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目的:评价在护理本科生毕业实习中增加口腔科护理实习内容的效果。方法:对2003级和2004级学生分别采取随机抽样和整群抽样的方法,共选取176名在天津医科大学口腔医院实习的本科生,通过调查问卷与访谈相结合的方法,评价实习效果。结果:对两个年级学生的问卷调查结果进行χ2检验,没有统计学差异,说明两届学生实习效果无统计学差异。实习医院教学意识强、条件好、内容安排合理、教学大纲完成良好、实习效果理想。结论:增加护理本科生口腔科护理实习内容,学生扩展了知识面,提高了综合能力,拓宽了就业领域,同时满足了社会对口腔科专业护士的需求。  相似文献   

贺正全 《护理学报》2015,22(23):20-23
目的 探讨旨在促进英语听说读技能训练的课外声像作业的效果.方法 采取整群抽样法,选取本校大一2个护理班级为研究对象,一个班级为声像作业组,在英语教学课外作业环节采取声像作业的形式;另一班级为书面作业组,在作业环节采取传统书面作业形式;其余教学环节2个班级都用相同的教学方法. 比较2个班级学生口试前测和后测成绩得分. 用问卷调查法了解声像作业组学生对传统作业的认知和对声像作业的意愿.结果 声像作业组有82%的学生愿意做声像作业;实施声像作业后,英语口试成绩声像作业组高于书面作业组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 英语声像作业深受护生欢迎,对英语听说读技能训练的效果有显著的积极影响.  相似文献   

目的:探讨形成性评价在神经病学临床实习教学中的作用,为提高神经病学临床实习效果提供理论依据。方法:将武汉市某医院2014级神经病学临床医学专业90名本科实习生分为对照组(终结性评价)和实验组(形成性评价)进行研究。结果:实验组学生总成绩明显高于对照组学生,两组差异有统计学意义。实验组学生对形成性评价的教学效果高度认同。结论:在神经病学临床实习中引入形成性评价教学方式,能够显著提高学生的实习效果和教学质量,值得应用和推广。  相似文献   

目的:了解民办院校实习护生对《护士条例》的认知情况。方法:自行设计书面问卷对实习护生进行调查测试。结果:护生对《护士条例》的了解程度与学历、学制无关,但与其知识来源有关。结论:《护士条例》内容应纳入护校学生的常规教育。  相似文献   

目的:探讨临床路径教学法在耳鼻咽喉科本科生实习带教中的的实施效果。方法:将我科实习的50名本科生实习生随机平分为2组,实验组25名学生采用临床路径为基础的教学方法,对照组25名学生采用传统教学方法。1个月临床实习结束后进行考试及带教满意度调查。结果:实验组理论和实践技能考试成绩较对照组高,有统计学意义;实验组学生对带教的满意度也优于对照组,有统计学意义。结论:临床路径教学法可以提高在耳鼻咽喉科实习的本科生理论和实践技能考试成绩,提高实习带教效果。  相似文献   

为了适应医学模式的改变,加强学生整体护理能力的培养,减轻学生对护理计划书写的压力,切实提高实习效果。我们对学生在责任制护理实习期间,加强了以下几方面的指导:1充分发挥临床优势,加强直观教学。2.切实引导学生进行护理措施的落实。3.利用教育查房形式,较好地解决了理论与实践脱节这一矛盾。4.实习结束对学生进行整体护理考核,以评估实习效果,通过以上措施的落实,学生整体护理能力普遍提高,并增强了学生的参与意识,在实习中变被动为主动,实习效果明显提高。  相似文献   

目的:通过对不同临床教学医院实习生的临床实习情况进行调查与分析,发现影响学生实习效果的因素,为进一步优化中医临床教学方案,提高实习生实习质量提供依据。方法:向随机抽取的安徽中医药大学针灸骨伤临床学院2008级实习学生150人发放调查表进行问卷调查,并筛选有效调查表后按实习医院将各项指标进行统计分析。结果:调查结果显示实习生对教学医院带教质量、医德医风、带教态度、带教情况、实习计划、实习管理总体是满意的,非直属教学医院在教学查房次数、实习期医疗文书的书写、入科教育方面开展的不够充分,直属教学医院的实习生临床技能考核成绩相对理想。结论:实习生对教学医院总体满意、教学医院能够基本完成临床教学任务,临床能力培训、实习管理还有待加强,客观结构化考核可用于评价临床实习效果。  相似文献   

