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对中国、日本两国7~18岁儿童青少年体格发育状况进行比较,为更好地改善中国儿童青少年生长发育以及体质健康水平提供科学依据.方法 2016年在中国和日本共选取9 594名7~18岁儿童青少年进行身高和体重的测量,采用随机个案法从中抽取4 800名被试进行研究.采用独立样本t检验分析两国儿童青少年的身高和体重差异,利用LMS法构建中、日以及WHO参考标准的百分位曲线分布.结果 中国男、女儿童青少年的平均身高分别为156.7,151.3 cm,日本分别为150.8,146.3 cm,中国儿童青少年各年龄段身高均高于日本(P值均<0.05);中国男、女儿童青少年的平均体重分别为49.5,43.8 kg,日本分别为43.4,40.8 kg,大部分年龄段儿童青少年体重高于日本(P值均<0.05).中国男性儿童青少年各年龄段超重肥胖及消瘦检出率均高于日本,女性儿童青少年14岁后各年龄段检出率接近甚至低于日本.中国儿童青少年身高P3和P50均高于日本;男性青少年体质量指数(BMI)的P50高于日本,P3低于日本和WHO标准,女性儿童青少年BMI P3和P50均在14岁后逐渐降低,低于日本和WHO标准.结论 中国儿童青少年身高、体重高于日本,超重、肥胖的发展趋势较日本更为严重;在14岁以上的年龄段中,中国女性青少年的超重肥胖程度低于日本,但消瘦比例高于日本.  相似文献   

分析2014年中国白族儿童青少年体格生长发育情况,为改善白族儿童青少年生长发育提供参考.方法 采用多阶段分层随机整群抽样的方法,在云南省大理州随机抽取2地区12所中小学7~18岁白族学生2 639名,汉族同龄中小学生2 638人与之对照,进行身高和体重的体格测量.采用方差分析对体格生长发育指标进行比较.结果 白族男、女生的身高发育速度最大值的年龄分别为12岁和10岁,女生较男生提前2年进入生长突增高峰年龄.男、女生身高突增最大值均为6.4 cm;汉族男、女生身高发育速度最大值的年龄均为11岁,身高突增最大值分别为7.7cm和8.0cm.18岁时白族和汉族男、女生的身高性差分别为12.8,11.7 cm.结论 白族儿童青少年体格生长发育加速,呈现明显的正向生长长期趋势,且仍有生长长期趋势潜力可挖掘.  相似文献   

北京市学生身高体重发育现状及发展趋势分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 了解北京市2005年学生身高、体重发育状况,分析1955-2005年学生生长发育趋势,为儿童青少年生长发育的研究提供相应资料.方法 对2005年北京市学生生长发育情况进行调查,分析1955-1995年历次北京市学生健康体检数据.结果 2005年北京市7~19岁男、女生身高和体重均值高于全国平均水平,1955年以来北京市学生身高、体重呈现不同程度的增长趋势.预测2015年北京市学生身高18岁男生可达175.52 cm,18岁女生可达162.79 cm.结论 2005年北京市学生身高、体重发育状况优于全国平均水平,处于历史最高水平.  相似文献   

刘希标  胡思丁 《中国学校卫生》2005,26(6):499-499,501
为了解畲族中小学生体格发育状况,以便为促进畲族中小学生健康成长提供科学依据,笔者于2001年9月~2002年6月对景宁畲族自治县17所中小学校的畲族学生进行了调查,并与汉族学生进行对比分析,现报道如下。  相似文献   

湖南侗族青少年身高坐高发育状况分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
侗族主要分布于贵州、湖南和广西3省(区)交界地区,共有人口200多万。第5次人口普查显示,2000年湖南省侗族共84.21万人,居全省少数民族第3位,主要居住于湖南怀化的通道、新晃、靖州等县。由于历史的原因,湖南侗族的文化与体育发展较慢,青少年学生的体质调查数据缺乏,笔者分析侗族青少年的身高坐高发育状况,不仅可以丰富侗族人类学研究成果,而且对侗族青少年的营养指导、学生体育训练和体育选才都有一定的参考价值。1对象与方法1.1对象在湖南省通道、靖州两县采用随机分层整体抽样方法,抽取7~17周岁的外观发育正常且世居侗乡、3代直亲均为侗族…  相似文献   

