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<正>世界卫生组织(WHO)于1976年倡导发展中国家开展社区康复。1994年世界卫生组织、联合国教科文组织、国际劳工组织联合发表《关于残疾人社区康复的联合意见书》,为社区康复提供了一个纲领性的文件[1]。我国自80年代引入现代康复医学的同时,也引进了社区康复模式。 相似文献
近年来,随着我国人口老龄化和疾病谱改变,许多城市在围绕降低医疗费用,方便老人医疗问题探索社区卫生服务途径方面取得了明显的进展。卫生部向全国城市医疗单位发出组织社区卫生服务下乡的号召后,社区卫生服务队纷纷建立起来,深入基层,送医送药到家庭,受到了群众的欢迎。社区康复的介入,产生了很好的社会效益.使社区卫生服务范围更加广泛,呈现出了很好的发展前景。就此我们可以做一些共同的探讨。 相似文献
本文通过回顾社区康复发展的历史,剖析《社区康复指南》,明确社区康复的定义及内涵,理清国内社区康复的发展脉络,针对我国社区康复发展过程中出现的问题提出合理化对策,探讨建立符合我国国情的本土化社区康复发展战略。 相似文献
从社会文化、精神卫生防治体系、卫生资源配置公平性、专业人才匮乏、治疗信心及康复延误6个方面,分析了农村精神分裂症患者社区康复存在的问题,为政府制定农村精神卫生政策提供有效的决策依据. 相似文献
健康老龄化背景下,社区康复服务需求增加。作者从政府部门、服务提供方、服务受益方三个层面对社区康复医疗服务各利益相关者进行综合分析,发现大部分利益相关主体对于发展社区康复医疗服务的实施意愿较强,利益诉求不完全一致,部分可能存在冲突。建议加强部门联动,发挥政府主导作用,完善社区医疗康复服务体系建设;加强机构合作,建立利益共享、风险共担的协作机制;加强能力建设,重视宣传引导,不断提升服务满意度,推进社区康复医疗服务高质量发展。 相似文献
雷英 《中国卫生事业管理》2000,16(2):107-107,113
世界卫生组织,在1976年提出了一种新的、有效的、经济的康复途径,即社区康复。目前世界范围内社区康复已由开始的“为什么推行社区康复”发展到了“如何进行社区康复”阶段,而香港是亚太地区开展社区康复最早的地区,笔者利用到香港参加国际康复会的机会,将所了解到的香港?.. 相似文献
目的介绍北京羊坊店社区卫生中心建立社区康复网络服务模式的具体方法和工作流程,并探讨该服务模式对社区康复患者康复状况的影响。方法羊坊店社区卫生服务中心建立以康复学会、三级医院康复专家为指导,社区卫生康复中心为重点,中心下属社区站为依托的三级社区康复网络服务。并制定了社区康复网络服务工作流程,积极进行康复知识宣教。对该服务网络运行6个月前后社区康复患者接受康复的情况进行了比较。结果社区康复网络服务模式运行6个月后接受社区各种康复服务的患者月均人次数明显增加,差异有统计学意义(P0.05);有无接受社区康复网络服务患者的生活质量比较差异有统计学意义(P0.01)。结论北京羊坊店社区卫生中心社区康复网络服务模式对社区康复患者有良好的管理效果。 相似文献
Tracy Comans Sandy Brauer Terry Haines 《Australian and New Zealand journal of public health》2009,33(3):240-245
Objective: To identify and compare the minimum number of clients that a multidisciplinary falls prevention service delivered through domiciliary or centre-based care needs to treat to allow the service to reach a 'break-even' point.
Method: A break-even analysis was undertaken for each of two models of care for a multidisciplinary community rehabilitation falls prevention service. The two models comprised either a centre-based group exercise and education program or a similar program delivered individually in the client's home. The service consisted of a physiotherapist, occupational therapist and therapy assistant. The participants were adults aged over 65 years who had experienced previous falls.
Costs were based on the actual cost of running a community rehabilitation team located in Brisbane. Benefits were obtained by estimating the savings gained to society from the number of falls prevented by the program on the basis of the falls reduction rates obtained in similar multidisciplinary programs.
Results: It is estimated that a multi-disciplinary community falls prevention team would need to see 57 clients per year to make the service break-even using a centre-based model of care and 78 clients for a domiciliary-based model.
Conclusions and Implications:
The service this study was based on has the capability to see around 300 clients per year in a centre-based service or 200-250 clients per year in a home-based service. Based on the best available estimates of costs of falls, multidisciplinary falls prevention teams in the community targeting people at high risk of falls are worthwhile funding from a societal viewpoint. 相似文献
Method: A break-even analysis was undertaken for each of two models of care for a multidisciplinary community rehabilitation falls prevention service. The two models comprised either a centre-based group exercise and education program or a similar program delivered individually in the client's home. The service consisted of a physiotherapist, occupational therapist and therapy assistant. The participants were adults aged over 65 years who had experienced previous falls.
