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Biomechanical evaluation of an expansive pedicle screw in calf vertebrae   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
incetheintroductionofthetranspedicularscrewsystembyBoucher ,1theapplicationofthissysteminthetreatmentofdegenerativedisordersandunstablefractures ,tumorsofthespinehasbecomeverypopularinthelasttwodecades.2 Looseningandfailureofthescrewsareamongthemostcommoncomplicationsreported ,especiallyforosteoporosis .3Thesefailuresoftenleadtonon union ,sagittalcollapseoftheconstructandpainfulkyphosis .Revisionisoftennecessary .Increasingthediameterand/orlengthofthepediclescrewseemstobethebestsolution .Howe…  相似文献   

Biomechanical evaluation of an expansive pedicle screw in calf vertebrae   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The main objective of the present study is to evaluate biomechanically a newly designed expansive pedicle screw (EPS) using fresh pedicles from calf lumber vertebrae in comparison with conventional pedicle screws, (CDH) CD Horizon, Universal Spine System pedicle screw (USS) and Tenor (Sofamor Denek). Pull-out and turning-back tests were performed on these pedicle screws to compare their holding strength. Additionally, revision tests were undertaken to evaluate the mechanical properties of EPS as a rescue revision screw. A fatigue simulation test using a perpendicular load up to 1,500,000 cycles was also carried out. The results showed that the turning back torque (Tmax) and pull-out force (Fmax) of EPS screws were significantly greater than those of USS, Tenor and CDH screws (6.5×40 mm). In revision tests, the Fmax of both types of EPS screws (6.5×40 mm; 7.0×40 mm) were significantly greater than that of CDH, USS, and Tenor screws (P<0.05). Furthermore, no screws were broken or bent at the end of fatigue tests. The findings from the current study suggest that expansive pedicle screws can significantly improve the bone purchase and the pull-out strength compared to USS, Tenor and CDH screws of similar dimensions before and after a failure simulation.  相似文献   

膨胀式椎弓根螺钉抗旋出性能的生物力学测试   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:测试并比较自行设计的膨胀式椎弓根螺钉(Expansive Pedicle Screw,EPS)与USS,Tenor,CDH椎弓根螺钉植入椎体后的最大旋出力矩及旋出180°时能量吸收值,评价EPS螺钉脊柱固定稳定性.方法:30个新鲜小牛腰椎随机分成3组,每组10个椎体(20侧椎弓根),每组均随机在一侧拧入EPS螺钉,对侧分别拧入USS、Tenor,CDH螺钉,旋出螺钉,测试并记录最大旋出扭力矩及旋出180°时能量吸收值.结果:EPS,USS,Tenor,CDH螺钉的最大旋出力矩分别为(3.570±0.914)Nm,(1.607±0.300)Nm,(2.257±0.372)Nm,(2.371±0.348)Nm;能量吸收值分别为(8.277±2.108)J,(3.230±0.559)J,(4.475±0.602)J,(4.441±0.457)J.EPS螺钉的最大旋出力矩及能量吸收值显著大于其它三种螺钉(P值均小于0.01).结论:EPS螺钉较目前使用的USS,Tenor,CDH非膨胀椎弓根螺钉有更好的固定稳定性.  相似文献   