山东省儿童青少年身高发育水平的地域特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
我国儿童少年身高发育水平存在明显的地域特征,呈现"北高南矮"现象[1],与地球纬度相关密切,与经度低弱相关[2,3].山东省地处中国东部,黄河下游,北纬34°25'~38°23',东经114°36'~122°43',东西长720 km,南北宽420 km,东临海洋,西接大陆,属暖温带季风气候,地形较为复杂.东部半岛是起伏和缓的波状丘陵区,北部和西部是平原,中部和南部是山地丘陵区.为了解山东省儿童青少年身高水平的地域分布特征,笔者对山东省1995年和1985年儿童少年体质调研的身高资料进行了分析.  相似文献   

广西巴马县瑶族青少年体型特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探索广西巴马县瑶族青少年体型特征及其变化规律,为开展少数民族学生体重发育研究提供参考。方法用Heath-Carter法对1225名6~19岁瑶族青少年体型进行评价。结果瑶族男青少年体型以中间型占优势,而女生7~11岁各组同样以中间型为主,12岁以后体型向内胚层转移。随年龄增长,男生体型由中间型向外胚层型发展后又返回中间型,女生由中间型向偏中胚层的内胚层体型发展。结论瑶族青少年较其他群体皮下脂肪稍厚,骨骼肌肉系统发育较差,身材矮小匀称。  相似文献   

目的描述沈阳市大东区7~18岁儿童青少年生长发育的长期趋势,为开展儿童青少年生长发育的有关研究提供参考。方法对沈阳市大东区1981,1991,2001和2008年4次学生健康体检的身高、体重数据进行比较。结果 1981-2008年学生身高、体重呈现逐渐增加的趋势。7~16岁男生1991-2001年、2001-2008年的身高增幅都小于1981-1991年,增长趋势出现减缓;身高快速增长年龄提前,女生提前趋势明显,2008年较1981年提前2岁。男、女生身高体重2次交叉的后交叉年龄逐渐提前。结论大东区男女生身高、体重呈现明显增加的长期趋势,青春发动的时间也显著提前。  相似文献   

彭正祥 《中国校医》1991,5(3):30-31
<正> 为研究本校学生身高、体重发育状况,随机抽取本校1988年部分学生健康检查所获资料共1247人进行统计分析,并与本校1979年资料和全国、湖南省、长沙市1985年调研资料比较。1 结果 (1)男、女学生身高、体重发育基本状况(表、图略)。本校学生各年龄组身高、体重均值都表现为随年龄增长而增加,但各年龄组增长速度不同。身高突增期男生在12~15岁增长速  相似文献   

拉萨市藏族青少年1985年与2008年生长发育状况比较   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
西藏地处祖国西南边陲的青藏高原,海拔高,空气稀薄,气压低,含氧量少,日光辐射强,日照时间长,昼夜温差大 [1],素有"世界屋脊"及"地球第三极"之称.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The authors investigated predictors of the accuracy of self-reported values of body weight and height in adolescent females. METHOD: Self-reported and measured weight and height values were obtained for 683 school students aged 11-18 years. Predictors of accuracy were determined for self-reported weight, height, and body mass index (BMI; based on self-reported values). RESULTS: Self-reported weight was underestimated. This was most likely for students with higher BMI values and actual weight. Younger, early pubertal and premenarcheal students were most likely to underestimate their height whereas older, postmenarcheal (more than 3 years) students were most likely to overestimate their height. The more exercise reported, the more accurate the height estimation. This translates to a greater underestimation of BMI as adolescents become older, have a longer duration since menarche, and exercise more. DISCUSSION: When accurate information is required, clinicians should measure height and weight, particularly if the adolescent female is perimenarcheal or appears to differ from population averages for height and weight.  相似文献   

