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CT enterography is a modification of conventional CT technique optimized for the evaluation of small bowel. This technique utilizes multidetector scanners with high spatial and temporal resolution; multiplanar reconstructions; and large volumes of enteric contrast to provide bowel distension. This article discusses the essential principles of the exam and its use in the evaluation of Crohn's disease of the small bowel.  相似文献   



To retrospectively compare the dynamic contrast enhancement of the small bowel segments with and without active Crohn's disease at 3D MR enterography (MRE).

Materials and methods

Thirteen patients (five men, eight women; mean age 41.2 years; range 29-56) were imaged on a 1.5-T MR scanner (Sonata, Siemens Medical) with standard MR sequences after having ingested 1000 ml of a 3% mannitol solution. Subsequently, high resolution 3D gradient-echo (volumetric interpolated breath-hold examination = VIBE) data sets were obtained pre-contrast and 20-40 s, 60-80 s, and 120-140 s after i.v. Gd-DOTA administration (0.2 mmol/kg). Signal enhancement was measured on single slices both in normal and histologically confirmed (12/13) inflamed small bowel wall segments as well as in the aorta, the psoas muscle, and the background to calculate signal-to-noise (SNR) and contrast-to-noise ratios (CNR).


Small bowel wall enhancement was significantly higher (p < 0.05) in inflamed compared to normal segments at 20-40 s (SNR inflamed: 58.7 ± 33.8 vs normal: 36.0 ± 19.8; p = 0.048; CNR inflamed: 34.8 ± 23.4 vs normal: 16.3 ± 11.2; p = 0.017) and at 60-80 s (SNR: 60.3 ± 25.1 vs 41.9 ± 20.0; p = 0.049; CNR: 34.9 ± 15.1 vs 19.3 ± 13.2; p = 0.01) after i.v. contrast administration, respectively. Even at 120-140 s CNR was still increased in inflamed segments (33.7 ± 16.0 vs 18.1 ± 13.2; p = 0.04), while differences in SNR did not attain statistical significance (63.0 ± 26.2 vs 45.3 ± 23.3; p = 0.15).


In active Crohn's disease, histologically confirmed inflamed small bowel wall segments demonstrate a significantly increased early uptake of gadolinium on 3D VIBE sequences compared to normal small bowel segments.  相似文献   



To directly compare CT enterography (CTE) and MR enterography (MRE) without antiperistaltic agents.


26 patients referred for CTE underwent CTE immediately followed by MRE without use of an anti-peristaltic agent. Each study was evaluated on a 10 point scale for exam quality, level of diagnostic confidence, and presence of Crohn's disease. Kappa analysis was performed to determine the degree of agreement between the CTE and MRE of each patient.


25 patients completed the MRE. The quality of the CTEs was judged as excellent by both readers (reader 1 = average 9.5/10, reader 2 = average 9.1/10). The quality of the MREs was ranked lower than the CTEs by both readers (reader 1 = average 8.9/10, reader 2 = average 7.2/10), which was statistically significant (p < 0.05). The level of confidence in interpretation was not significantly different between CTE and MRE for reader 1 or 2 (p = 0.3). There was substantial agreement between readers for the presence or absence of Crohn's disease on both CTE (kappa = 0.75) and MRE (kappa = 0.67).


MR enterography without anti-peristaltic agents results in high diagnostic confidence and excellent agreement for the presence of Crohn's disease.  相似文献   

