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儿童支原体肺炎的临床X线分析   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
目的 提高对儿童支原体肺炎的认识和诊断水平。方法 对 1999-0 1~ 2 0 0 0 -12收住入院的 5 6 3例支原体肺炎患儿的临床、X线进行总结分析。结果 支原体肺炎的X线表现为 :间质浸润型 417例 ( 74%) ;腺泡实变型 10 4例 ( 18%) ;混合型 42例( 8%)。其中 ,伴有胸膜反应 6 3例 ( 11%) ,伴有肺门淋巴结肿大或肺门结构不清 10 5例 ( 19%)。结论 支原体肺炎X线呈多样性表现 ,诊断需认真分析X线征象 ,密切结合临床及实验室检查。  相似文献   

儿童重症甲型H1N1流感病毒性肺炎的胸部X线及CT表现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 初步探讨儿童重症甲型H1N1流感病毒性肺炎的胸部X线及CT表现特点.方法 回顾性分析6例经病毒核酸检测确诊的重症甲型H1N1流感病毒性肺炎的胸部影像资料,病初6例摄胸部X线片,其中4例复查,1例行胸部CT检查.结果 6例病初胸部X线表现为肺纹理增多、增粗,均有不同程度的肺实质浸润和间质改变,其中实质浸润累及双肺3例,左肺3例;肺门增大3例.病程中复查4例,影像表现变化较快,与临床表现一致.CT检查表现为双肺中内带实变和磨玻璃密度影、胸膜下小结节影,肺门和纵隔淋巴结增大,右侧胸腔积液.结论 儿童重症甲型H1N1流感病毒性肺炎的胸部X线及CT表现有一定特点.最终诊断需结合流行病学和实验室检查.  相似文献   

目的:探讨小儿支原体肺炎的X线表现,提高对本病的认识和诊断水平。方法:搜集我院经临床和实验室检查证实为小儿支原体肺炎的116例X线胸部资料进行分析。结果:①间质浸润51例,表现为肺纹理增厚、增多、模糊或呈网点状阴影。②节段或大叶型实质浸润42例。③小斑片或扇形浸润型23例,病变自肺门向肺野外呈扇形分布,并发肺门淋巴结肿大7例。结论:小儿支原体肺炎X线呈多样性表现,易与小叶性肺炎、大叶性肺炎和病毒性肺炎相混淆,认真分析X线征象,结合临床及实验室检查,能够作出准确诊断。  相似文献   

支原体肺炎临床X线分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 分析支原体肺炎的临床与X线表现,以便提高对本病的诊断与治疗水平。方法 对100例临床上诊断的支原体肺炎之X线表现进行了回顾性分析。结果 在X线胸片上支原体肺炎为各种各样的表现且缺乏特征性。常见的表现有如下3种类型:a)肺泡实质浸润型,病变常局限于1个或2个肺段,表现为云絮状或片状阴影,肺纹理增重,沿增重的肺纹理出现不规则的点片状阴影;b)肺间质浸润型,病变区肺纹理增重,伴有网状阴影;c)合并胸膜炎。通常,肺部X线表现较重而临床表现较轻可看作是本病的一个特点。结论 支原体肺炎的X线表现没有特征性,与细菌性肺炎不易区分。临床上、血清冷凝集试验阳性,血清特异性IgM抗体反应阳性,以及大环内酯类抗生素如红霉素治疗具有显著疗效有助于本病的确诊。  相似文献   

目的探讨小儿麻疹合并间质性肺炎的影像学表现,提高和重视对这一疾病的认识。方法回顾分析60例小儿麻疹合并问质性肺炎的临床资料以及X线和CT表现。结果①X线胸片:泡性肺气肿33例,其中伴右上肺斑点状,颗粒状较高密度影6例。肺门影增大、增浓56例。两肺纹理增多、模糊51例,其中密集的肺纹理使两肺透亮度减低17例,出现空气支气管征12例。间质性肺气肿i6例。网状肺纹理32例。星芒、结节状影27例。两肺磨玻璃影ll例。伴发小叶性肺炎13例,两肺单发或多发的片状实变影5例。其他表现:心影增大9例,气胸3例,纵隔皮下气肿4例,两侧少量胸腔积液8例;②10例CT检查结果:两肺大片磨玻璃影2例,实变影伴磨玻璃影3例,两肺纹理增多、模糊8例,两下肺纹理周围斑片状渗出5例。右下肺小叶间隔增厚2例,右下肺胸膜下弧线影1例,两下肺网格状、星芒状结节影2例。结论婴幼儿麻疹合并间质性肺炎的影像学表现应引起高度重视,早期发现和积极治疗有利于提高治愈率和改善患者预后。  相似文献   

