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目的:研究腰椎椎间关节滑膜皱襞的解剖学组织结构,探讨其临床价值。方法:对24具成人腰椎脊柱标本和40具儿童腰椎脊柱标本的解剖,观测腰椎间关节内滑膜皱襞的结构。结果:无论成人还是儿童,各腰椎间关节均可出现滑膜皱襞。两者比较,成人滑膜皱襞的出现率为85.9%高于儿童(35.9%),且成人以大中型滑膜皱襞为主,而儿童以小型为主。成人滑膜皱襞主要出现在外上(14.6%)、外下(16.6%)及外侧(17%),而儿童主要出现在上(20_3%)、下缘(27.1%),成人与儿童的滑膜皱襞的形态均以片状为主。结论:成人腰椎椎间关节滑膜皱襞的出现率高,以大中型滑膜皱襞为主,这很可能是腰椎椎间关节滑膜皱襞嵌顿多见于成人,而儿童少见的解剖学基础,也可能是成人较儿童腰背痛多见的原因之一。  相似文献   

翼状韧带断裂对寰枢关节稳定性影响的生物力学实验研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的:研究翼状韧带断裂对寰枢关节稳定性的影响。方法:对6具尸体枕颈部骨韧带标本施加1.5N.m的力偶距,分别切断左、右侧翼状韧带,测定寰枢关节三维运动。结果:左侧韧带断裂使寰枢关节左右轴向旋转和右侧弯运动范围分别增加22.0%、25.9%和26.8%。双侧韧带断裂与单侧韧带断裂相比,寰枢关节轴向旋转运动范围无显著增加。结论:翼状韧带主要限制寰枢关节轴向旋转运动,其作用需要双侧韧带共同协调;翼状韧带损伤可导致寰枢关节旋转不稳定。  相似文献   

寰齿侧关节的观测及其临床意义   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
目的:确定有无寰齿侧关节存在。方法:对105例寰椎骨性标本上的侧块内侧结节和侧块内侧关节面进行了观测,并对9例男性新鲜尸体观察验证。结果:在105例寰椎骨性标本上,侧块内侧结节出现率为62.9%,侧块内侧关节面出现率为24.8%;尸体标本观察,全部均有寰齿侧关节存在,组织学证实为滑膜关节,关节腔与寰齿后关节腔相通连。结论:寰齿侧关节出现率颇高,寰齿后关节应包括恒定的寰齿侧关节。  相似文献   

目的 观察新型前路经枕寰枢关节锁定钛板螺钉内固定系统与枕颈复合体的匹配性,探讨此内固定系统临床应用的可行性。 方法 对枕颈部CT扫描数据进行三维重建,并通过数字化模拟手术进行解剖学匹配实验。通过观察钛板枢椎椎体前表面的切合性及螺钉的走行,测量经关节螺钉的理想钉道参数,评估此内固定系统与枕颈复合体的匹配性。 结果 钛板与枢椎椎体前表面相匹配;经关节螺钉均穿过寰枕关节及寰枢关节进入枕骨髁,无穿出骨质者,螺钉均未损伤舌下神经管。椎体固定螺钉均位于枢椎椎体骨质内,未进入椎管及椎间隙。经关节螺钉钉道理想钉道参数与内固定系统实际钉道参数差异无统计学意义。 结论 前路经寰枕寰枢关节锁定钛板螺钉内固定系统与枕颈复合体解剖学匹配性较好,具有临床应用可行性。  相似文献   

目的:为临床MRI诊断枕寰枢关节韧带损伤提供断层解剖学依据。方法:利用低温冰冻技术,将枕寰枢关节制成3.5mm厚的薄层断层标本,并与该区的磁共振图像相对照。结果:寰椎横韧带在横断位和矢状位,翼状韧带在斜冠状位和矢状位,齿突尖韧带在矢状位和斜冠状位能清楚观察各韧带的形态和毗邻关系。结论:在MRI上能清楚显示枕寰枢关节的各条韧带。  相似文献   

