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This paper explores the ways in which pre-teenage children try to avoid coming into contact with illegal drugs and then examines the factors and circumstances that facilitate or impede their efforts to achieve this. Their main strategy of avoiding certain groups or individuals was complicated by the fluid nature of young people's social groups and the unpredictable nature of their activities. Children who lived in areas in which illegal drugs were prevalent found it especially difficult to avoid coming into contact with them. While it was relatively easy for a child to avoid making friends with someone who was using drugs, the situation in which an existing friend started to use illegal drugs was much more difficult to deal with. The paper concludes that, while children should be encouraged to avoid certain groups and situations as their first line of defence, the problematic nature of this activity means that it is also essential that they continue to be provided with the skills necessary to deal effectively with situations in which illegal drugs are available.  相似文献   

In this paper we report the results of research on the nature and extent of legal and illegal drug use among preteens and those factors associated with illegal drug use at this young age. The paper is based upon a survey of 2318 ten to twelve year olds in Glasgow and Newcastle. Overall around 30% of children reported having been exposed to illegal drugs and 3.9% had started to use illegal drugs. There was a significant difference in the level of illegal drug use between our two cities. In most cases the illegal drug use identified on the part of preteens related to cannabis although in a small number of instances children were using heroin, cocaine and LSD. On the basis of this research we estimate that around 60 children in the ten to twelve age range will have used heroin in Glasgow and around 34 pupils will have used the drug in Newcastle. Preteen drug use was significantly associated with frequent smoking and alcohol consumption, with preteens' involvement in a range of problem behaviours, and with family difficulties including the presence of someone else within the family using illegal drugs. The paper concludes by noting some of the challenges that are likely to be faced by services seeking to support children who are using illegal drugs by their preteens.  相似文献   

While it has become apparent that increasing numbers of pre-teenage children are experimenting with illegal drugs, relatively little is known about the drug-related knowledge and attitudes of this age group. This paper describes the knowledge and perceptions of illegal drugs held by a sample of 216 pre-teenage children in Glasgow and Newcastle. While about a quarter of the children thought that illegal drugs were equally bad, the remainder were able to differentiate between them to varying degrees. In particular, cannabis was frequently regarded as being less harmful than other illicit drugs, especially by those who had used the drug themselves. The children's knowledge of illegal drugs as a whole was found to be limited, vague and often erroneous. The challenges which the children's knowledge and perceptions of drugs present for drug education are discussed.  相似文献   

While it has become apparent that increasing numbers of pre-teenage children are experimenting with illegal drugs, relatively little is known about the drug-related knowledge and attitudes of this age group. This paper describes the knowledge and perceptions of illegal drugs held by a sample of 216 pre-teenage children in Glasgow and Newcastle. While about a quarter of the children thought that illegal drugs were equally bad, the remainder were able to differentiate between them to varying degrees. In particular, cannabis was frequently regarded as being less harmful than other illicit drugs, especially by those who had used the drug themselves. The children's knowledge of illegal drugs as a whole was found to be limited, vague and often erroneous. The challenges which the children's knowledge and perceptions of drugs present for drug education are discussed.  相似文献   

《Substance use & misuse》2013,48(12):2499-2513
Because of cost and other constraints, states often find it difficult to estimate need for treatment of alcohol-related problems from routine surveys. The social undesirability of illegal drug use makes the assessment of need for treatment of their use even more difficult. This paper uses independently obtained treatment need estimates to provide parameters for short-term prediction. We obtained the parameters by regressing the proportions of people addicted to alcohol (or drugs) in counties on social-indicator-based relative treatment need estimates for alcohol (or drugs). In addition to integrating estimates coming from independent sources, our approach presents an important tool for planning and resource allocation.  相似文献   

