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The relation of a family history of cancer and environmentalfactors to colorectal cancer was investigated in a case-controlstudy conducted from 1992 to 1994 at 10 medical institutionsin Japan using a self-administered questionnaire, and 363 casesof colorectal cancer were compared with 363 controls matchedfor sex and age. A family history of colorectal cancer was positivelyassociated with colon cancer (odds ratio (OR)=2.0, 95% confidenceinterval(Cl)1.03–3.87) and rectal cancer (OR=2.1 Cl 0.94–4.48),but a family history of other cancers did not increase the risk.The proportion of patients with a family history of colorectalcancer within first-degree relatives was 12.4% — appreciablyhigher than figures previously reported in Japan. On the otherhand, the incidence of hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancerwas 1.4%, and lower than previous estimates. Among dietary factors,a western-style diet significantly increased the risk of bothcolon and rectal cancer (OR = 2.3 Cl 1.30–3.88 and OR=2.1Cl 1.26–3.63, respectively). Consumption of rice was protectiveagainst both colon and rectal cancer(OR=0.5 Cl 0.31–0.82and OR = 0.3 Cl 0.18–0.65, respectively). Animal meat,oily food, fish, vegetables and fruit were shown to affect therisk, but no statistically significant correlation was found.Among other factors, constipation increased the risk of coloncancer (OR= 2.0 Cl 1.02–3.76) and consumption of coffeeraised the risk of rectal cancer (OR =1.7 Cl 1.07–2.82).Our findings suggest that a family history of colorectal canceris an important risk factor for this disease, and does not contradictthe hypothesis that the risk of colorectal cancer in Japan maybe influenced by westernization of lifestyle. However, we wereunable to find conclusive evidence that familial clusteringof this disease is strongly affected by environmental factorsor genetic diseases such as hereditary non-polyposis colorectalcancer.  相似文献   

Background: Associations between family history of colorectal cancer (CRC) in first degree relatives and risk of developing cancer have been well defined, but interactions with environmental, lifestyle and dietary factors are much less clear. Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate family history, lifestyle and dietary factors associated with developing colorectal cancer in an Arab population. Design: This matched case-control study was conducted from August 2008 to February 2009 in Al-Amal Hospital and Primary Health Care Centers in Qatar. Subjects and Methods: The study covered 146 colorectal cancer patients from Al-Amal hospital and 282 healthy subjects matched by age and gender as controls from primary health care centers. The questionnaire included socio-demographic information, type of consanguinity, medical history, lifestyle habits, and dietary intake. Of the selected 185 colorectal cancer cases, 146 (78.9%) agreed to participate in the study, whereas from the 350 selected controls, 282 (80.6%) gave consent. Results: The mean age of cases was 54.1±12.4 and of controls 53.1±13.1. Among the life style factors, being overweight and obese (60.2%; 30.1% p=0.006), having a smoking habit (26.7%, p=0.025), and consuming bakery items (78.8% p<0.001) and soft drinks (28.7% p<0.02), were positively associated with CRC. The majority of the studied cases and controls were consuming fresh fruits (87.7% vs 85.5%), fresh vegetables (95.2% vs 95%) and green salad (91.1% vs 89.4%) regularly. Family history of CRC (41.8%) was significantly higher in colorectal patients than in controls (29.1%) (p<0.01). Parental consanguinity was observed more frequently in colorectal cancer patients (35.6%). Multivariate stepwise logistic regression analysis showed that smoking, BMI, family history, consuming bakery and soft drinks were significant predictors of development of colorectal cancer. Conclusion: The present study revealed family history and parental consanguinity to be strongly associated with the development of colorectal cancer. Age, gender, a sedentary lifestyle, and being overweight were also positively linked with CRC risk.  相似文献   

