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目的了解听觉传导通路不同部位的病变对中枢掩蔽的影响,为临床分析掩蔽测试结果提供参考。方法分别对一侧耳正常另一侧耳为传导性聋的患者30例(外伤性鼓膜穿孔、分泌性中耳炎及慢性化脓性中耳炎各10例)、耳蜗性聋患者27例(突聋伴眩晕7例、突聋不伴眩晕及原因不明各10例)、蜗后性聋患者7例(单侧听神经瘤3例,单侧听神经病4例)进行中枢掩蔽测试。结果外伤性鼓膜穿孔10耳中枢掩蔽接近正常;分泌性中耳炎及慢性化脓性中耳炎中枢掩蔽有不同程度的降低。突聋合并眩晕耳,中枢掩蔽效应高于正常耳10dB以上,且有极大的个体差异;而在其他耳蜗病变耳,中枢掩蔽幅值明显低于正常耳。蜗后病变耳中枢掩蔽表现也各异。结论在中耳病变耳,当对侧掩蔽声达40dBEM时,中枢掩蔽效应大于5dB,故如掩蔽测试时所用掩蔽声大于40dBEM则需对测试结果进行修正。在突聋伴眩晕耳,因中枢掩蔽效应幅值极大,故测试气导听阈时,应尽可能用插入式耳机,骨导测试应放弃。在蜗后病变耳应根据具体情况拟定掩蔽方案。  相似文献   

目的 评估软带或头带佩戴新型经皮传导索菲康骨导助听器对传导性聋或混合性聋、单侧聋患者的助听效果.方法 以来自国内4家三级甲等医院的109例传导性或混合性聋患者及11例单侧聋(single-sided deafness,SSD)患者为研究对象,均以纯音测听(≥6岁患者)或听性脑干反应(ABR)(<6岁患者)评估裸耳听阈后予以头带或软带佩戴索菲康Alpha 2 MPO骨导助听器;并在声场下进行未助听、佩戴当日及佩戴2周后的助听听阈(0.5~4 kHz)测试;≥6岁患者进行未助听、佩戴当日及佩戴2周助听下的言语识别阈(speech recognition threshold, SRT)测试,并记录患者佩戴后的不良反应.结果 传导性或混合性聋患者中≥6岁患者助听耳裸耳骨导及气导平均听阈均值分别为18.55±8.99、71.45±10.25 dB HL,<6岁组助听耳裸耳骨导及气导ABR阈值均值分别为18.33±8.36、70.80±8.24 dB HL;SSD患者助听耳裸耳听阈不能测出;佩戴2周后,三组助听后纯音听阈均值分别为32.21±10.00、37.33±14.15、34.38±10.76 dB HL,较未助听时明显改善,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);≥6岁传导性或混合性聋组和SSD组患者佩戴2周后助听下各方向SRT较未助听时均显著降低,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);各组患者均无与佩戴助听器相关的不良皮肤反应等.结论 使用软带、头带佩戴索菲康骨导助听器,可有效改善传导性或混合性聋、SSD患者听阈和安静环境下言语识别阈.  相似文献   

对双侧耳聋患者安装双耳助听器是近年来的发展趋势。虽然单耳聋对听力影响较小 ,但部分学者主张 :保持单耳听力正常人的双耳听力优势应引起重视。该作者于 1999至 2 0 0 0年间进行了一项前瞻性研究 ,其目的是论证骨嵌式助听器 (bone- anchored hearing aid,BAHA)对于单耳传导性聋或单耳混合性聋的患者的应用效果。这项研究筛选了 9例患者 ,均需符合下列条件 :单耳听力正常 ,另一耳为传导性聋或混合性聋 ;因感染而不能配戴气导助听器 ;先天性耳道闭锁或手术缺陷导致不能使用常规助听器 ;骨导阈值高于或等于4 5 d B。在研究对象的听力损失耳…  相似文献   

