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IVF-ET中阴道超声对子宫内膜容受性的评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
IVF-ET作为不孕症治疗的重要手段,其成功率备受国内外学者的关注。而子宫内膜容受性是决定IVF-ET成功与否的关键因素之一,但目前尚缺乏评价子宫内膜容受性的可靠标准。本文综述了近年来诸多学者利用阴道超声从子宫内膜形态、子宫内膜厚度、子宫动脉血流、子宫内膜和内膜下血流几方面进行探讨。  相似文献   

子宫内膜异位症对子宫内膜容受性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
子宫内膜异位症(Endometriosis,EMs)是妇科常见病,也是女性不孕的常见原因之一,它通过影响生殖过程的各个环节而导致不孕.其中对胚胎植入的影响包括子宫内膜超微结构的改变、细胞因子及黏附分子的表达紊乱、同源盒基因HOXA10的下调等所致的子宫内膜容受性的下降.  相似文献   

胚泡的成功植入取决于胚泡的侵入能力和子宫内膜的容受性。子宫内膜的容受性是指子宫内膜对胚胎的接受能力。部分不孕症患者的子宫内膜容受性存在缺陷,影响了胚胎的成功着床。因此,如何对其做出合理的评价和相应的改善措施以提高妊娠率,是生殖医学领域研究的热点。本文从分子生物学方面对子宫内膜容受性做出了评价。  相似文献   

子宫内膜容受性(ER)是指子宫内膜接受胚胎的能力,即允许受精卵定位、黏附、侵入并使内膜间质发生改变从而植入子宫内膜的一种能力。子宫内膜的“种植窗”期也称为容受期,需要由黄体分泌的雌、孕激素的支持,同时也受多种基因、蛋白质、细胞因子和粘附分子的影响,其中miRNA及其靶基因对子宫内膜容受性的具有一定的调节作用。miRNAs在女性生殖系统疾病中的作用是当前研究的热点,如子宫内膜异位症、输卵管积水、多囊卵巢综合征、子宫内膜癌等疾病中都存在miRNAs的差异化表达。miRNAs及其靶基因在子宫内膜容受性中的作用也引起学者的重视,多项研究表明,子宫内膜容受性缺陷者存在miRNAs及其靶基因的差异表达,本文将对miRNAs及其靶基因在子宫内膜容受性中的研究作一综述。  相似文献   

苏湘婷 《医学信息》2018,(10):176-177,183
目的 中医护理辅助治疗对改善子宫内膜容受性的效果观察。方法 选取2016年10月~2017年3月在我院就诊的45例子宫内膜容受性差的患者,在常规西药治疗的同时,给予中医护理学中的心理护理、情志护理、饮食护理、辩证施膳等辅助治疗后,比较治疗前后子宫内膜的厚度、形态、血流信号和血流分型的变化。结果 在西医治疗的基础上结合中医护理,子宫内膜厚度由(0.81±0.23)cm 增加到(0.87±0.18)cm,子宫内膜形态A型较治疗前增加15.00%,子宫内膜血流信号由平均(5.10±1.57)支增加到(6.60±1.49)支,子宫内膜血流分型中Ⅲ型较治疗前增加5.00%。结论 中医护理用于辅助治疗子宫内膜容受性,可增加子宫内膜厚度,在通过西医治疗子宫内膜容受性的同时,需要结合中医辨证论治的理论指导下,结合起居、情志、饮食等多方面综合护理,不但体现了中医的精髓,也更方便实用。  相似文献   

目的探讨阿胶对诱导排卵助孕周期子宫内膜容受性的作用。方法将56例68周期在诱导排卵周期中接受夫精人工授精(AIH)或指导同房助孕治疗的患者随机分为A、B两组,A组为对照组,B组自月经周期第7天开始给予阿胶口服治疗,每天用生胶量30g,至下次月经或证实临床妊娠为止。结果月经周期第7天至排卵日的子宫内膜厚度增长值A组为(3.10±1.32)mm,B组为(3.88±1.54)mm,两组之间差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。两组子宫内膜厚度每日增加数分别为(0.49±0,23)mm和(0.62±0.26)mm,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。阴道彩色B超监测排卵日的子宫动脉血流阻力指数和搏动指数B组较A组明显下降(P〈0.05)。结论阿胶能增加诱导排卵助孕周期子宫内膜的厚度,加速子宫内膜的增长并改善子宫动脉血供。  相似文献   

