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光学相干断层扫描影像成像技术适用于可弯曲支气管镜检查,它在肺部病变诊断上具有重要的作用和潜力.目前流行的诊断件影像学在探测人类支气管的气道形态、早期的疾病形态变化和实时区别肺部疾病的非特片件病理学变异方面,不具有充分的分辨率和组织穿透能力.光学相干断层扫描具有的空间分辨率再现了支气管的剖面、外形,能获得高分辨率、横断面组织学的缩微图像,可以认为其光学活组织检查能够取代常规的切除活组织检查.它足一种高度可行的光学工具,实时检测并获得接近组织学成像的支气管内的病理学,在肺部疾病的监测、(鉴别)诊断和治疗上是很有潜力的.光学相干断层扫描现在的应用策略是内窥镜检查对病变的早期诊断.光学的活组织检查通过使用光学相于断层扫描系统追踪、观察和评估治疗的效果.  相似文献   

高度近视黄斑区脉络膜新生血管光学相干断层扫描分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨高度近视黄斑部视网膜下脉络膜新生血管(CNV)患者的光学相干断层扫描(OCT)图像特征。方法对16例(17眼)病理性高度近视连续治疗患者进行OCT检查,并与荧光素眼底血管造影(FFA)和吲哚青绿眼底血管造影(ICGA)结果进行对比;同时对光动力治疗后患者的OCT图像形态变化进行分析。结果17眼中有12眼CNV呈类圆形团块状,自视网膜色素上皮层向上突出,位于视网膜神经上皮下间隙,呈强或中等强度反射;5眼的CNV呈纺锤形或不规则形,亦呈强或中等强度反射,位于色素上皮层平面。17眼中9眼伴浆液性神经上皮脱离,11眼伴出血性色素上皮脱离,14眼伴不同程度视网膜水肿和增厚。12眼经光动力治疗(PDT)后,FFA检查显示荧光素渗透消退或减弱,OCT检查显示CNV团块不同程度退缩,形态亦发生变化。结论OCT检查可确定高度近视黄斑病变中CNV团块的形态、大小及位置。高度近视黄斑病变中CNV的OCT图像以突出于色素上皮层的类圆形团块为特征,形态和大小可因治疗和观察时间而变化。  相似文献   

Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a high-resolution, cross-sectional optical imaging technique that allows in situ imaging of tissue by measuring back-reflected light. OCT provides images in real time with a resolution approaching that of conventional histopathology, but without the need for tissue removal. OCT imaging can be performed endoscopically to visualize gastrointestinal tissue using a fiberoptic catheter passed through the instrument channel of a conventional endoscope. The resolution of OCT allows visualization of the different layers of gastrointestinal epithelium and the differentiation of Barrett's epithelium from normal gastric and squamous mucosa. OCT has also been used to image esophageal adenocarcinoma and colonic polyps. Recent developments include Doppler OCT, spectroscopic OCT, and ultrahigh-resolution OCT, which can visualize nuclei within single cells. Although still in its infancy as a clinical tool, OCT currently provides high-resolution images over the same imaging depth as conventional mucosal biopsy, and may prove to be a useful and minimally invasive technique for evaluating gastrointestinal tissue, particularly for early neoplastic changes.  相似文献   

Conventional gastrointestinal endoscopic instruments have provided ready access to the mucosal surface of the esophagus, stomach,small intestinal, colon, bile duct, and pancreatic duct. The evolution of endoscopic ultrasonography has provided an additional dimension to the clinical application of modern endoscopy and imaging technology.  相似文献   