Summary Objectives: Assessing the prevalence of weight loss attempts in Beirut, Lebanon, a country characterized by a diversity of ethnic and religious groups and examining the interplay between ethnicity, body mass index (BMI) and weight perception and their relationship to weight loss behavior.Methods: A school-based survey of risk behaviors conducted among secondary students (grade 10–12) in 1997. Subjects consisted of 827 boys and girls, aged 15 to 23 years, the majority of whom were Moslems (65.4%). Multiple logistic regression was used to estimate the association between ethnicity and weight perception with the likelihood of trying to lose weight controlling for BMI and a number of potential covariates.Results: The prevalence of weight loss attempts was 19.1% and 42.6% in boys and girls respectively. Christians were more likely to perceive themselves as overweight and to attempt weight loss than Moslems across all BMI levels, however this trend was significant in the underweight category. While controlling for BMI did not change appreciably the results observed, after controlling for weight perception, ethnic differences in weight-loss behavior disappeared.Conclusion: Findings of the study suggest that whereas actual weight may constitute only partially the driving force for differentials by ethnicity, the perception of body weight acts as a mediating factor in the relationship between ethnicity and weight loss behavior. Understanding the disparities in weight management behavior across various adolescent groups is key to develop culturally appropriate educational and intervention programs for the youths.  相似文献   

Objectives: Assessing the prevalence of weight loss attempts in Beirut, Lebanon, a country characterized by a diversity of ethnic and religious groups and examining the interplay between ethnicity, body mass index (BMI) and weight perception and their relationship to weight loss behavior.Methods: A school-based survey of risk behaviors conducted among secondary students (grade 10–12) in 1997. Subjects consisted of 827 boys and girls, aged 15 to 23 years, the majority of whom were Moslems (65.4%). Multiple logistic regression was used to estimate the association between ethnicity and weight perception with the likelihood of trying to lose weight controlling for BMI and a number of potential covariates.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between self-reported population in order to evaluate the validity of self-reported measures for the purpose of estimating the prevalence of low (less-than-or-equal 15th percentile) and high (greater-than-or-equal 85th percentile) body mass index (BMI) in the study population. SUBJECTS AND METHOD: Information on self-reported and objective weight and height was obtained from a representative sample of 3,244 adolescents, aged 15-18 years, in secondary education schools in the Autonomous Community of Madrid. We calculated the mean relative error; the correlation between subjective and objective parameters, sensitivity, specificity and predictive value positive of low and high BMIs. RESULTS: The mean relative errors were as follows: weight: +0.07% for males versus and 0.79% for females; height, +0.51% for males versus +0.98% for females; BMI: 0.88% for males versus 2.63% for females. The correlation between self-reported and objective BMI was 0.87 for males and 0.90 for females. The prevalence of high BMI was underestimated by 34.1% and 34.4% of females white that of low BMI was overestimated by 10.7% of males and 14.8% of females. CONCLUSION: Analysis of BMI as a continuous variable, based on self-reported weight and height measurement data, entails a small margin of error. However, its use as a categorical variable involves a considerable underestimate of the prevalence of high BMI, and an smaller overestimate of the prevalence of low BMI.  相似文献   

