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In this paper, the foundations of professional ethics in occupational health care is described and discussed. After an introduction reminding of the global developments of world economy, communications and trade and reference to cultural and social developments, reference is given the four basic ethical criteria of biomedical ethics of beneficence ("doing good"), non-malfeasance (avoidance of harm), autonomy (integrity) and Justice/Equity-The "Appletown consensus" of 1989. These criteria provide the basis for current thinking and practice in health professions of Western Europe. The principles of ethical analysis, as currently practiced is described using a practical case scenario drawn from experience of challenging tasks for Occupational Health Services in Western Europe. Specific challenges to professional ethics are discussed-the growth of knowledge in subjects and academic disciplines relevant to occupational health and the multiple loyalties of occupational health professionals. The principles of ethical codes and their implementation are touched on. In conclusion, the universality of professional ethical principles of bioethics-including occupational health-is discussed in observing global inter-cultural commonalities and convergence on ethical criteria of central importance. Emphatic recommendation is given to continue inter-cultural exchanges with a view to improve understanding of impact of contextual and cultural factors on ethics in professional occupational health practice.  相似文献   

Health care professionals are expected to use a systematic approach based on evidence, professional reasoning and client preferences in order to improve client outcomes. In other words, they are expected to work within an evidence-based practice (EBP) context. This expectation has had an impact on occupational therapy academic programs’ mandates to prepare entry-level clinicians who demonstrate competence in the knowledge, skills and behaviors for the practice of evidence-based occupational therapy. If the EBP approach is to be entrenched in the day to day practice of future clinicians, a pedagogically sound approach would be to incorporate EBP in every aspect of the curriculum. This, however, would require a comprehensive understanding of EBP: its basis, the principles that underpin it and its effectiveness in promoting core professional competencies. The existing literature does not elucidate these details nor does it shed light on how requisite competencies for EBP are acquired in professional education in general and in occupational therapy education in particular. Drawing from educational psychology and EBP in the health professions, this paper provides a critical review of the evidence that supports EBP and the effectiveness of EBP teaching and assessment interventions in professional heath sciences programs and offers suggestions for the design of EBP instruction, grounding recommendations in educational theory for the health professions.  相似文献   

Compared to other health care professions such as medicine, nursing and pharmacy, few studies have been conducted to examine the nature of practice errors in occupational and physical therapy. In an ongoing study to determine root causes, typographies and impact of occupational and physical therapy error on patients, focus group interviews have been conducted across the United States. A substantial number of harmful practice errors and/or other patient safety events (deviations or accidents) have been identified. Often these events have had moral dimensions that troubled the therapist involved. In this article, six of these transcribed cases are analyzed, using predominant bioethical theories, ethical principles and professional codes of ethics. The cases and their analyses are intended to be exemplary, improving the readers’ ability to discern and critically address similar such events. Several patient safety strategies are suggested that might have prevented the events described in these cases.  相似文献   

Health educators nurture future generations of professionals by helping them to navigate the complex transition from students to therapists. The purpose of this study was to illustrate how a pedagogical method of collaborative reflection (involving reflective writing, sharing, and discussion) on relational dilemmas with role partners can develop occupational therapists’ professional identity. The course, in which this method was applied, implemented the supervision and peer learning frameworks as related to student’s fieldwork experiences, and is based on the perception of growing from conflicts and exploration. The study is based on analyzing qualitative data of 392 dilemma cases and 196 texts of personal reflection on classroom work of undergraduate students in occupational therapy. A thematic analysis of the case studies revealed six overarching relational dilemmas that novice therapists are often called upon to deal with when working with patients, patients’ families and colleagues from other health professions. Analyzing the personal texts of reflection highlighted the effectiveness of collaborative reflection in bridging the gap between theory and practice, and in helping students develop their professional identity. The method can be adapted to curricula for students and therapists in other health professions, in undergraduate courses, and in group supervision programs.  相似文献   

《The Clinical Supervisor》2013,32(2):103-126
The impact of sexual intimacy between professors and students-in-training for the helping professions on trainees' responses to supervision and their therapeutic effectiveness are addressed directly by few professional organizations with which clinical supervisors are affiliated. The American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (1991) code of ethics, the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (1988) supervisory standard, and the American Psychological Association (1992) ethical principles prohibit such activities directly, while other codes address the issue indirectly through standards regarding dual relationships and sexual harassment. Based on parallels between counseling/therapy and clinical supervision, the unknown and unpredictable nature of supervision with any given trainee and supervisor renders the introduction of sexual intimacy into the relationship as unethical. Additional research on ethics education and specifically on the sexual-intimacy phenomenon amoung educators who train helping professionals is recommended. Also, revisions in current ethical standards are proposed.  相似文献   

