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棘球蚴病是牧区常见的地方病。人是中间宿主 ,如果误食犬细粒棘球绦虫卵 ,即在十二指肠孵化成六钩蚴 ,穿过肠黏膜潜入门静脉 ,寄生于肝脏。六钩蚴也可穿过门静脉 ,寄生于肺脏。人的棘球蚴病多发于肝、肺 ,仅有极少量的六钩蚴随动脉血流进入全身其他脏器 。新疆伊犁州新华医院1987~2002年 ,共治疗棘球蚴病524例 ,其中肾棘球蚴病8例 ,报告如下。  相似文献   

患者女性,31岁,云南省曲靖市沾益县德泽乡人。3年前B超检查肝左外叶囊性占位性病变,怀疑肝囊肿。2003年3月B超复查囊肿明显增大。2004年4月彩色B超查见肝左外叶约(8.4×7.6×6.9)cm的囊性无回声区,边界清楚,透声良好,诊断为肝囊肿。当天局部麻醉,行B超引导下肝囊肿穿刺,抽出的无色透明液体(277ml)中见许多淡黄色小颗粒状物。75%乙醇蛋白定性试验,2次均阴性。抽出液分别送本院检验科及昆明医学院寄生虫学教研室检查。送检液体无色透明,其中悬浮许多细粒棘球绦虫(Echinococcus granulosus)的原头蚴及囊壁碎片,确诊为肝细粒棘球蚴病,行肝棘球蚴病手术切除治疗。  相似文献   

肝泡状棘球蚴病   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
肝泡状棘球蚴病 (Alveolarechinococcosis ,A e .)是一种对人体危害极大的人畜共患的寄生虫病 ,由多房棘球绦虫的幼虫寄生于肝脏并不断增殖芽生 ,似癌样浸润扩散 ,造成肝组织不可逆的进行性损害。临床上具有慢性隐袭进行性的特点 ,常伴有肺及脑等重要器官转移。由于A e .具有一定的地区分布性 ,易于引起误诊 ,因此复习有关文献 ,提高A e .的全面认识 ,对临床诊治工作必将有所裨益。1 流行病学[1- 5]泡球蚴病主要流行于北半球高纬度地带。我国主要在西北地区流行。  多房棘球绦虫的主要终宿主是狐及狼等野生…  相似文献   

卵巢包虫病较为少见。我们发现 1例无肝、肺和腹腔包虫囊肿的卵巢细粒棘球蚴病患者 ,报告如下。患者女性 ,4 7岁 ,回族 ,农民。生活于农牧区 ,与牛、羊、犬有密切接触史。下腹部发现包块半年 ,疼痛一月余。作者单位 :新疆尼勒克县人民医院 ,尼勒克 83570 0   2 0 0 1年 11月 7日来院就诊 ,以“腹腔包块 ,性质待查”入院。查体 :心、肺、肝、脾均未见明显异常。B超示下腹部混合性占位。 2 0 0 1年 11月 13日行剖腹探查术。术中见左侧卵巢囊性肿物 ,15 cm× 10 cm× 8cm,内见多个乳白色小囊泡 ,病理诊断 :卵巢细粒棘球蚴病。卵巢细粒棘球蚴…  相似文献   

丙硫咪唑治疗棘球蚴病的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
丙硫咪唑(Albendazole,ABZ),又名阿苯达唑,是苯并咪唑的一种衍生物。分子式为C_(12)H_(15)N_3O_2S。近年来国内外对ABZ抗棘球蚴病的药物动力学、毒性、化疗效果等方面进行了深入研究,结果表明,ABZ在抗棘球蚴病的疗效及毒性方面明显优于目前研制的其他药物,现已作为抗棘球蚴病的首选药物。 一、丙硫咪唑的药代动力学及毒性 对ABZ药物代谢作用的研究表明,起药效作用的并非ABZ本身,而是它的二个由间代谢产物——亚砜(?)和砜  相似文献   

奉化市位于浙东沿海,属农业区。尚未见细粒棘球蚴病报告。2005年9月16日,在1例患者的肝脏囊肿抽取液中,发现细粒棘球绦虫的原头蚴,现报告如下:  相似文献   

卵巢细粒棘球蚴病一例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
患者 ,女 ,3 8岁 ,锡伯族 ,农民。与犬有过密切接触史。发现腹部包块 2年 ,伴月经紊乱、尿频。临床上以“卵巢囊肿”收住院。患者既往身体健康。体检 :一般情况良好 ,心肺未见异常。B超显示子宫多发性平滑肌瘤 ,左卵巢囊肿 ,肝胆未见异常。临床行“全子宫及左卵巢囊肿切除术” ,术中见左卵巢囊肿直径 6cm ,病理诊断为左卵巢细粒棘球蚴病 ,子宫多发性平滑肌瘤。细粒棘球蚴病在新疆多见 ,好发于肝、肺等脏器 ,发生于卵巢者较少见[1] 。本病在临床上主要表现为下腹部肿块 ,扪之呈囊性感 ,由于肿块刺激或压迫膀胱、尿道等附近组织器官 ,可出现…  相似文献   

