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Arrays of chronically implanted electrodes were used to examine the time course of elongation and maturation of peripheral nerve fibers in the cat after crush of the tibial nerve in the proximal calf. Regeneration after crush alone was compared with crush 5 mm proximal to a tight constriction of the nerve. Regeneration was monitored by the progression of excitability along the electrode arrays on the tibial and plantar nerves. The sensitivity was sufficient to record the averaged activity in single nerve fibers allowing detection of the earliest regeneration. The diameters of the fastest regenerating fibers were estimated from the conduction velocity proximal to the site of crush. Both after crush alone, and after crush constriction, small myelinated fibers regenerated in front of large fibers. The rate of elongation after crush alone was 3.2 mm/day, whereas it was slower (P less than 0.02) distal to crush + constriction (2.2 mm/day). In both lesions, the extrapolated delay to onset of regeneration was 8 days. In observations up to 300 days after crush, maturation was delayed or impaired by the constriction, and the compound nerve action potential had a smaller amplitude and a dispersed shape. Transverse sections of nerves after crush + constriction showed a diminished number of large and an increased number of small fibers compared with crush alone, possibly due to persistent branching of regenerated fibers. After both crush alone and crush + constriction, regenerated fibers had similar g ratios, suggesting that myelination developed fully in fibers of diminished diameters.  相似文献   

The effect of testosterone propionate (TP) on regeneration of the crushed hypoglossal nerve was studied in young adult rats. The TP treatment promoted axonal outgrowth as measured by an increase in the proportion of hypoglossal neurons labeled by retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase injected into the tongue at selected postlesion periods compared with that in controls. The result indicated that TP exerts its effect on regeneration primarily by increasing the metabolic activity in hormone target neurons. The somatotopic organization of the hypoglossal nucleus and its projection into the major nerve branches were unaltered subsequent to crush injury. The maintenance of specificity was attributed to the intact perineurial and endoneurial sheaths which guided regenerating fibers to their original targets.  相似文献   

Xylazine, an alpha-2 adrenergic agonist, activates the endogenous trophic factors and neuronal survival signaling. Here, we tested the regenerative effect of xylazine on damaged optic nerve axons in adult rats. After optic nerve crush, xylazine was intraperitoneally injected into three groups of rats: a single administration immediately after the crush, intermittent administration, and daily administration. On day 14, the regenerated axons were quantitatively evaluated by anterograde labeling. Everyday administration but neither single nor intermittent administration markedly increased the number of labeled axons beyond the crush site, with upregulation of growth-associated protein-43 in the ganglion cell layer and the regenerated axons. It was concluded that xylazine promotes axonal regeneration in damaged optic nerves of adult rats.  相似文献   

The regenerative ability of unmyelinated nerve fibers (UNFs) in diabetes and the effect of aldose reductase inhibitor (ARI) on it were ultrastructurally evaluated after sciatic nerve crush in control and untreated and tolrestat-treated streptozocin-induced diabetic rats. The density and number of UNFs were significantly increased in all groups at 5 weeks after the injury. The increase returned to the baseline level in control rats, but not in diabetic rats at 24 weeks. Although the axon size showed a marked decrease at 5 weeks and an incomplete recovery at 24 weeks in all groups, the recovery was significantly worse in diabetic than in control groups. Tolrestat did not have any effect on regeneration of UNFs in diabetes. These results suggest impaired regeneration of UNFs after nerve crush injury in diabetes and less therapeutic effect of ARI on it.  相似文献   

Administration of vincristine (200, 100 or 50 micrograms/kg/week) for 6 months during regeneration of the sciatic nerve after crush injury caused a dose-dependent reduction in nerve fibre size and failure of removal of myelin debris. Successfully regenerating neurites showed an unusual amount of shape distortion. The ratio of myelin sheath thickness to axon circumference was reduced, but the ratio of myelin sheath thickness to axon area was normal. Microtubule concentration was diminished in axons, but neurofilament density was unaffected. Unmyelinated axons were reduced in number but their axon diameter distribution was not affected. Fibres on the non-crushed side appeared normal. The toxicity of vincristine to regenerating nerves is probably related to increased blood-nerve permeability occurring both at the site of crush and along the degenerating nerve.  相似文献   

