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We examined the eye-fixation pattern of a patient with severe left unilateral spatial neglect who showed leftward searches of various extent in more than half of line bisection trials. Because of complete left homonymous hemianopia, he perceived only the segment of the line between its right endpoint and the point of the leftmost fixation. In the trials with leftward searches, he frequently placed the subjective midpoint on the right part of the perceived segment. In the trials without leftward searches, he placed it near the left extreme point of the perceived segment. For all these bisections, the subjective midpoint was constantly placed far to the right of the true midpoint of the line irrespective of the length perceived. We consider that in severe left unilateral spatial neglect, rightward attentional bias is the predominant factor that determines where to place the subjective midpoint. Transient attentional shift to the left may produce leftward searches, but it does not induce effective processing of line bisection. 相似文献
Horizontal visual motion modulates focal attention in left unilateral spatial neglect. 总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1

J B Mattingley J L Bradshaw J A Bradshaw 《Journal of neurology, neurosurgery, and psychiatry》1994,57(10):1228-1235
Patients with unilateral spatial neglect are impaired in directing focal attention toward the contralesional side of space. Provision of static spatial cues on the neglected side has previously been shown to help overcome this deficit. Common movement of visual stimuli may also guide the allocation of spatial attention, although such effects have not been examined in patients with unilateral spatial neglect. Eleven patients with right hemisphere damage and clinical evidence of left unilateral spatial neglect, and 11 matched, healthy controls were tested on a task of horizontal line bisection. Lines were presented on a computer display, with a neutral, static, or slowly drifting, random dot background. Under conditions of motion, background stimuli drifted either leftward or rightward, across the full width of the display, at speeds that did not elicit optokinetic nystagmus or perceptual aftereffects. Controls were accurate in all conditions, and showed minimal effects of background conditions. By contrast, patients with left unilateral spatial neglect were sensitive to leftward background motion, showing a significant leftward shift in bisection error, relative to neutral, static, and rightward moving backgrounds. There was no significant effect of rightward motion in comparison with the neutral and static conditions. The extent to which patients were susceptible to the effects of background motion was not related to severity of unilateral spatial neglect, as measured by clinical tests. The benefits of leftward motion may reflect activity of preserved motion processing mechanisms, which provide input to an otherwise dysfunctional attentional network. The use of visual motion to assist in contralesionally guiding focal attention may be useful in the rehabilitation of unilateral spatial neglect. 相似文献
Argye E Hillis 《The Neuroscientist》2006,12(2):153-163
Hemispatial neglect is a common and disabling consequence of stroke. Earlier studies aimed to identify a single area of the brain where damage caused neglect and sought a single disrupted process that could account for the symptoms. Recent studies have shifted toward identifying component processes and representations underlying spatial attention required for various tasks and identifying areas of the brain responsible for each component that together constitute the network of regions responsible for neglect. This review focuses on recent insights into the mechanisms of neglect, regions of neural dysfunction that cause disruption of particular components or forms of neglect, and potential means of ameliorating neglect. Converging evidence supporting these insights comes from new imaging modalities in acute stroke, functional imaging, transcranial magnetic stimulation, electrophysiological studies in humans, and single-cell recording studies in nonhuman primates. 相似文献
F Chedru 《Journal of neurology, neurosurgery, and psychiatry》1976,39(11):1057-1061
Patients with unilateral brain lesions were given a task requiring exploration of space with the hand in order to assess the visual dependency of unilateral spatial neglect. The task was carried out both without visual control and under visual control. Performances were compared with that of normal subjects. Results were :(1) patients with right brain damage with no visual field defect demonstrated left-sided neglect only when the exploration was not controlled visually; (2) patients with left and right brain damage with visual field defect demonstrated contralateral neglect only when the exploration was under visual guidance. The performance of the patients with right brain damage without visual field defect in not clearly understood. The other results suggest that inner spatial representation remains intact in most cases of spatial neglect. The role of parietal lobe damage in the development of this visually induced phenomenon is hypothesised. The dominant position of vision among the senses is indicated. 相似文献