Patients who were registered by the Japanese Society for Cancerof the Colon and Rectum between 1978 and 1983 were examinedclinically and pathologically, in terms of colorectal cancerwith familial accumulation. The incidence of patients with afamily history of colorectal cancer (FH+ group)—patientswith adenomatosis coli were excluded—was 6.5% in 15,369colorectal cancer patients. The incidence of patients with afamily history of malignant tumors other than colorectal cancerwas 27.7%. Comparison of the FH+ group with the FH group(patients without a family history of colorectal cancer) revealedthe incidence of colonic cancer to be significantly higher thanthat of rectal cancer in the FH+ group (P<0.01). The patientswith colonic cancer in the FH+ group were significantly youngerthan those in the FH group (P<0.01), but there wasno age-dependent difference between patients with rectal cancerin the two groups. There was no difference in sex ratio andthere was little difference in the subsite of the primary lesionin the colon between the FH+ and FH groups. The incidenceof multiple primary colorectal cancer was significantly higherin patients with colonic cancer in the FH+ group than in theFH group (P<0.01). The incidence of multiple primarycancer in sites other than the colon and rectum was significantlyhigher in the FH+ group (P<0.01), but no significant differencewas found in the site of lesions. The prognosis of patientsin the FH+ group was significantly better than that of thosein the FH group; however, there were no differences inbackground factors such as findings of the primary lesion, statusof metastasis, clinical stage and rate of curative resectionbetween the groups.  相似文献   

We conducted a comparative case-control study of colorectal cancer and adenoma involving 221 cases with colorectal cancer, 525 cases with colorectal adenoma and 578 neighborhood controls. Daily vegetables intake was associated with lower risks of distal colon adenoma (relative risk (RR)=0.59, 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.39–0.89) and rectal cancer (RR=0.46, 95% CI: 0.25–0.84). Daily beans intake was associated with lower risk of colon adenoma (RR=0.58, 95% CI: 0.37–0.91 for the proximal colon and RR=0.63, 95% CI: 0.45–0.88 for the distal colon) and daily intake of seaweeds was associated with lower risk of rectal cancer (RR=0.42, 95% CI: 0.22–0.82). Daily intake of fish and shellfish also showed an inverse association with the risk of colon adenoma (RR=0.67, 95% CI: 0.45–0.99 for the proximal colon and RR=0.70, 95% CI: 0.52–0.94 for the distal colon). Generally, intakes of animal or vegetable fat-rich foods, especially meats, were associated with decreases in risks of both adenoma and cancer, though the association of cancer was not statistically significant. Other than dietary factors, daily alcohol drinking was associated with an increased risk of adenoma in the proximal colon (RR=1.95, 95% CI: 1.15–3.29) and ex-drinkers showed higher risks for colon adenoma and colorectal cancer. Sports or occupational activities and coffee drinking were inversely associated and family history of colorectal cancer was positively associated with the risks of both colorectal adenoma and cancer.  相似文献   

A case-control study of biliary tract cancer was conducted in Niigata prefecture where the mortality of the cancer is the highest in Japan. The cases were 109 patients with gallbladder cancer and 84 with bile duct cancer, and the controls were 386 sex- and age-matched neighborhood controls. For gallbladder cancer, a past history of biliary tract disease, a positive family history of cholelithiasis and a taste for oily foods were high risk factors. Intakes of animal proteins and fats such as fish, eggs, meat, etc., ingestion of vegetables and fruits, and taking snacks were low risk factors for gallbladder cancer. For bile duct cancer, a past history of biliary tract disease, a family history of cerebral vascular accident, a thin constitution and taking a small amount of foods were high risk factors, and a family history of heart disease, obesity, intakes of alcohol, animal proteins and fats, or frequent intakes of vegetables and fruits were low risk factors.  相似文献   

There is as yet no firm evidence showing that mass screening for colorectal cancer using fecal occult blood tests (FOBTs) reduces the mortality from this cancer. Therefore we evaluated the effectiveness of the screening by a case-control study in Miyagi Prefecture, Japan. The study included as case subjects 28 individuals who had died from colorectal cancer and had had an opportunity to participate in the mass screening before the date of diagnosis as colorectal cancer, and 3 controls for each case subject randomly selected from residents who were alive on the date of death of case subjects and matched by sex, age (within 3 years) and living area using residential files. For each set, i.e., a case subject and 3 controls, screening histories before the date of the diagnosis of the case as colorectal cancer were examined. Both the case subjects and the controls who had participated in the screening at least once within 3 years before the date of diagnosis of the case were classified as "screened." The 28 case subjects consisted of 12 males and 16 females (average age: 60.8 years). The odds ratio of death from colorectal cancer for the screened versus the non-screened persons was 0.24 (95% confidence interval = 0.08–0.76) by the Mantel-Haenszel method. The present study suggests that mass screening using FOBTs for colorectal cancer significantly reduces the mortality from this cancer epidemiologically.  相似文献   

