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In this study, we investigated the metabolic and performance responses to hyperthermia during high-intensity exercise. Seven males completed two 30-s cycle sprints (SpI and SpII) at an environmental temperature of 20.6 (0.3) °C [mean (SD)] with 4 min recovery between sprints. A hot or control treatment preceded the sprint exercise. For the hot trial, subjects were immersed up to the neck in hot water [43°C for 16.0 (3.2) min] prior to entering an environmental chamber [44.2 (0.8)°C for 30.7 (7.1) min]. For the control trial, subjects were seated in an empty bath (15 min) and thereafter in a normal environment [20.2 (0.6)°C for 29.0 (1.9) min]. Subjects core temperature prior to exercise was 38.1 (0.3)°C in the hot trial and 37.1 (0.3)°C in the control trial. Mean power output (MPO) was significantly higher in the hot condition for SpI [683 (130) W hot vs 646 (119) W control (P<0.025)]. Peak power output (PPO) tended to be higher in the hot trial compared with the control trial for SpI [1057 (260) W hot vs 990 (245) W control (P=0.03, NS)]. These differences in power output were a consequence of a faster pedal cadence in the hot trial (P<0.025). There were no differences in sprint performance in SpII in the hot trial compared to the control trial; however, MPO was significantly reduced from SpI to SpII in the hot condition but not in the control condition (P<0.025). Plasma ammonia was higher in the hot trial at 2 min post-SpI [169 (65) mol l-1 hot vs 70 (26) mol l-1 control (P<0.01)], immediately and at 2 min post-SpII [231 (76) mol l-1 hot vs 147 (72) mol l-1 control (P<0.01)]. Blood lactate was higher in the hot trial compared with the control trial at 5 min post-SpII (P<0.025). The results of this study suggest that an elevation in core body temperature by 1°C can improve performance during an initial bout of high-intensity cycle exercise but has no further beneficial effect on subsequent power production following a 4-min recovery period.  相似文献   

Thoroughbred horses were exercised to fatigue on a treadmill at 62% and 100% of their VO2max. Hypoxemia occurred at the onset of exercise under both exercise conditions. This hypoxemia persisted to fatigue during the heavy exercise but progressively diminished as the exercise continued and had disappeared by the end of exercise at the lighter load. As a result of the hypoxemia the oxygen content of arterial blood during exercise at VO2max was 17% below its carrying capacity. However, under both experimental conditions the CaO2 still exceeded that of rest owing to an elevation in hemoglobin concentration. The temperature of blood at the point of fatigue was similar, 41.0±0.2 ° C and 41.1±0.2 ° C, for exercise at 62% and 100% VO2max, respectively. Muscle samples collected at rest and at the termination of exercise did not demonstrate major differences between the exercise conditions except for a higher [lactate] and lower pH following the heavy exercise. From these results it can be suggested that the combined effects of an elevated body temperature, changes in muscle pH, and oxygen delivery may all be factors contributing to limit exercise capacity in the horse.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of a comprehensive multi-component nutritional supplement on performance, hormonal, and metabolic responses to an acute bout of resistance exercise. Nine healthy subjects ingested either Muscle Fuel™ (MF) or a matched placebo (PL) for 7 days. Subjects then reported to the laboratory, ingested the corresponding supplement, and performed two consecutive days of heavy resistance exercise testing with associated blood draws. MF supplementation improved vertical jump (VJ) power output and the number of repetitions performed at 80% of one repetition maximum (1RM). Additionally, MF supplementation potentiated growth hormone (GH), testosterone, and insulin-like growth factor-1 responses to exercise. Concentrations of circulating myoglobin and creatine kinase (CK) were attenuated immediately following resistance exercise during the MF trial, indicating that MF partially mediated some form of exercise-induced muscle tissue damage. In summary MF enhanced performance and hormonal responses associated with an acute bout of resistance exercise. These responses indicate that MF supplementation augments the quality of an acute bout of resistance exercise thereby increasing the endocrine signaling and recovery following heavy resistance exercise.  相似文献   

