjects. The dopamine transporter has historically been a primary target for cocaine abuse medication development, but addictive liability and other confounds of such inhibitors of dopamine uptake have limited clinical evaluation and validation. Herein we describe efforts to develop analogues of the dopamine uptake inhibitors GBR 12909 and benztropine that show promising profiles in animal models of cocaine abuse that contrast to that of cocaine. Their unique pharmacological profiles have provided important insights into the reinforcing actions of cocaine and we propose that clinical investigation of novel dopamine uptake inhibitors will facilitate the discovery of cocaine-abuse medications.  相似文献   

Rationale: A novel scheme for the synthesis of cocaine analogs from vinylcarbenoid precursors has made available compounds that have a diverse range of affinities for the DA and 5-HT transporters. These compounds were used to explore the relationship between their biochemical properties and their reinforcing effects. Objectives: The objective was to assess the reinforcing efficacy of selected cocaine analogs and compare the results with their selectivity in binding to DA and 5-HT transporters. Methods: Rats were prepared with chronically indwelling intravenous cannulae and trained to self-administer cocaine on a progressive ratio (PR) schedule. A range of doses of seven cocaine analogs were substituted for cocaine in separate groups of animals. Results: The results demonstrate a wide range of reinforcing efficacies and potencies among the seven selected drugs. Four tropane analogs (WF-11, WF-23, WF-24, WF-55) were found to support self-administration behavior on a PR schedule while three did not (WF-31, WF-54 and WF-60). The DA/5-HT selectivity ratio was found to be a better predictor of self-administration behavior than affinity at the DA transporter alone. Conclusion: These data suggest that drugs with a higher affinity for the DA versus the 5-HT transporter are more likely to be self-administered. Received: 29 October 1998 / Final version: 5 February 1999  相似文献   

Male Wistar rats were trained to press a lever with food reinforcement according to a continuously reinforced schedule (CRF). Afterwards, rats were subjected to three experimental sessions (30 min each) during which responding was rewarded according to a progressive ratio schedule (following an initial 2-min CRF period, the number of presses necessary for the pellet delivery was doubled every second minute). Responding during the first half of each session, i.e., pressing for food, was maintained at a significant level, whereas it was almost suppressed during the second part of the session. As compared to controls (200±20 presses/30 min) animals given amfonelic acid (0.5, 1 mg/kg IP), methylphenidate (4, 8 mg/kg IP), caffeine (16 mg/kg IP), cocaine (4 mg/kg IP), oxolinic acid (32 mg/kg IP), nomifensine (4 mg/kg IP), DR 250 (2, 4 mg/kg IP) and d-amphetamine (0.25, 0.5, 1 mg/kg IP) showed an increased rate of responding ranging from 400 to 950 presses/30 min. In contrast, apomorphine, MK 486+l-dopa, trihexyphenidyl, imipramine, salbutamol and diazepam did not increase responding. These results suggested that this test is highly sensitive for psychomotor stimulants and perhaps for their ability to enhance the reinforcing value of the reward or stimuli associated with the reward. Such activity seemed related to a catecholaminergic substrate since the increase of responding induced by amphetamine was blocked by pimozide, d,l-propranolol and prazosin.  相似文献   

