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Melanoma-associated retinopathy (MAR) is a rare paraneoplastic syndrome in patients with melanoma. Since the onset of MAR symptoms is often associated with tumor progression or recrudescence of metastases, MAR-related symptoms are prognostic relevant. The pathomechanism underlying MAR is supposed to result from antibody production against yet unknown melanoma-associated antigens that are also expressed in retinal tissue, leading to the destruction of retinal cells and resulting in defective signal transduction. Only a 35 kDa protein in Müller glial cells, a 22 kDa neuronal antigen and retinal transducin have been identified as MAR-associated antigens to date. To identify additional antigens potentially involved in the pathogenesis of MAR, we screened a retina cDNA phage library for reactivity with antibodies in the sera from 9 patients with MAR or subclinical MAR using the serological analysis of recombinantly expressed clones (SEREX) approach. Six sera from melanoma patients without evidence of MAR and 10 sera from healthy donors served as controls. Mitofilin and titin were identified as antigens against which antibodies were found exclusively in sera of MAR patients, but not in the sera of MM patients without MAR or healthy donors. This is the first study to demonstrate that titin is highly expressed from retinal tissue and melanoma. The fact that none of the MAR-associated antigens detected to date by their capacity to elicit a humoral immune response is located on the cell surface questions a major pathogenetic role of the respective antibodies and suggests that cellular, rather than humoral mechanisms are operative in the primary immune attack against the retina in MAR.  相似文献   

Metastatic melanoma still has a very poor prognosis since it withstands conventional therapies like surgery or chemotherapy. A paraneoplastic autoimmune manifestation of this disease is melanoma-associated retinopathy (MAR). MAR has been associated with prolonged survival and may be an early marker of tumor progression. By screening a retina and a melanoma cDNA phage library by SEREX using sera of patients suffering from melanoma and, in some cases, clinical symptoms of MAR, we identified 20 new antigens (HD-MM-28-47), of which 14 clones had high homology to well-known genes. Six of these genes had previously been associated with retina: rhodopsin, visual arrestin, MEK1, SRPX, BBS1 and galectin-3. Individual clones were recognized by up to 43% of patients' sera, while sera of healthy volunteers were negative except in 2 cases. The expression profile of the antigens identified on the basis of homologous EST database entries in healthy tissues was ubiquitous to differential. Using RT-PCR, we found frequent expression of preselected antigens in melanoma cell lines. For rhodopsin, this could be quantified by quantitative PCR. Retinal proteins were recognized by serum antibodies of melanoma patients but not healthy controls. The role of these antigens in MAR awaits further investigation. (Supplementary material for this article can be found on the International Journal of Cancer website at http://www.interscience.wiley.com/jpages/0020-7136/suppmat/index.html.)  相似文献   

Distribution, patterns and prognostic impact of spontaneous antibody responses against different tumor‐associated antigens (TAAs) in malignant melanoma patients are unknown so far and were investigated in this study for the first time in a large cohort at different stages of the disease, identifying new prognostic biomarkers for malignant melanoma. Serum samples from 365 melanoma patients (97 Stage I melanoma patients, 87 Stage II, 92 Stage III and 89 Stage IV) and 100 age and gender matched healthy control donors were analyzed. Samples were drawn at the time of diagnosis (Stages I–III) or at time of diagnosis of distant metastasis (Stage IV). Applying a novel multiplex assay, humoral immune responses against 29 TAAs were determined and the association between response and patient survival was investigated. Antibody responses were mainly found in melanoma patients and all tested antigens elicited immune responses in all disease stages. Antibody responses against single antigens were either associated with poor prognosis and/or shorter progression‐free survival (PFS) or had no influence. While in Stages I–III significant associations were observed between an antibody response and overall survival or PFS, among Stage IV patients, no significant association was found. Multivariate analyses identified specific humoral immune responses as prognostic factors independently of age, chemotherapy and immunotherapy. Antibody responses against specific TAA in Stage I‐III melanoma patients correlate with poor prognosis and/or shorter PFS. These results may help to design clinical studies in order to evaluate the potential of these responses as prognostic serological biomarkers.  相似文献   

