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C S Woolley  E Gould  B S McEwen 《Brain research》1990,531(1-2):225-231
We have used Golgi-impregnated tissue to demonstrate that exposure to excess glucocorticoids alters dendritic morphology in a specific population of neurons in the adult rat hippocampus. Daily injection of 10 mg of corticosterone for 21 days resulted in decreased numbers of apical dendritic branch points and decreased total apical dendritic length measured in a 100-microns-thick section in CA3 pyramidal cells compared to sham-injected and non-injected controls. In contrast, no changes were observed in CA3 pyramidal cell basal dendritic morphology. Furthermore, no changes were observed in the dendritic morphology of CA1 pyramidal cells or granule cells of the dentate gyrus. Cross-sectional cell body area of any of the 3 cell types examined in this study was unaffected by corticosterone treatment. Finally, qualitative analysis of Nissl-stained tissue from the same brains revealed increased numbers of darkly staining, apparently shrunken CA3 pyramidal cells in corticosterone treated compared to control brains. The changes in dendritic morphology we have observed may be indicative of neurons in the early stages of degeneration, as prolonged exposure to high levels of corticosterone has been shown by others to result in a loss of CA3 pyramidal cells. Additionally, these results suggest possible structural alterations which may occur under physiological conditions in which corticosterone levels are chronically elevated such as in aged animals.  相似文献   

We have studied, in the rat, the dendritic morphological changes of the pyramidal neurons of the medial part of the prefrontal cortex induced by the chronic effect of high blood pressure. Renovascular hypertension was induced using a silver clip on the renal artery by surgery. The morphology of the pyramidal neurons from the medial part of the prefrontal cortex was investigated in these animals. The blood pressure was measured to confirm the increase in the arterial blood pressure. After 16 weeks of increase in the arterial blood pressure, the animals were sacrificed by overdoses of sodium pentobarbital and perfused intracardially with a 0.9% saline solution. The brains were removed, processed by the Golgi-Cox stain method and analyzed by the Sholl method. The dendritic morphology clearly showed that the hypertensive animals had an increase (32%) in the dendritic length of the pyramidal cells with a decrease (50%) in the density of dendritic spines when compared with sham animals. The branch-order analysis showed that the animals with hypertension exhibit more dendritic arborization at the level of the first to fourth branch order. This result suggests that renovascular hypertension may in part affect the dendritic morphology in this limbic structure, which may implicate cognitive impairment in hypertensive patients.  相似文献   

