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护理人力资源的配置,是指对护理人员进行恰当有效的选择,以充实组织机构中所规定的各项职务,完成各项护理任务[1]。护理人力资源是卫生资源的重要构成部分,其配置是否合理决定了医疗质量和护理质量的高低,而世界性的护理人力资源紧缺是严重影响护理事业发展的重要因素[2]。护理人力资源配置是否合理,不仅会直接影响卫生服务的数量和质量,也将影响卫生系统的发展以及卫生需求程度的满足[3]。就此从护理人力资源合理配置的现状、合理配置护理人力资源的对策两方面进行综述。  相似文献   

临床护理人力资源的现状与管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
护理人力资源是确保护理质量的基础,护理人力资源的数量是保证护理工作质量的基本条件。医院护理人力资源的需求迅速扩大,而现有的人力资源已远远不能满足医疗及患者的需求,世界卫生组织调查发现,提高、改善医疗服务质量和最大限度地满足人们是需要,有必要采取进一步的加强护理。因此,护理人力资源的合理配置和开发利用是保证护理事业可持续发展的重要因素。  相似文献   

护理人力资源是确保护理质量的基础,护理人力资源的数量是保证护理工作质量的基本条件.医院护理人力资源的需求迅速扩大,而现有的人力资源已远远不能满足医疗及患者的需求,世界卫生组织调查发现,提高、改善医疗服务质量和最大限度地满足人们是需要,有必要采取进一步的加强护理.因此,护理人力资源的合理配置和开发利用是保证护理事业可持续发展的重要因素.  相似文献   

妇产科重症监护室(ICU)作为一个特殊的医疗环境,对护理质量有更高的要求和标准。护理人力资源的合理调配是保证护理质量的措施之一。采用APN连续排班既减少了护理人员的交接班次数,提高了工作效率和岗位责任感;又能有效利用现有的护理人力资源,保证护理质量和护理安全,使妇产科ICU护理整体质量得到改善,有助于提高病人、医疗及护士的满意度。  相似文献   

随着科学技术的迅速发展和医学模式的转变,护理专业的内涵和外延都发生了较大变化,患者对护理工作的内容和质量要求越来越高,新形势对护理人力资源提出了新的要求。据调查数据表明,2003年10月调查的综合医院护理人力配置床位与护士之比按1:0.4要求的只占32.63%。护理人力配置不足,导致护理工作不到位,影响医疗安全、护理质量和患者的利益。如何将现有的护理人力资源合理应用,是摆在护理管理者面前一个亟待解决的问题。只有合理的人力资源配置,才会有理想的医疗护理质量。  相似文献   

苏惠 《全科护理》2013,11(6):545-546
护理人力资源是卫生人力资源的重要组成部分,护理人员的合理配备是现代护理模式的基础,直接关系到医院医疗、护理质量。在现有的护理人力资源基础上,合理优化人力资源,挖掘护士的潜力,调动护理人员工作积极性,提高护理质量和工作效率,对实现护理人力资源管理规范化有着重要意义。  相似文献   

目的 开展新型护理模式,以提高护理质量,改善服务态度.方法 对病房环境、护理人力资源、护理理念等进行改善.结果 各项护理质量有所提高,保证了医疗安全,得到了患者和院方的一致好评.结论 注重以人为本的心理护理模式,保证了医疗的安全,减少了医疗纠纷,提高了医疗服务质量.  相似文献   

基础护理是护理工作永恒的基本内容   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
基础护理始终是护理工作不变的基本内容,护理专业的职能理念随着时代进步和专科医疗发展而变化,全面加强临床护理工作,强化基础护理是医疗护理工作发展的要求,作为护理管理人员,做好基础护理必须科学地利用好人力资源,要有医疗护理安全意识,做好基础护理工作的质量控制,提高护理质量。  相似文献   

综述了护理管理工作中存在的安全隐患及其防护对策,护理安全隐患主要包括风险防范意识不足和人力资源不合理,防范对策主要包括加强护理质量管理、严格落实医疗核心制度、增强服务意识,提高技术水平、护理敏感质量指标监测和解决护理人员编制难题,合理配置人力资源。  相似文献   

卫生人力资源是卫生事业中最具活力、最积极的因素。护理人力资源是保证人类健康和生命质量的资源,是卫生人力系统的重要组成元素。近年来,区域性卫生人力资源的研究已成为世界各国共同关心的课题,而我国卫生人力资源的研究也得到持续发展,但是在医疗制度改革冲击下,卫生人力资源管理发生了很大的变化。助产士人力资源作为护理人力资源的重要组成部分,其合理配置是保证护理质量的重要因素之一。现对助产士人力资源配置现状和配置方法的研究进展综述如下。  相似文献   