Small cell lung cancer is the most common cause of paraneoplastic Cushing's syndrome. The definitive treatment consists in surgical removal of the tumour, which is not possible in most of these cases (they are often diagnosed at advanced stages), and therefore it is frequently necessary adding the drug ketoconazol. We hereby present the case of a patient diagnosed with a metastatic carcinoma of unknown origin associated with two paraneoplastic syndromes: a Cushing's syndrome and a sensitive-motor axonal neuropathy, a very uncommon association.  相似文献   

Certain types of malignant tumors overexpress HER-2, a transmembrane glycoprotein of the class I receptor tyrosine kinase erbB family. To develop an effective HER-2 vaccine for the selective immunotherapy of these malignancies, we have genetically engineered fusion proteins containing portions of extra- and intracellular HER-2 domains. Activated dendritic cells (DC) cocultured with these novel antigens (Ag) could induce potent responses of Ag-specific T-cell lines in vitro and a protection against HER-2-expressing tumor in vivo. The protective capabilities of HER-2-derived fusion proteins correlated with the efficiency of their presentation to Ag-specific T-cell hybridomas. The most effective Ag contained GM-CSF, the presence of which facilitated their internalization by antigen-presenting cells (APC) in a receptor-mediated manner.  相似文献   

Melanocytes, melanoma and photoreceptor cells are of neuroectodermal origin and have a certain sensitivity to light. In this study, we present evidence for photoreceptor proteins that are responsible for visual transduction and its regulation function as a new class of cancer antigens in melanoma. Visual rhodopsin, transducin, cGMP-phosphodiesterase 6, cGMP-dependent channels, guanylyl cyclase, rhodopsin kinase, recoverin and arrestin are expressed in melanoma and can induce antibody responses in patients. Melanocytes also express mRNA of all photoreceptor genes besides transducin, but were devoid of the corresponding protein, which was tested for rhodopsin, cGMP-phosphodiesterase, guanylyl cyclase and recoverin. Furthermore, we show for the first time that some healthy tissues express mRNA of these genes, but never protein. Expression profiles and autoantibody responses were confirmed in the MT/ret and the HGF(tg)/Ink4a(-/-) transgenic mouse melanoma models. We propose a molecular transition of cancer-retina antigens from mRNA expression in melanocytes to protein expression in melanoma. Our work provides the basis for analyzing regulation of photoreceptor gene expression in normal and malignant cells as well as possible therapeutic tumor targeting using the newly defined class of cancer-retina antigens.  相似文献   

Summary A retrospective analysis was undertaken in which 15 female and 15 male breast cancers were matched by age, stage, estrogen receptor status, and histologic type. Our protocol compares male and female breast cancers for reactivity with antibodies against tumor-associated antigens known to be present on female breast cancer cells. Formalin-fixed sections of each primary tumor were reacted in the ABC immunoperoxidase assay against antibodies B72.3 and DF.3 and an antibody to theras p21 antigen. Reactivity to B72.3 and DF.3 was similar. However, the ras p21 antigen was expressed to a significantly greater extent in female breast cancers (p = .0008). Thus, although there are similarities in antigenic phenotype of male and female breast cancers, some female breast cancers may have a different pathogenesis as demonstrated by increased amounts of a specific oncogene product.  相似文献   