寰椎枕骨化对枕颈部生物力学影响的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 :建立人类寰椎枕骨化模型 ,进行生物力学测试 ,阐明寰椎枕骨化畸形对枕颈部生物力学的影响。方法 :采用新鲜人体枕颈部标本制作人类寰椎枕骨化实验模型 ,分别对标本和模型进行生物力学测试 ,确定寰枕关节和寰枢关节的运动参数 ,进行统计学分析。结果 :与标本比较 ,模型的枕寰关节各轴向的运动几近消失 (P <0 .0 0 1 ) ,最大的运动参数是后伸运动范围 ,仅 0 .2 1°。寰枢关节屈曲运动的弹性区和运动范围分别从正常的 1 1 .71°和 1 5 .55°增加至 1 6 .63°和 2 1 .0 4°,相差显著 (P <0 .0 5) ,旋转运动的中性区和运动范围分别从正常的 36 .88°和 48.2 4°增加至 41 .70°和 52 .2 4° ,相差显著 (P <0 .0 5) ,屈曲运动的中性区、旋转运动的弹性区及后伸和侧曲运动各运动参数均相差不显著 (P >0 .0 5)。结论 :1 .寰椎枕骨化畸形造成寰枕关节运动丧失 ,寰枢关节的负荷和旋转不稳定趋势增加 ,容易导致寰椎横韧带退变、松弛和寰枢关节不稳。 2 .建议对寰椎枕骨化畸形的患者密切观察 ,证实寰枢关节临床不稳 ,尽早手术融合  相似文献   

背景:颅、颈交界区解剖结构复杂,术前观察枕寰枢复合体后方静脉丛是非常必要的。利用三维CT血管成像技术显示这些结构具有明显的优势。 目的:观察枕寰枢复合体后方静脉丛结构的解剖特点。 方法:随机筛选60例患者头颈部CTA枕寰枢复合体无明确异常资料,回顾性分析其三维CT成像,测量枕寰枢复合体后方静脉结构,描述枕寰枢复合体的空间关系。 结果与结论:统计学处理结果显示除寰枢关节后硬膜外静脉丛至中线距离左、右侧有显著性差异(P < 0.05)外,枕下海绵窦体积、寰枢外侧关节后硬膜外静脉丛体积、枕下海绵窦与中线距离、颈深静脉C1段水平直径及至中线距离、C1后弓距离的测量值左、右侧,男、女性之间差异均无显著性意义(P > 0.05)。提示枕寰枢复合体后方静脉、静脉丛血管丰富、其形态或结构变异复杂,存在不确定的变异。  相似文献   

寰枢关节作为枕颈部的移行部位和构成头颅旋转运动的重要结构,其形态结构复杂,作用关键,因其邻近颈髓、椎动脉和颈神经等重要结构,故该关节损伤后不仅可导致寰枢椎不稳,而且可造成高位颈脊髓急性或慢性的压迫并出现相应的临床症状。寰枢关节由寰椎、枢椎及维持其关节稳定的横韧带、翼状韧带等结构组成。了解寰枢关节的生物力学特征,可进一步揭示寰枢关节的运动和损伤机理,并为寰枢椎失稳的临床诊断和治疗提供可靠的理论依据。本文就寰枢椎的生物力学研究及常见临床应用作一综述。  相似文献   

儿童寰枢椎后路椎弓根螺钉固定的解剖与影像学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:探讨儿童寰枢椎后路置入直径为3.5mm的椎弓根螺钉的可行性。方法:(1)儿童脑死亡尸体标本10具,年龄6~8岁,测量寰椎椎弓根高度、宽度,寰椎侧块中部高度、宽度,椎动脉沟下方的寰椎后弓的宽度,椎动脉沟下方的寰椎后弓的外侧1/3、内侧1/3高度、枢椎椎弓根(横突孔)外缘、内缘高度,枢椎椎弓根(横突孔)上缘、中缘、下缘宽度;(2)对20例6~8儿童寰枢椎进行CT平扫,利用CT工作站测量寰枢椎横断面上寰椎椎弓根长度、宽度,枢椎椎弓根长度、宽度;寰枢椎椎弓根纵轴与正中矢状面的角度。结果:标本组寰椎椎弓根高度和宽度分别为(5.26&#177;0.44)mm和(6.26&#177;0.75)mm,寰椎椎动脉沟下方的寰椎后弓的外侧1/3高度为(4.07&#177;0.24)mm,枢椎椎弓根外缘高度和内缘高度分别为(6.86&#177;0.48)mm和(6.67&#177;0.49)mm,上缘宽度、中缘宽度和下缘宽度分别为(6.63&#177;0.61)mm、(5.41&#177;0.39)mm、(3.71&#177;0.30)mm。CT组寰椎高度为(5.47_+0.34)mm、宽度为(6.63+0.54)mm;枢椎高度为(6.59&#177;0.51)mm、宽度为(5.13&#177;0.42)mm;寰枢椎椎弓根纵轴与正中矢状面的角度分别为(9.60&#177;1.32)&#176;、(27.80&#177;2.22)&#176;。结论:6~8岁儿童寰枢椎椎弓根容纳直径为3.5mm的螺钉是可行的。  相似文献   

