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Metaplastic breast carcinoma is very rare, and metaplastic carcinoma with chondroid differentiation is even rarer. Here, we report a case of metaplastic carcinoma with extensive chondroid differentiation mimicking chondrosarcoma that was challenging to diagnose. The tumor was characterized by an abundant chondromyxoid matrix. The definitive area of classic invasive ductal carcinoma was minimal. The peripheral portion of the tumor showed increased cellularity with pleomorphism and definitive invasive growth. Tumor cells in the chondrosarcomatous areas were diffusely immunoreactive for S-100 protein, patchy positive for cytokeratin, but negative for epithelial membrane antigen (EMA). Tumor cells in carcinomatous areas were diffusely positive for cytokeratin, S-100 protein, and patchy positive for EMA. In both areas, tumor cells were negative for smooth muscle actin (SMA) and CD34, while oncoprotein p53 was overexpressed. When pathologists encounter breast tumors with chondroid differentiation, careful sampling and immunohistochemistry for cytokeratin and SMA are most helpful to differentiate metaplastic carcinoma from malignant phyllodes tumor and malignant adenomyoepithelioma.  相似文献   

Tumors containing smooth muscle are rare in the breast. A myoepithelial origin for the myoid component of such lesions was postulated in previous reports. Myoepithelial hyperplasia has long been recognized as a common component of some breast lesions, including sclerosing adenosis, papillomas, and fibroadenomas. Three breast tumors composed of variable admixtures of adipose tissue, fibrous tissue, and smooth muscle are described. The authors postulate that the myoid component of two of the three lesions may have arisen in a milieu of myoepithelial hyperplasia. The origin of the myoid component in the third case is not clearly defined.  相似文献   

Cholesterol granuloma of the breast is a rare benign condition that can be mistaken for breast cancer. We present a case of a 42-year-old woman who presented with a 1-year history of asymptomatic palpable nodule in the upper external quadrant of the right breast. Mammography and ultrasonography suggested carcinoma, but excisional biopsy revealed cholesterol granuloma with unusual osseous metaplasia. Although reported to occur more frequently in the middle ear and mastoid process, we believe that better awareness of this rare benign condition is most important to avoid misdiagnosis and unnecessary surgery.  相似文献   

Chondroid hamartomas of the lung are uncommon lesions which are generally small sized and asymptomatic. Herein we describe a case of a large-sized pulmonary chondroid hamartoma which clinically mimicked bronchogenic carcinoma. A large hilar growth was detected in the left lung on radiological studies. Left upper lobectomy was done. The growth was well defined with a lobulated bluish cut surface. Histopathology disclosed lobules of mature cartilage rimmed by long slit-like epithelial channels admixed with mature adipose tissue.  相似文献   

The atrioventricular valves of 25 dogs of different breeds and age were examined grossly and microscopically following histochemical staining and immunohistochemical labelling for collagen types I, III and VI, and for fibronectin and laminin. Foci of cartilage were identified in the tricuspid septal leaflet within the fibrosa (n=21) or spongiosa (n=3). These were further characterized as either fibrocartilage, predominantly composed of collagens I and VI, or hyaline cartilage consisting of laminin and collagens III and VI. Eighteen of the dogs were of large breed and seven of small breed. Retrospective echocardiographic findings were available from five cases and in three of these a hyperechogenic structure was identified corresponding to the cartilage focus (0.1, 1.12 and 5.63mm(2) in size). The clinical significance and mechanism of formation of these cartilaginous foci remain undetermined, although factors such as breed, size and concurrent chronic valvular disease may be significant.  相似文献   

Banding cytogenetics and fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis of a pulmonary chondroid hamartoma (PCH) showed the presence of a t(6;10)(p21;q22). A cytogenetically identical translocation has previously been found in another case of PCH, suggesting that it could represent a variant form of the standard t(6;14)(p21;q24). Genes Chromosom Cancer 15:246–248 (1996). © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

患者女,37岁,藏族。因头痛6个月伴右侧上下肢体无力15d来本院就诊。患者缘于6个月前无明显诱因出现头痛,以双颞部及顶部为著,为间歇性胀痛。15d前感头痛加重且出现右侧上下肢体无力并先后晕倒3次,每次伴意识丧失,3-5min后清醒。无恶心、呕吐,无四肢抽搐,无大小便失禁等。体检:右侧上下肢肌力Ⅲ级。余未见明显异常。行头颅MRI检查示左侧外侧裂池占位性病变,病灶以长T1略长T2信号为主,其右后方见一等T1短T2信号结节,并可见多个类圆形大小不等的长T1长T2信号影(囊性变)。  相似文献   

Cytogenetic analysis of a pulmonary chondroid hamartoma showed an inv(12)(p13q14-15) as the sole abnormality. This finding together with previously reported data is an indication that the 12q14-15 region may be nonrandomly involved in the pathogenesis of this tumor type. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary A rare case of muscular hamartoma of the breast was presented. An electron microscopic study confirmed that the proliferating spindle cells were of smooth muscle cell origin.  相似文献   