<正>2003-2008年甘肃省金昌市第一人民医院普外科收治疑似精索细粒棘球蚴病2例,现报告如下。1病例资料病例1,男,42岁,牧民,裕固族,甘肃省肃南县人。因腹  相似文献   

正1病例资料患者男性,62岁。因入本院前半月余发现全身皮肤黏膜黄染就诊于临夏州中心医院行上腹部增强CT示:符合肝左叶巨块型肝癌并门静脉癌栓形成。未行特殊处理,建议转院治疗,于2016年5月4日来本院就诊。患者既往体健,无肝炎病史,少量饮酒。生于甘肃省积石山县,为牧区,家中饲养牛羊及犬类。入院查体:全身皮肤黏膜重度黄染,腹平坦,未见胃型及蠕动波,未见腹壁静脉曲张;腹肌柔软,右上腹压痛,无反跳痛,  相似文献   

Cai R  Liu J  Wang L  Liang X  Xiao B  Su L  Zhou Y  Pan L 《Hemoglobin》2004,28(4):325-333
Guangxi is one of the provinces of Southern China with the highest incidence of alpha-thalassemia (thal). Liuzhou is the second biggest city in Guangxi. To find out the incidence of the various alpha-thal genotypes, and their distribution in the Liuzhou area, an F820 Blood Cell Analysis System was used to measure the parameters of red blood cells. A SPIFE Rapid Auto-Electrophoresis System was used to analyze the normal and abnormal hemoglobins (Hbs). Multiplex polymerase chain reaction (mPCR) was used to detect the alpha-globin genotypes. Thirty-two (2.05%) out of 7805 young couples undergoing pre-marriage counseling, were diagnosed as having an Hb H (beta4) disease. The study of 1228 cord blood samples revealed 138 newborn children carrying an alpha-thal determinant with nine different genotypes, thus making the total incidence of alpha-thal 11.24%. Among 185 cases of Hb H, 119 (64.1%) were confirmed as being deletional, and 66 cases (35.7%) nondeletional types. The severity of the Hb H diseases could be classified in the following order: alphaCSalpha/--SEA (alphaConstant (Spring)alpha/--Southeast Asia); alpha(-4.2)/--SEA; alpha(-3.7)/--SEA. Ten cases of alpha-thal determinants were found in combination with beta-thal. The mPCR technique can detect all kinds of combinations of the three common large deletions (--SEA, alpha(-4.2) and alpha(-3.7)) accurately and conveniently.  相似文献   

Guangxi is one of the provinces of Southern China with the highest incidence of α‐thalassemia (thal). Liuzhou is the second biggest city in Guangxi. To find out the incidence of the various α‐thal genotypes, and their distribution in the Liuzhou area, an F820 Blood Cell Analysis System was used to measure the parameters of red blood cells. A SPIFE Rapid Auto‐Electrophoresis System was used to analyze the normal and abnormal hemoglobins (Hbs). Multiplex polymerase chain reaction (mPCR) was used to detect the α‐globin genotypes. Thirty‐two (2.05%) out of 7805 young couples undergoing pre‐marriage counseling, were diagnosed as having an Hb H (β4) disease. The study of 1228 cord blood samples revealed 138 newborn children carrying an α‐thal determinant with nine different genotypes, thus making the total incidence of α‐thal 11.24%. Among 185 cases of Hb H, 119 (64.1%) were confirmed as being deletional, and 66 cases (35.7%) nondeletional types. The severity of the Hb H diseases could be classified in the following order: αCSα/– –SEAConstant Springα/– –Southeast Asia); α? 4.2/– –SEA; α? 3.7/– –SEA. Ten cases of α‐thal determinants were found in combination with β‐thal. The mPCR technique can detect all kinds of combinations of the three common large deletions (– –SEA, α? 4.2 and α? 3.7) accurately and conveniently.  相似文献   