Physiological responses to maximal intensity intermittent exercise   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Physiological responses to repeated bouts of short duration maximal-intensity exercise were evaluated. Seven male subjects performed three exercise protocols, on separate days, with either 15 (S15), 30 (S30) or 40 (S40) m sprints repeated every 30 s. Plasma hypoxanthine (HX) and uric acid (UA), and blood lactate concentrations were evaluated pre- and postexercise. Oxygen uptake was measured immediately after the last sprint in each protocol. Sprint times were recorded to analyse changes in performance over the trials. Mean plasma concentrations of HX and UA increased during S30 and S40 (P<0.05), HX increasing from 2.9 (SEM 1.0) and 4.1 (SEM 0.9), to 25.4 (SEM 7.8) and 42.7 (SEM 7.5) µmol · l–1, and UA from 372.8 (SEM 19) and 382.8 (SEM 26), to 458.7 (SEM 40) and 534.6 (SEM 37) µmol · l–1, respectively. Postexercise blood lactate concentrations were higher than pretest values in all three protocols (P<0.05), increasing to 6.8 (SEM 1.5), 13.9 (SEM 1.7) and 16.8 (SEM 1.1) mmol · l–1 in S15, S30 and S40, respectively. There was no significant difference between oxygen uptake immediately after S30 [3.2 (SEM 0.1) l · min–1] and S40 [3.3 (SEM 0.4) l · min–1], but a lower value [2.6 (SEM 0.1) l · min–1] was found after S15 (P<0.05). The time of the last sprint [2.63 (SEM 0.04) s] in S15 was not significantly different from that of the first [2.62 (SEM 0.02) s]. However, in S30 and S40 sprint times increased from 4.46 (SEM 0.04) and 5.61 (SEM 0.07) s (first) to 4.66 (SEM 0.05) and 6.19 (SEM 0.09) s (last), respectively (P<0.05). These data showed that with a fixed 30-s intervening rest period, physiological and performance responses to repeated sprints were markedly influenced by sprint distance. While 15-m-sprints could be repeated every 30 s without decreases in performance, 40-m sprint times increased after the third sprint (P<0.05) and this exercise pattern was associated with a net loss to the adenine nucleotide pool.  相似文献   

After electrical stimulation of the arch of the aorta in rabbits for 3 h exhaustion of the tissue noradrenalin (NA) reserves in the myocardium was accompanied by an increase in the activity of hexokinase (HK), lactate dehydrogenase (LD), and glucose-6 phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD). Injection of L-Dopa after electrical stimulation prevented the fall of the NA level in the heart muscle and the change in activity of the above enzymes. The results confirm the important role of disturbances of mediator metabolism in mechanisms of development of metabolic and generative injuries.Laboratory of Experimental Pharmacology, Department of Pharmacology, Institute of Experimental Medicine, Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR, Leningrad. (Presented by Academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR S. V. Anichkov.) Translated from Byulleten' Éksperimental'noi Biologii i Meditsiny, Vol. 82, No. 10, pp. 1205–1206, October, 1976.  相似文献   

Summary Eight physically fit men performed two incremental bicycle ergometer tests, one in an ambient temperature of 25° C and the other at 40° C. Oesophageal temperature (Tes) increased continuously throughout the tests up to 38.0 and 38.3° C, respectively. In both enviroments, forearm blood flow (plethysmography) was linearly related to Tes above the Tes threshold for vasodilation, but at the heaviest work loads this relationship was clearly attenuated and therefore indicated skin vasoconstriction, which tended to be more pronounced at 25° C. During recovery at 25° C, in some subjects the forearm blood flow increased above the levels observed at the end of the graded exercise in spite of a decreasing Tes. Skin blood flow, measured by laser Doppler flow meter at the shoulder, was quantitatively different but, on average, seemed to reveal the same response pattern as the forearm blood flow. In spite of the higher level of skin blood flow in the heat, blood lactate accumulation did not differ between the two environments. The present results suggest that there is competition between skin vasoconstriction and vasodilation at heavy work rates, the former having precedence in a thermoneutral environment to increase muscle perfusion. During short-term graded exercise in a hot environment, skin vasoconstriction with other circulatory adjustments seems to be able to maintain adequate muscle perfusion at heavy work levels, but probably not during maximum exercise.  相似文献   

