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Different subclasses of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) cortical neurons can be distinguished by their content of neuropeptides such as somatostatin (SST), or calcium-binding proteins such as calretinin (CR). SST, but not CR, neurons have been reported to be altered in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) of subjects with schizophrenia. Understanding the functional significance of the SST neuron disturbances in schizophrenia requires knowledge of the specialized synaptic circuitry of these neurons relative to that of CR neurons. Consequently, we used immuno-electron microscopy to examine the synaptic type and postsynaptic targets of SST-immunoreactive (IR) axon terminals in monkey PFC and compared these findings with similar data for CR-IR axon terminals. SST-IR axon terminals formed exclusively symmetric synapses and contacted only dendritic shafts (86%) and dendritic spines (14%), whereas CR-IR terminals also formed synapses with cell bodies. The postsynaptic targets of SST-IR axon terminals also differed across layers with synapses onto dendritic spines more frequent in the superficial (20%) than in the deep (8%) layers. Dual-label immunoelectron microscopy revealed that CR-IR axon terminals targeted GABA-IR dendritic shafts with a greater frequency (60%) than did SST-IR axon terminals (21.5%). Conversely, SST-IR axon terminals contacted unlabeled dendritic shafts, presumably belonging to pyramidal neurons, more frequently than did CR-IR axon terminals (57% vs. 19%, respectively). This specialized synaptic circuitry of SST neurons in the primate PFC suggests that the alterations of these neurons in schizophrenia is likely to have distinct functional consequences.  相似文献   

In the primate prefrontal cortex (PFC), the functional maturation of the synaptic connections of certain classes of γ‐aminobutyric acid (GABA) neurons is very complex. For example, the levels of both pre‐ and postsynaptic proteins that regulate GABA neurotransmission from the chandelier class of cortical interneurons to the axon initial segment (AIS) of pyramidal neurons undergo marked changes during both the perinatal period and adolescence in the monkey PFC. In order to understand the potential molecular mechanisms associated with these developmental refinements, we quantified the relative densities, laminar distributions, and lengths of pyramidal neuron AIS immunoreactive for ankyrin‐G, βIV spectrin, or gephyrin, three proteins involved in regulating synapse structure and receptor localization, in the PFC of rhesus monkeys ranging in age from birth through adulthood. Ankyrin‐G‐ and βIV spectrin‐labeled AIS declined in density and length during the first 6 postnatal months, but then remained stable through adolescence and into adulthood. In contrast, the density of gephyrin‐labeled AIS was stable until approximately 15 months of age and then markedly declined during adolescence. Thus, molecular determinants of the structural features that define GABA inputs to pyramidal neuron AIS in monkey PFC undergo distinct developmental trajectories with different types of changes occurring during the perinatal period and adolescence. In concert with previous data, these findings reveal a two‐phase developmental process of GABAergic synaptic stability and GABA neurotransmission at chandelier cell inputs to pyramidal neurons that likely contributes to the protracted maturation of behaviors mediated by primate PFC circuitry. J. Comp. Neurol. 514:353–367, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Although the structure and function of primate prefrontal cortex undergo substantial modifications during postnatal development, relatively little is known about the maturation of neurotransmitter systems in these cortical regions. In the primate brain, cholecystokinin is present in the greatest concentrations in prefrontal regions. Thus, in this study, we used immunohistochemical techniques to investigate the postnatal development of the cholecystokinin innervation of monkey prefrontal cortex. In animals aged 4 days through adult, cholecystokinin immunoreactivity was present in nonpyramidal neurons that appeared to represent at least two distinct cell types. The most common type was a vertically oval bitufted neuron, located in layers II-superficial III, which typically had a radially descending axon that gave rise to short collaterals in layer IV. Another frequently observed cell type was a larger multipolar neuron located in the superficial half of layer III. The axon of these neurons branched locally in the vicinity of the cell body. The greatest density of cholecystokinin-containing neurons and processes was present in monkeys less than 1 month of age. The density of immunoreactive structures in every prefrontal region then progressively declined with increasing age, with the most marked changes occurring during the first postnatal year. As a result, the density of labeled neurons in adult monkeys was less than one-third of that in neonatal monkeys. However, labeled structures were significantly more dense in some ventromedial and orbital regions than in dorsal regions of the prefrontal cortex in neonatal, but not in older animals. In all animals, cholecystokinin-containing neurons were