Optical coherence Doppler tomography (ODT) is a promising neurotechnique that permits 3D imaging of the cerebral blood flow (CBF) network; however, quantitative CBF velocity (CBFv) imaging remains challenging. Here we present a simple phase summation method to enhance slow capillary flow detection sensitivity without sacrificing dynamic range for fast flow and vessel tracking to improve angle correction for absolute CBFv quantification. Flow phantom validation indicated that the CBFv quantification accuracy increased from 15% to 91% and the coefficient of variation (CV) decreased 9.3-fold; in vivo mouse brain validation showed that CV decreased 4.4-/10.8- fold for venular/arteriolar flows. ODT was able to identify cocaine-elicited microischemia and quantify CBFv disruption in branch vessels and capillaries that otherwise would have not been possible.OCIS codes: (170.4500) Optical coherence tomography, (280.2490) Flow diagnostics  相似文献   

Late stent thrombosis (LST) and very LST (VLST) are infrequent complications after drug-eluting stent (DES) implantation, but they carry a significant risk for patients. Delayed healing, which may be represented by incomplete stent coverage, has been observed in necropsy vessel specimens treated with DES. As a result, in vivo assessment of stent coverage, as well as stent apposition using optical coherence tomography (OCT), have been recently used as surrogate safety endpoints in clinical trials testing DES platforms. By adopting strut coverage assessed by OCT, one can assess the safety profile of the new generation of DES in preregistration studies. This article focuses on stent strut coverage as a central predictor of late DES thrombosis from the histopathological point of view, discusses the limitations of the current imaging modalities and presents the technical characteristics of OCT for the detection of neointimal coverage after stent implantation. We also review the preclinical and clinical investigations using this novel imaging modality.  相似文献   

We developed a method to image myocardial fiber architecture in the mouse heart using a Jones matrix-based polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography (PSOCT) system. The “cross-helical” laminar structure of myocardial fibers can be clearly visualized using this technology. The obtained myocardial fiber organization agrees well with existing knowledge acquired using conventional histology and diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging.OCIS codes: (110.4500) Optical coherence tomography, (230.5440) Polarization  相似文献   

Introduction: Cardiovascular disease remains the most common cause of death worldwide. Enormous progress in the technology and applicability of percutaneous techniques to treat obstructive coronary heart disease has been made, and the number of percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI) is increasing. Coronary bifurcations are involved in a substantial number of PCIs and despite recent advances, bifurcation PCI remains a challenge in terms of immediate success and long-term outcome. Angiography has a limited capacity for showing important features of the 3 dimensional coronary vessel anatomy, position of stent struts and exact wire positions and is therefore suboptimal for guiding bifurcation PCI. Intracoronary optical coherence tomography (OCT) provides high resolution and the information gained during PCI is unprecedented compared with angiography guidance and intravascular ultrasound.

Areas covered: This review will provide an overview of the use of OCT to guide bifurcation-PCI.

Expert commentary: OCT is a promising guide for bifurcation-PCI at each individual step: from planning the strategy (provisional versus two-stent strategy), to guidance during PCI, and finally checking the interventional result. Until dedicated randomized trails are complete, we recommend OCT guidance for interventions in complex coronary bifurcation disease and for imaging when unexpected procedural events occur.  相似文献   

The persistence of thrombus inside stent struts is a frequent event in patients with acute coronary syndromes (ACS) undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), and this phenomenon might be associated with an increased risk of stent thrombosis. We sought to quantify by means of optical coherence tomography (OCT) the presence of in-stent thrombus after achievement of an optimal angiographic result in patients with ACS undergoing PCI. In addition, we evaluated the feasibility and safety of an OCT-guided strategy of in-stent thrombus removal. Eighty consecutive patients with ACS undergoing PCI were treated with two different strategies equally divided into two groups: angio-guided PCI, and OCT-guided PCI, in which additional OCT-driven in-stent balloon dilatation was adopted to reduce thrombus encroachment of the lumen. Overall in-stent thrombus area was 4.3 % with a maximal thrombus encroachment of 16.7 %. In the OCT-guided group, use of high pressure intra-stent dilatation led to a significant increase in stented area (9.6 ± 2.4 vs. 9.1 ± 2.49 mm2, p = 0.002) and lumen area (9.2 ± 2.4 vs. 8.7 ± 2.3 mm2, p < 0.001) and also significantly decreased in-stent thrombus area in absolute (0.35 ± 0.29 vs. 0.42 ± 0.30 mm2, p = 0.001) and relative terms (3.58 ± 3.25 vs. 4.53 ± 3.01 %, p = 0.001). Values of TIMI flow, frame count and blush grade, as well as clinical outcomes were not detrimentally affected by such additional dilatations. The use of additional OCT-driven in-stent balloon dilatations is feasible, safe and might be effective in the treatment of in-stent thrombus for patients with ACS.  相似文献   