椎间关节滑膜嵌顿综合征的解剖学基础   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
目的:为椎间关节滑膜嵌顿综合征的诊治提供解剖学基础。方法:解剖观察成人脊柱标本7条(共175对350个椎间关节)。观察椎间关节滑膜层及纤维层的结构特点。结果:椎间关节囊外为纤维层,内为较薄的滑膜层。关节囊包绕相邻上下关节突,关节腔狭小。滑膜层在相对关节面周缘,并形成双层突向关节腔内的滑膜皱襞,90.6%有滑膜皱襞,依其根部连接滑膜层的部位分Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ和Ⅳ型,依滑膜皱襞伸入关节腔内长度分Ⅰ、Ⅱ度。结论:滑膜皱襞的嵌顿是引起椎间关节滑膜嵌顿综合征的形态学基础。  相似文献   

This study was performed to observe and measure synovial folds of the occipito-atlanto-axial joints and to explore their clinical significance. Two hundred ninety eight occipito-atlanto-axial joints from 30 embalmed cadavers of children and 20 of adults were dissected to find the incidence, quantity, distribution, forms, dimension, and histology of synovial folds. Synovial folds were found in most joints in both groups except for the posterior median atlantoaxial joints. Most of synovial folds were crescent-shaped, distributed on the superior aspects of the anterior median atlantoaxial joints, or in the antero-lateral aspects of the atlantooccipital joints and the lateral atlantoaxial joints. Compared to the adult group, the child group had a higher incidence of synovial folds (72.5% joints). The adult incidence was found to be 58.5%. 54.3% of the synovial folds in child were medium size or large size, but only 30.1% of the synovial folds in adult were medium size and there were no large ones. Microscopically, there were three histologic types synovial folds in these cervical joints, and 78.9% of them belonged to adipose type or fibro-adipose type in child, but only 45.8% belonged to the two types in adult. Our data suggest that the larger synovial folds in children may predispose them to an increased rate of entrapment with resultant edema and subluxation of the associated joint complex. This may be the cause why some cervical spine diseases preferentially take place in children rather than in adult, such as benign paroxysmal torticollis'atlantoaxial rotatory deformity and Grisel's syndrome.  相似文献   

Observations and measurements of the synovial plicae of the hip joints were made on 63 embalmed cadavers. The cadavers were divided equally among three age groups (fetuses, children, and adults). Our observations showed that the plicae appeared in two forms (flat and villous) and were mainly confined to the external surface of the lower medial part of the acetabular labrum (labral plicae), the base of the ligament of the head of the femur (ligamental plicae), and along the reflecting line of the synovial membrane on the base of the femoral neck (neck plicae). The ligamental plicae were well padded with a fibroelastic pad of fat filling the acetabular fossa, and the neck plicae were far away from the articular surfaces of the joint; as a result, neither was likely to be injured or entrapped during joint movements. The labral plicae were larger than the ligamental or neck plicae and had an incidence of 73.8% in the fetal group. The fetal plicae were found only after the fetal age of 5 months. In nine cases of the child and adult groups, the labral plicae extended between the articular surface of the femoral head and the lower part of the acetabulum during medial rotation of the thigh. When the thigh was rotated laterally, the plicae in six of the same cases could be returned to their original positions. In the remaining three cases, there was continual impingement. Clin. Anat. 10:235-238, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The synovial fold of the humeroradial joint is known, and sometimes considered as a meniscus that could be injured by chronic repeated trauma related to pronation and supination. The aims of this study were to determine the gross anatomy and histological structure of this fold, and to clarify its participation in the painful lateral syndromes of the elbow. Fifty elbows from adult cadavers were dissected. The capsule of the humeroradial part of the elbow joint was resected with the annular ligament. The presence of a synovial fold, and its location relative to the cranial edge of the annular ligament divided into five sectors (ventral, ventrolateral, lateral, laterodorsal and dorsal) were noted; morphological parameters such as thickness, width and length were measured. The histological examination determined the structure of the folds. Five synovial folds were resected during surgery for epicondylalgia in five patients who suffered from pain precisely at the level of the joint between the capitulum and the fovea radialis, and were also examined. A fold was present in 43 cases, and in two cases two folds were seen at the deep side of the junction between the capsule and the annular ligament. The most frequent positions were: dorsal ( n=11), laterodorsal and dorsal ( n=6;), lateral to dorsal ( n=5), lateral ( n=5), ventral ( n=4) and circular ( n=4). The mean length was 21.4 mm (range from 9-51 mm). The mean width was 2.9 mm (range 1-10 mm), and the mean maximal thickness 1.7 mm (range 1-4 mm). The histological study showed two types of folds: a rigid structure, with oriented fibrous tissue, triangular with a peripheral capsular base, covered on its two sides and along the free edge by a synovial layer; and a pliable structure, formed of two synovial layers that surrounded a thin fatty tissue, with a villous appearance of the free edge. No fibromyxoid structure, as in a real meniscus, was observed. Some nerve fibers were seen in the folds. The five folds resected in operated patients were hypertrophic, and showed an increased number of nerve fibers, along the capsule but also close to the synovial layer. Some painful syndromes of the lateral side of the elbow are not related to tendinitis or to posterior interosseous nerve compression, but have an intra-articular origin. This study showed that the synovial fold is not a meniscus, and may be involved in the etiology of lateral epicondylalgia.  相似文献   



