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目的 了解北京市石景山某社区>18岁的居民中空腹血糖与年龄、性别间的差异.方法 整群抽样抽取>18岁的居民进行空腹血糖检测,分别按年龄和性别分组.结果 随年龄增长,空腹血糖水平有增高趋势,同年龄组除55~64岁组外,男性空腹血糖水平均偏高于女性;男性组中,>65岁年龄组空腹血糖明显高于其他年龄组;女性组中,55~64岁组及>65岁组与其他3个组比较,空腹血糖水平有明显增高.结论 空腹血糖水平与年龄相关,需加强对糖尿病的早期干预和早期治疗. 相似文献
为掌握社区居民的吸烟与饮酒状况,分析其与慢性病患者的关系,为今后制定相应的社区干预措施提供依据,2002年3-12月,我们统一调查表、统一培训调查员,对高密市部分15岁以上社区居民进行了入户调查。 相似文献
目的 了解福州地区军队离退休老干部的抑郁症状检出率及其相关的影响因素.方法 采用整群抽样与分层抽样相结合的方法,选取福州地区14所军队干休所离退休老干部作为调查对象,以流调用抑郁自评量表(CES-D)为评定工具,采取面对面调查方式,调查老干部抑郁症状的检出率.结果 共调查500例,CES-D平均得分为(5.56±7.01)分,总分≥16分者44例,抑郁症状总体检出率为8.8%.单因素分析显示,婚姻状况、居住方式(独居)、吸烟史、需要生活照料者等分别对抑郁症状的发生率有显著影响,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);年龄、性别、文化程度、饮酒史及抑郁症状发生率比较差异无统计学意义.结论 福州地区军队离退休老干部抑郁症状检出率较高,并受多种因素影响,应该引起关注,重视老干部的心理健康. 相似文献
北京市大兴区社区居民吸烟与慢病现况调查 总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1
目的调查北京市大兴区居民吸烟状况及慢性病的发病情况,为制定相应干预措施提供依据。方法采取整群抽样方法,对北京市大兴区两个小区的6838名居民进行问卷及体检调查。结果男性吸烟率(≥20岁)42.15%,女性吸烟率4.37%,总吸烟率23.44%。吸烟者5种慢性病总患病率为13.85%,非吸烟者为8.38%,二者之间有统计学差异(P<0.01);吸烟者中高血压、糖尿病和脑卒中的患病率显著高于非吸烟组(P<0.01)。结论北京市大兴区居民吸烟率较高,吸烟者中慢性病发病率显著增高,对居民强化吸烟有害健康的知识非常必要。 相似文献
目的了解广西农村侗族居民酒精依赖的患病水平和分布特征,为酒精依赖疾病的防治提供科学依据。方法 2007年7-12月采用多阶段分层整群抽样方法随机抽取三江侗族自治县1 200名年龄≥15岁农村侗族居民为调查对象进行入户调查。以复合性国际诊断问卷(CIDI 3.0)为筛查工具,以国际疾病及相关健康问题分类第10版(ICD-10)为诊断标准。结果完成调查1 023人,调查完成率为85.25%。广西壮族自治区年龄≥15岁农村侗族居民酒精依赖时点患病率为19.55‰,终生患病率为20.53‰。男性的酒精依赖时点患病率为33.10‰,高于女性(2.23‰),差异有统计学意义(χ2=12.528,P〈0.01)。男性的酒精依赖终生患病率为34.84‰,高于女性(2.23‰),差异有统计学意义(χ2=13.329,P〈0.01)。酒精依赖时点患病率和终生患病率分别在不同年龄组和不同婚姻状况之间的差异均有统计学意义(P〈0.05),45~岁组和离婚或丧偶人群时点患病率较高(分别为55.21‰和60.61‰)。多因素非条件logistic回归分析结果显示,性别(OR=18.195,95%CI:2.418~136.909)和婚姻状况(OR=14.965,95%CI:1.612~138.915)是广西农村侗族居民患酒精依赖的主要影响因素。结论广西农村侗族居民酒精依赖患病率较高,男性、45~54岁者和离婚或丧偶人群是广西农村侗族酒精依赖防治的重点人群。 相似文献
某高校大学生抑郁状况调查 总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23
目的了解大学生的抑郁倾向、表现形式、流行状况及其影响因素,为该病干预和防治提供依据。方法采取分层整群随机抽样的方法,抽取西安交通大学在校学生共2010人,采用“不同专业大学生精神状态问卷”及“Beck抑郁自评问卷(beck depression inventory,BDI)”对大学生抑郁状况进行调查。结果无抑郁情绪学生为1010人,占54.8%;有抑郁情绪者为833人,占45.2%。家庭内关系是否融洽、遗传因素、个人性格因素、自身的经济状况以及当前自身的健康状况(P值均小于0.05)和抑郁情绪之间关联显著。结论大学生抑郁率较高,尤其是新入学学生及性格内向学生的抑郁率更高,多数为轻度或中度抑郁倾向。 相似文献
常山县社区居民伤害类型及原因分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
由于全世界伤害发生率、死亡率的逐年上升 ,伤害已成为一个重要的公共卫生问题 ,使越来越多的国家对伤害预防引起重视。我们于 2 0 0 1年 12月对常山县 7个社区 4 4 6 1名居民进行了伤害流行病学调查 ,现将结果报告如下。对象与方法1 对象 随机抽取了县城 2个居委会和农村 6个乡镇中的6个行政村的居民共 4 4 6 1人。2 方法 采用回顾性调查 ,由经过培训的卫生防疫医师逐门逐户询问 ,以问卷方式对 4 4 6 1名居民在 2 0 0 0年 12月 1日~ 2 0 0 1年 11月 30日期间发生的伤害进行调查。3 伤害判断标准 有下列 3种情况之一者 ,作为伤害统计… 相似文献
刘春芳 《健康教育与健康促进》2012,(3):186-188
目的本研究拟针对某社区儿童手足口病的患病情况进行流行病学调查,初步探讨手足口病与各项人群特征之间的相关关系。方法采用横断面研究的方法,随机选取本区3个幼托机构,选取本年度夏秋季节(5月~10月)为观察时间段,对每个幼托机构的手足口病患病情况与在园所有幼儿进行调查与了解,针对人群特征及患病情况进行数据调查,予以回顾性分析。结果本次参加调查的儿童共777名,其中男孩占52.3%。3.6%的儿童报告发病。3个机构均有手足口病疫情暴发,幼托机构间的差异存在显著性,总患病率最低为1.6%,最高6.4%。结论儿童手足口病的患病性别差异不存在显著性;年龄段不同的儿童患病率差异有显著性,3~4岁儿童手足口病患病率显著高于5~6岁儿童;各幼托机构间患病差异存在显著性,可能与环境、设施等有关。 相似文献
农村社区居民吸烟及影响因素分析 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
目的探讨农村社区居民吸烟的影响因素,为开展控烟教育及行为干预提供依据。方法采用横断面问卷调查方式。对江苏省常州市武进区18岁以上常住居民进行吸烟行为流行病学调查。结果该区18岁以上常住人群总吸烟率为30.0%,男性吸烟率为68.4%,远高于女性的1.7%;男性40~50岁组吸烟率最高为75.4%,〈30岁组吸烟率最低为45.7%。在男性中,农民吸烟率最高(70.0%),家务劳作者最低(26.1%);吸烟者中,25岁前开始吸烟者占76.0%,每天吸烟10支以上者占88.5%,戒烟成功率为14.1%,被动吸烟率为71.7%。结论目前苏南农村社区居民的吸烟状况不容乐观,应大力开展控烟的宣教及吸烟相关因素的干预活动。 相似文献
