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目的 对某村家庭作坊锡箔加工铅危害现状进行调查,为进行规范化管理提供依据.方法 通过现场卫生学调查、个案调查、不同场所空气中的铅烟(尘)、不同人群的血铅含量进行测定.结果 家庭作坊加工锡箔存在一定的职业危害.①加工场所铅烟(尘)浓度普遍超标,生活场所也可见超标.加工场所内采集20点空气样.铅烟5个点,全部超标,最高浓度超过国家卫生标准3.64倍;铅尘15个点,其中6个点超标,最高浓度超过国家卫生标准8.17倍;②290名各类人群血铅异常比例达到30.69%,从业人员中高达35.17%.结论 某村的铅危害不仅仅对从业人员造成了健康损害,同时污染当地生活环境,对生活在同一环境中的非从业人员造成了健康损害.  相似文献   

[目的]探讨家庭作坊锡箔加工对周围人群的铅污染,通过职业卫生调查干预降低铅危害。[方法]随机抽取290位村民,凡从事锡箔加工作业的为职业接触者,未从事锡箔加工的为未接触者,46名儿童父母亲中至少有一方是从事锡箔加工作业工人,同时做血铅检测。[结果]职业接触者与未接触者各级血铅水平组构成比较,χ2=5.60,P〈0.05,差异有统计学意义。职业接触者与曾经接触已脱离者各级血铅水平组构成比较,χ2=7.36,P〈0.01,差异有统计学意义。职业接触者不同岗位血铅比较,χ2=34.18,P〈0.01,差异有统计学意义,以敲箔岗位污染最大。不同接触年限血铅比较,χ2=11.54,P〈0.01,差异有统计学意义,工龄越长,高血铅人员构成比越高。儿童高铅血症发生率占97.83%(45/46)。[结论]家庭作坊锡箔加工对作业人群及家庭有较严重铅污染,现场劳动卫生学干预有助于改善作业环境降低铅污染。  相似文献   

目的对兰溪市、浦江县锡箔加工家庭作坊的儿童进行监测,探讨乡镇环境铅污染对当地儿童健康的影响.方法在污染区46名和对照区32名儿童中进行血铅测定,并分别进行了WISC-R儿童智能发育的检查测试.结果污染区儿童血铅明显高于对照组儿童,血铅水平与儿童韦氏智商存在负相关关系.结论家庭作坊的锡箔加工严重污染了当地儿童的生长环境,对儿童的智能发育造成一定的影响.  相似文献   

铅,镉对儿童的危害   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
铅、镐常共存于环境之中,在对人体尤其是儿童的毒性作用上,是两种既具有许多相似性,又各有特性的重金属。1 铅对儿童的影响通常人体对铅的易感性与年龄有关。儿童尤其是幼儿一般比成人更易受到铅的危害。据有关数据表明,在美国每个学龄前儿童,就有一个有低浓度(亚临床)铅吸收的情况,这种情  相似文献   

家庭铅作坊引起危害的调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
家庭铅作坊引起危害的调查金华市卫生防疫站(321000)马福云,方福贵,罗进斌,徐卸佐浦江县卫生防疫站倪笑玮,泮文双某家庭铅作坊一家4人中3人发生铅中毒,现将调查结果报告如下。1劳动卫生学调查1.1调查对象:某家庭成人2人,小孩2人。1.2生产工艺:...  相似文献   

近年来,乡村企业不断发展,但不能放松对车间有害物质的治疗,有些铅作业厂忽视了这一环节,致使铅作业工人受危害程度有进一步上升趋势,现将我地蓄电池厂铅作业情况的调查分析如下,以便更好地控制铅作业对工人身体的危害。  相似文献   

铅的总接触量对儿童健康危害的研究   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  

[目的]了解作坊式铅作业工厂的职业危害、受铅污染儿童体格发育情况和对病原的易感性.[方法]现场劳动卫生学调查,选取经济水平相当的非污染区、年龄结构相同的儿童为对照组进行比较.[结果]作业工人铅中毒发病率55.5%(25/45);周围儿童身高、体重指标低于对照组,儿童学期病假率2.2%,显著高于对照组(P<0.01);感冒发病相对危险度3.35倍.[结论]工业区存在严重铅职业危害,周围儿童体格发育受到影响,对病原的易感性增加.  相似文献   

某村家庭石英加工作坊职业危害调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]了解家庭石英加工作坊的职业危害。[方法]对63家家庭石英加工作坊按。职业卫生调查裹。进行调查;对3家干式作业、1家温式作业加工作坊的生产性粉尘进行测定;对现有在职的201个民工及返乡的89个农民工进行体检;对原在石英加工作坊务过工已死亡的18个农民工进行核实。[结果]石英粉尘游离SiO2含量为82.5%,温式作生的粉尘浓度达标,干武作业的粉尘浓度平均为91.3mg/m^3,达标率11.1%;粉尘颗粒小于5μm的平均64.8%,砂脚患病率为22.7%。[结论]干式作业的家庭石英加工作坊的职业危害严重且无证经营,应予以取缔。  相似文献   