Cartilage lesion with patellar malalignment may be correlated with pain. Situations in which patients with recurrent patellar dislocation are painless between episodes of luxation can be approached with considerable curiosity. We evaluated the distribution of substance-P and S-100 protein expression in soft tissue of the knee in children with recurrent patellar dislocation, in order to evaluate the distribution of nociceptors and determine tissue origins of this situation.

Material and methods

Samples were collected from the medial and lateral synovial membrane, medial and lateral patellar retinaculum, Hoffa''s body, patellar ligament, and quadriceps’ aponeurosis in 10 children during the Blauth procedure and 10 adults with idiopathic osteoarthritis during total joint alloplasty. The density of nociceptive fibres was compared in the children and adults using S-100 and substance-P monoclonal antibodies.


Statistical differences between groups were demonstrated for S-100 expression in synovial membrane of the medial knee compartment (p < 0.05) and for substance-P expression in the medial patellar retinaculum (p < 0.05) and synovial membrane of the lateral (p < 0.05) and medial (p < 0.05) knee compartment in favour of children.


Lack of pain sensations in patients with recurrent patellar dislocation may be associated with non-increased expression of nerve endings in Hoffa''s body. Increased expression of either S-100 protein or substance-P in synovial membrane and the medial retinaculum did not induce pain development in the knee joints of that group of patients.  相似文献   

Impingement of the synovial fold of the distal tibiofibular joint (DTFJ) may contribute to the development of chronic ankle pain and disability after ankle inversion sprain. The morphology of the synovial fold of the DTFJ and recess is poorly understood. The purpose of this study was to describe and quantify the synovial fold and recess of the DTFJ. Thirty‐three pairs of adult embalmed ankle joints were dissected and the presence, disposition, morphology, and dimensions of the synovial fold were determined in relation to the DTFJ and its recess. A synovial fold was present in all specimens examined and extended from the deep posterior tibiofibular ligament along the DTFJ line an average of 15.31 mm [standard deviation (SD), 4.42 mm]. The majority of synovial folds were elongated in shape with smooth borders and occupied more than two thirds of the DTFJ line. In 70% of ankles examined, the synovial folds were found to extend a mean of 20.05 mm (SD, 7.01 mm) from the DTFJ line into the recess where they were loosely attached to the fibular wall. In the remaining ankles, the synovial fold was limited to the DTFJ line leaving the recess devoid of a synovial fold. Intra‐observer and inter‐observer reliability of measurements was good to excellent (intra‐class correlation coefficient, 0.61–0.99). An understanding of the morphology of the DTFJ synovial fold might help to explain ongoing ankle pain after injury, and why arthroscopic removal of the tissue might be therapeutic. Clin. Anat. 26:630–637, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

