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目的利用功能磁共振成像技术研究汉语听觉词汇语义判断任务时正常人与Wernicke语言区胶质瘤病人脑的活动情况。方法对15名正常青年受试者和2名胶质瘤累及左侧优势半球Wernicke语言区的病人进行听觉方式呈现汉语词汇语义判断任务的fMRI扫描,由3.0 T MR扫描仪获取数据,并采用AFNI软件进行脑功能区活动图像分析。结果正常志愿者听觉语义判断语言任务激活的主要脑区包括双侧小脑半球、辅助运动区、额下回、颞上回、颞中回、岛叶、左侧顶下小叶、左侧缘上回。两位胶质瘤累及左半球Wernicke区患者的语言任务激活主要脑区包括:双侧小脑半球、辅助运动区、额下回、额中回、颞中回、岛叶、顶下小叶、右侧缘上回、右侧颞上回、右侧额上回。结论2例胶质瘤累及左侧Wernicke区的患者右侧半球激活较正常志愿者组明显增多,以右侧为优势,且左侧Wernicke区的激活减少,代之以肿瘤周边少量激活。  相似文献   

岛叶的任务态和静息态功能磁共振成像   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 采用功能磁共振成像(fMRI)研究岛叶在执行词语联想任务时的激活状态,分析岛叶不同部位在语言功能中的作用.方法 对28名(男15名,女13名)健康被试者行fMRI研究,试验内容为组块设计的词语联想任务和静息态扫描.采用SPM 5和REST 1.3软件进行数据处理和统计分析.计算岛叶前部和后部与全脑其他体素之间的功能连接系数,并比较功能连接的差异.结果 双侧岛叶前部为正激活脑区,后部为负激活脑区.与左侧岛叶前部有功能连接的区域包括右侧岛叶前部、右侧岛叶后部、辅助运动区(SMA)、左侧颞上回、左侧额中回、左侧额上回、左侧顶下小叶、中扣带回、右侧纹状体和右侧额下回.与左侧岛叶后部有功能连接的区域包括右侧岛叶后部、左侧岛叶前部、右侧颞上回、中扣带回、右侧中央前回及右侧纹状体.与右侧岛叶前部有功能连接的区域包括SMA、左侧额下回、右侧顶下小叶、左侧顶下小叶、左侧颞上回、右侧中央前回、右侧纹状体、中扣带回、左侧额中回、左侧纹状体、右侧额中回、右侧额下回及左侧颞横回.与右侧岛叶后部有功能连接的区域包括右侧中央前回、左侧颞上回、左侧岛叶前部、左侧岛叶后部、右侧缘上回及左侧扣带回.结论 岛叶前部与后部的功能连接区域有一定差异,分别以不同方式参与语言任务的完成,左侧岛叶前部在语言功能中的作用可能更为重要.  相似文献   

目的利用事件相关功能磁共振成像技术观察出声阅读条件下不规则汉字频率效应的脑激活模式.方法 8名非语言专业大学生在MR扫描过程中执行汉字出声阅读任务.用视觉方式随机呈现40个形声字,其中高频、低频不规则字各20个.结果左侧额中回、左侧额下回、辅助运动区、左侧颞下回后部、双侧纹外皮层、左侧岛叶、扣带回前部表现出频率效应,即阅读低频汉字时的激活强于高频汉字.结论出声阅读汉字特别是低频不规则汉字可激活主要语言加工区,可作为可靠而实用的临床诊断试验.扣带回前部与左侧额中回可能是汉字阅读的特殊脑区.  相似文献   

目的利用血氧水平依赖性功能磁共振成像(BOLD-fMRI)技术研究脑卒中后运动性失语患者语言任务下脑区的激活特征,探讨运动性失语的发生机制。 方法选择符合条件的运动性失语患者9例设为病例组,接受汉语标准失语症检查及图片命名任务状态下BOLD-fMRI检查。采用SPM8软件对fMRI数据进行图像预处理及统计分析,并与年龄相近的健康成人组作对比,分析两组间激活脑区的差异。 结果健康成人组激活脑区一致性较好,均为视觉、语言、认知相关脑区,包括双侧额下回、颞上回、岛叶、基底核;左侧额上回、额中回、中央前回、丘脑、颞中回(P<0.005)。脑卒中后运动性失语患者的激活脑区差异较大,可见如下特点:①所有患者左侧或/和右侧视觉处理有关皮质区(额中回、颞中回、舌回、梭状回等)均有激活;②左侧半球激活体积较对照组健康人明显较少(P<0.01);③左侧额下回(Broca′s区)、左侧额中回、右侧额下回(Broca镜像区)等与语言相关的脑区仅有部分激活,且激活较对照组健康人减弱;④右侧颞上回、双侧顶上小叶、左侧颞下回等脑区较对照组健康人激活增强(P<0.05)。 结论语言表达过程可能与多个相关脑区组成的网络有关,右侧半球参与了正常语言的产生过程。脑卒中后失语是由于病变通过直接破坏语言功能区或远隔效应所致,左侧半球多个脑区及右侧额下回(Broca镜像区)激活减弱,右侧半球部分脑区激活相对增强。右侧额下回在失语后不同的时期中所起的作用可能不同。  相似文献   

