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In previous studies we have shown that extravasated, modified LDL is associated with pericyte loss, an early feature of diabetic retinopathy (DR). Here we sought to determine detailed mechanisms of this LDL-induced pericyte loss.  相似文献   

CFTR: more than just a chloride channel   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This review examines the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) protein. After summarizing the ion channels regulated by CFTR, the review focuses on the functions of CFTR that do not relate directly to a disease mechanism based on a channelopathy. The key concept is that newly synthesized CFTR has to enter lipid vesicles which bud from the endoplasmic reticulum. This is abnormally low in DeltaF508 CFTR. Normal wild type vesicular CFTR enters a recycling pool of lipid vesicles which transiently dock with the apical membrane only for CFTR to be retrieved shortly after into a sub-apical recycling compartment. This retrieval is abnormally fast in DeltaF508 CFTR. The review discusses the relationship between this process and the difficult topic of fat metabolism and then explores the possible links between abnormal fatty acid turnover and inflammatory cascades that are abnormal in cystic fibrosis. Finally the review concentrates on the emerging functions of a protein kinase (AMP-activated kinase) which is bound near the C terminus of the CFTR protein whose functions could intergrate some of the abnormalities in lipid metabolism that result from mislocalization of CFTR in clinical disease.  相似文献   

Control of ocular blood flow occurs predominantly at the level of the retinal and choroidal arterioles. The present article provides an overview of the Ca2 + handling mechanisms and plasmalemmal ion channels involved in the regulation of retinal and choroidal arteriolar smooth muscle tone. Increases in global intracellular free Ca2 + ([Ca2 +]i) involve multiple mechanisms, including agonist-dependent release of Ca2 + from intracellular stores through activation of the inositol trisphosphate (IP3) pathway. Ca2 + enters by voltage-dependent L-type Ca2 + channels and novel dihydropyridine-sensitive store-operated nonselective cation channels. Ca2 + extrusion is mediated by plasmalemmal Ca2 +-ATPases and through Na+/Ca2+ exchange. Local Ca2 + transients (Ca2 + sparks) play an important excitatory role, acting as the building blocks for more global Ca2 + signals that can initiate vasoconstriction. K+ and Cl- channels may also affect cell function by modulating membrane potential. The precise contribution of each of these mechanisms to the regulation of retinal and choroidal perfusion in vivo warrants future investigation.  相似文献   

We cultured smooth muscle cells from rat renal preglomerular arterioles by injecting a suspension of iron oxide into the left ventricle, separating the arterioles magnetically, and growing cells from explants. In passaged cultures we ascertained vascular smooth muscle purity of > 98% by morphology; contraction to norepinephrine and angiotensin; positive immunofluorescence staining through the sixth passage with monoclonal antibodies to smooth muscle-specific alpha- and gamma-isoactins, myosin, and desmin; and the absence of von Willebrand factor. Angiotensin II (10(-12)-10(-5) M) induced dose-dependent DNA synthesis and proliferation of subcultured (three times) arteriolar smooth muscle cells from a growth-arrested state (p < 0.01). Angiotensin II (10(-5) M) also induced the cells to express c-fos mRNA. We find no previous report of culture of smooth muscle cells from renal preglomerular arterioles. Our findings also provide evidence that angiotensin II is mitogenic to arteriolar muscle cells and thus may be involved in their hyperplasia accompanying hypertension.  相似文献   

The mammalian airway is lined by a variety of specialized epithelial cells that not only serve as a physical barrier but also respond to environment-induced damage through the release of biologically active factors and constant cellular renewal. The lung epithelium responds to environmental insults such as pathogens, cigarette smoke and pollution by secreting inflammatory mediators and antimicrobial peptides, and by recruiting immune cells to the site of infection or damage. When the epithelium is severely damaged, basal cells and Clara cells that have stem-cell-like properties are capable of self-renewal and proliferation in the affected area, to repair the damage. In order to effectively fight off infections, the epithelium requires the assistance of neutrophils recruited from the peripheral circulation through transendothelial followed by transepithelial migration events. Activated neutrophils migrate across the epithelium through a series of ligand-receptor interactions to the site of injury, where they secrete proteolytic enzymes and oxidative radicals for pathogen destruction. However, chronic activation and recruitment of neutrophils in airway diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma has been associated with tissue damage and disease severity. In this paper, we review the current understanding of the airway epithelial response to injury and its interaction with inflammatory cells, in particular the neutrophil.  相似文献   