Altered cortical neuronal morphology and juvenle behavior manifestation by prenatal morphine exposure were well documented. However, this developmental morphine exposure affect the lateral secondary visual area (V2L), which may be critically involved in the multisensory of auditory and visual stimulus, remained poorly understood. To clarify the neuronal architecture changes possibly occurring in the V2L, Golgi‐Cox staining was used in this study to count dendritic length and the spine density of the layer II/III pyramidal neurons in the V2L of the juvenile rats (postnatal day 25, PND25) prenatally exposed to morphine (gestation days 11–18). Quantitative analysis showed that prenatal morphine exposure decreased the total length, branch number, and spine density of the layer II/III pyramidal neurons in the V2L, and selectively altered the total length of the basal dendrites but not of the apical dendrites. The findings may provide the mechanistic understanding of the behavioral changes in the children whose mothers abuse opiates during pregnancy. Synapse 63:1154–1161, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The pyramidal neurons in layer III of cat primary auditory cortex (AI)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The neuronal architecture of pyramidal cells in layer III of the primary auditory cortex (AI) of adult cats was examined as a prelude to connectional and fine structural studies; in a further paper, the results of parallel studies of non-pyramidal layer III cells are presented. Layer III is about 400 micron thick, comprises about one-quarter of the thickness of AI, and lies some 400-800 micron deep to the pial surface. It is distinguished in Nissl, fiber, and Golgi preparations from layers II and IV, and also on connectional grounds, since its neurons are one of the principal inputs to the contralateral AI. Layer III may be divided into two roughly equal tiers on the basis of its neuronal and cytoarchitecture. Layer IIIa is populated by small cells with oval somata and many tiny pyramidal cells; the fiber architecture is dominated by radial bundles of medium-sized axons interspersed among columns of apical dendrites arising from deeper-lying pyramidal cells. In layer IIIb medium-sized and large pyramidal cells are more numerous, and the fiber architecture has a different, much denser texture, including extensive lateral components which invade layer IV, and large contingents of descending, probably corticofugal, axons. Five kinds of pyramidal neurons occur in Golgi preparations. Most numerous are the small, medium-sized, and large pyramidal cells; the two types of star pyramidal neurons are less common. The small pyramidal cell has a limited dendritic field and rather delicate dendrites; all but the apical one usually end in layer III. The medium-sized pyramidal cell is the most common neurons, and its rich basilar dendritic arbors are conspicuous, with their many dendritic appendages, in the layer III neuropil; their distal dendrites spread into layer IV. The largest pyramidal cells lie mainly in layer IIIb, and their lateral dendrites often mark the layer IIIb-IVa border. The apical dendrites of medium-sized and large pyramidal cells often extend to layer Ib, where they branch obliquely. The axons of these cells branch laterally after descending through layer III and toward the white matter. Often secondary or tertiary branches reascend to layer IV and more superficially; there is considerable stereotypy in this branching pattern. These numerous secondary branches contribute heavily to the layer IIIb-IVa lateral fiber plexus. The fourth variety of pyramidal cell has a round soma and a stellate dendritic field whose distal branches extend from layer V to layer I, but whose axon is chiefly in layer III. Finally, a star pyramidal cell with long lateral basilar arbors but rather smooth dendrites completes the picture.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Anatomical alterations in the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) are associated with hypothalamopituitary adrenal (HPA) axis dysregulation, altered stress hormone levels, and psychiatric symptoms of stress-related mental illnesses. Functional imaging studies reveal impairment and shrinkage of the mPFC in such conditions, and these findings are paralleled by experimental studies showing dendritic retraction and spine loss following repeated stress in rodents. Here we extend this characterization to how repeated stress affects dendritic spine morphology in mPFC through the utilization of an automated approach that rapidly digitizes, reconstructs three dimensionally, and calculates geometric features of neurons. Rats were perfused after being subjected to 3 weeks of daily restraint stress (6 hours/day), and intracellular injections of Lucifer Yellow were made in layer II/III pyramidal neurons in the dorsal mPFC. To reveal spines in all angles of orientation, deconvolved high-resolution confocal laser scanning microscopy image stacks of dendritic segments were reconstructed and analyzed for spine volume, surface area, and length using a Rayburst-based automated approach (8,091 and 8,987 spines for control and stress, respectively). We found that repeated stress results in an overall decrease in mean dendritic spine volume and surface area, which was most pronounced in the distal portion of apical dendritic fields. Moreover, we observed an overall shift in the population of spines, manifested by a reduction in large spines and an increase in small spines. These results suggest a failure of spines to mature and stabilize following repeated stress and are likely to have major repercussions on function, receptor expression, and synaptic efficacy.  相似文献   

Pyramidal neurons in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) are important for the control of cognitive and emotional behavior. The medial PFC (mPFC) receives diverse long-range excitatory inputs from the midline thalamus, contralateral mPFC, basolateral amygdala, and ventral hippocampus. While axons from these different regions have distinct distributions in the mPFC, their functional connections at the cellular and subcellular levels remain unknown. Here, we use optogenetics to show that layer 2 pyramidal neurons in acute slices of the mouse mPFC receive excitatory inputs from each of these regions. Using a combination of optogenetics and two-photon microscopy, we then determine the subcellular properties of these inputs. We find that different types of inputs make selective contacts at the levels of both dendrites and spines. Using two-photon uncaging, we show that this subcellular targeting strongly influences synaptic efficacy in these neurons. Together, our results show that functional connectivity is finely tuned, with important implications for signal processing in the mPFC.  相似文献   

