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Experimental studies of a solid-state linear detector array developed for a prototype scanning slit digital chest radiographic unit have been completed. The detector consists of a strip of scintillating material, optically coupled to a linear silicon photodiode array. Measured performance characteristics of the detector, such as sensitivity, modulation transfer function, and detective quantum efficiency, are presented for several different scintillators. Results indicate that direct x-ray absorption events in the silicon photodiode can degrade detective quantum efficiency. Results also indicate that the inexpensive preamplifier circuits used in the digital chest prototype contribute negligible noise at diagnostic x-ray photon fluence rates.  相似文献   

An x-ray computed microtomography system for specimen and small animal imaging was built and tested. The system used seventeen 48-microm-wide detector arrays (a charge coupled device camera) and helical acquisition techniques. Images were acquired using 540 rays/view and 400 views/2pi. The modulation transfer function (MTF) of the computed tomography images demonstrated 50 microm limiting resolution, with MTF > 10% for objects larger than 60 microm (approximately 8.3 cycles/mm). While soft tissue discrimination was compromised by a low signal-to-noise ratio, equine medullary bone core samples and the murine skeleton were well visualized. The incorporation of multiple detector arrays provided a 17-fold improvement in x-ray efficiency, which is a very important step toward improving the potential of microtomography as a scientific tool.  相似文献   

A high-resolution x-ray detector array for x-ray imaging is described. It consists of a discrete array of CdWO4 scintillators and a Reticon 1024S photodiode array with a fiber-optic faceplate. The scintillator elements measure 0.099 X 3 X 4 mm and are bonded together with aluminum foil separators to minimize light crossover. Detective quantum efficiency (DQE) of individual detector channels was 0.38. Systematic variations between channels were substantial. With only a simple correction for between channel variations, DQE for the entire array was 0.04. Evaluation of the edge response function of the array showed that resolution is similar to a detector whose line spread function is Gaussian with a standard deviation of 0.172 mm.  相似文献   

Stevens GM  Pelc NJ 《Medical physics》2000,27(5):1174-1184
A new energy-dependent multi-cell detector, which is a generalization of the conventional front-back detector, was studied using computer simulations. The noise performance of the detector for bone quantitation was examined in comparison to an ideal energy discriminating detector, and front-back detectors with and without inter-detector filters. The front-back detectors were optimized for a reference object composed of water and bone, and then compared to the new detector over a range of object compositions. In this paper, precision in calculated bone thickness is used as the criterion for evaluating detector performance. Simulations show that the segmented detector always performs better than the front-back detector without an inter-detector filter. It outperforms the detector incorporating a filter by an amount that depends on the heterogeneity of the x-ray spectrum. In addition, for single component radiographic images, this multi-cell detector retains information which is lost in the front-back detector with a filter layer.  相似文献   

Solid-state digital x-ray imaging detectors of flat-panel construction will play an increasingly important role in future medical imaging facilities. Solid-state detectors that will support both dynamic (including fluoroscopic) and radiographic image recording are under active development. The image quality of an experimental solid-state digital x-ray image detector operating in a continuous fluoroscopy mode has been investigated. The threshold contrast detail detectability (TCDD) technique was used to compare the fluoroscopic imaging performance of an experimental dynamic solid-state digital x-ray image detector with that of a reference image intensifier television (IITV) fluoroscopy system. The reference system incorporated Plumbicon TV. Results were presented as a threshold detection index, or H(T)(A), curves. Measurements were made over a range of mean entrance air kerma (EAK) rates typically used in conventional IITV fluoroscopy. At the upper and mid EAK rate range (440 and 220 nGy/s) the solid-state detector outperformed the reference IITV fluoroscopy system as measured by TCDD performance. At the lowest measured EAK rate (104 nGy/s), the solid-state detector produces slightly inferior TCDD performance compared with the reference system. Although not statistically significant at this EAK rate, the difference will increase as EAK is lowered further. Overall the TCDD results and early clinical experiences support the proposition that a current design of dynamic solid-state detector produces image quality competitive with that of modern IITV fluoroscopy systems. These findings encourage the development of compact and versatile universal x-ray imaging systems based upon solid-state detector technology to support R & F and vascular/interventional applications.  相似文献   