Preserved leftward movement in left unilateral spatial neglect due to frontal lesions. 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0

S Ishiai S Watabiki E Lee T Kanouchi N Odajima 《Journal of neurology, neurosurgery, and psychiatry》1994,57(9):1085-1090
Three patients with left unilateral spatial neglect after predominantly frontal lobe lesions were asked to extend a horizontal line leftwards to double its original length. In this line extension task, they readily executed movements in or towards the contralesional left space. They performed the task in the left and right hemispaces as well as in the midline. The mean extension lengths did not differ significantly among these three spatial conditions. These results suggest that directional hypokinesia takes little part in left unilateral spatial neglect due to frontal lobe lesions. It is considered that the patients could execute leftward movements as the task oriented their attention sufficiently to the left. Two of the three patients, like reported cases with frontal neglect, showed a typical exploratory deficit for the left space in the line cancellation test. Such a deficit found in the traditional tasks, however, does not mean the presence of directional hypokinesia. All three patients showed visual extinction on double simultaneous stimulation. An attentional mechanism seems to play a predominant part in unilateral spatial neglect due to frontal lesions. 相似文献
Geminiani G Corazzini LL Stucchi N Gindri P 《Cortex; a journal devoted to the study of the nervous system and behavior》2004,40(2):315-322
To explain relative leftward overextension in a line extension task by left unilateral neglect subjects, Bisiach et al. (1998) suggested that the representation of space is distorted--i.e., dilated towards the left side. If perception of the velocity of a moving stimulus is due to a calculation of the distance covered per unit time in representational space, then a stimulus with uniform linear motion should be perceived as decelerating when moving leftwards in the visual field of a subject with left unilateral neglect. We investigated the perception of acceleration in a patient with left unilateral neglect and spatial distortion (revealed as relative left overextension in a line extension task) using a task in which the stimuli were right and left moving targets with variable acceleration. The patient's ability to perceive acceleration was much lower (higher acceleration threshold) for leftward movements than rightward movements. Fourteen months later unilateral neglect had improved, and the relative left overextension and decreasing acceleration threshold for leftward movements were reduced. By contrast, alterations in the perception of acceleration for leftward movements were not found in a patient with left unilateral neglect and left underextension and in a patient with right brain damage and left hemianopia. These findings in one patient with left spatial unilateral neglect and a relative left overextension in a line extension task are consistent with the hypothesis that representational space is distorted, with a disproportionate leftward expansion, that affects perception of movement. 相似文献
Kristjánsson A Vuilleumier P Malhotra P Husain M Driver J 《Journal of cognitive neuroscience》2005,17(6):859-873
We examined priming of visual search by repeated target location or color in two patients with left visual neglect and extinction, following strokes centered on the right inferior parietal lobe. Both patients, like the healthy controls we tested, showed intact priming, with performance speeded when either the location or color of a singleton target was repeated over successive trials in a standard search condition (Experiment 1). This was observed both from and to targets on the contralesional (left) side. Moreover, priming of search was still observed even when a return of fixation back to display-center was required between successive trials (Experiment 2). When briefer displays were used (Experiment 3), the patients often failed to detect left targets. This situation revealed an important dissociation: Whereas location priming only arose from preceding left targets that had been consciously detected, color priming (possibly arising within the intact ventral stream) did not depend on awareness of the preceding target. There was considerable color priming from missed targets. These findings demonstrate relatively intact priming of visual search by color and location in patients with right parietal damage, and also reveal that location priming may differ from color priming in requiring awareness. 相似文献
