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Forty patients (33 male, 7 female) with refractory epilepsy were randomized to receive ascending weekly doses of adjunctive remacemide hydrochloride in a b.i.d. or q.i.d. regimen, or placebo for up to 1 month. Assessments included routine physical examination and laboratory tests, recording of adverse events and seizure frequency, and neuropsychological tests. Trough plasma concentrations of concomitant AEDs were measured at weekly intervals. Trough plasma concentrations of remacemide and its desglycinyl metabolite were measured before each dose increment, and complete 24-hour profiles were measured at steady state following administration of 600 mg day(-1)and 1200 mg day(-1). A daily dose of 1200 mg was well tolerated in a q.i.d. regimen and up to 800 mg was well tolerated in a b.i.d. regimen. The most common adverse events were dizziness, diplopia, dyspepsia and abdominal pain. On some occasions, these were considered to be related to raised concentrations of concomitant AEDs. No adverse effects were observed on seizure frequency. Neuropsychology tests revealed no significant changes. Remacemide and the desglycinyl metabolite demonstrated dose proportional pharmacokinetics over the dose range tested.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: ZK 200775 is a selective competitive AMPA receptor antagonist. It has demonstrated neuroprotective efficacy in experimental models of stroke and tolerability in healthy volunteers. We tested the safety and tolerability of ZK 200775 in patients with acute ischaemic stroke. METHODS: In a multicentre double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled phase II trial, 61 ischaemic stroke patients were treated with either placebo or active drug in a dose finding design. Twenty-five patients received placebo, 12 patients received a total dose of 262.5 mg in 48 h (group 1) and 13 patients received a total dose of 525 mg in 48 h (group 2), and 11 patients received a total dose of 105 mg over a period of 6 h (group 3). We studied the pharmacokinetics of the compound and the effect of the infusion on the neurologic and haemodynamic parameters of the patients. The study was not powered to detect neuroprotective efficacy. RESULTS: In group 2 there was a significant transient worsening in the mean NIH stroke scale score 14- 18 h after the start of treatment. This was due to reduction of consciousness (stupor and coma) in 8 out of 13 patients. Level of consciousness improved approximately 6 h after cessation of infusion. No significant haemodynamic responses were observed. Even after reduction of the administered dose and duration of infusion to 6 h (group 3), 2 patients experienced a reduction in level of consciousness. The effect of ZK 200775 on level of consciousness gave cause for concern and the trial was stopped prematurely for safety reasons. CONCLUSIONS: The AMPA antagonist ZK 200775 reversibly worsened the neurological condition in patients with acute ischaemic stroke. Our results suggest that ZK 200775 exerts significant sedative effects in patients with acute stroke which preclude its further development as a neuroprotective agent in this indication.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Aptiganel (CNS 1102) is a selective, noncompetitive antagonist that acts on the ion channel associated with the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor and is neuroprotective in experimental focal cerebral ischemia models at a plasma concentration of 10 ng/mL. In human volunteers, dose-limiting effects of aptiganel are blood pressure increases and central nervous system (CNS) excitation or depression. This study assessed the safety and tolerability of non-weight-adjusted doses of aptiganel in patients with acute ischemic stroke. METHODS: This was a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled multicenter study in patients presenting within 24 hours of acute ischemic stroke. Ascending single intravenous bolus doses of aptiganel (3, 4.5, 6, and 7.5 mg) were assessed in 21 patients with a 3:1 active drug:placebo randomization schedule. In 15 subsequent patients, selected bolus doses were followed by constant intravenous infusion for 6 to 12 hours (6 mg plus 1 mg/h, n=10; then 4.5 mg plus 0.75 mg/h, n=15) in a 4:1 randomization schedule. Prospectively collected pharmacokinetic data guided selection of infusion rates. Neurological and functional status were recorded at entry and after 1 week, although the study was not designed to test efficacy. RESULTS: Forty-six patients were randomized from 4 centers (3 in the United States and 1 in the United Kingdom): 36 received aptiganel HCl, and 10 were given placebo. Hypertension and CNS events were commonly reported after a bolus dose of 7.5 mg and after a 6-mg bolus followed by an infusion of 1 mg/h. The lower regimen of 4.5-mg bolus followed by infusion of 0.75 mg/h achieved plasma aptiganel concentrations of >10 ng/mL and was well tolerated by patients but still raised systolic blood pressure by approximately 30 mm Hg over baseline. CONCLUSIONS: A 4.5-mg intravenous bolus of aptiganel HCl followed by infusion of 0.75 mg/h for 12 hours is a tolerable dose that can produce plasma drug concentrations shown to be neuroprotective in animal models. However, increases in systolic blood pressure and an excess of CNS effects were both observed at this dose.  相似文献   