Performance on progressive ratio schedules has been proposed as a means of assessing the effects of drugs on "reinforcer efficacy". It has been proposed that the effects of neuroleptic drugs on operant behaviour are mediated by a reduction of "reinforcer efficacy". We examined the effects of two "conventional" neuroleptics (haloperidol and chlorpromazine) and an "atypical" neuroleptic (clozapine) on progressive ratio schedule performance; d-amphetamine was used as a comparison compound. In experiment 1, rats responded for a sucrose reinforcer on a time-constrained progressive ratio schedule (75-min sessions). After 66 preliminary training sessions, the rats received single doses (IP) of haloperidol (0.05, 0.1 mg kg(-1)). chlorpromazine (2, 4 mg kg(-1)), clozapine (0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8 mg kg(-1)), and d-amphetamine (0.2, 0.4, 0.8 mg kg(-1)), and the corresponding vehicle solutions. The highest ratio completed was reduced by haloperidol and chlorpromazine, and increased by clozapine. All three neuroleptics reduced the peak response rate, at least at the highest doses administered. Response rates on the lower and intermediate ratios could be described by a three-parameter equation proposed to account for fixed ratio schedule performance. Haloperidol reduced, and clozapine dose-dependently increased the "motivational" parameter (a); d-amphetamine reduced it at low doses and increased it at high doses. The three neuroleptics increased the "response time" parameter (delta). Un-reinforced locomotor behaviour, measured in experiment 2, was not significantly altered by haloperidol, chlorpromazine or clozapine, but was increased by d-amphetamine. These results are consistent with a reduction of reinforcer efficacy produced by haloperidol and an increase produced by clozapine; clozapine's effect is unlikely to reflect a general increase in locomotion. All three neuroleptics induced some degree of motor debilitation. The quantitative analysis of progressive ratio schedule performance may provide a useful adjunct to existing methods for separating effects of drugs on motivational and motor processes.  相似文献   

Summary In order to investigate the physiological importance of the membrane pump in eliminating released dopamine (DA) we have studied the effects of the putative selective dopamine re-uptake inhibitor, GBR 12909, on synthesis and metabolism of monoamines in the rat striatum, limbic forebrain, cortical hemispheres and substantia nigra (SN). The effects of the drug on the firing rate of catecholamine containing neurons in the SN and locus coerulus (LC) were also investigated. For comparison we have investigated the effects of desipramine and maprotiline. As a measure of the synthesis of noradrenaline (NA), DA and 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) we determined the 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA) and 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) accumulation after inhibition of aromatic l-amino acid decarboxylase by 3-hydroxy-benzylhydrazine (NSD 1015). As indirect measurements of DA and NA release in vivo, we have assessed pargyline-induced 3-methoxytyramine (3-MT) and normetanephrine (NM) accumulation and disappearance rates of DA and NA after inhibition of their synthesis by -methyl-p-tyrosine (-MT). Administration of GBR 12909 (2.5, 5, 10, 20 or 40 mg/kg) decreased the NSD 1015-induced DOPA accumulation in the striatum and in the limbic forebrain. In contrast, only minor effects of the drug were seen on the DOPA accumulation in the cortical hemisphere and on the cerebral 5-HTP accumulation. GBR 12909 increased the 3-MT accumulation in the striatum, limbic forebrain and the cortical hemispheres, an effect that was even more pronounced in haloperidol-pretreated animals. However, GBR 12909 did not alter the 3-MT accumulation in the SN either when given alone or when given to haloperidol-pretreated rats. In haloperidol-pretreated rats GBR 12909 markedly enhanced the DA disappearance in the striatum and in the limbic forebrain, but not in the SN. Furthermore, GBR 12909 did not significantly affect the firing rate of dopaminergic neurons in the SN or that of noradrenergic neurons in the LC. Taken together, our results support the notion that GBR 12909 is a specific DA uptake inhibitor without a transmitter releasing action. In addition, our findings indicate that DA re-uptake is of physiological importance in the elimination of DA from the synaptic cleft in the striatum, limbic forebrain and cortical hemispheres, but not in the SN. Furthermore, a large part of the DA taken up by the dopaminergic terminals in the striatum and in the limbic forebrain seems to be re-incorporated into the storage vesicles. Send offprint requests to H. Nissbrandt at the above address  相似文献   