哈尔滨市某镇痢疾水传暴发流行病学调查 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
2003年3月,哈尔滨市某镇发生一起自来水供水管网渗漏,饮用水受到污染,造成痢疾水传暴发流行,波及人数2461人,造成382人发生感染性腹泻,罹患率为14.46%。为了查明暴发原因,尽快控制疫情,市、县卫生防疫站组织专业人员迅速赶往现场进行流行病学调查。现将结果报告如下。 相似文献
目的 了解广西壮族自治区年龄≥15岁农村居民酒精依赖的患病率和分布特征.方法 2007年7-12月采用多阶段分层整群抽样方法随机抽取10个县13910名年龄≥15岁的农村居民为调查对象,进行人户调查.以复合性国际诊断问卷(CIDI 3.0)为筛查工具,国际疾病及相关健康问题分类第10版(ICD-10)为诊断标准.结果 完成调查11191人,调查完成率为80.45%.广西壮族自治区农村居民酒精依赖时点患病率为5.81‰,终生患病率为6.17‰.女性酒精依赖终生患病率(0.56‰)低于男性(11.30‰),差异有统计学意义(x2=52.572,P<0.01).酒精依赖终生患病率在不同年龄、文化程度、婚姻状况等之间差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05),65~岁组(14.98‰)、小学及以下文化程度(8.58‰)和离婚人群(42.67‰)酒精依赖终生患病率较高.壮族酒精依赖终生患病率为11.76‰,高于汉族(1.77‰),差异有统计学意义(x2=34.056,P<0.01).结论 酒精依赖已成为广西农村地区重大的公共卫生问题,应针对农村地区老年壮族男性人群开展防治与康复研究工作. 相似文献
Jürgen Rehm Allaman Allamani Roberto Della Vedova Zsuzsanna Elekes Andrzej Jakubczyk Inga Landsmane Jakob Manthey José Moreno-Espa?a Lars Pieper Charlotte Probst Sigita Snikere Pierluigi Struzzo Fabio Voller Hans-Ulrich Wittchen Antoni Gual Marcin Wojnar 《Annals of family medicine》2015,13(1):28-32
PURPOSEAlthough alcohol dependence causes marked mortality and disease burden in Europe, the treatment rate is low. Primary care could play a key role in reducing alcohol-attributable harm by screening, brief interventions, and initiating or referral to treatment. This study investigates identification of alcohol dependence in European primary care settings.METHODSAssessments from 13,003 general practitioners, and 9,098 interviews (8,476 joint number of interviewed patients with a physician’s assessment) were collected in 6 European countries. Alcohol dependence, comorbidities, and health service utilization were assessed by the general practitioner and independently using the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI) and other structured interviews. Weighted regression analyses were used to compare the impact of influencing variables on both types of diagnoses.RESULTSThe rate of patients being identified as alcohol dependent by the CIDI or a general practitioner was about equally high, but there was not a lot of overlap between cases identified. Alcohol-dependent patients identified by a physician were older, had higher rates of physicial comorbidity (liver disease, hypertension), and were socially more marginalized, whereas average consumption of alcohol and mental comorbidity were equally high in both groups.CONCLUSIONGeneral practitioners were able to identify alcohol dependence, but the cases they identified differed from cases identified using the CIDI. The role of the CIDI as the reference standard should be reexamined, as older alcohol-dependent patients with severe comorbidities seemed to be missed in this assessment. 相似文献
合肥市城市社区老年抑郁症患病率调查 总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15
目的研究合肥市65岁以上老年人抑郁症的患病率及其影响因素。方法按随机整群抽样方法,从合肥市庐阳区益民街道随机抽取6个居委会,应用老年精神状况量表和自行编制的相关因素调查表入户调查。应查老年人1810名,实际调查了1736名,应答率为95.90%。结果配套软件计算机诊断系统诊断抑郁症病例39名,患病率为2.24%,其中,男性患病率为2.32%,女性为2.18%(P>0.05);亚病例53名,患病率为3.05%。结论合肥市老年抑郁症患病率水平低于中国其他城市和欧洲国家;不同婚姻状况和不同文化程度的人群抑郁症患病率有显著性差异。 相似文献