【摘要】 目的:比较骨质疏松绵羊腰椎膨胀式椎弓根螺钉(expansive pedicle screw,EPS)与骨水泥强化椎弓根螺钉(polymethylmethacrylate-augmented pedicle screw,PMMA-PS)固定的动态稳定性。方法:8只健康成年雌性绵羊,体重55.7±5.6kg,年龄5.5±0.7岁。行双侧卵巢切除术(去势手术)后1个月开始连续肌肉注射甲基强的松龙(0.45mg/kg/d)10个月,在建模前、激素注射结束后1个月(建模后)测量绵羊腰椎的骨密度(bone mineral density,BMD),BMD显著下降(>25%)时为骨质疏松动物模型成功建立。建模后将每只骨质疏松绵羊腰椎(L1~L6)随机分为3组,每组2个腰椎。普通椎弓根螺钉(conventional pedicle screw,CPS)组,直接拧入CPS;PMMA-PS组,向钉道内注入聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯(PMMA,1.0ml)后拧入CPS;EPS组,直接拧入EPS。螺钉置入术后6周和12周各处死4只绵羊,取出腰椎,剔除标本周围软组织,自各椎间盘处离断,游离成单个椎体。每个腰椎随机选择一侧的螺钉行轴向拔出实验,将椎体固定于MTS 858生物材料实验机上,沿椎弓根螺钉长轴方向以5mm/min的加载速度进行轴向拔出实验,测量螺钉的最大轴向拔出力(the maximum pullout strength,Fmax)和能量吸收值(energy absorbed value,EAV)。结果:建模前、后绵羊腰椎的BMD分别为1.14±0.10g/cm2和0.83±0.07g/cm2,建模后BMD显著下降(P<0.05),平均为27.2%(25.4%~28.9%),骨质疏松绵羊模型成功建立。置钉术后6周EPS组和PMMA-PS组的Fmax分别为1252.13±203.51N和1426.38±235.75N,EAV分别为2.48±0.45J和2.84±0.55J,均显著高于CPS组(827.88±139.22N和1.66±0.30J)(P<0.05);置钉术后12周EPS组和PMMA-PS组的Fmax分别为1518.88±256.81N和1472.75±248.65N,EAV分别为3.09±0.59J和2.95±0.60J,均显著高于CPS组(906.63±152.50N和1.80±0.35J)(P<0.05);置钉术后6周、12周EPS组的Fmax和EAV与PMMA-PS组比较差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。置钉术后12周CPS组和PMMA-PS组的Fmax和EAV与同组置钉术后6周比较无显著性变化(P>0.05),置钉术后12周EPS组的Fmax和EAV较同组置钉术后6周均有显著性提高(P<0.05)。结论:与CPS相比,EPS可显著提高螺钉在骨质疏松绵羊腰椎中的稳定性,并达到了与临床常用的PMMA-PS近似的固定效果。  相似文献   

【摘要】 目的:比较骨质疏松尸体腰椎膨胀式椎弓根螺钉(expansive pedicle screw,EPS)固定与骨水泥强化椎弓根螺钉(polymethylmethacrylate-augmented pedicle screw,PMMA-PS)固定的稳定性。方法:16个腰椎标本取自4具新鲜尸体的脊柱(L1~L4)。年龄51~78岁,平均63岁,其中女性3具,男性1具。所有标本经X线检查排除畸形、骨折等病变,其中1个腰椎因严重畸形被剔除。测量各椎体的骨密度值(bone mineral density,BMD)后,将15个椎体随机分为3组。采用相同方法制备钉道,普通椎弓根螺钉(CPS)组直接置入CPS;PMMA-PS组先向钉道内注入PMMA,再置入CPS;EPS组直接置入EPS。置钉后24h,对标本进行X线检查和CT扫描,观察螺钉位置及骨水泥分布情况;然后将椎体固定于MTS 858上,沿椎弓根螺钉的长轴方向以10mm/min的加载速度进行拔出实验,测量螺钉的最大轴向拔出力(the maximum pullout strength,Fmax)和能量吸收值(energy absorbed value,EAV)。结果:所有腰椎的BMD均小于0.8g/cm2,T值为-3.5~-2.5,均为骨质疏松椎体,3组之间BMD的差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。X线检查和CT重建显示各组螺钉位置均良好,PMMA-PS组中未见PMMA渗漏现象;CPS组螺钉被周围的骨质直接包绕;PMMA-PS组螺钉被PMMA所包裹,PMMA存在于螺钉周围的骨质中,在椎体内形成了“纺锤样”结构;EPS组螺钉的前端在椎体内明显膨胀,形成了“爪状”结构。CPS组、PMMA-PS组和EPS组的Fmax分别为751.50±251.37N、1521.70±513.27N和1175.20±396.51N,PMMA-PS组和EPS组均显著高于CPS组(P<0.001,P=0.026),而PMMA-PS组和EPS组之间的差异无统计学意义(P=0.064)。CPS组、PMMA-PS组和EPS组的EAV分别为1.47±0.51J、3.09±0.93J和2.46±0.69J,PMMA-PS组和EPS组均显著高于CPS组(P<0.001,P=0.005),而PMMA-PS组和EPS组之间的差异无统计学意义(P=0.067)。结论:EPS可显著提高骨质疏松腰椎内椎弓根螺钉的稳定性,达到了与传统PMMA强化椎弓根螺钉接近的固定强度,具有良好的临床应用前景。  相似文献   