In Japan, there have been a few reports on the familiar factors of gastric cancer (GC)and on the GC risk related to family history (FH) at other cancer sites. We analyzed the association between GC occurrence and a positive FH of cancer of the stomach and of other sites in a hospital-based case-control study. The subjects included cases histologically confirmed as incident cancer of the stomach (n=136; 86 male and 50 female patients) and sex and age (± 1 year)-matched controls. GC risk was high when a subject had a parental history of GC [Mantel-Haenszel odds ratio adjusted for sex and age (OR) =2.3; 95% confidence interval (95%CI):1.1–5.0]. GC risk was almost unity for a cancer FH of any other cancer site, even among closer relatives, suggesting little or no contribution to GC occurrence. The familial occurrence of GC found in this study suggests the existence of a genetic susceptibility to cancer of the stomach. Further, females tended to show higher GC risks than males, when reporting an affected mother (OR=6.0; 95%CI:1.1–31.4 and OR=1.4; 95%CI:0.4–4.8, respectively), whereas males showed a slightly higher risk than females when reporting an affected father (OR=2.4; 95%CI:0.8–7.5 and OR=2.3; 95%CI:0.4–15.6, respectively). This suggests a possible gender difference in how environmental factors influence GC occurrence. The development of gastric tumors seems to be due to a complex and unknown interaction between environmental and genetic factors.  相似文献   

A case-control study of stomach cancer and its genesis has been conducted in relation to alcohol consumption, cigarette smoking, and familial cancer history. Two hundred and ninety-four cancer cases, discovered by mass screening and histologically verified after endoscopic examination, have been compared with 588 randomly selected controls, who received the same early detection program and were verified as being free of the disease. No statistically significant association was observed between the development of stomach cancer and alcohol consumption or familial cancer history. However, the development of stomach cancer was found to have a positive correlation with smoking (relative risk for those who smoke less than 19 cigarettes/day, 3.56: 95% confidence interval, 2.39 to 5.31; relative risk for those who smoke more than 20 cigarettes/day, 2.58: 95% confidence interval, 1.60 to 4.17). The results of this study suggest that cigarette smoking appears to have a more harmful effect on the development of stomach cancer than either alcohol consumption or a familial history of cancer. The high relative risk of smoking revealed by this study implies that further research on the effects of smoking in the development of stomach cancer would be desirable.  相似文献   

背景及目的:以往的研究认为,饮用河水、池塘水等易被污染的地表水,其结直肠癌发病率明显高于其他水源,但少见直接基于人年发病率的前瞻性队列研究,本研究旨在通过调查队列人群,探讨不同饮水类型与结直肠癌发病的关系。方法:以浙江嘉善县1989年5月~1990年4月期间,参加结直肠癌筛检的10个乡镇30岁及以上人群共64115人为研究队列,按不同饮水类型建立5组不同的暴露人群,通过肿瘤登记、肠癌报卡和死亡登记等系统对队列进行随访,观察结直肠癌发病及人群死亡截尾情况。随访11年后,以个人为单位计算人年,分析不同饮水类型的结肠、直肠癌人时发病率,并应用Poisson回归估计调整人群特征及吸烟等混杂因素后的相对危险度(RR)。结果:长期饮用自来水、河水、泯沟水、混和水和井水者结直肠癌人时发病率依次增高,分别为29.61/10万、32.67/10万、33.45/10万、40.87/10万和58.67/10万;以发病率最低的饮用自来水者为参照,只有饮用井水者与之有显著性差异(P<0.05)。多因素Poisson回归调整混杂因素后,也只有饮用井水与结肠癌、直肠癌和结直肠癌发病有显著性相关,RR值分别为1.741(95%CI1.001~3.029)、2.228(95%CI1.432~3.466)和2.022(95%CI1.432~2.854)。结论:长期饮用井水是嘉善地区结直肠癌发病的危险因素,尤其是对直肠  相似文献   

