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This paper examines whether the introduction of managed competition in Dutch social health insurance has resulted in effective price competition among insurance funds. We find evidence of limited price competition, which may be caused by low consumer price sensitivity. Using aggregate panel data from all insurance funds over the period 1996-1998, estimated premium elasticities of market share are -0.3 for compulsory coverage and -0.8 for supplementary coverage. These elasticities are much smaller than in managed competition settings in US group insurance. This may be explained by differences in switching experience and higher search costs associated with individual insurance.  相似文献   

In 1996, free choice of health insurers was introduced to the German social health insurance system. One objective was to increase efficiency through competition. A crucial precondition for effective competition among health insurers is that consumers search for lower-priced health insurers. We test this hypothesis by estimating the price elasticities of insurers' market shares. We use unique panel data and specify a dynamic panel model to explain changes in market shares. Estimation results suggest that short-run price elasticities are smaller than previously found by other studies. In the long-run, however, estimation results suggest substantial price effects.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To demonstrate that employees can gain understanding of the financial constraints involved in designing health insurance benefits. BACKGROUND: While employees who receive their health insurance through the workplace have much at stake as the cost of health insurance rises, they are not necessarily prepared to constructively participate in prioritizing their health insurance benefits in order to limit cost. DESIGN: Structured group exercises. SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS: Employees of 41 public and private organizations in Northern California. INTERVENTION: Administration of the CHAT (Choosing Healthplans All Together) exercise in which participants engage in deliberation to design health insurance benefits under financial constraints. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Change in priorities and attitudes about the need to exercise insurance cost constraints. RESULTS: Participants (N = 744) became significantly more cognizant of the need to limit insurance benefits for the sake of affordability and capable of prioritizing benefit options. Those agreeing that it is reasonable to limit health insurance coverage given the cost increased from 47% to 72%. CONCLUSION: It is both possible and valuable to involve employees in priority setting regarding health insurance benefits through the use of structured decision tools.  相似文献   

States choose to provide Medicaid coverage via managed care or traditional fee‐for‐service. Managed care provided by private insurers poses higher contracting costs and information asymmetry than traditional fee‐for‐service but potentially improves efficiency and reduces spending. Evaluating the effect of managed care on Medicaid spending is challenging because adoption of managed care is nonrandom and may be driven by local economic shocks that simultaneously affect Medicaid spending. This study implements a dynamic panel framework to estimate the effect of managed care enrollment on spending levels and program design. Results show reductions in Medicaid spending larger than previously found in cross‐state studies: A 10% increase of managed care enrollment reduces state Medicaid spending by 2.94%, or approximately $55 million. The study identifies which areas of spending are differentially affected by managed care enrollment and whether savings from managed care affect Medicaid design, specifically coverage generosity.  相似文献   

Our article deals with pricing strategies in Swiss health insurance markets and focuses on the relationship between basic and supplementary insurance. We analyzed how firms' pricing strategies (i.e., pricing of basic and supplementary products) can create switching costs in basic health insurance markets, thereby preventing competition in basic insurance from working properly. More specifically, using unique market and survey data, we investigated whether firms use bundling strategies or supplementary products as low‐price products to attract and retain basic insurance consumers. To our knowledge, this is the first paper to analyze these pricing strategies in the context of insurance/health insurance. We found no evidence of bundling in the Swiss setting. We did however observe that firms used low‐price supplementary products that contributed to lock in consumers. A majority of firms offered at least one of such product at a low price. None offered low‐price products in both basic and supplementary markets. Low‐price insurance products differed across firms. When buying a low‐price supplementary product, consumers always bought their basic contract from the same firm. Furthermore, those who opted for low‐price supplementary products were less likely to declare an intention to switch basic insurance firms in the near future. This result was true for all risk category levels.  相似文献   

A fundamental aspect of the German health insurance system is the principle of solidarity. At the same time, it is possible for certain socio-economic groups to opt out of the otherwise compulsory system. To determine whether rates incorporating deductibles are compatible with the principles of solidarity and have the ability to heighten the appeal of statutory health insurance (SHI) funds compared with private health insurance companies, Germany's third largest SHI fund, Techniker Krankenkasse, implemented a pilot scheme involving the use of deductibles. Preliminary scientific evaluations of the pilot scheme indicate three main results for these deductibles: Firstly, they are compatible with the principles of solidarity in the statutory health insurance system; secondly, they provide an effective means of preventing defection to private health insurance companies and thirdly, they reduced the volume of insurance claims (moral hazard).  相似文献   

Even though access to health insurance in Colombia has improved since the implementation of the 1993 health reforms (Law 100), universal coverage has not yet been accomplished. There is still a segment of the population under the low‐income (subsidized) health insurance policy or without health insurance altogether. The purpose of this research was to identify preferences and behavior regarding health insurance among the subsidized rural population in La Guajira, Colombia, and to understand why that population remains under the subsidized health insurance policy. The field experiment gathered information from 400 households regarding their socioeconomic situation, health conditions, and preferences for health insurance characteristics. Results suggest that the surveyed population gives priority to expanded family coverage, physician and hospital choice, and access to specialists, rather than to attributes associated with co‐payments or premiums. That indicates that people value healthcare benefits and family coverage more than health insurance expenses, and policy makers could use these preferences to enroll subsidized population into the contributory regime. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

浅析我国商业健康保险对社会医疗保险的补充作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会医疗保险和商业健康保险共同构成了我国的医疗保障体系,其中社会医疗保险是基础,商业健康保险是必要补充。目前,我国商业健康保险业务量小,覆盖率低,对医疗费用的分担少,因此其对社会医疗保险补充作用的发挥程度较低,这是由医疗保险所针对风险的特殊性所决定的。为了充分发挥商业健康保险对社会医疗保险的补充作用,必须加强政商合作,实行专业化经营,加强人才培养,构建有吸引力的医保合作框架,针对特殊风险进行业务创新等。  相似文献   