目的:探讨感音神经性聋与分泌性中耳炎的关系。方法:对治疗后骨导听力下降仍未恢复的38例分泌性中耳炎患者进行分析,观察健耳和患耳在不同频率的骨导听阈情况,并分别就其发病年龄、病程、积液性质和积液量与骨导听阈的关系进行观察。结果:患耳在不同频率的骨导听阈均大于健耳(均P<0.01);年龄愈大、病程愈长,感音神经性聋发生率愈高;积液为黏液者发生率高于浆液者;但与积液量无明显关系。结论:分泌性中耳炎可导致感音神经性聋,其发病原因和机制是多方面的,年龄大、病程长、积液为黏液者更易导致感音神经性聋的发生;应提高认识,早诊断,早治疗。  相似文献   

自1999年以来,对13例分泌性中耳炎患者施行了内窥镜下鼓膜切开及置管术,取得良好效果,报告如下。1 资料与方法1.1 临床资料 本组13例(23耳),男8例,女5例;单耳3例,双耳10例;年龄1岁半~68岁,其中小儿9例,成人4例。成人患者纯音测试:4耳轻度传导性聋(语频气导听阈均值25~40 dB HL),1耳中度混合性聋(语频气导听阈均值55 dB HL,气骨导间距25dBHL);小儿均未作纯音检查。声导抗测试:鼓室导抗图均为B型,声反射均消失。纤维鼻咽喉镜检查:小儿腺样体均有不同程度的肥大,成人…  相似文献   

Stenger试验在判断是否存在单侧伪聋方面十分有效 ,但不能得到患耳的确切的听阈。本文对传统Stenger测试法略作改进 ,尝试测试单侧伪聋、夸大性聋患者的真实听阈。1 对象和方法1.1 对象 单侧伪聋、夸大性聋患者 6例。模拟成单侧伪聋、夸大性聋的受试者 15例 ,其中双侧听力正常者 5例 ,单侧传导性聋 3例 ,感音神经性聋 7例。1.2 方法1.2 .1 对非测试耳不需加掩蔽的伪聋、夸大性聋患者 ,用GSI- 16纯音听力计准确查出非测试耳纯音气导听阈 ,然后按下“INTERLOCK”键 ,采用双耳气导同时给声模式。嘱患者不论哪只…  相似文献   

问题与解答24纯音骨导听阈测试的目的是什么?骨导听阈测试之目的,在于企图直接了解耳蜗的听敏度,使刺激声直接作用于耳蜗,测试其阈值而与气导阈值比较,确定听力损失之类型。25骨导信号之感知是如何进行的?骨导是一种极为复杂的听觉现象。骨导耳机放于颅骨上时,...  相似文献   

目的研究听觉稳态诱发反应(ASSR)对儿童传导性聋及骨导客观听阈评估的准确性。方法对26例(32耳)儿童分泌性中耳炎患者进行气、骨导ASSR及纯音测听,并将ASSR反应阈和纯音听阈进行比较。结果气、骨导ASSR反应阈和纯音听阈之间具有较好的相关性,ASSR气、骨导反应阈均高于纯音气、骨导听阈,ASSR骨导反应阈可以预测相应的纯音骨导听阈。ASSR对儿童传导性聋评估的准确性和纯音测听相似。结论 ASSR可用作儿童传导性聋患者客观听阈的评估。  相似文献   