Cervene (nalmefene), an opioid antagonist with relative kappa receptor selectivity, has shown neuroprotective effects in multiple experimental central nervous system injury and ischemic models. The agent already has a well-established safety profile in various clinical indications. Results from an earlier pilot study in 44 acute stroke patients suggest that Cervene administered by 24-hour maintenance infusion was safe and tolerable. The primary and secondary objectives of the current study were to assess the dose-related safety and preliminary efficacy of Cervene in patients with acute ischemic stroke. Methods: The present investigation was a Phase II, placebocontrolled, double-blind, randomized, dose-comparison, parallel-group study of a 24-hour administration of Cervene injection. Patients with acute ischemic stroke, onset of symptoms within 6 hours, and baseline score >/=4 on the National Institute of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) were randomized to 1 of 4 treatment groups: Cervene 6 mg, 20 mg, 60 mg or placebo. The primary efficacy outcome was the proportion of patients achieving a score of >/=60 on the Barthel Index and a rating of "moderate disability" or better on the Glasgow Outcome Scale at 12 weeks. Results: A total of 312 patients were randomized at 28 centers. All doses of Cervene were well tolerated. Overall, there was no significant difference in 3-month functional outcome for any dose of Cervene treatment compared with placebo. However, a prospective secondary analysis showed that both male and female patients less than age 70 years may have had an improved 3-month outcome. Conclusions: The results of this study indicate that the competitive kappa receptor opiate antagonist Cervene can be given safely to acute stroke patients at doses up to 60 mg/24 hr. Although overall there was no significant difference in the 3-month outcome, Cervene treatment may be associated with improved outcomes for patients younger than age 70.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Hypervolemic hemodilution (HH) with hydroxyethyl starch (HES) significantly increases cerebral blood flow and thus may reduce ischemic tissue damage in the penumbra zones when given within the therapeutic time window. The objective of this study was to investigate the safety of a 10% solution of HES 130/0.4 versus 0.9% saline solution in acute ischemic stroke by the incidence of adverse events (AEs). METHODS: In a controlled, double-blind, randomized, multicenter, phase II, parallel-group study, 106 patients with acute ischemic stroke received high-dose HH with HES 130/0.4 or placebo within 6 h of symptom onset with a randomization ratio of 2:1 in favor of HES therapy. RESULTS: There were no significant differences between the groups with regard to the incidence of the specific AEs (cardiovascular events, bleeding complications, allergic reactions) assessed over days 1-30, or mortality over days 1-8. In addition, global tests of efficacy showed a trend towards a better functional outcome with HES therapy; however, the study was not designed to prove efficacy. CONCLUSIONS: High-dose HH with HES or NaCl was generally safe and well tolerated. Safety profiles were similar for the two treatment groups, and there was a nonsignificant trend towards a better functional outcome with HES therapy.  相似文献   

A double-blind study of neurotropin in patients with acute ischemic stroke   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Neurotropin was found to reduce brain oedema in an experimental model of brain infarction in the guinea-pig. A randomized double-blind controlled trial with Neurotropin was performed in 220 patients admitted within 24 h after an acute ischemic stroke. 35 of the neurotropin and 41 of the placebo-randomized patients had to be excluded. 10 included patients in the neurotropin and 13 in the placebo-treated group died within the study period of 15 days. A better clinical outcome was observed in the 65 included surviving neurotropin compared with the 56 placebo-treated patients. The size of the infarct and of the oedema zones was significantly more decreased on CTscans from Day 11 compared with Day 3 after stroke in the neurotropin than in the placebo treated group. Neurotropin is helpful in treating brain oedema, related to acute ischemic stroke.  相似文献   