钉道强化提高椎弓根螺钉固定强度的生物力学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 评价椎弓根钉道局部强化技术及其结合膨胀式椎弓根螺钉提高椎弓根螺钉固定强度的效果.方法 通过自行设计及加工的钉道局部强化装置,向钉道周壁点状注入CaSO4骨水泥以强化椎弓根钉道.5具新鲜冻存人体脊柱标本,每具随机选取4个腰椎共20个腰椎标本,采用随机区组设计方法分为10个区组.设计四种固定方法:A组(普通椎弓根螺钉)、B组(普通椎弓根螺钉+钉道局部强化)、C组(膨胀式椎弓根螺钉+钉道局部强化)、D组(普通椎弓根螺钉+钉道内灌注CaSO4骨水泥),随机应用在每个区组的2个椎体共4个椎弓根钉道.分别测试每个椎弓根螺钉的最大轴向拔出力及能量吸收值.从剩余腰椎标本中任意取两个腰椎,应用钉道局部强化技术后利用Micro-CT观察钉道周壁微观结构变化.结果 C、D两组的最大轴向拔出力均值及能量吸收值均值高于A组(P<0.01)及B组(P<0.05),B组最大轴向拔出力均值及能量吸收值均值高于A组(P<0.01),C、D两组之间的差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论 钉道局部强化技术可显著提高椎弓根螺钉的固定强度,结合使用膨胀式椎弓根螺钉可进一步提高螺钉的固定强度.  相似文献   

目的 比较锥形与柱形椎弓根螺钉在下胸段及腰段的生物力学差异性及影响因素。方法 将6具成人新鲜T_9~L_5脊柱标本分解为 54个椎体标本。随机选取一侧按标准方法放置特制试验用直径5.5mm锥形螺钉,然后在MTS力学试验机上先后测量其最大扭矩及最大拔出力。在对侧以同样的方法进行5.5mm柱形螺钉的实验。结果在下胸段,锥形螺钉的最大扭矩(1.445 ±0.66)N·m显著性大于柱形的最大扭矩(1.073±10.42)N·m(P=0.021),而在腰段锥形(1.017±0.43)N·m和柱形(1.28±0.50)N·m螺钉的最大扭矩没有明显差异(P=0.416)。无论在下胸段还是腰段,锥形螺钉与柱形螺钉的最大拔出力均无显著性差异。从下胸段到腰段,螺钉的最大拔出力逐步增加。柱形椎弓根螺钉的最大扭矩与最大拔出力呈正相关(r=0.629)锥形螺钉的最大扭矩与最大轴向拔出力的相关性不显著(r=0.179)。结论 相同直径的锥形与柱形螺钉的最大拔出力相近,且锥形螺钉在其直径与椎弓根内径相近时具有较高的扭矩。螺钉的最大扭矩与最大拔出力的相关关系要视螺钉的类型而定。  相似文献   