The present study aims to investigate the potential of brief electrical stimulation (ES; 3 V, 20 Hz, 20 min) in improving functional recovery in delayed nerve injury repair (DNIR). The sciatic nerve of Sprague Dawley rats was transected, and the repair of nerve injury was delayed for different time durations (2, 4, 12 and 24 weeks). Brief depolarizing ES was applied to the proximal nerve stump when the transected nerve stumps were bridged with a hollow nerve conduit (5 mm in length) after delayed periods. We found that the diameter and number of regenerated axons, the thickness of myelin sheath, as well as the number of Fluoro‐Gold retrograde‐labeled motoneurons and sensory neurons were significantly increased by ES, suggesting that brief ES to proximal nerve stumps is capable of promoting nerve regeneration in DNIR with different delayed durations, with the longest duration of 24 weeks. In addition, the amplitude of compound muscle action potential (gastrocnemius muscle) and nerve conduction velocity were also enhanced, and gastrocnemius muscle atrophy was partially reversed by brief ES, indicating that brief ES to proximal nerve stump was able to improve functional recovery in DNIR. Furthermore, brief ES was capable of increasing brain‐derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) expression in the spinal cord in DNIR, suggesting that BDNF‐mediated neurotrophin signaling might be one of the contributing factors to the beneficial effect of brief ES on DNIR. In conclusion, the present findings indicate the potential of using brief ES as a useful method to improve functional recovery for delayed repair of peripheral nerve lesions.  相似文献   

The silicone chamber model for nerve regeneration is suitable to test the effects of exogenous agents or surgical manipulations on nerve regeneration. The total 16-day regeneration period used in this model makes it possible to analyze the effects of certain manipulations on the sequential advancement of the individual cellular components (circumferential perineurial-like cells, vessels, Schwann cells, axons, and myelin) into the chamber fibrin matrix. In the present study we compared the effects on cellular migration of a 7 day delayed chamber repair vs. chamber repair immediately after transection (control chambers) of the rat sciatic nerve. Regeneration was evaluated with light and electron microscopic techniques. Chambers implanted after a delay of 7 days had a statistically significant more advanced migration of vessels, Schwann cells, and axons from the proximal nerve stump and also a significantly increased vascular density as compared to control chambers. We conclude that a 7 day delayed nerve repair stimulates nerve regeneration in this specific silicone chamber model.  相似文献   

Although injured peripheral axons are able to regenerate, functional recovery is usually poor after nerve transection. In this study we aim to elucidate the role of neuronal activity, induced by nerve electrical stimulation and by exercise, in promoting axonal regeneration and modulating plasticity in the spinal cord after nerve injury. Four groups of adult rats were subjected to sciatic nerve transection and suture repair. Two groups received electrical stimulation (3 V, 0.1 ms at 20 Hz) for 1 h, immediately after injury (ESa) or during 4 weeks (1 h daily; ESc). A third group (ES+TR) received 1 h electrical stimulation and was submitted to treadmill running during 4 weeks (5 m/min, 2 h daily). A fourth group performed only exercise (TR), whereas an untreated group served as control (C). Nerve conduction, H reflex and algesimetry tests were performed at 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 weeks after surgery, to assess muscle reinnervation and changes in excitability of spinal cord circuitry. Histological analysis was made at the end of the follow-up. Groups that received acute ES and/or were forced to exercise in the treadmill showed higher levels of muscle reinnervation and increased numbers of regenerated myelinated axons when compared to control animals or animals that received chronic ES. Combining ESa with treadmill training significantly improved muscle reinnervation during the initial phase. The facilitation of the monosynaptic H reflex in the injured limb was reduced in all treated groups, suggesting that the maintenance of activity helps to prevent the development of hyperreflexia.  相似文献   