present in highest density in layers II-superficial III, and labeled terminal fields were observed in layers II, IV, and VI. In animals less than 1 month of age, fascicles of radial fibers traversed through layers III and V, whereas in animals 1 to 3 months of age, individual radial fibers rather than fiber bundles were present in layers III and V. In addition, immunoreactive pericellular arrays, which appeared to surround unlabeled nonpyramidal cells, were present in layers V and VI and the subcortical white matter in the youngest monkeys. Although many aspects of the cholecystokinin innervation of monkey prefrontal cortex remain constant during postnatal life, the distinct developmental changes in the cholecystokinin innervation of these regions suggest that it may play an important role in the maturation of the cortical circuitry that mediates the acquisition of certain cognitive abilities. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Parvalbumin immunoreactivity in the developing neocortex of the cat progresses following specific laminar, areal, and, in a particular area, roughly anteroposterior gradients. Parvalbumin immunoreactivity first occurs in basket cells and later in chandelier neurons. Pyramid-like immunoreactive neurons are also transitorily observed from the second to the third week in layer V of the auditory association-related areas. Parvalbumin-immunoreactive neurons first appear in the primary somatosensory cortex and primary auditory and visual areas, followed by the primary motor and polysensory association areas and, finally, the auditory association areas and cortical areas related to the limbic system. In addition to cortical neurons, three fiber systems are immunolabeled with antiparvalbumin antibodies: thalamocortical, callosal, and ipsilateral corticocortical. Parvalbumin-immunoreactive thalamocortical fibers appear during the first month of postnatal life. Parvalbumin-immunoreactive callosal and ipsilateral corticocortical fibers are seen from the fourth postnatal week onward. Because all parvalbumin-immunoreactive cortical neurons in adulthood are nonpyramidal inhibitory cells, the present findings suggest that a number of ipsilateral corticocortical and callosal connections may be inhibitory. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Antisera to glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) have been used to characterize the morphology and distribution of presumed GABAergic neurons and axon terminals within the macaque striate cortex. Despite some differences in the relative sensitivity of these antisera for detecting cell bodies and terminals, the overall patterns of labeling appear quite similar. GABAergic axon terminals are particularly prominent in zones known to receive the bulk of the projections from the lateral geniculate nucleus; laminae 4C, 4A, and the cytochrome-rich patches of lamina 3. In lamina 4A, GABAergic terminals are distributed in a honeycomb pattern which appears to match closely the spatial pattern of geniculate terminations in this region. Quantitative analysis of axon terminals that contain flat vesicles and form symmetric synaptic contacts (FS terminals) in lamina 4C beta and in lamina 5 suggest that the prominence of GAD and GABA axon terminal labeling in the geniculate recipient zones is due, at least in part, to the presence of larger GABAergic axon terminals in these regions. GABAergic cell bodies and their initial dendritic segments display morphological features characteristic of nonpyramidal neurons and are found in all layers of striate cortex. The density of GAD and GABA immunoreactive neurons is greatest in laminae 2-3A, 4A, and 4C beta. The distribution of GABAergic neurons within lamina 3 does not appear to be correlated with the patchy distribution of cytochrome oxidase in this region; i.e., there is no significant difference in the density of GAD and GABA immunoreactive neurons in cytochrome-rich and cytochrome-poor regions of lamina 3. Counts of labeled and unlabeled neurons indicate that GABA immunoreactive neurons make up at least 15% of the neurons in striate cortex. Layer 1 is distinct from the other cortical layers by virtue of its high percentage (77-81%) of GABAergic neurons. Among the other layers, the proportion of GABAergic neurons varies from roughly 20% in laminae 2-3A to 12% in laminae 5 and 6. Finally, there are conspicuous laminar differences in the size and dendritic arrangement of GAD and GABA immunoreactive neurons. Lamina 4C alpha and lamina 6 are distinguished from the other layers by the presence of populations of large GABAergic neurons, some of which have horizontally spreading dendritic processes. GABAergic neurons within the superficial layers are significantly smaller and the majority appear to have vertically oriented dendritic processes.