目的探讨镫骨手术对晚期耳硬化症的治疗效果。方法随机抽取300例1970年至1999年间的耳硬化症手术病例,对符合晚期耳硬化症标准[500—2000Hz骨导听阈(听力级,下同)均值≥40dB,气导听阈均值≥70dB的混合性聋]的68例(77耳)进行回顾性分析。结果68例(77耳)术后,500—2000Hz纯音平均听阈:气导(听力级,下同)由术前的77.32dB减至53.70dB,提高23.62dB;71耳(92.21%)气导提高≥10dB,其中46耳(59.74%)气骨导差闭合。500~4000Hz纯音平均听阈:气导由79.01dB减至58.23dB,提高20。78dB;68耳(88.31%)气导提高≥10dB,其中32耳(41.56%)气骨导差≤10dB(闭合)。随访5~25年,听力稳定的有67耳,听力下降4耳(均为镫骨提高术患者,再次手术后听力均有提高),听力较术后进一步提高的有28耳。结论镫骨手术是治疗耳硬化症的有效手段,也是治疗晚期耳硬化症或极晚期耳硬化症的有效方法之一。镫骨手术对改善晚期耳硬化症或极晚期耳硬化症患者的听力有较大帮助。  相似文献   

目的探索骨导振动(BCV)刺激诱发的眼肌和颈肌前庭诱发肌源性电位(oVEMP,cVEMP)在传导性耳聋患者中的应用。方法从2018.1-2018.6在门诊及住院部选取传导性耳聋患者65耳,双耳均行纯音听阈、听性脑干反应、声导抗、耳声发射、颞骨CT、气导声刺激(ACS)及骨导振动刺激的VEMPs检查,数据行统计分析。结果 1.传导性耳聋患者中,平均骨气导差(PTA)大于20dB与小于20dB的BCV-VEMPs引出率比较均无统计学差异。2.传导性耳聋患者中BCV-VEMPs和ACS-VEMPs引出率比较均有统计学差异。3.其中36例单耳传导性耳聋患者中患侧和健耳BCV-VEMPs引出率比较均无统计学差异。该36例患者患耳及健耳BCV-VEMPs的阈值、振幅、n1潜伏期、p1潜伏期、波间期等参数分别进行比较,oVEMP的阈值、振幅两者比较有统计学意义,余均未见有统计学差异。结论骨导振动刺激诱发的VEMPs在传导性听力损失的患者中可稳定引出,在临床上可以将骨导振动刺激诱发的VEMPs作为气导声刺激诱发的VEMPs的替代检查。  相似文献   

Background noise limits for audiometry are determined by the effects of masking and are specified in international standards. The standards provide for audiometric testing over a range of audiometric frequencies extending down to 500 Hz or lower. The lowest frequency of testing is an important factor determining the admissible noise, and for certain applications it is appropriate to consider the limits applicable to testing over a more restricted range. Assessment of hearing disability in the UK is generally based on a consideration of pure-tone hearing threshold levels in the frequency range 1 kHz upwards. A modification of the standardized noise limits is proposed which allows some relaxation appropriate to this higher minimum frequency. For air-conduction audiometry, these modifications affect only the permissible background noise in the frequency range below 1 kHz. Where bone-conduction audiometry is required in order to quantify a conductive component of the hearing loss, the measurements need to be made on both ears with the non-test ear masked in both cases; the external background noise will thus only be heard monaurally and this justifies a correction to the noise limits compared with those appropriate to bone-conduction audiometry without masking.  相似文献   

The excessive, indiscriminate use of masking during measurements of pure-tone bone-conduction thresholds can reduce or eliminate air-bone gaps. This may result in an abnormal, audiometrically induced bone-conduction threshold shift and suggest to the otologist the need for auditory brainstem response testing and/or magnetic resonance imaging. A case is presented in which the inappropriate use of the masking plateau method resulted in a reduction of the air-bone gap in an ear with a mild conductive hearing loss. The audiometric Weber test should be used in these cases, and nonmasked bone thresholds should be used to determine the actual level of the cochlear reserve.  相似文献   