Prior to and following social-skills training during a three months inpatient treatment, 145 female alcoholics indicated for various situations involving social pressure to drink alcohol (a) how difficult it would be for them not to drink (Relapse Risk) and (b) the degree of discomfort they expected (Specific Assertiveness). In addition, General Assertiveness situations, not related to alcohol, were evaluated. Patients who relapsed three months after treatment evaluated the situations more difficult to deal with and creating more discomfort than abstaining patients, although the groups did not differ in their self-rated assertiveness in non-alcohol-related situations. All ratings improved throughout the training, but the differences between outcome groups were similar before and after. When patients were excluded who had relapsed already during treatment, Relapse Risk but not Specific Assertiveness still discriminated between outcome groups. The prognostic power of the Risk rating seems to reflect a general efficacy expectation evident in a strong relation to patients' conviction of being able to stay abstinent, stated already at admission.  相似文献   


Aims: At a time of growing awareness regarding the non-commercial supply of illegal drugs between friends, this article explores the significance of so-called ‘social supply’ for a group of ‘hidden’ users of illegal drugs aged 40 and over.

Methodology: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 30 users of illegal drugs aged 40 and over who were not in contact with the criminal justice system or treatment agencies regarding their use. Participants were recruited using snowball sampling.

Findings: Accessing drugs through the commercial market was considered as a less attractive proposition than social supply by the participants. The majority used only socially supplied drugs, with some engaging commercial dealers when socially supplied product was unavailable. A handful sourced drugs exclusively through the commercial market. Some were home growers of cannabis, and a small number had drifted into social supply themselves.

Conclusions: Social supply was seen in a far more favourable light than commercial transactions by our participants, and acted as an ideal against which all other acts of sourcing were compared. Moreover, social supply was often an integral facet of the drug using experience and served to validate and enhance that experience. The relatively benign, non-predatory nature of the social supply engaged in by the participants lends support to calls for some reform of the offence of supply in UK law.  相似文献   

This paper examines the experiences of a sample of 43 pre-teenage drug users. The main reasons which they gave for using drugs were enjoyment and boredom. These are consistent with the reasons for using drugs reported in studies of older youths. While the children set firm boundaries regarding the drugs which they would and would not use, several aspects of their experiences give cause for concern. These include the ease with which they were able to obtain illegal drugs, their lack of knowledge of the risks involved with their drug-taking, the tendency of some to combine the consumption of drugs and alcohol, and the secluded or remote nature of the locations in which the drugs were used. The paper concludes by emphasising the need for interventions which address the issue of harm reduction for this population and which provide a range of alternative activities as a way of diverting young people from drugs.  相似文献   

《Substance use & misuse》2013,48(11):1065-1066
This study of the effect of family and peer group variables on drug use among male adolescents shows that both the drug consumption behavior of parents and peers, and their relationships with the adolescent have an important influence on the latter's own use patterns. With respect to adolescents who do not consume drugs, users of both legal and illegal drugs reported less affectionate family relationships, greater drug consumption by both parents, greater contact with drug-consuming peers, and greater identification with and participation in unconventional groups and activities. These findings coincide to a large extent with the assumptions of some of the main theories of deviant behavior (social control theory, differential association theory, and social learning theory), which suggests the desirability of integrating these theoretical models in an attempt to provide an exhaustive explanation of the genesis and maintenance of drug use by adolescents.  相似文献   

Concerns are frequently voiced about harms to children of mothers who use drugs. We explored the subjective socio-cultural experiences of childrearing by women using illicit drugs (heroin mainly and amphetamines) and compared them to those of three other groups of women. Two comparison groups mirrored correlates of illicit drug use, namely: women on low incomes (who did not use these drugs) and women who are mobile, and therefore likely to be socially isolated (these had partners employed in the Australian Defence Forces). The third group reflected the desired social norm, i.e. women with medium and higher incomes who did not use illicit drugs. In-depth interviews were conducted with purposive samples, totaling 70 women with children aged five and below residing in Canberra, Australia. All women, irrespective of their drug use, found living on a low income, social isolation or being at home with young children difficult, at least sometimes. However, women who use illicit drugs are often blamed for these difficulties in ways that other groups of women are not. They also do not receive the same levels of social support that other women enjoy.  相似文献   

