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8035名儿童头发锌铜铁钙值的调查分析   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
目的 为了解福州地区儿童锌、铜、铁、钙的营养状况及其影响因素。 方法 采用原子吸收分光光度法对80 35名儿童发中的锌、铜、铁及钙含量进行了测定 ;并对发锌、铜、铁及钙含量与儿童年龄、性别、测定季节之间的关系进行分析。 结果 儿童发锌、铜、铁、钙值分别为 (112 .9± 2 9.7) ug/ g、(7.70± 2 .4 6 ) ug/ g、(45 .88± 6 .75 ) ug/ g、(44 8.7±91.0 ) ug/ g。儿童头发中锌、铜、铁、钙含量与儿童年龄、测定季节及性别相关。 结论 福州地区儿童锌、铜、铁、钙营养状况仍处于一个较低水平 ,提高和改善儿童时期这些微量元素的营养状况仍是儿童时期最主要的健康问题之一  相似文献   

192例低锌患儿对元素钙铁的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
192例低锌患儿对元素钙铁的影响谭春云蒲友华朱艳丽①(四川省遂宁市人民医院儿科遂宁629000)收集在本院检查的头发微量元素锌、铁、钙630例,发现低锌患儿192例。给予锌剂治疗后复查头发微量元素并进行比较,其结果如下。1资料与方法从1995年1月~...  相似文献   

沈英  王岩 《中国公共卫生》1996,12(4):164-164
河北农村学龄前儿童头发中铜、铁、锌、钙含量测定河北省卫生防疫站(保定071000)沈英,王岩,胡建国,张欣绵无机盐和微量元素与人体生长发育和健康的关系愈来愈引起人们的关注.1989年8月结合儿童营养监测工作,在武强和怀来两县采样测定了学龄前儿童头发中...  相似文献   

支气管哮喘儿童头发锌钙铜铁含量调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:观察哮喘对小儿头发锌、钙、铜、铁含量的影响。方法:对180例符合哮喘诊断标准的患儿和185例急性呼吸道感染患儿进行头发中锌、钙、铜、铁含量的测定;采用协方差分析探讨急性发作期、临床缓解期患儿头发锌、钙、铜、铁含量的变化。结果:哮喘患儿发锌水平低于对照组,缺乏率明显高于对照组。哮喘儿童发铜、铁、钙含量与对照组差异无显著意义。临床缓解期哮喘儿童发锌含量明显高于急性发作期哮喘儿童。哮喘儿童的发铜、铁、钙差异无显著意义。结论:哮喘患儿普遍缺锌,及时发现及纠正锌营养不良状况对儿童哮喘可能有一定的辅助治疗作用。  相似文献   

目的测定0~10岁儿童头发中Cu、Zn、Fe、Ca、Mg含量,分析儿童微量元素含量变化与性别、年龄的关系及营养状况。方法采集婴幼儿发样进行预处理后用火焰原子分光光度法测定Cu、Zn、Fe、Ca、Mg含量,并对测定结果进行统计学分析。结果孙、ca2种元素含量的性别差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05),其他元素受性别影响不大(P〉0.05)。0—4月龄婴儿发中5种元素含量均处于较高水平,随着年龄的增长至5月~3岁龄其含量均呈下降趋势,且Zn和Ca下降最为明显。随着年龄进一步增长至8—10岁龄,其含量略呈回升趋势。结论婴幼儿特别是在5月~3岁龄应加强微量元素的营养补充。  相似文献   

巴中地区位于秦巴山脉中部,地势较高,经济文化生活滞后,信息闭塞。人民卫生知识较差,育儿知识极度贫乏,儿童生长发育较其他发达地区差,临床上缺锌、缺铁的儿童较为常见。为了探讨本地儿童发锌、发铁含量水平,我们于1997年2月~7月进行了调查。1对象与方法1...  相似文献   

目的通过对宝安区小儿发锌、钙、铅元素水平的测定与分析,探讨预防和治疗措施。方法采用原予吸收分光光度计测定237名0.5~12岁小儿的头发标本。结果锌、钙、铅三元素含量与年龄有关,其中发钙含量有性别差异。四组中铅高(73.42%)占第一位,其次为钙缺乏(54.85%)和锌缺乏(8.43%)。有害元素发铅阳性率依次为幼儿、学龄前、婴儿和学龄组;但学龄组发铅较高率显著性高于其他组(X^2〉11.94,P〈0.01)。幼儿组钙缺乏率最高,且钙缺乏率有随年龄降低的趋势。锌缺乏率无组问差异,但有随年龄增高的趋势。结论高铅和钙营养不足是本地区小儿最主要的健康问题。幼儿和学龄前儿童是防治铅高和钙缺乏的重点对象,应采取均衡营养、科学饮食和合理补充等综合防治措施以降低微量元素缺乏或过多给儿童生长发育带来的危害。  相似文献   