Optical coherence tomography (OCT) may be useful for guidance of ocular microsurgeries such as deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty (DALK), a form of corneal transplantation that requires delicate insertion of a needle into the stroma to approximately 90% of the corneal thickness. However, visualization of the true shape of the cornea and the surgical tool during surgery is impaired in raw OCT volumes due to both light refraction at the corneal boundaries, as well as geometrical optical path length distortion due to the group velocity of broadband OCT light in tissue. Therefore, uncorrected B-scans or volumes may not provide an accurate visualization suitable for reliable surgical guidance. In this article, we introduce a method to correct for both refraction and optical path length distortion in 3D in order to reconstruct corrected OCT B-scans in both natural corneas and corneas deformed by needle insertion. We delineate the separate roles of phase and group index in OCT image distortion correction, and introduce a method to estimate the phase index from the group index which is readily measured in samples. Using the measured group index and estimated phase index of human corneas at 1060 nm, we demonstrate quantitatively accurate geometric reconstructions of the true cornea and inserted needle shape during simulated DALK surgeries.  相似文献   

Previous optical coherence tomography (OCT) studies in patients with drug-eluting stents (DESs)-related very late stent thrombosis (VLST) were scarce. Therefore, we investigated OCT findings of VLST after implantation of DESs. Using OCT, we analyzed the status of stent struts and neointimal characteristics in 18?patients who developed VLST after DES implantation. These results were compared to those in 57?patients with neointimal hyperplasia causing?>40% diameter stenosis. Lipid-laden neointima was defined as a region with marked signal attenuation and a diffuse border. Four (22.2%) of 18 patients with VLST had ruptured and lipid-laden neointima inside DESs without uncovered or malapposed stent struts. In the remaining 14 patients who developed VLST without neointimal rupture, uncovered and malapposed struts were observed in nine and seven patients, respectively, and lipid-laden neointima in four patients. Lipid-laden neointima was more frequently observed in four patients with neointimal rupture than in 14 patients without neointimal rupture (100% vs. 28.6%, respectively, P?=?0.023). Of 57 patients with neointimal hyperplasia, eight (14.0%) had lipid-laden neointima. Time to OCT study after DES implantation was significantly longer in the eight patients with lipid-laden neointima than in 49 patients without lipid-laden neointima (45.5?±?17.7?months vs. 11.7?±?7.2?months, respectively, P?<?0.001). Lipid-laden neointima was detected in some patients with neointimal hyperplasia?>?1?year after DES implantation. In addition to uncovered or malapposed struts, rupture of lipid-laden neointima inside DESs was identified in some patients with DES-related VLST.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND STUDY AIMS: Endoscopic optical coherence tomography (OCT) is an emerging medical technology capable of generating high-resolution cross-sectional imaging of tissue microstructure in situ and in real time. We assess the use and feasibility of OCT for real-time screening and diagnosis of Barrett's esophagus, and also review state-of-the-art OCT technology for endoscopic imaging. MATERIALS AND METHODS: OCT imaging was performed as an adjunct to endoscopic imaging of the human esophagus. Real-time OCT (13-microm resolution) was used to perform image-guided evaluation of normal esophagus and Barrett's esophagus. Beam delivery was accomplished with a 1-mm diameter OCT catheter-probe that can be introduced into the accessory channel of a standard endoscope. Different catheter-probe imaging designs which performed linear and radial scanning were assessed. Novel ultrahigh-resolution (1.1-microm resolution) and spectroscopic OCT techniques were used to image in vitro specimens of Barrett's esophagus. RESULTS: Endoscopic OCT images revealed distinct layers of normal human esophagus extending from the epithelium to the muscularis propria. In contrast, the presence of gland- and crypt-like morphologies and the absence of layered structures were observed in Barrett's esophagus. All OCT images showed strong correlations with architectural morphology in histological findings. Ultrahigh-resolution OCT techniques achieved 1.1-microm image resolution in in vitro specimens and showed enhanced resolution of architectural features. Spectroscopic OCT identified localized regions of wavelength-dependent optical scattering, enhancing the differentiation of Barrett's esophagus. CONCLUSIONS: OCT technology with compact fiberoptic imaging probes can be used as an adjunct to endoscopy for real-time image-guided evaluation of Barrett's esophagus. Linear and radial scan patterns have different advantages and limitations depending upon the application. Ultrahigh-resolution and spectroscopic OCT techniques improve structural tissue recognition and suggest future potential for resolution and contrast enhancements in clinical studies. A new balloon catheter-probe delivery device is proposed for systematic imaging and screening of the esophagus.  相似文献   