The cancer‐testis antigens are a group of unrelated proteins aberrantly expressed in various cancers in adult somatic tissues. This aberrant expression can trigger spontaneous immune responses, a phenomenon exploited for the development of disease markers and therapeutic vaccines. However, expression levels often vary amongst patients presenting the same cancer type, and these antigens are therefore unlikely to be individually viable as diagnostic or prognostic markers. Nevertheless, patterns of antigen expression may provide correlates of specific cancer types and disease progression. Herein, we describe the development of a novel, readily customizable cancer‐testis antigen microarray platform together with robust bioinformatics tools, with which to quantify anti‐cancer testis antigen autoantibody profiles in patient sera. By exploiting the high affinity between autoantibodies and tumor antigens, we achieved linearity of response and an autoantibody quantitation limit in the pg/mL range—equating to a million‐fold serum dilution. By using oriented attachment of folded, recombinant antigens and a polyethylene glycol microarray surface coating, we attained minimal non‐specific antibody binding. Unlike other proteomics methods, which typically use lower affinity interactions between monoclonal antibodies and tumor antigens for detection, the high sensitivity and specificity realized using our autoantibody‐based approach may facilitate the development of better cancer biomarkers, as well as potentially enabling pre‐symptomatic diagnosis. We illustrated the usage of our platform by monitoring the response of a melanoma patient cohort to an experimental therapeutic NY‐ESO‐1‐based cancer vaccine; inter alia, we found evidence of determinant spreading in individual patients, as well as differential CT antigen expression and epitope usage.  相似文献   

Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL) is a heterogeneous group of extra-nodal non-Hodgkin lymphomas with primary manifestation in the skin with poor treatment options in the advanced stages. As basis for future immune-therapeutic strategies we have investigated the possible expression of tumor-specific targets in CTCL focusing mainly on so-called cancer-germline genes. cDNAs derived from 20 CTCL tissues and 4 CTCL cell lines were tested with 15 gene-specific and 4 gene family-specific primers by RT-PCR and confirmative Northern blotting. The most frequently detected mRNAs were LAGE-1 (55% with only partial coexpression of the splicing variants), cTAGE-1 (35%), MAGE-A9 (27%) and the GAGE-3-7 group (35%). Furthermore, we could detect NY-ESO-1 (21%) and a MAGE-A subgroup (15%), whereas sub-specification of the latter proved absence of MAGE-A1, -A2, -A3, -A6 and -A12. SCP-1 was found in only one specimen and a several antigens could not been detected in any tumor tissue or cell line (MAGE-B, GAGE-1,2,8 and all 4 RAGE genes). 90% of all CTCL samples were positive for at least 1 of the frequent mRNAs in RT-PCR (LAGE-1, NY-ESO-1, cTAGE-1, MAGE-A9, or GAGE-3to7). Using a secondary SEREX approach we could detect sero-reactivity in sera of CTCL patients against recombinant cTAGE-1 (10/29), GAGE (3/19), MAGE-A1 (1/18), -A3 (1/18), -A6 (2/18) and -A9 (4/18) protein, but not against LAGE-1a, MAGE-A4b or MAGE-A12 protein (n = 19). We conclude, that certain cancer-germline genes can be detected frequently in CTCL and are able to elicit a systemic immune response. These candidate genes might therefore be promising targets for immunotherapeutic interventions in CTCL.  相似文献   

The prognosis of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) patients remains poor. The identification of high‐risk subgroups is needed for the development of custom‐tailored therapies. The expression of cancer‐testis antigens (CTAs) has been linked to a worse prognosis in other cancer types; however, their prognostic value in HNSCC is unclear because only few patients have been examined and data on CTA protein expression are sparse. A tissue microarray consisting of tumor samples from 453 HNSCC patients was evaluated for the expression of CTA proteins using immunohistochemistry. Frequency of expression and the subcellular expression pattern (nuclear, cytoplasmic, or both) was recorded. Protein expression of melanoma antigen (MAGE)‐A family CTA, MAGE‐C family CTA and NY‐ESO‐1 was found in approximately 30, 7 and 4% of tumors, respectively. The subcellular expression pattern in particular had a marked impact on the patients' prognosis. Median overall survival (OS) of patients with (i) simultaneous cytoplasmic and nuclear expression compared to (ii) either cytoplasmic or nuclear expression and (iii) negative patients was 23.0 versus 109.0 versus 102.5 months, for pan‐MAGE (p < 0.0001), 46.6 versus 50.0 versus 109.0 for MAGE‐A3/A4 (p = 0.0074) and 13.3 versus 50.0 versus 100.2 months for NY‐ESO‐1 (p = 0.0019). By multivariate analysis, these factors were confirmed as independent markers for poor survival. HNSCC patients showing protein expression of MAGE‐A family members or NY‐ESO‐1 represent a subgroup with an extraordinarily poor survival. The development of immunotherapeutic strategies targeting these CTA may, therefore, be a promising approach to improve the outcome of HNSCC patients.  相似文献   