膨胀式脊柱椎弓根螺钉固定的生物力学研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的:测试膨胀式椎弓根螺钉(expansivepediclescrew,EPS)的骨-器械界面强度及耐疲劳强度,评价EPS的脊柱后路固定强度。方法:100个新鲜小牛腰椎随机分成A、B、C三组,以USS,Tenor,CDH螺钉为对照螺钉,分别对EPS进行最大旋出力矩实验、轴向拔出实验和翻修实验,记录最大旋出力矩(Tmax)、最大轴向拔出力(Fmax)和翻修后最大轴向拔出力。并在超高分子聚乙烯材料上对螺钉进行150万次的周期载荷疲劳实验。结果:EPS的Tmax、Famx显著大于三种对照螺钉(P<0.01)。EPS翻修时的Fmax亦显著高于对照螺钉(P<0.05)。150万次周期载荷疲劳实验完成后,四种螺钉均未出现疲劳折断现象。结论:EPS较目前常使用的非膨胀椎弓根螺钉有更好的脊柱固定作用及翻修性能,其耐疲劳强度与其它三种螺钉相当。  相似文献   

Transpedicular fixation can be challenging in the osteoporotic spine as reduced bone mineral density compromises the mechanical stability of the pedicle screw. Here, we sought to investigate the biomechanical and histological properties of stabilization of expandable pedicle screw (EPS) in the osteoporotic spine in sheep. EPSs and standard pedicle screws, SINO screws, were inserted on the vertebral bodies in four female ovariectomized sheep. Pull-out and cyclic bending resistance test were performed to compare the holding strength of these pedicle screws. High-resolution micro-computed tomography (CT) was performed for three-dimensional image reconstruction. We found that the EPSs provided a 59.6% increase in the pull-out strength over the SINO screws. Moreover, the EPSs withstood a greater number of cycles or load with less displacement before loosening. Micro-CT image reconstruction showed that the tissue mineral density, bone volume fraction, bone surface/bone volume ratio, trabecular thickness, and trabecular separation were significantly better in the expandable portion of the EPSs than those in the anterior portion of the SINO screws (P < 0.05). Furthermore, the trabecular architecture in the screw–bone interface was denser in the expandable portion of the EPS than that in the anterior portion of the SINO screw. Histologically, newly formed bone tissues grew into the center of EPS and were in close contact with the EPS. Our results show that the EPS demonstrates improved biomechanical and histological properties over the standard screw in the osteoporotic spine. The EPS may be of value in treating patients with osteoporosis and warrants further clinical studies.  相似文献   

T H Lim  J G Kim  A Fujiwara  T T Yoon  S C Lee  J W Ha  H S An 《Spine》2001,26(22):2498-2503
STUDY DESIGN: Flexibility tests and finite element analyses were performed for the biomechanical evaluation of diagonal transfixation in pedicle screw instrumentation. OBJECTIVE: To assess the biomechanical advantages of diagonal transfixation compared with conventional horizontal transfixation. SUMMARY AND BACKGROUND DATA: A few pedicle screw instrumentation systems allow the use of cross-links in the diagonal direction. Such a diagonal transfixation is anticipated to improve the surgical construct stability, but its biomechanical qualities have not been completely evaluated. METHODS: Flexibility tests were performed on 10 calf lumbar spines (L2-L5). Specimens were subjected to pure moments up to 8.2 Nm in flexion, extension, lateral bending, and extension while the resulting movements of L3 and L4 were measured by a three-dimensional motion analysis system. The tested cases included (1) intact, (2) pedicle screw fixation without transfixation after total removal of the L3-L4 disc, (3) pedicle screw fixation with diagonal transfixation, and (4) pedicle screw fixation with horizontal transfixation. Three-dimensional finite element models of the tested surgical constructs were also developed by use of three-dimensional beam elements to investigate the effect of diagonal transfixation and horizontal transfixation on the construct stability and the corresponding stress changes in the screws. RESULTS: When compared with no transfixation, horizontal transfixation significantly improved the lateral bending and axial rotation stability by 15.7% and 13.9%, respectively, but there was no improvement of stability in flexion and extension. By contrast, diagonal transfixation significantly improved the flexion and extension stability by 12% and 10.7%, respectively, but not the lateral bending and axial rotation stability in comparison with no transfixation. Comparison between horizontal transfixation and diagonal transfixation showed that the stabilizing effect of diagonal transfixation was greater in flexion and extension (13% and 11%, P < 0.01) than that of horizontal transfixation but smaller in lateral bending (11%, P < 0.05) and axial rotation (6.6%, P > 0.1). Finite element model predictions of the motion changes were similar to the changes observed in flexibility tests. In horizontal transfixation, the load changes, compared with no transfixion, were a 0.02% increase in flexion-extension, a 27.5% increase in lateral bending, and a 58% decrease in axial rotation, and the magnitudes of the moments applied on both the right and left pedicle screws were identical. However, when diagonal transfixation was achieved by connecting the left superior screw and the right inferior screw, the loads in the left screw were increased by 11.5% in flexion-extension, 43.6% in lateral bending, and 7.9% in axial rotation, whereas the loads in the right screw were decreased by 10.9% in flexion-extension, increased by 0.06% in lateral bending, and decreased by 18.1% in axial rotation. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study showed that diagonal transfixation provides more rigid fixation in flexion and extension but less in lateral bending and axial rotation in comparison with horizontal transfixation. Furthermore, greater stresses in the pedicle screws were predicted in the diagonal transfixation model. These limitations of diagonal transfixation should be considered carefully for clinical application.  相似文献   