目的分析柳州市艾滋病(AIDS)病人死亡情况,探索减少死亡的解决办法。方法对近几年AIDS疫情数据库、个案随访表进行整理分析。结果截至2010年12月31日,柳州市累计报告艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染者/AIDS病人10 853例,已有42.38%(4 599人)发病,累计死亡率为21.86%(2 372人),比2000年(0.28%)有所上升。其中66.16%在确认后1年内死亡,存活≥3年的仅占12.29%。病人晚发现比例逐年上升,最高达到37.59%,死亡率高于全国平均水平。结论 AIDS相关检测覆盖面不足,且不及时,导致发现晚,治疗不及时,今后应进一步扩大检测力度,提高治疗覆盖面,降低死亡率。  相似文献   

We report herein the case of a Belgian 76-year-old woman who developed a hepatic tumour suspected to be a breast cancer metastasis. Radiological imaging and guided biopsies were not contributive. The patient underwent an explorative laparoscopy with frozen sections that did not provide further diagnosis, and an open left bisegmentectomy was performed during the same anaesthesia. Histopathological examination of the hepatic mass showed Echinococcus multilocularis metacestodes, demonstrating alveolar echinococcosis. As our patient denied any travel in foreign countries and has undergone regular abdominal ultrasonographies since her mastectomy, it is highly likely that this alveolar echinococcosis had been contracted in Belgium. If some imported cases may be seldom managed in Belgium, to our knowledge, this case is the first occurrence of alveolar echinococcosis contracted in Belgium. This report, added to the demonstration of E. multilocaris infection of 50% of red foxes in Southern Belgium, and the potential infection of domestic cats and dogs, should attract attention of the medical community on the possible outbreak of endemic alveolar echinococcosis in Belgium, and on the related public health concerns.  相似文献   

Echinococcus multilocularis induced liver infection was diagnosed in a Moroccan patient. Diagnosis was based on CT scan results and Western Blot test. Contamination probably occurred in France, in the Cherbourg area where the patient travelled frequently and ate wild berries. This case and other recently reported cases outside the usual endemic areas (Besan?on and the Massif Central) suggest that the Echinococcus multilocularis epidemic has moved towards the west of France. French gastroenterologists should be aware of this parasitic disease.  相似文献   

患者 ,女 ,5 2岁 ,汉族 ,10年来感左上腹部至左肋区酸胀 ,劳累后加重 ,间歇发作。体检 :一般情况好 ,左上腹压之酸胀 ,并叩击痛 ,左上腹稍隆起 ,心肺未见异常 ,余无特殊 ,患者有牛、羊、犬接触史。用阿洛卡 SSD- 2 5 6型超声诊断仪 ,探头频率为 3.5 MHz,探测左季肋区。见脾脏明显增大 ,下 2 / 3的脾组织被多个大小不等的无回声暗区所替代 ,呈车轮状排列。有的暗区互通 ,大小为 12 .6 cm× 9.6 cm,边缘稍厚 ,壁呈双层改变 ,内壁被一层内膜包绕。内膜上有少量絮状物飘动。肾与肝脏未见异常回声。B超诊断 :脾脏囊性占位性病变。考虑为包虫病…  相似文献   

2008年10月在溧阳市范围内组织各医疗单位及村卫生室开展囊型棘球蚴(CE)疑似病例线索调查,对近5年来有线索的疑似病例,由疾控机构进行回顾性调查。全市共搜索到CE 7例,均为本地人口,其中4例为网络直报病例,3例为本次线索搜索病例。6例家中有养犬、羊或从事羊的收购、屠宰史;1例有疫区生活史。溧阳市原为CE非流行区,近年来出现本地感染的病例,作为该市新出现的传染病,研究确定该病传播的原因、传播环节和流行病学特征是今后的工作重点。  相似文献   

Summary We report the case of a 14-year-old girl who suffered from headache, fatigue, caught and a fever with body temperature up to 40 °C for a week. The patient had abdominal enlargement and clinical examination showed the hepatomegaly +5 cm. In ELISA assays employing Em2+ antigen, high titres of specific IgG antibodies to Echinococcus multilocularis somatic antigens were found in the serum. Western blot analysis also indicated on presence of alveolar echinococcosis (AE). CT examination showed expansive foci in the right liver lobe and histological examinations of the biopsy after PAS staining confirmed the presence of alveolar echinococcosis. After 320 days of chemotherapy with albendazole, CT revealed progression of parasitic foci and new abscess lesions inside parasitic cysts were detected, with some parts being necrotic. The surgical removing of foci was performed as following — the laparotomic revision, the removal of the right liver lobe with dilatation, reconstruction of v. cavae cum prothesis PTFE in length 12 cm. Three months after the operation, the rest of the patient’s left liver lobe had grownup and compensated at least a part of the removed liver.  相似文献   

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