AIM: To assess CT patterns of bowel wall thickening in patients with Crohn's disease and to correlate these patterns with inflammatory activity. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We conducted a retrospective review of 58 helical abdominal CT scans of 53 patients with pathologically proven Crohn's disease. CT patterns of thickened bowel wall were divided into four types based on patterns of mural stratification and enhancement: type A, multilayered mural stratification; type B, two layers with strong mucosal enhancement and prominent low-density submucosa; type C, two layers without strong mucosal enhancement; and type D, homogeneous enhancement. We evaluated CT findings of the bowel and adjacent structures. We also reviewed pathologic features and clinical data to determine inflammatory activity. RESULTS: Fifty-five (95%) of 58 CT examinations showed bowel wall thickening. Of these 55 CT scans, type A pattern was found in 33 (60%), type B in 10 (18%), type C in five (9%), and type D in seven (13%). CT scans with type A showed significantly more wall thickening than those with either type C or type D. Histology revealed 43 cases with active disease and 12 with quiescent appearance. Thirty of 33 CT scans with type A and all 10 with type B were classified as acute disease, and three of five with type C and six of seven with type D as quiescent. CONCLUSION: In patients with Crohn's disease, CT patterns of bowel wall thickening correlated with inflammatory activity. Thickened bowel wall with layering enhancement is predictive of acute disease, and that of homogeneous enhancement suggests quiescence.  相似文献   

The double contrast barium enema of the colon continues to be a diffused conventional radiological technique and allows for the diagnosis of neoplastic and inflammatory pathology. After the '70s, a massive initiative is undertaken to simplify, perfect and encode the method of the double contrast barium enema: Altaras from Germany, Miller from USA and Cittadini from Italy are responsible for the perfection of this technique in the last 30 years. The tailored patient preparation, a perfect technique of execution and a precise radiological documentation are essentials steps to obtain a reliable examination. The main limit of double contrast enema is that it considers the pathology only from the mucosal surface. In neoplastic pathology evaluation the main limit is the "T" parameter staging, but more limited are the "N" and "M" parameters evaluation. Today the double contrast technique continues to be a refined, sensitive and specific diagnostic method, moreover, diagnostic results cannot compete with the new CT multislice techniques (CT-enteroclysis and virtual colonoscopy) which can examine both the lumen and the wall of the colon. The double contrast is a cheap and simple examination but in the next future is predictably a progressive substitution of conventional radiology from new multislice techniques, because the cross sectional imaging is more frequently able to detect causes of the symptoms whether resulting both from colonic or non colonic origin.  相似文献   

Purpose This prospective study compares the agreement of nonenhanced helical computed tomography (NECT) with oral contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CECT) in Emergency Department (ED) patients presenting with acute abdominal pain.Materials and methods One hundred eighteen patients presenting to the ED with acute abdominal pain undergoing CT were enrolled over a 13-month period using convenience sampling. Exclusion criteria included acute trauma, pregnancy, unstable patients, and patients suspected of having urinary calculi. Patients were scanned helically using 5-mm collimation before and approximately 90 min after oral contrast administration. Both exams were prospectively interpreted by different attending radiologists in a blinded fashion using an explicit data sheet specifying the presence or absence of 28 parameters relating to various common diagnoses.Results The 118 patients had a mean age of 49 years, a male: female ratio of 7:13, and a median height, weight, and BMI of 166 cm, 80 kg, and 29, respectively. The most common indications for the study included appendicitis (32%) and diverticular disease (12%). Pain maximally localized to the right lower quadrant in 37% and the left lower quadrant in 21%. There were 21 patients that had significant disagreement of interpretations between NECT and CECT resulting in a simple agreement of 79% (95% CI: 70–87%). For specific radiologic parameters, agreement ranged from 77 to 100%. A post hoc agreement analysis was subsequently performed by two radiologists and only five paired scans were identified as discordant between the NECT and CECT. For only one of these patients did both radiologists agree that there was a definite discordant result between the two studies. A final unblinded consensus review demonstrated that much of the disagreement between the interpretations was related to interobserver variation.Conclusion There is 79% simple agreement between NECT and CECT in diagnosing various causes of acute abdominal pain in adult ED patients. Post hoc analysis indicates that a significant portion of the discordance was attributable to interobserver variability. This data suggests that NECT should be considered in adult ED patients presenting with acute abdominal pain.This work was partially presented at the RSNA in Chicago 2004.  相似文献   



the main objective of the present work was to determine the diagnostic value of CT-enterography with water enema (CTe-WE) in the assessment of the ileocolic anastomosis in patients with Crohn's disease (CD). The prevalence of synchronous inflammatory lesions (SILs) involving gastrointestinal segments distinct from the anastomosis was also determined. Further, the association between the type of ileocolic anastomosis and the behavior (i.e. inflammatory, stricturing, penetrating) of CD recurrence was evaluated.


