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中学生青春期生殖健康信息和服务利用的现况 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
目前青春期生殖健康已成为世界范围内所关注的一个优先领域。 1994年联合国在开罗人口发展大会所制定的行动纲领中即指出 :“社会针对青少年生殖健康需求的行动应是提供信息 ,特别是能够协助他们了解自身性特征的信息 ,帮助他们成长并能作出负责任的决定 ,保护他们不发生非意愿怀孕、感染性传播疾病。”为有针对性地开展适宜的性健康教育及生殖卫生服务 ,笔者对京津两地的中学生现有生殖健康知识信息、获取途径以及服务利用方面的现况进行调查分析 ,以期为完善和促进青春期生殖健康提供有意义的提示。1 对象与方法在北京和天津市共选取 4所… 相似文献
黄炳流 《中国农村卫生事业管理》1997,17(1):62-63
1生殖健康生殖健康在我国虽然是一个新概念,但根据世界卫生组织生殖健康的概念,我国的计划生育、妇幼保健、健康教育和性病防治等部门的工作都体现了与生殖健康有关的内容。在1994年6月北京召开的“国际妇女生殖健康研讨会”上,代表们对生殖健康的概念作了深人的讨论。我国的生殖健康的定义和具体内涵是这样的:1.妇女生殖健康,包括妇女整个生命周期的不同生理阶段,应得到健康、安全和幸福;2.妇女有生育能力,并应有调节生育的权力;3.妇女在妊娠、分娩过程中应获得优质保健服务,以保证母婴安全;4.妇女有权力和义务抚育儿童健康… 相似文献
关注青春期生殖健康 总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15
余小鸣 《中国计划生育学杂志》2000,8(12):561-563
<正> 生殖健康强调对人的整个生命周期提供服务。在全球性的生殖健康发展领域中,优先考虑青少年生殖健康的需求自世界人口发展大会始便被提到重要地位。青少年正值生命的准备期,享受成人期以至终身完美愉快的性生活必然有赖于青春期生殖系统功能的发育完善以及对该时期生殖健康的促进。了解青春期特有身心发育规律以及现代青少年性发育和性行为的变化趋势,了解青少年特殊的性与生殖健康需求,正是我们更好地促进青春期生殖健康的基础。 相似文献
青春期生殖健康与保健 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
余小鸣 《中国初级卫生保健》2001,15(11):26-27
在全球生殖健康发展领域中,优先考虑青少年生殖健康的需求自世界人口发展大会开始,便被提到重要地位。国务院颁布的《母婴保健法实施办法》虽然没有明确规定青春期保健问题,但儿童的成长过程必须经过青春期,因此,不能忽视对这一时期的保健工作。 相似文献
1 对象与方法
1.1 对象 整群抽取大同大学艺术学院、文史学院、数学与计算机学院、医学院女大学生各400名,平均年龄(20.0±1.7)岁.