A new strategic masking technique, namely the ABC method, has been developed. In performing this method of measuring thresholds of bone-conduction, the vibrator is placed at the forehead with both ears occluded by air-conduction earphones. One of the earphones is for masking noise and the other is a dummy which balances out the occlusive effect of the test ear against the nontest ear. The ABC method is based on the ABC rule that, in bone-conduction testing, the effective masking noise level necessary to block out the nontest ear can be calculated by a simple equation: right AC (A) + left AC (B)--unmasked BCu (C) under the assumption that the BCu belongs to the nontest ear. In some cases of hearing loss, the above noise level might produce overmasking, then an additive safety noise level, BCu + Interaural Attenuation, is employed. This method offers testers step by step directions which consist of indications of the noise level and a criterion for determining whether the measured bone-conduction is free from cross hearing and overmasking for the given configuration of air-conduction of both ears, BCu, and the masking noise level. Compared to the well known Plato method, in which measurements of thresholds are repeated at several masking noise levels in order to find a single bone-conduction threshold, the ABC method can essentially find the threshold at only one masking noise level. Therefore the ABC method makes it possible to save a great deal of time in performing bone conduction testing.  相似文献   



Multiple auditory steady-state responses (ASSRs) to air- and bone-conduction stimuli were recorded in young children with otitis media with effusion (OME). After treatment for OME, differences between pre-treatment bone-conduction ASSR levels and post-treatment conditioned orientation reflex (COR) or air-conduction ASSR levels were examined, and compared with ASSR-estimated air-bone gap (ABG) before treatment.


Navigator Pro with Master was used to assess the threshold of air- and bone-conduction ASSR in both ears at 500 Hz, 1000 Hz, 2000 Hz and 4000 Hz. For bone-conduction ASSR, RadioEar B-71 bone-vibrator placed on the mastoid was used with white-noise masking on the contralateral ear.


After ventilation tube placement, the thresholds of COR got closer to those of pre-treatment bone-conduction ASSR in young children with OME. Moreover, post-treatment air-conduction ASSR thresholds also got closer to those of pre-treatment bone-conduction ASSR. The differences between pre-treatment bone-conduction ASSR thresholds and post-treatment COR or air-conduction ASSR thresholds became much smaller than ASSR-estimated ABG before treatment.


These findings suggest that bone-conduction ASSR can assess the normal or near normal cochlear sensitivity in young children with conductive hearing loss. It is also suggested that ASSR-estimated ABG can be used clinically to predict their accurate ABG.  相似文献   


Objective: To validate the air- and bone-conduction AMTAS automated audiometry system. Design: Prospective study. Test-retest reliability was determined by assessing adults with AMTAS air- and bone-conduction audiometry. Accuracy was determined by comparing AMTAS and manual audiometry conducted on adults. AMTAS testing was conducted in a quiet room and manual audiometry in a sound booth. Study sample: Ten participants for test-retest reliability tests and 44 participants to determine accuracy were included. Participants had varying degrees of hearing loss. Results: For test-retest reliability the overall difference in air-conduction hearing thresholds (n = 119) was 0.5 dB. The spread of differences (standard deviation of absolute differences) was 4.9 dB. For bone-conduction thresholds (n = 99) the overall difference was ? 0.2 dB, and the spread of differences 4.5 dB. For accuracy the overall difference in air-conduction hearing thresholds (n = 509) between the two techniques was 0.1 dB. The spread of differences was 6.4 dB. For bone-conduction thresholds (n = 295) the overall difference was 0 dB, and the spread of differences 7.7 dB. Conclusions: Variations between air- and bone-conduction audiometry for automated and manual audiometry were within normally accepted limits for audiometry. However, AMTAS thresholds were elevated but not significantly different compared to other contemporary studies that included an automated audiometer.  相似文献   