We assessed firing and voltage-gated Ca2+ influx in medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) pyramidal neurons from older (12 months old) HIV-1 transgenic (Tg) rats. We found that neurons from older Tg rats showed increased firing compared to non-Tg rats, but Ca2+ spikes were unchanged. However, stronger excitatory stimulation was needed to evoke Ca2+ spikes, which was associated with reduced mPFC Cav1.2 L-type Ca2+ channel (L-channel) protein. In contrast, L-channel protein was unaltered in younger (6–7 weeks old) Tg rats, which we previously found had enhanced neuronal Ca2+ influx. These studies demonstrate that aging alters HIV-induced Ca2+ channel dysfunction that affects mPFC activity.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Morphological indications of abnormal circuitry have been detected in the prefrontal neuropil of patients with schizophrenia. The authors tested the hypothesis that schizophrenia is associated with smaller dendritic field size in layer V pyramidal neurons in the prefrontal cortex. METHOD: Tissue from area 10 with a mean postmortem interval of 5.7 hours was obtained from 15 subjects with chronic schizophrenia and 18 normal comparison subjects. After Golgi impregnation, basilar dendritic field size was estimated for layer V pyramidal neurons by ring intersection analysis. RESULTS: The schizophrenia subjects had 40% fewer total ring intersections per neuron than comparison subjects. Smaller basilar dendritic field size was evident in proximal and distal branches. CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that abnormal dendritic outgrowth or maintenance contributes to reduced neuropil and prefrontal connectivity in schizophrenia. Short postmortem intervals and resulting high tissue quality suggest that these dystrophic changes reflect schizophrenia pathology rather than postmortem artifact.  相似文献   

Wedzony K  Fijał K  Maćkowiak M 《Brain research》2005,1062(1-2):166-170
The present study assessed whether the blockade of NMDA receptors in the postnatal period, used to model the symptoms of schizophrenia altered morphology of pyramidal neurons in the medial prefrontal cortex of rats. CGP 40116, an antagonist of NMDA receptors, was given postnatally (days 1-21 after birth). The analysis of the morphology of pyramidal neurons visualized by the Golgi-Cox technique revealed that the exposure to an antagonist of NMDA receptors in the postnatal period diminished the length of basilar dendrites, while that of apical dendrites remained unchanged. The number of dendritic branches and the spine density remained unchanged. It is concluded that the blockade of NMDA receptors in the postnatal period only partially models morphological changes in pyramidal neurons of the medial prefrontal cortex, which are observed in some cases of schizophrenia.  相似文献   

Repeated intermittent administration of (+)-amphetamine produces sensitisation to many of the behavioural effects of the drug. Evidence suggests that excitatory amino acidergic projections from the prefrontal cortex (PFC) to dopaminergic (DA) neurons in the ventral midbrain may be partly involved in the maintenance of sensitisation once induced. The present study was designed to investigate whether chronic amphetamine administration produces any alteration to this input, by assessing the impact of single pulse electrical stimulation of the PFC (0.25 and 0.5 mA) on the extracellular activity of individual midbrain DA neurons in drug and vehicle treated rats. Animals were administered amphetamine according to a schedule known to produce sensitisation (2.5 mg/kg free base, once daily for 6 days; s.c.), and the effect of PFC stimulation was assessed on withdrawal days 2 and 10. In addition to single spike firing patterns, the ability of the stimulation to elicit stimulus bound (time-locked) burst events was also noted. In the majority of cases, the elicited responses could be broadly categorised into two types — ones characterised by an initial excitation (E responses) and ones characterised by excitation following an initial inhibition (IE responses). On withdrawal day 2, IE responses were affected such that, in those responses which contained time-locked bursts in their excitatory phases, the stimulus produced a time-locked burst on a greater percentage of trials. On withdrawal day 10, the principal change was that E responses were more likely to occur in amphetamine-treated animals than controls (0.25 mA; 57.1% vs. 41.2% of responses, respectively; 0.5 mA; 36.7% vs. 23.5% of responses, respectively). It is argued that an increase in the proportion of excitatory responses in drug animals indicates a potentiation of the excitatory drive to the DA neurons. Insofar as sensitisation in the longer term relies upon an enhancement of amphetamine-induced dopamine release in the forebrain, this may be one mechanism by which it is achieved.  相似文献   