Leg blood flow, blood pressure and metabolic responses were evaluated in six men during incremental one-legged dynamic knee extension exercise tests (no load exercise - 40 W); one performed with voluntary contractions (VOL) and one with electrically induced contractions (EMS). Pulmonary oxygen uptake was the same in both exercise modes, but the ventilatory coefficient was 2–5 L per L O2 higher in EMS than VOL (P < 0.05). Heart rate and mean arterial pressure were slightly higher with EMS than VOL at all exercise intensities reaching 138 (EMS) and 126 bpm (VOL), as well as 148 (EMS) and 137 mmHg (VOL) at 40 W, respectively (P < 0.05). Leg blood flow, oxygen uptake and conductance were similar in the two exercise modes. At 40 W, mean muscle blood flow was close to 200 (range: 165–220) mL 100 g-1 min-1, mean peak muscle oxygen uptake reached 230 mL kg-1 min-1, and mean conductance became as high as around 45 mL min-1 mmHg-1, and normalized for muscle size and arterial pressure it approached 100 mL min-1 100 g-1 100 mmHg-1. Lactate and ammonia efflux from the leg were higher with EMS than with VOL and the difference became larger with increasing exercise intensity (P < 0.05). Muscle glucose uptake was the same in each exercise mode. Femoral venous K+ concentration increased with exercise intensity and was higher with EMS than with VOL, reaching 5.1 (EMS) and 4.7 mmol L-1 (VOL) at 40 W (P < 0.05). The study demonstrates that electrically induced dynamic exercise is associated with a marked cardiovascular response similar to voluntarily performed exercise and a more pronounced activation of the anaerobic metabolism of the muscle. Furthermore, as the electrically activated muscle group is well defined, the present results confirm that peak muscle blood flow can reach 200–250 mL 100 g-1 min-1.  相似文献   

Summary Following earlier papers that established the mathematical form of the time dependence of lactate concentrations during recovery from several types of exercise, and that set up a two-compartment model predicting the same time dependences, the present work applies the model to obtain parameters of specific physiological processes. Satisfactory agreement between predictions of the model and our experiment and literature data is obtained in the cases where comparisons can be made, as in the muscular lactate time evolution measured from biopsy samples, in blood flows through the active muscle at the end of exercise or at rest and their evolution during recovery, as well as in the volume of the active muscle compartment. The model prediction that lactate efflux from the muscles to the blood can reduce to zero during recovery is verified experimentally.List of Abbreviations and Symbols A 1, A 2 Amplitudes of the two exponential terms fitted to arterial lactate concentrations (mol·1–1) - 12, 21 Transfer coefficients from (M) to (S) and (S) to (M) respectively (min–1) - A D Area of the body according to Dubois (m2) - BM Body mass (kg) - C 1, C 2 Amplitudes of the exponential terms of L m (t) (mol·1–1) - c 1, d 1 Rates of lactate production in (M) and (S), respectively (mol·min–1) - c 2, d 2 Coefficients of lactate disappearance in (M) and (S) respectively (min–1) - F 1 Field of validity of the model (see [32]) - 1, 2 Velocity constants of the exponential terms fitted to arterial lactate concentrations (min–1) - L a (t) Arterial lactate concentration at time t (mmol·1–1 or mol·1–1) - L a max Maximum arterial lactate concentration of the recovery (mmol·1–1) - L fv (t) Femoral venous blood lactate concentration at time t (mmol·–1) - L M (t), L S (t) Lactate concentrations in (M) and (S), respectively at time t (mmol·1–1 or mol·1–1) - (M) Working or active muscle space - q(t) Blood flow through (M) at time t (ml·100 ml–1·min–1) - MS (t) Rate of net lactate release from (M) to (S) at time t (mmol·min–1) - Rate of net lactate release from (M) to (S) at t(mol·min–1) - (S) Remaining lactate space - t Time after the end of exercise (min) - , Moments at which the net lactate release from (M) to (S) becomes zero (min) - 2 Moment of the intersection of the arterial and brachial venous blood lactate curves (min) - fa1, fa2 Moments of the intersection of the arterial and femoral venous blood lactate curves (min) - V M , V s , V TLS Volume of (M), (S), and (TLS), respectively, [1] - (TLS) Total lactate space - Difference between L M () and L s ()  相似文献   