商业医疗保险与补充保险   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
陈文 《中国卫生资源》2001,4(3):135-137
商业保险是补充医疗保险的主要形式之一,主要用于覆盖主体医疗保险中投保者自付部分及主体医疗保险没有覆盖的项目.由于补充医疗保险与主体医疗保险相互作用以及商业保险的特性,商业性补充医疗保险市场需要必要的政府监管.  相似文献   

Consumer choice among health insurance options   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

This paper estimates a fully structural unitary household model of employment and health insurance decisions for dual wage-earner families with children in the United States, using data from the 1987 National Medical Expenditure Survey. Families choose hours of work and the breakdown of compensation between cash wages and health insurance benefits for each wage earner in order to maximize expected utility under uncertain need for medical care. Heterogeneous demand for the employer-sponsored health insurance is thus generated directly from variations in health status and earning potential. The paper concludes by discussing the benefits of using structural models for simulating welfare effects of insurance reform relative to the costly assumptions that must be imposed for identification.  相似文献   

进一步完善医疗保险政策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在进行职工基本医疗保险制度改革和进一步完善医疗保险政策的过程中,要注意四个问题;属地原则和“条”、“块”矛盾问题;关于“社会统筹”与“个人帐户”结合;关于“基本”与“补充”的关系;关于特困人群的医疗保障。  相似文献   

张芳 《卫生软科学》2007,21(6):478-480
目前我国医疗保险、医疗卫生和医药行业未能同步协调发展影响了我国社会医疗保险制度的顺利实施。文章分析了我国社会医疗保险制度的相关配套医药卫生政策方面存在的问题及改进对策。  相似文献   

We estimate premium elasticities in a regulated competition market based on a quasi‐exogenous premium increase for young adults in Switzerland. We exploit that individuals born before the turn of the year (“treatment group”) face a larger increase in premiums than individuals born after the turn of the year (“control group”). We find that the treatment group is 1.5 times more likely to switch their health plan than the control group. Overall, individuals respond to premium increases by choosing more frequently health plans with managed care features, increasing the deductible, and by switching the insurer. Regarding health plan choice, we find an average elasticity of ?0.56 with regard to the relative premium difference of any plan to the status quo contract. The elasticity is up to 5 times larger for the treated (?1.03) than for the controls (?0.19). Our results are not driven by health status as measured by health care expenditures and chronic conditions. Rather, our findings suggest that the difference in the premium elasticity is driven by the salience of the premium increase. We argue that this finding is of high relevance for health care policies that aim at fostering health plan competition.  相似文献   

Aim To estimate the price sensitivity of consumer choice of health insurance firm. Method Using paneldata of the flows of insured between pairs of Dutch sickness funds during the period 1993–2002, we estimate the sensitivity of these flows to differences in insurance premium. Results The price elasticity of residual demand for health insurance was low during the period 1993–2002, confirming earlier findings based on annual changes in market share. We find small but significant elasticities for basic insurance but insignificant elasticities for supplementary insurance. Young enrollees are more price sensitive than older enrollees. Conclusion Competition was weak in the market for health insurance during the period under study. For the market-based reforms that are currently under way, this implies that measures to promote competition in the health insurance industry may be needed.   相似文献   

社会医疗保险是保证社会成员公平享有基本医疗服务,促进全民健康水平提高的重要工具,但部分微观制度设计的不当,造成社会医疗保险在收入再分配上呈现从低收入者向高收入者转移的逆向转移情况,是一种效率和公平的双损失。文章从微观制度设计角度分析我国社会医疗保险出现收入再分配逆向转移现象的原因,提出通过在医疗保险费用征收和医疗保险待遇给付两个环节对相应微观制度设计进行调整,并结合其他国家经验,提出扭转这种收入再分配上的逆向转移现象的建议。  相似文献   

Social health insurance (SHI) is enjoying something of a revival in parts of the developing world. Many countries that have in the past relied largely on tax finance (and out-of-pocket payments) have introduced SHI, or are thinking about doing so. And countries with SHI already in place are making vigorous efforts to extend coverage to the informal sector. Ironically, this revival is occurring at a time when the traditional SHI countries in Europe have either already reduced payroll financing in favor of general revenues, or are in the process of doing so. This paper examines how SHI fares in health-care delivery, revenue collection, covering the formal sector, and its impacts on the labor market. It argues that SHI does not necessarily deliver good quality care at a low cost, partly because of poor regulation of SHI purchasers. It suggests that the costs of collecting revenues can be substantial, even in the formal sector where non-enrollment and evasion are commonplace, and that while SHI can cover the formal sector and the poor relatively easily, it fares badly in terms of covering the non-poor informal sector workers until the economy has reached a high level of economic development. The paper also argues that SHI can have negative labor market effects. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine the pricing behaviour of nonprofit health insurers in the Dutch social health insurance market. Since for-profit insurers were not allowed in this market, potential spillover effects from the presence of for-profit insurers on the behaviour of nonprofit insurers were absent. Using a panel data set for all health insurers operating in the Dutch social health insurance market over the period 1996-2004, we estimate a premium model to determine which factors explain the price setting behaviour of nonprofit health insurers. We find that financial stability rather than profit maximisation offers the best explanation for health plan pricing behaviour. In the presence of weak price competition, health insurers did not set premiums to maximize profits. Nevertheless, our findings suggest that regulations on financial reserves are needed to restrict premiums.  相似文献   

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