A growing body of evidence suggests that growth hormone (GH) affects synaptic plasticity at both the molecular and electrophysiological levels. However, unclear is whether plasticity that is stimulated by GH is associated with changes in neuron structure. This study investigated the effect of intracerebroventricular (ICV) administration of GH on the morphology of pyramidal neurons of the CA1 region of the dorsal hippocampus and layer III of the prefrontal cortex. Male Wistar rats received daily ICV injections of GH (120 ng) for 7 days, and they were euthanized 21 days later. Changes in neuronal morphology were evaluated using Golgi‐Cox staining and subsequent Sholl analysis. GH administration increased total dendritic length in the CA1 region of the dorsal hippocampus and prefrontal cortex. The Sholl analysis revealed an increase in dendritic length of the third to eighth branch orders in the hippocampus and from the third to sixth branch orders in the prefrontal cortex. Interestingly, GH treatment increased the density of dendritic spines in both brain regions, favoring the presence of mushroom‐like spines only in the CA1 hippocampal region. Our results indicated that GH induces changes in the length of dendritic trees and the density of dendritic spines in two high‐plasticity brain regions, suggesting that GH‐induced synaptic plasticity at the molecular and electrophysiological levels may be associated with these structural changes in neurons.  相似文献   

Despite a considerable number of investigations revealing the prefrontal cortex (PFC) to be a major site of pathological changes in schizophrenia, the neuronal basis of these alterations is still unknown. We used a 3-D image analysis technique to investigate the dendritic arborization of Golgi-impregnated prefrontal pyramidal neurons in schizophrenic patients and controls. While the apical dendrites were found to be unchanged in schizophrenics, the basilar dendritic systems were markedly reduced in the patient group. A segment analysis showed that the observed alterations were mainly confined to distal dendritic segments. The dendritic changes are likely to be associated with specific dysfunctions of prefrontal circuitry and point to the pathogenetical relevance of pre- and perinatal disturbances of PFC maturation in schizophrenic patients.  相似文献   

Dendritic geometry has been shown to be a critical determinant of information processing and neuronal computation. However, it is not known whether cortical projection neurons that target different subcortical nuclei have distinct dendritic morphologies. In this study, fast blue retrograde tracing in combination with intracellular Lucifer yellow injection and diaminobenzidine (DAB) photoconversion in fixed slices was used to study the morphological features of corticospinal, corticostriatal, and corticothalamic neurons in layer V of rat motor cortex. Marked differences in the distribution of soma, somal size, and dendritic profiles were found among the three groups of pyramidal neurons. Corticospinal neurons were large, were located in deep layer V, and had the most expansive dendritic fields. The apical dendrites of corticospinal pyramidal neurons were thick, spiny, and branched. In contrast, nearly all corticostriatal neurons were small cells located in superficial layer V. Their apical dendritic shafts were significantly more slender, though spiny like those of corticospinal neurons. Corticothalamic neurons, which were located in superficial layer V and in layer VI, had small or medium-sized soma, slender apical dendritic shafts, and dendrites that were largely spine free. This study indicates that, in layer V of rat motor cortex, each population of projection neurons has a unique somatodendritic morphology and suggests that distinct modes of cortical information processing are operative in corticospinal, corticostriatal, and corticothalamic neurons.  相似文献   