A hospital-based case-control study was conducted to evaluate occupational risks of lung cancer in an industrialized city of Japan. The lung cancer cases were obtained from 3 major hospitals in the city. The control group consisted of patients with a variety of diseases hospitalized in the same wards of the same hospitals as the cases. After matching on sex, 5–year age category and hospital, 144 cases and 676 controls comprised the study group. A self-administered questionnaire was used to obtain lifetime job histories and smoking status. The conditional logistic regression model was used to estimate relative risks after controlling for smoking and employment in other jobs. The workers in shipbuilding, ironworks and other plants (mostly chemical plants) showed statistically significant increases in lung cancer risk with relative risks of 6.18, 2.02, and 2.66, respectively. An increase in risk with the duration of employment was also observed in the "other plants" category. Building and road construction workers also showed increased relative risks, 1.95 and 1.79, but they were not significant. When the risk was evaluated on the exposure chemicals, the workers exposed to inorganic acids and bases had significantly increased risk. The workers exposed to asbestos, dust or organic chemicals also showed increased risk but the effects were not significant. The combined effect of smoking and employment in ironworks showed a good fit to an additive model, while that in the "other plants" category was closer to a multiplicative model.  相似文献   

A case-control study of stomach cancer was done in Saitama Prefecture, Japan, in relation to dietary, smoking, and drinking habits. The study was based on two sets of cases (216 male single and 35 male multiple stomach cancer cases newly diagnosed and of adenocarcinoma type), and 483 male controls derived from residents of Saitama Prefecture. Dietary habits were investigated for the intake of 12 separate foods and 12 food groups by means of a food frequency questionnaire, including individual taste preferences. Among the single stomach cancer series, dose-response relationships were observed for 7 dietary items (preference for salty foods, miso soup, boiled fish, pickled vegetables, nuts, raw vegetables, and seaweed) in the multiple logistic regession analysis. As for the multiple stomach cancer case series, dose-response relationships were observed for 3 dietary items (miso soup, fruits, and seaweed) in the multiple logistic regression analysis. Cigarette smoking and alcohol use were not significantly related to the risk of either single or multiple stomach cancer.  相似文献   

Background The aim of the present study was to define the proportion of different levels of family history in a cohort of consecutive breast cancer patients from the Stockholm region, and to assess whether familial breast cancer has phenotypic traits different from those of sporadic patients.Methods All incident breast cancer patients in a 19-month period were eligible for the study and 70% (489/696) participated. The family history and clinical parameters were obtained from questionnaires and medical records.Results In total 35% had a family history. Age at onset was 58.9 years in the familial group vs. 60.7 years in the sporadic patients (P = 0.14) and 8% of the familial patients had bilateral breast cancer compared to 4% in the sporadic group (P = 0.08). There were 31% node positive tumors in the sporadic group vs. 22% in the cases with family history (P = 0.04). Hormonal background, treatment and prognosis (median follow-up 4.7 years) were not related to family history.Conclusion In addition to high-risk familial breast and breast-ovarian cancer, constituting about 10% of all breast cancer cases, another 25% of the breast cancer cases have a family history, a group hypothetically valuable for association studies on low-risk genes. In contrast to previous reports, we did not observe a relationship between family history and phenotypic traits. A possible explanation for this can be different study design. The considerable heterogeneity in familial breast cancer means that different criteria for familiality can influence the result. Furthermore, our study was prospective and population based and included paternal inheritance.  相似文献   

A Case-Control Study of Gastric Cancer and Diet in Northern Kyushu, Japan   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
A case-control study of gastric cancer was done in a rural area of northern Kyushu, Japan, in relation to dietary habits especially focusing on the relationship with the consumption of broiled fish. The study was based upon 139 cases of newly diagnosed gastric cancer at a single institution, 2,574- hospital controls and 278 controls sampled randomly from the residents of the study area (with sex and year of birth matched). No association was observed between the consumption of broiled fish and gastric cancer risk whether three types of broiled fish (raw fish, dried fish and salted fish) were analyzed separately or as a single category. However, consistently in the comparisons with both sets of controls, the risk of gastric cancer was inversely related with the consumption of fruits and positively associated with cigarette smoking. A decreased risk of gastric cancer was also noted among those with high consumption of green tea (10 or more cups per day).  相似文献   