Carcinomas with metaplasia and sarcomas of the breast.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The clinicopathologic, immunohistochemical, and flow cytometric characteristics of 34 cases of mammary carcinoma with metaplasia were compared with those of 20 cases of pure sarcoma of the breast. All 20 of the latter tumors showed the pattern of malignant fibrous histiocytoma. There were 20 cases of carcinoma with mesenchymal metaplasia, 7 cases of carcinoma with mixed epithelial (squamous) and mesenchymal metaplasia, and 7 cases of carcinoma with epithelial metaplasia (four mixed ductal/squamous and three pure squamous cell carcinomas). No patient with pure sarcoma had lymph node metastases develop; all nodal metastases were found in patients who had carcinoma with metaplasia, although in one case the carcinomatous component was seen only within a lymph node metastasis. Epithelial antigens were found not only within the epithelial elements of all cases of carcinoma, but also within the apparent mesenchymal elements of 44% of the carcinomas showing divergent differentiation. Flow cytometric analysis of eight cases of carcinoma with mesenchymal metaplasia showed aneuploidy/tetraploidy in six neoplasms. For patient management purposes, the distinction of pure sarcoma from carcinoma with metaplasia is important, but additional subclassification of carcinoma with metaplasia is of greater biologic than clinical interest.  相似文献   

Adenomyoepithelioma of the breast with squamous and sebaceous metaplasia   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Cai RZ  Tan PH 《Pathology》2005,37(6):557-559

Squamous metaplasia arising in nonneoplastic breast parenchyma is reportedly rare. We present a unique case which occurred following severe blunt trauma to the right breast of a 59-yr-old woman. The lesion contained sheets of squamous cells with a lobular growth pattern, bland cytology with few mitoses, and keratin and keratohyalin granules. It bore a striking resemblance to squamous (necrotizing) sialometaplasia of the salivary gland in that it exhibited lobular, pseudocarcinomatous growth. The patient has remained free of disease 49 mo after segmental resection of the lesion. Four previous cases of squamous metaplasia of the female breast have been reported, though none presented with a history of trauma or previous surgical manipulation. It is important to differentiate this entity from pure squamous cell carcinoma, and metaplastic change in ductal breast carcinoma, fibroadenoma, and other lesions. Breast aspiration biopsies revealing squamous cells cannot exclude carcinoma; thus, caution must be exercised.  相似文献   

Summary The structure and distribution of hyaline-cell cartilage (chondroid) (HCC) in the heads of teleosts has been studied in 48 species from 16 families. The tissue is palestaining and has closely-packed, hyaline cells that are separated by a small quantity of matrix. The matrix has only a mild affinity for alcian blue and the cells are not shrunken within lacunae. Two subtypes of the tissue are here described — fibrohyaline-cell cartilage (chondroid) where collagen fibres are prominent in the matrix, and lipohyaline-cell cartilage where fat and hyaline cells are intermingled. An elastic hyaline-cell cartilage has been described previously. Associations of HCC with dense fibrous connectivet tissue, mucochondroid, hyaline cartilage and bone are described. Lists are provided of membrane and cartilages bones to which the tissue is attached and of species in which it is common. Suitable type examples for reference and for further study include the cartilage in the rostral folds of the red-tailed black shark, Labeo bicolor and the flying for, Epalzeorhynchus kalopterus.HCC occurs in lips and rostral folds, in pre-palatine and submaxillary menisci, in ligaments, at the anterior end of the basihyal, in the pectoral girdle, in adhesive discs, in gill arches, beneath the basioccipital chewing pad, in barbels, next to the facial nerve, around the olfactory region and in the core of the nasal skin flaps. It is a particularly important tissue in cyprinids and related fish, and enormous masses of it are present in the black shark, Morulius chrysophekadion and the Hong Kong pleco, Pseudogastromyzon myersi. It acts as a damper against the contractions of the heart or the pressure of occluding pharyngeal teeth, and it provides the mouth region of bottom-dwelling, algal eaters with flexible support. In relation to Schaffer's classification of supporting tissues, I confirm a distinction between HCC and Zellknorpel.  相似文献   

A case of primary or idiopathic squamous metapiasia of the breast occurring in a 45-year-old woman is presented. Immunohistochemical studies suggested that the metapiasia had arisen in ductular eplthellum. No evidence of neopiasia was identiffied.  相似文献   

We report an unusual case of a recurrent fourth ventricular anaplastic ependymoma with prominent chondroid metaplasia in a 16-year-old male. On initial presentation, the patient had a WHO Grade II tumor. However, at recurrence 1 year later, the tumor progressed to WHO Grade III tumor with more cellularity, necrosis and brisk mitotic activity. Chondroid metaplasia was present in both the initial and recurrent tumors.  相似文献   

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