AIMS: This paper describes the context of interprofessional training on clinical education wards (CEWs) and reports students' perceptions of this type of interprofessional and professional training. CONTEXT: A 2-week interprofessional clinical course was designed for medical students in their surgical eighth term, and nursing, occupational therapy and physiotherapy students, all in their sixth term. Clinical tutors were responsible for the patients and also supervised the students. The goals for the students included: to provide the patients with good medical care, nursing and rehabilitation; to develop their own professional roles; to enhance their level of understanding of the other professions; to stress the importance of good communication for teamwork and for patient care; to enhance understanding of the role of the patient, and to become more aware of ethical aspects of health care. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A questionnaire developed by teachers from the 4 educational departments was used. A total of 962 students responded (78%). RESULTS: The CEWs provided the students with good clinical practice in terms of training in their own professions as well in learning more about the other professions. The importance of good communication for teamwork and for patient care was recognised. The quality of supervision and students' perception of their own professional roles were important factors regarding satisfaction with the CEW course. CONCLUSIONS: The CEW course seemed to provide the students with an opportunity to develop their own professional roles and their functions as team members.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Changes in workplaces and work organizations represent a challenge for governments, social partners and occupational health professionals whose aim is to appropriately satisfy emerging requirements and needs. An increasing number of occupational health problems requires a high-quality standard practice supported by ethically consistent decisions. The ethical aspect of the practice is strictly linked to that of appropriateness, involving requirements of effectiveness, efficiency and respect of ethical principles of the individual, community and society. OBJECTIVES AND METHODS: The paper aims at focusing the ethical components of the quality of an occupational health program by taking a systematic approach to the ethical problems. The approach consists of a 2-step process. The first step consists of appraising the basic ethical principles of the dilemma ("to do good": to prevent or to remove evil and to do or to promote good; "not to do evil", implying not to inflict evil; to do no harm; autonomy implying respect of other's freedom and self-determination; justice implying equity, solidarity and non discrimination). The second step consists of detecting the stakeholders involved or interested in the decision. The alternatives are discussed according to the assessment of ethical costs (violating the consistentprinciple) and ethical benefits (fulfilment of the consistent principle) for the stakeholders. RESULTS: Systematic analysis of the ethical components of the dilemma according to ethical principles and their discussion within a framework involving different stakeholders makes it possible to recognise ethical costs and ethical benefits of the alternative decisions. The decisions may have different costs and benefits, which should be considered and weighed to take a proper decision. Although there is no certainty about the suitability of the decision, the assessment of the ethical components may be a valuable tool in decision-making based on the awareness that any ethical aspect has been considered. CONCLUSION: Occupational health professionals are requested to act with respect for general ethical principles and preferences of the individual, groups and setting. A high-quality practice will take into account the ethical content and the ethical conduct and any intervention will include analysis of ethical principles to compare alternative decisions and their consequences for the different stakeholders. This approach guarantees a practice based on, in addition to scientific evidence, the assessment of ethical costs and ethical benefits to favour decisions preventing conflicts.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Due to increased occupational dermatoses in certain professions such as health care workers (HCW), cleaning and kitchen employees (CKE), measures of prevention and skin protection are of high significance. Skin protection courses focus on educational aims (e.g. improving skin care habits, influencing the participants' attitudes towards health) and medical aims (e.g. optimising diagnostic procedures, complementing individual therapy). METHODS: Participants are patients who have been suspected to suffer from an occupational skin disease and are insured with the German Accident Prevention & Insurance Association (BGW). Teaching units of the skin protection courses focus on basics of skin functioning and important aspects of occupational skin diseases. Practical parts include information and instructions about the correct implementation of skin protection, skin care and skin cleansing. Every participant is seen by a dermatologist obtaining a precise patient's history and performing a skin examination. All this results in working out individually adapted and professional skin protection strategies. RESULTS: In total, 791 participants (93 men and 698 women) completed the skin protections courses. Six hundred and sixty-seven patients (mean age: 36.9 years, SD = 11.6) were HCW and 124 patients (mean age: 40.4 years, SD = 10.8) were CKE. In HCW 82.5% (n = 550) and in CKE 86.3% (n = 107) suffered from hand eczema of the atopic, irritant or allergic type. Irritant contact dermatitis as a single diagnosis was the most frequent one in both groups (HCW: 34.5.%, n = 230; CKE: 49.2% n = 61). According to regularly performed evaluations, the participants rated the course as good to excellent. Nearly 80% of the participants had skin lesions while attending the course, in 27% the dermatosis was severe. CONCLUSIONS: There is a high need for health education, advisory services, diagnostics and additional therapy in occupational dermatology. Prevention of occupational skin diseases and maintenance of health through educational programmes are important complementary measures for dermatological care but still missing in endangered professions.  相似文献   