Aim. To compare and contrast those SI pupils in Scotland (typically age 11 to 12) who have initiated illegal drug use with their non-illegal drug using peers. Design. Self-completion school surveys totaling 930 SI pupils. Setting. Dundee, Perth and Kinross, and Lanarkshire, Scotland. Findings. This research has identified that approximately one in ten SI pupils have already initiated illegal drug use in Scotland. Young people who reported using illegal drugs at this early age tended to have started smoking and drinking alcohol at an earlier age than their non-illegal drug using peers and to be both smoking and drinking alcohol at a higher level than those peers. The illegal drug using pupils were much more likely than their peers to have been exposed to illegal drugs, to have been involved in a range of problem behaviours and to have friends who were also involved in a range of problem behaviours. The illegal drug using young people were also much more likely to have someone in their family who was also using illegal drugs. Conclusions. There is a need to target interventions upon those young people who have initiated illegal drug use at this early age, however doing so is unlikely to be straightforward. It is suggested that there may be some merit in using an “at-risk” type register to focus upon those young people at particularly high risk of initiating illegal drug use.  相似文献   

This paper examines the drug-related decisions of a previously under researched group of children; those in their pre-teen and early teenage years. Based on a prospective study of 92 ‘at risk’ children, it explores the reasons which they gave for their use or non-use of illegal drugs. The accounts of those who used drugs on a regular or occasional basis are strongly supportive of the importance of personal choice, emphasising the role of enjoyment and boredom as the main motivating factors. The reasons given for not using drugs included a lack of interest in the activity, fear of the effects of the drug and a concern that drug taking would compromise other valued activities or pursuits. The anticipated reaction of parents, and the extent to which they had internalised parental values on drugs, also appeared to act as an important restraint for some of the children. While there is a vital role for drug education in seeking to influence children's drug-related decisions, the study's conclusions also emphasise the significance of parents in this regard. The fact that the overwhelming majority of the children reported using drugs because they enjoyed them or because they were bored also suggests that the provision of alternative activities should be central to any preventive strategy.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the lifetime prevalence of substance use among a sample of 758 schoolchildren from one Scottish city. The mean age was 13.3 (range 11-16), approximately half the sample were female, virtually all were ethnically white. Just over half (52.6%) of the sample reported lifetime use of tobacco. Alcohol had been consumed by most of the sample with (43.7%) reporting having ever been drunk. About a third of the sample (31.3%) reported ever having used a illegal drug. The drug most likely to be used was cannabis (29.2%). Use of any of the other drugs did not exceed 10%. By age 15 a majority of children in the sample had tried an illegal drug. These schoolchildren also exhibited high levels of awareness about drugs. A substantial proportion had been in situations where drugs were, taken (57.8%) and had themselves been offered drugs (51.6%). They also had friends whom they reported as having personal experience of drugs (57.4%). These data indicate the ubiquitousness of drugs in young people's lives, whether or not they are themselves personally involved in their use.  相似文献   

Inner-city relationships face numerous challenges including illegal drug use and its consequences. The nature of this challenge, however, has changed dramatically with a shift from the crack subculture of the 1980s and early 1990s to the subsequent marijuana/blunts subculture. This study presents data concerning 95 inner-city relationships where illegal drug use was present from people who were interviewed in 2004-2006 and reinterviewed in 2008. Hard drug use was still problematic in the 2000s even with the passing of the crack epidemic and its associated behavioral norms. Hard drug (primarily crack) users reported drug use was a problem, reported conflict over drugs, reported higher levels of conflict than others and were the most likely to have broken up with their partner. On the other hand, the experiences and subcultural norms associated with marijuana use appeared to be much less detrimental to relationship harmony. Subjects who used marijuana but not hard drugs reported much less relationship conflict. Indeed, many reported that they enjoyed using marijuana with their partner. These subcultural insights further the understanding that young adults have constructed a much more socially productive subculture regarding marijuana use than their predecessors had constructed around use of crack.  相似文献   