汉字词语语音、语义处理相关脑区的功能磁共振研究   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7  
目的探索汉字词语处理的脑偏侧化;研究汉字词语的语音、语义处理相关脑区及小脑在汉字词语处理中的作用.方法对13例健康、右利手、母语为汉语的受试者,采用功能磁共振成像技术,模块设计的刺激模式,运用视觉呈现方法,每名受试者参加两组实验:动词产生组及假词默读组.结果动词产生组及假词默读组均显著激活左侧额下回、左侧额中回、左侧额上回、左侧顶上小叶、双侧枕叶以及双侧小脑半球,在两组中均以左侧大脑半球激活为著;Wernicke区在两组均未见激活;左侧IFG在动词产生组较假词默读组激活范围广泛;双侧扣带回、左侧颞下回、右侧额中回、左侧丘脑及右侧尾状核仅在动词产生组被激活.结论左侧大脑半球是汉字词语处理的优势半球;Broca区在汉字词语处理中既有语音又有语义处理方面的作用;双侧小脑参与汉字词语的语音处理;大脑皮层下的一些核团可能参与汉字词语的语义处理.  相似文献   

目的利用血氧水平依赖性功能磁共振成像(BLOD-fMRI)技术观察针刺健康志愿者合谷及外关时大脑皮质功能激活区的分布情况,并初步探讨针刺的神经作用机制。 方法纳入20例健康志愿者作为研究对象,行针刺左侧合谷和外关组块模式的BOLD-fMRI检查,运用SPM8等软件处理后,观察脑功能激活区分布情况,重点观察运动相关脑功能区激活情况。 结果针刺健康志愿者左侧正激活脑区中左额中回、额下回有明显激活区,左岛叶有大量激活区,此外在左小脑、左中央前回、左中央后回、左顶下小叶、左额内侧回、左楔叶、左前扣带回、左屏状核亦见少量激活区分布。右侧正激活脑区主要分布在右额中回和右额内侧回;此外右顶下小叶、右中央前回有部分激活区,右颞中回、右颞上回、右岛叶、右额下回、右中央后回有少量激活区分布。负激活区主要位于两侧边缘叶海马回、海马旁回及扣带回,左颞极颞上回、颞中回及右额中回亦见少量负激活区分布。 结论针刺健康志愿者合谷和外关除引起对侧初级运动区部分激活外,双侧次级运动区可见明显激活,同侧小脑亦可见部分激活,可能是其作为运动功能障碍疾病治疗取穴的神经病理学基础。BOLD-fMRI成像技术可直观显示生理状态下针刺的神经效应,亦可为研究病理状态下针刺的神经效应提供基础及对照。  相似文献   

癫痫患者语义加工的功能磁共振成像研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的分析颞叶癫痫(TLE)患者语义处理相关功能区的分布。方法左侧TLE患者、右侧TLE患者和健康对照各6例,均为右利手。对所有受试者进行逆序词任务功能性磁共振成像(fMRI)检查,以按键记录受试者反应,使用统计参数图2(SPM2)对fMRI图像进行个体水平的统计分析和组分析。结果右侧TLE患者主要激活左侧的额下回、额中回、颞上回、颞中回以及双侧扣带回、梭状回、基底节区、小脑(右著)等区域,与对照组的差异无显著性意义;左侧TLE患者与对照组相比语言激活区出现不典型化表现,右侧额下回、中央前回和左侧楔叶、楔前叶出现更多激活。结论左侧TLE患者的语义处理相关功能区不典型分布,出现激活区对侧镜像转移。  相似文献   