RATIONALE: Remifentanil is a mu-opioid agonist with an exceptionally short duration of action. Evaluating remifentanil's effects within the self-administration model of drug abuse may provide insight into the relationship between a drug's duration of action and its effectiveness as a reinforcer. OBJECTIVES: This study was conducted to establish a dose-effect function for intravenous remifentanil self-administration in rats and to assess the drug's ability to maintain responding under intermittent schedules of reinforcement. METHODS: Inter-infusion intervals were recorded under two continuous-reinforcement schedules of remifentanil self-administration. In the fixed-dose schedule, the unit dose (0.25-32 micrograms/kg) was held constant within sessions but varied across sessions. In the variable-dose schedule, four different doses were self-administered in random order within each session. For comparison, heroin (6.25-125 micrograms/kg) was studied with the variable-dose schedule. Remifentanil and heroin were also compared under a progressive-ratio schedule of reinforcement in which the response requirements increased exponentially with each successive infusion until responding ceased within each session. RESULTS: Under the continuous-reinforcement schedules, inter-infusion intervals for both drugs increased monotonically as a function of dose, with the remifentanil curve being considerably flatter. Under the progressive-ratio schedule, breaking points varied as an inverted-U shaped function, and the highest breaking points maintained by remifentanil and heroin were similar. At the doses that maintained the highest breaking points under the progressive-ratio schedule, post-infusion pauses under the continuous-reinforcement schedule were about three times shorter with remifentanil than with heroin. CONCLUSIONS: Although rates of self-administration are clearly influenced by a drug's duration of action, the ability to maintain responding under intermittent schedules of reinforcement may be independent of duration of action.  相似文献   

Rats were trained to respond on a geometric progressive ratio schedule until performance was stable. They were then injected with the anticholinergic drug scopolamine at doses of 0.05, 0.1, 0.25, 1.0 and 2.0 mg/kg. Control animals were administered atropine methyl nitrate (1–20 mg/kg). Increasing doses of scopolamine typically produced first an increase, then a decrease in behavior compared with baseline levels, measured by total number of responses, total number of reinforcements, and final completed ratio, per session. Atropine methyl nitrate had no effect on the behaviour of the control animals.This indicates that the effects of scopolamine are due to its central action. The inverted-U dose-response curve found for scopolamine resembles that found for chlordiazepoxide, phenobarbital, and d-amphetamine on progressive schedules.Research supported by grants C70/20, 70/44, and 72/24 to N.M.B. Preparation of the paper was aided by a grant to W.J.S. from the Canterbury Branch, N.Z. Psychological Society. An early version of this paper was presented to the Annual Conference, N.Z. Ps. S., Auckland, 1973. Research reported was performed in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the M. Sc. degree by W. J. S.  相似文献   

Rationale Developmental lead exposure has been found to produce differential patterns of drug self-administration in adult animals.Objectives The present study examined the effects of perinatal (gestation/lactation) lead exposure on adult patterns of heroin self-administration.Methods Female rats were gavaged daily with 0 mg or 16 mg lead for 30 days prior to breeding with non-exposed males. Metal administration continued through pregnancy and lactation and was discontinued at weaning [postnatal day 21 (PND 21)]. Animals born to control or lead-exposed dams received indwelling jugular catheters as adults and were randomly assigned to one of two studies. In experiment 1, animals were tested on a FR-2 schedule in an effort to examine differential sensitivity to heroin in an intravenous self-administration paradigm. Seven doses of heroin were selected ranging from 0.56 g/kg to 36 g/kg per infusion. In experiment 2, littermates were tested on a progressive ratio (PR) schedule in order to more explicitly determine the nature of the change in sensitivity to the drug.Results In experiment 1, lead-exposed animals responded for heroin at significantly lower rates across most doses as evidenced by a downward shift in the inverted-U dose–effect curve. Congruent with these findings, lead-exposed animals in experiment 2 exhibited a decrease in progressive ratio responding (lower breaking points) across all heroin doses, further suggesting that perinatal lead exposure attenuates opiate self-administration in adult animals by altering the rewarding efficacy of the drug. In experiment 2, it was determined further that lead-exposed animals had lower latencies to make the initial lever press for heroin.Conclusions These results support previous literature suggesting that perinatal exposure to inorganic lead attenuates the effectiveness of opiates as a reinforcer when animals are tested in the adult life cycle.  相似文献   

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