European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience - Neuroimaging, genetic and molecular biological studies have shown impaired intra-cortical myelination in patients with schizophrenia,...  相似文献   

Psychoactive drugs have the ability to alter the morphology of neuronal dendrites and spines and to influence later experience‐dependent structural plasticity. If rats are given repeated injections of psychomotor stimulants (amphetamine, cocaine, nicotine) prior to being placed in complex environments, the drug experience interferes with the ability of the environment to increase dendritic arborization and spine density. Repeated exposure to Delta 9‐Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) changes the morphology of dendrites in medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) and nucleus accumbens (NAcc). To determine if drugs other than psychomotor stimulants will also interfere with later experience‐dependent structural plasticity we gave Long‐Evans rats THC (0.5 mg/kg) or saline for 11 days before placing them in complex environments or standard laboratory caging for 90 days. Brains were subsequently processed for Golgi‐Cox staining and analysis of dendritic morphology and spine density mPFC, orbital frontal cortex (OFC), and NAcc. THC altered both dendritic arborization and spine density in all three regions, and, like psychomotor stimulants, THC influenced the effect of later experience in complex environments to shape the structure of neurons in these three regions. We conclude that THC may therefore contribute to persistent behavioral and cognitive deficits associated with prolonged use of the drug.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Schizophrenia is associated with deficits in working memory, a cognitive function that depends on the connections of the prefrontal cortex (PFC) with the thalamus and other cortical regions. Pyramidal neurons in PFC deep layer 3 play a central role in both thalamocortical and corticocortical circuitry. Given that somal size tends to be associated with both the dendritic and axonal architecture of a neuron, abnormalities in these circuits in schizophrenia may be associated with a change in the somal size of deep layer 3 pyramidal neurons. METHODS: We used design-based stereology to estimate the somal volume of pyramidal neurons in deep layer 3 of PFC area 9 in 28 subjects with schizophrenia, each of whom was matched to 1 normal comparison subject for sex, age, and postmortem interval. RESULTS: The geometric mean of the somal volume estimates in the subjects with schizophrenia was significantly (P =.02) decreased by 9.2%. This decrease was associated with a shift in the distribution of somal volumes toward smaller sizes. Neither antipsychotic medication treatment history nor duration of illness was associated with somal size. CONCLUSIONS: These findings independently replicate previous reports of decreased somal size in the PFC in schizophrenia. The reduction in size of deep layer 3 pyramidal neurons is consistent with abnormalities in thalamocortical and corticocortical circuitry, suggesting that disruption of these circuits may contribute to cognitive abnormalities in schizophrenia.  相似文献   

The current study used stereological techniques in combination with Golg-Cox methods to examine the neuroanatomical alterations in the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus of developing offspring exposed to gestational stress. Morphological changes in dendritic branching, length, and spine density, were examined at weaning along with changes in actual numbers of neurons. Using this information we generated a gross estimation of synaptic connectivity. The results showed region-specific and sex-dependent alterations to neuroanatomy in response to prenatal stress. The two regions of the prefrontal cortex, medial prefrontal, and orbital prefrontal cortices, exhibited sexually dimorphic, opposite changes, in synaptic connectivity in response to the same experience. Both male and female offspring demonstrated a loss of neuron number and estimated synapse number in the hippocampus despite exhibiting increased spine density. The results from this study suggest that prenatal stress alters normal development and the organization of neuronal circuits in both neocortex and hippocampus early in development and thus likely influences the course of later experience-dependent synaptic changes.  相似文献   

