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急性乳腺炎易发生于产后哺乳期,尤其是初产妇,往往在坐月子期间发生,产后6个月婴儿长牙期间及产后1年左右断奶时也常发生。发生的主要原因是内有乳汁淤积、外有细菌入侵。产妇孕前准备不充分,缺乏哺乳经验,哺乳姿势不当使得乳汁排出不畅,或有乳头凹陷、乳头太平坦不凸起没有及时纠正,导致排乳不畅而淤积,或哺乳期担心乳汁不够吃而积攒乳汁,或产乳较多婴儿吃不空等导致乳汁淤积;产后体虚抵抗力差,乳房、  相似文献   

目的通过乳头内陷畸形的孕妇产前的乳头护理观察对预防哺乳期乳腺炎的临床效果。方法随机选择我科2012年2月至2014年2月乳头发育异常的孕妇80例,将其分为观察组、对照组,各40例,其中对观察组产妇的乳头进行护理,包括乳头清洁、乳头的牵拉纠正、乳头皲裂的处理、乳头立孔反射训练。对照组产妇乳头不进行任何处理。对两组产妇哺乳期乳腺炎的发病率进行对比分析。结果观察组产妇哺乳期发病率较对照组产妇明显减低(P﹤0.05)。结论对孕妇乳头的护理可以降低产后乳腺炎的发生。  相似文献   

急性乳腺炎是由金黄色葡萄球菌等细菌侵入乳腺和乳管组织而引起的乳房急性化脓性疾病。本病多发于哺乳期妇女,尤以初产妇为甚,多发生在产后1-4周。急性乳腺炎的发病原因是乳汁不能外流,出现淤积,使乳房局部组织活力降低,造成有利于细菌繁殖的条件。因此,从根本上说,乳汁淤积和细菌感染是本病的两大原因,预防乳腺炎的主要措施如下:1防止乳头破裂乳头破裂既容易导致乳汁淤积,又有可能因伤口而发生细菌感染。(1)怀孕6个月以后,每天用毛巾蘸水擦洗乳头,使乳头皮肤增厚,哺乳时不易被咬破;(2)哺乳时把全部乳头及部分乳晕塞入小…  相似文献   

哺乳期乳腺炎是产妇哺乳期乳房常见症状,尤其在初产妇中出现率更高。在哺乳初期,因初产妇的乳头较小并多内陷,新生儿吸吮乳头容易产生疼痛,产妇此时多惧怕疼痛而不愿喂奶[1]。这样一方面使新生儿不能有效地吸吮母乳,另一方面也使乳汁滞积于哺乳期妇女的乳腺小叶中,使乳房出现胀痛等而引发乳腺炎[2]。哺乳期乳腺炎多伴有局部红、热、  相似文献   

乳头皲裂是哺乳妇女的常见并发症之一,临床症状为乳头表面皮肤裂口,甚至溃疡出血。由于乳头富含血管、神经,发生乳头皲裂后,婴儿吸吮可致产妇剧烈疼痛而惧怕哺乳,乳汁不能及时排空,最终导致乳腺炎等并发症,影响母婴健康。目前,乳头皲裂治疗方法尚不统一。  相似文献   

吴建华 《健康向导》2014,20(6):24-24
<正>哺乳期乳腺炎主要是乳汁淤积,细菌侵入繁殖,排乳不畅引起,且起病较急,疼痛严重,影响正常哺乳,给产妇造成很大的生理不适和心理压力,影响母婴健康。哺乳期母亲通常缺乏乳腺炎的相关知识,发病后不知所措四处求医,错失医治时机,延误病情,因此做好对哺乳期乳腺炎预防和治疗非常重要。1.及时正确处理乳胀:产后可用橘核30克,水煎服,一般2~3剂可防止乳汁淤滞。原发性乳  相似文献   

急性乳腺炎是乳腺组织的急性化脓性感染。绝大多数发生于产后哺乳期妇女,尤其是初产妇多见。感染一旦发生,不仅有害于乳母的身体健康,而且间接影响婴儿的生长发育。因此,警惕产后急性乳腺炎是十分重要的。 为什么产妇易患急性乳腺炎呢?这要从哺乳的方法说起。年轻的初产妇,由于缺乏哺乳经验,往往不等婴儿将一侧乳房中乳汁吸尽就换用另一侧。以致发生乳汁淤积。淤积的乳汁是细菌生长繁殖最好  相似文献   

谁都晓得,母乳喂养对宝宝的健康好处多。然而,好多时候,她迫不得已不能那样做。 乳房疼痛,乳头皲裂,甚至是奶疖、乳腺炎。不能哺乳,产妇遭罪,宝宝受苦,全家人更是忙上忙下…… 如果在产前您掌握了这些疾病的防治办法,一切就会不一样了! 信不信由您。  相似文献   