Effects of hyperbaric oxygen treatment (HBO) on nerve regeneration in acellular nerve and muscle grafts were investigated in rats. Nerve and muscle grafts were made acellular by freeze-thawing and the obtained grafts were used to bridge a 10-mm gap in the sciatic nerve on the left and right sides, respectively. Rats were treated with HBO (100% oxygen for 90 minutes at 2.5 atmospheres absolute pressure ATA) twice a day for 7 days. Axonal outgrowth, Schwann cell migration and invasion of macrophages were examined 10 days after the graft procedure by staining neurofilaments, S-100 proteins and the macrophage antibodies ED1 and ED2, respectively. Axonal outgrowth and Schwann cell migration in acellular nerve grafts were superior to that found in the acellular muscle grafts. However, there was no difference between HBO-treated and nontreated rats in acellular nerve grafts. Such a difference was found in acellular muscle grafts concerning both axonal outgrowth and Schwann cell migration from the proximal nerve end. No differences in the content of macrophages or neovascularization (alkaline phosphatase staining) in either of the grafts and treatments were seen. It is concluded that there is a differential effect of HBO-treatment in acellular nerve and muscle grafts and that HBO-treatment has no effect on the regeneration process in acellular nerve grafts, in contrast to fresh cellular nerve grafts where a beneficial effect has previously been reported.  相似文献   

Axonal outgrowth in tissue cultures was measured to determine whether unilateral peripheral nerve injuries affect contralateral nerve regeneration. The right sciatic nerves of young male Wistar rats were cut at mid-thigh level. Sham operation as a control was limited to the exposure of the nerve without cutting. At day 6 post-surgery, bilateral L5 dorsal root ganglia (DRG) with attached nerve stumps were resected and cultured. Axonal outgrowth from the nerve stump was measured in situ. The contralateral preparations showed longer outgrowths than controls. Therefore the conditioning effect was not merely restricted to the ipsilateral neurons but also affected undamaged sensory neurons of the contralaretal DRG.  相似文献   

Following axotomy, the regrowth of peripheral axons takes longer in older individuals than in young ones. The present study compares the crush-induced process of degeneration and regeneration in the buccal branch of the facial motor nerve in groups of rats aged 3 months and 15 months. Observations are based on qualitative and quantitative analyses of the nerve 20 mm from the site of injury in rats 1, 2, 4, 16, 21, 28, and 56 days after crush. The buccal branch is purely motor and contains a unimodal population of about 1,600 axons commonly in a single fascicle. During the first 28 days post crush (dpc) in the 3-month animals, the progression of myelin and axon degeneration, myelin clearance, regrowth of axon sprouts, and axon maturation are relatively synchronized and uniform. In the older rats, the degeneration of myelin and axons, myelin clearance, and the appearance of axon sprouts at the site of sample are all delayed. In the younger animals, axon sprouts increase in numbers from their first appearance at 4 dpc through the 2 weeks examined following the restoration of whisking behavior. The numbers of regenerating older axons increase at a rate comparable to that in the younger animals through the time that bilaterally symmetrical whisking behavior is evident, but afterwards the number of axon sprouts decreases. At 2 months after crush the young animals have 30% more fibers in the buccal branch than control nerves, while the older animals have fewer than control numbers. In the 3-month regenerated nerve, 2 months post crush, 30% of the regenerated fibers are of very small caliber, less than 3 microns2 in cross sectional area, and typically these small axons have unusually thick myelin sheaths; the older nerves do not have such a skewed distribution of axon areas. The older regenerated axons at 2 months post crush have an unusually high density of microtubules compared to the younger regenerated ones (and controls), and the ratio of neurofilaments to microtubules is very low. The conclusions are that motor neurons in older animals regenerate damaged axons after a delay not apparent in the young; the strong regenerative response apparent initially in animals of both age groups is not maintained in the older animals; and the relationship between the numerical density of cytoskeletal elements and the axon cross-sectional area deviates from normal in the regenerated axons of the older animals.  相似文献   