Abstract The difficulty that patients with unilateral spatial neglect (USN) have in exploring into the contralesional space may be explained by motor or attentional disorder. We experienced a patient with severe USN following cerebral infarction in the right postrolandic region, who showed a strong resistance to leftward movement. We devised two sets of tasks using a whiteboard. In the first experiment, the patient showed great difficulty in tracing a line from the right endpoint to the left endpoint. The examiner barely made him start further tracing even by pushing the hand leftward. By contrast, he quickly erased a whole line leftward with an eraser pen. In the second experiment, he was required to erase a line with or without an attention-attracting stimulus at the right endpoint. Not only the leftward extent, but also the velocity of erasing, were decreased when there was a stimulus at the right endpoint. The results of the two experiments suggest that the ability of leftward movement itself was preserved and overattention to the right-sided stimuli impaired his leftward movement. We consider that use of the line-tracing and line-erasing tasks may contribute to a better understanding of interaction of attentional andmotor and motor factors in severe USN. 相似文献
Ken Nakatani Masako Notoya Nobuyuki Sunahara Shusuke Takahashi Katsumi Inoue 《Journal of clinical neuroscience》2013,20(6):837-841
In this study, we investigated the horizontal visual search ability and pattern of horizontal visual search in a large space performed by patients with unilateral spatial neglect (USN). Subjects included nine patients with right hemisphere damage caused by cerebrovascular disease showing left USN, nine patients with right hemisphere damage but no USN, and six healthy individuals with no history of brain damage who were age-matched to the groups with brain right hemisphere damage. The number of visual search tasks accomplished was recorded in the first experiment. Neck rotation angle was continuously measured during the task and quantitative data of the measurements were collected. There was a strong correlation between the number of visual search tasks accomplished and the total Behavioral Inattention Test Conventional Subtest (BITC) score in subjects with right hemisphere damage. In both USN and control groups, the head position during the visual search task showed a balanced bell-shaped distribution from the central point on the field to the left and right sides. Our results indicate that compensatory strategies, including cervical rotation, may improve visual search capability and achieve balance on the neglected side. 相似文献
H Hjaltason R Tegnér 《Cortex; a journal devoted to the study of the nervous system and behavior》1992,28(3):353-358
This study was performed to determine the influence of background illumination on the performance of patients with left visual neglect. We examined six RBD patients with unilateral visual neglect, and as controls six RBD patients and six LBD patients without neglect. A luminous line consisting of LEDs was used in a line bisection task under two conditions, normal illumination and darkness. As expected, neglect patients made large rightward errors under normal illumination. Their performance improved by about 43% in darkness. Our results are discussed with reference to earlier studies of space exploration without visual guidance. 相似文献
We investigated a test for unilateral spatial neglect and discussed the mechanism of this symptom. Seventy eight patients with lesions on the right cerebral hemisphere were examined on line bisection, line cancellation, figure copying, clock drawing and location on the map. The statistical analysis revealed (1) there were no correlations between line bisection and clock drawing or between line bisection and location; (2) those with abnormal results on line bisection were apt to indicate normal results on line cancellation and figure copying, while in line cancellation, figure copying, clock drawing and location, normal results on one task meant normal results on the other. These results indicated clock drawing and location might include different factors from other tasks, line bisection was the most sensitive task for unilateral spatial neglect, and abnormality on line cancellation might be similar to that figure copying. Unilateral spatial neglect may be based on several disorders, and it may be assumed to have several aspects. One of these disorders may be defective searching. Unilateral spatial neglect may be more severe when there is sensory disturbance (hemianopsia) with a searching deficit. Other disorders, such as cognitive disturbance, memory disturbance and so on, may also be associated with unilateral spatial neglect, and it is necessary to consider the versatility of this symptom. 相似文献
Over the past several decades a growing amount of research has focused on the possibility of transiently reducing left neglect signs in right brain-damaged patients by using vestibular and/or visuo-proprioceptive stimulations. Here we review seminal papers dealing with these visuo-vestibulo-proprioceptive stimulations in normal controls, right brain-damaged (RBD) patients, and animals. We discuss these data in terms of clinical implications but also with regards to theoretical frameworks commonly used to explain the unilateral neglect syndrome. We undermine the effect of these stimulations on the position of the egocentric reference and extend the notion that the positive effects of these stimulation techniques may stem from a reorientation of attention towards the neglected side of space or from a recalibration of sensori-motor correlations. We conclude this review with discussing the possible interaction between experimental rehabilitation, models of neglect and basic spatial cognition research. 相似文献