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The form, density, and neuronal targets of presumptive axon terminals (puncta) that were immunoreactive for gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) or its synthesizing enzyme, glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD), were studied in cat primary auditory cortex (AI) in the light microscope. High-resolution, plastic-embedded material and frozen sections were used. The chief results were: (1) There was a three-tiered numerical distribution of puncta, with the highest density in layer Ia, an intermediate number in layers Ib–IVb, and the lowest concentration in layers V and VI, respectively. (2) Each layer had a particular arrangement: layer I puncta were fine and granular (less than 1 μm), and layer V and VI puncta were mixed in size and predominantly small. (3) The form and density of puncta in every layer were distinctive. (4) Immunonegative neurons received, in general, many more axosomatic puncta than immunopositive cells, with the exception of the large multipolar (presumptive basket) cells, which invariably had many puncta in layers II–VI. (5) The number of puncta on the perikarya of GABAergic neurons was sometines related to the number of puncta in the layer, and in other instances it was independent of the layer. Thus, while layer V had a proportion of GABAergic neurons similar to layer IV, it had only a fraction of the number of puncta: perhaps the intrinsic projections of supragranular GABAergic cells are directed toward layer IV, as those of infragranular GABAergic neurons may be. Since puncta are believed to be the light microscopic correlate of synaptic terminals, they can suggest how inhibitory circuits are organized. Even within an area, the laminar puncta patterns may reflect different inhibitory arrangements. Thus, in layer I the fine, granular endings could contact preferentially the distal dendrites of pyramidal cells in deeper layers. The remoteness of such terminals from the spike initation zone contrasts with the many puncta on all pyramidal cell perikarya and the large globular endings on basket cell somata. Basket cells might receive feed-forward disinhibition, pyramidal cells feed-forward inhibition, and GABAergic non-basket cells would be the target of only sparse inhibitory axosomatic input. Such arrangements imply that the actions of GABA on AI neurons are neither singular nor simple and that the architectonic locus, laminar position, and morphological identity of a particular neuron must be integrated for a more refined view of it role in cortical circuitry. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The calcium-binding protein parvalbumin (PV), a reliable marker of the hippocampal basket and chandelier cells, is first expressed on embryonic day 83 (E83), corresponding to midgestation of the macaque monkey, in restricted hippocampal groups of immature neurons (Berger and Alvarez [1996] J. Comp. Neurol. 366:674–699). In the present study, PV-like immunoreactivity (LIR) was used to follow the further development of this subclass of interneurons. Asynchronous area-specific developmental sequences were observed, predominating initially in the caudal half of the hippocampal formation and the laterocaudal division of the entorhinal cortex and occurring relatively simultaneously in the interconnected hippocampal and entorhinal subfields. Dendritic elongation of PV-like immunoreactive interneurons and perisomatic distribution of PV-like immunoreactive terminal boutons on their cellular targets were first observed in the subiculum around E127; then from E127 to E142 in CA3/CA2 and layers III–V of the entorhinal cortex and, to a lesser extent in CA1, the dentate hilus and deep granule cell layer; and finally from E156 to postnatal day 12 in the rest of the dentate gyrus, the presubiculum and parasubiculum, and layers III-II-I of the entorhinal cortex. These data provide the first indication that a population of basket cells, a major γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic component of the hippocampal intrinsic inhibitory circuitry, reaches its cellular targets several weeks before birth in primates in contrast to rodents. The role of the prenatal PV expression in the hippocampal formation of nonhuman primates and whether it coincides with the onset of postsynaptic inhibitory potentials or is accompanied or preceded by a period of γ-aminobutyric acid-–mediated excitatory effects as in rat pups, are crucial questions. They underline the need to pursue direct investigations on primates to be able to legitimately extrapolate the data obtained in rodents. J. Comp. Neurol. 403:309–331, 1999. © 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Glutamate decarboxylase (GAD)-immunoreactive varicosities were found around cell bodies of nonimmunoreactive and immunoreactive neurons in the cat's visual cortex; they also occurred along apical dendrites and axon initial segments of pyramidal neurons. By examination in the electron microscope of structures first identified in the light microscope, it was established that the GAD-immunoreactive varicosities were boutons in symmetrical synaptic contact with pyramidal cells in layers II-IV. More than 90% of 142 boutons surrounding the cell bodies of 20 pyramidal neurons were immunoreactive for GAD. Since such a high proportion of the axosomatic boutons are GAD-immunoreactive, it is likely that the terminals of basket cells are included in this population and so the basket cell probably uses gamma-aminobutyrate as a transmitter, as suggested by previous authors. Almost all the 68 boutons in symmetrical contact with the axon initial segments of six pyramidal neurons could be shown to be GAD-immunoreactive, which makes it very likely that the boutons of axoaxonic cells