New genetic technologies open up the possibility of predictive screening, both for individual genetic risk factors for susceptibility to workplace hazards and for late onset (both single gene and multifactorial) hereditary disease. Although the initiative for testing may lie with employers and employees there are many potential stakeholders--from family members and workplace colleagues to insurers and society in general. The role of the occupational health professional will not only involve the contextual interpretation of genetic test results but also the myriad of associated ethical and moral questions. This paper considers a range of ethical issues with which the occupational health professional may be confronted as genetic technology advances.



A group of Melbourne based occupational therapy educators and clinicians question the need for a paradigm for occupational therapy. They claim that professional status is more dependent upon expert organization (formal and informal) of the profession and its external relations than on conceptual and theoretical consensus. Identification of the state-of-the-art of occupational therapy is held to be an important first step in the move towards better organization and relations with other health professions. Occupational therapists Australia-wide are asked to assist in the identification process.  相似文献   

The author argues that the special knowledge of individual professionals confers upon them personal responsibility to monitor governmental standards and regulations in their field and to intervene in their formulation and, where necessary, remediation. An occupational and environmental health professional in such a role needs first to identify the persons in charge of the entity in question. Influencing their actions then calls for conviction, courage, ethical principles and moral behavior, and willingness to get involved.  相似文献   

Goals of this study included the investigation of the need for multicompetent health practitioners, the relationship between hospital size and perception of this need, and feasible combinations of professions and skills from the employer's perspective. Surveys of health professions alumni and hospital administrators revealed a perception of need for multicompetency regardless of hospital size or profession. Hospital administrators identified medical technology/radiology technology; nursing/respiratory therapy; and physical therapy/occupational therapy as the three combinations with the greatest potential for benefit; these related well to alumni perceptions of a need for added skills in other professions. This article also suggests a general approach to multicompetency curriculum development.  相似文献   

Social work and public health are different but mutually connected. Both are professions with their own ethical foundations. Despite all differences, they have the same goal: to protect and to enhance the well-being of people. This is, in part, why the fundamental ethical principles of social work are salient for developing public health ethics. As a human rights profession, social work respects the personal autonomy of clients, supports solidarity-based relationships in families, groups or communities, and attempts to uphold social justice in society. Social workers need to adopt special professional attitudes: sensibility for the vulnerabilities of clients, care and attentiveness for their resources and strengths, assistance instead of paternalistic care and advocacy in decision making for clients’ well-being when clients are not able to decide for themselves. These fundamental ethical principles are the basis for discussion of special topics of social work ethics as public health ethics, for example, in justifying intervention in individual lifestyles by public services without the participation or consent of the affected persons.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Concern with ethics is central to professionalism. It is only recently, however, that epidemiologists have begun to address ethics formally akin to other professions. METHODS: The bearing of ethics theories on the control of environmentally determined diseases is explored. RESULTS: The rationale behind promoting environmental change depends not only on demonstrated evidence from research, but also on the potential for the change to be both effective for improving health and cost-efficient. These dependencies are shown to be value-laden, especially in terms of distributive justice, and to vary across cultures and over time. The epidemiologist is concerned with the scientific ethic which is duty-based, related to deontology or to rule utilitarian theories of ethics. In addition, public health professionals are concerned with doing the greatest good for the greatest number; it is upon this basis that much of public health decision-making rests. The value of doing good according to prevailing social mores is a consideration from virtue-based theory. Under any ethical theory, however, consideration of harmful and beneficial consequences is often involved. The duty to act in the public interest strongly influences professional conduct. Decisions for disease control thus are drawn variously from both the established ethical theories and shared ethical principles. CONCLUSIONS: By recognizing the ethical basis for decisions, recommendations and conduct are better able to be morally justified. Furthermore, understanding the ethical framework for decisions about disease control provides an evaluative base for assessing both scientific and cultural advances. Environment, epidemiology, culture and ethics are closely intertwined.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a study of an arts informed approach to ethics education in a health professions education context. The purpose of this study was to investigate students’ reported learning experiences as a result of engagement with an arts-informed project in a health professions’ ethics course. A hermeneutic phenomenological methodological approach was adopted for the study. The data were collected over 5 years, and involved analysis of 234 occupational therapy students’ written reflections on learning. Phenomenological methods were used. Five key themes were identified with respect to students’ reported learning including: becoming aware of values, (re) discovering creativity, coming to value reflection in professional life, deepening self-awareness, and developing capacities to imagine future practices. There appear to be a number of unique ways in which arts-informed approaches can contribute to health professions education including: activating imaginative engagement, fostering interpretive capacity, inspiring transformative understandings, offering new ways of knowing, deepening reflection, and heightening consciousness, while also enriching the inner life of practitioners. Innovative approaches are being used to introduce arts-informed practices in health professions curricula programs. The findings point to the promise of arts-informed approaches for advancing health sciences education.  相似文献   