Nimodipine in acute ischemic stroke: a double-blind controlled study   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Nimodipine (BAY e 9736), a new dihydropyridine derivative, has been shown to reduce neurological deficits and mortality induced by acute cerebral ischemia in experimental studies. We investigated the effects of this calcium antagonist in patients with acute ischemic stroke through a randomized, double-blind, parallel-designed trial in which nimodipine was compared with placebo. Forty-one of 54 screened cases were found to fulfil the inclusion criteria (sudden occurrence of a focal neurological deficit secondary to an acute ischemic event in the carotid area diagnosed after a complete neurological work-up) and entered the study. Nineteen of them were treated with nimodipine (40 mg t.i.d. administered for 28 days) and the remaining 22 with placebo, given in identical tablets. In all patients the treatment started within 12 h after the onset of the symptoms. Course and intensity of the neurological deficit were evaluated by the Mathew Scale (slightly modified). Forty patients concluded the trial. Nimodipine was withdrawn in one case following the occurrence of a skin rash whose causative relation with the test drug could not be clarified. Altogether, however, nimodipine was well tolerated and no severe cardiovascular adverse reactions were observed. In terms of efficacy, the scores obtained by the Mathew Scale showed a higher rate of improvement on nimodipine than on placebo, thus indicating that patients receiving the latter drug did not fare as well as those receiving the test medication. Our data suggest that nimodipine may be beneficial in the treatment of acute stroke.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Pharmacotherapy aimed at stroke rehabilitation through direct central nervous effects may be assumed to work in a similar way for language recovery and sensory-motor recovery. Some data suggest that antidepressant drugs could be beneficial also for functional improvement. This prompted us to investigate whether regression from aphasia after acute stroke could be enhanced by antidepressive drug therapy. METHODS: We randomised 90 acute stroke patients with aphasia to either 600 mg moclobemide or placebo daily for 6 months, within 3 weeks of the onset of stroke. Aphasia was assessed prior to treatment and at 6 months, using Reinvang's 'Grunntest for afasi' and the Amsterdam-Nijmegen-Everyday-Language-Test (ANELT). RESULT: The degree of aphasia decreased significantly at 6 months, with no difference between the moclobemide- and the placebo-treated groups. Multivariate regression analysis including treatment group, activities of daily living, aetiology of stroke, ANELT, and Reinvang's coefficient at baseline, and neurological deficit confirmed these results. In all, 13 in the moclobemide and 10 in the placebo group stopped taking the study medication. No further change was found in the 56 aphasic patients followed up for another 6 months with no medication. CONCLUSIONS: Compared to placebo, treatment with moclobemide for 6 months did not enhance the regression of aphasia following an acute stroke.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: A multicenter, double-blind, placebo-controlled study was conducted to assess the efficacy and safety of fasudil, a Rho-kinase inhibitor (RKI), in the treatment of acute ischemic stroke. METHODS: A total of 160 patients, who were able to receive drug treatment within 48 h of acute ischemic stroke onset were enrolled. Patients received either 60 mg fasudil or a placebo (saline) by intravenous injection over 60 min, twice daily for 14 days. The primary end points were neurological status at 2 weeks after the start of treatment, and clinical outcome at 1 month after the onset of symptoms. RESULTS: Fasudil treatment resulted in significantly greater improvements in both neurological functions (p=0.0013), and clinical outcome (p=0.0015). There were no serious adverse events reported in the fasudil group. The average trough value (12 h values) of active metabolite hydroxyfasudil, another RKI, in healthy elderly volunteers receiving 60 mg of fasudil was 0.077 microM-a concentration well above that needed to inhibit Rho-kinase (0.025-0.05 microM). CONCLUSION: Treatment with fasudil within 48 h of acute ischemic stroke onset significantly improved the patient's clinical outcome. This study found fasudil to be a useful and safe drug for patients with acute ischemic stroke. Further evaluations, for example, 3-month functional outcomes in a larger clinical trial, may help to define the efficacy of fasudil in acute ischemic stroke.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The authors compared the efficacy and safety of aripiprazole, a novel antipsychotic, to placebo for treatment of patients in an acute manic or mixed episode of bipolar disorder. METHOD: This 3-week, multicenter, double-blind study randomly assigned 262 bipolar disorder patients in an acute manic or mixed episode to aripiprazole, 30 mg/day (reduced to 15 mg/day if needed for tolerability), or placebo. Patients remained hospitalized for at least 2 of the weeks. The primary efficacy measure was mean change from baseline in total score on the Young Mania Rating Scale; response was defined as a decrease in score of > or =50%. RESULTS: Aripiprazole produced statistically significant mean improvements in total score on the Young Mania Rating