目的:探讨宫腔镜微创手术对于子宫内膜容受性的影响。方法:选取本院妇产科2013年1月至2013年12月收治的98例体外受精–胚胎移植失败的患者,进行宫腔镜下活检以及微创手术,观察术后月经第5、10、15天的平均子宫内膜厚、整合素β3以及HOXA10表达情况以及术后ER以及PR的累计阳性率情况。结果:98例患者微创术后月经第5、10、15天的平均子宫内膜厚分别(7.5±1.3)、(12.3±2.3)、(14.5±3.2) mm,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05);术后月经第5、10、15天整合素β3以及HOXA10表达显著上升,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05);术后ER以及PR的累计阳性率相比于术前显著上升,并随着时间呈现出上升趋势(P<0.05)。结论:宫腔镜下微创手术治疗能显著改善子宫内膜术后容受性,有利于体外受精–胚胎移植术的成功。  相似文献   

白血病抑制因子(LIF)是一种分泌性糖蛋白,通过与LIF受体(LIFR)结合而发挥生物学活性,其表达于子宫内膜腔上皮和腺上皮细胞,并在黄体中晚期出现显著的时空表达特性。目前LIF被认为是介导哺乳动物胚泡着床的最关键细胞因子之一,LIF表达减弱或缺失可导致不孕或妊娠失败,其机理可能是引起子宫内膜腺体和血管网发育不良,从而影响胚胎着床。  相似文献   

补肾活血方影响子宫内膜容受性的实验研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的 探讨补肾活血中药对多囊卵巢综合征(PCOS)患者促排卵后子宫内膜容受性的影响。方法 随机给予患PCOS不孕妇女两种不同的促排卵治疗,A组为用克罗米芬(CC)/绒毛膜促性腺激素(HCG)促排卵成功者;B组为用补肾活血方加CC/HCG促排卵成功者。月经周期正常妇女设为C组。用半定量逆转录-聚合酶链反应技术(RT—PCR)检测三组妇女着床期子宫内膜降钙素(CT)mRNA的表达,同日用阴道B超测定子宫内膜厚度,用电化学发光免疫法测血清雌二醇(E2)及孕酮(P)水平。结果 着床期子宫内膜CTmRNA表达比较,A组分别低于B、C组(P分别〈0.05、0.01),B组和C组之间无差异(P〉0.05)。着床期血清E2、P水平及子宫内膜厚度比较,差异无显著性(P〉0.05)。结论 补肾活血方增强了着床期子宫内膜CT的表达,推测中药可改善子宫内膜容受性,有利于胚胎着床和临床妊娠率的提高。  相似文献   

妊娠过程包含胚胎植入、蜕膜分化、胎盘发育到最终分娩等多个不可逆环节,其中胚胎植入的发生需要囊胚获得植入能力与子宫内膜进入容受态的同步化进行。内膜容受态的建立过程是子宫在卵巢分泌雌孕激素的动态调控下,通过雌孕激素受体协同各种转录因子、细胞因子和生长因子,诱导子宫上皮和基质细胞有序的增殖和分化来完成。  相似文献   

超声监测联合宫腔镜诊断不孕患者子宫内膜异常的价值   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探讨阴道超声和宫腔镜检查对不孕患者子宫内膜病变的诊断价值。方法对在我中心不孕门诊进行阴道超声、宫腔镜检查的152例患者分为两组进行对照分析。自然周期超声监测内膜回声异常的105例为研究组,超声监测内膜正常的47例为对照组。结果研究组宫腔镜检查确诊内膜病变为84例(80.00%),对照组为4例(8.51%),两组比较差异有非常显著性意义(P〈0.001)。研究组中,子宫内膜息肉占30.48%(32/105),内膜增殖36.19%(38/105),粘膜下肌瘤0.95%(1/105),输卵管阻塞8.57%(9/105),内膜炎症3.81%(4/105);对照组异常内膜为内膜粘连4.25%(2/47),内膜炎症4.25%(2/47)。以宫腔镜结果为金标准,经阴道超声监测对子宫内膜病变诊断的敏感度95.45%(84/88),特异度67.19%(43/64)。研究组确诊内膜异常者84例,妊娠率46.43%(39/84),对照组确诊为内膜正常者43例,妊娠率74.41%(32/43),两组比较差异有显著意义(P〈0.05)。结论阴道超声是诊断不孕症患者宫腔内病变的一种简便、廉价、无创伤、诊断率高的方法,可以作为不孕患者宫腔镜检查的初筛,而宫腔镜检查则为内膜病变提供准确的诊断。  相似文献   