Twenty-eight undergraduate degree students from seven health care professions attended a two-day pilot course. Using small multiprofessional groups, final-year students from occupational therapy, orthoptics, therapy radiography, nursing, physiotherapy, medicine and dentistry explored professional roles and clinical problem-solving using a theme-based approach. A balance of didactic and interactive small-group learning enabled them to identify issues surrounding multiprofessional teamworking and collaboration in the National Health Service. Evaluation results showed that the course increased knowledge and understanding of other health care professions, developed more positive attitudes and demonstrated the importance of multiprofessional teamwork and communication. Participating students believed that both early and regular opportunities for shared learning should be essential aspects of undergraduate courses.  相似文献   

The present study examined the first decade of the development of occupational therapy in Israel: 1946–1956. The structural-functional approach to the study of professions, which provided the theoretical framework for this study, identifies three formal organisations in the professions: the practice, the educational system, and the association. The purpose of this article was to follow the development of occupational therapy and to examine the interrelations of the profession's three formal organisations in the reviewed period. The methodology of the study was based on qualitative historical methods. Data collection included oral histories, and published and unpublished written material. Data organisation and analysis were within the framework of the structural-functional approach. Data analysis indicated that ‘expansion’ was a major theme affecting the development of occupational therapy, the reason for which lies within the historical background of the period under investigation. In addition, data indicated that the practice was the strongest and most active organisation in occupational therapy and that expansion in practice was beyond the capacity of both the educational system and the professional association. The interrelations of the three formal organisations, and the rapid expansion of occupational therapy practice, had a lasting effect on the development of occupational therapy in Israel.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Underlying most ethical dilemmas in occupational health practice is the problem of Dual Loyalties where health professionals have simultaneous obligations, explicit or implicit, to a third party, usually a private employer. METHODS: A literature review was undertaken of case studies of workplace occupational health conflicts, international human rights and ethical codes and strategies for managing dual loyalties, complemented by iterative discussions in an international working group convened to address the problem of Dual Loyalties. RESULTS: Violations of the worker-patient's human rights may arise from: (1) the incompatibility of simultaneous obligations; (2) pressure on the professional from the third party; and (3) separation of the health professional's clinical role from that of a social agent. The practitioner's contractual relationship with the third party is often the underlying problem, being far more explicit than their moral obligation to patients, and encouraging a social identification at the expense of a practitioner's professional identity. CONCLUSIONS: Because existing ethical guidelines lack specificity on managing Dual Loyalties in occupational health, guidelines that draw on human rights standards have been developed by the working group. These guidelines propose standards for individual professional conduct and complementary institutional mechanisms to address the problem.  相似文献   

The health and social care professions all rely on the use of practice placements for a substantial element of their pre-qualifying professional education, and these practice-based professions have roles for existing practitioners to oversee the education and training of students when they are on practice placements. Practice educators play a vital role in the development of new practitioners and also in the development and perpetuation of professional values and standards. In this paper, we argue that the practice educator role is thus fundamentally an ethical function, requiring moral commitment from the practice educator but also playing a critical role in maintaining the ethical values of the profession.  相似文献   

This study examined the factors in the process of occupational attainment for a single group, the allied health professions. A 14-variable causal model was developed to explain postcollege attainment of a job in one of five allied health professions: medical dietetics, medical social work, occupational therapy, physical therapy, or speech therapy. The sample was composed of 272 college students who responded to the Cooperative Institutional Research Program surveys of 1971 and 1980. Analysis indicated that several variables, including academic integration, having a science major, and being oriented to service, had significant direct effects on attainment in the allied health professions. Knowledge of the personal characteristics and achievements of those who successfully enter jobs in the allied health professions may allow informed student and faculty choices and reduce recruitment and retention problems in schools of allied health.  相似文献   

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