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目的在意外中子照射情况下,快速给出探测器的探测效率,利用24Na能谱分析法估算中子剂量。方法使用Genius-2000 GeomComposer软件实现对探测器的效率刻度。结果可快速给出探测器对3 ml血样中1.368 MeV能量的γ光子的探测效率,其数值为4.05271×10-2,软件给出的误差为4.0%。对中子照射样品的剂量估算值为1.94~2.82 Gy,算术平均值为2.38 Gy,剂量值的不确定度约为20.07%。结论将无源效率刻度方法应用在人体血液24Na能谱分析法中,可提高估算速度。  相似文献   

Imaging a phantom of known dimensions is a widely used and simple method for calibrating MRI gradient strength. However, full-range characterization of gradient response is not achievable using this approach. Measurement of the apparent diffusion coefficient of a liquid with known diffusivity allows for calibration of gradient amplitudes across a wider dynamic range. An important caveat is that the temperature dependence of the liquid's diffusion characteristics must be known, and the temperature of the calibration phantom must be recorded. In this report, we demonstrate that the diffusion coefficient of ethylene glycol is well described by Arrhenius-type behavior across the typical range of ambient MRI magnet temperatures. Because of ethylene glycol's utility as an NMR chemical-shift thermometer, the same (1)H MR spectroscopy measurements that are used for gradient calibration also simultaneously "report" the sample temperature. The high viscosity of ethylene glycol makes it well-suited for assessing gradient performance in demanding diffusion-weighted imaging and spectroscopy sequences.  相似文献   

A commercial metal oxide silicon field effect transistor (MOSFET) dosimeter of model TN502-RD has been characterized for its linearity, reproducibility, field size dependency, dose rate dependency, and angular dependency for Cobalt-60 (60Co), 6-MV, and 15-MV beam energies. The performance of the MOSFET clearly shows that it is highly reproducible, independent of field size and dose rate. Furthermore, MOSFET has a very high degree of linearity, with r-value > 0.9 for all 3 energies. The calibration factor for 2 similar MOSFET detectors of model TN502-RD were also estimated and compared for all 3 energies. The calibration factor between the 2 similar MOSFET detectors shows a variation of about 1.8% for 60Co and 15 MV, and for 6 MV it shows variation of about 2.5%, indicating that calibration should be done whenever a new MOSFET is used. However, the detector shows considerable angular dependency of about 8.8% variation. This may be due to the variation in radiation sensitivity between flat and bubble sides of the MOSFET, and indicates that positional care must be taken while using MOSFET for stereotactic radiosurgery and stereotactic radiotherapy dosimetric applications.  相似文献   


Purpose: Recent research has suggested that serotonin may play an important role in the expression of radiation-induced bystander effects. Serotonin levels in serum were reported to range from 6–22 μM and to correlate inversely with the magnitude of cellular colony-forming ability in medium transfer bystander assays. That is, high serotonin concentration correlated with a low cloning efficiency in cultures receiving medium derived from irradiated cells.

Methods: Because of the potential importance of this observation, the European Union's Non-targeted Effects Integrated Project (NOTE) performed an inter-comparison exercise where serum samples with high and low serotonin levels were distributed to seven laboratories which then performed their own assay to determine the magnitude of the bystander effect.

Results: The results provided some support for a role for serotonin in four of the laboratories. Two saw no difference between the samples and one gave inconclusive results. In this summary paper, full data sets are presented from laboratories whose data was inconclusive or insufficient for a full paper. Other data are published in full in the special issue.

Conclusion: The data suggest that there may be multiple bystander effects and that the underlying mechanisms may be modulated by both the culture conditions and the intrinsic properties of the cells used in the assay.  相似文献   

The variations in dose output with collimator jaw setting have been investigated for treatment fields shaped by a multileaf collimator. Measurements have been made for 6 and 15 MV x-ray beams on a Varian Clinac 2100C machine. The results of our study show that the collimator jaw settings can affect the dose by about 5% for a small field shaped by a multileaf collimator. The effect is smaller for larger fields.  相似文献   

A commercial metal oxide silicon field effect transistor (MOSFET) dosimeter of model TN502-RD has been characterized for its linearity, reproducibility, field size dependency, dose rate dependency, and angular dependency for Cobalt-60 (60Co), 6-MV, and 15-MV beam energies. The performance of the MOSFET clearly shows that it is highly reproducible, independent of field size and dose rate. Furthermore, MOSFET has a very high degree of linearity, with r-value > 0.9 for all 3 energies. The calibration factor for 2 similar MOSFET detectors of model TN502-RD were also estimated and compared for all 3 energies. The calibration factor between the 2 similar MOSFET detectors shows a variation of about 1.8% for 60Co and 15 MV, and for 6 MV it shows variation of about 2.5%, indicating that calibration should be done whenever a new MOSFET is used. However, the detector shows considerable angular dependency of about 8.8% variation. This may be due to the variation in radiation sensitivity between flat and bubble sides of the MOSFET, and indicates that positional care must be taken while using MOSFET for stereotactic radiosurgery and stereotactic radiotherapy dosimetric applications.  相似文献   

