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目的评价中文版勇气量表(CS)在中学生中应用的信效度,为测量积极人格特质提供有效工具。方法采用整群抽取方法在温州市四所中学中抽取12个班级的485名中学生进行中文版CS和焦虑自评量表(SAS)评定,其中54名学生完成了2周后的CS重测。结果中文版CS内部一致性Cronbach’sα系数为0.92,2周重测信度系数为0.75(P0.01)。CS与SAS的校标关联效度系数为-0.332(P0.01),探索性因子分析显示CS具有单纬度结构。结论中文版CS在中学生中具有满意的信度和效度。  相似文献   

目的检验病人健康问卷抑郁量表(PHQ-9)在青少年中应用的信度和效度。方法方便抽取河南省济源、新乡两地共3所中学,再以班级为单位采用整群抽样方法抽取初中一年级到高中三年级的14~18岁在校中学生471名进行PHQ-9测查,同时进行美国《精神障碍诊断与统计手册(第4版)》(DSM-IV)临床定式访谈(SCID)抑郁量表评定和贝克抑郁量表(BDI)评定。在样本中选取88人4周后完成PHQ-9重测。结果 PHQ-9总分的Cronbachα系数为0.85,条目间相关系数为0.289~0.560,各条目与PHQ-9总分相关系数为0.616~0.730,4周后重测信度为0.88。PHQ-9总分与BDI总分Pearson相关系数为0.77,主成分因子分析显示因子(躯体化-情感因子)突出。PHQ-9评估抑郁情绪的最佳划界分为10分,灵敏度为93.33%,特异度为96.83%;ROC曲线下面积(AUC)为0.984(95%CI 0.969~0.993)。结论 PHQ-9应用于青少年抑郁情绪评估中具有良好的信度与效度,10分为该量表的最佳诊断划界分。  相似文献   

青少年生活事件量表的编制与信度效度测试   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
为了定量的评价青少年社会心理应激状况,作者编制了和年自评生活事件量表。ASLES由27项可能引起青少年心理应激的负性生活事件构成。以1474名13-20岁青少年学生为测试对象,应用心理统计分析技术,探讨了ASLEC的测量品质,结果表明ASLEC内部一致性Cronbachα系数为0.8492,分半信度系数为0.8809,一周后重测相关系数为0.6861。  相似文献   

目的观察赌博相关认知量表中文版(GRCS—C)在大学生人群中的适用性。方法采取整群抽样的方法共抽取1787名大学生进行调查,并以赌博冲动量表(GUS—C)、抑郁-焦虑-压力量表(DASS-21)为效标,检验效标效度,其中96名学生4周后用GRcs—C重测。结果GRCS—C总量表的Cronbach’sa系数为0.934,各分量表的“系数在0.673~0.839;量表分半信度在0.706~0.880,4周后的重测信度在0.728~0.900,23个条目间的平均相关系数为0.398,5个分量表的条目间平均相关系数在0.371~0.553。验证性因素分析显示GRCS—C二阶五因素结构模型拟合最好(x^2/df=12.305,GFI-0.867,NFI-0.867,IFI=0.877,RMSEA=0.080)。赌博相关认知量表(GRCS—C)总分及其分量表和GUS—C总分的相关系数在0.256~0.357,与DASS-21总分及其分量表的相关系数在0.124-0.207(P〈0.01)。在赌博相关认知总分及4个分量表(赌博期待、无力戒毒、控制错觉和解释偏差)得分上男性高于女性,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。结论GRCS--C具有较好的信度和效度,可以在国内大学生群体研究中采用。  相似文献   

