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A new federal report calls diabetes "an epidemic" but laments the fact that many doctors fail to diagnose and manage the disease effectively. One physician says this lack of attention to diabetes occurs because the majority of PCPs don't have enough drug-specific know-how. You can use these two care flow sheets to help both doctor and patient do a better job of managing the disease.  相似文献   

Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Chronic hepatitis B (CHB) infection is associated with an increased risk of cirrhosis, hepatic decompensation and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). The likelihood of developing CHB is related to the age at which infection is acquired; the risk being lowest in adults and >90% in neonates whose mothers are hepatitis B e antigen positive. Treatment of CHB infection aims to clear HBV DNA and prevent the development of complications. There are currently seven drugs available for the treatment of CHB: five nucleos(t)ide analogues and two interferon-based therapies. Long-term treatment is often required, and the decision to treat is based on clinical assessment including the phase of CHB infection and the presence and extent of liver damage. A safe and effective HBV vaccine has been available since the early 1980s. Vaccination plays a central role in HBV prevention strategies worldwide, and a decline in the incidence and prevalence of HBV infection following the introduction of universal HBV vaccination programmes has been observed in many countries including the USA and parts of South East Asia and Europe. Post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) with HBV vaccine +/- hepatitis B immunoglobulin is highly effective in preventing mother to child transmission and in preventing transmission following sharps injuries, sexual contact and other exposures to infected blood and body fluids. Transmission of HBV in the health care setting has become an increasingly rare event in developed nations. However, it remains a significant risk in developing countries reflecting the higher prevalence of CHB, limited access to HBV vaccination and PEP and a lack of adherence to standard infection control precautions.  相似文献   

Lyme disease is the most common tick borne disease and is caused by Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato. Ticks of the genus Ixodes are the vectors that transmit the infection to host mammals in endemic foci. Ixodes is infected by Borrelia at larval stage when it feeds on infected mammals. Man is an occasional host. The infection risk is linked to interaction between human and the natural environment. Strategies for prevention are closely related to the enzootic cycle of the Ixodes tick. Environmental measures to reduced tick density or host mammals are expensive, need to be repeated annually and cannot be applied to large areas. The primary prevention could be reduced to personal preventive measures such as reducing the amount of exposed skin and frequent checking for ticks. The risk of Lyme disease transmission after a tick bite is relatively low, and remains under 4%. The transmission rate depends on the duration of feeding. A rapide tick removal with fine tweezers or preferably special forceps and disinfection of the bite site appear to be the best technique. The absence of scientific evidence, and the risk of adverse events does not lead to recommending antimicrobial prophylaxis. Follow-up and educating the patients on the disease, clinical manifestation, and later primary prevention should be undertaken.  相似文献   

Bulimia is an eating disorder characterized by episodic, uncontrollable overeating and frequently by purging after binges. It appears to afflict approximately 5 percent of female college students in the United States. Most sufferers are high-achieving but passive and unassertive young women from similarly high-achieving but disorganized families. Confusion over social roles for women is common in bulimic patients. Bulimia shows a strong association with affective disorders; depression is common in both bulimic patients and their close family members. Bulimic patients seem to have a pronounced affective vulnerability to rejection, loss, and failure. Bulimia presents a special diagnostic challenge to the primary care physician because of the paucity of clues provided by a typical review of systems and a physical examination, even a very thorough one. Making the diagnosis requires persistent and thorough history-gathering and is best accomplished through special attention to the psychosocial history (particularly history of depression and substance abuse, family dynamics, and recent stressors) as well as pointed questioning regarding eating behavior. Because of the severe, potentially lethal complications that may attend bulimia (including fluid and electrolyte imbalance, cardiac conduction abnormalities, gastric rupture, pneumonia), diagnosis and appropriate referral by the primary care physician may have a critical impact on the patient's life and health.  相似文献   