目的 对山东"10·21"辐射事故中2例严重受照射者进行淋巴细胞微核(MN)检测,并估算受照射剂量.方法 用胞浆分裂阻滞微核(CBMN)法对2例患者(A和B)的外周血和骨髓样本分别进行MN检测.结果 2例患者的外周血培养均未见双核淋巴细胞.患者A的骨髓培养所获双核细胞极少,依据双核淋巴细胞多少粗估剂量>20Gy.患者B的骨髓MN率为2.42个/细胞,剂量估计为8.7(8.0~9.4)Gy,与用染色体畸变分析、物理方法及ESR法所估算剂量接近,与临床表现基本一致.结论 MN法简便快速,结果准确,是除染色体畸变分析之外又一种可靠的生物剂量计.  相似文献   

调强放疗技术在实现精确治疗的同时,也使临床治疗前的剂量验证变得更复杂。目前被广泛采用的实验测量的方法尽管较为准确有效,但同时也存在耗时耗力的缺点。而独立的剂量算法(深度剂量-离轴比、Clarkson积分、卷积、蒙特卡罗)验证在保证一定精度的条件下可以部分解决这些问题。这给临床工作者节省了大量的时间和精力,也成为当今国内外研究的热点和剂量验证的重要发展方向。本综述主要对基于修正和基于模型的独立剂量验证方法进行介绍,并简要论述调强放疗计划剂量验证技术的发展趋势。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess gradient magnetic-field-induced acoustic noise levels associated with the use of echo planar imaging (EPI) and three-dimensional fast spin echo (3D-FSE) pulse sequences. Acoustic noise measurements were obtained from two different high field-strength MR systems (1.5 T, Siemens and General Electric Co.) under ambient noise conditions and the use of EPI and 3D-FSE pulse sequences. Parameters were selected to produce “worst case” acoustic noise levels. Acoustic noise recordings were made at the entrance, the center, and at the exit of the magnet bores with a specially designed microphone that was unperturbed by electromagnetic fields. The highest ambient noise levels (A-weighted scale) were 67 dB (Siemens: the same values were recorded at the center and at the exit) and 78 dB (General Electric Co.; recorded at the exit). The highest acoustic noise levels recorded during activation of the gradient magnetic fields were 114 dB (Siemens) and 115 dB (General Electric Co.) and those occurred at the centers of the MR systems with the use of the EPI technique. Gradient magnetic fields associated with the use of EPI and 3D-FSE techniques produced acoustic noise levels that were within permissible levels recommended by federal guidelines.  相似文献   

乳腺X射线摄影剂量仪校准装置的性能评价   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
目的 通过对二级标准剂量实验室(SSDL)标准辐射质建立和标准程序实施,满足校准装置不确定度要求. 方法 根据国际电工委员会(IEC)61267-2005和国际原子能机构(IAEA)TRS No 457对用于乳腺X射线摄影所推荐系列RQR-M和RQA-M标准辐射质,2006—2014年对校准装置10个响应量进行长期稳定性实验,包括辐射场均匀性、平均比释动能变化率、散射辐射份额等.此外,在2008年和2012年2次将参考剂量仪器溯源到德国联邦物理技术研究院(PTB)国家一级标准剂量学实验室(PSDL).结果 辐射场均匀性(φ 40 mm)为±1.4%,校准装置长期稳定性变异限值<±2%,在测量点上散射辐射贡献份额<0.12%.溯源到德国PTB实验室(PSDL)校准因子在0.999~1.000的范围内,校准装置扩展不确定度为±3.0%(k=2,95%置信度).结论 该校准装置可以满足IEC 61267-2005和IAEA TRS No 457要求,并已通过国家计量认证,可以用于乳腺X射线摄影剂量仪的校准.  相似文献   