A method to utilize CdZnTe (CZT) detectors in diagnostic x-ray spectroscopy is described in this article. Spectral distortion due to transmission of primary x rays, the escape of cadmium- and tellurium-K fluorescent x rays, and tailing was severe in measured x-ray spectra. Therefore, correction for the distortion was performed with the stripping method using response functions. The response functions were calculated with the Monte Carlo method. The Hecht equation was employed to approximate the effects of carrier trapping in the calculations. The parameters in the Hecht equation, the mean-free path (lambda) of electrons and holes, were determined such that the tailing in calculated response functions fit that in measured gamma-ray spectra. Corrected x-ray spectra agreed well with the reference spectra measured with an HPGe detector. The results indicate that CZT detectors are suitable for diagnostic x-ray spectroscopy with appropriate corrections.  相似文献   

A CdZnTe (CZT) detector was utilized in mammographic x-ray spectroscopy under clinical conditions. First, the detector response was investigated using y-rays from 241Am. The escape of secondary (Compton scattered and K fluorescent) x-rays and tailing due to carrier trapping were minor in the mammographic energy range. In addition, the transmission of primary x-rays was minimal from the results calculated using the mass attenuation coefficients of CZT. Therefore, spectral distortion in this energy range was expected to be negligible. Secondly, x-ray spectroscopy was carried out with the CZT detector. The measured spectra were in good agreement with the spectra obtained with the Compton-scatter method with a high-purity germanium detector. Moreover, the half-value layers (HVLs) calculated from the CZT spectra were consistent with the HVLs measured with an ionization chamber. The results indicate that a CZT detector can be utilized in mammographic x-ray spectroscopy without any corrections.  相似文献   

Miyajima S 《Medical physics》2003,30(5):771-777
A CdTe Schottky diode detector of 1 mm thickness was employed in diagnostic x-ray spectroscopy. The detector response to monoenergetic photons was investigated with gamma rays from the calibration sources (241Am and 133Ba). As spectral distortion due to carrier trapping, known as tailing, was small in gamma-ray spectra, the effects of carrier trapping were not taken into account in the calculation of response functions. The distortion due to the transmission of primary x rays and the escape of secondary x rays (K-fluorescent x rays and Compton-scattered x rays) from the crystal was included in the calculated response functions. X-ray spectra corrected using the response functions were in good agreement with the reference spectra obtained with a high-purity germanium detector. The results indicated that correction for the distortion due to carrier trapping is not necessary when using a thin CdTe detector in diagnostic x-ray spectroscopy.  相似文献   

A fast low-noise line scan x-ray detector   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A fast, low-noise line scan detector (NIKOS) for digital radiography has been developed. It consists of an input x-ray phosphor screen that is coupled to a modified Reticon photodiode array by means of fiber optics with incorporated image intensifier. In its current version the detector can be operated with a maximum 500 Hz image acquisition rate for interlaced readout of two lines of 128 pixels each. Using a Gd2O2S:Tb x-ray input phosphor, an afterglow of 25% in the first subsequent readout was observed. We also conducted afterglow measurements on several other powder and single-crystal phosphors and the photodiode array. Using CdWO4, the afterglow of the detector is limited by the lag of the photodiode array of 4.5%. By modifying the readout electronics the noise of the photodiode array was reduced to below 1 Graylevel, corresponding to a signal-to-noise ratio of 5200. The detective quantum efficiency (DQE) of the detector ranged from 0.18 to 0.4 for typical signal levels. The sensitivity was 10% saturation per 1.9 mR entrance dose. The modular design of the NIKOS detector allows for individual selection of each component to optimize performance for a given application.  相似文献   