The mortality rate for patients with ovarian carcinomas is high and the available prognostic factors are insufficient. The use of biomarkers may contribute to better prediction and survival for these patients. We aimed to study the gene and protein expressions for 7 potential biomarkers, to determine if it is possible to use them as prognostic factors. Genes selected from our previous microarray analysis (2006), CLU, ITGB3, TACC1, MUC5B, CAPG, PRAME and TROAP, were analyzed in 19 of the tumors with quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (QPCR). We found that CLU and ITGB3 were more expressed in tumors from survivors and PRAME and CAPG were more expressed in tumors from deceased patients. None of the other 3 genes were significantly differently expressed. The protein expressions of CLU, ITGB3, PRAME and CAPG were analyzed in 43 of the tumors with western blot for semiquantitative analysis. We established that the mRNA and protein expressions correlated and that all 4 proteins were significantly differently expressed. Further, immunohistochemistry (IHC) was used to localize the expression of the proteins in the tumor samples. According to our results, the 4 biomarkers CLU, ITGB3, PRAME and CAPG may be used as prognostic factors for patients with stage III serous ovarian adenocarcinomas.  相似文献   

Regulatory T cells (Tregs) play a key role in cancer immune escape. We identified target antigens of spontaneous tumor‐specific T cell responses in urothelial carcinoma (UC) and evaluated their modulation by treatment and Treg. We determined Treg target antigens in UC. Fifty‐six UC and 13 control patients were prospectively enrolled. Blood was drawn before and after routine treatment. Changes in Treg frequency were measured by fluorescence cytometry and the T effector cell (Teff) response against a set of nine tumor‐associated antigens (TAAs) was monitored with an interferon‐gamma ELISpot. Antigen specificity of Treg was determined by their increased capacity to inhibit after TAA‐specific activation the proliferation of an autologous T cell population. The highest difference in the overall response rate for the total T cell population was observed for epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) (UC: 23% and controls: 0%). After depleting Treg, also new york esophageal (NYES)O1 (19 and 0%) and MUC20 (27 and 0%) were more frequently recognized in UC patients. In metastasized patients, the TAA‐directed T cell response was augmented by Treg depletion. Tumor resection seemed to diminish Treg suppression of TAA‐specific immunity, whereas chemotherapy had no effect. We demonstrated the existence of TAA‐specific Treg in UC, which share antigen specificities with Teff. The coexistence of TAA‐specific Treg and Teff was very rare. Treg frequencies in the peripheral blood were not changed by therapy. In summary, we identified potentially immunologically relevant TAA in UC. TAA‐specific T cell responses against these antigens are suppressed by Treg. We identified TAA‐specific Treg in UC patients, which do not cooccur with TAA‐specific Teff.  相似文献   

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths in both genders worldwide, with an incidence only second to prostate cancer in men and breast cancer in women. The lethality of the disease highlights the urgent need for innovative therapeutic options. Immunotherapy can afford efficient and specific targeting of tumor cells, improving efficacy and reducing the side effects of current therapies. We have previously reported the aberrant expression of cancer/testis antigens (CTAs) in tumors of unrelated histological origin. In this study we investigated the expression and immunogenicity of the CTAs, Sperm Protein 17 (SP17), A-kinase anchor protein 4 (AKAP4) and Pituitary Tumor Transforming Gene 1 (PTTG1) in human non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) cell lines and primary tumors. We found that SP17, AKAP4 and PTTG1 are aberrantly expressed in cancer samples, compared to normal lung cell lines and tissues. We established the immunogenicity of these CTAs by measuring CTA-specific autoantibodies in patients'' sera and generating CTA-specific autologous cytotoxic lymphocytes from patients'' peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Our results provide proof of principle that the CTAs SP17/AKAP4/PTTG1 are expressed in both human NSCLC cell lines and primary tumors and can elicit an immunogenic response in lung cancer patients.  相似文献   