背景:当前干细胞技术在心脑血管病、中枢神经损伤和外周神经损伤等都具有十分重要的作用。但是在对运动引起周围神经损伤方面的研究还处于基础阶段。 目的:论文旨在研究当前干细胞技术运用于运动性周围神经损伤的研究现状,为运动性周围神经损伤的康复奠定科学基础。 方法:通过计算机检索PubMed数据库1991-01/2010-01的相关文献,文献所述内容与干细胞和运动性周围神经损伤的研究密切相关。共选取26篇文献, 结果与结论:运动训练中经常出现所谓的周围神经损伤性疾病,而依靠干细胞移植和诱导分化技术可以促进周围神经损伤的再生,且对促进运动训练中周围神经损伤的防治具有十分重要的作用。但由于目前尚处于基础研究阶段,还有待进一步的深入研究。  相似文献   

The effect of regeneration and prevention of regeneration on nucleolar morphology was examined in developing hamster facial neurons. Specifically, the presence or absence of an intranucleolar body (INB), a large, Feulgen-negative accumulation of ribonucleoprotein, was characterized after either nerve crush, which allows functional return, or after ligature-axotomy, which does not allow functional reconnection. Surgery was carried out at selected, critical ages in the maturation of the reaction to injury of facial neurons at 15, 20, and 25 days postnatal age. After crush injury at any of the selected postnatal ages, nucleolar morphology returned to normal by postoperative day 50. When functional reconnection was not permitted, a differential recovery was seen which depended on the age at the time of injury. After ligature-axotomy at 15 days postnatal age, formation of INBs to normal adult values did not occur by postoperative day 200. After ligature-axotomy at 20 and 25 days postnatal age, adult INB percentages were attained by postoperative day 100. It appears that age and degree of nucleolar maturity at the time of operation correlate with the morphologic recovery of the nucleolus to its mature configuration when functional regeneration is not permitted. These differences in recovery from injury in developing neurons have several possible metabolic bases.  相似文献   

Observations have been made on the regeneration of myelinated fibres in the sural nerve of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats and age-matched non-diabetic control animals at 3, 6 and 18 weeks after a localized crush lesion. Morphometric studies on the regenerated fibres revealed no differences in the total fibre count, size-frequency distribution or average diameter at 18 weeks after injury. The degree of myelination was assessed by relating the number of myelin lamellae to axon circumference. The relationship was found to be approximately linear. There was a possible slight lag in myelination at 3 weeks after injury in the diabetic animal, but no difference was detectable at 6 and 18 weeks after injury.  相似文献   

Electrical stimulation has been shown to accelerate and enhance nerve regeneration in sensory and motor neurons after injury, but there is little evidence that focuses on the varying degrees of fibrosis in the delayed repair of peripheral nerve tissue. In this study, a rat model of sciatic nerve transection injury was repaired with a biodegradable conduit at 1 day, 1 week, 1 month and 2 months after injury, when the rats were divided into two subgroups. In the experimental group, rats were treated with electrical stimuli of frequency of 20 Hz, pulse width 100 ms and direct current voltage of 3 V; while rats in the control group received no electrical stimulation after the conduit operation. Histological results showed that stained collagen fibers comprised less than 20% of the total operated area in the two groups after delayed repair at both 1 day and 1 week but after longer delays, the collagen fiber area increased with the time after injury. Immunohistochemical staining revealed that the expression level of transforming growth factor β(an indicator of tissue fibrosis) decreased at both 1 day and 1 week after delayed repair but increased at both 1 and 2 months after delayed repair. These findings indicate that if the biodegradable conduit repair combined with electrical stimulation is delayed, it results in a poor outcome following sciatic nerve injury. One month after injury, tissue degeneration and distal fibrosis are apparent and are probably the main reason why electrical stimulation fails to promote nerve regeneration after delayed repair.  相似文献   