急性乳腺炎在哺乳期妇女是很常见的,特別是初次哺乳的妇女,更容易发生。开始时可能有乳头皲裂而出现乳头刺痛,伴有乳汁郁积结块的现象;继而在乳房局部有胀痛和硬结,这时,皮肤微红或不红。随即可有全身不适,食欲减退,怕冷等现象。此时,若能及时治疗,使阻塞的乳管通畅,将郁积的乳汁排出,症状很快就能好转,乳块消散而获痊愈。否则,可发展为急性乳腺炎,患者可出现高热,局部皮肤红肿,乳房内肿块疼痛明显。  相似文献   

急性乳房炎,祖国医学称为“乳痈”。是授乳期妇女最常见的疾病,尤其初产妇更容易得这种病。 急性乳房炎的发病与乳汁淤积有直接关系。哺乳期间如果乳管阻塞,或由于乳汁丰富每次哺乳后有乳汁残留,都可导致乳汁淤积。而淤积的乳汁是细菌生长繁殖的良好条件。产褥期的妇女,抵抗力低下,如果乳头的皮肤发生破损或有皲裂,细菌就可趁机侵入乳房并大量生长繁殖,引起乳房急性发炎。 急性乳房炎主要表现为乳房红肿、疼痛,并怕挤压。如形成脓肿,局部可有波动感,同侧腋窝淋巴结肿大并有触痛。全身倦怠、乏力,寒战,  相似文献   

Current American Cancer Society guidelines recommend monthly performance of breast self-examination (BSE) for women over 20 years of age. While the experience of a benign breast biopsy can result in elevated levels of distress, the impact of benign biopsy upon breast cancer (BC) screening behavior is not well known. The present study examined frequency of BSE practice in 102 women after benign breast biopsy (biopsy group). Telephone interviews were completed a mean of 21 days (initial interview) and 8 months after biopsy (follow-up interview). A healthy comparison (HC) group of women (n = 76) without a history of breast biopsy completed an initial interview only. Information regarding distress, dispositional characteristics, BC screening-related attitudes and behaviors, and subjective and objective risk for BC was collected. Results indicated that the biopsy and HC groups did not differ in typical (i.e., prebiopsy) practice of BSE. However, practice of BSE changed after biopsy with a general trend toward a decrease in BSE frequency. Only 8% of women in the biopsy group reported appropriate (once per month) practice of BSE at the 8-month Follow-up while 28% reported appropriate practice at the initial interview. Decreases in BSE performance after biopsy were characteristic of younger women, women who lacked confidence in the ability to perform BSE correctly, and women whose biopsy was preceded by discovery of a breast lump or abnormality during BSE. Results suggest the potential value of a psychoeducational intervention after biopsy to enhance appropriate performance of BSE.  相似文献   

孙萍  张晓辉  曹燕 《中国妇幼保健》2012,27(34):5623-5625
目的:探讨乳腺不可触及肿物超声引导下定位的临床价值。方法:对2008年该院收治住院100例乳腺不可触及肿物的患者进行超声引导下导丝定位,并切除。结合手术后病理组织学诊断进行分析。结果:二维图像上乳腺癌在形态、边界、周围组织结构、内部回声、声影、微钙化等均有其特征性改变;彩色多普勒上乳腺癌的血流信号以2~3级为主。超声引导下定位切除的131个变中,良性病变122个,其中硬化性腺病14个,硬化性腺病伴纤维瘤形成69个,导管内乳头状瘤8个,纤维瘤24个,腺肌上皮瘤2个,腺病单纯囊肿局部性炎性3个,积乳囊肿2个;恶性病变9个,其中囊肿伴淋巴浸润癌1个,导管原位癌2个,浸润性导管癌4个,浸润性小叶癌2个。结论:乳腺不可触及肿物的超声引导下导丝定位是一种安全的方法,有助于提高乳腺良、恶性肿瘤的诊断与鉴别诊断,为临床诊断提供有价值依据。  相似文献   

The efficacy of screening by clinical breast examination (CBE) and/or breast self-examination (BSE) is reviewed using indirect evidence from randomized breast screening trials and that from observational studies. In countries where breast cancer is diagnosed at an advanced stage, screening by CBE with the teaching of BSE as an integral component will probably be effective in reducing breast cancer mortality. However, in technically advanced countries where adequate treatment is given, no screening modality is likely to be sufficiently beneficial to outweigh the harms of screening, especially false positives and over-diagnosis.  相似文献   