目的根据情感气质自评问卷中文版,修订更适合青少年群体的情感气质自评问卷青少年中文版,并检验其信度及效度。方法基于之前修订的情感气质自评问卷中文版每个条目的因子负荷,并考虑青少年期的心理发展特点、各个因子条目数量以及内容适应性等因素,最后形成60条目的情感气质自评问卷青少年中文版,对822名11~17岁青少年进行问卷调查,评估该问卷内部一致性信度、结构效度,并比较各因子的性别差异。结果抑郁气质、环性气质、情感旺盛气质、易激惹气质以及焦虑气质因子条目的 Cranbach’sα系数分别为0.67、0.78、0.76、0.77及0.83。探索性因子分析显示焦虑气质、易激惹气质、情感旺盛气质因子可有效区分,而抑郁气质与环性气质的条目则混合在一起。女性在抑郁气质[(3.521±2.221)vs.(3.144±2.295)]、环性气质[(4.484±2.922)vs.(3.917±2.823)]、焦虑气质[(5.236±3.719)vs.(4.366±3.658)]因子的得分高于男性(P0.05),而男性情感旺盛气质因子得分则高于女性[(5.407±2.842)vs.(4.852±2.963),P0.01]。抑郁气质与环性气质因子得分呈正相关(r=0.625,P0.001),焦虑气质与易激惹气质因子得分呈正相关(r=0.628,P0.001)。结论情感气质自评问卷青少年中文版具有一定的内部一致性信度及结构效度,适用于中国青少年群体情感气质的测量。  相似文献   

目的:评价自我护理能力实施量表(ESCA)中文版在精神分裂症患者中的信度和效度。方法:抽取150例精神分裂症患者进行ESCA初测,进行初步的项目分析;正式施测阶段抽取300例精神分裂症患者,7 d后对其中30例进行重测,计算克朗巴赫α系数、重测信度评价量表内部一致性;采用探索性因子分析方法考评量表结构效度;相关分析来评价量表的效标效度。结果:条目一总分相关法及决断值法对条目的区分度进行分析后,组成35个条目的新量表,经最大方差旋转法旋转后提取4个因子,4个因子累计解释的方差为42.38%;ESCA与日常生活能力评定量表、护士用住院病人观察量表相关系数分别为0.59,0.63;Cranach'sα系数为0.88,重测信度为0.65。结论:ESCA中文版具有较好的信度和效度,用于精神分裂症患者自我护理能力的研究需要反复修订。  相似文献   

目的:评估阴性症状评估量表4条目(4-item Negative Symptom Assessment,NSA-4)中文版在精神分裂症患者中的信效度。方法:纳入172例精神分裂症患者进行NSA-4中文版及阴性症状评定量表(Scale for Assessment of Negative Symptoms, SANS)、...  相似文献   

目的 评估神经系统软体征量表的信效度。方法 对173例精神分裂症患者的神经系统软体征进行评定,并与病程、阴性症状各因子分、BPRS评分进行相关分析,同时对其中16名患者间隔1周后进行神经系统软体征重测。结果 重测信度r=0.907,各成分的重测信度在0.704 ̄0.98之间;分关信度rs=0.694;与阴性症状及其他各因子之间,与病程、BPRS分呈高度相关。结论 神经系统软体征量表具有良好信度和构  相似文献   

目的:探讨灾难化信念量表(CBS)在大学生群体中的信效度和调查大学生灾难化信念现状。方法:采用方便取样方法,在南京地区5所高校561大学生接受CBS等问卷测试,选用状态特质焦虑量表(STAI-Y)和认知情绪调节问卷(CERQ)的灾难化分量表作为效标,对效标关联效度进行考察。结果:回收有效问卷542份(96.61%);CBS内部一致性系数为0.89,重测信度0.71;CBS与CERQ-灾难化分量表和STAI-Y评分的相关系数分别为0.42和0.33(P均<0.01);验证性因素分析结果显示χ2/df=2.55,近似误差均方根(RMSEA)=0.07,比较拟合指数(CFI)=0.90,Tucker-Lewis指数(TLI)=0.89。灾难化信念在性别上差异显著(t=-3.13,P<0.01)。以CBS 59为划界分,判断精神障碍灵敏度为0.62,特异度为0.71,准确率为70.93%。结论:CBS在大学生群体中具有较好的信效度;女生在自我评价、他人评价两种情境下的灾难化程度高于男生。  相似文献   