The relationship between muscle and blood lactate levels during progressively step-wise incrementing cycle exercise has been investigated in 10 male subjects. Steps between power outputs during exercise were 50 W and each stage, from loadless pedalling until voluntary exhaustion, lasted 4 min. Blood samples and biopsies (m. vastus lateralis) were taken for lactate determination at each power output beginning with the exercise intensity perceived by the subject as being “rather moderate”. The ratio muscle: blood lactate was greater than one at all power outputs and increased most markedly at the power output closest to that eliciting 4 mmol × I-1 blood lactate (WOBLA). At WOBLA. blood lactate was positively correlated to muscle lactate concentrations which covaried widely among subjects (mean 8.3. range 4.5–14.4 mmol × kg-l wet weight). Muscle fibres from the WOBLA biopsy in 6 subjects were dissected out and identified as fast twitch (FT) or slow twitch (ST). No significant difference in lactate concentration was observed between pools of FT or ST fibres.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of supramaximal exercise on blood glucose, insulin, and catecholamine responses were examined in 7 healthy male physical education students (mean±SD: age=21±1.2 years; =54±6 ml · kg–1 · min–1) in response to the following three dietary conditions: 1) a normal mixed diet (N); 2) a 24-h low carbohydrate (CHO) diet intended to reduce liver glycogen content (D1); and 3) a 24-h low CHO diet preceded by a leg muscle CHO overloading protocol intended to reduce hepatic glycogen content with increased muscle glycogen store (D2). Exercise was performed on a bicycle ergometer at an exercise intensity of 130% for 90 s. Irrespective of the dietary manipulation, supramaximal exercise was associated with a similar significant (p<0.01) increase in the exercise and recovery plasma glucose values. The increase in blood glucose levels was accompanied by a similar increase in insulin concentrations in all three groups despite lower resting insulin levels in conditions D1 and D2. Lactate concentrations were higher during the early phase of the recovery period in the D2 as compared to the N condition. At cessation of exercise, epinephrine and norepinephrine were greatly elevated in all three conditions. These results indicate that the increase in plasma glucose and insulin associated with very high intensity exercise, persists in spite of dietary manipulations intended to reduce liver glycogen content or increase muscle glycogen store. These data suggest that the blood glucose increase following supramaximal exercise is most likely related to hepatic glycogenolysis in spite of a substantial decrease in liver glycogen content.  相似文献   

Summary Seven trained male cyclists ( =4.42±0.23 l·min−1; weight 71.7±2.7 kg, mean ± SE) completed two incremental cycling tests on the cycle ergometer for the estimation of the “individual anaerobic threshold” (IAT). The cyclists completed three more exercises in which the work rate incremented by the same protocol, but upon reaching selected work rates of approximately 40, 60 and 80% , the subjects cycled for 60 min or until exhaustion. In these constant load studies, blood lactate concentration was determined on arterialized venous ([La]av) and deep venous blood ([La]v) of the resting forearm. The av-v lactate gradient across the inactive forearm muscle was −0.08 mmol·l−1 at rest. After 3 min at each of the constant load work rates, the gradients were +0.05, +0.65* and +1.60* mmol·l−1 (*P<0.05). The gradients after 10 min at these same work rates were −0.09, +0.24 and +1.03* mmol·l−1. For the two highest work rates taken together, the lactate gradient was less at 10 min than 3 min constant load exercise (P<0.05). The [La]av was consistently higher during prolonged exercise at both 60 and 80% than that observed at the same work rate during progressive exercise. At the highest work rate (at or above the IAT), time to exhaustion ranged from 3 to 36 min in the different subjects. These data showed that [La] uptake across resting muscle continued to increase to work rates above the IAT. Further, the greater av-v lactate gradient at 3 min than 10 min constant load exercise supports the concept that inactive muscle might act as a passive sink for lactate in addition to a metabolic site.  相似文献   