The adolescent predictors of later alcohol involvement (AI), dysphoria (D), and their shared association (AD) among women have not been adequately established. Three waves of data from an ethnically diverse community sample of women, assessed over 16 years are used to study how various psychosocial factors in adolescence influenced later drinking, depression, and their shared association. Structural equation models revealed that several adolescent ecodevelopmental and social development model variables influenced their later outcome in young adulthood and adulthood. The strongest relation was between adolescent Social Conformity and adult AD (beta = -.46) over a 16-year period, emphasizing the impact of this construct. Numerous other relations were revealed. For instance, less satisfaction with school during adolescence predicted adult AI. Having a good bond to the family in adolescence predicted a lower quantity of alcohol consumed during adulthood. Lower satisfaction with "what you want to be" during adolescence predicted young adult D. Higher levels of adolescent relationship satisfaction and school satisfaction predicted less suicidal ideation as an adult. Prevention interventions focusing on increasing socially conforming attitudes and on strengthening relationships both in and out of the home during adolescence are likely to be effective in reducing aspects of AI, D, and AD for women in the general community. 相似文献
Narayana Manjunatha Sahoo Saddichha Baxi NP Sinha Christoday RJ Khess Mohan K Isaac 《Indian Journal of Community Medicine》2008,33(4):233-237
Study of the chronology of criteria of dependence in alcohol dependence syndrome (ADS) can enable us design strategies for the prevention for ADS, which aims at reducing the occurrence of ADS.Objective:
To study the age-wise and order-wise chronologies of ICD-10 (DCR) dependence criteria in individuals with ADS.Materials and Methods:
Consecutively admitted and consenting inpatients with ICD-10 (DCR) diagnosis of ADS were evaluated in a structured interview after detoxification using Semi-Structured Assessment for the Genetics of Alcoholism (SSAGA)-II.Results:
The total sample size was 81. The mean ages at the first onset of alcohol use, development of the first criterion and International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems 10th Revision (ICD-10) dependence was 18.72 years (SD, 6.84), 24.33 years (SD, 9.21) and 27.51 years (SD, 9.28), respectively. In age-wise chronology, tolerance, loss of control and craving were present in 97.53%, 80.24% and 79%, respectively, of our study sample. In order-wise chronology, either craving (16%) or tolerance (71.6%) was present as the first criterion and the presence of craving (16%), tolerance (21%) or loss of control (18.5%) was observed in the first criterion in 55.5% of the subjects.Conclusions:
Knowledge of chronology, its frequencies and time duration between various milestones in the development of the dependence criteria may enable the selection of the target population at an early stage. The pattern of development of dependence may provide us with an opportunity for interventions to reduce the incidence of ADS, as a step toward primary prevention. Adequate training of the primary care personnel and early psychiatric referral may help in the reduction in the incidence of ADS. 相似文献16.