contain GAD-immunoreactivity. This was established unequivocally for an individual Golgi-impregnated axoaxonic cell by combining Golgi impregnation and immunocytochemistry in the same sections: A Golgi-impregnated axoaxonic cell whose cell body was in layer II gave rise to numerous terminal segments, some of which were examined in the electron microscope after gold-toning. These boutons were in synaptic contact with axon initial segments and not only contained the Golgi precipitate but were also immunoreactive for GAD. It is concluded that the axoaxonic cell in the visual cortex uses gamma-aminobutyrate as a transmitter. An individual axoaxonic cell in layer II/III was filled with horseradish peroxidase by intracellular iontophoresis. The very extensive local axonal field was composed of 330 terminal bouton rows in layer II/III and a sparse descending collateral projection to infragranular layers. A computer-assisted reconstruction of the axonal field in three dimensions revealed the following: The main output of the cell is to pyramidal neurons that lie deeper than the soma; the axonal arborization occupies an area of 400 micron in the anteroposterior axis and extends 200 micron along the mediolateral axis; the terminal bouton rows in layer II/III form clusters about 50 micron wide running approximately at right angles to the border between areas 17 and 18, with an intercluster interval of about 100 micron. These findings suggest that the terminals of an individual axoaxonic cell could be contained within one ocular dominance column but that there may be inhomogeneities in the weighting of the axoaxonic input to pyramidal cells in the supragranular layers.  相似文献   

Electron microscopy and immunocytochemistry with a monoclonal antibody against parvalbumin (PV) were combined to analyze the distribution and morphology of PV-immunoreactive (PV-IR) neurons and the synaptology of PV-IR processes in the principal sulcus of the macaque prefrontal cortex. Parvalbumin-IR neurons are present in layers II-VI of the macaque principal sulcus (Walker's area 46) and are concentrated in a band centered around layer IV. PV-IR cells are exclusively non-pyramidal in shape and are morphologically heterogeneous with soma sizes ranging from less than 10 microns to greater than 20 microns. Well-labeled neurons that could be classified on the basis of soma size and dendritic configuration resembled large basket and chandelier cells. A novel finding is that supragranular PV-IR neurons exhibit dendritic patterns with predominantly vertical orientations, whereas infragranular cells exhibit mostly horizontal or oblique dendritic orientations. PV-IR cells within layer IV exhibit a mixture of dendritic arrangements. Vertical rows of PV-IR puncta, 15-30 microns in length, resembling the "cartridges" of chandelier cell axons were most dense in layers II, superficial III, and the granular layer IV but were not observed in the infragranular layers. Cartridges were often present beneath unlabeled, presumed pyramidal cells. PV-IR puncta also formed pericellular nests around pyramidal cell somata and proximal dendrites, suggestive of basket cell innervation. PV-IR axons were occasionally observed in the white matter underlying the principal sulcus. Electron microscopic analysis revealed that PV-IR somata and dendrites are densely innervated by nonimmunoreactive terminals forming asymmetric (Gray type I) synapses as well as by fewer terminals forming symmetric (Gray type II) synapses. The majority of terminals forming symmetric synapses with PV-IR post-synaptic structures were not immunolabeled; however, some of these boutons did contain PV-immunoreactivity. PV-IR boutons exclusively form symmetric synapses and heavily innervate layer II/III pyramidal cells. PV-IR axon cartridges formed numerous axo-axonic synapses with the axon initial segments of pyramidal cells 15-20 microns beneath the axon hillock and also terminated on large axonal spines of the initial segment. Furthermore, we failed to observe a mixture of PV-immunoreactive and non-immunoreactive boutons composing a single axon cartridge. Pyramidal cell somata and proximal dendrites were also heavily innervated by PV-IR boutons forming symmetric synapses, again, consistent with basket cell innervation. In addition, PV-IR axon terminals frequently formed symmetric synapses with dendritic shafts and spines of unidentified neurons.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The protracted postnatal maturation of the primate prefrontal cortex (PFC) is associated with substantial changes in the number of excitatory synapses on pyramidal neurons, whereas the total number of inhibitory synapses appears to remain constant. In this study, we sought to determine whether the developmental changes in excitatory input to pyramidal cells are paralleled by changes in functional markers of inhibitory inputs to pyramidal neurons. The chandelier subclass of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) neurons provides potent inhibitory control over pyramidal neurons by virtue of their axon terminals, which form distinct vertical structures (termed cartridges) that synapse at the axon initial segment (AIS) of pyramidal neurons. Thus, we examined the relative densities, laminar distributions, and lengths of presynaptic