目的:改革护士排班模式和工作流程,提高护理人力资源利用及护理服务质量。方法:于2011年3~9月,对医院部分科室护理排班班次、工作时间及相关流程进行改革,比较改革后排班模式与改革前传统排班模式下两组护理人力资源、临床护理工作负荷、工作质量及临床满意率等指标。结果:改革后的排班模式在人均周工作时间、夜班工作时间、护理质量评分、服务满意率均较传统排班模式有明显的改善。结论:改革后的排班方式使护理人力资源的利用更科学、更合理,能为病人提供更人性、更安全的护理服务,也有益于护士的身心健康。  相似文献   

本文对国内外临床护理领导者岗位培训现状进行了文献回顾和分析,为我国开展规范化、系统化、有针对性的临床护理领导者管理能力岗位培训提出建议,指出转变观念、加大投入,规范培训内容及形式,开展临床护理领导者培训和资格认证,重视高等护理教育中的管理实践是提高我国临床护理领导者管理能力的重要途径。  相似文献   

目的:探讨健康管理中心护士多元化角色在医院健康管理工作中心发挥的举足轻重的作用。方法:分析新形势下健康管理中护士多元化角色应具备的素质。结果:随着医学服务模式转变、服务的内涵和范围不断的延伸和扩大,健康管理中心护士崇高的职业道德、深厚的人文素养、良好的心理素质、扎实的理论基础、精湛的护理技术、良好的自我形象,已成为有别于医院传统科室封闭式临床护士的新型全科护理专业人员,其多元化角色的扮演,极大地提高了医院的健康管理水平和服务质量。结论:21世纪是知识经济时代,各种医疗改革正在逐步进行,护士只有充分认识时代的特点,不断地完善自身的知识结构和能力结构,转变思想观念、改变思维方式,建立全新的护理观念,将护理与健康、护理与人的生活方式、已有的知识与现代化手段相结合,在健康管理中心立足于角色的多元化,内强素质、外树形象,以促进医院健康管理工作顺利开展,使健康管理工作在医院和社会发挥更重要的作用。  相似文献   



The local municipality, whose management style is largely inspired by the New Public Management (NPM) model, has administrative responsibilities for primary health care in Norway. Those responsible for health care at the local level often find themselves torn between their professional responsibilities and the municipality’s market-oriented funding system. The introduction of the new health care reform process known as the Coordination Reform in January 2012 prioritises primary health care while simultaneously promoting a more collaborative and multidisciplinary approach to health care. Nurse leaders experience constant cross-pressure in their roles as members of the municipal executive team, the execution of their professional and administrative duties, and the overall political aims of the new reform. The aim of this article is to illuminate some of the major challenges facing nurse leaders in charge of nursing homes and to draw attention to their professional concerns about the quality of nursing care with the introduction of the new reform and its implementation under NPM-inspired municipal executive leadership.


This study employs a qualitative design. In-depth interviews were conducted with 10 nurse leaders in 10 municipalities, with a phenomenological-hermeneutic approach used for data analysis and interpretation.


Findings highlighted the increasingly complex challenges facing nurse leaders operating in the context of the municipality’s hierarchical NPM management structure, while they are required to exercise collaborative professional interactions as per the guidelines of the new Coordination Reform. The interview findings were interpreted out of three sub-themes 1) importance of support for the nurse leader, 2) concerns about overall service quality, and 3) increased tasks unrelated to nursing leadership.


The priorities of municipal senior management and the focus of the municipality’s care service need clarification in the light of this reform. The voices of those at the frontlines of the caring services need to be heard as the restructuring of the caring services may have implications both for funding allocation and for the quality of patient care.

