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BackgroundIron and steel industry is an important source of air pollution emissions. Few studies have investigated cardiovascular effects of air pollutants emitted from steel plants.ObjectiveWe examined the influence of outdoor air pollution in the vicinity of a steel plant on cardiovascular physiology in Sault Ste. Marie, Canada.MethodsSixty-one healthy, non-smoking subjects (females/males = 33/28, median age 22 years) spent 5 consecutive 8-hour days outdoors in a residential area neighbouring a steel plant, or on a college campus approximately 5 kilometres away from the plant, and then crossed over to the other site with a 9-day washout. Mid day, subjects underwent daily 30-minute moderate intensity exercise. Blood pressure (BP) and pulse rate were determined daily and post exercise at both sites. Flow-mediated vasodilation (FMD) was determined at the site near the plant. Air pollution was monitored at both sites. Mixed-effects regressions were run for statistical associations, adjusting for weather variables.ResultsConcentrations of ultrafine particles, sulphur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and carbon monoxide (CO) were 50–100% higher at the site near the plant than at the college site, with minor differences in temperature, humidity, and concentrations of particulate matter ≤2.5 μm in size (PM2.5) and ozone (O3). Resting pulse rate [mean (95% confidence interval)] was moderately higher near the steel plant [+1.53 bpm (0.31, 2.78)] than at the college site, male subjects having the highest pulse rate elevation [+2.77 bpm (0.78, 4.76)]. Resting systolic and diastolic BP and pulse pressure, and post-exercise BP and pulse rate were not significantly different between two sites. Interquartile range concentrations of SO2 (2.9 ppb), NO2 (5.0 ppb) and CO (0.2 ppm) were associated with increased pulse rate [0.19 bpm (−0.00, 0.38), 0.86 bpm (0.03, 1.68), and 0.11 bpm (0.00, 0.22), respectively], ultrafine particles (10,256 count/cm3) associated with increased pulse pressure [0.85 mmHg (0.23, 1.48)], and NO2 and CO inversely associated with FMD [−0.14% (−0.31, 0.02), −0.02% (−0.03, −0.00), respectively]. SO2 during exercise was associated with increased pulse rate [0.26 bpm (0.01, 0.51)].ConclusionAir quality in residential areas near steel plants may influence cardiovascular physiology.  相似文献   

高血压是威胁人类健康的心血管疾病之一,遗传因素和环境因素均是诱发高血压的危险因素,近年来日益严重的大气污染对血压的影响已成为国际上的研究热点,但结论并不一致.该文对大气污染物对血压影响的研究进展进行综述,并提出未来研究方向,旨在为今后的研究提供相关资料.  相似文献   

目的 观察北京市奥运会期间大气污染物浓度变化情况,及其与人群心率变异性(HRV)之间的相关关系.方法 采用定组研究设计,筛选26例患有冠心病、心绞痛或具有至少1年以上心肌缺血症状的患者作为研究对象,在2008年6-9月进行5个周期的随访,测量其HRV指标及其他相关指标;收集同时期北京市环保局和气象局公布的每日大气污染物资料和气象资料,利用混合效应模型分析大气污染物浓度与人群HRV之间的相关关系.结果 通过单污染物线性混合效应发现HRV中总功率和高频功率与污染物大气颗粒物(PM10)、二氧化硫(SO2)和二氧化氮(SO2)浓度均呈负相关关系,PM10、SO2和NO2的浓度每下降10μg/m3总功率分别上升2.51%(95%CI值:-3.80%~-1.22%,t=-1.99,P=0.0497)、31.39%(95%CI值:-52.24%~-10.53%,t=-1.99,P=0.0497)和42.72%(95%CI值:-75.06%~-10.38%,t=-1.99,P=0.0497);高频功率分别上升3.46%(95%CI值:-5.14%~-1.77%,t=-2.11,P=0.0378)、40.63%(95%CI值:-68.70%~-12.56%,t=-2.11,P=0.0378)和53.76%(95%CI值:-97.97%~-9.56%,t=-2.11,P=0.0378).结论 大气污染物浓度的降低可改善易感人群的心血管功能.  相似文献   