目的:利用功能性磁共振成像技术研究0℃冰水刺激诱导下人类大脑前庭功能相关区域的信号变化。材料与方法:20名健康志愿者作为受试对象,在15s内将15ml的冷水注入受试者右侧外耳道。所有的数据都使用SPM 99,对与前庭性眩晕相关的皮质激活区和失活区进行了个体分析及组分析处理。结果:多个皮质及皮质下脑区出现激活及失活。其中激活区包括:辅助运动区、中央旁小叶、左侧楔前叶、左侧后脑岛、左侧颞中回/颞上回复合体及左侧舌状回(BA19区)。失活区包括:双侧额上回及额中回、右侧中央前回、左侧楔前叶及右侧颞中回/颞上回复合体。结论:本实验结果证实人类大脑存在着一个广泛的皮质反应网络参与前庭信号处理过程的学说。  相似文献   

目的初步探讨母语为中文者,说中文(L1)及英文(L2)时激活的语言相关功能区并比较其异同。方法对22例正常志愿者———“晚双语(13~15岁开始学英语)中国人,于说中文及英文两种状态下分别进行血氧水平依赖性增强效应磁共振脑功能成像检查,研究哪些语言相关脑功能区被激活,并比较两种状态下的脑激活区。结果说中文及英文时分别激活了不完全相同的脑区。说中文时激活的主要脑区包括:两侧运动区,左右侧额下回,左右侧颞上回,左侧岛叶及左右侧小脑半球。说英文时激活的脑区包括:左侧额下回,左侧颞上回,左侧岛叶及左右侧小脑半球。比较显示中文任务可激活右侧颞上回,而英文任务未激活这些区域。结论中英文“晚双语”者,两种语言激活的脑区不完全相同。说中文时激活的脑区要比说英文时较广泛。这主要在右侧大脑半球的右额下回及右颞上回。  相似文献   

MRI观察阿尔茨海默病患者大脑静息网络改变   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
目的 观察AD患者与正常对照组脑静息网络的差异.方法 分别对根据临床诊断的19例AD患者及20例年龄匹配的对照者进行静息功能磁共振扫描及三维MPRAGE-T1权重像扫描.所得数据用SPM2进行预处理,随后用GIFT 1.3b独立成分分析方法表示两组脑激活区.结果 在AD患者及对照组中均发现了与以往文献相同的6个静息网络,其中在第一个网络即默认网络和第二个网络即背侧注意网络中两组差异存在显著统计学意义.在默认网络中,对照组比AD组激活多的脑区包括双侧小脑半球、颞上回、颞中回、额下回,左侧额上回、额中回,右侧眶回;AD组比对照组多激活的脑区包括双侧额中回、顶下小叶及右侧楔前叶/扣带回后部.在背侧注意网络中,对照组比AD组多激活的脑区包括双侧小脑半球、额中回,左侧枕中回、额上回;AD组无明显强于对照组脑激活区.结论 阿尔茨海默病与对照组脑静息网络存在显著差异,为临床早期诊断老年痴呆提供了可能的影像学途径.  相似文献   

Effects of word form on brain processing of written Chinese   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Fu S  Chen Y  Smith S  Iversen S  Matthews PM 《NeuroImage》2002,17(3):1538-1548
Both logographic characters and alphabetic pinyins can be used to write words in Chinese. Here we use fMRI to address the question of whether the written form affects brain processing of a word. Fifteen healthy, right-handed, native Chinese-reading volunteers participated in our study and were asked to read silently either Chinese characters (8 subjects) or pinyins (7 subjects). The stimulus presentation rate was varied for both tasks to allow us to identify brain regions with word-load-dependent activation. Rate effects (fast minus slow presentations) for Chinese character reading were observed in striate and extrastriate visual cortex, superior parietal lobule, left posterior middle temporal gyrus, bilateral inferior temporal gyri, and bilateral superior frontal gyri. Rate effects for pinyin reading were observed in bilateral fusiform, lingual, and middle occipital gyri, bilateral superior parietal lobule/precuneus, left inferior parietal lobule, bilateral inferior temporal gyrus, left middle temporal gyrus, and left superior temporal gyrus. These results demonstrate that common regions of the brain are involved in reading both Chinese characters and pinyins, activated apparently independently of the surface form of the word. There also appear to be brain regions in which activation is dependent on word form. However, it is unlikely that these are entirely specific for a given word form; their activation more likely reflects relative functional specializations within broader networks for processing written language.  相似文献   

目的利用功能磁共振成像(fMRI)技术探讨汉字及图片语义加工的脑机制。方法对13名正常青年受试者进行视觉方式呈现汉字及图片语义辨别任务的fMRI扫描,采用AFNI软件进行数据分析和脑功能区活动图像。结果fMRI显示两种任务均激活了左侧顶下小叶、额中回、额下回、右侧小脑及双侧梭状回、舌回、枕中回、枕下回、辅助运动区。其中左侧顶下小叶、额中回及双侧枕中回、梭状回在图片语义辨别任务激活明显强于汉字任务,有显著性差异(P<0.05)。结论汉字及图片语义的脑加工均存在偏侧化现象,图片语义的脑处理有更多的脑活动参与完成。  相似文献   

