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Surgical therapy for portal hypertension (PHT) in patients with cirrhosis has long been controversial,and various operative approaches have been used to prevent or manage such lethal complications as gastroesophageal variceal hemorrhage. However, over a century various portazygos devascularization and shunt approaches have been developed or modified, but the therapeutic effects have not been satisfactory till 1963 when Starzl did the first liver transplantation in the world, which provides a new hope to the surgical treatment of PHT.  相似文献   

Surgical therapy for portal hypertension (PHT) in patients with cirrhosis has long been controversial,and-various operative approaches have been used to prevent or manage such lethal complications as gastroesophageal variceal hemorrhage. However, over a century various portazygos devascularization and shunt approaches have been developed or modified, but the therapeutic effects have not been satisfactory till 1963 when Starzl did the first liver transplantation in the world, which provides a new hope to the surgical treatment of PHT.  相似文献   

Surgical therapy for portal hypertension (PHT) in patients with cirrhosis has long been controversial,and various operative approaches have been used to prevent or manage such lethal complications as gastroesophageal variceal hemorrhage. However, over a century various portazygos devascularization and shunt approaches have been developed or modified, but the therapeutic effects have not been satisfactory till 1963 when Starzl did the first liver transplantation in the world, which provides a new hope to the surgical treatment of PHT.  相似文献   

Surgical therapy for portal hypertension (PHT) in patients with cirrhosis has long been controversial,and various operative approaches have been used to prevent or manage such lethal complications as gastroesophageal variceal hemorrhage. However, over a century various portazygos devascularization and shunt approaches have been developed or modified, but the therapeutic effects have not been satisfactory till 1963 when Starzl did the first liver transplantation in the world, which provides a new hope to the surgical treatment of PHT.  相似文献   

Surgical therapy for portal hypertension (PHT) in patients with cirrhosis has long been controversial,and various operative approaches have been used to prevent or manage such lethal complications as gastroesophageal variceal hemorrhage. However, over a century various portazygos devascularization and shunt approaches have been developed or modified, but the therapeutic effects have not been satisfactory till 1963 when Starzl did the first liver transplantation in the world, which provides a new hope to the surgical treatment of PHT.  相似文献   

Surgical therapy for portal hypertension (PHT) in patients with cirrhosis has long been controversial,and various operative approaches have been used to prevent or manage such lethal complications as gastroesophageal variceal hemorrhage. However, over a century various portazygos devascularization and shunt approaches have been developed or modified, but the therapeutic effects have not been satisfactory till 1963 when Starzl did the first liver transplantation in the world, which provides a new hope to the surgical treatment of PHT.  相似文献   

Surgical therapy for portal hypertension (PHT) in patients with cirrhosis has long been controversial,and various operative approaches have been used to prevent or manage such lethal complications as gastroesophageal variceal hemorrhage. However, over a century various portazygos devascularization and shunt approaches have been developed or modified, but the therapeutic effects have not been satisfactory till 1963 when Starzl did the first liver transplantation in the world, which provides a new hope to the surgical treatment of PHT.  相似文献   

Surgical therapy for portal hypertension (PHT) in patients with cirrhosis has long been controversial,and various operative approaches have been used to prevent or manage such lethal complications as gastroesophageal variceal hemorrhage. However, over a century various portazygos devascularization and shunt approaches have been developed or modified, but the therapeutic effects have not been satisfactory till 1963 when Starzl did the first liver transplantation in the world, which provides a new hope to the surgical treatment of PHT.  相似文献   

Surgical therapy for portal hypertension (PHT) in patients with cirrhosis has long been controversial,and various operative approaches have been used to prevent or manage such lethal complications as gastroesophageal variceal hemorrhage. However, over a century various portazygos devascularization and shunt approaches have been developed or modified, but the therapeutic effects have not been satisfactory till 1963 when Starzl did the first liver transplantation in the world, which provides a new hope to the surgical treatment of PHT.  相似文献   

Surgical therapy for portal hypertension (PHT) in patients with cirrhosis has long been controversial,and various operative approaches have been used to prevent or manage such lethal complications as gastroesophageal variceal hemorrhage. However, over a century various portazygos devascularization and shunt approaches have been developed or modified, but the therapeutic effects have not been satisfactory till 1963 when Starzl did the first liver transplantation in the world, which provides a new hope to the surgical treatment of PHT.  相似文献   

目的:探讨肝硬化门脉高压症患者手术麻醉管理的特点。方法:回顾分析90例肝硬化门脉高压症手术临床麻醉资料,其中上消化道大出血(失血性休克)急诊手术10例。采用气管内全麻45例,气管内全麻+连续硬膜外麻醉43例,连续硬膜外麻醉2例。结果:除1例术终广泛渗血,血压不稳,带气管导管回病房外,其余87例均于手术结束30 min内顺利拔除气管导管;术后一侧声带麻痹1例,保守治疗后声嘶症状消失;术终并发张力性气胸1例,立即行胸腔闭式引流;无椎管内麻醉并发症,全麻者无术中知晓发生。结论:肝硬化门脉高压症患者麻醉前应正确评估,合理选择麻醉方案,重视低蛋白血症和贫血程度,加强呼吸循环功能监测。  相似文献   