Specific immunotherapies for patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) using leukemia-associated antigens (LAA) as target structures might be a therapeutic option to enhance the graft-vs.-leukemia effect observed after allogeneic stem cell transplantation or to prolong a complete remission (CR) achieved by chemotherapy. Significant mRNA expression of LAA is a prerequisite for such immunotherapies. Here, previously characterized antigens associated with solid tumors (TAA) and newly characterized LAA were investigated for their expression in up to 60 AML patients and in leukemia cell lines. To investigate their specificity for leukemic blasts, the mRNA expression was also characterized in PBMN and CD34 positive cells of healthy volunteers and in a panel of normal tissues. The following antigens showed high mRNA expression in AML patients: MPP11 was detected in 43/50 (86%), RHAMM in 35/50 (70%), WT1 in 40/60 (67%), PRAME in 32/50 (64%), G250 in 18/35 (51%), hTERT in 7/25 (28%) and BAGE in 8/30 (27%) of AML patients. Real-time RT-PCR showed a tumor-specific expression of the antigens BAGE, G250 and hTERT, as well as highly tumor-restricted expression for RHAMM, PRAME and WT1. The antigen MPP11 was overexpressed. These antigens might be candidates for immunotherapies of leukemia patients and, because of their simultaneous expression, also for polyvalent vaccines.  相似文献   

Data are presented suggesting the presence of pancreas tumor-associated antigens. Slow progress has been made during the past few years in the identification of pancreatic tumor antigens that may be of clinical usefulness and it seems unlikely that many of the practical problems now being faced in identification and isolation of these antigens and in development of a specific, sensitive assay will be solved by conventional immunochemical approaches. The study of antigen and/or antibody purified from immune complexes in the host and the application of leukocyte adherence inhibition techniques to immunodiagnosis of pancreatic cancer are among the new approaches that may provide effective alternatives in the study of pancreatic tumor antigens.  相似文献   

Using high-density oligonucleotide array analysis, we have recently compared the gene expression profiles of 2 human melanoma cell lines with marked difference in metastatic behavior after subcutaneous inoculation into nude mice (de Wit et al., Melanoma Res, in press). We identified an expressed sequence tag (EST), which we called malignant melanoma-associated 1 (MMA-1a), showing evident differential expression between the 2 cell lines. The MMA-1a gene is localized on chromosome 21q22.2 and its mRNA exists of 4 exons. Homology search displayed a splice variant of MMA-1a that lacks exon 3 and that was called MMA-1b. Expression profiles of MMA-1a and MMA-1b are determined by reverse transciptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) analysis. Among 30 different normal tissue samples, expression of MMA-1a and MMA-1b was exclusively found in the testis after a first PCR of 30 cycles. Even more sensitive screening achieved by performing multiple semi-nested RT-PCR showed no or very low expression in the other normal tissues tested. During melanocytic tumor progression, MMA-1a and/or MMA-1b exhibited an emergence of expression in primary melanoma (20%) and melanoma metastasis samples (30%) after only 1 round of PCR. Expression of MMA-1a and/or MMA-1b was also identified in other tumor cell lines and fresh tumor samples of variable origin, e.g., lung, liver, bladder and soft tissues (sarcomas). We conclude that MMA-1a and MMA-1b are new members of the family of cancer/testis antigens.  相似文献   