Objectives: Exposure to air pollution has been reported to be associated with increase in pulmonary disease. The aims of the present study were to examine the use of personal nitrogen dioxide (NO2) samplers as a means of measuring exposure to air pollution and to investigate the relationship between personal exposure to air pollution and pulmonary function. Methods: We measured individual exposures to NO2 using passive personal NO2 samplers for 298 healthy university students. Questionnaire interview was conducted for traffic-related factors, and spirometry was performed when the samplers were returned after 1 day. Results: Personal NO2 concentrations varied, depending on the distance between residence and a main road (P=0.029). Students who used transportation for more than 1 h were exposed to higher levels of NO2 than those using transportation for less than 1 h (P=0.032). In terms of transportation, riding in a bus or subway caused significantly higher exposure than not using them (P=0.046). NO2 exposure was not significantly associated with forced vital capacity (FVC) or forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1) but was associated with the ratio of FEV1/FVC and mid-expiratory flow between 25% and 75% of the forced vital capacity (FEF25–75) (P<0.05). Conclusions: This study indicates that concentrations of personal exposure to NO2 are significantly influenced by traffic-related air pollution and are associated with decreased pulmonary function.  相似文献   

目的探讨哈尔滨市大气污染对儿童唾液溶菌酶含量及肺功能的影响。方法于2014—2015年在哈尔滨市两个城区测定大气PM2.5浓度,分别在距离监测点500~1 000 m处选择1所小学,对602名儿童进行肺功能、唾液溶菌酶测定及问卷调查。结果污染区(道外区)儿童唾液溶菌酶含量及肺功能指标最大通气量(MVV)低于清洁区(道里区),阻塞指数(OI)高于清洁区,差异均有统计学意义(P0.05)。污染区不同年级儿童肺活量(VC)、用力肺活量(FVC)、中间呼气流量(MMF)、峰值流量(PEF)、75%用力呼气流量(FEF75)、MVV等肺功能指标随着年级的增加而升高,清洁区不同年级儿童VC、FVC、1 s用力呼气容积(FEV1)、OI、MVV等肺功能指标随着年级的增加而升高,差异均有统计学意义(P0.05)。污染区儿童唾液溶菌酶含量均低于同年级的清洁区儿童;污染区3年级儿童肺功能指标OI高于清洁区,MVV低于清洁区;污染区4年级儿童肺功能指标VC、FVC、FEV1、FEF75、MVV均低于清洁区;污染区5年级儿童肺功能指标FVC低于清洁区;上述差异均有统计学意义(P0.05)。污染区男生肺功能指标VC、FVC、FEV1、MMF、PEF、FEF75、MVV均高于女生,OI低于女生,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。清洁区男生肺功能指标VC、FEV1、MMF、PEF、FEF75、MVV均高于女生,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。污染区儿童唾液溶菌酶含量均低于清洁区同性别学生;污染区男生肺功能指标OI低于清洁区,污染区女生肺功能指标FVC、MVV低于清洁区;上述差异均有统计学意义(P0.05)。偏相关分析结果显示,大气PM2.5浓度与唾液溶菌酶含量呈负相关,与肺功能指标VC、FVC、MVV呈负相关,与OI呈正相关,均有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论大气污染可降低唾液溶菌酶含量及儿童肺通气功能,应注意防范。  相似文献   

石油化工大气污染对儿童呼吸功能影响研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文研究石油化工大气污染对儿童肺功能影响,选择与石化厂不同距离的4所小学的9~10岁儿童为观察对象,对大气污染水平与儿童呼吸功能进行动态观察,按不同季节监测大气中各种污染物并同时测定儿童呼吸功能,对影响儿童肺功能的其他因素进行多元回归分析。结果显示,石化厂周围大气污染物浓度随季节而变化;儿童肺功能与大气污染水平呈一定负相关,女童较男童敏感。呼吸功能各指标中以FVC、PEFR和MMT为敏感,提示在石化厂一定距离范围内大气污染对儿童肺功能已产生影响。  相似文献   