目的:探讨米非司酮对分泌早期人子宫内膜超微结构的影响。方法:子宫内膜组织取自10例排卵后1周内因非子宫内膜原因的疾病而接受子宫切除的育龄妇女。任选5例在手术前24 h口服米非司酮25 mg(米非司酮组), 其余5例未服药者为对照组。子宫内膜组织经常规电镜样品制备后, 进行电镜观察。结果:与对照组相比, 米非司酮组的子宫内膜出现下列明显的形态改变:(1)在腺上皮未见核仁管道系统及巨大线粒体, 核下糖原聚集少见, 但是, 巨大溶酶体常见; (2)腺上皮细胞间隙窄直, 侧膜褶迭少见; (3)基质细胞常出现溶解或核固缩, 并有红细胞渗出。结论:米非司酮引起的上述子宫内膜分泌早期形态改变势必造成胚泡植入的困难, 因而达到紧急避孕的效果。  相似文献   

This prospective, randomized trial in normo-ovulatory women was designed to test whether administration of low-dose exogenous FSH initiated during the early, mid to late follicular phase can induce multiple dominant follicle development. Forty normal weight women (age 19-35 years, cycle length 25-32 days) participated. A fixed dose (75 IU/day) of recombinant FSH was started on either cycle day 3 (n = 13), 5 (n = 13) or 7 (n = 14) until the induction of ovulation with human chorionic gonadotrophin. Frequent transvaginal ultrasound scans and blood sampling were performed. Multifollicular growth occurred in all groups (overall in 60%), although day 7 starters showed less multifollicular growth. Age, cycle length and initial FSH and inhibin B concentrations were similar between subjects with single or multiple follicle development. However, for all women the lower the body mass index (BMI), the more follicles emerged (r = -0.44, P = 0.007). If multifollicular growth occurred, the length of the luteal phase was reduced (P = 0.002) and midluteal serum concentrations of LH (P = 0.03) and FSH (P = 0.004) were decreased and oestradiol (P = 0.002) and inhibin A (P = 0.01) were increased. In conclusion, interference with decremental serum FSH concentrations by administration of low dose FSH starting on cycle day 3, 5 or as late as day 7, is capable of disrupting single dominant follicle selection. The role of BMI in determining ovarian response suggests that differences in pharmacokinetics of exogenous FSH are involved. Multifollicular growth per se has a distinct effect on luteal phase characteristics. These observations may be relevant for the design of mild ovarian stimulation protocols.  相似文献   

目的分析阴道超声对围绝经期妇女不规则阴道出血子宫内膜病变的临床价值。方法对100例围绝经期不规则阴道出血患者行阴道超声(TVS)检查,观察其子宫内膜改变,并与相对应的子宫内膜病理结果进行对照分析。结果阴道超声诊断围绝经期妇女不规则阴道出血子宫内膜病变的总符合率为94.2%,其中生理性内膜改变、良性内膜改变、内膜癌及非典型增生的诊断符合率分别为96.1%、94.8%及85%。以子宫内膜的正常厚度(10mm)为预测临界值,经阴道超声诊断围绝经期妇女不规则阴道出血子宫内膜病变的敏感性为88.5%,特异性为66.2%,阳性预测值为83.5%,阴性预测值为89.2%,假阳性为36.5%,假阴性为4.95%。结论阴道超声对围绝经期妇女不规则阴道出血子宫内膜病变具有较高的诊断符合率和临床价值。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: A method was sought to control ovulation of the dominant follicle and to test the importance of LH during the late follicular phase of the menstrual cycle. Menstrual cycles of rhesus monkeys were monitored, and treatment initiated at the late follicular phase (after dominant follicle selection, before ovulation). METHODS: The 2-day treatment consisted of GnRH antagonist plus either r-hFSH and r-hLH (1:1 or 2:1 dose ratio) or r-hFSH alone. In addition, half of the females received an ovulatory bolus of hCG. RESULTS: When treatment was initiated at estradiol levels >120 pg/ml, neither the endogenous LH surge, ovulation nor luteal function were controlled. However, when treatment was initiated at estradiol levels 80-120 pg/ml using either 1:1 or 2:1 dose ratios of FSH:LH, the LH surge was prevented, and ovulation occurred following hCG treatment. FSH-only treatment also prevented the LH surge, but follicle development appeared abnormal, and hCG failed to stimulate ovulation. CONCLUSIONS: Control over the naturally dominant follicle is possible during the late follicular phase using an abbreviated GnRH antagonist, FSH+LH protocol. This method offers a model to investigate periovulatory events and their regulation by gonadotrophins/local factors during the natural menstrual cycle in primates.  相似文献   