We sought to test the hypothesis that a pedicle screw that has two parallel threads of different heights throughout the full length of the screw could increase both bone purchase and pull-out strength compared with a standard single-threaded screw of similar dimensions. A single-threaded pedicle screw and a double-threaded pedicle screw were respectively placed into the paired pedicles of 21 vertebral bodies. The screws were then pulled out of the pedicles, and output parameters were measured. Although insertional torque was, on average, 14.5% higher (p = 0.039) for the single-threaded screw, maximum pull-out strength (p = 0.12), energy-to-failure (p = 0.39), and stiffness (p = 0.54) were not statistically different for the two screw types. It is concluded that a second, smaller inner thread on a double-threaded pedicle screw does not translate into either increased bone purchase or higher pull-out strengths.  相似文献   



Transpedicular fixation can be challenging in the osteoporotic spine. Expansive pedicle screw (EPS) and polymethylmethacrylate-augmented pedicle screw (PMMA-PS) were both used to increase screw stability. However, there are a little or no biomechanical comparisons of EPS and PMMA-PS, especially in primary spinal surgery in osteoporotic vertebrae. The purpose of this study was to compare the stability of EPS and PMMA-PS in primary spinal surgery.  相似文献   

目的:比较角棒与圆棒在Legacy、USSⅡ、RF单轴向椎弓根螺钉固定系统中的抗旋转性能。方法:将Legacy、USSⅡ、RF单轴向椎弓根螺钉分别与原装圆棒或自行设计的角棒组合,分为6个实验组:(1)Legacy螺钉和Legacy圆棒组(A组);(2)Legacy螺钉和角棒组(B组);(3)USSⅡ螺钉和USSⅡ圆棒组(C组);(4)USSⅡ螺钉和角棒组(D组);(5)RF螺钉与RF圆棒组(E组);(6)RF螺钉和角棒组(F组)。每组7套,其中1套行预试验。分别以固定的扭矩标准锁紧单枚椎弓根螺钉与圆棒或角棒,在MTS 858试验机上测量旋转滑动扭矩。结果:A、B组的旋转滑动扭矩分别为12.3±1.9Nm和16.9±2.1Nm;C、D组的旋转滑动扭矩分别为3.9±0.8Nm和4.6±0.7Nm;F、F组的旋转滑动扭矩分别为6.7±0.4Nm和17.6±0.7Nm。Legacy螺钉与RF螺钉配角棒组的旋转滑动扭矩高于配圆棒组(P<0.05),USSⅡ螺钉配两种棒的旋转滑动力矩无显著性差异(P>0.05)。结论:角棒能显著提高Legacy和RF椎弓根螺固定系统的抗旋转能力。  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to determine the biomechanical effect during insertion of multilevel hex-head design pedicle screws compared to a conventional screw-head design. Eighteen lumbar vertebrae and thoracic vertebrae from human cadavers were instrumented with a novel, multilevel hexagonal head pedicle screw on one side and a conventional head pedicle screw on the contralateral side. Screws were inserted at a constant rate and insertion and removal torques were recorded. A further 14 lumbar and thoracic vertebrae were used to test alterability of screw direction and operational effort required. Electromagnetic sensors recorded the change in angular direction for both screw and screwdriver. The force applied through the insertion screwdriver required to produce the directional change was also recorded. No significant differences were found between the two screw types for insertion or removal torque in either lumbar or thoracic vertebrae. Multilevel hex-head screws had significantly greater directional alterability than conventional head screws in both lumbar and thoracic specimens. Multilevel hex-head screws also required less force applied through the screwdriver than conventional screws to alter direction of screw insertion in both lumbar and thoracic specimens. The multilevel hex-head design did not affect the insertion or removal torque in comparison to a conventional head design.  相似文献   