Health care reform in Hong Kong in the 1990s has brought about dramatic change to the nursing discipline. This paper reports an ethnographic study which aimed at exploring the transformation of nursing in a regional hospital in Hong Kong during this period of reform. In the study, the restructuring of nursing work, its associated dynamics and resulting impacts upon the nursing profession were examined. A methodological triangulation approach to data collection encompassing interviews, participant observation and review of documents was used. The findings in this study suggest that the majority of nurses working in the case study hospital continue to be subject to medical dominance and are under management control. The emphasis on cost-effective care has however, fostered qualified nurses to claim more ownership of their professional judgement and autonomy. The health care reform has confirmed the status of two newly established groups of nurses, the nurse specialists and nurse managers. The development of the nursing profession is found to be closely connected to its work development. The preparation of the new generation of nurses, as revealed in this study, needs to emphasize the cognitive dimension of the professional competence. Some nurses need to be further educated in specialist practice and clinical management to maximize the contribution of nursing in health care delivery.  相似文献   

Health systems are being transformed and redesigned in Australia to better respond to changing health needs, technological advances, and new capabilities needed for safe and quality care. A capable and responsive nursing workforce, at both enrolled and registered nurse levels, is one of the mechanisms required for achieving effective health care reform.This paper situates a critical discussion of enrolled nurse education within a symbiotic relationship model to consider how nursing knowledge can enhance workforce performance and contribute to improved function of health systems. Discussion focusses on classification, or what constitutes nursing knowledge, and how that knowledge can be presented, or framed, in nursing education.It is contended that different nurse education systems in Australia mean the construction of professional enrolled nurse knowledge differs in form and structure from registered nurse professional knowledge. While different courses are needed for enrolled and registered nurses to reflect their different scope of nursing practice, it is important enrolled nurse education classified and frames nursing knowledge in ways that prepare graduates for complex nursing practice to safeguard the public.  相似文献   

改革护士排班方式和工作流程的做法与效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的改革护士排班方式和工作流程,提高护理服务质量。方法对传统三班制(正常班加大、小夜班)的排班方式进行改革,增设早班和晚班,增加夜间人员力量,重建各班次工作流程。结果改革后,每日夜间护理工作总时数较改革前增加7.0 h;早晨给患者静脉采血时间推迟1.0 h;静脉输液开始和结束时间均提前1.0 h;患者夜间睡眠时间延长1.0 h,午休时间延长0.5 h。结论新的排班方式和工作流程,能为患者提供更人性、科学、安全的护理服务,使护理人力资源安排更科学、合理,也有利于护士的身心健康。  相似文献   

wong f.k.y. (2010) Journal of Nursing Management 18, 526–530
Challenges for nurse managers in China Aim To critically review the challenges facing nurse leaders in China during healthcare reform. Background China is now undergoing a major reform aimed at enhancing the accessibility and quality of its healthcare at a level that is affordable to the people. Nurses have a key role to play in this reform. Evaluation Key documents produced by the government of China were critically reviewed using the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) framework. Key issues A number of factors, including the insufficient number of nurses and the medical orientation of the health system, have hindered the development of nursing. However, healthcare reform has created new opportunities for nurses and nursing. Conclusions This paper reviews the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats faced by nurse managers in China. It identifies barriers but also possibilities for nurse leaders to advance nursing and make nurses visible in this era of transforming healthcare. Implications for nursing management Many of the issues identified in this review, such as the enhancement of quality and accessibility of care, are important to nurse leaders around the world. However, this article reveals the particular challenges faced by nurse leaders in China, with its unique social and historical background.  相似文献   

The idea for the block system of nursing care evolved during a project that studied home care for the dying child. The concept of using the nurse who lives closest to the family needing care and can respond promptly to requests for nursing services was tested and found workable during that project (Moldow &; Martinson, 1980). The senior author, in an effort to make health care cost-effective while retaining high quality care for all citizens, particularly for the elderly, decided to test whether the block nurse model would work in her own community. This article describes the background, initiation, and ongoing process of a block nurse program.  相似文献   

Through an analysis of several high‐profile scandals in health‐care in the UK, this article discusses the nature of scandal and its impact on policy reform. The nursing profession is compared to social work and medicine, which have also undergone considerable examination and change as a result of scandals. The author draws on reports from public inquiries from 1945 to 2013 to form the basis of the discussion about policy responses following scandals in health‐care. In each case, the nature of the scandal, the public and government discourses generated by events and the policy response to those failings are explored. These scandals are compared to the recent scandal at Mid Staffordshire Hospital. Conclusions are drawn about the impact of these events on the future of the profession and on health policy directions. Recent events have raised public anxieties about caring practices in nursing. Health policy reform driven by scandal may obscure the effect of under resourcing in health services and poses a very real threat to the continued support for state‐run services. Understanding the socially constructed nature of scandal enables the nurse to develop a greater critical awareness of policy contexts in order that they can influence health service reform.  相似文献   

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