自尊量表信度效度研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王萍  王成江 《精神医学杂志》1998,11(4):31-32,22
目的 研究自尊量表的信度效应。方法 以162名技校学生为测试对象,以SAS、SDS为效标,对SES进行信度和效度检验。结果 SES各亲衢叫分的平均相关系数为0.4811;分半信度系数为0.9593;重测信度系数为0.7816;与SAS、SDS呈正相关关系,相关系数分别为0.523和0.504。结论 SES具有较好的信度、效度,是一种较理想的自尊程度的评定工具,但第8条目应作适当修改。  相似文献   

This study examined the psychometric properties of an expanded version of the Algase Wandering Scale (Version 2) (AWS-V2) in a cross-cultural sample. A cross-sectional survey design was used. Study subjects were 172 English-speaking persons with dementia (PWD) from long-term care facilities in the USA, Canada, and Australia. Two or more facility staff rated each subject on the AWS-V2. Demographic and cognitive data (MMSE) were also obtained. Staff provided information on their own knowledge of the subject and of dementia. Separate factor analyses on data from two samples of raters each explained greater than 66% of the variance in AWS-V2 scores and validated four (persistent walking, navigational deficit, eloping behavior, and shadowing) of five factors in the original scale. Items added to create the AWS-V2 strengthened the shadowing subscale, failed to improve the routinized walking subscale, and added a factor, attention shifting as compared to the original AWS. Evidence for validity was found in significant correlations and ANOVAs between the AWS-V2 and most subscales with a single item indicator of wandering and with the MMSE. Evidence of reliability was shown by internal consistency of the AWS-V2 (0.87, 0.88) and its subscales (range 0.88 to 0.66), with Kappa for individual items (17 of 27 greater than 0.4), and ANOVAs comparing ratings across rater groups (nurses, nurse aids, and other staff). Analyses support validity and reliability of the AWS-V2 overall and for persistent walking, spatial disorientation, and eloping behavior subscales. The AWS-V2 and its subscales are an appropriate way to measure wandering as conceptualized within the Need-driven Dementia-compromised Behavior Model in studies of English-speaking subjects. Suggestions for further strengthening the scale and for extending its use to clinical applications are described.  相似文献   

We tested the psychometric properties of the Hypomania Checklist (HCL-32) in a sample of nonclinical adolescents, examined the association with current psychopathology, and tested if “hypomanic” adolescents differ from other participants regarding HCL-scores and psychopathology. A total of 294 students completed the HCL-32 and the SDQ, a screening for psychopathology. In adolescence, the internal structure of hypomania seems to be represented by a triple structure. The first factor “active-elated” is an indicator of symptoms related to energy and activity. The adult factor “irritable-risk taking” is better reflected by two separate factors (“disinhibited/stimulation-seeking” and “irritable-erratic”). These factors were associated with externalizing problems. “Hypomanic” adolescents showed higher HCL total and disinhibited/stimulation-seeking scores and reported more conduct problems than “non-hypomanic” youngsters. The internal structure of the HCL in adolescents mirrors the association of juvenile bipolarity with substance use and symptoms of ADHD and conduct disorder and presents preliminary evidence for its validity.  相似文献   



This paper aims to evaluate the factorial validity of the Chinese version of the Chalder Fatigue Scale (ChCFS) using a Chinese community sample.


A total of 201 Chinese adults completed the ChCFS, the 12-item Short-Form Health Survey (SF12), and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). Confirmatory factor analysis was conducted to assess the fit of a one-factor model, a two-factor correlated model, and a three-factor hierarchical model in both the 14-item and 11-item versions of ChCFS to the current data.