枢椎椎板螺钉与椎弓根螺钉抗拔出强度的比较   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
目的:比较枢椎椎板螺钉与枢椎椎弓根螺钉的抗拔出强度,为临床应用枢椎椎板螺钉固定提供生物力学依据。方法:在7具成年男性新鲜尸体枢椎标本上进行枢椎单皮质椎弓根螺钉和双皮质椎板螺钉固定,测试螺钉拔出力。结果:单皮质枢椎椎弓根螺钉的最大拔出力平均为875.3±403.2N,双皮质枢椎椎板螺钉的最大拔出力平均为679.5±308.2N;椎弓根螺钉的最大拔出力大于椎板螺钉,但二者之间无统计学差异。结论:枢椎椎板螺钉进行双皮质固定具有可靠的力学固定强度,可作为枢椎椎弓根螺钉的补充固定技术。  相似文献   

[目的]比较膨胀式椎弓根螺钉(expansive pedicle screw,EPS)与骨水泥(polymethylmethacrylate,PM-MA)强化方法在体外增强螺钉稳定性的效果,并观察各方法中的钉道界面情况.[方法]45个新鲜成年绵羊腰椎随机分为3组.CPS组:直接拧入普通椎弓根螺钉;PMMA-PS组:向钉道内注入PMMA后拧入普通椎弓根螺钉;EPS组:直接拧入EPS.24 h后,对所有标本进行轴向拔出实验、X线和micro-CT检查.[结果]EPS组和PMMA-PS组中螺钉的稳定性均显著强于CPS组(P<0.05),而EPS组和PMMA-PS组之间的差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).X线检查示各组中螺钉位置良好.CPS组中骨组织包裹螺钉,形成"螺钉-骨质"界面;PMMA-PS组中,PMMA包裹螺钉,阻碍了螺钉与骨质的接触,形成了"螺钉-PMMA-骨质"界面;EPS组中,骨小梁直接包裹螺钉,形成"螺钉-骨质"界面.螺钉的前端明显膨胀,形成一个"爪状"结构.螺钉前端胀开的两翼挤压周围骨质,使膨胀部分周围的骨质较非膨胀部分更加致密.[结论]EPS可以显著提高螺钉的稳定性,其效果与目前临床上常用的PMMA强化方法接近.同时,EPS可以有效的避免因增加螺钉直径和使用PMMA可能带来的椎弓根骨折和渗漏、压迫等风险.另外,EPS的置入并不增加手术时间和手术创伤.作为一种有效、安全和操作简便的方法,EPS在临床上的广泛应用具有巨大的潜力.  相似文献   

Zhang Y  Tian L  Yan Y  Sang H  Ma Z  Jie Q  Lei W  Wu Z 《Injury》2011,42(11):1372-1376


Femoral neck fracture is one of the common clinical traumas, especially amongst elder patients. This study aims to test, compare and evaluate the bone-screw interface strengths, the fatigue strengths, and the stabilities of our newly designed expansive cannulated screw (ECS) and the common cannulated compression screw (CCS) in the fixation of femoral neck fracture, which is a summary of recent research.