Hypertension, a disease with a high incidence in the population, affects all parts of the cardiovascular system. Studying the alteration of vasomotor responses of microvessels of hypertensive animals or responses of vessels following short-term increases in hemodynamic forces helps us to better understand the underlying cellular signaling events responsible for their functional adaptation. These adaptations are likely to precede the structural remodeling of arterioles, resulting in irreversible increases in peripheral vascular resistance in hypertension. Although malfunction of several mechanisms can lead to the development of hypertension, hemodynamic forces (such as pressure and shear stress) are increased in all forms of hypertension. Thus, local mechanisms that sense the level of these forces and transduce the signals into vasomotor responses must be affected in all forms of hypertension. The endothelium has a central role in the early functional adaptations. Pressure-induced myogenic constriction is enhanced due to the augmented release of endothelium-derived constrictor factors that modulate arteriolar smooth muscle sensitivity to Ca(2+). In contrast, flow/shear stress-induced dilation of arterioles is reduced in hypertension, due to the impaired mediation of the response by nitric oxide (NO). The magnitude of impairment is gender specific, primarily due to an estrogen-dependent enhancement of NO release in females. It is proposed that the elevated hemodynamic forces present in hypertension may themselves initiate these alterations, probably by enhancing the release of reactive oxygen species (ROS; produced by xanthine oxidase, NAD(P)H oxidoreductase, eNOS, etc.), which then interfere with the synthesis and/or action of endothelium-derived mediators. Interfering early on with these mechanisms may prevent the development of irreversible structural changes of the microcirculation observed in hypertension.  相似文献   

In vitro experiments have shown that luminally applied water-soluble vasoactive materials have limited access to arteriolar smooth muscle cells, and as a result, the responses to such agents applied luminally are less than the responses to those applied adventitially. To determine the extent to which this 'compartmentation' influences arteriolar responsiveness to blood-borne water-soluble vasoconstrictors in vivo, we applied phenylephrine, vasopressin and angiotension II to arterioles in the hamster cheek pouch both by luminal perfusion, and by topical application to the arteriolar smooth muscle via micropipettes. The arterioles were about 2 orders of magnitude more sensitive to these water-soluble vasoconstrictors when they were applied topically than when they were applied luminally. In contrast, the arterioles were almost equally sensitive to the lipid-soluble alpha 1-adrenoceptor agonist SKF 89748-A applied by either route. The venular wall appears to be much less effective as a barrier than the arteriolar endothelium. Phenylephrine and vasopressin both elicited large arteriolar constrictions when perfused through venules in close proximity to the arteriole, and these constrictions were larger than those observed when the drug was applied to the arteriole's own lumen. Our observations confirm that the arteriolar endothelium can inhibit the direct access of water-soluble blood-borne agents to the arteriolar smooth muscle in vivo, and they suggest that the capillaries and venules could be the primary routes of access for water-soluble agents from the blood to the arteriolar smooth muscle.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to define structural characteristics for vascular smooth muscle (VSM) cells from the submucosal arteriolar system of the rat small intestine during maturation. Arterioles from 6- to 8-week-old and 10- to 12-week-old male WKY animals were selected from tissue prepared for scanning electron microscopy and mounted on end so that the entire circumference of each vessel could be observed by serial photography using scanning electron microscopy. From each vessel segment, the following measurements were made: outer vessel diameter, number of VSM cells occupying a length of vessel, the number of resolutions each VSM cell makes around the vessel, length of individual VSM cells, and width of lateral processes along their length. At a given age, the length and width of the VSM cell was statistically similar for all types of arterioles. However, the VSM cell increased substantially in length and width from the 6-8- to 10-12-week time periods. The outer diameter for a particular arteriolar type also increased with age. These data suggest that the intestinal vasculature as a common population of smooth muscle cells at a given age in terms of their length, size, and process morphology for the various types of arterioles. Furthermore, maturation of the microvessels is associated with a uniform hypertrophy of the VSM cells from the majority of arterioles such that cells of young adult rats and those of juvenile animals represent distinctly different populations.  相似文献   

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