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医学研究迫切需要大量有价值的生物样本和数据资源集成共享来破解重大疾病难题。在医疗实践和医学研究过程中,临床生物样本库发挥了科研服务支撑平台作用,通过整合有限的生物样本与数据资源,为探索疾病发生、发展、转归、诊断、治疗及药物研发和健康预防等提供资源保障。本文着重阐述我国临床生物样本库平台标准化建设特点与发展、公共管理平台运行模式、信息化平台与资源平台运行管理及质量控制,以期推动我国临床生物样本库平台化、标准化建设。  相似文献   

随着精准医疗和转化医学的发展进步,生物样本库作为链接临床工作和实验室研究的重要环节,在国内外医学研究领域越来越受到重视。本文从生物样本库的国内外发展现状、特勤人员生物样本库建设要点、建设特勤人员生物样本库的意义这三个方面进行阐述,分析探讨建设特勤人员生物样本库的重要性,加强未来对特勤人员的精准化、个性化医疗保障工作。  相似文献   

<正>慢性阻塞性肺疾病(chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,COPD),是一种具有气流阻塞特征的慢性支气管炎和(或)肺气肿,进一步进展可发展为肺心病和呼吸衰竭的常见慢性疾病,在我国致残率和病死率均较高[1]。据流行病学调查,全球40岁以上发病率高达9%~10%,在我国40岁以上人群中具有较高的患病  相似文献   

生物样本库是实现转化医学与精准医学的重要源头与关键环节之一,随着精准医学计划和“健康中国2030”战略规划的提出,生物样本库迎来了难得的发展机遇。同时我国生物样本库存在的问题也日益凸显,包括相关国家标准尚未出台、标准化流程实施与质量控制有待推进、共享应用机制尚待完善、低层次重复建设较为严重、自身造血能力普遍较弱及可持续发展机制有待探索等。在过去十年,生物样本库在标准化、共享应用、集约化和可持续发展等方面取得了一定发展,促进了生物样本资源在生物医药产业链各环节的充分应用,开启了中国生物样本库标准化建设的新时代。  相似文献   

目的探讨血清样本库信息化管理系统的建立及应用价值。方法基于J2EE的多层分布式体系,采用Oracle数据库、虚拟专网(VPN)、安全认证和加密传输技术,建立B/S架构的覆盖全苏州市的血清样本库信息化管理平台。结果血清样本库与各采血点实现了在线数据交换和共享、健康档案检索、医疗记录检索和利用、实时在线监控储存标本的低温冰箱温度和发送报警信息等功能,规范了血清样本库的标本管理工作流程,保证了标本质量,提高了工作效率和标本利用率。结论血清样本库信息化、在线化管理是确保标本质量和高效利用的重要工具。  相似文献   

近年来,在"健康中国"大背景下,精准医疗和生物样本库迎来了快速发展的黄金时期.精准医疗时代,生物样本库作为医疗行业的新兴领域,有其自身发展趋势和特点,表现为发展进程需标准化和规范化、高度依赖信息化建设、离不开多中心联盟和资源共享、需多学科融合支撑等.随着精准医学的不断发展,生物样本库已从生物样本和信息资源的整合平台,逐...  相似文献   

近年来,我国结直肠癌的发病率显著升高。随着对结直肠癌复发、转移机制的深入探索,可提供全面生物医学信息的生物样本库信息系统显得尤为重要。本文阐述了采用微服务架构构建包含临床电子数据采集系统、生物样本管理系统和生物信息数据平台三个子系统的多中心结直肠癌临床研究生物样本库信息系统,同时介绍各子系统在多中心临床研究中的管理模式和特色功能;并通过统一化编码规则、结构化临床信息、标准化样本流转信息和规范化数据存储等数据标准化管理方案,保障数据质量和互联互通,从而为推进转化医学研究和精准医疗发展提供全方位生物医学信息。  相似文献   

要想使中医药理论和实践得到国际社会的公认,必然需要医学科学研究的证实。要想进行医学科研,必然离不开转化医学。生物样本是医学科研、临床诊断及治疗效果监测的重要材料。转化医学这种模式的核心意义之一即为协作与资源共享,这就离不开生物样本库的建设。转化医学的战略资源——生物样本库的构建对于开展人类疾病预测、诊断、治疗研究又具有不可替代的重要作用。研究者秉承珍惜样本的原则建立有中医特色的样本库,为中医药走出国门服务。  相似文献   

目的探讨护理领域生物学研究中生物样本库的建设及其效果。方法通过在浙江大学医学院附属金华医院设立护理领域生物学研究计划, 从生物样本、仪器与设备、操作软件、生物样本库团队组建、人员培训、标准化流程制订等方面对护理领域生物学研究中的生物样本库进行建设。结果于2020年8月浙江大学医学院附属金华医院护理部和中心实验室建立了护理领域生物学研究的生物样本库, 组建生物样本库团队、进行人员培训、制订标准化流程;2020年12月1日—2021年6月30日, 共收集胃癌患者264例和健康对照者56人的生物样本, 主要包括全血、血清和尿液。结论护理领域生物学研究生物样本库的建设能够收集较为丰富的生物样本, 为后续独立开展护理领域生物学研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