Excitatory synaptic inputs from specific brain regions are often targeted to distinct dendritic arbors on hippocampal pyramidal neurons. Recent work has suggested that CA2 pyramidal neurons respond robustly and preferentially to excitatory input into the stratum lacunosum moleculare (SLM), with a relatively modest response to Schaffer collateral excitatory input into stratum radiatum (SR) in acute mouse hippocampal slices, but the extent to which this difference may be explained by morphology is unknown. In an effort to replicate these findings and to better understand the role of dendritic morphology in shaping responses from proximal and distal synaptic sites, we measured excitatory postsynaptic currents and action potentials in CA2 pyramidal cells in response to SR and SLM stimulation and subsequently analyzed confocal images of the filled cells. We found that, in contrast to previous reports, SR stimulation evoked substantial responses in all recorded CA2 pyramidal cells. Strikingly, however, we found that not all neurons responded to SLM stimulation, and in those neurons that did, responses evoked by SLM and SR were comparable in size and effectiveness in inducing action potentials. In a comprehensive morphometric analysis of CA2 pyramidal cell apical dendrites, we found that the neurons that were unresponsive to SLM stimulation were the same ones that lacked substantial apical dendritic arborization in the SLM. Neurons responsive to both SR and SLM stimulation had roughly equal amounts of dendritic branching in each layer. Remarkably, our study in mouse CA2 generally replicates the work characterizing the diversity of CA2 pyramidal cells in the guinea pig hippocampus. We conclude, then, that like in guinea pig, mouse CA2 pyramidal cells have a diverse apical dendrite morphology that is likely to be reflective of both the amount and source of excitatory input into CA2 from the entorhinal cortex and CA3.  相似文献   

The types of layer III neurons in cat primary auditory cortex (AI) projecting to the contralateral AI were studied with horseradish peroxidase or horseradish peroxidase conjugated to wheat germ agglutinin. Injections between the anterior and posterior ectosylvian sulci retrogradely labeled both pyramidal and non-pyramidal somata in contralateral cortical layers III, V, and VI in AI, and in the ventral nucleus of the ipsilateral medial geniculate body. Three-quarters (72%) of the retrogradely labeled cells were found in layer III and one-quarter (28%) lay in layers V and VI. Every part of AI was innervated by commissural neurons. The topographical distribution of the labeled cells varied systematically. Injections in the caudal part of AI labeled cells in the caudal part of the opposite AI, while more rostral injections labeled cells in the contralateral, rostral AI. Injections covering the rostro-caudal extent of AI labeled cells throughout the opposite AI. Each part of AI thus projects most strongly to a contralateral, homotypic area, and less strongly to other, adjacent sectors of AI. The types of labeled cells were distinguished from one another on the basis of size, somatic and dendritic morphology, laminar distribution, and nuclear membrane morphology. Their somatodendritic profiles were compared to, and correlated with, those in Golgi-impregnated material from adult animals. Among the pyramidal cells of origin were small, medium-sized, and large neurons, and star pyramidal cells. The non-pyramidal cells of origin included bipolar and multipolar cells. Thus, at least six of the 12 kinds of neurons, as defined by morphological methods, participate in the interhemispheric pathway. Pyramidal cells comprised 65% of the cells of origin, 14% of the labeled cells in layer III were non-pyramidal, and 21% of the neurons could not be classified. It is unknown if these different types of commissural neurons have the same laminar or cytological targets in AI, or if they represent more than one functional or parallel pathway within AI. In any case, cytologically diverse layer III neurons contribute to the commissural system.  相似文献   

We examined whether repeated exposure to the noncompetitive NMDA receptor antagonist phencyclidine (PCP) produces enduring changes in dendritic structure in a manner similar to the stimulants cocaine and amphetamine. Adult rats were treated with i.p. injections of PCP (5 mg/kg) or saline, twice a day, for 5 consecutive days, for a total of 4 weeks. One month after the last injection, their brains were removed and processed for Golgi-Cox staining. Prior exposure to PCP increased dendritic spine density in the mPFC and NAcc core, but not in the parietal cortex. These findings, which are similar to those observed after chronic treatment with cocaine and amphetamine, raise the possibility that, despite differences in their mechanisms of action, PCP and stimulant drugs may induce some of their enduring effects via common processes.  相似文献   

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