Responding correctly to a mirror image requires the creation of a rather peculiar form of dual representation. Mirror agnosia and mirror ataxia, i.e. a deficit in reaching an object reflected in a mirror, have been reported to be associated with parietal lobe lesions. This prospective study was conducted to investigate the capacity of subjects with neglect to identify the mirror image nature of visual information. Four consecutive brain-damaged patients with neglect, selected on the basis of specific criteria, and four control subjects performed grasping and object displacement tests under two response conditions (normal mirror and inverted mirror). Video recordings of the tests were analyzed to assess performance using the following criteria: (i) direction of the arm movement during the initial phase of movement, (ii) number of corrections of the hand position before grasping. The control subjects successfully grasped the objects in both experimental conditions. The patients (1) neglected the contralesional space, grasping objects correctly in the ipsilesional space (normal mirror condition) and (2) neglected the ipsilesional space, grasping correctly objects in the contralesional space (inverted mirror). Controls used real object-centered correction clues to modify the position and direction of their hand movement. The patients only produced horizontal displacements of the upper limb in the ‘healthy’ and neglected space. These results suggest that patients with neglect do not use the same clues and do not modify their procedures as they cannot recalibrate their spatial representations. These differences concerned non-mirror-image clues and directional and positional as well as attentional vectors. Theoretical and rehabilitative implications are discussed. 相似文献
Elena Salillas Alessia Granà Montserrat Juncadella Carlo Semenza 《Cortex; a journal devoted to the study of the nervous system and behavior》2009,45(6):730-737
In the present study, a group of patients with left-sided neglect performed a number comparison task that co-occurred either with coherent motion in different directions or with random motion. Their performance was compared to that of a healthy control group and to a group of patients with right hemisphere damage (RHD) but no signs of neglect. The presence of leftward motion alleviated the difficulties that neglect patients typically show for a number smaller than the reference number 5 (i.e., number 4). Moreover, the standard distance effect was only present when the task co-occurred with leftward motion. These effects were not present in a group of participants with RHD without neglect or in a control group. The present data extend the effects of optokinetic stimulation (OKS) to representational neglect, suggesting that an external redirection of attention by the perception of motion may restore the altered access to the representation of the mental number line in neglect. 相似文献
Orienting of attention in left unilateral neglect 总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14
After right posterior brain damage, patients may ignore events occurring on their left, a condition known as unilateral neglect. Although deficits at different levels of impairment may be at work in different patients, the frequency and severity of attentional problems in neglect patients have been repeatedly underlined. Recent advances in the knowledge of the mechanisms of spatial attention in normals may help characterizing these deficits. The present review focuses on studies exploring several aspect of attentional processing in unilateral neglect, with particular reference to the dichotomy between 'exogenous', or stimulus-related, and 'endogenous', or strategy-driven, orienting of attention. A large amount of neuropsychological evidence suggests that a basic mechanism leading to left neglect behavior is an impaired exogenous orienting toward left-sided targets. In contrast, endogenous processes seem to be relatively preserved, if slowed, in left unilateral neglect. Other component deficits, such as a general slowing of the operations of spatial attention, might contribute to neglect behavior. These results are presented and discussed, and their implications for hemispheric specialization in attentional orienting and for the mechanisms of visual consciousness are explored. 相似文献
Temporality enters our immediate experience as passage and becoming: the role time plays in the construction of a world of enduring entities tends to go unnoticed. This paper examines the relation between time and ontology in the context of unilateral neglect, a neuropsychological syndrome in which patients fail to perceive or respond to stimuli in the contralateral hemifield, behaving as if that half of space does not exist. Traditional models characterize neglect exclusively in spatial terms. Based on recent investigations suggesting abnormal temporal dynamics, here we highlight the impact of time factors on the presentation of the disorder. Neglect patients do not simply miss the presence of stimuli on the left: they also ignore the past as well as the future of neglected stimuli. We claim that, if this occurs, it is because time, and not only space, is impaired. 相似文献