ChCFS successfully replicated the original two-factor structure in the current Chinese community sample, and the 11-item version demonstrated better data-model fit than the 14-item version. The instrument possessed good internal consistency (Cronbach's α=.863). The convergent validity with HADS and divergent validity with SF12 were also evident.


ChCFS is valid and reliable among Chinese adults in the general population.  相似文献   



This article aims to validate the schizotypal personality questionnaire in a sample of French speaking adolescents. Because early schizotypal manifestations are predictive of psychosis-proneness, reliable self-report measures are crucial for early detection of vulnerability to schizophrenia during adolescence. Unlike most existing self-reports, the questionnaire de personnalité schizotypique (SPQ) assesses individual differences in all nine feature of DSM-IV schizotypal personality (i.e. ideas of reference, excessive social anxiety, odd beliefs, unusual perceptual experience, odd behaviour, no close friends, odd speech, constricted affect and suspiciousness). Furthermore, it yields dimensional scores concerning the main schizotypal factors, which represent valuable information for the clinician's case formulation and can be used as a screening instrument in the general population.


Our sample consisted of 174 adolescents (98 girls) between 12 and 17 years old. All completed the SPQ 74-item self-report. Participants were recruited in secondary schools in Switzerland, and through the child and adolescent community outpatient psychiatric service (office médico-pédagogique) affiliated to the University of Geneva's Psychiatry Department and to the Canton of Geneva Education Department. A confirmatory factorial analysis was conducted on our sample to test nine competing models of SPQ. The 3-factor model of Raine et al. was compared to concurrent 2, 3, and 4-factor models. Simple structure models of Raine et al. and Stefanis et al. were also tested.


The following observations were highlighted in our results: (1) goodness-of-fit indices are better for structures allowing cross loadings than for simple structures; (2) amongst the simple structures, the best goodness-of-fit index was obtained for the Raine model and (3) the fit between our data and the Raine model is improved by a cross loading for suspiciousness subscale. The latter seems problematic for the global data fitting. This led us to test simple structures models of Siever and Gunderson, Raine et al., and Stefanis et al., based on eight subscales rather than nine. Without suspiciousness subscale, goodness-of-fit indices are enhanced in these three models. The 3-factor model yields the clearest and most reliable results in comparison with other competing models. In summary, the best goodness-of-fit indices were obtained for the 3-factor Raine model. Goodness-of-fit indices could be improved by the exclusion of the suspiciousness scale.


Consistent with earlier analyses by Raine et al. and Dumas et al., our data confirm the 3-factor model of the SPQ (cognitive-perceptive; interpersonal; disorganized) in a sample of French speaking adolescents. Our analyses confirm that two dimensions are insufficient to explain the structure of schizotypy during adolescence. These results further suggest the stability of a 3-factor structure during lifespan. We note that the inclusion of the suspiciousness subscales engenders statistical issues. Most studies to date have dealt with these issues by performing a cross-loading with this subscale, or by the inclusion of a paranoid factor which is linked with the negative and the cognitive-perceptive factors. We found that the most statistically sound strategy was reached without the inclusion of the suspiciousness subscale. Future studies with larger samples could investigate the SPQ structure at an item-level, which carries the benefit of reduced restrictions on the factorial analysis. In conclusion, the current study shows that the French version SPQ constitutes a reliable self-report questionnaire for the assessment of schizotypal trait expression during adolescence that may assist in the evaluation of psychosis proneness in youths.  相似文献   

This study investigated the ability of negatively versus positively perceived stress to predict outcome of treatment for binge eating disorder (BED). Participants were 62 obese women satisfying the DSMIV research criteria for BED. Stress was measured using an instrument based on the Recent Life Change Questionnaire (RLCQ). Participants experiencing high negative stress during the study period reported a binge eating frequency three times greater than that reported by subjects experiencing low negative stress (2.14 vs. 0.65 binge-days/week). Negative stress predicted how fast an individual would reduce binge eating and demonstrated more predictive power than positive stress.  相似文献   

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