Acellular nerve allografts (ANA) possess bioactivity and neurite promoting factors in nerve tissue engineering. Previously we reported that low dose ultrashort wave (USW) radiation could enhance the rate and quality of peripheral nerve regeneration with ANA repairing sciatic nerve defects. Meanwhile, ANA implanted with bone marrow stromal cells (BMSCs) exhibited a similar result. Thus, it is interesting to know whether it might yield a synergistic effect when USW radiation is combined with BMSCs‐laden ANA. Here we investigated the effectiveness of ANA seeded with BMSCs, combined with USW therapy on repairing peripheral nerve injuries. Adult male Wistar rats were randomly divided into four groups: Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium (DMEM) control group, BMSCs‐laden group, ultrashort wave (USW) group and BMSC + USW group. The regenerated nerves were assayed morphologically and functionally, and growth‐promoting factors in the regenerated tissues following USW administration or BMSCs integration were also detected. The results indicated that the combination therapy caused much better beneficial effects evidenced by increased myelinated nerve fiber number, myelin sheath thickness, axon diameter, sciatic function index, nerve conduction velocity, and restoration rate of tibialis anterior wet weight. Moreover, the mRNA levels of brain‐derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in the spinal cord and muscles were elevated significantly. In conclusion, we found a synergistic effect of USW radiation and BMSCs treatment on peripheral nerve regeneration, which may help establish novel strategies for repairing peripheral nerve defects. Synapse 67:637–647, 2013 . © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This paper describes a novel biodegradable conduit that provides a combination of physical, chemical and biological cues at the cellular level to facilitate peripheral nerve regeneration. The conduit consists of a porous poly(D,L-lactic acid) (PDLLA) tubular support structure with a micropatterned inner lumen. Schwann cells were pre-seeded into the lumen to provide additional trophic support. Conduits with micropatterned inner lumens pre-seeded with Schwann cells (MS) were fabricated and compared with three types of conduits used as controls: M (conduits with micropatterned inner lumens without pre-seeded Schwann cells), NS (conduits without micropatterned inner lumens pre-seeded with Schwann cells) and N (conduits without micropatterned inner lumens, without pre-seeded Schwann cells). The conduits were implanted in rats with 1 cm sciatic nerve transections and the regeneration and functional recovery were compared in the four different cases. The number or size of regenerated axons did not vary significantly among the different conduits. The time of recovery, and the sciatic function index, however, were significantly enhanced using the MS conduits, based on qualitative observations as well as quantitative measurements using walking track analysis. This demonstrates that biodegradable micropatterned conduits pre-seeded with Schwann cells that provide a combination of physical, chemical and biological guidance cues for regenerating axons at the cellular level offer a better alternative for repairing sciatic nerve transactions than conventional biodegradable conduits.  相似文献   

We have developed a silicone nerve regeneration chamber that is partitioned into two compartments by a strip of nitrocellulose paper. The modified two-compartment chamber allows the investigation of the effects on rat sciatic nerve regeneration of trophic or growth factors that are initially bound to the nitrocellulose partition. In this study we compared the effects of untreated nitrocellulose, a siliconized nitrocellulose strip, and a strip that had been soaked in a basic fibroblast growth factor (FGF) solution. FGF is a known angiogenic factor and a mitogen for endothelial cells, fibroblasts, and Schwann cells. All of these cell types are present in the peripheral nerve. In vitro analyses, using 3T3 cells as test cells, showed that some of the bound FGF remained active on the nitrocellulose paper for at least 8-10 days. In vivo experiments, examined at 16 days post-implantation, revealed that spatial migration of all cellular elements (perineurial-like cells, vasculature, and Schwann cells) across the chamber gap was slower with untreated nitrocellulose strips than with siliconized strips but was most advanced with FGF-treated ones. Most striking was the well-developed vascular arborization of the regenerate within the FGF chambers. Histologic sections from the proximal one-half of the chamber revealed that the regenerate in untreated strip chambers consisted of fibrin matrix and erythrocytes, whereas a well-developed structure with all the cellular elements of a regenerating nerve was seen in several of the FGF strip chambers. We conclude that FGF stimulates peripheral nerve regeneration in this model.  相似文献   

The effects of exogenous polyamines and polyamine biosynthetic pathway inhibitors on regenerating nerves were examined in adult male rats following nerve transection and surgical repair. Several studies have demonstrated the efficacy of exogenous polyamines in promoting the functional recovery of peripheral nerves following crush or freeze injuries in the rat. In order to simulate clinical peripheral nerve surgery, we studied these effects after complete nerve transection and evaluated regeneration by counting axons. There was no statistical difference in axon number with and without polyamines and in the presence of inhibitors and inhibitors with end product addition. Our study suggests that the difference in recovery seen in previous studies is not mediated by a change in axon number.  相似文献   

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