艾滋病机遇性胸部感染的X线平片表现   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
目的: 提高艾滋病机遇性胸部感染的诊断水平.材料和方法: 回顾性分析艾滋病机遇性胸部感染50例的X线胸片及相关临床资料.结果: 肺结核21例(42%),片状融合的渗出性病灶13例,弥漫性粟粒影6例;胸内淋巴结肿大9例;卡氏肺囊虫肺炎16例(32%),双侧肺门及中下肺野可见网状、小点状影,片絮状或斑片状影10例,两肺弥漫性或局限性磨玻璃影8例;细菌性感染8例(16%),片状实变影7例,肺结块影并空洞1例;真菌性感染5例(10%),弥漫粟粒样小结节影3例,肺门淋巴结肿大1例.结论: 艾滋病机遇性胸部感染的X线表现缺乏特征性,诊断须结合临床与实验室检查,并注意发病率较高的肺结核与卡氏肺囊虫肺炎.  相似文献   

巨细胞病毒肺炎的X线表现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报告了46例经血清学证实的巨细胞病毒肺炎的胸部X线改变。其主要特点是间质性肺炎,有肺门增大,肺纹理增强,斑片状影,胸膜增厚,局限性肺气肿。并提出胸部改变的X线分型:1.支气管炎型;2.支气管肺炎型;3.片状浸润型。  相似文献   

目的探讨重症、危重症甲型H1N1流感病毒性肺炎的胸部影像特征。方法 29例经病毒核酸检验确诊的重症、危重症甲型H1N1流感病毒性肺炎患者,其中,22例经胸部X线摄影,12例经胸部CT扫描,8例同时接受了上述两种方法检查。对所有患者的临床与影像资料进行了回顾性分析,并比较了X线胸片与CT的诊断潜能。结果 22例经胸部摄影患者表现为肺纹理增重,两肺野内、中带有边界模糊的斑片状致密影。12例经胸部CT扫描的患者表现为两肺野散在分布的斑片状致密影及磨玻璃样密度影,其中6例X线胸片未见病变。同时,CT显示胸腔积液与心包积液各2例。结论重症、危重症甲型H1N1流感病毒性肺炎的影像学表现是以两肺斑片状及磨玻璃样密度影为主,CT可以发现两肺上野及外带的较淡致密影,对判定病变的有无及累及范围明显优于X线胸片。  相似文献   

支原体肺炎(mycoplasmal pneumonia)是由支原体(mycoplasma,MP)感染引起的、基本病程为间质性肺炎及毛细支气管炎样改变.据统计显示支原体肺炎约占非细菌性肺炎的1/3以上.肺炎支原体(MP)是儿童社区获得性肺炎和其它呼吸道感染的重要病原之一.  相似文献   

目的:追踪观察人感染H7N9禽流感病毒性肺炎恢复期的影像学改变。方法:应用肺部HRCT对治愈出院后的8例人感染H7N9禽流感病毒性肺炎患者进行3~12个月的随访追踪观察。结果:肺部HRCT随访特点:(1)主要表现为位于肺外围低垂位置的肺实变、磨玻璃影长期(3个月)存在;(2)追踪动态观察,患者存在肺部基础病变合并的实变、磨玻璃影相对无肺部基础病变吸收缓慢;(3)3例6~12个月仍存在明显的肺间质性病变(蜂窝状影、牵引性支气管扩张、马赛克灌注征)。结论:人感染H7N9禽流感病毒性肺炎部分患者肺部HRCT表现为不可逆的肺间质性病变,病灶以两肺下叶周围肺部为主。长期存在的肺间质性病变可能反映肺功能的降低。肺部HRCT对人感染H7N9禽流感患者肺功能的判断、指导临床诊疗有一定价值。  相似文献   

The chest radiograph in legionnaires'' disease   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The chest radiographs of 24 patients with documented Legionnaires' disease were evaluated. Twenty-two of the 24 patients had positive findings for the disease initially. There was unilateral involvement in 68% and the most common lung shadows were poorly marginated round opacities (46%), diffuse patchy (25%) and peripheral opacities (21%). At peak, 70% of patients had a lobar shadow. Pleural effusions were present in 39% of cases but could be explained by underlying congestive heart failure or renal failure in 7 of the 9. Although the findings are not specific, the radiologist should consider this diagnosis in a patient with compatible clinical history, a pneumonia of obscure etiology, and these radiographic manifestations.  相似文献   

RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES: This study is designed to assess the performance of radiology residents in interpreting emergency department chest radiographs for pneumonia and to characterize chest radiographic findings in patients for which interpretation was amended by an attending radiologist. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed all amended reports for chest radiographs performed on emergency department patients July 2002-June 2003. Reports preliminarily interpreted by residents and amended by a board-certified staff radiologist for the presence or absence of pneumonia were identified. A panel of three experienced radiologists, blinded to reports, jointly reviewed each chest radiograph. If the panel diagnosed pneumonia, the chest radiograph was evaluated for the projection that best showed the pneumonia, its size and location, and the presence or absence of the following features: increased opacity, air bronchograms, loss of vascular markings, silhouette sign, and linear opacities. The resident's post-graduate year (PGY) training level was noted. RESULTS: One percent (134/12,600 reports) of chest radiographic reports were amended for the presence or absence of pneumonia. One hundred chest radiographs were available and comprised the series. There were 56 females and 44 males with a mean age of 45 years (range, 1-99 years). The staff radiologist diagnosed pneumonia in 79% (79/100 radiographs). The panel agreed with the staff in 77% (kappa = 0.76) and the resident in 23% (kappa = 0.43). The panel diagnosed pneumonia in 60% (60/100 radiographs) with the following chest radiographic findings: 100% (60/60), increased opacity; 37% (22/60), air bronchograms; 72% (43/60), loss of vascular markings; 40% (24/60), silhouette sign; and 20% (12/60), linear opacities. The pneumonia was right sided in 52% (31/60), left sided in 37% (22/60), and bilateral in 11% (7/60). Right-sided pneumonias were equally distributed among the three lobes, and left-sided pneumonias had a lower-lobe predominance of 77% (17/22). Seventy-five percent (45/60) of pneumonias were segmental or smaller, and 82% (49/60) of chest radiographs showing pneumonia had both posteroanterior and lateral projections. The pneumonia was conspicuous on only one projection in 43% (21/49); the posteroanterior view in 22% (11/49), and the lateral view in 20% (10/49). Eighty-one percent (81/100) of interpreting residents were PGY-3. CONCLUSION: Interpretation of chest radiographs for pneumonia by PGY-3 residents has a low error rate. Missed pneumonias often were segmental or smaller and conspicuous on only one projection.  相似文献   

艾滋病合并非结核分枝杆菌肺病的胸部影像表现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨艾滋病合并非结核性分枝杆菌肺病的胸部影像表现.方法 10例艾滋病合并非结核性分枝杆菌肺病患者均行胸部X线检查,其中7例行胸部HRCT检查.结果 10例患者X线胸片显示:9例有明显病变,1例只有轻微病变;6例为双肺受累,4例为单肺受累(其中右肺3例,左肺1例);其中5例为大面积实变并空洞形成(4例伴对侧肺野散发病灶).在病变形态上有斑片状渗出实变(6例)、大片状(叶、段分布)实变(5例)、空洞(5例)、小结节病灶(3例)、粟粒病灶(2例)、纤维索条(1例).7例患者HRCT显示:斑片状渗出实变(7例)、小结节病灶(6例)、大面积(肺叶、段)实变(5例)及随实变吸收消散而出现的空洞、支气管扩张(各5例),纵隔淋巴结肿大(4例),磨玻璃密度影(3例),粟粒病灶及树芽征(各2例),胸腔积液、心包积液、纤维索条(各1例).结论 大面积实变合并空洞、结节病灶、支气管扩张及纵隔和肺门淋巴结肿大是艾滋病合并非结核性分枝杆菌肺病的胸部影像特点.  相似文献   

The radiographic findings in 24 cases of bronchiolitis obliterans with organizing pneumonia and 16 cases of usual interstitial pneumonia were reviewed and compared. Some cases of bronchiolitis obliterans with organizing pneumonia have been mistaken for usual interstitial pneumonia, although the two diseases have distinct pathologic findings. Clinically, the diseases often have different manifestations. Bronchiolitis obliterans with organizing pneumonia has a better prognosis and often responds well to steroids. This study shows that the radiologic findings of bronchiolitis obliterans include alveolar opacities without lung-volume loss. Patients with usual interstitial pneumonia, however, have bilateral diffuse interstitial opacities with occasional honeycomb changes, and there is loss of lung volume in most patients. These findings suggest that the chest radiograph can aid in distinguishing the two diseases.  相似文献   