51 patients were retrospectively included (26 [51%] male and 25 [49%] female; mean age: 52.88 years ± 13.35). Ileocolic anastomoses were: 18 (35.3%) stapled side-to-side, 17 (33.3%) end-to-side, and 16 (31.4%) end-to-end. CTe-WEs were reviewed in consensus by two gastrointestinal radiologists. Endoscopy and medical records were used as reference standards.


CTe-WE yielded 95.35% sensitivity (CI 95%: 84.19–99.43%), 75.00% specificity (CI 95%: 34.91–96.81%), and 92.15% diagnostic accuracy (CI 95%: 81.31–98.02%). Anastomotic recurrence was found in 41/51 (80.4%) patients, including 30/41 (73.2%) cases of isolated anastomotic recurrence, and 11/41 (26.8%) cases of anastomotic recurrence with a SIL. A significant lower prevalence of stricturing recurrence was observed in patients with stapled side-to-side anastomoses (p = 0.033).


CTe-WE provides a good distension of both sides of ileocolic anastomoses allowing the detection of SILs.  相似文献   

Purpose: To evaluate the efficacy of breathhold MRI following enteroclysis with addition of oral magnetic particles to study the extension, detection of stenoses and extraluminal manifestations in Crohn's disease. Material and Methods: 18 patients with Crohn's disease and potential of surgical intervention were studied with enteroclysis with addition of oral magnetic particles. T1-/T2-weighted breathhold MRI w/o spectral fat suppression w/o i. v. Gd-DTPA was applied. Results: Typical findings were marked bowel wall thickening with strong contrast enhancement. 95.8 % of affected small bowel segments and 94.7 % of stenoses were correctly detected by MRI. All four fistulas were detected and important extraluminal findings were seen in 6/18 patients. Additionally, one ileoileal and two ileosigmoidal adhesions, two extraluminal abscesses and affection of the right ureter were delineated. Conclusion: MRI in Crohn's disease offers the potential to avoid radiation exposure in this relatively young patient group. Important additional findings relevant to indication of surgery are seen in approximately one third of cases. The replacement of transduodenal intubation by oral contrast application remains to be further studied.   相似文献   

The aim of the study was to evaluate the additional findings of MRI following small bowel enteroclysis and to compare the efficacy of negative and positive intraluminal contrast agents. Fifty patients with inflammatory or tumorous small bowel disease were investigated by small bowel enteroclysis and consecutive MRI using breathhold protocol (T1-weighted fast low-angle shot, T2-weighted turbo spin echo). Patients were randomly assigned to either receiving a positive oral (Magnevist, Schering, Berlin, Germany) or a negative oral MR contrast media (Abdoscan, Nycomed, Oslo, Norway). The pattern of contrast distribution, the contrast effect, presence of artifacts, as well as bowel wall and extraluminal changes, were determined and compared between the contrast type using Fischer's exact test. Sensitivity, specificity, and diagnostic accuracy for MRI and enteroclysis were calculated. Twenty-seven patients had clinically proven Crohn's disease and two patients surgically proven small bowel tumours. Magnetic resonance imaging had important additional findings as abscesses and fistulae in 20 patients. Surgically compared sensitivities were 100 and 0 % for MRI and enteroclysis, for the detection of abscesses, and 83.3 and 17 % for the diagnosis of fistulae, respectively. Bowel wall thickening was more reliably detected with use of positive oral contrast media without intravenous enhancement (p < 0.001), whereas postcontrast negative oral contrast media allow for a superior detection (p < 0.001). T2-weighted sequences were necessary with use of negative oral contrast media, because loop abscesses may be masked. Magnetic resonance imaging should be performed in all patients with suspicion of extraintestinal complications, because the complications are more reliably detected by MRI. Negative oral contrast media show advantages with the use of intravenous contrast but can mask loop abscesses using only T1-weighted imaging. Received: 5 March 1999; Revised: 21 September 1999; Accepted: 3 February 2000  相似文献   