Although traffic emits both air pollution and noise, studies jointly examining the effects of both of these exposures on blood pressure (BP) in children are scarce. We investigated associations between land-use regression modeled long-term traffic-related air pollution and BP in 2368 children aged 10 years from Germany (1454 from Munich and 914 from Wesel). We also studied this association with adjustment of long-term noise exposure (defined as day–evening–night noise indicator “Lden” and night noise indicator “Lnight”) in a subgroup of 605 children from Munich inner city. In the overall analysis including 2368 children, NO2, PM2.5 mass (particles with aerodynamic diameters below 2.5 μm), PM10 mass (particles with aerodynamic diameters below 10 μm) and PM2.5 absorbance were not associated with BP. When restricting the analysis to the subgroup of children with noise information (N = 605), a significant association between NO2 and diastolic BP was observed (−0.88 (95% confidence interval: −1.67, −0.08)). However, upon adjusting the models for noise exposure, only noise remained independently and significantly positively associated with diastolic BP. Diastolic BP increased by 0.50 (−0.03, 1.02), 0.59 (0.05, 1.13), 0.55 (0.03, 1.07), and 0.58 (0.05, 1.11) mmHg for every five decibel increase in Lden and by 0.59 (−0.05, 1.22), 0.69 (0.04, 1.33), 0.64 (0.02, 1.27), and 0.68 (0.05, 1.32) mmHg for every five decibel increase in Lnight, in different models of NO2, PM2.5 mass, PM10 mass and PM2.5 absorbance as the main exposure, respectively. In conclusion, air pollution was not consistently associated with BP with adjustment for noise, noise was independently and positively associated with BP in children.  相似文献   

The association between traffic-related air pollution and adverse cardiovascular effects has been well documented; however, little is known about whether different commuting modes can modify the effects of air pollution on the cardiovascular system in human subjects in urban areas with heavy traffic. We recruited 120 young, healthy subjects in Taipei, Taiwan. Each participant was classified with different commuting modes according to his/her own commuting style. Three repeated measurements of heart rate variability (HRV) indices {standard deviation of NN intervals (SDNN) and the square root of the mean of the sum of the squares of differences between adjacent NN intervals (r-MSSD)}, particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter ≤2.5 μm (PM2.5), temperature, humidity and noise level were conducted for each subject during 1-h morning commutes (0900–1000 h) in four different commuting modes, including an electrically powered subway, a gas-powered bus, a gasoline-powered car, and walking. Linear mixed-effects models were used to investigate the association of PM2.5 with HRV indices. The results showed that decreases in the HRV indices were associated with increased levels of PM2.5. The personal exposure levels to PM2.5 were the highest in the walking mode. The effects of PM2.5 on cardiovascular endpoints were the lowest in the subway mode compared to the effects in the walking mode. The participants in the car and bus modes had reduced effects on their cardiovascular endpoints compared to the participants in the walking mode. We concluded that traffic-related PM2.5 is associated with autonomic alteration. Commuting modes can modify the effects of PM2.5 on HRV indices among young, healthy subjects.  相似文献   



The estimated mortality rate associated with ambient air pollution based on general population studies may not be applicable to certain subgroups.


The objective of the present study was to determine the influence of age, education, employment status and income on the risk of mortality associated with ambient air pollution.


Daily time-series analyses tested the association between daily air pollution and daily mortality in seven Chilean urban centers during the period January 1997–December 2007. Results were adjusted for long-term trends, day-of-the week and humidex.