目的:了解双带教模式下助产本科生实习体验,探讨早期实习及学院专任教师参与实习带教的必要性.方法:安排2017级二年级第4学期助产本科生进行6周内外科实习,在4个科室中试行学院专任教师与临床教师共同完成实习带教的双带教模式,其余科室仍采用传统的临床教师带教模式.实习结束后1周内选取不同带教模式下的助产本科生进行半结构式访谈.结果:助产本科生认为学院教师与临床教师各有所长、互相补充,学院教师参与带教提高了科室重视程度,增加学生解惑与反馈意见的途径;二年级实习能够早期体验临床工作,提高学习意识,促进理论联系实践,但学生实习准备不充分制约实习效果;实习提高了助产本科生对护理职业认可度.结论:二年级早期内外科实习及双带教模式对助产本科生实习质量具有促进作用.  相似文献   

论述了影响护理本科生临床实习效果的几个环节.对带教教师素质的提高提出如下建议:加强学科专业知识学习,加强教育理论学习,提高科研能力,培养高尚的职业道德品质;同时总结了影响实习学生临床角色转变的内外因素,并提出对策:加强学生实习前培训,调动学生实习积极性,建立和谐的师生关系,增强全员带教意识,并且论述了建立健全的管理体制的方法:实行带教教师聘任制度,做好带教质量反馈工作.  相似文献   

为探讨提高护理硕士生实习效果的途径,针对目前护理硕士生临床实习中存在的一系列问题,通过查阅文献、咨询专家,认为目前护理硕士生实习中存在的问题主要有学生心态欠佳、实习方式不合理、实习与研究方向脱节、师资匮乏且力量薄弱、缺乏对学生运用专业外语进行沟通的训练。为提高实习效果,学生应端正实习态度、学校应转变实习方式、将实习与研究方向结合、加快师资建设、训练学生运用专业外语进行沟通,为培养出具有综合素质的护理人才奠定基础。  相似文献   

Baccalaureate-prepared nurses must be prepared to fulfill expanding role and skill expectations in community settings to improve population health. The use of non-traditional community clinical sites provides opportunities for students to learn and use a broad skill set such as leadership, communication, research, teaching, project management, and critical thinking. Students explore utilization of epidemiological systems and nursing theories to assist groups and communities to meet their nursing and community health needs. An example of a successful non-traditional partnership was established between our school and the regional food bank. This symbiotic relationship provides two-way benefits: students are afforded some flexibility and creativity in completion of required course assignments, and the food bank gains additional workers to help accomplish their strategic goals. It is a community health clinical resource that is accessible to schools of nursing in every community.  相似文献   

Reflective practice is an ongoing process of purposeful thinking about one's clinical practice to develop understanding, insight, and clinical judgment. It can be enhanced through careful use of writing assignments that require reflection, evaluation, and thoughtful analysis. The uses of writing assignments in the undergraduate nursing programs at a midwestern college of nursing were studied over a 2-year period, using survey methodology. A purposive sample of all faculty who taught in baccalaureate or associate of science (ASN) programs (n=21) completed a questionnaire and were interviewed about the number and purpose of writing assignments in courses they taught. Quantification of the results in tabular form allowed the faculty to look at all writing assignments required of students across both programs with regard to the number, length, and nature of those assignments. Results were then recategorized by type of assignments, changes needed, and faculty assessment of the usefulness of these writing assignments. The summary of written assignments was then cross-referenced according to program, semester, and program level. This produced a working document that illustrated the quantity and type of writing assignments that each student, in each program, at a given level and semester must complete. Information was used by faculty teaching across courses to make changes that more effectively linked course writing assignments by association, themes, concepts, or areas of study. This process enables faculty to collaboratively develop writing assignments that facilitate the adult student's linking and associating concepts across courses, as a true exercise in critical thinking.  相似文献   

大专护生普通外科临床实习阶段性带教的实践与体会   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨大专护生在普通外科临床实习阶段实施临床阶段性带教的方法与效果.方法 选择2009年普通外科实习的78名大专护生,实施阶段性带教.选择2008年的67名实习大专护生,实施常规带教方法,比较两组实习效果.结果 阶段性带教实施后大专护生理论与实践考试成绩较实施前显著提高,实施后大专护生对教学满意度高于实施前,差异具...  相似文献   