Hashimoto T  Usui N  Taira M  Nose I  Haji T  Kojima S 《NeuroImage》2006,31(4):1762-1770
This event-related fMRI study was conducted to examine the blood-oxygen-level-dependent responses to the processing of auditory onomatopoeic sounds. We used a sound categorization task in which the participants heard four types of stimuli: onomatopoeic sounds, nouns (verbal), animal (nonverbal) sounds, and pure tone/noise (control). By discriminating between the categories of target sounds (birds/nonbirds), the nouns resulted in activations in the left anterior superior temporal gyrus (STG), whereas the animal sounds resulted in activations in the bilateral superior temporal sulcus (STS) and the left inferior frontal gyrus (IFG). In contrast, the onomatopoeias activated extensive brain regions, including the left anterior STG, the region from the bilateral STS to the middle temporal gyrus, and the bilateral IFG. The onomatopoeic sounds showed greater activation in the right middle STS than did the nouns and environmental sounds. These results indicate that onomatopoeic sounds are processed by extensive brain regions involved in the processing of both verbal and nonverbal sounds. Thus, we can posit that onomatopoeic sounds can serve as a bridge between nouns and animal sounds. This is the first evidence to demonstrate the way in which onomatopoeic sounds are processed in the human brain.  相似文献   

目的应用功能磁共振成像(fMRI)对比研究人脑在数字和汉字认知刺激下脑功能活动,探讨其精确脑区定位及其可能机制。方法母语为汉语的12例右利手健康志愿者(男5例,女7例)进行了数字和汉字的看及默读实验,使用MRI仪以BOLD法采集脑部数据,用SPM99等软件后处理,获得脑功能活动图像。结果看数字和汉字均能激活双侧纹外视区、枕上回、顶叶及额下回少部分区域;默读数字和汉字额上回及额中回激活较明显;处理汉字比处理数字在额叶激活的面积更大;还发现在汉字的认知加工过程中有豆状核、丘脑及小脑的参与。结论数字及汉字的认知加工激活脑内不同区域,额叶在汉字的处理过程中起更重要作用。fMRI是研究活体人脑语言功能十分有效的方法。  相似文献   

Wu CY  Ho MH  Chen SH 《NeuroImage》2012,63(1):381-391
A growing body of neuroimaging evidence has shown that Chinese character processing recruits differential activation from alphabetic languages due to its unique linguistic features. As more investigations on Chinese character processing have recently become available, we applied a meta-analytic approach to summarize previous findings and examined the neural networks for orthographic, phonological, and semantic processing of Chinese characters independently. The activation likelihood estimation (ALE) method was used to analyze eight studies in the orthographic task category, eleven in the phonological and fifteen in the semantic task categories. Converging activation among three language-processing components was found in the left middle frontal gyrus, the left superior parietal lobule and the left mid-fusiform gyrus, suggesting a common sub-network underlying the character recognition process regardless of the task nature. With increasing task demands, the left inferior parietal lobule and the right superior temporal gyrus were specialized for phonological processing, while the left middle temporal gyrus was involved in semantic processing. Functional dissociation was identified in the left inferior frontal gyrus, with the posterior dorsal part for phonological processing and the anterior ventral part for semantic processing. Moreover, bilateral involvement of the ventral occipito-temporal regions was found for both phonological and semantic processing. The results provide better understanding of the neural networks underlying Chinese orthographic, phonological, and semantic processing, and consolidate the findings of additional recruitment of the left middle frontal gyrus and the right fusiform gyrus for Chinese character processing as compared with the universal language network that has been based on alphabetic languages.  相似文献   

Orthographic and phonological processing of Chinese characters: an fMRI study   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Kuo WJ  Yeh TC  Lee JR  Chen LF  Lee PL  Chen SS  Ho LT  Hung DL  Tzeng OJ  Hsieh JC 《NeuroImage》2004,21(4):1721-1731
The present study used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to investigate the neural mechanisms underlying the orthographic and phonological processing of Chinese characters. Four tasks were devised, including one homophone judgment and three physical judgments of characters, pseudo-characters, and Korean-like nonsense figures. While the left occipitotemporal region, left dorsal processing stream, and right middle frontal gyrus constitute a network for orthographic processing, the left premotor gyrus, left middle/inferior frontal gyrus, supplementary motor area (SMA), and the left temporoparietal region work in concert for phonological processing. The ventral part of the left inferior frontal cortex responds specifically to the character stimuli, suggesting a general lexical processing role for this region for linguistic material. The stronger activation of the dorsal visual stream by Chinese homophone judgment pinpoints a tight coupling between phonological representation of Chinese characters and corresponding orthographic percepts. The concomitant engagement of sets of regions for different levels of Chinese orthographic and phonological processing is consistent with the notion of distributed parallel processing.  相似文献   