A case-control study was designed to elucidate roles of dietary and other behavioral influences, in combination ‍with genetic susceptibility factors (genetic polymorphisms), in colorectal carcinogenesis. Both cases and controls ‍were residents in Fukuoka City and three adjacent areas. Cases were patients undergoing surgery for a first diagnosis ‍of colorectal cancer at 8 hospitals in the study area, and controls were randomly selected in the community by ‍frequency-matching with respect to the expected distribution by sex, age (10-year class), and residence . Dietary and ‍other lifestyle factors were ascertained by in-person interview, and venous blood was obtained for genotyping and ‍possible biochemical measurements. The cases were interviewed at each hospital during the period from 2000 to ‍2003, and controls were surveyed during the period from 2001 to 2002. A total of 840 cases of colorectal cancer and ‍833 controls were interviewed with participation rates of 80% for the cases and 60% for the controls. Informed ‍consent to genotyping was obtained from 685 cases and 778 controls. Further details of the design and conduct are ‍described with respect to methodological aspects.  相似文献   

To disclose the relationship between tea consumption and lung cancer risk, we analyzed the data from a case-control study conducted in Okinawa, Japan from 1988 to 1991. The analysis, based on 333 cases and 666 age-, sex- and residence-matched controls, provided the following major findings, (a) The greater the intake of Okinawan tea (a partially fermented tea), the smaller the risk, particularly in women. For females, the odds ratios (and 95% confidence intervals) for those who consumed 1-4, 5-9, and 10 cups or more of Okinawan tea every day, relative to non-daily tea drinkers, were 0.77 (0.28-2.13), 0.77 (0.26-2.25) and 0.38 (0.12-1.18), respectively (trend: P =0.032). The corresponding odds ratios for males were 0.85 (0.46-1.55), 0.85 (0.46-1.56) and 0.57 (0.31-1.06) (trend: P =0.053). (b) The risk reduction by Okinawan tea consumption was detected mainly in squamous cell carcinoma. Daily tea consumption significantly decreased the risk of squamous cell carcinoma in males and females, the odds ratios being 0.50 (95% confidence interval 0.27-0.93) and 0.08 (0.01-0.68), respectively. These findings suggest a protective effect of tea consumption against lung cancer in humans.  相似文献   

To assess the theoretical impact of lifestyle of a cancer family history in first-degree relatives (CFH) and clarify ‍interactions between CFH and lifestyle factors, hospital-based comparison and case-reference studies were conducted ‍in Nagoya, Japan. Totals of 1988 gastric, 2455 breast, 1398 lung and 1352 colorectal cancer patients, as well as 50,706 ‍non-cancer outpatients collected from 1988 to 1998, were checked for lifestyle factors, which included dietary and ‍physical exercise habits, as well as smoking/drinking status. General lifestyle factors with non-cancer outpatients ‍did not differ by the CFH status. Case-reference analyses showed that frequent intake of fruits, raw vegetables, ‍carrots, pumpkin, cabbage and lettuce, as well as frequent physical exercise, were associated with decreased risk for ‍all four sites of cancer, while habitual smoking increasing the risk of gastric, and more particularly, lung cancer. ‍Interestingly, the study revealed the magnitude of odds ratios for the above lifestyle factors obtained from CFH ‍positives to be similar to those from CFH negatives for these four sites of cancer. There were no significant interactions ‍between CFH and any particular lifestyle factor. In conclusion, our results suggest no appreciable influence of CFH ‍on lifestyle related risk factors for gastric, breast, lung, and colorectal cancer. Habitual smoking increased, while ‍frequent physical exercise and raw vegetables intake decreased cancer risk, regardless of the CFH status. ‍  相似文献   