BACKGROUND: Heavy alcohol use among Latino farmworkers is believed to be common, but it remains poorly documented. METHODS: Interviewer-administered survey questionnaires were administered to 151 Latino male farmworkers in Eastern North Carolina; topics included frequency of alcohol consumption, amount of alcohol typically consumed, frequency of consuming five or more drinks in a single setting, and signs of alcohol abuse/dependence. RESULTS: Over one-quarter (26%) completely abstain from alcohol, but 27% report frequent heavy drinking, or drinking five or more alcoholic beverages two or more times per month. Over one-third of farmworkers (39%) may be alcohol-dependent. Frequent heavy drinking is more common among single farmworkers and among those who do not follow the crops, and dependence is more common among farmworkers living in camps comprised of both H2A and non-contract workers. CONCLUSIONS: There is substantial variation in alcohol use among Latino farmworkers. Although a substantial proportion of farmworkers abstain from alcohol, an equally substantial proportion report alcohol use that poses significant risk for injury on and off the job. More research is needed to document the potential threat to Latino farmworkers by their alcohol use. Interventions targeting alcohol are needed to minimize the risk of injury in an already dangerous occupation. 相似文献
[目的]了解某社区40岁~居民叶黄素营养水平,分析膳食叶黄素摄入量和血清叶黄素含量之间有无相关性。[方法]将341名调查对象分为40岁-、50岁~和60岁~年龄组。采用24h和食物定量频率法问卷法进行膳食调查,计算出平均每人每日膳食叶黄素摄入量。采用高效液相色谱法检测血清叶黄素含量。并对膳食叶黄素摄入量和血清叶黄素含量进行相关性分析。[结果]血清叶黄素在0.08~1.6μ/mL范围内线性良好,相关系数为r=0.9973,回收率为97.85%~103.67%,日内和日间变异系数分别为2.32%和3.08%,最低检测限为0.0250edmL。蔬菜是调查对象膳食叶黄素的主要来源,尤其是菠菜、韭菜、西兰花;膳食叶黄素摄入量和血清叶黄素含量分别为(7.77±2.10)mg/d和(0.370±0.183)μmol/L,且60岁~组均明显低于50岁一组(P〈0.05);膳食叶黄素摄入量与血清三酰甘油呈负相关(r=-0.108,P〈0.05),与血清胆固醇呈正相关(r=0.231,P〈0.001),与血清叶黄素含量呈正相关(r=0.681,P〈0.001).[结论]膳食和血清叶黄素明显相关,后者可以作为反映叶黄素营养状况的指标。老年人更应注重叶黄素的摄入和补充。 相似文献
本研究对哈尔滨市不同繁华程度的街道、新旧住宅庭院和公园及游览区进行土壤微量元素分析和卫生状况调查。结果表明,哈尔滨市各类街道土壤中大部分微量元素高于新旧住宅区,二者又高于郊区,各街道、住宅区及公园等卫生状况极差,均属于严重污染。 相似文献
目的了解常熟市居民2007—2008年的膳食结构、营养状况及营养相关疾病的现状,找出存在的问题,为能更好地指导居民合理膳食提供依据。方法采用分层多阶段整群随机抽样方法,通过询问调查、膳食调查、医学体检和实验室检查相结合的方法进行调查。结果该市居民钙摄入为446.2mg/(标准人·d),贫血率为24.7%。15岁及以上居民高血压患病率为34.2%,60岁及以上人群患病率超过50%。成人糖尿病患病率为5.2%,营养不良、超重、肥胖患病率分别为5.3%、31.9%、8.1%。结论常熟市居民膳食结构有待改善,高血压、糖尿病、肥胖、血脂异常、贫血患病率较高,迫切需要加强改善公共营养和慢性病预防工作。 相似文献