原发性肝癌合并严重肝硬化门脉高压的外科处理   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
回顾性分析63例原发性肝癌合并严重肝硬化的外科处理,提出术前评估肝硬化程度及肝功能贮备的必要性,推荐“三联手术”即在处理原发病灶手术基础上对门脉高压和脾亢行脾动脉结扎加胃底贲门周围静脉结扎术;强调围手术期常规应用速尿,抗酸药,胰岛素等,结果:按此原则处理的32例患者三年生存率达57%,故认为“三关手术”代替脾切除是处理原发性肝癌合并严重肝硬化时防治消化道出血和脾亢的首选方法。  相似文献   

目的 探讨影响肝硬化患者门脉高压性胃病(portal hypertension gastropathy, PHG)的临床特点及其进展的相关因素。方法 回顾性分析61例肝硬化患者内镜检查结果。将患者分成PHG组(43例)和非PHG组(18例),比较分析两组年龄、性别、白蛋白、肝功能、总胆红素、肌酐水平、门静脉内径宽度、凝血功能。探讨并发PHG及食管静脉曲张(esophageal varices, EV)等的情况。结果 61例肝硬化患者中,EV 60例(98.3%),PHG 43例(70.5%)。PHG的发病率和严重程度随着EV的严重程度及肝功能分级的增加呈上升趋势(P<0.05),且EV程度是PHG的独立危险因素(OR=2.726,95%CI: 1.140~6.519)。结论 肝硬化患者PHG发病率及严重程度与EV严重程度及肝功能分级升高及呈正相关。  相似文献   

部分脾动脉栓塞术治疗肝硬化门脉高压症46例   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张清明  杨建军  权辉  李宽智  宁博  袁银会  田郁  杜锋 《医学争鸣》2006,27(24):2280-2282
目的:探讨部分脾动脉栓塞术(PSE)治疗肝炎肝硬化门静脉高压症并发脾功能亢进的疗效及临床意义.方法:通过我院46例肝炎肝硬化门静脉高压症并发脾功能亢进患者行PSE,观察术前及术后血象变化、脾脏大小变化、门静脉内径变化及并发症情况.结果:与术前相比,术后白细胞及血小板计数明显上升,3 mo后稳定在一定水平,红细胞计数术前及术后无明显变化,脾脏3 mo后明显缩小,门静脉内径不同程度缩小,术后无严重并发症发生.结论:PSE治疗肝炎肝硬化门静脉高压症合并脾功能亢进安全有效.  相似文献   

缬沙坦治疗肝硬化门静脉高压症患者的临床观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨缬沙坦对肝硬化患者血流动力学及降钙素基因相关肽(CGRP)的影响.方法 肝硬化患者分为对照组和治疗组,各18例,对照组给予常规治疗,治疗组在此基础上加用缬沙坦80 mg/d口服,疗程1个月.治疗前后应用彩色多普勒超声仪检测门、脾静脉的内径与流速并计算血流量,同时采用放免法检测血浆CGRP的水平.结果 治疗组患者门、脾静脉的内径减小,流速增快,门静脉血流量增加,血CGRP水平明显下降,而对照组上述指标的变化均无统计学意义. 结论 缬沙坦能够通过降低血CGRP水平的途径降低门静脉压力.  相似文献   

为了探讨肝硬化门静脉高压症门静脉主干及门静脉右支的血流动力学变化, 采用ACUSON-128型彩超仪对57 例肝硬化门静脉高压症患者及46例正常对照组的门静 脉及门静脉右支内径、平均血流速度、最大血流速度进行检测,并计算血流量。结果显示,与 正常对照组相比,肝硬化门静脉及门静脉右支内径、平均血流速度、最大血流速度,差异有显 著性或非常显著性,血流量的差异无显著性,门静脉右支血流量占门静脉血流量的百分比, 差异无显著性。提示肝硬化门静脉高压症门静脉主干及门静脉右支的血流动力学改变为门 静脉主干及门静脉右支内径增大,平均血流速度及最大血流速度减慢,血流量无改变。  相似文献   

目的 该实验通过观察缬沙坦对肝硬化患者血流动力学及肝肾功能等指标的影响,探讨其降门静脉压的作用及其安全性.方法 选取40例肝硬化患者,将其随机分为对照组和治疗组各20例,对照组给予常规治疗,治疗组在常规治疗基础上加用缬沙坦80 mg/d口服,疗程为1个月.治疗前后应用彩色多普勒超声仪检测门、脾静脉的内径与流速,整个用药过程中观察患者的血压和心率,监测血常规和肝、肾功能.结果 治疗组患者门、脾静脉的内径减小,流速增快,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),而对照组治疗前后上述指标虽有变化,但差异无统计学意义.应用缬沙坦后,患者的血压和心率无明显变化,血常规和肝、肾功能无明显损害(P>0.05).结论 缬沙坦可通过减小门脾静脉内径,提高血流速度,从而起到降低门静脉压力的作用.同时对血压和心率无明显影响,对血常规和肝、肾功能也无明显损害.  相似文献   

