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双侧内囊前肢毁损术治疗难治性强迫症疗效及随访研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
目的 对难治性强迫症进行双侧内囊前肢毁损术治疗 ,评定手术疗效并进行 2年随访 ,以进一步探索脑外科手术对难治性强迫症的疗效 ,并探讨手术治疗的良好适应症。方法 对 2 8例难治性强迫症患者进行双侧内囊前肢毁损术治疗 ,并分别在手术前、手术后二周、手术后三月、手术后六月、手术后一年、手术后二年进行Y BOCS、HAMA、HAMD量表评定及术后疗效评定。结果  (1)强迫症患者手术后各期Y BOCS评分、HAMA评分与手术前比较均下降 ,有极显著差异 (P <0 .0 0 1) ;(2 )手术后各期Y BOCS的强迫思维评分均有明显下降 (P <0 .0 0 1) ,强迫行为在手术后 1年和 2年 ,与手术前比较无明显改变 (P >0 .0 5 ) ;(3)手术后 2年的总有效率为 5 3.5 % ,明显低于手术后 3月的总有效率 (P <0 .0 1)。结论 采用双侧内囊毁损术有相当的治疗效果 ,对于难治性强迫症患者可作为一种补充治疗手段 ;手术治疗对强迫行为的长期疗效较差 ,以严重的强迫思维为主的难治性强迫症患者为手术更好的适应症。  相似文献   

Lack of normal structural asymmetry of the anterior cingulate gyrus (ACG) in patients with schizophrenia has been reported in our previous study. However, to our knowledge, no morphological studies of the brain have examined changes in ACG volume in patients with schizotypal features. We investigated the volume of the gray matter and the white matter of the ACG by three-dimensional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in 24 patients who met the ICD-10 criteria for schizotypal disorder (12 males, 12 females) in comparison with 48 age- and gender-matched healthy control subjects (24 males, 24 females) and 40 patients with schizophrenia (20 males, 20 females). As we reported previously, right ACG gray matter volume was significantly reduced in the female patients with schizophrenia compared with the female controls. On the other hand, the gray and white matter volume of the ACG in the patients with schizotypal disorder did not differ significantly from the values in the healthy controls or the patients with schizophrenia. However, the female patients with schizotypal disorder showed a lack of right-greater-than-left asymmetry of the ACG gray and white matter found in the female controls. These results suggest that both schizotypal and schizophrenic subjects share, at least in part, the same cerebral asymmetry abnormalities. Received: 28 May 2002 / Accepted: 30 October 2002 Correspondence to T. Takahashi  相似文献   

关于某些脑区参与强迫症的说法可追溯至20世纪初。在过去20年间,结构神经影像研究得到了很多重大发现,大大促进了对强迫症病因的了解。目前的功能和结构神经影像研究主要强调了额叶-纹状体-视丘-皮层和眶额-纹状体-视丘回路异常在强迫症中的作用。然而,难治性强迫症在研究中常常被忽略。本综述主要回顾了强迫症结构神经影像的一些发现,提示眶额皮层和丘脑是参与强迫症的关键区域,而且杏仁海马复合体也与该病的难治性有关。未来的研究只有增大样本量才能更全面地揭示难治性强迫症的神经结构学基础。  相似文献   

The personality characteristics of 24 consecutive patients undergoing psycho-surgery for incapacitating anxiety disorders were assessed prospectively using a self-report personality inventory. The main findings were: absence of negative personality changes after surgery, significant postoperative changes towards normalization on the majority of the scales, and significant symptomatic relief in 80% of the cases. The changes on scales reflecting anxiety proneness were conspicuous in patients suffering from "pure" anxiety disorders, as compared with those suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). In OCD patients, correlations were obtained between changes in brain metabolism studied with positron emission tomography and changes in personality scores. It is concluded that negative personality changes are not likely to occur after capsulotomy.  相似文献   

帕罗西汀与氯米帕明治疗难治性强迫症对照研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
目的:观察帕罗西汀和氯米帕明对难治性强迫症的疗效和不良反应。方法:对难治性强迫症患者60例,随机分为两组,分别用帕罗西汀和氯米帕明治疗8周。采用强迫症量表(Y-BOCS)和副反应量表(TESS)评价疗效及不良反应。结果:两药的总体疗效相仿。帕罗西汀对强迫行为疗效较好,不良反应小,尤其是心血管系统及抗胆碱能不良反应少。结论:帕罗西汀尤适用于以强迫行为为主的难治性强迫症患者。  相似文献   