chandelier axon cartridges immunoreactive for the GABA membrane transporter 1 (GAT1) or the calcium-binding protein parvalbumin (PV) and of postsynaptic pyramidal neuron AIS immunoreactive for the GABA(A) receptor alpha(2) subunit (GABA(A) alpha(2)) in PFC area 46 of 38 rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta). From birth through 2 years of age, the relative densities and laminar distributions of these three markers exhibited different trajectories, suggesting developmental shifts in the weighting of at least some factors that determine inhibition at the AIS. In contrast, from 2 to 4 years of age, all three markers exhibited similar declines in density and length that paralleled the periadolescent pruning of excitatory synapses to pyramidal neurons. Across development, the predominant laminar location of PV-labeled cartridges and GABA(A) alpha(2)-immunoreactive AIS shifted from the middle to superficial layers, whereas the laminar distribution of GAT1-positive cartridges did not change. Together, these findings suggest that the maturation of inhibitory inputs to the AIS of PFC pyramidal neurons is a complex process that may differentially affect the firing patterns of subpopulations of pyramidal neurons at specific postnatal time points.  相似文献   

1. Two classes of GABAergic inhibitory interneurons, chandelier and basket cells, are known regulators of pyramidal neurons. Parvalbumin (PV) a calcium binding protein, has been shown to be a marker for axon terminals of subpopulations of these interneurons. 2. Immunohistochemical methods were used in this study to examine changes in the distribution of PV-immunoreactive (IR) chandelier and basket axon terminals during postnatal development of monkey neocortex. 3. Our results indicate a differential effect of postnatal development on PV-IR axon terminals of chandelier and basket neurons that is region-specific. 4. The differential regional, laminar and developmental pattern of PV-IR axon terminals of chandelier and basket cells may provide insight into the functional role of these classes of inhibitory neurons in primate neocortex.  相似文献   

The callosal projections of the cerebral cortex play an important role in the functional integration of the two hemispheres, and the anatomy of these connections has been extensively studied in primary sensory and motor regions. In the present investigation, we examined the synaptic targets of callosal terminals in a limbic association area, the prefrontal cortex (PFC) in the rat. In addition, we examined the relationship of callosal afferents to GABA local circuit neurons within the PFC. Callosal terminals were labeled by either anterograde transport of Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin from superficial or deep layers or by anterograde degeneration following electrolytic lesion of the contralateral PFC. Callosal terminals in either the superficial or deep layers labeled by either method formed primarily asymmetric axo-spinous synapses (approximately 95%), while the remainder formed axo-dendritic synapses. Some of the dendrites postsynaptic to callosal terminals exhibited a morphology characteristic of local circuit neurons. This observation was confirmed in tissue immunolabeled for GABA, in which degenerating callosal terminals sometimes formed asymmetric synapses on GABA-labeled dendrites. In addition, GABA-labeled terminals and callosal afferents were sometimes observed to converge onto common postsynaptic dendritic shafts or spines within the PFC. These results indicate that callosal terminals in limbic association cortex, consistent with sensory and motor cortices, primarily target the spines of pyramidal neurons. In addition, the results suggest that callosal afferents to the PFC interact with GABA local circuit neurons at multiple levels. Specifically, a proportion of callosal terminals appear to provide excitatory drive to GABA cells, while GABA terminals may modulate the excitation from callosal inputs to the distal dendrites and spines of PFC pyramidal neurons. Synapse 29:193–205, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

GABA immunoreactive neurons in rat visual cortex   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
An antiserum to gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) was used in a light and electron microscopic immunocytochemical study to determine the morphology and distribution of GABA-containing neurons in the rat visual cortex and to ascertain whether all classes of nonpyramidal neurons in this cortex are GABAergic. The visual cortex used for light microscopy was prepared in such a way that the antibody penetrated completely through tissue sections, and in these sections large numbers of GABA immunoreactive neurons were apparent. The labeled neurons could be identified as being either multipolar, bitufted, bipolar, or horizontal neurons. In layers II through VIa, GABA immunostained cells were distributed uniformly and accounted for approximately 15% of all neurons, but in layer I all neurons appeared to be immunostained. Electron microscopy of GABA immunostained visual cortex prepared to ensure good fine structural preservation confirmed the presence in layers II through VIa of numerous immunoreactive bipolar neurons, both small and large varieties, as well as multipolar and bitufted neurons. Additionally, electron microscopy reveals that astrocytes are frequently GABA immunoreactive. From a correlated light and electron microscopic evaluation of neurons in GABA immunostained visual cortex, it was possible to confirm which kinds of neurons are GABAergic and what proportion of the neuronal population they represent. Thus, from an analysis of some 950 neurons, it was found that pyramidal neurons were never immunoreactive and that except for 20% of the bipolar cell population, all examples of other types of nonpyramidal neurons encountered in this material were GABA immunoreactive.  相似文献   