目的:评价高分辨率CT(HRCT)在诊断肾移植术后疑似肺炎中的应用价值。方法:33例肾移植术后疑似肺炎患者行胸片、胸部HRCT检查。所有患者均经影像学、实验室检查及临床随访而明确诊断。对33例患者的胸片和HRCT图像进行回顾性对比分析。结果:33例中10例(30.3%)胸片未见异常,其中9例HRCT提示肺炎并最终证实;23例胸片和HRCT均见异常,22例最终证实为肺炎,其中18例HRCT可提供更多更准确的信息,仅4例(12.1%)胸片与HRCT及最终诊断结果基本一致。结论:HRCT较胸片更敏感,有助于早期确诊肺炎,所有疑似肺炎的肾移植患者均应行HRCT检查,肾移植术后肺炎常见HRCT改变为磨玻璃样改变、小结节影和小片状实变。  相似文献   

急性吸入性汞中毒的病理和胸部X线表现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 分析急性吸入性汞中毒的胸部X线表现。方法  16例急性吸入性汞中毒病例均摄胸片 ,其中尸解 1例 ,进行病理解剖学诊断。结果  16例中出现汞毒性肺炎 11例和汞毒性肺水肿 5例。结论 急性吸入性汞中毒有特征性X线表现 ,结合临床和实验室检查可作出确切诊断  相似文献   

AIM: The authors report the results observed in apparently healthy young adults undergoing chest radiography for pre-employment screening. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Between July 1996 and December 1997, 2292 young adults underwent conventional chest radiography for pre-employment screening purposes. Of these, 378 subjects (16.4%) in whom the chest X-ray showed alterations indicative for pulmonary parenchymal lesions were selected for the study. The lesions were divided into four groups: 1) single nodular opacity (n=98/378=25.9%); 2) multiple nodular opacities (n=25/378=6.6%); 3) single or multiple parenchymal consolidation(s) (n=203/378= 53.7%); 4) interstitial disease ( %). All subjects received a tuberculin skin test. The subjects in groups 1, 2 and 3 underwent the diagnostic protocol, which consisted of tuberculin skin test (TST) and CT scan for groups 1 and 2, and a repeat chest radiograph at 30 days for group 3. The subjects in group 4 were studied by high-resolution CT (HRCT). RESULTS: In group 1, CT showed nodular opacities with psammomatous calcifications in 13 cases, vascular dilatations in 3, calcified nodule in 7 subjects with positive TST, and uncalcified nodular lesions in 75 subjects (53/75 with positive TST). In group 2, FNAB confirmed the preliminary diagnosis of metastases in 2 cases; CT demonstrated the pleural origin of opacities in 1 patient, and multiple nodular lesions in 12 subjects; it invalidated the radiographic findings in 3 subjects, and demonstrated multiple nodules associated to increased interstitial thickening in 3 subjects. In group 3, the lung alterations had completely disappeared in 106 subjects, whereas in 97 subjects there was reduced extension of the previously observed lesions, but appearance of new sites of parenchymal consolidation. In group 4 CT confirmed the radiographic suspicion in 14 cases. CONCLUSIONS: Tubercular infection is currently increasing in industrialised countries. In our study it showed a relatively high prevalence of about 4.5% in a young asymptomatic population.  相似文献   

An active duty male presented to the emergency room with dyspnea for 2 days after undergoing liposuction surgery. Upon presentation, the patient was afebrile, tachycardic, tachypneic, and hypoxemic. The initial chest radiograph demonstrated bilateral patchy opacities and the PaO2/FiO2 ratio was <200. The patient was admitted to the medical intensive care unit for supportive care. He was treated empirically for pneumonia. Blood and sputum cultures were negative. A computed tomography angiogram of the chest was negative for pulmonary embolism but did reveal a bilateral, perihilar air space process. The patient's oxygen requirement improved and the abnormal chest radiographic findings resolved over the next 48 hours. Given his clinical presentation, negative workup, and rapid recovery, the patient was given a presumptive diagnosis of pulmonary fat embolism. Fat embolism occurs when adipocytes and small blood vessels are damaged during the liposuction procedure. Patients may present with low-grade fever, tachycardia, tachypnea, hypoxemia, and hypocapnia. The differential diagnosis includes venous thromboembolism, aspiration pneumonitis, and pneumonia. The mainstay of treatment for pulmonary fat embolism is supportive care. The risk of mortality is 5 to 15%.  相似文献   

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