Objectives:The purpose of this study was to estimate the radiation dose for a dental spectral cone-beam CT (SCBCT) unit at different scanning parameters.Methods:Radiation dose measurements were performed for a commercially available dental SCBCT. Scans were obtained at different exposure times and fields of view (FOV), both for non-spectral (25×18 cm, 14×18 cm, 14×12 cm, 9×9 cm, 6×6 cm) and spectral modes (14×18 cm, 14×12 cm, 9×9 cm, 6×6 cm) with the tube voltage alternating between 80 and 110 kV for spectral mode, and fixed at 110 kV for non-spectral mode. An ion chamber was used for air kerma and dose area product (DAP) measurements. The effective dose was estimated based on the mAs using previously published logarithmic curves for CBCT units with a similar X-ray spectrum.Results:The adult effective dose, in non-spectral mode, was 44-269 µSv for small FOVs, 131-336 µSv for the medium FOV, and 163-476 µSv for the large FOV. In spectral mode, the estimated adult effective doses were 96-206 µSv for small, 299 µSv for medium and 372 µSv for large FOV protocols. Paediatric effective doses were estimated to be 75% higher than corresponding adult doses.Conclusion:SCBCT showed comparable doses with other CBCT devices, but DAP values were generally above currently published DRLs. Spectral imaging might allow for artefact reduction at comparable dose levels, which should be assessed in further image quality studies at both a technical and diagnostic levels.  相似文献   



To determine effective dose (E) during standard chest CT using an organ dose-based and a dose-length-product-based (DLP) approach for four different scan protocols including high-pitch and dual-energy in a dual-source CT scanner of the second generation.

Materials and methods

Organ doses were measured with thermo luminescence dosimeters (TLD) in an anthropomorphic male adult phantom. Further, DLP-based dose estimates were performed by using the standard 0.014 mSv/mGycm conversion coefficient k. Examinations were performed on a dual-source CT system (Somatom Definition Flash, Siemens). Four scan protocols were investigated: (1) single-source 120 kV, (2) single-source 100 kV, (3) high-pitch 120 kV, and (4) dual-energy with 100/Sn140 kV with equivalent CTDIvol and no automated tube current modulation. E was then determined following recommendations of ICRP publication 103 and 60 and specific k values were derived.


DLP-based estimates differed by 4.5–16.56% and 5.2–15.8% relatively to ICRP 60 and 103, respectively. The derived k factors calculated from TLD measurements were 0.0148, 0.015, 0.0166, and 0.0148 for protocol 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively. Effective dose estimations by ICRP 103 and 60 for single-energy and dual-energy protocols show a difference of less than 0.04 mSv.


Estimates of E based on DLP work equally well for single-energy, high-pitch and dual-energy CT examinations. The tube potential definitely affects effective dose in a substantial way. Effective dose estimations by ICRP 103 and 60 for both single-energy and dual-energy examinations differ not more than 0.04 mSv.  相似文献   

RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to demonstrate the feasibility of using the World Wide Web to communicate critical radiology quality and performance metrics to departmental and hospital management staff. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Data on report turnaround, appointment access, patient and physician satisfaction, and financial performance were harvested from a variety of sources. These were then standardized and condensed so they could be displayed electronically in a concise, information-dense fashion. RESULTS: The final product was a series of graphic materials on a single Web site. The most informative was a summary "spiderweb chart" that indicated the percentage of specified performance goals achieved for 12 operational parameters. These graphic materials were distributed to management staff monthly by means of e-mail. CONCLUSION: The use of simple Web-based technology facilitates the collection of key departmental performance data and the dissemination of these data to a wide audience.  相似文献   

RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES: Auditing has received much attention recently as a method for radiologists to use to evaluate their interpretation of screening mammograms. U.S. Food and Drug Administration regulations require that some sort of audit be in place before a mammography screening facility can receive accreditation. Auditing presents a unique opportunity to monitor accuracy continually and identify problems early. Audit data present unique challenges, however, and appropriate methods must be used to control the risk of errors. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This article introduces a simple method for the task of deciding if a radiologist yields an acceptable positive predictive value based on audit. The method is based on "sequential" decision-making techniques that have found wide application in quality control problems. These techniques are developed for diagnostic radiology and embodied in an easy-to-use decision-making chart. RESULTS: Several examples, based on audit data from actual mammography facilities, provide insights into the use of these charts and the influence of (a) the selection of standards, (b) the selection of error risks, and (c) radiologist variability. The examples also serve to demonstrate another important property of this method--that is, it specifies the minimum amount of data that has to be collected before any decision can reliably be made. CONCLUSION: The chart presented in this article provides a method by which audit data can be used objectively to evaluate the accuracy of screening mammogram interpretation. The method controls the risk of either falsely accepting an unqualified radiologist or falsely rejecting a qualified radiologist. It should be a useful tool to radiologists who must evaluate their own practices.  相似文献   