We conducted a case-control study to evaluate the effect of Helicobacter pylori (HP) infection on the risk of gastric cancer in Tokyo, Japan. The sera at the time of diagnosis from 282 gastric cancer cases and 767 sex- and age-matched cancer-free controls were tested for the presence of anti-HP IgG antibody (HM-CAP ELISA kit) and serum pepsinogen (PG) level (PG I and PG II Riabead). No significant association was observed in all sets [matched odds ratio (OR)=1.04, 95% confidence interval: 0.73–1.49]. In subgroup analyses, however, an association was suggested in females [OR=1.57], a younger population (<50 years) [OR=1.86], early cancer [OR=1.53] and small cancer (<40 mm) [OR=1.55]. Furthermore, we observed a tendency for odds ratios to decrease with an increase in age or cancer growth (depth of tumor invasion and tumor size). Considering that the spontaneous disappearance of HP due to extended mucosal atrophy may lead to these decreasing odds ratios, we applied the conditional logistic model adjusted for the PG I/II ratio as a measure of atrophic gastritis. This analysis showed a positive association with HP infection in all sets [OR=1.69; 1.01–2.81], distal cancer [OR=1.88; 1.07–3.31] and intestinal-type cancer [OR=3.76; 1.39–10.18]. We concluded that the risk of cancer associated with HP infection may be underestimated in studies with cross-sectional exposure because of spontaneous disappearance of HP due to extended mucosal atrophy.  相似文献   

Background: Colorectal cancer (CRC) represents a heterogeneous group of diseases characterized by uncontrolledgrowth and spread of abnormal cells in the body. CRC vary on the basis of both the biologic features of the disease and itsassociated lifestyle characteristics. The risk of CRC increases with several modifiable factors including obesity, physicalinactivity, a diet high in red or processed meat, heavy alcohol consumption, and possibly inadequate intake of fruits andvegetables. We aimed to establish a baseline data for dietary and lifestyle characteristics of Omani adults diagnosedwith CRC. Methods: A Case control study conducted at Sultan Qaboos University Hospital, a referral hospital for CRCpatients in Oman, and included 279 subjects (109 diagnosed CRC cases and 170 matched controls). All study subjectswere recruited on volunteer basis and personally interviewed for preset questions related to sociodemographic data,anthropometric assessment, dietary intake and physical activity. Results: There was no significant difference betweencases and controls regarding smoking, alcohol intake, physical activity and dietary fiber intake. However the enrolledcases were more overweight (OR =3.27. 95% CI: 1.91, 7.27), and, had a higher caloric (p =0.001) and macronutrientintake (carbohydrate: p = 0.001; protein: p = 0.017; saturated fat: P = 0.034) than the controls. In addition, the dietarypattern of the cases was characterized by a trend towards low vegetables and fruits intake. Conclusion: CRC maybeprevented through dietary management of high risk groups. This primary prevention approach will ultimately reducethe burden of CRC in Oman.  相似文献   

Background: Breast cancer is the commonest type of cancer among women, and in Malaysia 50-60% of thenew cases are being detected at late stages. Do age, education level, income, ethnicity, relationship with breastcancer patients and knowledge of breast cancer risk factors influence breast screening practices? This studyrevealed interesting but significant differences. Objectives: To assess the knowledge of breast cancer risk factorsand early detection measures among women in a high risk group. Materials and Methods: A cross sectionalsurvey of one hundred and thirty one women relatives of breast cancer patients was carried out. Participantswere selected through purposive sampling, during hospital visits. A self-administered questionnaire was used fordata collection. Results: The majority of the respondents (71%) had poor knowledge of the risk factors for breastcancer. Income, relationship with a patient and practise of breast cancer screening predicted performance ofmammography, R2=0.467, F=12.568, p<0.0001. Conclusions: The finding shows inadequate knowledge of breastcancer risk factors and poor cancer screening practise among women with family history of breast cancer. Poorknowledge and practise of breast screening are likely to lead to late stage presentation of breast cancer disease.Some important predictors of breast cancer screening behaviour among women with positive family historyof breast cancer were identified. An understanding of the strengths and significance of the association betweenthese factors and breast screening behaviour is vital for developing more targeted breast health promotion.  相似文献   

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