Interquartile increases in particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5), sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, and elemental and organic carbon were associated with a 4–7% increase in mortality among those who did not complete primary school (p<0.05) vs. 0.5–1.5% among university graduates (p>0.05). Among those at least 85 years of age respective estimates were 2–7%. However, among the elderly who did not complete primary school, respective estimates were 11–19% (p<0.05). The degree of effect modification was less for income and employment status than education, and sex did not modify the results.


The socially disadvantaged, especially if elderly appear to be especially susceptible to dying on days of higher air pollution. Concentrations deemed acceptable for the general population would not appear to protect this susceptible subgroup.  相似文献   

煤烟型大气污染对儿童免疫功能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究煤烟型大气污染对儿童免疫功能的影响 ,在煤烟型大气污染城市太原市的三个污染水平不同的研究区选取居住 3年以上 4 - 5年级的小学生测试T淋巴细胞亚群分类 (CD3+、CD4+、CD8+)、唾液溶菌酶含量和免疫球蛋白含量。结果发现小学生的唾液溶菌酶含量和免疫球蛋白 (IgG、IgA、IgM)均低于对照区 ,且有显著性差异 (P <0 .0 5) ;T淋巴细胞亚群分类 (CD3+、CD4+、CD8+百分含量 )有同样的趋势 ,但差异不显著 (P >0 0 5)。结果表明太原市煤烟型大气污染对小学生的非特异性免疫、体液免疫产生一定的影响 ,对细胞免疫影响不显著  相似文献   

目的了解深圳市大气污染对学龄儿童肺通气功能的影响。方法于2014年11—12月,采用随机整群抽样的方法抽取深圳市龙岗区和南山区各1所小学(A和B)3~5年级学生298人(龙岗区159人,南山区139人),进行肺功能检查和问卷调查。结果两区主要是大气污染物PM_(10)、PM_(2.5)和NO_2超过国家空气质量二级标准,位于南山区的B校周围PM_(10)、O_3-1h和SO_2平均浓度高于龙岗区的A校,差异具有统计学意义(P0.01);南山区儿童FEV1/FVC、FEF75%和FEF25%均低于龙岗区,在控制了年龄、性别、身高、体重等影响因素后,空气污染仍对以上肺功能指标具有显著影响(P0.01);南山区儿童小气道功能障碍发生率明显高于龙岗区(OR=3.744,P0.05),但肺通气功能障碍发生率并没有明显差异(OR=0.754,P0.05)。结论深圳市南山区儿童肺功能下降与大气污染有关,主要表现为小气道功能障碍,应继续加强对儿童肺功能的监测,并采取有效措施,保护儿童呼吸系统健康。  相似文献   

Background: Nearly 22% of the Canadian population are first-generation immigrants. We investigated immigrants’ health status and health deterioration over time in terms of the prevalence of chronic diseases (CDs) and their relationship to vitD status. Methods: We used cycles three (2012–2013) and four (2014–2015) of the Canadian Health Measures Survey. These data contained unique health information and direct physical/blood measures, including serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (S-25(OH)D). Indicators of health status and deterioration were the prevalence of CDs diagnosed by healthcare professionals, self-reported general and mental health, and CD-related biomarkers. Results: The data (n = 11,579) included immigrants from more than 153 countries. Immigrants were healthier than non-immigrants for most health status measures. The prevalence of CDs was higher among those who migrated to Canada aged ≥ 18 years. A longer time in Canada after immigration was associated with a higher risk for CDs. The mean S-25(OH)D was lower among immigrants, higher among patients with CDs, and inversely associated with glycated hemoglobin, total cholesterol/high-density lipoprotein ratio, immunoglobulin E, serum ferritin, and blood hemoglobin. After adjusting for covariates, no association was found between S-25(OH)D and the prevalence of CDs. Conclusions: Lower levels of accumulated S-25(OH)D among immigrants may impact their health profile in terms of CD-related biomarkers, which partially explains immigrants’ health deterioration over time. We recommend further longitudinal research to investigate immigrants’ vitD and health deterioration.  相似文献   