Costs were based on the actual cost of running a community rehabilitation team located in Brisbane. Benefits were obtained by estimating the savings gained to society from the number of falls prevented by the program on the basis of the falls reduction rates obtained in similar multidisciplinary programs.
Results: It is estimated that a multi-disciplinary community falls prevention team would need to see 57 clients per year to make the service break-even using a centre-based model of care and 78 clients for a domiciliary-based model.
Conclusions and Implications:
The service this study was based on has the capability to see around 300 clients per year in a centre-based service or 200-250 clients per year in a home-based service. Based on the best available estimates of costs of falls, multidisciplinary falls prevention teams in the community targeting people at high risk of falls are worthwhile funding from a societal viewpoint. 相似文献
[目的]了解目前北京市社区精神障碍患者的康复需求,以期为更好的提供精神卫生服务提供依据。[方法]采用自行设计的调查问卷,对北京市朝阳、西城、大兴、房山4个区在社区康复的精神障碍患者进行现场调查,回收的数据用Epidata 3. 1录入,并用SPSS 22. 0软件进行统计分析。[结果]①社区精神障碍患者以城市京籍中老年无业者居多,学历普遍较低,多为持有精神残疾类别的残疾证的严重精神障碍患者;②近一半的患者更愿意接受社区专业化康复医疗服务(344,48. 6%);③患者选择在社区接受精神卫生服务的原因主要是方便及时(570,80. 5%);④大部分患者认为应该通过提高服务的专业性来促进社区精神卫生服务的发展(299,42. 2%)。[结论]北京市社区精神障碍患者的需求集中体在优质专业的社区精神卫生服务、丰富多样的就业岗位、灵活有效的康复项目、美好和谐的家庭环境和社区氛围等方面,而要更好满足患者的需求需要政府完善相关政策、提高基层服务水平、加强宣传、促进多方合作。 相似文献
Effective hospital and community rehabilitation services are increasingly recognised as a means of meeting the changing pattern of health and social care need. While the district or community nurse has the potential to play a central part in community rehabilitation provision, this role has received relatively scant attention in the literature. This paper describes research findings on community nurses' perceptions of their role and potential contribution to rehabilitation. As part of a wider, 2-year, qualitative investigation of the role of the nurse in rehabilitation, fieldwork was undertaken with both district and community staff nurses. This comprised focus group discussions and interviews with staff recruited as a consequence of the follow-up of patients' experiencing rehabilitation. The findings indicate that community-based nurses contributed to patient rehabilitation by making assessments, referring on to other members of the multi-professional team, advocating for and liaising with other services, helping people to adapt, teaching and motivating patients and carers, supporting and involving families, and providing technical care. A number of challenges to community-based nursing roles were apparent, including feelings of exclusion, lack of recognition, a lack of time for rehabilitation and paucity of referrals for rehabilitation. Greater clarity and recognition is needed of the community-based nursing contribution to rehabilitation, and there is a need to ensure that community nursing assessments contribute to patients' rehabilitation goals and the promotion of independent living. 相似文献
目的 了解集中社区戒毒康复模式对既往吸毒者自评健康的影响,为集中社区戒毒康复模式的进一步推进提供依据。方法 采用自行设计的问卷调查集中社区戒毒康复的既往吸毒者310名和流动的既往吸毒者275名,用非条件logistic回归校正相关影响因素后分析集中社区戒毒康复模式对既往吸毒者自评健康的影响。结果 校正性别、年龄、民族、文化程度、婚姻状况、职业、吸毒年限、吸毒种类、吸毒方式、目前戒毒感受、是否感染HIV和近半年是否出现身体上的疼痛后,集中社区戒毒康复模式的偏回归系数为1.591(P<0.001),其OR值为4.803 (95% CI: 3.039~7.591)。结论 集中社区戒毒康复模式下的既往吸毒者自评健康更好。 相似文献
香港社区护理的发展(综述) 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
香港社区护理发展于六十年代中期,经过三、四十年的发展,现今社区护理颇具规模.在2000年,香港医院管理局辖下有三十个社区护理中心及三百二十五名社康护士,每年提供家访共554269次,其中18637次是产科个案,454697次采访者是高于六十五岁.香港社区护理的发展是经过不少人各方的努力而达至今天的境地.概略来说,服务发展可分四个阶段,包括开垦期(1967-1973),探索期(1973-1978),演进期(1979-1991)及增进期(1992-现今).以下讨论这几个时期的发展,香港社康护士的职能及角色. 相似文献
社区医疗是一种新型的医疗模式,它的出现适应了社会经济发展、满足了人类的健康需要。远程监护是社区医疗监护系统中一个必不可少的功能,目前社区远程监护主要有基于电话网、Internet网以及无线网等几种,本文主要介绍社区医疗监护系统研究的新进展。 相似文献