Arterial hypertension (AHT) is a significant public health problem due to its high cardiovascular morbidity and mortality and its economic and social costs. Background. To identify the prevalence of AHT detected in primary care and its degree of control; to determine the types of treatment used and factors associated with its control. Patients and methods. Transversal comparative study of two years in the Villava Health Centre. The computerised clinical history data for the years 2003 and 2006 was analysed. The following variables were studied: age, gender, systolic and diastolic arterial pressure, total cholesterol, HDL, LDL, triglycerides, tobacco use, body mass index in both years. Hypotensor treatment in the year 2006. The variables for the year 2006 associated with good control were identified through logistic regression. Results. AHT prevalence detected in (3)18 year olds: 2003: 11.6% (CI:10.9-12.3); 2006: 16.6% (CI:15.8-17.4) (p<0.001). Control of hypertense persons with a register of arterial tension (AP:<140/90) in 2003: 45.1% (CI: 41.0-48.0) and in 2006: 40.4% (CI: 37.7-43.2) (p<0.05). Variables associated with good control: being male [OR 1.60 (IC: 1.26-2.03)] treatment with ARA II [OR 2.16 (CI: 1.50-3.09)] and being diabetic [OR 1.50 (CI: 1.10-2.03]. Associated with poor control: presenting cerebral vascular disease, peripheral vasculopathy and treatment with ACE inhibitors. Conclusions. A low prevalence of AHT was detected. The level of control was higher for the DAP than for the SAP. Treatment with AIIRA, being male and being diabetic were associated with a better control. Peripheral vasculopathy, ichaemic cardiopathy, cerebral vascular disease, ACE inhibitors use and age were associated with a poorer control.  相似文献   

Patients with borderline personality disorder frequently present to primary care physicians. However, the personality disorder, while complicating medical treatment, is often undetected. Symptoms and clinical presentations of this disorder are described. Common co-morbid psychiatric conditions associated with borderline personality disorder include depression and substance abuse. Physically self-damaging behaviors are also common among patients with this disorder. Guidelines for managing these patients in the hospital and ambulatory care clinic are provided.  相似文献   

A prospective study was carried out to evaluate the effect of teleradiology on the diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of patients in primary care. A university hospital was sent 685 plain film examinations via an ISDN connection from a primary care centre, for a radiological report. The study was conducted in two phases: during phase 1 (446 cases) general practitioners (GPs) selected the examinations, and during phase 2 (239 cases) all consecutive examinations were transmitted. In phase 1, 40% of the examinations were of the chest and 24% were of the spine; the remaining 36% were mainly bone and sinus examinations. In phase 2, 28% of the examinations were of the chest and 19% were of the spine. The sensitivity and specificity of the GPs' interpretations (compared with the radiologists') were 0.85 and 0.62 respectively in the first phase, and 0.90 and 0.86 in the second. In at least one-third of all cases, teleradiology helped with the diagnosis, although completely new diagnoses were less common. An effect on treatment was noted in 15% of cases and on prognosis in 5%. However, an appropriate consultation level is required for these positive effects. Adequate accuracy and patient safety cannot be achieved if the examinations sent for radiological reporting are preselected by a GP.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Depression costs the United States dollars 40 billion annually. Primary care physicians play a key role in the identification and treatment of depression. This study focused on the treatment options recommended by physicians and whether physicians were following the recommended treatment guidelines. METHODS: We recorded treatment recommendations by examining charts for all patients with newly detected depression. The patients were from 44 family medicine practitioners and 23 general internal medicine practitioners in a Midwest university medical center setting. RESULTS: For both medical specialties combined, pharmacotherapy was the most widely used intervention (recommended for 52% of patients), whereas psychotherapy alone was the least frequently used intervention (recommended for 4% of patients). Family medicine practitioners recommended combination treatment (pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy) more frequently than did general internal medicine practitioners (P = .022), and female physicians recommended combination treatment more frequently than did male physicians (P = .010). CONCLUSIONS: Pharmacotherapy was found to be the most widely used treatment despite current evidence-based recommendations. Barriers to effective treatment plan are discussed. The implications for mental health interventions, combination therapy, and cost offset are also discussed. Further research exploring the negotiation process during the patient-provider encounter would shed light on patient and physician factors influencing treatment decisions.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study examined the influence of clinical and nonclinical features of case presentation on the diagnosis and treatment of eating disorders in primary care. METHOD: Family physicians from a defined region of the UK were provided with two vignettes, characterizing eating disorder presentations in primary care. Case gender, ethnicity, weight status, and diabetes history were experimentally manipulated. Outcome variables included the primary diagnosis and the treatment course selected for each case. RESULTS: Female cases were more likely to receive an eating disorder diagnosis, even when their symptoms were identical to those of males. Nonclinical demographic variables also influenced treatment decisions. Weight status and physical comorbidity had a limited influence on treatment pathways. CONCLUSION: Nonclinical features of case presentations are used when making eating disorder diagnoses and in selecting treatment. Decision-making in primary care does not reflect recommendations from clinical guidance, and this disparity might increase the risk of complications in the care of sub-groups of eating-disordered patients.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The accurate recognition of patient pain is a crucial, but sometimes difficult, task in medical care. This study explored factors related to the physician's diagnosis of pain in primary care patients. METHODS: New adult patients were prospectively randomized to care by primary care providers at a university medical center clinic. Study participants were interviewed prior to the initial visit, and their level of self-reported pain was measured with the Visual Analog Pain Scale and the Medical Outcomes Study Short Form-36. The medical encounter was videotaped in its entirety and later analyzed using the Davis Observation Code to characterize physician practice style. Patient satisfaction was measured immediately after the visit. A review of the medical record was used to assess physician recognition of patient pain. RESULTS: For all patients (N = 509), as the amount of pain increased, the percentage of patients having pain diagnosed by the physician also increased. Female patients reported a greater amount of pain than male patients. When women were in severe pain, they were more likely than men to have their pain accurately recognized by their physician. The correct diagnosis of pain was not significantly related to patient satisfaction. Physician practice styles emphasizing technically oriented activities and health behavior discussions were strongly predictive of the physician diagnosing patient pain. CONCLUSIONS: The diagnosis of pain is influenced by the severity of patient pain, patient gender, and physician practice style. If the routine use of pain assessment tools is found to be effective in improving physician recognition and treatment of patients' pain, then application of these tools in patient care settings should be encouraged.  相似文献   