An immunological analysis to study MUC1 mucin core protein and carbohydrate associated antigens as tissue tumor markers in head and neck carcinoma was performed. Twenty nine patients with the following tumor localizations were included: tongue (n=10), larynx (n=8), oral cavity (n=4), maxillary sinus (n=3), tonsillar ring (n=3) and pharynx (n=1); seven samples of epithelium obtained from normal organs at the same localizations were studied as controls. Immunohistochemical analysis was performed following standard procedures and reaction was graded according to staining intensity and distribution. From each tissue section, membrane, cytoplasmic and nuclear moieties were obtained by differential centrifugation with subsequent fractionation by density gradient centrifugation (6M guanidium chloride-CsCl); subcellular moieties and CsCl derived fractions were analyzed by immunoblotting. Monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) reacting with the core protein of MUCI (C595) and associated carbohydrate antigens were: Tn, 83D4 MAb; Lewis y antigen (Le y), C14 MAb; Lewis x antigen (Le x), KM380 MAb and sialyl Lewis x (sLe x), KM93 MAb. Statistical analysis was undertaken by Spearman rank correlation. In tumor samples, the immunohistochemical identification of MUCl core protein and associated antigens was extended; differences were found in the pattern and intensity of expression; results were corroborated by immunoblotting although in a few samples there was not coincidence between both methods. Localization, tumor mass or node involvement did not show significant differences for any of the antigens studied. Conclusions: 1) head and neck carcinoma expressed MUCI and associated carbohydrate antigens in high levels; 2) no relationship between antigenic expression and tumor status was found.  相似文献   

To design a specific immunotherapy for leukemia patients, the identification of leukemia-associated antigens (LAAs) is a pivotal step. Antileukemic effects after hematopoetic stem cell transplantation for myeloid leukemias are observed and might be related to the recognition of LAAs. Using the serological screening of an expression library (SEREX) of K562 cells, we identified 16 different clones encoding LAAs eliciting a humoral immune response, among them the heat shock proteins HSJ2 and HSP70, the M-phase phosphoprotein 11 (MPP11), the BRCA1-associated protein (BRAP), the Jkappa recombination binding protein (RBPJkappa) and the receptor for hyaluronic acid mediated motility (RHAMM). Serological responses to MPP11 were observed in 7/19 (37%) of patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and 6/16 (38%) of patients with chronic myeloid leukemia (CML), but not in healthy volunteers (0/20). IgG antibodies directed against MPP11 were also detected in 25-50% of the sera of patients with solid tumors such as melanoma, renal cell, ovarian and breast carcinoma. mRNA expression of MPP11 was detected in 20/20 AML patients and 7/10 patients with CML. In normal tissues, strong mRNA expression of MPP11 was only detected in testis. By real-time PCR, we detected upregulation of MPP11 in leukemic blasts. Simultaneous humoral immune responses to 2 or more of the 16 LAAs identified here was observed, suggesting the feasibility of a polyvalent vaccination as an option for immunotherapies in leukemia patients.  相似文献   

Microsatellite instable (MSI) cancers express frameshift-mutated antigens, the C-terminal polypeptides of which are foreign to the immune system. Consequently, these antigens constitute a unique pool of tumor-specific antigens that can be exploited for patient diagnosis and selective, immune-mediated targeting of cancers. However, other than their sequence, very little is known about the characteristics of the majority of these proteins. We therefore developed a methodology for predicting their immunogenic behavior that is based on a gene-expression system, in which each of the proteins was fused to a short C-terminal polypeptide comprising two epitopes that can be readily detected by T-cells and antibodies, respectively. In this manner, accumulation of the antigens and processing of peptides derived thereof into MHC can be monitored systematically. The antigens, which accumulate in the cells in which they are synthesized, are of primary interest for cancer immunotherapy, because peptide epitopes derived thereof can be presented by dendritic cells in addition to the tumor cells themselves. As a result, these antigens constitute the best targets for a coordinated immune response by both CD8+ and CD4+ T-cells, which increases the likelihood that tumor-induced immunity would be detectable against these antigens in cancer patients, as well as the potential value of these antigens as components of anticancer vaccines. Our data indicate that, of 15 frameshift-mutated antigens examined in our study, 4 (TGFbetaR2-1, MARCKS-1, MARCKS-2 and CDX2-2) are of primary interest, and 4 additional antigens (TAF1B-1, PCNXL2-2, TCF7L2-2 and Baxalpha+1) are of moderate interest for further tumor immunological research.  相似文献   

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