Summary The levels of transferrin (TRF) were measured by radial immunodiffusion in 522 blood serum specimens from three cohorts of children dwelling in three areas with different types of air pollution. The blood was collected in three following half-year intervals (spring — autumn — spring) and the results were statistically evaluated. Significantly higher means of TRF levels were noted in children with heavier air pollution. The distribution curves of TRF levels are differing with high significance among the areas with different air pollution. Beside the changes associated with different environmental factors also some significant seasonal differences were noted. The decrease of air pollution in the summer season was followed by an increase of TRF levels in autumn sampling. These findings are discussed from the point of view of the hypothesis about the stimulative influence of some concentrations of exhalations in the production of TRF, as it was formulated earlier for immunoglobulins, lysozym, antibodies and alfa 1-antitrypsin.  相似文献   

目的 分析黑龙江省成年女性身体脂肪的含量及分布对心血管系统功能的影响.方法 依据分层不等概率二阶整群抽样原则,抽取黑龙江省部分地区18~70岁成年女性1903名,测量其身高、体重、腰臀比(WHR)等指标;分析脂肪体重、瘦体重和体脂百分比(PBF)等身体成分指标与心率、心输出量、心指数、搏出量、搏出指数、收缩压、舒张压、左心作功和体循环血管阻力等心血管功能指标的关系.结果 女性PBF和WHR有随年龄增长而增大的趋势.18岁~、30岁~、40岁~、50岁~、60~70岁年龄组PBF分别为(16.86±5.37)%、(18.43±4.89)%、(20.99±5.79)%、(23.47±5.74)%、(25.77±6.38)%(F=154.46,P<0.01),WHR分别为0.77±0.05、0.80±0.05、0.83±0.05、0.85±0.06、0.89±0.07(F=229,84,P<0.01).在校正年龄、身高和体重的影响后,PBF正常组心率、心输出量、心指数、收缩压、舒张压、左心作功分别为(75.45±0.35)次/min、(4.42±0.02)L/min、(2.78±0.01)L·min~(-1)·m~(-2)、(114.94±0.40)mm Hg(1 mm Hg=0.133 kPa)、(64.90±0.28)mm Hg、(4.57±0.03)kg·m/m~(-2),PBF肥胖组分别为(77.42±0.88)次/min、(4.54±0.05)L/min、(2.88±0.03)L·min~(-2)·m~(-2)、(120.55±1.00)mm Hg、(66.56±0.71)mm Hg、(4.86±0.07)kg·m/m~2(两组比较,F值分别为3.18、9.17、8.48、13.50、2.64、10.63,P值均<0.05).在校正年龄、身高和体重因素后,PBF与心率、心输出量、心指数、收缩压及左心作功呈正相关(r值分别为0.14、0.14、0.19、0.18、0.10、0.12,P值均<0.05);WHR与心指数、搏出指数、收缩压、舒张压、左心作功和体循环血管阻力呈正相关(r值分别为0.10、0.19、0.18、0.12、0.12,P值均<0.01).结论 女性PBF增加且呈腹部型肥胖者,可导致心脏负荷加重,心输出量增加、血压明显升高等心血管系统功能的改变.  相似文献   

目的 分析合肥市区不同区域2012-2014年空气污染状况,为城市规划者和居民出行提供污染控制建议。方法 利用合肥市环境保护局网站数据库中主要空气污染指标的相关数据,应用SPSS 16.0软件进行统计分析。描述2012-2014年合肥市区不同区域空气质量指数的时空分布特征,分析合肥市区不同区域空气环境污染的现状及其可能的原因。结果 2012-2014年间,合肥市空气污染状况在平均水平上呈现先增长后减少的趋势。在此期间合肥市区三里街子站、长江中路、庐阳区子站、瑶海区子站以及包河区子站的空气质量指数平均值均高于全市平均水平,并且冬季是合肥市区空气污染最严重的季节。结论 合肥市区空气污染状况与地理区域和季节变化有关。  相似文献   


Introduction and objectives

Air pollution and insufficient physical activity have been associated with inflammation and oxidative stress, molecular mechanisms linked to arterial stiffness and cardiovascular disease. There are no studies on how physical activity modifies the association between air pollution and arterial stiffness. We examined whether the adverse cardiovascular effects of air pollution were modified by individual physical activity levels in 2823 adults aged 50–81 years from the well-characterized Swiss Cohort Study on Air Pollution and Lung and Heart Diseases (SAPALDIA).