Lipid-core atherosclerotic plaques are associated with disease progression, procedural complications, and cardiac events. Coronary plaque lipid can be quantified in optical coherence tomography (OCT) pullbacks by measurement of lipid arcs and lipid lengths; parameters frequently used in clinical research, but labor intensive and subjective to analyse. In this study, we investigated the ability of quantitative attenuation, derived from intravascular OCT, to detect plaque lipid. Lipid cores are associated with a high attenuation coefficient. We compared the index of plaque attenuation (IPA), a local quantitative measure of attenuation, to the manually measured lipid score (arc and length) on OCT images, and to the plaque characterization ex-vivo. We confirmed a correlation between the IPA and lipid scores (r2?>?0.7). Comparison to histology shows that high attenuation is associated with fibroatheroma, but also with macrophage presence. IPA is a robust, reproducible, and user-independent measure that facilitates quantification of coronary lipid, a potential tool in clinical research and in guiding percutaneous coronary intervention.  相似文献   

光学相干断层扫描(OCT)分辨率高且无创,是临床诊断眼底疾病的主要手段。深度学习(DL)具有高效、准确的特点,近年来在医疗领域迅速发展,并已在眼科取得一定成果。本文围绕基于DL的OCT辅助诊断常见眼底疾病研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

Photoreceptor loss and resultant thinning of the outer nuclear layer (ONL) is an important pathological feature of retinal degenerations and may serve as a useful imaging biomarker for age-related macular degeneration. However, the demarcation between the ONL and the adjacent Henle’s fiber layer (HFL) is difficult to visualize with standard optical coherence tomography (OCT). A dedicated OCT system that can precisely control and continuously and synchronously update the imaging beam entry points during scanning has not been realized yet. In this paper, we introduce a novel imaging technology, Volumetric Directional OCT (VD-OCT), which can dynamically adjust the incident beam on the pupil without manual adjustment during a volumetric OCT scan. We also implement a customized spoke-circular scanning pattern to observe the appearance of HFL with sufficient optical contrast in continuous cross-sectional scans through the entire volume. The application of VD-OCT for retinal imaging to exploit directional reflectivity properties of tissue layers has the potential to allow for early identification of retinal diseases.  相似文献   

A new type of freeze-drying microscope based upon time-domain optical coherence tomography is presented here (OCT-FDM). The microscope allows for real-time, in situ 3D imaging of pharmaceutical formulations in vials relevant for manufacturing processes with a lateral resolution of <7 μm and an axial resolution of <5 μm. Correlation of volumetric structural imaging with product temperature measured during the freeze-drying cycle allowed investigation of structural changes in the product and determination of the temperature at which the freeze-dried cake collapses. This critical temperature is the most important parameter in designing freeze-drying processes of pharmaceutical products.  相似文献   

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