目的:探讨早期乳腺癌保乳治疗的相关问题。方法:通过对51例乳腺癌保乳治疗病例的回顾性分析,总结其综合治疗的经验体会。同时对乳腺癌保乳治疗中病人的生活质量、经济承受能力、综合治疗的顺序等问题予以综合性分析。结果:除1例患者外,所有乳腺癌保乳手术病例均实施规范化治疗,中位随访时间12.7个月,局部复发率0.02%。结论:乳腺癌保乳治疗相关问题的处理方法是可行的。  相似文献   

I reexamined the relations of family history of breast cancer in first-degree relatives, mammographic features of breast tissue, and breast cancer risk, using data from three case-control studies. Subjects included 1,047 cases with newly diagnosed breast cancer and 2,329 controls. Family history of breast cancer showed only a weak relation to mammographic features. In addition, while family history and mammographic features were each related to breast cancer risk, associations of these two factors with risk appeared additive. In contrast to previous reports, these data suggest that, to a large extent, family history and mammographic features have independent effects on breast cancer development.  相似文献   

In a field experiment severity of and susceptibility to breast cancer were varied in four different persuasive messages about breast cancer and breast self-examination (BSE). The purpose of this study was to find out whether such health messages in a real-life setting had an effect on knowledge about symptoms, attitudes and behavior relating to BSE. The second goal of this study was to investigate whether fear, aroused by these persuasive communications, had a significant role in influencing the recommended behavior (BSE). In spite of a successful manipulation of seriousness and susceptibility no differences for the dependent variables could be established between the experimental groups after one month. However, differences were found by comparing the experimental groups with the no health message group. After reading the pamphlet (no matter which of the four) women showed greater intention to perform BSE regularly. This could be attributed to a higher estimation of the chance of recovery through early detection of lumps (efficacy) after reading the pamphlet. The health messages also appeared to have a positive influence on compliance with recommended behavior: women examined their breasts more in the prescribed way. An inhibiting effect of fear on behavior (which is sometimes theoretically suggested) was not found. The effects of the pamphlet that were established are formed in a more informational, cognitive way.  相似文献   

目的 探讨乳腺癌保乳手术距肿瘤边缘最佳的切除范围及肿瘤浸润相关因素。方法 对100例乳腺癌患者行肿瘤切除的标本分别距肿瘤边缘0.5、1.0、1.5、2.0cm处进行病理学检查,并对乳腺癌浸润与肿瘤大小、年龄、腋窝淋巴结及肿瘤分期等临床相关性进行分析。结果 100例标本中,分别于0.5、1.0、1.5、2.0cm处发现癌细胞浸润36、26、15、0例,肿瘤浸润距离与肿瘤大小呈正相关,与年龄呈负相关,与肿瘤分期(I、Ⅱ期)无明显相关性。0.5cm浸润距离的腋窝淋巴结阳性率较高,大于1.0cm的浸润距离与腋窝淋巴结状态无相关性。结论 乳腺癌行保乳手术的切除范围至少应为距离肉眼可见肿瘤边缘2.0cm的癌旁组织织。  相似文献   

目的探讨乳腺癌保乳手术距肿瘤边缘最佳的切除范围及肿瘤浸润相关因素。方法对100例乳腺癌患者行肿瘤切除的标本分别距肿瘤边缘0.5、1.0、1.5、2.0cm处进行病理学检查,并对乳腺癌浸润与肿瘤大小、年龄、腋窝淋巴结及肿瘤分期等临床相关性进行分析。结果100例标本中,分别于0.5、1.0、1.5、2.0cm处发现癌细胞浸润36、26、15、0例,肿瘤浸润距离与肿瘤大小呈正相关,与年龄呈负相关,与肿瘤分期(Ⅰ、Ⅱ期)无明显相关性。0.5cm浸润距离的腋窝淋巴结阳性率较高,大于1.0cm的浸润距离与腋窝淋巴结状态无相关性。结论乳腺癌行保乳手术的切除范围至少应为距离肉眼可见肿瘤边缘2.0cm的癌旁组织。  相似文献   

Breast augmentation surgery involving the use of implants has been one of the most popular plastic surgical procedures for decades. As the multi-million female population who received breast implants ages, the risk of cancer is increasing rapidly, therefore the incidence of malignant disease in association with breast implants will increase as well. Although there is no relationship between tumor development and implants, these cases require special considerations in diagnostics, therapy and follow-up methods. Appropriate multidisciplinary treatment of tumors in augmented breasts corresponding with modern oncoplastic principles can only be accomplished based on adequate oncological, breast and plastic surgical knowledge. Supposing a possible increase of this condition in Hungary, too, authors provide a wide review of the literature on the special oncological and esthetic considerations, for the first time in Hungarian language.  相似文献   

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