Twenty-four pairs (48) of fresh femur specimens were randomly divided into four groups with six pairs (12) in each. To simulate one-legged standing, the maximum compressive strength and the single-screw axial pull-out force were compared between the fixed femoral necks treated with two ECSs and two CCSs, two ECSs and three CCSs or three ECSs and three CCSs, respectively. The screws were also subjected to 1 000 000 cycles of a loaded fatigue test and the results were recorded.


When the same number of screws was used, the ECS showed significantly greater maximum compressive strength than the CCS (P < 0.05), but no significant difference in fixation effectiveness was detected between the two ECSs and the three CCSs groups. The maximum axial pull-out strength of the ECS was also significantly greater that of the CCS (P < 0.01); however, there was no sign of fatigue in both the ECS and CCS after 1 000 000 cycles of loaded fatigue test.


The ECS shows better fixation performance than the currently and commonly used CCS; under certain circumstances, fixation with two ECSs can achieve the same effect as that with traditional three CCSs.  相似文献   

寰枢椎后路椎弓根螺钉固定的生物力学评价   总被引:38,自引:5,他引:38  
目的:评价寰枢椎后路椎弓根螺钉固定的生物力学稳定性。方法:6具新鲜颈椎标本,按随机顺序,对每一标本先后行C1-C2椎弓根螺钉、Magerl螺钉、Brooks钢丝以及螺钉联合钢丝固定,在脊柱三维运动实验机上测量其三维运动范围。结果:Magerl螺钉或C1-C2椎弓根螺钉联合Brooks钢丝组成的固定系统的三维运动范围最小。C1-C2椎弓根螺钉固定的前后屈伸运动范围与Brooks钢丝固定无差异,但大于Magerl螺钉;其左右侧屈运动范围小于Brooks钢丝固定,大于Magerl螺钉;其轴向旋转角度明显小于Brooks钢丝固定,但与Magerl螺钉无统计学差异。结论:C1-C2椎弓根螺钉的三维稳定性与Magerl螺钉相当,联合Brooks钢丝固定可进一步提高其稳定性。  相似文献   

Objective: To investigate the properties of screwbone interface of expansive pedicle screw (EPS) in osteoporotic sheep by micro-CT and histological observation.
Methods: Six female sheep with bilateral ovariectomyinduced osteoporosis were employed in this experiment. After EPS insertion in each femoral condyle, the sheep were randomly divided into two groups: 3 sheep were bred for 3 months (Group A), while the other 3 were bred for 6 months (Group B). After the animals being killed, the femoral condyles with EPS were obtained, which were three-dimensionally-imaged and reconstructed by micro-CT. Histological evalu-ation was made thereafter.
Results: The trabecular microstructure was denser at the screw-bone interface than in the distant parts in expan-sive section, especially within the spiral marking. In the non- expansive section, however, there was no significant differ-ence between the interface and the distant parts. The regions of interest (ROI) adjacent to EPS were reconstructed and analyzed by micro-CT with the same thresholds. The three-dimensional (3-D) parameters, including tissue min- eral density (TMD), bone volume fraction (BVF, BV/TV), bone surface/bone volume (BS/BV) ratio, trabecular thickness (Tb.Th), and trabecular separation (Tb.Sp), were sig- nificantly better in expansive sections than non-expan-sive sections (P 〈 0.05). Histologically, newly-formed bony trabeculae crawled along the expansive fissures and into the center of EPS. The newly-formed bones, as well as the bones at the bone-screw interface, closely contacted with the EPS and constructed four compartments. Conclusions: The findings of the current study, based on micro-CT and histological evaluation, suggest that EPS can significantly provide stabilization in osteoporotic cancellous bones.  相似文献   

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