1.2 方法 由经过统一培训的调查员用自行设计的调查表进行问卷调查,问卷当场核对收回.问卷内容为一般信息、生殖健康知识及生殖健康护理行为,包括日常护理、经期护理及性生活的护理[6],调查表内容经反复修订,具有较高信度和效度.问卷调查后,随机抽取357名女大学生进行个别访谈以补充信息. 相似文献
目的了解人工流产后关爱(post-abortion care,PAC)对在校未婚女大学生生殖健康的影响,为高校开展生殖健康教育提供科学根据。方法选择2017年7月-2018年6月就诊于浙江省立同德医院接受人工流产手术的486例在校未婚女大学生,于术前及术后6个月分别进行问卷调查。结果既往有人工流产史248例,其中流产次数≥3次的15例;高危人工流产72例,高危因素主要为半年内再次人工流产以及人工流产次数≥3次。问卷调查显示,PAC干预后女大学生对月经及排卵知识、科学避孕的认知、性传播疾病的认知(疾病种类、传播途径、预防措施)、人工流产危害的认知(近期并发症、远期并发症)等知晓率较干预前提高(χ2值分别为21.42,69.65,71.09,52.80,63.25,187.59,356.02,P值均<0.05)。干预前仅53.7%(261/486)女大学生采取中、低效避孕措施,高效避孕措施仅占0.4%(2/486);干预后全部采取避孕措施,其中术后即刻和术后6个月高效避孕措施落实率分别为85.4%(415/486)和68.3%(332/486),较干预前提高(χ2=786.10,P<0.05)。结论对在校女大学生进行PAC教育可提高性与生殖健康相关知识知晓率,提高术后高效避孕措施落实率,减少重复流产发生率。 相似文献
青春期生殖健康现状及教育方法的探讨 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
楼唯君 《中国农村卫生事业管理》2011,31(6):601-602
文章总结了中国当前青少年青春期接受健康教育的现状,指出存在问题:生殖健康知识相对缺乏;生殖健康服务资源利用不足;学校教育形同虚设;社会环境多负面引导。提出加强青春期生殖健康教育的方法和措施。 相似文献
目的探讨个性化健康教育对深圳女劳务工生殖健康状况的影响。方法 7 888例女劳务工随机分为两组:观察组和对照组(每组3 944例)。观察组受试者采取个性化健康教育措施(包括健康教育、随访、在线咨询、QQ群服务等),对照组仅实施1次常规的健康知识教育。观察两组受试者干预前后生殖道感染率、掌握生殖健康知识的情况。结果干预后5个月,观察组相关生殖健康知识掌握情况优于对照组(P0.05)。观察组生殖道感染率(6.8%)与对照组(17.8%)比较差异有统计学意义(P﹤0.05)。观察组细菌性阴道炎发生率1.0%(41/3 944),对照组为4.1%(162/3 944);观察组外阴阴道假丝酵母菌病发生率(0.91%)与对照组(3.5%)比较,差异有统计学意义(χ~2=74.02、61.99,P=0.000)。观察组性病发生率(0.08%)与对照组(3.5%)比较,差异有统计学意义(χ~2=4.58,P=0.03)。结论个性化健康教育可显著提高女劳务工对生殖道感染知识的掌握,降低生殖道感染率,提高满意度,值得临床推广。 相似文献
目的:了解河北联合大学女大学新生健康教育前后对生殖健康知识的知晓情况。方法:采用整群抽样方法,以某高校2011届952名女大学新生为研究对象,于健康教育前后进行生殖健康问卷调查,对调查结果进行分析总结。结果:健康教育前,女大学新生对生殖健康知识的知晓率为26.90%~81.03%,总体知晓率为50.44%,生殖健康行为态度正确率为69.92%;健康教育后,生殖健康知识的知晓率为75.97%~96.88%,总体知晓率为85.30%,行为态度正确率为69.92%,各知识点及总体知晓率比健康教育前明显提高。结论:健康教育是女大学新生获得科学、系统、全面、专业的生殖健康知识的主要途径。 相似文献
评价辅导员参与模式对女大学生生殖健康教育干预的有效性和可行性,为促进女大学生生殖健康提供有效干预方式.方法 运用类实验设计方法,选取20名大同大学医学院大二、大三辅导员,每位辅导员从所带班级中选取1个班,共627名女大学生作为实验组;选取同年级同专业共635名女大学生作为对照组.由培训合格的辅导员对实验组学生实施为期5个月的生殖健康教育,对照组学生未采取干预措施.结果 干预前实验组学生生殖健康知识得分、态度得分和高危行为发生率与对照组学生差异均无统计学意义(P值均>0.05).干预后,实验组学生生殖健康知识(29.6±4.1)、态度得分(25.3±4.9)均高于对照组(分别为24.9±6.2,21.9±7.3),实验组最近3个月有性行为、拥有2个以上性伴侣、有性行为时从不用安全套的高危行为发生率(4.3%,0.2%,6.1%)明显低于对照组(7.1%,2.1%,11.5%)(P值均<0.05);而定期清洗外阴、曾经参加过性病/艾滋病预防宣传活动的行为发生率实验组均高于对照组(P值均<0.01).结论 辅导员参与女大学生生殖健康教育可以积极促进全校联动局面的形成,有利于提升高校学生生殖健康水平,是一种值得在各专业推广的健康教育模式. 相似文献
BACKGROUND: Health illiteracy is a societal issue that, if addressed successfully, may help to reduce health disparities. It has been associated with increased rates of hospital admission, health care expenditures, and poor health outcomes. Because of this, much of the research in the United States has focused on adults in the health care system. This study investigated the effect of aspects of health literacy on the motivation to practice health-enhancing behaviors among early adolescents. METHODS: Measures were generally based on 3 National Health Education Standards for grades 5-8. Data were obtained from 1178 9- to 13-year-old students visiting 11 health education centers in 7 states. Students responded via individual electronic keypads. RESULTS: Multivariate logistic regression revealed that, in addition to age, difficulty understanding health information and belief that kids can do little to affect their future health, decreased the likelihood for interest