We investigated the hemodynamic and hormonal responses to a short-term low-intensity resistance exercise (STLIRE) with the reduction of muscle blood flow. Eleven untrained men performed bilateral leg extension exercise under the reduction of muscle blood flow of the proximal end of both legs pressure-applied by a specially designed belt (a banding pressure of 1.3 times higher than resting systolic blood pressure, 160–180 mmHg), named as Kaatsu. The intensity of STLIRE was 20% of one repetition maximum. The subjects performed 30 repetitions, and after a 20-seconds rest, they performed three sets again until exhaustion. The superficial femoral arterial blood flow and hemodynamic parameters were measured by using the ultrasound and impedance cardiography. Serum concentrations of growth hormone (GH), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), noradrenaline (NE), insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-1, ghrelin, and lactate were also measured. Under the conditions with Kaatsu, the arterial flow was reduced to about 30% of the control. STLIRE with Kaatsu significantly increased GH (0.11±0.03 to 8.6±1.1 ng/ml, P < 0.01), IGF-1 (210±40 to 236±56 ng/ml, P < 0.01), and VEGF (41±13 to 103±38 pg/ml, P < 0.05). The increase in GH was related to neither NE nor lactate, but the increase in VEGF was related to that in lactate (r = 0.57, P < 0.05). Ghrelin did not change during the exercise. The maximal heart rate (HR) and blood pressure (BP) in STLIRE with Kaatsu were higher than that without Kaatsu. Stroke volume (SV) was lower due to the decrease of the venous return by Kaatsu, but, total peripheral resistance (TPR) did not change significantly. These results suggest that STLIRE with Kaatsu significantly stimulates the exercise-induced GH, IGF, and VEGF responses with the reduction of cardiac preload during exercise, which may become a unique method for rehabilitation in patients with cardiovascular diseases.  相似文献   

Summary This study was designed to find out whether rest intervals and prevention of dehydration during prolonged exercise inhibit a drift in metabolic rate, body temperature and hormonal response typically occurring during continuous work. For this purpose in ten healthy men the heart rate (t c), rectal temperature (T re), oxygen uptake (VO2), as well as blood metabolite and some hormone concentrations were measured during 2-h exercise at approximately 50% maximal oxygen uptake split into four equal parts by 30-min rest intervals during which body water losses were replaced. During each 30-min exercise period there was a rapid change in T re and t c superimposed on which, these values increased progressively in consecutive exercise periods (slow drift). The VO2 showed similar changes but there were no significant differences in the respiratory exchange ratio, pulmonary ventilation, mechanical efficiency and plasma osmolality between successive periods of exercise. Blood glucose, insulin and C-peptide concentrations decreased in consecutive exercise periods, whereas plasma free fatty acid, glycerol, catecholamine, growth hormone and glucagon concentrations increased. Blood lactate concentrations did not show any regular drift and the plasma cortisol concentration decreased during the first two exercise periods and then increased. In conclusion, in spite of the relatively long rest intervals between the periods of prolonged exercise and the prevention of dehydration several physiological and hormonal variables showed a distinct drift with time. It is suggested that the slow drift in metabolic rate could have been attributable in the main to the increased concentrations of heat liberating hormones.  相似文献   