癫痫儿童头发铅铜锌微量元素含量观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
观察了原发性癫痫患童头发铅、铜、锌微量元素含量,并将结果与正常对照组进行统计分析。观察组:铅13.69±7.89μg/g,铜15.36±2.55μg/g,锌181.01±52.47μg/g;对照组:铅8.80±3.25μg/g,铜15.26±3.11μg/g,锌197.65±58.99μg/g。观察组发铅含量明显高于对照组(P<0.05),两组的铜与锌元素差异无显著性(P>0.05)。对于本组癫痫儿童发铅含量增高对癫痫的发病病生意义如何,有待进一步探讨  相似文献   

218例少年儿童发中锌铁钙含量分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
目的 :了解少年儿童营养状况及目前发中锌、铁、钙含量 ,选择客观、科学地补充微 (常 )量元素的技术和方法。方法 :用极谱分析法的模拟单扫描方式 (LSP法 )对发样进行Zn、Fe、Ca含量测定 ,并对有关数据进行统计分析。结果 :在 2 18例有一定临床症状、体征的亚健康状态的研究对象中 ,Ca含量明显偏低者最多 94例( 4 3 12 % ) ,多出现夜间哭闹、盗汗、鸡胸、出牙迟、磨牙等 ;其次为Fe含量明显偏低者 89例 ( 4 0 83% ) ,多出现贫血、偏食、厌食、营养不良等 ;Zn含量明显偏低者最少 35例 ( 16 0 6 % ) ,多出现体质弱、发育差、异嗜、精力不集中等 ;受检者发样中Zn、Fe、Ca的含量均为 0~ 2岁组较高 ,3~ 5岁组最低 ,6~ 15岁组随年龄增长逐年明显升高。结论 :当前少年儿童普遍缺乏微量元素 ,应科学地补充微 (常 )量元素 ,提高营养水平。  相似文献   

目的 了解妇女儿童医院住院患者医院感染发生情况,为妇女儿童医院医院感染监测的预防控制提供依据.方法 对2007年1月-2011年12月的180 716份出院病历的医院感染监测资料进行调查.结果 发生医院感染4853例,感染率2.69%,其中≤3岁患儿发生感染2858例,占58.89%;医院感染部位以呼吸道最高,占64.28%,其次为胃肠道、皮肤黏膜、泌尿道、血液、手术切口分别占15.91%、5.94%、5.53%、2.25%、1.97%;科室分布,呼吸道与胃肠道感染以儿科为主,分别占52.14%和90.19%;皮肤黏膜与切口感染以外科为主,分别占80.20%和43.30%;泌尿道感染以妇科和产科为主,分别占57.51%和20.15%.结论 呼吸道是妇女儿童医院感染发生的重点部位,3岁患儿是医院感染高发人群,应加强监测、预防,并重视对重点科室和重点疾病医院感染的预防.  相似文献   

In this study the hair zinc levels of 115 healthy subjects, 50 girls and 65 boys, between the age groups 0 to 15 years were determined by using atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The hair zinc levels obtained generally agree with those reported in the literature. The hair zinc levels of the subjects were studied as a function of age, sex and color of hair. It was found that the levels of hair zinc increased as a function of age, whereas no statistically significant differences with respect to sex and color of hair were observed. In a protein-calorie malnourished group of 11 girls and six boys between the ages 0 to 3 years, it was found that the hair zinc levels were significantly higher than a group of healthy subjects of the same age range. In a protein-calorie malnourished group of seven subjects no correlation was found between hair zinc and serum levels.  相似文献   



While annual influenza vaccination is recommended by the CDC for children 6 months and older, vaccination rates remain suboptimal. For healthy, US children 2 years of age and older, influenza vaccine is available as an intramuscular injection (TIV) or an intranasal spray (LAIV), respectively. Little is known about children's experiences and preferences for influenza vaccine attributes.


To examine preferences for influenza vaccine attributes and their relative importance among children.


A quantitative web-survey was administered to children aged 8-12 years sampled from a standing online panel representative of the US population. Children were stratified by age, gender and parent's influenza vaccination behavior. The survey included questions to ascertain children's preferences for influenza vaccine attributes, including efficacy, chance of common side effects, and mode of administration. It included conjoint (trade-off) questions in which children traded-off different attributes in their choice between two influenza vaccines with differing features. We also surveyed children's comprehension of and ability to complete the conjoint questions.