J M Boone 《Medical physics》1992,19(6):1467-1473
The integral dose to the patient and image signal to noise ratio (SNR) are inexorably coupled in x-ray-based diagnostic imaging. Advancements and optimal design of imaging devices need to consider the SNR as well as patient dose. The figure of merit, FOM = (SNR)2/(integral dose), is a useful parameter in optimizing detector designs because it is independent of input exposure, and therefore eliminates exposure as a design consideration. Although numerical calculation of the SNR is relatively straightforward in most cases, the integral dose calculation is made complex due to its scatter component's high dependency on both x-ray energy and patient thickness. Monte Carlo calculations over a range of monoenergetic x-ray energies were used to calculate total energy absorption, and the results are parametrized using polynomial expressions. The results are shown to be applicable to any arbitrary polyenergetic spectrum. An example using the above FOM is given to illustrate the utility of the parametrized results. The parametrized results may prove useful in the computer simulations of x-ray detector systems where the above FOM is utilized.  相似文献   

The MTF of metal screen film detectors used in radiation treatment verification has been measured at 4 and 8 MV x-ray energies. The results show that lead screens provide better resolution than copper screens, and a single-emulsion film offers considerable advantage over the traditional double-emulsion film. A rear lead screen was found to seriously degrade the resolution properties of a front lead screen single-emulsion film detector. The detector MTF was found to be energy dependent. In general, both the low and the high spatial frequency response decreased with increasing x-ray energy. This, in part, accounts for the noticeable image quality difference between 4 and 8 MV radiographs.  相似文献   

X-ray micro-CT with a displaced detector array   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Wang G 《Medical physics》2002,29(7):1634-1636
Because the sizes of samples differ in x-ray micro-CT applications, it is desirable to have a mechanism to change the field of view of a micro-CT scanner. A well-known way to double the diameter of the field of view is to displace a detector array by 50%. In this paper, we propose to displace a detector array by an amount of greater than 0% but less than 50% for a continuously adjustable field of view, and formulate a weighting scheme for artifact-free reconstruction. Then, we perform numerical simulation with the Shepp-Logan phantom to demonstrate the feasibility in fan-beam and cone-beam geometry.  相似文献   

Wen Z  Fahrig R  Williams ST  Pelc NJ 《Medical physics》2008,35(9):3895-3902
In this x-ray/MR hybrid system an x-ray flat panel detector is placed under the patient cradle, close to the MR volume of interest (VOI), where the magnetic field strength is approximately 0.5 T. Immersed in this strong field, several electronic components inside the detector become magnetized and create an additional magnetic field that is superimposed on the original field of the MR scanner. Even after linear shimming, the field homogeneity of the MR scanner remains disrupted by the detector. The authors characterize the field due to the detector with the field of two magnetic dipoles and further show that two sets of permanent magnets (NdFeB) can withstand the main magnetic field and compensate for the nonlinear components of the additional field. The ideal number of magnets and their locations are calculated based on a field map measured with the detector in place. Experimental results demonstrate great promise for this technique, which may be useful in many settings where devices with magnetic components need to be placed inside or close to an MR scanner.  相似文献   

Our purpose is to directly measure mammographic x-ray spectra with collimators and a low-efficiency CdZnTe detector developed recently and to find out the best fit response function of CdZnTe detector to correct the measured spectra. Photon spectra (target Mo or Rh) produced by a mammographic x-ray unit at 25-32 kV and 240 mAs (= 3 times of 80 mAs) and transmitted through 0.03 mm Mo or 0.025 mm Rh filter and object (0.1 mm Al to 0.8 mm Al phantoms) have been analyzed. Since detected spectra were distorted by the response of CdZnTe detector and did not present the true photon spectra, the correction was applied by the stripping procedure. The response function of detector used in this procedure has been determined by the evaluation of interactions (K-escape, coherent scattering, and Compton scattering processes) and incomplete charge collection calculated using the Monte Carlo method. We have used Kalpha1, Kalpha2, Kbeta1, Kbeta2 radiations of Cd, Zn, and Te, respectively and have used the weight function for the incomplete charge collection and have considered Compton scattering. The Monte Carlo simulations were continued by changing the important factors (mean path length of hole lambda(h), dead layer of the CZT crystal and weight factor Wq) of incomplete charge collection until the best fit response function was found out. Corrected photon spectra were compared with the mammographic x-ray spectral data of Bureau of Radiological Health (BRH) measured using a Ge detector. Attenuation curves of aluminum for 25-32 kV were calculated from the corrected photon spectra and compared with the attenuation curves measured using an ionization chamber. These results obtained using the CdZnTe detector agreed with the mammographic x-ray spectral data of BRH and attenuation curves obtained by the ionization chamber.  相似文献   