目的:比较氟伏沙明合并丁螺环酮与氟伏沙明治疗难治性强迫症的疗效。方法:将符合条件的60例难治性强迫症患者随机分成两组,分别给与氟伏沙明合并丁螺环酮(合用组)和氟伏沙明(对照组),进行12周的系统治疗,使用Yale—Brown强迫量表(Y—BOCS),汉密尔顿焦虑量表(HAMA)评估其疗效;以治疗中出现的症状量表(TESS)和有关的实验室检查评定不良反应。结果:治疗以后丽组患者的Y-BOCS评分均明显下降,合用组的治疗效果较好,两组之间差异存在显著性(P〈0.01),并且合用组起效快;而两组HAMA量表的评分明显下降,合用组的治疗效果较好,两组之间差异存在显著性(P〈0.01),合用组起效快;合用组的不良反应发生率高于对照组,但差异无显著性;两组药物引起的不良反应均为轻度或中度,表现有所不同,患者耐受性好。结论:氟伏沙明合并丁螺环酮治疗难治性强迫症的疗效优于单独使用氟伏沙明组,且合用组起效较快,不良反应较轻。  相似文献   

舍曲林合并奎硫平治疗难治性强迫症对照研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨舍曲林合并奎硫平治疗难治性强迫症的疗效和安全性。方法:64例难治性强迫症患者随机分为舍曲林合并奎硫平组和单用舍曲林组,疗程8周。采用Yale-Brown强迫症量表(Y-BOCS),汉密尔顿焦虑量表(HAMA)评定疗效,用治疗中出现的症状量表(TESS)评定安全性。结果:治疗后合用组的显效率为56.3%,单用组的显效率为25.8%,两组比较差异有统计学意义(χ2=6.021,P=0.014);两组治疗后Y-BOCS、HAMA评分以合用组下降更明显(P<0.05或P<0.01);两组TESS评分差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论:舍曲林合并小剂量奎硫平治疗难治性强迫症可提高疗效,安全性较好。  相似文献   

Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep is a behavioral state characterized by cerebral cortical activation with dreaming as an associated behavior. The brainstem mechanisms involved in the generation of REM sleep are well-known, but the forebrain mechanisms that might distinguish it from waking are not well understood. We report here a positron emission tomography (PET) study of regional cerebral glucose utilization in the human forebrain during REM sleep in comparison to waking in six healthy adult females using the 18F-deoxyglucose method. In REM sleep, there is relative activation, shown by increased glucose utilization, in phylogenetically old limbic and paralimbic regions which include the lateral hypothalamic area, amygdaloid complex, septal–ventral striatal areas, and infralimbic, prelimbic, orbitofrontal, cingulate, entorhinal and insular cortices. The largest area of activation is a bilateral, confluent paramedian zone which extends from the septal area into ventral striatum, infralimbic, prelimbic, orbitofrontal and anterior cingulate cortex. There are only small and scattered areas of apparent deactivation. These data suggest that an important function of REM sleep is the integration of neocortical function with basal forebrain-hypothalamic motivational and reward mechanisms. This is in accordance with views that alterations in REM sleep in psychiatric disorders, such as depression, may reflect dysregulation in limbic and paralimbic structures.  相似文献   

目的 探讨内囊前肢毁损治疗难治性强迫症的长期临床疗效及不良反应.方法 对32例难治性强迫症病人,采用MRI导向市体定向双侧内囊前肢毁损治疗.术前及术后5年对患者进行相关量表的评测.结果 32例手术病人中19例强迫症状完全消失,8例明显改善,3例稍有改善,2例无明显变化.3例患者出现意志减弱.其中1例经过系统心理治疗后恢复;2例病人术后出现轻度情感和行为幼稚.结论 MRI导向市体定向双侧内囊前肢毁损术定位精确、安全、显效迅速,对难治性强迫症患者有明显而稳定的疗效,并可提高患者的生活质量,恢复礼会功能.  相似文献   

The notion that some special brain regions may be involved in the pathogenesis of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) dates back to the beginning of the twentieth century. Structural neuroimaging studies in the past 2 decades have revealed important findings that facilitate understanding of OCD pathogenesis. Current knowledge based on functional and structural neuroimaging investigations largely emphasizes abnormalities in fronto-striatal-thalamic-cortical and orbitofronto-striato-thalamic circuits in the pathophysiology of OCD. However, these neuroimaging studies did not focus on refractory OCD. The present review mainly focused on structural neuroimaging performed in OCD, which had been ignored previously, and highlighted current evidence supporting that orbito-frontal cortex and thalamus are key brain regions, and that the hippocampus-amygdala complex is associated with refractoriness to the available treatment strategies. However, to fully reveal the neuroanatomy of refractoriness, longitudinal studies with larger samples are required.  相似文献   