Ishiai S Koyama Y Seki K Izawa M 《Journal of neurology, neurosurgery, and psychiatry》2000,69(6):745-750
OBJECTIVES: To clarify the mechanisms of left unilateral spatial neglect found in the bisection of lines after cueing to the left end point and to determine whether neglect occurs for the mental representation of a line. METHODS: A new representational bisection task was developed to eliminate the influence of the right segment of the physical line that would attract attention. Eight patients with typical left unilateral spatial neglect underwent line and representational bisection tasks on a computer display with a touch panel. In the line bisection with cueing, they bisected a line after touching the left end point. In the representational bisection, the patients were presented with a line until they touched the left end point. On the blank display, they pointed to the subjective midpoint of the erased line. The performances of the two bisection tasks were compared when the length and position of stimulus lines were varied. RESULTS: The rightward errors in the representational bisection were greater than or equivalent to those in the line bisection with cueing. The effect of line length in which the errors became greater for the longer lines was equally found in the line bisection with cueing and the representational bisection. This was confirmed in the condition where the right end point was placed at a fixed position and the line length was varied. CONCLUSIONS: After cueing to the left end point, rightward bisection errors of patients with neglect are not caused by overattention to the right segment of the physical line. Left neglect occurs mainly for the mental representation formed at the time of cueing or seeing the whole extent of a line. 相似文献
Improvement of unilateral spatial neglect with numbering 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
We examined 8 patients with moderate to severe left unilateral spatial neglect by means of a series of line cancellation tasks. We asked the patients to cross out lines in the 1st trial, to number lines in the 2nd trial, and again to cross out lines in the 3rd trial. In the 2nd trial with numbering, all the patients showed improvement of left unilateral spatial neglect. Numbering involved the successive use of increasing numbers. This process seemed to motivate the patients to continue searching for another line, even at the point when they would be satisfied that they had completed the task if they used simple crossing-out. Insufficient motivation for visuospatial searching may play an important role in unilateral spatial neglect observed in cancellation tasks. 相似文献
Right brain damaged patients affected by left unilateral neglect (N+) typically fail to explore the contralesional space. For the first time, this study investigates the dynamic and spatial features of the horizontal vestibular-ocular response (VOR), the optokinetic response (OKR) and the VOR-OKR interaction in six N+ and in five right brain damaged patients without neglect (N-). No lateral asymmetry of the gain (i.e. eye velocity to head velocity ratio) of VOR slow phases was found in either group. In the VOR, N+ had higher frequency of slow-rightward/fast-leftward phases and higher contralesional shift of the beating field (i.e. orbital position of fast phases). In the VOR-OKR, there was an increase of gain in both lateral directions and in both groups even though in N-, there was a lower phase shift between eye and head velocity. In contrast to the VOR, in the VOR-OKR, N+ had higher frequency of slow-leftward/fast-rightward phases. The VOR-OKR interaction also introduced an ipsilesional shift of the beating field in both N+ and N-. In the OKR, N+ showed a drop in the velocity, amplitude and frequency of slow-rightward/fast-leftward phases. These findings potentially suggest that each hemisphere modulates VOR with contralaterally directed slow phases and OKR with ipsilaterally directed slow phases. This organisation could facilitate maintenance or fast recovery of combined VOR + OKR after unilateral brain damage. The same findings suggest that by inducing slow-leftward phases, vestibular and optokinetic stimulation improve left side neglect through the activation of different hemispheric pathways. No ipsilesional deviation of the subjective "straight ahead" was found in N+. These results show that chronic unilateral neglect can be dissociated both from deficits of ipsilesionally directed VOR and from ipsilesional deviation of the subjective midsagittal plane of the body. 相似文献
Eye-fixation patterns while viewing simple patterns were quantitatively analysed in homonymous hemianopic subjects with or without unilateral spatial neglect (USN), using an eye camera. Hemianopic subjects without USN used the strategy to look at the hemianopic side of the patterns longer in order to compensate for their visual field defect. However, those with USN lacked this compensatory eye-fixation pattern. 相似文献