Differences in growth were investigated among ethnic groups in low-birthweight babies (<2500 g or <32 weeks gestation) at birth and at 2–3 years. This prospective study was based on data for all 3091 low-birthweight live births in the South East Thames Region, UK, over a 1-year period, surviving to discharge from hospital. Weights were recorded at birth and at 2–3 years for 998 babies, and head circumferences for 859. These were compared with the UK 1990 reference standards. Ethnic differences were adjusted for parity, multiple birth, smoking and alcohol during pregnancy, mother's height, weight and age, marital status, partner's support and social class. At 2–3 years, there was substantial average catch-up growth only for the weight of infants of 32 weeks' gestation. Babies <32 weeks gestation had fallen behind. Head circumferences had failed to keep up or had fallen behind for both groups. The ethnic groups had similar birthweight standard deviation scores (SDS). At 2–3 years, Black babies of <32 weeks' gestation had gained in weight and head circumference compared with White babies (adjusted difference in weight SDS: 0.71, [95% CI 0.28, 1.13]). Asian babies of at least 32 weeks' gestation had smaller heads than White, a difference that increased with time. It was concluded that ethnic differences in the growth of low-birthweight infants are related to gestational age. Although most of the babies born at <28 weeks' gestation were close to their birthweight reference standards, only the Black infants had maintained their position at 2–3 years. Black infants, particularly when born preterm, tend to put on more weight than White.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to evaluate the relationships between self-reported and measured height, weight, and body mass index (BMI) in a sample of eighth-grade students. The study population consisted of eighth-grade students in eastern North Carolina who completed a cross-sectional survey, self-reported their height and weight, and had their height and weight measured (N = 416). Fifty-nine percent of the sample was male; 42% African American, 46% white, and 12% other races. Mean self-reported weight (62.9 kg) was significantly lower than mean measured weight (64.4 kg). Mean self-reported BMI (22.8 kg/m2) was significantly lower than mean measured BMI (23.3 kg/m2). Race and BMI category were significantly associated with reporting errors. Specifically, African American and white students were significantly less likely to under-report their height compared to other race students. African American students were more likely to underestimate their weight compared to other race students. BMI was more likely to be underestimated in African American and white students compared to other race students. Students who were at risk for overweight and those that were overweight were more likely to underestimate their weight and BMI than students who were normal weight. Approximately 17% of students were misclassified in BMI categories when self-reported data were used. The results indicate that eighth-grade students significantly underestimate their weight, but on average provide valid estimates of their height. Race and measured BMI category influence this discrepancy. School-based research that addresses the prevalence of obesity in adolescents should utilize measured height and weight when feasible.  相似文献   

Main objectives of the present study were to examine (i) the accuracy of using female college students' self-reports of weight and height in estimating rates of overweight and (ii) whether dietary restraint or Body Mass Index (BMI) was the most important predictor of weight underestimation. Participants were 209 female college students who were asked to report their weight and height on a questionnaire, while they were not told that their weight would be verified. Self-report screening was highly specific (98.9%) in identifying cases of normal weight, but only moderately sensitive (48.3%) in identifying cases of overweight. While dietary restraint was not an important predictor of weight underestimation, a higher BMI was an important predictor of weight underestimation. Our findings indicate that heavier female college students strongly underestimate their weight and that exclusive reliance on self-reports of weight and height can lead to erroneous prevalence estimates of overweight among female college students.  相似文献   

Early adolescents in the United States are increasingly exposed to a culture of worrisome messages. A degree of adolescent worry is normal, but the likelihood of a young person being anxious or depressed increases with the perceived number of worries. This study examined the effect of age, gender, and worry behavior on frequency of 8 adolescent worries. Data were obtained from 1,004 9- to 13-year-old students visiting 10 health education centers in 7 states. Students responded via individual, electronic keypads. Multivariate logistic regression revealed that boys worry more about the future, whereas girls worry more about being liked or being overweight. The oldest adolescents worry most about their appearance, being overweight, their friends, and problems at home. Adolescents who prefer talking to parents when worried are less likely to worry about being liked, while those who keep worries to themselves have more worries about grades. Those who turn to parents for information are less likely to worry about being liked, failure, their future, and their friends than those who turn to other sources (teachers, Internet, and friends). Recommendations are given to assist health educators and other school staff to recognize frequent worriers and plan school-based approaches to address their needs.  相似文献   

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