世界卫生组织(WHO)认为,人体内含有各种微量元素,如果含量超过正常值范围,将对人体健康产生巨大危害,据有关资料记载,对儿童健康威胁最大的是铅。通过近年来有关专家的研究表明,由于儿童活动范围广,接触有害物质机会比较多,对铅易感性强,吸收率高,铅对儿童的危害程度已经达到非常高的水平。目前,黑龙江省哈尔滨市0—2岁儿童铅中毒率达45%,2—6岁达46%,儿童铅中毒已成为医疗工作者不容忽视的问题,引起各国医疗专家的高度重视。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Enormous progress has been made in recent decades in our understanding of lead neurotoxicology in children, but an important obstacle to additional progress is the striking variability that is evident in any plot of a lead biomarker versus a health endpoint. METHODS: In this article, three potential sources of variability are identified: (1) errors or imprecision in characterizing dose (and/or outcome); (2) incomplete characterization of endpoint variance attributable to factors other than lead; and (3) inter-individual differences in susceptibility to lead neurotoxicity. RESULTS: Strategies are suggested for reducing the variability contributed by these sources, including the development of validated PBPK models and biomarkers of early biological effects; the development of more comprehensive models of outcome variance and, specifically, the application of multi-level models that incorporate supra-individual and supra-family risk factors; and the use of study designs that permit assessments of the effect modifying influence of contextual factors on the form and severity of neurotoxicity. CONCLUSION: Decomposing the variability in the distribution of observed scores around the best-fit lines that describe the dose-effect relationships for lead neurotoxicity in children is a major research need.  相似文献   

在综述铅危害、毒性机制和国内外儿童铅暴露现状基础上,分析了儿童铅暴露的来源,并提出了相应的防治措施。  相似文献   

目的通过对河源市18家石英砂企业粉尘危害现状的调查,了解河源市石英砂加工行业粉尘危害现状,为石英砂行业的粉尘危害防治提供依据及相应的对策。方法采用随机抽样的方法,抽取已完成职业病危害申报的18家石英砂企业,进行现场卫生学调查和现场粉尘浓度及粉尘中游离二氧化硅(SiO2)含量检测。结果①总粉尘检测85个作业点,粉尘浓度范围为0.23—207.6mg/m^3,平均值为13.47mg/m^3,超标率高达81.2%,最高超限倍数达415.2倍;②抽取的18个游离SiO2样品中,粉尘中游离Si02含量全部超过80%,其范围在83.21%~98.83%,均值为92.5%。结论河源市石英砂加工行业粉尘危害严重,游离SiO2含量高,用人单位及政府应加强粉尘的防治工作。  相似文献   

目的 了解不同家庭背景儿童生长发育水平,探讨家庭因素对儿童生长发育的影响.方法 随机整群抽样调查54 633名健康儿童,按照人体标准测量方法测量其身高体重.采用调查问卷了解儿童家庭情况并进行家庭多因素分析.结果 城区儿童体重、身高均值分别高于农村儿童0.68 kg、0.87 cm,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01).处于不同家庭类型的同性别儿童体重和身高指标差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);主干家庭的儿童平均体重与身高(12.45 kg、85.99 cm)分别低于核心家庭儿童(14.33 kg、93.11 cm).外婆或奶奶与保姆为主抚养的男童平均体重与身高(13.15kg、84.80 cm)及女童平均体重与身高(12.57 kg、88.17 cm)明显低于母亲抚养组的男童(14.44 kg、92.89cm)与女童(13.80 kg、91.76 cm)(P<0.01).抚养人文化程度高,儿童体重、身高均值有增高趋势,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01).父母文化程度和不同职业对儿童体重影响差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),但父母是大学/大专文化程度的儿童平均身高(92.65 cm)高于其他组(90.61 cm),干部、军人、文教卫生与科技职业父母其儿童平均身高(94.16cm)高于其他组(90.84 cm),差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 不同生活环境的儿童生长发育水平存在差异,家庭因素对儿童身长(高)的影响比体重更为明显.文化程度较低的儿童抚养人是儿童保健健康教育的重点人群.  相似文献   

The authors studied 53 girls (44.5%) and 66 (55.5%) boys in Karachi, Pakistan, to determine their blood lead levels. The association between blood lead levels/water lead levels and the possible risk factors and symptoms associated with lead toxicity was explored. The mean lead level for the entire group was 7.9 μg/dl (standard deviation = 4.5 μg/dl). Thirty (25.2%) of the children had lead levels that exceeded 10 μg/dl; 12 (10.0%) of these had lead levels that exceeded 15 μg/dl. Thirteen (20.9%) of the children under the age of 6 yr (n = 62) had lead levels greater than 10 μg/dl, and 6 (9.6%) had levels in excess of 15 μg/dl. The authors found no association (p > .05) between high lead levels in water and blood lead levels in children. Mean blood lead levels were highest in the group of children exposed to various risk factors for lead absorption (e.g., exposure to paint, remodeling, and renovation; use of lead utensils; pica). There was a significant association between a history of exposure to paint/renovation activities and a history of pica. High blood lead levels in the children in Karachi stress the urgency for actions that control lead pollution. Screening programs should be instituted by the state. Individuals must become aware of lead's toxicity, and they must avoid substances that contain lead.  相似文献   