目的 分析新生儿及母源性原发性肉碱缺乏症(PCD)临床筛查、诊断、治疗及基因型,为PCD的临床诊治提供依据。方法 采用串联质谱法(MS/MS)对2009年1月1日—2018年12月31日在浙江省医疗机构出生后3 d的新生儿足跟血进行多种遗传代谢病筛查。游离肉碱(C0)低于本实验室切值的可疑患儿及其母亲同时召回确诊。结果 共筛查3 040 815例新生儿,血C0低于正常参考值(切值<10μmol/L)者4 459例,确诊PCD 患儿121例(其中男55例,女66例);发病率为1/25 131。对确诊后随访资料完整的111例患儿分析显示:初筛C0值为(5.94±2.01)μmol/L、召回复查C0值为(5.70±1.99)μmol/L,差异无统计学意义(t=1.05,P>0.05)。左卡尼汀初始剂量为40~200mg/(kg·d),维持剂量时C0的水平为(24.94±10.26)μmol/L,显著高于治疗前C0水平(t=20.728,P<0.001)。母源性PCD 64例,发病率为1/47 513,C0平均为(3.31±1.79)μmol/L。111例PCD患儿共检出SLC22A5基因上42种变异,其中以c.1400C>G (p.S467C) 突变最为常见,约占33.33%(74/222);其次为c.51C>G(p.F17L)占14.73 %。93.75%的母源性PCD患者母亲进行基因检测(60/64),c.1400C>G (p.S467C) 突变约占35.83%(43/120)。除2例患儿不明原因死亡外,其他PCD患儿生长发育正常。结论 PCD可通过新生儿疾病筛查早期发现,但需排除母源性肉碱缺乏症。基因检测可明确诊断,SLC22A5 c.1400C>G (p.S467C) 变异是浙江省PCD患者最常见的突变类型。左卡尼汀治疗有效,但需要长期规范治疗与随访。  相似文献   

目的 探讨广东省基层医生对人工智能(artificial intelligence,AI)辅助诊疗技术的应用意愿及其影响因素。方法 采用方便抽样方法选取广东省的基层医生为研究对象,对其人口学特征以及AI辅助诊疗技术应用意愿进行问卷调查。拟合结构方程模型分析基层医生对AI辅助诊疗技术应用意愿的影响因素。结果 纳入广东省基层医生3 490名,平均年龄(32.99±15.89)岁,男性1 815名(52.01%)。基层医生支持AI辅助诊疗技术服务患者、认为AI可促进医疗技术进步和高精尖医疗技术普及、愿意尝试使用或继续使用AI辅助诊疗技术为患者提供服务的同意率分别为82.15%、78.83%、78.45%。结构方程模型结果显示,感知有用性、感知满意度、感知服务质量、感知信息质量以及较高学历对基层医生应用AI辅助诊疗技术产生正向影响,标化路径系数分别为0.354、0.268、0.121、0.270、0.035(P<0.05或P<0.01);较高职称对基层医生应用AI辅助诊疗技术产生负向影响,标化路径系数为-0.045(P<0.01)。结论 广东省基层医生对AI辅助诊疗技术的应用...  相似文献   

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