目的探讨手术治疗对中耳胆脂瘤并发迷路瘘管患者听力的影响。方法回顾性分析35例(35耳)中耳胆脂瘤并发迷路瘘管患者的临床资料;其中21例(21耳)患者随访术后听力情况。结果21例(21耳)术后随访纯音测听3个月~5年,12例平均骨导阈值(0.5、1、2,N4kHz)与术前差别小于5dBHL,较术前听力提高者3例,较术前下降者5例,1例于术后3个月成功植入人工耳蜗。21例患者中11例行开放式乳突切开+鼓室成形术,其手术前后骨气导各频率间(0.5、1、2、4~118kHz)听力阈值未见明显差异(配对样本t检验,P值均大于0.05)。结论中耳胆脂瘤并发迷路瘘管的术后骨导听力阈值无明显变化,有条件者仍可行鼓室成形术保存听力。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To study the long-term results (use, care, satisfaction, ear infections, and audiometry) of the application of a bone-anchored hearing aid (BAHA) to patients with conventional indications who had previously used air-conduction hearing aids. DESIGN: Follow-up study (mean duration, 9 years). SETTING: Tertiary referral center. PATIENTS: The study population comprised 27 patients with conductive or mixed hearing loss and who had participated in a previous study (N = 34). Seven could not be included anymore as a result of death, Alzheimer disease, or problems related to the implant. Everyone filled out the questionnaire, and 23 patients underwent audiometric evaluation. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The patients filled out the adapted Nijmegen questionnaire. Aided free-field thresholds were measured as well as scores for speech in noise and in quiet. Results were compared with those obtained in the initial study. RESULTS: All 27 patients were still using their BAHA and appreciated it with regard to speech recognition in quiet, sound comfort, and improvements in ear infections. The audiometric results showed that most patients tested had stable bone-conduction thresholds over the years (after correction for age). Despite the treatment with BAHA, a significant deterioration in the cochlear hearing was observed in the other patients in the ear under study (their best hearing ear). CONCLUSIONS: Positive patient outcome measures emphasized the importance of BAHA application to patients with conventional indications. The audiometric data showed fairly stable cochlear function but not for all patients. This underlines that conservative treatment should be chosen (fitting of bone-conduction devices).  相似文献   

The bone-anchored hearing aid (BAHA) is an implantable bone-conduction device that vibrates the skull directly via a surgically implanted titanium screw behind the ear. The BAHA has advantages for patients with aural atresia or chronic ear drainage, who cannot wear air-conduction hearing aids. We compared the function of BAHA to conventional bone and air-conduction hearing aids based on functional gain and speech discrimination tests in quiet and noisy environments in 2 patients with chronic ear problems. All expressed a clear preference for the BAHA over conventional bone-conduction hearing aids. The BAHA and air-conduction hearing aid provided similar audiological performance when the functional gain of each hearing aid coincided. As the air-bone gap widens, however, audiological performance with the BAHA showed an evident preference, indicating that the width of the air-bone gap is of some help in BAHA preference compared to air-conduction hearing aids.  相似文献   

ASSR thresholds to bone-conduction stimuli were determined in 10 adults with normal hearing using mastoid placement of the bone oscillator. ASSRs to 0-50 dB HL bone-conduction stimuli and to 30-60 dB HL air-conduction stimuli were compared. The effect of alternating stimulus polarity on air- and bone-conduction ASSRs was also investigated. Stimuli were bone- and air-conduction amplitude-modulated tones (500-4000 Hz carrier frequencies, modulated at 77-101 Hz). ASSRs were recorded using the Rotman MASTER research system. Mean (1SD) bone-conduction ASSR thresholds were 22(11), 26(13), 18(8), and 18(11) dB HL for 500, 1000, 2000, and 4000 Hz, respectively. Except for a steeper slope at 500 Hz, ASSR intensity-amplitude functions for binaural bone- and air-conduction stimuli showed the same slopes; intensity-phase-delay functions were steeper at 1000 Hz for ASSRs to bone-conduction stimuli. ASSR amplitudes and phases did not differ for single- versus alternated-stimulus polarities for both bone- and air-conduction stimuli. The steeper amplitude slope for ASSRs to 500 Hz stimuli may reflect a nonauditory contribution to the ASSR.  相似文献   

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