目的:比较难治性与非难治性强迫症患者生活质量差异。方法:采用汤旦林(TDL)生活质量量表评估51例难治性强迫症患者和59例非难治性强迫症患者的生活质量。结果:难治性强迫症的社会方面、尽职的能力、自我健康较非难治性强迫症差(t=2.230,P<0.05;t=2.328,P<0.05;t=2.177,P<0.05),而两组身体方面、心理方面及TDL量表总分差异均无统计学意义(t=0.937,P>0.05;t=0.917,P>0.05;t=1.649,P>0.05)。结论:难治性强迫症患者生活质量较非难治性强迫症差。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the concentration of N-acetyl-aspartate (NAA) in the brain and its relationship with clinical characteristics in patients with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy was performed in order to measure NAA concentrations in the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and bilateral hippocampus in 26 subjects with fire-related PTSD, who were survivors of a subway fire in South Korea, and 25 age- and sex-matched healthy comparison subjects. There were decreased NAA levels in the ACC (t = -3.88, d.f. = 49, P < 0.001) and bilateral hippocampus (right, t = -3.88, d.f. = 49, P < 0.001; left, t = -3.62, d.f. = 49, P < 0.001) in the PTSD group relative to the healthy comparison group. Also, NAA levels of the ACC (r = -0.43, n = 26, P = 0.027) and bilateral hippocampus (right, r = -0.48, n = 26, P = 0.013; left, r = -0.40, n = 26, P = 0.04) were negatively correlated with re-experience symptom scores in subjects with PTSD. In conclusion, our findings suggest that subjects with PTSD had decreased neuronal viabilities in the ACC and bilateral hippocampus, and that these deficits may play an important role in the pathophysiology of PTSD, especially regarding the re-experiencing of traumatic events.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Gray and white matter volume deficits have been reported in a number of studies of children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD); however, there is a paucity of structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies of adults with ADHD. This structural MRI study used an a priori region of interest approach. METHODS: Twenty-four adults with DSM-IV ADHD and 18 healthy controls comparable on age, socioeconomic status, sex, handedness, education, IQ, and achievement test performance had an MRI on a 1.5T Siemens scanner. Cortical and sub-cortical gray and white matter were segmented. Image parcellation divided the neocortex into 48 gyral-based units per hemisphere. Based on a priori hypotheses we focused on prefrontal, anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and overall gray matter volumes. General linear analyses of the volumes of brain regions, adjusting for age, sex, and total cerebral volumes, were used to compare groups. RESULTS: Relative to controls, ADHD adults had significantly smaller overall cortical gray matter, prefrontal and ACC volumes. CONCLUSIONS: Adults with ADHD have volume differences in brain regions in areas involved in attention and executive control. These data, largely consistent with studies of children, support the idea that adults with ADHD have a valid disorder with persistent biological features.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Neuroimaging studies report reduced medial prefrontal cortical (particularly anterior cingulate) but enhanced amygdala response to fear signals in posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). We investigated whether anterior cingulate-amygdala dysregulation in PTSD would generalize to salient, but nonthreat related signals. METHODS: Individuals with PTSD (n = 14) and age and sex-matched nontraumatized controls (n = 14) completed an auditory oddball paradigm adapted to functional magnetic resonance imaging at a 1.5-T field strength. RESULTS: Controls displayed bilateral activation in ventral anterior cingulate and amygdala networks, and PTSD subjects showed bilateral dorsal anterior cingulate and amygdala activation to targets relative to nontargets. Compared to controls, PTSD subjects showed enhanced responses to targets in the dorsal and rostral anterior cingulate, and left amygdala. Whole-brain analyses confirmed the expected pattern of distributed prefrontal-parietal responses to targets in the oddball task. Greater activity in posterior parietal somatosensory regions was observed in PTSD. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings of enhanced anterior cingulate responses in PTSD contrast with reports of reduced activity for threat stimuli, suggesting that the latter may be specific to processing of threat-related content. Activation in rostral and dorsal anterior cingulate, left amygdala and posterior parietal networks in response to salient, nonthreatening stimuli may reflect generalized hypervigilance.  相似文献   