A silicon surface barrier detector is used to analyse diagnostic x-ray spectra. This detector, usually employed to detect charged particles, has a very low efficiency for x-ray. This characteristic is advantageous in overcoming experimental problems caused by the high fluence rates typical of diagnostic x-ray beams. The pulse height distribution obtained with silicon surface barrier detectors is very different from the true photon spectra because of the presence of escaped Compton photons and the fact that detection efficiency falls abruptly when photon energy increases. A detailed analysis of the spurious effects involved in detection is made by applying a Monte Carlo method. A stripping procedure is described for implementation on a personal computer. The validity of this method is finally tested by comparison with the experimental results obtained with a Ge detector. The spectra obtained with the Si detector are in fairly good agreement with the analogous spectra measured with a Ge detector. The advantages of using Si as opposed to Ge detectors in x-ray spectrometry can be summarised as: its simplicity of use, its greater economy for use in routine diagnostic x-ray spectroscopy and the possibility that the stripping procedure can be implemented on a personal computer.  相似文献   

This study presents the characterization results of a newly developed dual detector in-line phase x-ray imaging prototype. Comparison of modulation transfer function (MTF), noise power spectrum (NPS) and detective quantum efficiency (DQE) for both detectors was conducted when they worked in the dual detection mode, in which two images are acquired simultaneously at a single exposure. The MTFs of the two detectors are almost identical, showing that the blurring caused by detector1 does not significantly weaken the resolving power of detector2. With a 40 kVp and 4 cm thick BR-12 phantom filtered x-ray beam, the transmittance of detector1 was measured to be 32%. The characteristic response and DQE of the two detectors almost coincide, showing that the two detectors have similar imaging performance under the imaging conditions of this study. The DQE of detector2 at the different source to detector distances (SID) also demonstrate a high level of agreement, implying that the reduced exposure level caused by elongated SID did not degrade the performance significantly. The study validated the design of the dual detection configuration for phase x-ray imaging, which has the potential for improving the accuracy of diagnostics at clinically acceptable radiation doses.  相似文献   

A line scanning imaging system that can be used to make low-noise x-ray images to detect low-contrast structure is described. The system makes use of a 1024-element, self-scanning, photodiode array (Reticon RL 1024S) optically coupled to an x-ray image intensifier tube. Low-noise images are obtained by imaging only small areas of interest at a time to reduce the noise resulting from the detection of scattered radiation, and by making use of the very large dynamic range (8000:1) solid-state photodetector. Some performance characteristics of the diode array system are discussed. It was found that while sensitivities of individual elements differed by up to +/- 15% from the average, they could be corrected with a precision of 0.02% to 0.04% of the maximum signal. The limiting spatial resolution of the system in the direction of the diode array was 2.0 cycles/mm, limited by the image intensifier. The system linearity was studied by measuring the attenuation of a monoenergetic x-ray beam by Plexiglas. The measured attenuation agreed with the expected exponential decrease over a range of approximately 1000 to within experimental error. The imaging capabilities of the system were demonstrated by imaging an angiographic phantom consisting of an iodine-filled tube with an asymmetric 20% stenosis. The stenosis was oriented on the tube surface furthermost from the detector resulting in an image with a 2% radiographic contrast change but no decrease of the tube width. The stenosis was clearly imaged using a temporal subtraction technique.  相似文献   

A computed tomography (CT) imaging technique called variable resolution x-ray (VRX) detection provides variable image resolution ranging from that of clinical body scanning (1 cy/mm) to that of microscopy (100 cy/mm). In this paper, an experimental VRX CT scanner based on a rotating subject table and an angulated storage phosphor screen detector is described and tested. The measured projection resolution of the scanner is > or = 20 lp/mm. Using this scanner, 4.8-s CT scans are made of specimens of human extremities and of in vivo hamsters. In addition, the system's projected spatial resolution is calculated to exceed 100 cy/mm for a future on-line CT scanner incorporating smaller focal spots (0.1 mm) than those currently used and a 1008-channel VRX detector with 0.6-mm cell spacing.  相似文献   

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