in and desire to follow what they were taught about health. Further, low interest independently decreased motivation to follow what was taught. Girls were more likely to turn to school, parents, and medical personnel for health information. Older students were more likely to turn to school and to the Internet. CONCLUSIONS: Programs and curricula should be designed to increase student interest in health issues and their self-efficacy in controlling their own health destinies. Educators should also teach students to more effectively use nonconventional health information sources such as the Internet, parents, and medical professionals. 相似文献
《The Journal of adolescent health》2005,36(5):380-385
PurposeThe purpose of this study was to determine the associations between verbal and minor physical abuse by an intimate partner and reproductive health behavior.MethodsLogistic regression analyses of 1996 cross-sectional data from 973 sexually active, dating female adolescents surveyed for wave II of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health Public Use Dataset examining the relationship between abuse by an intimate partner and reproductive health. We measured verbal (insulted in public, sworn at, or threatened with violence) and minor physical (threw something at them, pushed them, or shoved them) abuse by any intimate partner during the past 18 months and by any current intimate partner. Reproductive health variables included condom use with most recent intercourse, contraception use with most recent intercourse, history of sexually transmitted infection, and history of pregnancy.ResultsAfter adjusting for sociodemographic factors, number of intimate partners, and history of forced sexual intercourse, the current involvement in a verbally abusive relationship was associated with not using a condom during the most recent intercourse (odds ratio, 1.56; 95% confidence interval, 1.02–2.40), and both a history of involvement and current involvement in a physically abusive relationship were associated with a history of pregnancy (odds ratio, 2.50; 95% confidence interval, 1.47–4.17; and odds ratio, 3.57; 95% confidence interval, 1.85–6.67, respectively). Neither verbal nor physical abuse were associated with the other reproductive health outcomes.ConclusionsPhysical abuse by an intimate partner is associated with pregnancy and current involvement in a verbally abusive relationship is associated with decreased condom use among sexually experienced female adolescents. Health care providers should be attentive to the association between abuse and pregnancy among adolescents. 相似文献
目的了解高周波机作业接触电磁辐射对女工生殖健康的影响。方法对制鞋、充气玩具制造厂高周波机作业岗位检测电磁波电场强度,并对该岗位女工及对照组女工进行问卷调查,了解生育健康情况。结果制鞋、充气玩具制造厂高周波机作业岗位电磁波电场强度超过国家接触限值比例为100%。观察组女工流产率较高,尤其是怀孕3个月后流产率显著高于对照组;月经异常高于对照组,表现在月经周期紊乱、经量减少、月经伴有淤血、痛经等方面。结论制鞋、充气玩具制造厂高周波机作业岗位接触电磁辐射强度超出国家规定限值范围,企业应做好机器的接地和屏蔽防护,降低电磁辐射强度。高频电磁辐射可能增加女工妊娠流产的机会,尤其是在怀孕3个月以后;对月经也可能有影响。 相似文献
对接触低浓度一氧化碳的286名育龄女工进行生殖流行病学调查.结果表明,低浓度一氧化碳可使女工以痛经为主的月经异常指标、妊高症、先兆流产、早产、自然流产、低体重儿的发生率明显增高.提示应重视低浓度一氧化碳对女工生殖健康的影响. 相似文献