Immunocytochemical methods were used to perform a correlative light and electron microscopic study of neurons and axon terminals immunoreactive to the antiglutamate (Glu) serum of Hepler et al. ('88) in the visual and somatic sensory areas of cats. At the light microscopic level, numerous Glu-positive neurons were found in all layers except layer I of both cortical areas. On the basis of the dendritic staining of Glu-positive cells, two major morphological categories were found: pyramidal cells, which were the most frequent type of immunostained neuron, and multipolar neurons, which were more numerous in layer IV of area 17 than in any other layer. A large number of Glu-positive neurons, however, did not display dendritic labelling and were considered unidentified neurons. Counts of labelled neurons were performed in the striate cortex; approximately 40% were Glu-positive. Numerous lightly stained punctate structures were observed in all cortical layers: the majority of these Glu-positive puncta were in the neuropil. After resectioning the plastic sections for electron microscopy it was observed that: 1) the majority of neurons unidentifiable at light microscopic level were indeed pyramidal neurons except in layer IV of area 17, where many stained cells were probably spiny stellate neurons. Some Glu-positive neurons, however, exhibited clear ultrastructural features of nonspiny nonpyramidal cells; 2) all synaptic contacts made by Glu-positive axon terminals were of the asymmetric type, but not all asymmetric synaptic contacts were labelled. The vast majority of postsynaptic targets of Glu-positive axons were unlabelled dendritic spines and shafts. The present results provide further evidence that Glu (or a closely related compound) is probably the neurotransmitter of numerous excitatory neurons in the neocortex.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Abnormalities in prefrontal cortical gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) neurotransmission may contribute to cognitive dysfunction in schizophrenia. The density of chandelier neuron axon terminals (cartridges) immunoreactive for the GABA membrane transporter (GAT-1) has been reported to be reduced in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex of schizophrenic subjects. Because cartridges regulate the output of pyramidal cells, this study analyzed the laminar distribution of GAT-1-immunoreactive cartridges to determine whether certain subpopulations of pyramidal cells are preferentially affected. METHOD: Measurements were made of the density of GAT-1 -immunoreactive cartridges in layers 2-3a, 3b-4, and 6 of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex area 46 in 30 subjects with schizophrenia, each of whom was matched to one normal and one psychiatric comparison subject. GAT-1-immunoreactive cartridge density was also examined in monkeys chronically treated with haloperidol. RESULTS: Relative to both comparison groups, the schizophrenic subjects had significantly lower GAT-1-immunoreactive cartridge density in layers 2-3a and 3b-4. The decrease was most common and most marked in layers 3b-4, where 80% of the schizophrenic subjects exhibited an average 50.1% decrease in cartridge density in comparison with the matched normal subjects. In contrast, GAT-1-immunoreactive cartridge density was unchanged in the haloperidol-treated monkeys. CONCLUSIONS: These findings demonstrate that the density of GAT-1-immunoreactive cartridges is reduced in the majority of schizophrenic subjects and that this alteration may most prominently affect the function of pyramidal cells located in the middle cortical layers. This abnormality may reflect a number of underlying deficits, including a primary defect in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex circuitry or a secondary response to altered thalamic input to this region.  相似文献   

Pyramidal cells, the major class of cortical excitatory neurons, can be divided into different subpopulations based upon the target region of their principal axon projection. The activity of pyramidal neurons is regulated in part through inhibitory synaptic inputs to the soma from local circuit neurons. However, little is known about how the density of these axosomatic inputs differs among subpopulations of pyramidal neurons in the prefrontal cortex of primates. In this study, retrograde transport of wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase (WGA-HRP) was used to identify pyramidal neurons in monkey prefrontal cortex (areas 9 and 46), which were labeled via either associational (ipsilateral hemisphere) or callosal (contralateral hemisphere) principal axon projections. Ultrastructural analysis