To determine the difference in radiation dose between non-enhanced (NECT) and contrast-enhanced (CECT) chest CT examinations contributed by contrast material with different scanner generations with automatic exposure control (AEC).

Methods & materials

Each 42 adult patients received a NECT and CECT of the chest in one session on a 16-, 64- or 128-slice CT scanner with the same scan protocol settings. However, AEC technology (Care Dose 4D, Siemens) underwent upgrades in each of the three scanner generations. DLP, CTDIvol and image noise were compared.


Although absolute differences in image noise were very small and ranged between 10 and 13 HU for NECT and CECT in median, the differences in image noise and dose (DLP: 16-slice:+2.8%; 64-slice:+3.9%; 128-slice:+5.6%) between NECT and CECT were statistically significant in all groups. Image noise and dose parameters were significantly lower in the most recent 128-slice CT generation for both NECT and CECT (DLP: 16-slice:+35.5-39.2%; 64-slice:+6.8-8.5%).


The presence of contrast material lead to an increase in dose for chest examinations in three CT generations with AEC. Although image noise values were significantly higher for CECT, the absolute differences were in a range of 3 HU. This can be regarded as negligible, thus indicating that AEC is able to fulfill its purpose of maintaining image quality. However, technological developments lead to a significant reduction of dose and image noise with the latest CT generation.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To evaluate the feasibility of blood pool contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) to visualize the arterial and venous vessel tree and to detect deep venous thrombosis (DVT) of the lower extremities. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Nine consecutive patients with pulmonary embolism (mean age = 46 +/- 9) were randomized to various doses of NC100150 (between 0.75 and 6 mg of Fe/kg of body weight). A T1-weighted (T1W) 3D gradient recalled echo (GRE) sequence (TE = 2.0 msec, TR = 5.0 msec) was used. Two observers blinded to the dose of contrast agent assessed image quality, contrast attenuation, and appearance of thrombi. RESULTS: Qualitative assessment of overall MRA image quality and semiquantitative vessel scoring revealed good to excellent delineation of venous and arterial vessel segments independent of the dose of NC100150. However, quantitative region of interest analysis revealed a significantly higher signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in the high-dose group than in the mid- and low-dose groups of NC100150 (P < 0.01). Between dose groups, the SNR was independent of vessel type (artery or vein) and vessel segment localization (proximal or distal). All seven venous thrombi (mean length = 7.2 +/- 0.95 cm) were characterized by a very low signal intensity (SI), which was only 16.6 +/- 7% of the SI in adjacent venous segments (P < 0.0001). CONCLUSION: High-quality MR angiograms of the lower extremities can be obtained using low concentrations of NC100150 in combination with a strong T1W 3D GRE sequence. The obvious delineation of venous thrombi suggests that this technique may be potentially used as a noninvasive "one-stop shopping" tool in the evaluation of thromboembolic disease.  相似文献   