544 children completed the survey (response rate 37%). Children most frequently selected efficacy as the most important vaccine attribute followed by mode of administration (45% and 31%, respectively). When asked for their preference to receive influenza vaccine as a “shot” or a “nose spray”, the majority (69%) preferred the nose spray. An evaluation of children's ability to complete the conjoint survey demonstrated that 85% of the sample was able to complete the conjoint tasks. Analysis of the conjoint responses demonstrated that mode of administration and efficacy had the greatest impact on preferences, with a relative importance of 40.5% and 30.6%, respectively. In a direct comparison of vaccine profiles representing the efficacy, side effects, and other characteristics of LAIV and TIV, 79% of children preferred the LAIV-like profile.


Children in the sample had consistent opinions regarding influenza vaccine attributes and consider vaccine efficacy and mode of administration to be important. Children can be informed participants in influenza prevention and can be included in discussions regarding influenza vaccination.  相似文献   

The calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, and copper content found in scalp hair of 40 children with mental retardation were compared with 37 healthy normal children who were between the ages of 4 and 14 yr. The hair of children with mental retardation showed significantly lower levels of iron, copper, and magnesium (p less than .001) and higher levels of calcium (p less than .001). The zinc content did not differ between the two groups. The differences in levels of hair trace elements between normal children and those with mental retardation could be of particular interest in the investigation of the cause of mental retardation among children.  相似文献   

This article presents ways in which the development of children's language arts skills, cognitive knowledge and emotional growth are fostered through the use of international children's literature to teach a content area. A unit of study is described, including activities and books that might be used as children do a study of nocturnal animals.  相似文献   

目的 探讨大豆异黄酮对幼鼠动情周期和卵巢钙铁锌含量影响。方法 21日龄ICR小鼠经口灌胃不同剂量的大豆异黄酮(50、100、200 mg/kg)5周, 观察各组小鼠动情周期、计算卵巢系数, 原子吸收分光光度法测定小鼠卵巢和血清钙铁锌含量。结果 高剂量大豆异黄酮组小鼠卵巢系数[(0.746±0.213)mg/g]低于对照组[(1.135±0.468) mg/g](P<0.05);各组小鼠动情周期差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);与对照组比较, 大豆异黄酮各剂量组小鼠卵巢钙锌含量均明显降低(均P<0.05), 中、高剂量组小鼠卵巢铁含量[分别为(0.776±0.177)、(0.770±0.138)mg/g]明显降低(P<0.05)、血清锌含量[分别为(3.570±0.697)、(4.954±1.448)μg/mL]明显增加(P<0.05);而各组小鼠血清钙、铁含量差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论 大豆异黄酮持续暴露可影响幼鼠卵巢钙铁锌含量。  相似文献   

ICP—OES测定人发中微量元素的方法研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
采用电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱(ICP—OES)测定头发中的硒、铅、镉含量,并采用两种不同的前处理方法进行比较。结果表明,湿消化法测定的回收率高,仪器测定硒、铅、镉的最低检测线分别为(μg/L)0.51、.74、0.20,方法精密度高,相对标准偏差为5.49%~12.1%,符合微量分析的要求,适用于头发中硒、铅、镉含量的测定。  相似文献   

The results of two methods for the estimation of calcium and phosphorus in daily rations of children aged up to 1 year were compared by simple statistical tests. Ca and P contents were determined by the analytical method; moreover, the theoretical Ca and P contents were calculated from the bills of fare menus and food composition tables. The analytical procedure was accepted as reference method. Ca and P contents determined by the analytical method accounted, on the average, for ca. 90% of those obtained by the calculation method. The coefficients of correlation between the results obtained by both methods (x and y) amounted to: rCa = 0.456 and rP = 0.786. There were significant differences between Ca and P contents obtained by both methods at significance level alpha = 0.05.  相似文献   

目的:探讨福建宁德市儿童全血微量元素Ca、Mg、Zn、Fe正常参考范围。方法:利用QL8000微量元素分析仪分析宁德市927例1月~11岁健康儿童的全血微量元素Ca、Mg、Zn、Fe浓度,其中男542名,女385名。结果:Ca、Mg、Zn、Fe浓度值与年龄和性别之间的相关性分析均无统计学意义(P0.05);研究发现Ca、Zn的参考区间与厂家提供区间较为一致,而Mg、Fe的参考区间与厂家存在一定差异。结论:全血微量元素Ca、Mg、Zn、Fe参考区间的建立体现了健康儿童体内微量元素的实际情况,可为儿童人群微量元素缺乏的实验室诊断、流行病学调查及为合理补充缺乏的微量元素提供重要参考依据。  相似文献   

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