Inner-city relationships face numerous challenges including illegal drug use and its consequences. The nature of this challenge, however, has changed dramatically with a shift from the crack subculture of the 1980s and early 1990s to the subsequent marijuana/blunts subculture. This study presents data concerning 95 inner-city relationships where illegal drug use was present from people who were interviewed in 2004–2006 and reinterviewed in 2008. Hard drug use was still problematic in the 2000s even with the passing of the crack epidemic and its associated behavioral norms. Hard drug (primarily crack) users reported drug use was a problem, reported conflict over drugs, reported higher levels of conflict than others and were the most likely to have broken up with their partner. On the other hand, the experiences and subcultural norms associated with marijuana use appeared to be much less detrimental to relationship harmony. Subjects who used marijuana but not hard drugs reported much less relationship conflict. Indeed, many reported that they enjoyed using marijuana with their partner. These subcultural insights further the understanding that young adults have constructed a much more socially productive subculture regarding marijuana use than their predecessors had constructed around use of crack.  相似文献   

目的··:了解吸毒者父母在其子女吸毒前对毒品危害的认识和子女吸毒后的心理状态以及在禁毒戒毒中所起的作用。方法··:采用自行设计的《吸毒者家长心理调查表》 ,对1596例吸毒者家长进行调查。结果··:有99.62%的家长在子女吸毒前对毒品危害认识不足 ,98.81 %的家长从子女开始吸毒到出事前未能觉察 ,98.80%以上的家长一旦知道子女吸毒后对外严守秘密 ,不能断然采取措施。因此在1596例强制戒毒者中由公安部门经侦查抓获送来强制戒毒的占99 %以上。有些家长虽将其子女多次送自愿戒毒部门戒毒 ,但总是戒而复吸 ,家长痛心疾首 ,又无可奈何 ,就是不敢公开求助公安部门给予必要的强制戒毒和求助于社会监督 ,不敢与毒品违法犯罪作坚决斗争。结论··:由于家长存在众多错综复杂的心理 ,导致多数家长在禁毒戒毒中起了不利的作用。  相似文献   

Little is known about medical students’ interest in their training on drug addiction, their personal experience of consumption, and whether these aspects influence the detection of addiction in patients. Eighty-eight and one half percent considered that drug dependence issues are important to their professional future. The students report consuming alcohol (69%), cigarettes (19.5%), and illegal drugs (15.8%). Female students consumed fewer illegal drugs than the men (p =.022). Male students consumed more illegal drugs more frequently (p =.005), knew more consumers (p =.023), and those who drink alcohol consumed more illegal drugs than women who drink alcohol (p <.005). Drug and alcohol consumption among medical students may serve to normalize consumption and thus, may prevent the detection of addicts. It is important to educate and raise awareness about drugs and alcohol use, as this may influence detection. The focus should be particularly on the male group.  相似文献   

A follow up self report questionnaire survey of drug use amongst 752 15-16 year olds was conducted at the end of 1992. 71% of this representative sample from north west England reported having been in 'offer' situations where drugs were available. Nearly half (47%) has tried an illicit drug, most often cannabis, followed by LSD. These rates are substantially higher than those recorded during the 1980s amongst this age group. A further change concerns young women who, in this survey, were equally as likely to have been in offer situations and tried illicit drugs as young men. Social class differences are also reducing with drug triers only slightly more likely to come from working class backgrounds than middle class. These changes suggest that the illegal drugs economy has meshed with the legal economy in the social space young people frequent and that a process of normalisation is underway in respect of adolescent recreational drug use. This social transformation has significance for the criminal justice system, health education programmes and planning for future drugs services.  相似文献   

The use of illegal drugs by members of ethnic minority groups in Scotland has never been the subject of research until now. A separate, prior, small quantitative survey established that young male members of Scottish ethnic minority groups do, indeed, use illegal drugs, although to a lesser degree than did members of a broadly comparable group of white male age peers. This paper reports a qualitative study which traced distinct patterns of ethnic minority drug use, and various perceptual barriers which hinder ethnic minority help-seeking for drug problems. Those studied experienced problems with drug use which related both to their racial background, and to racism in modern Scotland. The implications for service provision are discussed.  相似文献   

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