Specht K  Reul J 《NeuroImage》2003,20(4):1944-1954
With this study, we explored the blood oxygen level-dependent responses within the temporal lobe to short auditory stimuli of different classes. To address this issue, we performed an attentive listening event-related fMRI study, where subjects were required to concentrate during the presentation of different types of stimuli. Because the order of stimuli was randomized and not predictable for the subject, the observed differences between the stimuli types were interpreted as an automatic effect and were not affected by attention. We used three types of stimuli: tones, sounds of animals and instruments, and words. We found in all cases bilateral activations of the primary and secondary auditory cortex. The strength and lateralization depended on the type of stimulus. The tone trials led to the weakest and smallest activations. The perception of sounds increased the activated network bilaterally into the superior temporal sulcus mainly on the right and the perception of words led to the highest activation within the left superior temporal sulcus as well as in left inferior frontal gyrus. Within the left temporal sulcus, we were able to distinguish between different subsystems, showing an extending activation from posterior to anterior for speech and speechlike information. Whereas posterior parts were involved in analyzing the complex auditory structure of sounds and speech, the middle and anterior parts responded strongest only in the perception of speech. In summary, a functional segregation of the temporal lobes into several subsystems responsible for auditory processing was visible. A lateralization for verbal stimuli to the left and sounds to the right was already detectable when short stimuli were used.  相似文献   

背景:平衡针治疗疾病疗效显著,但缺乏相关现代科学理论机制。目的:利用静息态脑功能成像技术探讨平衡针疗法的中枢作用机制。方法:纳入10例腰椎间盘突出腰腿痛患者及10例正常受试者,于平衡针针刺前后进行功能磁共振扫描,通过AFNI软件对与双侧杏仁核表现为显著联系的脑区进行功能连接分析,并对平衡针刺后腰椎间盘突出患者及正常受试者的脑功能连接的差异进行探讨。结果与结论:经平衡针治疗后10例腰椎间盘突出患者疼痛均有好转。脑功能连接分析显示腰椎间盘突出患者丘脑、脑干、腹前核、腹外侧核、额内侧回、额上回、额叶眶上回、额下回、颞上回、颞中回、海马回、扣带回、岛叶等脑区功能连接增强。正常受试者双侧颞中回、双侧眶上回、双侧尾状核头、双侧岛叶、左侧腹背侧核、双侧额上回、左侧额中回、前扣带回、右侧顶下小叶与杏仁核连接增强;双侧小脑齿状核、小脑蚓、左侧小脑坡、双侧舌回、左侧枕中回、右侧额上回、右侧中央前回、双侧顶下小叶、右侧顶上小叶、右侧中央后回与杏仁核连接下降。提示通过静息脑功能成像技术对杏仁核的研究有助于更深入理解平衡针灸治疗腰腿痛的中枢机制。  相似文献   

In a series of three positron emission tomography experiments the functional neuroanatomy of four different types of visual stimuli was investigated within the same experimental context. The stimuli were unknown buildings, landscapes, human faces, and animal faces. The purpose of the present study was to compare the stimulus types, both within the same category and across category, by examining if, at encoding (with several seconds exposure to each stimulus) or recognition (over time scales of minutes compared to the seconds of usual perception/one-back studies), common or different neural circuits were activated for all types/categories of stimuli. Within category and although visually very different, the encoding of both buildings and landscapes activated a similar set of brain regions, including bilateral parahippocampal gyrus. This was in contrast to the encoding of both human and animal faces, both of which resulted in activation of the fusiform gyrus bilaterally. Despite the perceptual inputs being identical to those during encoding, the recognition of both buildings and landscapes activated only unilateral right parahippocampal gyrus, while recognition of both human and animal faces activated unilateral right fusiform gyrus. In addition, right superior frontal gyrus and right inferior and medial parietal areas were more active during recognition compared with encoding for all stimulus types. Overall the data identify differential patterns of activation for encoding compared with retrieval of visual stimuli. Furthermore, medial temporal structures specifically are involved in the explicit learning and long-term recognition of topographically relevant stimuli, be they buildings or landscapes, while lateral temporal structures support nontopographical learning and recognition, in this case either human or animal faces.  相似文献   

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