Scale compared with placebo (-8.2 versus -3.4, respectively) and produced a significantly higher response rate (40% versus 19%). For key efficacy variables (response per Young Mania Rating Scale; Clinical Global Impression-Bipolar Version scores for severity of illness [mania] and change from preceding phase [mania]), aripiprazole separated from placebo by day 4. The completion rate was significantly higher with aripiprazole than with placebo (42% versus 21%). Discontinuations due to adverse events did not differ significantly between the aripiprazole and placebo groups. There were no significant changes in body weight versus placebo, and aripiprazole was not associated with elevated serum prolactin or QTc prolongation. CONCLUSIONS: Aripiprazole had significantly greater efficacy than placebo for the treatment of bipolar disorder patients in acute manic or mixed episodes and was safe and well tolerated in this randomized controlled trial.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Repinotan is a potent, serotonin (5-HT1A) full receptor agonist that interferes with ischemia-mediated neuronal cell death in animal models. This double-blind, placebo-controlled phase II study examined the safety, tolerability, and dose of repinotan in patients with acute ischemic stroke. METHODS: Patients with acute hemispheric ischemia and a National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale of 4 to 25 were randomized to placebo or repinotan 0.5, 1.25, or 2.5 mg/day (d) given by continuous intravenous infusion for 72 hours. Treatment was started within six hours of symptom onset. Evaluations were performed at four weeks and three months. RESULTS: Among 240 patients in the safety analysis, repinotan was well-tolerated, with adverse events appearing more frequently in the highest dose group (2.5 mg/d). The most common adverse event was headache (21.3% to 35% with repinotan and 24.1% with placebo). Most (75%) adverse events were of mild or moderate severity. The most common severe adverse events were neurological worsening, cerebral hemorrhage, and brain edema. The number of deaths and serious adverse events were similar among placebo and repinotan groups. Compared to the placebo group, the proportion of patients with good outcomes at three months was greatest in the group receiving repinotan 1.25 mg/d, although the difference was not statistically significant. CONCLUSIONS: This study indicates that the incidence of adverse events was comparable with all doses of repinotan and placebo, and no safety issues were observed. A trend toward better tolerability with evidence of efficacy was observed with the repinotan 1.25 mg/d dose.  相似文献   

Purpose: To assess the efficacy, safety, and tolerability of adjunctive carisbamate treatment at 800 mg/day and 1,200 mg/day in patients with partial‐onset seizures (POS). Methods: Patients ≥16 years of age with an established diagnosis of POS for ≥1 year and uncontrolled on one to three antiepileptic drugs were enrolled. Eligible patients remained on stable doses of prescribed antiepileptic drugs for an 8‐week pretreatment baseline phase and were then randomized (1:1:1) to receive carisbamate (800 mg/day or 1,200 mg/day), or placebo, for a 14‐week double‐blind phase. Primary efficacy endpoints were percentage reduction in POS frequency and responder rate (patients with ≥50% reduction in POS frequency) during the double‐blind versus baseline phase. Key Findings: Five hundred forty‐seven patients were randomized; 540 composed the intent‐to‐treat (ITT) analysis. Four hundred thirty‐four patients (79%) completed the study. The median percent reduction from baseline to treatment phase in POS frequency was: 21% (placebo); 30% (carisbamate 800 mg); 36% (carisbamate 1,200 mg), and 32% (combined carisbamate doses). The combined carisbamate dose group was not significantly different from placebo for the median percent reduction of POS frequency (p = 0.20) or responder rate (p = 0.18). Therefore, the difference from placebo for the individual carisbamate dose groups was also considered nonsignificant, based on a prespecified step‐down analysis. Dizziness was the most common treatment‐emergent adverse event, with a higher incidence (≥5% difference) in the combined carisbamate group (31%) than placebo (9%); the incidence was higher with carisbamate 1,200 mg (32%, n = 58) than with carisbamate 800 mg (30%, n = 53). Significance: Adjunctive carisbamate therapy in patients with POS did not demonstrate efficacy across the dose range assessed versus placebo. No new safety findings were observed.  相似文献   