In occupational work, continuous repetitive and isometric actions performed with the upper extremity primarily cause local muscle strain and musculoskeletal disorders. They may also have some adverse effects on the cardiorespiratory system, particularly, through the elevation of blood pressure. The aim of the present study was to compare peak cardiorespiratory responses to fatiguing dynamic and isometric hand-grip exercise. The subjects were 21 untrained healthy men aged 24–45 years. The dynamic hand-grip exercise (DHGE) was performed using the left hand-grip muscles at the 57 (SD 4)% level of each individual's maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) with a frequency of 51 (SD 4) grips · min−l. The isometric hand-grip exercise (IHGE) was done using the right hand at 46 (SD 3)% of the MVC. The endurance time, ventilatory gas exchange, heart rate (HR) and blood pressure were mea- sured during both kinds of exercise. The mean endurance times for DHGE and IHGE were different, 170 (SD 62) and 99 (SD 27) s, respectively (P < 0.001). During DHGE the mean peak values of the breathing frequency [20 (SD 6) breaths · min−1] and tidal volume [0.89 (SD 0.34) l] differed significantly (P < 0.01) from peak values obtained during IHGE [15 (SD 5) breaths · min−1, and 1.14 (SD 0.32) l, respectively]. The corresponding peak oxygen consumptions, pulmonary ventilations, HR and systolic blood pressures did not differ, and were 0.51 (SD 0.06) and 0.46 (SD 0.11) l · min−1, 17.1 (SD 3.0) and 16.7 (SD 4.7) l · min−1, 103 (SD 18) and 102 (SD 17) beats · min−1, and 156 (SD 17) and 161 (SD 17) mmHg, respectively. The endurance times of both DHGE and IHGE were short (<240 s). The results indicate that the peak responses for the ventilatory gas exchange, HR and blood pressure were similar during fatiguing DHGE and IHGE, whereas the breathing patterns differed significantly between the two types of exercise. The present findings emphasize the importance of following ergonomic design principles in occupational settings which aim to reduce the output of force, particularly in tasks requiring isometric and/or one-sided repetitive muscle actions. Accepted: 16 February 2000  相似文献   

Sympathetic control of metabolic and hormonal responses to exercise in rats   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The importance of the sympatho-adrenal system for the pancreatic hormonal response to exercise and, furthermore, the role of glucagon and catecholamines for the hepatic glycogen depletion during exercise were studied. Rats were either surgically adrenomedullectomized and chemically sympathectomized with 6-hydroxydopamine or shamtreated. Two weeks later the rats had either rabbit-antiglucagon serum or normal rabbit serum injected. Subsequently the rats either rested or swam with a tail weight for 75 min. Immediately afterwards cardiac blood was drawn and liver and muscle tissue collected. In control rats in spite of an increase in blood glucose concentrati4ns during exercise plasma insulin concentrations were unchanged, while glucagon concentrations increased. In sympathectomized rats, compared to control rats, glucagon concentrations increased less, and insulin concentrations were higher, although glucose concentrations were lower during exercise. Sympathectomy completely abolished the exercise-induced decrease in liver and muscle glycogen concentrations, whereas neither glycogen depletion nor plasma catecholamine concentrations were influenced by the administration of glucagon antibodies. These findings indicate that the sympatho-adrenal system enhances glucagon secretion as well as muscular and hepatic glycogen depletion but inhibits insulin secretion in exercising rats. The increase in glucagon concentrations, however, does not enhance hepatic glycogen depletion at the work load used.  相似文献   

The effects of reduced muscle perfusion pressure on dynamic exercise performance and cardiovascular and respiratory functions were investigated. Eight subjects were studied during supine cycle ergometry at stepwise increasing workloads until exhaustion with and without the legs exposed to a supra-atmospheric pressure of 50 mmHg (Leg Positive Pressure, LPP), a novel and convenient means of reducing the perfusion pressure in the working muscles. In the LPP condition exercise performance was reduced by 40% which, judging from assessments of perceived exertion, was due to premature muscle fatigue, indicating local or overall underperfusion of the working muscles. At any given work load, the arterial pressure response was considerably stronger during LPP than in the control condition. LPP also caused greater increases in blood lactate concentration and pulmonary ventilation, the differences from control increasing with the work load. Furthermore, the ventilatory equivalent for O2 at a given work load was markedly higher in the LPP than in the control condition, while exercise-induced decreases in end-tidal PCO2 were considerably exaggerated by LPP. The augmented pressor response during flow-restricted exercise, together with the strong ventilatory response which was out of proportion to overall O2 uptake, suggests increased activation of muscle chemoreflexes by accumulation of metabolic end products, the increased pressor response tending to reduce the local flow error in the working muscles.  相似文献   