Post‐traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is an anxiety disorder that is associated with structural and functional alterations in several brain areas, including the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC). Here, we examine resting state functional connectivity of ACC subdivisions in PTSD, using a seed‐based approach. Resting state magnetic resonance images were obtained from male veterans with (n = 31) and without (n = 25) PTSD, and healthy male civilian controls (n = 25). Veterans with and without PTSD (combat controls) had reduced functional connectivity compared to healthy controls between the caudal ACC and the precentral gyrus, and between the perigenual ACC and the superior medial gyrus and middle temporal gyrus. Combat controls had increased connectivity between the rostral ACC and precentral/middle frontal gyrus compared to PTSD patients and healthy civilian controls. The resting state functional connectivity differences in the perigenual ACC network reported here indicate that veterans differ from healthy controls, potentially due to military training, deployment, and/or trauma exposure. In addition, specific alterations in the combat controls may potentially be related to resilience. These results underline the importance of distinguishing trauma‐exposed (combat) controls from healthy civilian controls when studying PTSD. Hum Brain Mapp, 36:99–109, 2015. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) using a double-cone coil over the medial frontal cortex has the potential to clarify the function of the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) in cognition, emotion and mood disorders. Following demonstration of disruption of performance on psychological tasks closely linked to cingulate function using this TMS technique, the current study aimed to directly measure the regional distribution of physiological effects of stimulation in the brain with H2(15)O PET. Experiment 1 assessed the effect of increasing numbers of pulse trains of TMS on regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF). Experiment 2 assessed the capacity of medial frontal TMS to modulate brain activity associated with the Stroop task using medial parietal TMS as a control site of stimulation. SPM99 analyses, using the ACC as a region of interest, revealed clusters of increased rCBF during medial frontal TMS in Brodmann area 24 and reduced rCBF in more ventral ACC, the latter occurring in both experiments. In a whole-brain analysis, striking changes in rCBF were observed distal to the ACC following medial frontal TMS. Although TMS reliably affected Stroop task performance in early trials, there was no interaction between TMS and Stroop condition in rCBF. Our results suggest that medial frontal TMS using the double-cone coil can affect ACC activity. However, a number of more distal cortical areas were also affected in these experiments. These additional changes may reflect either 'downstream' effects of altered cingulate cortex activity or direct effects of the coil.  相似文献   

Objectives:  It has been reported that one of the core features in patients with bipolar disorder II (BD II) is increased impulsivity. The aim of this study was to investigate whether patients with BD II showed decreased activation in the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (dACC) as compared to healthy controls when performing a task sensitive to impulsivity.
Methods:  Twenty-seven BD II patients and 28 healthy controls performed a Go/No-go task during a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) session. Eleven of the patients were unmedicated, and possible group differences between medicated and unmedicated patients were also assessed.
Results:  The groups did not differ in behavioral performance on the Go/No-go task.
Both BD II subjects and healthy controls demonstrated dACC activity during the task, and analyses revealed no statistically significant group differences. Medicated and unmedicated patients also did not differ in the degree of fMRI activation.
Conclusions:  These findings do not support the hypothesis of abnormal dACC activity during a Go/No-go task in BD II patients.  相似文献   

目的研究氟伏沙明联合无抽搐电休克、喹硫平对难治性强迫症患者的临床效果。方法选取2014-09—2016-09新乡医学院第二附属医院治疗的周期≥12周的78例难治性强迫症的患者,按照随机数字表方法分成2组,喹硫平联合氟伏沙明治疗的39例患者为对照组,无抽搐电休克联合氟伏沙明治疗的39例患者为观察组,对比2组临床效果、TESS评分及生活质量。结果观察组耶鲁-布朗强迫量表总分(8.45±7.20)分和汉密尔顿抑郁(29.20±1.10)分、汉密尔顿焦虑(28.50±1.40)分均较对照组低(P0.01);2组8、12周后TESS评分对比均无显著差异(P0.05);观察组总体健康评分(84.55±14.33)分,高于对照组的(65.35±13.02)分(P0.01)。结论难治性强迫症者应用无抽搐电休克联合氟伏沙明治疗,能够缓解强迫症状,改善不良强迫带来的不良情绪,且不良反应少,利于提高生活质量,有一定临床应用价值。  相似文献   

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a common anxiety disorder, which often causes significant impairment of the affected individual's social, occupational or interpersonal functioning. Previous reports suggest that the disorder may be treated with the tricyclic antidepressant clomipramine, and also with the more recently introduced selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), such as fluoxetine, fluvoxamine, sertraline and paroxetine. The present 24-week open pilot study was designed to examine the efficacy, appropriate dose range, side-effects and clinical usefulness of citalopram in OCD. A total of 29 OCD patients were included in the study, of whom 76% showed alleviation of symptoms as evaluated by various self-and observer-rated scales, such as the Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale. In most cases the citalopram doses used were in most cases 40 or 60 mg daily, and the treatment was well tolerated. The most commonly experienced adverse events during the study were nausea, vomiting, increased dreaming and decreased sleep. Diminished sexual desire and orgasmic dysfunction were also reported. Despite having the limitations of an open study, our results suggest that citalopram may be effective in the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder.  相似文献   

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