【目的】 探讨抽动障碍患儿的家庭动力学特征,为治疗探索新的途径。 【方法】 使用自编一般情况调查表、系统家庭动力学自评量表对30例抽动障碍患儿(研究组)和30名正常儿童(对照组)进行评估。 【结果】 研究组的家庭气氛和系统逻辑维度高于对照组,差异具有统计学意义(t=3.151,P<0.01;t=2.142,P<0.05),在个性化、疾病观念维度两组差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。 【结论】 抽动障碍患儿的家庭动力学特征为:家庭气氛倾向于“敌对、沉闷”,系统逻辑倾向于“非此即彼”的二元对立认知模式。  相似文献   

目的 了解家庭环境对流动儿童心理健康状况的影响。方法 采用整群抽样方法,选择辽宁省沈阳市4所学校的858名流动儿童为调查对象,采用心理健康诊断测验(MHT)对研究对象进行心理健康状况调查,采用家庭环境量表中文版(FES-CV)对研究对象进行家庭环境调查。结果 流动儿童存在心理健康问题,以学习焦虑最常见,发生率为48.50%;健康组与不健康组的家庭环境不同,不健康组儿童家庭的亲密度(6.61±2.29)分、组织性(4.95±1.86)分均低于健康组的(7.16±1.92)、(5.31±1.76)分,而矛盾性得分为(3.06±2.46)分高于健康组的(2.43±1.98)分,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01);2组儿童的知识性得分分别为(3.54±2.06)、(3.56±1.92)分差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);家庭环境与心理健康状况有相关性(P<0.01)。结论 流动儿童存在心理健康问题,以学习焦虑、自责倾向为主,家庭环境影响流动儿童的心理健康状况。  相似文献   


Lead poisoning in children is an international concern. Health effects vary according to a child's blood lead level. Historically, the problem of lead poisoning in Russia had been defined by analysis of hair samples. In Saratov, Russia, during the spring of 1996, the authors conducted the first evaluation of blood lead levels among Russian children. The mean blood lead level of 579 samples analyzed at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention was 7.7 μg/dL (range 3.0 to 35.7 μg/dL). The sensitivity of hair analysis in identifying blood lead levels above 10 μg/dL was 50% . Most of the environmental samples evaluated (including water, dust, paint, and soil) were within acceptable U.S. remediation standards. Almost one-fourth of the Russian children evaluated during this site-specific investigation had blood lead levels capable of causing adverse health effects in children. Hair analysis is not an adequate method for identifying these children. Additional investigations in other Russian cities are necessary in order to determine the extent of lead poisoning in Russia's children.  相似文献   

Despite the widespread use of lead paint hazard control for children with lead poisoning, few controlled studies that estimate the effect of such control on children's blood lead levels have been published. This retrospective follow-up study examined the effects of lead hazard remediation and its timing on the blood lead levels of lead-poisoned children. From the New York City child blood lead registry, 221 children were selected who had an initial blood lead level of 20-44 micro g/dL between 1 July 1994 and 31 December 1996; were 6 months to 6 years of age; had a report of a follow-up blood lead test between 10 and 14 months after the initial test; had a lead-based paint hazard identified in the primary dwelling unit prior to the 10- to 14-month follow-up blood lead test; had resided or spent time at only one address with an identified lead-based paint hazard; and were not chelated. The decline in geometric mean blood lead levels from baseline to 10-14 months later was compared for children whose homes were remediated and whose homes were not remediated during the follow-up period. Regardless of remediation, geometric mean blood lead levels declined significantly from 24.3 micro g/dL at the initial diagnosis to 12.3 micro g/dL at the 10- to 14-month follow-up blood lead test (P<0.01). Among the 146 children whose homes were remediated the geometric mean blood lead levels declined 53% compared to 41% among the 75 children whose homes were not remediated by the follow-up blood lead test, a remediation effect of approximately 20% (P<0.01). After adjusting for potential confounders, the remediation effect was 11%, although it was no longer significant. Race was the only factor that appeared to confound the relationship: Black children had higher follow-up blood lead levels even after controlling for other factors, including the natural logarithm of the initial blood lead level. The effect of remediation appeared to be stronger for younger (10 to <36 months old) than for older (36 to 72 months old) children (P=0.06). While children in homes with earlier remediation (within less than 3 months) appeared to have greater declines in blood lead levels at the follow-up test than children in homes with later remediation (after 3 or more months), this trend was not significant when controlling for confounding factors. The findings of this study suggest that early identification of lead-poisoned children and timely investigation and abatement of hazards contribute to reducing blood lead levels. However, the apparent effect is modest and further research is needed to systematically test and improve the effectiveness of lead hazard controls.  相似文献   

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