目的 探讨适合流动青少年的Youth - To - Youth互助生殖健康教育干预模式,为开展适合中国流动青少年特点的生殖健康教育提供思路.方法 在济南市选取5所住宿和餐饮业的工作单位作为干预现场,以有意愿参与本研究的77名16~24岁流动未婚女性青少年作为研究对象,随机分为直接干预组(24名)和间接干预组(53名),采用Youth -To - Youth模式进行教育干预.结果 干预后两组生殖健康总分均有明显提高,直接干预组达到91.5分,间接干预组达到80.8分,两组得分差异有统计学意义(P<0.011);两组性态度及个人生殖健康卫生习惯也有所改善.结论 Youth - To - Youth互助模式能够为青少年所接受,具有一定的有效性及可行性. 相似文献
Mounir GM Mahdy NH Fatohy IM 《The Journal of the Egyptian Public Health Association》2003,78(5-6):433-466
In Egypt, adolescents don't have enough and/or correct knowledge regarding reproductive health. Health education interventions are widely seen as the most appropriate strategy for promoting young people's sexual health. The aim of the present work was to assess the impact of a short-term health education program about reproductive health on knowledge and attitude of female Alexandria university students. Quasi-experimental study (pre-post testing control group) was carried out among 682 female university students living in the university hostels, 354 students represented the intervention group (Ezbet-Saad hostel) who received the program and 328 students constituted the control group (El-Shatby hostel). The study revealed that no one had satisfactory knowledge level while 61.7 % and 38.3% respectively had fair and poor levels. The low knowledge level was more evident regarding the questions about: the meaning of the term 'reproductive health' (only 5.1% gave correct complete answer), the benefits of premarital examination (only 37.9% reported complete answer), the investigations done for the pregnant woman (only 28.3% gave complete answer) the benefits of breast feeding (only 8.2% reported complete answer), methods of family planning (only 36.4% gave complete answer), side effects of female genital mutilation (only 4% reported complete answer), sexually transmitted diseases and methods of protection (only 11.9% and 3.9% reported complete answer). It was evident that 32.6% had an overall positive attitude level, 46.3% were in the neutral level and 21.1% had a negative level. It was also found that students of highly or moderately educated mothers and of high social class reported significantly higher knowledge score about premarital examination, age of marriage and breast-feeding than those of non-educated mothers and of low social class. After the intervention program there was a significant improvement in the majority of knowledge questions from pre to post test in the intervention group and no absolute changes were detected in the control group. The highest percentage of gain scores (33.3%) was detected for knowledge about the term 'reproductive health' and female genital mutilation. A significant gain score of 25% was observed for the knowledge about sexually transmitted diseases. Also there was a gain of 20% in the median score concerning the knowledge about breast feeding and family planning. A significant shift towards a positive attitude was found among the intervention group. 相似文献
目的了解苯及苯系物对女工生殖健康的影响,为保护女工身体健康提供科学依据。方法采用整群抽样法,抽取高密市28家制鞋企业的女工296名,依据接触苯、甲苯和二甲苯与否,分为接触组和对照组。采用自制女工职业健康调查问卷,进行调查,调查表数据,录入Excel数据库,用SPSS 17.0软件进行分析。结果接触组饮酒率高于对照组(χ2=6.36,P0.05),接触组较对照组月经周期明显延长,差异有统计学意义(χ2=24.32,P0.01)。对照组自然流产(妊娠12周以前自然流产)次数、人工流产次数明显少于接触组,经比较,差异有统计学意义(P0.01)。结论苯及苯系物对女工的月经周期有影响,可以延长女工的月经周期,并可引起流产次数增多,对生殖健康造成影响,应加强对女工的劳动保护及相关研究。 相似文献