目的探讨护理平台化管理模式对护理绩效的影响。方法从心血管内科采取平台化管理模式前随机选取护士59名作为对照组,采取平台化管理模式后选取护士91名作为研究组。比较两组护士的护理绩效指标的达标率。结果两组护理工作质量比较中研究组基础护理合格率(99.3%)、病房环境满意度(100.0%)、出院患者满意度(99.0%)等均高于对照组(83.0%,76.2%,95.2%),差异具有统计学意义(x2=757.93,1259.27,105.40;P〈0.05)。两组工作态度比较中研究组医护合作满意率(100.0%)、服务态度满意率(100.0%)、诊疗告知满意率(95.0%)等均高于对照组(91.8%,93.0%,90.0%),差异具有统计学意义(x2=12.24,345.90,72.52;P〈0.05)。两组护理工作能力比较中研究组技术操作成功率(95.0%)、病情变化评估准确率(85.0%)及业务考核合格率(92.3%)均低于对照组(97.0%,92.0%,99.4%),差异具有统计学意义(x2=617.44,128.75,469.24;P〈0.05)。结论运用护理平台化管理模式,最大限度地发挥了护理人员的积极性和创造性,降低了护理成本,提高了护理质量,保证了护理安全。但提高护理业务水平与实践能力提高仍需要长时间的培养。  相似文献   

The British Thoracic Society's guidelines for the management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) state that there are few data to support or refute the use of chest physiotherapy in acute exacerbations of COPD. They suggest that pulmonary rehabilitation, inhaler education with technique assessment, nebuliser assessment and provision and intermittent positive pressure nasal ventilation in the acutely unwell should be available to patients within this classification. This paper presents the results of two audits performed to see if the efficiency of an in-patient chest clearance service could be improved to make time available for some of these developments.


Data of the numbers of referrals and treatment are routinely recorded by the respiratory physiotherapy team. These data were analysed retrospectively to compare oral referral with a request card system, and the origins and rate of inappropriate referrals.


Changing the referral mechanism to one of request card from one of oral referral did not affect the referral rate. Forty per cent of all referrals were inappropriate. Doctors referred less often than their nursing colleagues but more accurately, 21 referrals compared to 56, with 90% appropriateness compared to 48% for nursing staff. A structure of senior-only assessment for new referrals decreased the number of treatments delivered per referral by 26%.


Structured referral and senior assessment improved the efficiency of the service and permitted extra servies to be developed.  相似文献   



Well over half of all US hospital patients are now admitted directly through the emergency department (ED) rather than scheduled through the admissions department by a referring member of the medical staff. This study sought to understand hospital-level variation in the percentage of admissions originating in the ED.

Basic Procedures

This was a retrospective, cross-sectional analysis of 5 748 375 ED visits and 2 265 478 inpatient discharge occurring in 192 short-term acute Florida hospitals in calendar year 2005.

Main Findings

Hospitals with increasing percentages of patients admitted through the ED are smaller in scale with fewer admissions, beds, and smaller medical staffs but admit a higher percentage of their ED visits to the hospital. Patients in these hospitals are increasingly Hispanic, older, Medicare insured, and likely to represent a preventable ambulatory sensitive condition.


The increasing rate of admissions from the ED department is a national trend, but there is substantial variation at the hospital level. In Florida, measures of hospital scale and an older population with some limitations in access to, or the quality of, primary care are the factors influencing hospital-level variation. Factors implicated in increased ED use such as ED visit acuity, lack of insurance, and race are not important contributory variables. The process of admission and, particularly, the role of the organized medical staff in this process are evolving, and the consequences of these changes require further research.  相似文献   

Fourteen patients with infections caused by Serratia marcescenswere seen over an eight-month period in a large general hospital.Predisposing factors suggested an ‘opportunistic’pattern similar to that previously described in the United States.S. marcescens is an important pathogen which may be increasingin significance in the United Kingdom. Multiple resistance ofthe organism to antibiotics other than gentamicin makes thefinding of apparent sensitivity to co-trimoxazole of potentialtherapeutic value.  相似文献   

河北省人民医院心脏中心于1995,2001年先后两次被评为河北省医学重点学科,1998年被国家药品监督管理局指定为心血管新药临床药理基地。1999年成立的河北省高血压防治中心也挂靠在此。  相似文献   

The need for the general physician to treat psychiatric disorders will continue to increase, and therefore he should know a great deal about the psychopharmacologic drugs. Treatment for schizophrenia is often easier than that for neurosis. Treatment of depression, the most common psychiatric disorder, is also well within the general physician's province. The basic psychopharmacologic agents are described, with attention given to the choice of drugs and drug regimens.  相似文献   

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