We assessed arterial stiffness as the brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity (baPWV [m/s]) with an oscillometric device. We administered a self-reported physical activity questionnaire to classify each subject’s physical activity level. Air pollution exposure was estimated by the annual average individual home outdoor PM10 and PM2.5 (particulate matter <10 μm and <2.5 μm in diameter, respectively) and NO2 (nitrogen dioxide) exposure estimated for the year preceding the survey. Exposure estimates for ultrafine particles calculated as particle number concentration (PNC) and lung deposited surface area (LDSA) were available for a subsample (N = 1353). We used mixed effects logistic regression models to regress increased arterial stiffness (baPWV  14.4 m/s) on air pollution exposure and physical activity while adjusting for relevant confounders.


We found evidence that the association of air pollution exposure with baPWV was different between inactive and active participants. The probability of having increased baPWV was significantly higher with higher PM10, PM2.5, NO2, PNC and LDSA exposure in inactive, but not in physically active participants. We found some evidence of an interaction between physical activity and ambient air pollution exposure for PM10, PM2.5 and NO2 (pinteraction = 0.06, 0.09, and 0.04, respectively), but not PNC and LDSA (pinteraction = 0.32 and 0.35).


Our study provides some indication that physical activity may protect against the adverse vascular effects of air pollution in low pollution settings. Additional research in large prospective cohorts is needed to assess whether the observed effect modification translates to high pollution settings in mega-cities of middle and low-income countries.  相似文献   

目的 探索青年学生极量运动前后血压心率的反应程度及影响因素.方法 对200名青年大学生采用800m极量跑的运动,于运动前、运动后即刻、5 min、10min时用电子血压计重复测量血压及心率1次.观察性别、运动习惯等因素.结果 青年大学生极量运动800 m后,SBP、DBP及HR均大幅度升高,休息10 min后未恢复;运动前后各时间点的男性SBP均明显高于女性;不常运动组极量运动后即刻的SBP明显高于常运动组,DBP也是如此,但差异不明显.结论 极量跑步运动可导致青年学生的血压和心率大幅增加,女性对运动舒张压的稳定作用更好,常运动者有利于稳定极量跑步运动的血压反应.  相似文献   

大气污染是癌症明确的危险因素,对人类的健康构成严重威胁。本文介绍了大气污染的组成成分和WHO与我国的空气质量标准,并总结了国内外对于大气污染与肺癌、乳腺癌和膀胱癌等主要癌症的关联性的最新研究。  相似文献   

Given the hypothesis that particulate air pollution is associated with systolic blood pressure, the effect of daily concentrations of air pollution on blood pressure was assessed in 2612 elderly subjects in the urban area of Bordeaux, France. Blood pressure was measured by a digital monitor. Particle concentrations (PM10) were obtained from the AIRAQ association that operates a local monitoring network of the air quality. To represent the ambient urban air pollution, stations had to be sufficiently correlated (i.e., correlation >0.70) and to have sufficiently similar mean levels of pollution. Linear regression was used to model the association between concentrations of particles (PM10) and systolic blood pressure. We observed associations between the fifth lag hour and systolic blood pressure for an increase of 10 microg/m3 of PM10 (beta = -1.12, 95% confidence interval: [-1.90; -0.30]). Despite contradictory results, fine particles must be considered nowadays as a major component of atmospheric air pollution in which everything must be put into practice in terms of public health actions in order to protect the general population and particularly the elderly group.  相似文献   

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