PROBLEM: L-selectin ligand has displayed mediating adhesion at the maternal-fetal interface. Therefore, we investigated the impact of L-selectin ligand on establishing pregnancy in women undergoing in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer (IVF-ET). METHOD OF STUDY: Endometrium between cycle days LH +6 to +9 was obtained from 56 Chinese women referred for IVF and tested for L-selectin ligand by immunohistochemistry and Western blot. The standard gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist long protocol was used for ovarian stimulation. RESULTS: L-selectin ligand was localized in the endometrial gland and luminal epithelial cells. Western blot analysis of endometrium identified four bands and levels of component 1, 2 and 4 were significantly higher in the pregnancy group than in the non-pregnancy group (P < 0.05). Clinical pregnancy and implantation rates were higher in patients with high level L-selectin ligand compared with those with low level (53.6%versus 25.0%, and 27.1%versus 12.1%, respectively, P < 0.05). CONCLUSION: The presence of higher level L-selectin ligand was associated with a better pregnancy outcome.  相似文献   

Basal follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) in a natural cycle,FSH on cycle days 3 and 10 in a domiphene citrate-stimulatedcycle and oestradiol and progesterone area under the curve (AUC)in the luteal phase of the ciomiphene citrate-stimulated cyclewere evaluated as hormonal predictors for the outcome of FVFtreatment in 53 normally cycling women with tubal infertility.The pregnant women had significantly fewer treatment cycles(P < 0.001) and needed fewer ampoules of gonadotrophins (P< 0.001). They also had more oocyte retrievals (P < 0.001),more oocytes per retrieval (P < 0.01), higher fertilizationrate (P < 0.001) and more replaced pre-embryos per replacement(P < 0.01) as compared with non-pregnant women. Significantdifferences were found in FSH concentrations on cycle days 3(P < 0.05) and 10 (P < 0.001) after domiphene citratestimulation and for oestradiol and progesterone AUC in the lutealphase (P < 0.001) between those women who became pregnantand those who did not become pregnant after IVF treatment Lutealoestradiol and progesterone had considerably stronger predictivevalue for the outcome of IVF treatment as compared to basalFSH and domiphene citrate challenge test.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to establish whether ovulation in humans alternates consistently from right to left ovary in successive cycles and whether the site of ovulation affects the next cycle length or the hormonal profiles. A total of 199 cycles in 80 normally fertile women were studied. The volunteers were monitored with ultrasonography to determine the day and side of ovulation and to calculate follicular and luteal phase lengths. Urinary hormone concentrations were also assayed. Right-sided ovulations occurred in 104 of the 199 cycles (52.3%; not significantly different from 50%). Alternate ovulations occurred in 61 of the 119 pairs of succeeding cycles (51.3%, not significant). The follicular phase length in contralateral ovulation (14.59 +/- 0.33 days; mean +/- SEM) did not differ significantly from that of ipsilateral ovulation (14.59 +/- 0. 37 days). There were also no significant differences in urinary concentrations of oestrone-3-glucuronide, pregnanediol-3alpha glucuronide, follicle stimulating hormone, and luteinizing hormone between ipsilateral and contralateral ovulation in either early follicular, peri-ovulatory or luteal phase of the cycle. It is concluded that in normally fertile women, the cycle length and the hormonal profile are independent of the, most probably random, site of ovulation.  相似文献   

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