甲氰咪胍对肝硬化门脉高压症犬门脉血液动力学的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:探讨甲氰咪胍对肝硬化门脉高压症犬门脉血液动力学的影响。 方法:以胆总管结扎法成功制备胆汁性肝硬化门脉高压症模型犬11只,随机分为两组,即甲氰咪胍组(n=7)和盐水对照组(n=4);另取4只正常犬作正常对照组。经股动脉、股静脉、右颈外静脉分别插管,以多导生理记录仪、电磁流量计等检测门脉及全身血液动力学变化,使用RF-3000型荧光分光光度计测量血浆组织胺浓度。 结果:甲氰咪胍组静脉注射甲氰咪胍(剂量0.012 g•kg-1)5、15、30、60、90和120 min后,自由门脉压平均值分别较注射前下降5.2%、14.1%、13.7%、12.9%、9.3%和6.5%(P<0.05,P<0.01,P<0.01,P<0.01,P<0.01,P<0.05),肝静脉楔入压、肝静脉压梯度、门静脉阻力均同步下降。肝动脉血流量无显著改变,门静脉血流量及全肝血流量轻度增多。肝静脉自由压、下腔静脉压、腹主动脉平均压及心率均无明显变化。自由门静脉压下降最大幅度与股静脉血血浆组织胺浓度呈显著正相关(r=0.787 4,P<0.05)。盐水对照组及正常对照组上述各指标均无显著变化。 结论:甲氰咪胍通过拮抗肝硬化门脉高压症犬血中异常升高的组织胺的作用,舒张肝血管床,降低门脉血流阻力,从而降低门脉压力,同时使门脉及全肝血流量轻度增加,而对全身血流动力学无不良影响。  相似文献   

血管紧张素Ⅱ受体阻滞剂治疗肝硬化门脉高压的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的通过与非选择性β-受体阻滞剂普奈洛尔的比较探讨血管紧张素Ⅱ受体阻滞剂洛沙坦对肝硬化门脉高压病人门静脉压力的影响.方法选择肝硬化伴门脉高压患者32例,随机分为洛沙坦(25 mg/d)治疗组和普奈洛尔(30~80 mg/d)治疗组,在治疗前和治疗2、3周时分别应用彩色多普勒超声仪测量每位患者的门静脉内径(DPV)及门静脉血流速度(VPV),对比这两种药物对门静脉压力影响.结果普奈洛尔组治疗后DPV下降、VPV增快,治疗前后的数值分别为,(14.44±1.41)mm,(7.75±1.20)cm/s及(12.13±1.49)mm,(11.25±1.82)cm/s,P<0.05.洛沙坦组治疗后DPV亦明显下降,VPV增快,治疗前后数值分别为,(14.69±1.31mm,7.50±1.22)cm/s及(12.00±1.37)m,(11.00±1.54)cm/s,P<0.05.但两组药物之间无统计学差异.在笔者的研究过程中,这两组患者均未发生有意义的不良反应.结论血管紧张素Ⅱ受体阻滞剂洛沙坦和非选择性β受体阻滞剂普奈洛尔一样,是一种安全、有效的降低肝硬化门脉高压患者门静脉压力的药物.  相似文献   

目的通过与非选择性β-受体阻滞剂普奈洛尔的比较探讨血管紧张素II受体阻滞剂洛沙坦对肝硬化门脉高压病人门静脉压力的影响。方法选择肝硬化伴门脉高压患者32例,随机分为洛沙坦(25mg/d)治疗组和普奈洛尔(30 ̄80mg/d)治疗组,在治疗前和治疗2、3周时分别应用彩色多普勒超声仪测量每位患者的门静脉内径(DPV)及门静脉血流速度(VPV),对比这两种药物对门静脉压力影响。结果普奈洛尔组治疗后DPV下降、VPV增快,治疗前后的数值分别为,(14.44±1.41)mm,(7.75±1.20)cm/s及(12.13±1.49)mm,(11.25±1.82)cm/s,P<0.05。洛沙坦组治疗后DPV亦明显下降,VPV增快,治疗前后数值分别为,(14.69±1.31mm,7.50±1.22)cm/s及(12.00±1.37)mm,(11.00±1.54)cm/s,P<0.05。但两组药物之间无统计学差异。在笔者的研究过程中,这两组患者均未发生有意义的不良反应。结论血管紧张素II受体阻滞剂洛沙坦和非选择性β受体阻滞剂普奈洛尔一样,是一种安全、有效的降低肝硬化门脉高压患者门静脉压力的药物。  相似文献   

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