revealed that the relative number of terminals apposed to the somatic membrane did not differ between associational and callosal neurons. However, neurons in the supragranular layers were apposed by a significantly greater number of axon terminals than were neurons in the infragranular layers. These findings suggest that the laminar environment of a neuron may play a more important role than principal axon projection in determining the amount of axosomatic inhibitory input it receives. Synapse 25:326–334, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The neurofilament light (NFL) subunit is considered as an obligate subunit polymer for neuronal intermediate filaments comprising the neurofilament (NF) triplet proteins. We examined cytoskeletal protein levels in the cerebral cortex of NFL knockout (KO) mice at postnatal day 4 (P4), 5 months, and 12 months of age compared with age‐matched wild‐type (WT) mice of a similar genetic background (C57BL/6). The absence of NFL protein resulted in a significant reduction of phosphorylated and dephosphorylated NFs (NF‐P, NF‐DP), the medium NF subunit (NFM), and the intermediate filament α‐internexin (INT) at P4. At 5 months, NF‐DP, NFM, and INT remained significantly lower in knockouts. At 12 months, NF‐P was again significantly decreased, and INT significantly increased, in KOs compared with wild type. In addition, protein levels of class III neuron‐specific β‐tubulin and microtubule‐associated protein 2 were significantly increased in NFL KO mice at P4, 5 months, and 12 months, whereas β‐actin levels were significantly decreased at P4. Immunocytochemical studies demonstrated that NF‐DP accumulated abnormally in the perikarya of cortical neurons by 5 months of age in NFL KO mice. Neurons that lacked NF triplet proteins, such as calretinin‐immunolabeled nonpyramidal cells, showed no alterations in density or cytoarchitectural distribution in NFL KO mice at 5 months relative to WT mice, although calretinin protein levels were decreased significantly after 12 months in NFL KO mice. These findings suggest that a lack of NFL protein alters the expression of cytoskeletal proteins and disrupts other NF subunits, causing intracellular aggregation but not gross structural changes in cortical neurons or cytoarchitecture. The data also indicate that changes in expression of other cytoskeletal proteins may compensate for decreased NFs. J. Comp. Neurol. 521:1817–1827, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Postnatal volumetric development of the prefrontal cortex in the rat   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The medial and orbital parts of the prefrontal cortex (PFC) increase in volume during the first weeks of postnatal life. At the end of this period, however, the volumes of both parts of the PFC reach a significantly higher value than in adulthood. Subsequently the volumes decrease until the adult volume is attained. The three subareas of the medial PFC (i.e., the medial precentral area, the dorsal anterior cingulate, and the prelimbic area) reach a maximum volume around day 24, while the two orbital PFC subareas (i.e., the dorsal and ventral agranular insular areas) attain their maximum value around day 30. The differences found in the growth pattern of the five PFC subareas, which are innervated by specific subnuclei of the mediodorsal nucleus of the thalamus, suggest a role of these subnuclei in the PFC development.  相似文献   

Orbital and dorsolateral prefrontal lesions were performed on a series of rhesus monkeys at 2, 6, or 24 months of age. The consequent degeneration in the efferent pathways from these cortical regions to the caudate nucleus, the dorsomedial nucleus of the thalamus and adjacent structures was studied at 5- and 15-day survival times by a modification of the Nauta-Gygax method for tracing degenerating fibers. Following dorsolateral lesions, considerable numbers of black-impregnated degenerating fibers were found in the parvocellular division of the dorsomedial nucleus and in the fiber bundles of the internal capsule and the subcallosal fasciculus at all ages. In contrast, the degree of Nauta-Gygax degeneration in the anterodorsal sector of the head of the caudate nucleus was age-dependent: degenerating fibers were found in increasing numbers from two months of age, when virtually none could be detected, to 24 months of age, when they appeared in relatively dense concentration. Similar results were obtained following orbital prefrontal lesions at the same three ages: degeneration in the magnocellular division of the dorsomedial nucleus of the thalamus and in the internal capsule were not related to age, but anterograde degeneration in the ventral and lateral capsular region of the caudate increased substantially with advancing age. Negative results with the Nauta-Gygax technique in very young animals may not signify an actual absence of the connection in question, but our findings, together with those of other studies employing silver degeneration methods, at least suggest that in the primate, certain cortical efferents undergo maturational changes during postnatal life, a fact which may be related to the differential behavioral consequences of cortical injuries at different stages of development.  相似文献   

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