目的 通过文献调查,了解国内放射生物学研究中物理剂量参数的规范性现状。方法 调查国内两本重要的学术期刊——《中华放射肿瘤学杂志》和《中华放射医学与防护杂志》近5年发表的放射生物学论文,针对物理剂量学参数,按照美国国家癌症研究所(NCI)和Desrosiers等推荐的评分系统对其书写的规范性进行评分(满分10分)。结果 两本杂志共纳入222篇文献,中位得分为5.0分。其中,有72.1%的文献得分为4.0~7.0分,有68.0%的文献得分≤5.5分,另有18.5%得分≤3.0分。有90.1%和97.7%的文献分别描述了"射线类型"、"吸收剂量",平均得分最高(0.90和0.98分),"剂量学校准"平均得分最低(0分)。结论 尽管绝大多数文献都描述了"射线类型"和"吸收剂量",但大多数其他细节未被报告。这表明在国内放射生物学研究中物理剂量学报告的规范性存在缺陷,预计可能影响研究结果的可再现性和可解释性,应被重视。  相似文献   

目的探讨TrueBeam加速器6 MV光子束均整(FF)与非均整(FFF)模式蒙特卡罗模型的绝对剂量刻度与射野输出因子计算方法。方法利用BEAMnrc程序分别建立FF与FFF两种模式在靶到监测电离室(BEAM_up)和监测电离室以下组件部分(BEAM_down)的加速器机头模型,计算入射电子和经次级准直器反射后的粒子在监测电离室的剂量沉积,利用DOSXYZnrc程序计算入射电子在射野中心轴上特定深度处的剂量沉积,结合绝对剂量刻度公式计算标准射野刻度因子和射野输出因子(1 cm×1 cm~40 cm×40 cm)。结果 FF与FFF模型的10 cm×10 cm标准辐射野,1 MU相当于7.747×1013±3.099×1011和3.248×1013±1.624×1011电子打靶,在虚拟的加速器监测电离室上产生21.53和35.01 cGy剂量;FF与FFF模式射野输出因子模拟值与测量值偏差为0.72%±1.4%和0.56%±0.78%。结论该模型输出因子模拟与测量结果符合度较好,绝对剂量计算精度较高,可以用于临床剂量学研究。  相似文献   

目的通过电子射野影像装置(EPID)测量食管癌患者在调强放疗过程中的摆位误差,分析摆位误差对靶区和正常组织受量的影响,验证目前计划靶体积(PTV)外放范围的合理性。方法 36例食管癌患者用EPID测量其摆位误差,每位患者接受摆位验证4~6次(1次/周)。在医科达(CMS-XIO)治疗计划系统上模拟实际摆位误差,比较实际治疗过程中大体肿瘤体积(GTV)、临床靶区体积(CTV)和周围正常组织的受照剂量。结果 36例食管癌患者前后、左右、头脚方向摆位误差分别为(2.43±1.80)、(2.56±1.87)和(3.53±2.82)mm。摆位误差使食管癌患者GTV的95%体积接受的剂量(D95)与原治疗计划相比降低了50 c Gy,CTV的D95降低了78.21 c Gy。原计划(P1)和摆位误差计划(P2)的全肺接受20 Gy照射体积占全肺体积的百分比(V20)分别为24.34%和23.52%(P<0.05);心脏平均剂量分别为2 067.23 c Gy和2 021.33 c Gy(P<0.05);P1中无一例脊髓受量超过4 500 c Gy,而P2中12例脊髓最大剂量超过4 500 c Gy,其中1例最大剂量为5 602.70 c Gy。结论摆位误差使GTV、CTV的受照剂量降低,部分患者脊髓最大剂量超过耐受量,双肺、心脏受照剂量有所下降。  相似文献   


Purpose: The estimation of plutonium fetal transfer and the calculation of individual in utero and postnatal doses for the Mayak Production Association (PA) offspring cohort.

Materials and methods: The model developed by the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) for the transfer of plutonium to the fetus following maternal intakes before and during pregnancy has been adjusted for application to analysis of the fetal transfer of 239Pu for Mayak workers. Improved estimates of fetal to maternal concentration ratios (CF:CM) have been obtained based on a correlation observed between adult offsprings’ measured daily urine 239Pu activity and estimates of their mothers’ systemic activity at conception. Data on 239Pu activity in daily urine samples were collected from 13 selected adults whose mothers worked at the Mayak PA facility during the period from 1948–1953, before and/or during pregnancy.

Results: A comparison of measured and modeled excretion data enabled a mean value of 0.18 ± 0.02 (n = 21) to be inferred for the Pu CF:CM ratio, with a coefficient of variation of 60%.

Conclusions: Point estimates of the individual in utero and postnatal absorbed doses for the red bone marrow and liver were in the range 2…13 mGy in 95% of the cases for the cohort of 1936 offspring.  相似文献   

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