The relationship between myocardial lactate extraction and blood lactate concentration and the possibility that simultaneous uptake and release of lactate occur in the normal human heart was investigated by measuring arterial-coronary sinus differences of lactate and of labelled lactate during infusion of 14C lactate in 13 healthy young male volunteers. Measurements were done at rest, during increased cardiac work with unaltered arterial lactate concentration achieved by atrial pacing and during increased cardiac work and increased arterial lactate concentration achieved by supine cycle ergometer exercise. There was on no occasion a significant difference in 14C lactate specific activity between arterial and coronary sinus blood, i.e. no significant admixture of non-labelled lactate occurred in the coronary sinus indicating that on no occasion was there any sign of lactate release. The myocardial extraction of lactate seemed to be a linear function of arterial lactate concentration. During exercise with an arterial lactate concentration of 6 mmol l-1 and above, lactate could have covered approximately 75–100% of the oxidative metabolism. Thus, during short-term heavy work myocardial lactate extraction dominates over other substrates (mainly free fatty acids and glucose) taken up by the heart, and used for oxidation by the heart muscle cells.  相似文献   



High blood pressure during mental stress in subjects with prehypertension is associated with blunted vasodilation in skeletal muscles, which might be improved by an acute bout of exercise.


To investigate the hemodynamic responses to mental stress before and after a bout of exercise in subjects with prehypertension.


Eighteen subjects with prehypertension and 16 with normotension underwent a mental stress test before and after a maximal cardiopulmonary exercise test on a treadmill. Blood pressure was measured by auscultation, and forearm blood flow was measured by venous occlusion plethysmography; from these measurements, the vascular conductance was calculated.


Subjects with prehypertension had a higher mean blood pressure during mental stress (prehypertension 112±2 vs. normotension 101±3 mm Hg, p<0.05), and their vascular conductance did not increase (baseline 0.025±0.004 vs. mental stress 0.022±0.003 a.u., p>0.05). After the exercise bout, the mean blood pressure during mental stress was lower in subjects with prehypertension (before exercise 112±2 vs. after exercise 107±2 mm Hg, p<0.05), and vascular conductance increased (baseline 0.011±0.001 vs. mental stress 0.024±0.004 a.u., p<0.05).


Subjects with prehypertension had elevated blood pressure and a blunted vasodilator response during mental stress, but their blood pressure was attenuated and their vasodilator response was normalized after a single bout of maximal dynamic exercise.  相似文献   



Heavy-load free-flow resistance exercise (HL-FFRE) is a widely used training modality. Recently, low-load blood-flow restricted resistance exercise (LL-BFRRE) has gained attention in both athletic and clinical settings as an alternative when conventional HL-FFRE is contraindicated or not tolerated. LL-BFRRE has been shown to result in physiological adaptations in muscle and connective tissue that are comparable to those induced by HL-FFRE. The underlying mechanisms remain unclear; however, evidence suggests that LL-BFRRE involves elevated metabolic stress compared to conventional free-flow resistance exercise (FFRE).


The aim was to evaluate the initial (<10 min post-exercise), intermediate (10–20 min), and late (>30 min) hormonal, immune, and oxidative stress responses observed following acute sessions of LL-BFRRE compared to FFRE in healthy adults.


A systematic literature search of randomized and non-randomized studies was conducted in PubMed, Embase, Cochrane Central, CINAHL, and SPORTDiscus. The Cochrane Risk of Bias (RoB2, ROBINS-1) and TESTEX were used to evaluate risk of bias and study quality. Data extractions were based on mean change within groups.


A total of 12525 hits were identified, of which 29 articles were included. LL-BFRRE demonstrated greater acute increases in growth hormone responses when compared to overall FFRE at intermediate (SMD 2.04; 95% CI 0.87, 3.22) and late (SMD 2.64; 95% CI 1.13, 4.16) post-exercise phases. LL-BFRRE also demonstrated greater increase in testosterone responses compared to late LL-FFRE.


These results indicate that LL-BFRRE can induce increased or similar hormone and immune responses compared to LL-FFRE and HL-FFRE along with attenuated oxidative stress responses compared to HL-FFRE.  相似文献   

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