目的:探讨以灾害周期为基础、以真实场景为教学环境的灾害护理教学设计方法及其教学效果。方法:以156名大专护生为对象,根据灾害周期各期特性,将灾害救护组织管理、现场急救技术、伤检分类、伤员后送、灾害心理危机干预、灾后卫生防疫等内容,利用真实或模拟场景进行实战演练教学。结果:83.3%的护生认为该设计方法突出了灾害周期特征,90.3%的护生认为加深了对知识的理解,91.0%的护生认为实践技能得到提高。结论:以灾害周期为基础,以真实场景为教学环境的灾害护理教学方法,设计新颖,特征突出,有助于提高护生学习兴趣和灾害救护能力。  相似文献   

评估-反馈教学法对提高护理本科生科研能力的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
刘莲芳  辛青 《护理研究》2003,17(21):1284-1286
目的 :评价评估 -反馈教学法对培养护理本科生科研能力的作用。方法 :对我院 1999级、2 0 0 0级护理本科生 ,将评估 -反馈教学法贯穿于护理科研教学及毕业实习科研活动过程中 ,应用整体、系统观念不断将完成实验课题与已学过的理论联系 ,并进行评估、反馈、综合及概括 ,用理论解释现象、修正和优化研究方案。结果 :学生完成教学科研实验课题2 0项 ,优良率达 90 .90 % ,完成实习科研选题与设计优良率达 80 .3 0 % ,毕业论文优良率达 5 9.0 9%。结论 :评估 -反馈教学法对培养学生判断性思维、综合分析和解决问题能力及激发科研兴趣有较好的作用  相似文献   

Graduate-level nursing students need to be able to express concepts both verbally and in writing. For many students this will be an accumulative ongoing process that is guided by the instructors in each successive class. It is important that instructors use a tool that can consistently assess and evaluate student work, while providing feedback. Scoring rubrics do this by directing students toward areas that need improvement, while also giving credit for those items that are done correctly. Scoring rubrics can be used for both written and oral assignments and can be individualized to fit the context of the subject matter. Although rubrics have been largely associated with undergraduate students, they can improve the ability of graduate nursing students in the areas of written and verbal communication.  相似文献   

目的:对护理实践教学方法进行探讨,为本科护生临床护理能力的培养提供参考。方法:选取2006级护理本科生182名,随机分成两组,对实验组见习进行Seminar教学法干预,见习后对两组分别采用护理表现六维量表进行调查,同时对期末考试成绩进行分析比较。结果:实验组学生的单科病例分析成绩、总成绩及护理专业表现方面与对照组学生比较有统计学差异。结论:新的实践教学方法能够提高护生的临床护理、人际沟通、计划与评估等能力。  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to explore the coping strategy and the effects of self‐efficacy of Chinese undergraduate nursing students when they face the stress in clinical practice. Convenience sampling was used to recruit undergraduate nursing students in Mainland China who have practiced 3 months in hospitals in their final college year. Self‐report questionnaires including demographics, Perceived Stress Scale, coping behaviour inventory and Generalized Self‐Efficacy Scale were collected. The results showed that during clinical practice, assignments and workload were the most common stress to students; transference was the most frequently used coping strategy by students. Self‐efficacy not only had a positive main effect in predicting the frequency of use of staying optimistic and problem solving strategies but also moderated the effects of stress from taking care of patients on transference strategy, as well as stress from assignments and workload on problem solving strategy. It is essential to bolster the students' self‐efficacy to reduce stress and adopt positively the coping strategies during clinical practice.  相似文献   

Oermann MH 《Nurse educator》2006,31(5):228-231
The author describes how short written assignments can be used in clinical nursing courses to promote the development of critical thinking skills of students. With these assignments, students need to independently think about the clinical topic and are less likely to summarize what others have written. Many of these short papers can be done as activities in post clinical conferences and are critiqued by peers rather than faculty.  相似文献   

Writing is an essential skill for professional nurses. During their education, nursing students are required to produce a variety of written assignments, but most of these are regimented, such as care plans and term papers. There is little opportunity for students to express their creative side. Because all writing experiences are useful for student growth, this project in writing poetry was developed to provide students with an opportunity to reflect on their clinical experience in home health nursing and to document the contribution of clinical experience to their affective domain.  相似文献   

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