The therapeutic efficacy of prostacyclin in nonhemorrhagic cerebral infarction was assessed in a placebo-controlled double-blind trial. A total of 80 patients with stroke onset within 24 hours were randomized into placebo (37 patients) and prostacyclin (43 patients) groups. Demographic data and risk factors were comparable. Patients in the prostacyclin group received a continuous i.v. infusion of prostacyclin at an average rate of 8.5 ng/kg/min for an average of 64 hours. The placebo group received vehicle only in a similar fashion. During treatment hemodynamic changes were more prominent in the patients receiving prostacyclin and included reduction of systolic and diastolic blood pressure and increase in pulse rate. In contrast there was only a slight (but significant) reduction of diastolic blood pressure in the placebo group. Neurologic deficit scores were determined on admission, at Day 3, and at Weeks 1, 2, and 4. Mean neurologic deficit scores upon entry were comparable in the placebo and prostacyclin groups, and a significant improvement in the score for neurologic deficit was noted in both. The placebo group tended to fare better throughout the study, with a significant difference in neurologic deficit score favoring the placebo group at Week 2 (p = 0.0048). Two patients in the placebo and one in the prostacyclin group died. The only difference in adverse reactions was flushing (6 patients in prostacyclin vs. 0 in placebo group, p less than 0.05). The results of this study suggest a lack of therapeutic efficacy of prostacyclin in a defined population of patients with nonhemorrhagic cerebral infarction.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The objective of this multicenter, international study was to evaluate safety and tolerability of paliperidone extended-release (ER) tablets in elderly (age > or =65 years) patients with schizophrenia. The authors conducted a 6-week, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, optional 24-week open-label extension study. Interventions consisted of flexible, once-daily doses of paliperidone ER (3-12 mg/day; 6-mg starting dose, adjusted in 3-mg dose increments) or placebo (2:1) during double-blind treatment and paliperidone ER only during open-label treatment. Measurements included adverse events, laboratory tests, physical examinations, 12-lead electrocardiograms, movement disorder rating scales, Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale, and Clinical Global Impression scale. The study was not powered to show statistical differences. RESULTS: Patients (N = 114) were predominantly female (73%); mean age was 70 years (double-blind phase). Concomitant disease presence was consistent with that of an older population. During the double-blind phase, discontinuation rates resulting from adverse events were similar between groups (paliperidone ER: 7%, placebo: 8%) as were incidences of treatment-emergent adverse events (paliperidone ER: 67%, placebo: 71%). Serious adverse events occurred in 3% of the paliperidone ER- and 8% of the placebo-treated patients. Elevated prolactin levels occurred in approximately one half of patients. No prolactin- or glucose treatment-related adverse events or noteworthy mean changes in body weight (0 kg [standard deviation: 2.1] and 0 kg [standard deviation: 2.3] for paliperidone ER and placebo, respectively) were observed. Safety and tolerability results in the extension were consistent with the shorter-term results. Efficacy measures did not show consistent statistical improvement between treatment groups. CONCLUSION: Paliperidone ER (3-12 mg/day) treatment over a 30-week period was generally well-tolerated and may improve symptom severity in elderly patients with schizophrenia.  相似文献   

Chen  Chung-Yao  Chen  Chia-Ling  Yu  Chung-Chieh 《Journal of neurology》2021,268(8):2951-2960
Journal of Neurology - Low arousal threshold plays a part in the pathogenesis of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and may be improved by sedatives. Sedative antidepressants are frequently prescribed...  相似文献   

This multicentre, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group study investigated the efficacy, safety and pharmacokinetics of remacemide hydrochloride in adult patients ( n= 59) with refractory epilepsy, undergoing reduced or discontinued antiepileptic drug (AED) usage, as part of an evaluation for epilepsy surgery. On discontinuation or reduction of maintenance AEDs, patients received remacemide hydrochloride, up to 600 mg daily, or placebo, for up to ten days or until they experienced a fourth complex partial (CPS) or a generalised tonic-clonic (GTC) seizure. Pre- and post-study blood and urine samples were taken for analysis. Remacemide hydrochloride showed a significantly ( P= 0.045) longer median time to fourth seizure compared with placebo (6.8 vs. 3.8 days). Median nine-day seizure counts were significantly ( P= 0.0327) lower with remacemide hydrochloride than placebo (6.2 vs. 12.8). Eleven remacemide hydrochloride patients and six placebo patients completed ten days' treatment. Remacemide and desglycinyl metabolite levels were lower in patients receiving concomitant carbamazepine or phenytoin than in those receiving non-inducing AEDs or remacemide hydrochloride alone. No serious adverse events occurred; all patients receiving remacemide hydrochloride completed the study. Remacemide hydrochloride was well tolerated and showed significant therapeutic activity in this patient population.  相似文献   

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