《Journal of anatomy》2017,230(3):444-460
The evolution of avian cranial kinesis is a phenomenon in part responsible for the remarkable diversity of avian feeding adaptations observable today. Although osteological, developmental and behavioral features of the feeding system are frequently studied, comparatively little is known about cranial joint skeletal tissue composition and morphology from a microscopic perspective. These data are key to understanding the developmental, biomechanical and evolutionary underpinnings of kinesis. Therefore, here we investigated joint microstructure in juvenile and adult mallard ducks (Anas platyrhynchos; Anseriformes). Ducks belong to a diverse clade of galloanseriform birds, have derived adaptations for herbivory and kinesis, and are model organisms in developmental biology. Thus, new insights into their cranial functional morphology will refine our understanding of avian cranial evolution. A total of five specimens (two ducklings and three adults) were histologically sampled, and two additional specimens (a duckling and an adult) were subjected to micro‐computed tomographic scanning. Five intracranial joints were sampled: the jaw joint (quadrate‐articular); otic joint (quadrate‐squamosal); palatobasal joint (parasphenoid‐pterygoid); the mandibular symphysis (dentary‐dentary); and the craniofacial hinge (a complex flexion zone involving four different pairs of skeletal elements). In both the ducklings and adults, the jaw, otic and palatobasal joints are all synovial, with a synovial cavity and articular cartilage on each surface (i.e. bichondral joints) ensheathed in a fibrous capsule. The craniofacial hinge begins as an ensemble of patent sutures in the duckling, but in the adult it becomes more complex: laterally it is synovial; whereas medially, it is synostosed by a bridge of chondroid bone. We hypothesize that it is chondroid bone that provides some of the flexible properties of this joint. The heavily innervated mandibular symphysis is already fused in the ducklings and remains as such in the adult. The results of this study will serve as reference for documenting avian cranial kinesis from a microanatomical perspective. The formation of: (i) secondary articular cartilage on the membrane bones of extant birds; and (ii) their unique ability to form movable synovial joints within two or more membrane bones (i.e. within their dermatocranium) might have played a role in the origin and evolution of modern avian cranial kinesis during dinosaur evolution.  相似文献   

Using the anti-TcR gamma/delta-1 monoclonal antibody and flow cytometry, we examined the number of T gamma delta cells in paired samples of peripheral blood and synovial fluid or tissue from 24 children with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA), five adult patients with JRA, and 14 patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). No significant difference was found in the synovial compartment T gamma delta values compared with the blood in JRA, adult JRA, or RA patients. Nor was any significant difference found in the peripheral blood or synovial compartment T gamma delta values in any of the three patient groups compared with the peripheral blood of normal controls. However, seven of the children with JRA had very high T gamma delta values in the synovial compartment while none of the normal children had high T gamma delta values in the blood (P = 0.02, Fisher's exact test). This may indicate a possible separate JRA patient group with high T gamma delta levels in the synovial compartment. In six JRA patients further analysed for T gamma delta subpopulations, a significant predominance of V delta 1+ cells was found in the synovial compartment compared with the corresponding peripheral blood samples (P less than 0.05, Wilcoxon's signed test) and with peripheral blood of child controls (P less than 0.05, Mann-Whitney U test). In these six patients, the T gamma delta-cell expression of the very early activation antigen CD69 were significantly higher (P less than 0.05, Wilcoxon's signed test) in the synovial compartment compared with the peripheral blood. Synovial T gamma delta cells expressing HLA-DR and interleukin 2 receptors could also be detected, in contrast to the peripheral blood in which no T gamma delta cells expressing these antigens could be found. These data suggest that the synovial T gamma delta cells had been activated in vivo.  相似文献   

The aryepiglottic folds extend between the arytenoid cartilage and the lateral margin of the epiglottis on each side and constitute the lateral borders of the laryngeal inlet. They are involved in physiologic closure mechanisms of the larynx and in pathologic conditions such as inspiratory stridor. Information on the normal topography of the aryepiglottic folds is poor and controversial. Therefore, this region was reinvestigated in serial whole-organ sections of 25 plastinated normal adult human larynges. Dorsally, the right and the left aryepiglottic folds are separated by the interarytenoid notch and comprise the corniculate and cuneiform cartilages, as well as numerous groups of mucous glands. Ventrally, the aryepiglottic folds are adjacent to the peri-epiglottic adipose tissue. Both regions are clearly separated by several layers of transversely oriented collagenous fiber layers. The muscular constituent of the aryepiglottic folds is only poorly developed, and no muscle fibers insert at the epiglottis. A coherent quadrangular membrane representing a ligamentous “skeleton” of the aryepiglottic folds is absent. A conspicuous collagenous fiber layer is found only to strengthen the free dorsal margin of the fold. Both muscular and ligamentous components may render the aryepiglottic folds sufficiently tense as to resist inspiratory inward suction in normal cases. However, pliability must be preserved to guarantee adequate folding in approximation of the aryepiglottic folds during deglutition. Thereby, the posterior part of the laryngeal inlet is closed, whereas the anterior part is probably closed by independent inward bulging of the peri-epiglottic adipose tissue. Clin. Anat. 11:223–235, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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