Our objective was to evaluate the impact of multislice CT (MSCT) on image quality and diagnostic value of spiral CT angiograms. Over an 8-month period (January 2000 to August 2000), 134 consecutive patients, including 55 patients with underlying lung disease, underwent MSCT (group 1). Image quality and diagnostic results of CT angiograms were compared with those obtained in 125 consecutive patients, including 58 patients with underlying lung disease, evaluated with thin-collimation single slice CT (SSCT; group 2) over a similar period of time (January 1999 to August 1999). A 3-month clinical follow-up was systematically obtained in all patients who were not anticoagulated in the two groups. For a significantly longer mean z-axis coverage, the mean duration of data acquisition was significantly shorter with MSCT. The frequency of examinations devoid of motion artifacts was significantly higher in group 1 than in group 2. In the absence of significant difference in the quality of vascular enhancement, mainly coded as good or excellent, the proportion of examinations interpretable down to the subsegmental arteries was higher in group 1 (57.5%) than in group 2 (13%) ( p<0.0001). The benefits of MSCT were more marked for patients with underlying respiratory disease and did not lead to a higher detection rate of peripheral pulmonary embolism. The negative predictive values of single-slice and multislice CT were 100 and 99%, respectively. Improvement in image quality on MSCT scans accounts for the improved diagnostic accuracy of CT angiography, in particular for patients with impaired respiratory function.  相似文献   

This study was an initial phase II trial in humans of molecular magnetic resonance (MR) imaging for improved visualization of thrombi in vessel territories potentially responsible for stroke using a new fibrin-specific contrast agent (EP-2104R). Eleven patients with thrombus in the left ventricle (n = 2), left or right atrium (n = 4), thoracic aorta (n = 4) or carotid artery (n = 1) as verified by an index examination (ultrasound, computed tomograpy, or conventional MR) were enrolled. All MR imaging was performed on 1.5 T whole-body MR-system using an inversion-recovery black-blood gradient-echo sequence. The same sequence was performed before and 2-6 h after low-dose intravenous administration of 4 mumol/kg EP-2104R. Two investigators assessed image quality and signal amplification. Furthermore, contrast-to-noise ratios (CNR) between the clot and the blood pool/surrounding soft tissue before and after administration of the contrast agent were compared using Student's t-test. MR imaging and data analysis were successfully completed in 10 patients. No major adverse effects occurred. On enhanced images, thrombi demonstrated high signal amplification, typically at the clot surface, with a significantly increased contrast in comparison to the surrounding blood pool and soft tissue (CNR for clot vs. blood pool, unenhanced and enhanced: 6 +/- 8 and 29 +/- 14; CNR for clot vs. soft tissue, unenhanced and enhanced: 0 +/- 4 and 21 +/- 13; P < 0.01 for both comparisons). EP-2104R allows for molecular MR imaging of thrombi potentially responsible for stroke. High contrast between thrombus and surrounding blood and soft tissues can be achieved with enhanced imaging.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: First, to apply a breath-hold multislice 2D spiral magnetic resonance (MR) approach in patients acquiring within 16 heartbeats (acquisition window, 116 msec) a 10-mm-thick stack of four slices (resolution, 1.3 x 1.3 mm(2)); and second, to evaluate the effect of an intravascular Fe-based contrast medium (CM) on a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and a contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR). MATERIALS AND METHODS: In each patient one or two coronary arteries were imaged prior to and following cumulative doses of 0.25, 0.5, and 0.75 mg of Fe/kg of body weight (bw) of an intravascular CM (CLARISCAN trade mark, Nycomed-Amersham, Princeton, NJ, USA) containing ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide (USPIO) particles. RESULTS: On precontrast maximum intensity projection (MIP) images generated from the stack of slices, 10 and 11 stenoses of 12 stenoses confirmed by coronary angiography were detected by readers 1 and 2, respectively. SNR and CNR in the coronary arteries peaked at 0.50 mg of Fe/kg of bw, yielding a slight increase of 15.5% and 18.4%, respectively (P < 0.05 vs. precontrast), which did not improve detection of coronary artery stenoses. CONCLUSION: The presented multislice spiral approach allows display of coronary anatomy in MIP formats for convenient display of coronary stenoses. The pulse sequence did not benefit from an intravascular USPIO-based CM, since little improvement in SNR and CNR was achieved.  相似文献   

We describe the CT and MRI features of a case of Castleman disease which was unusual by both its retroperitoneal location and its association with paraneoplastic pemphigus. Received: 9 July 1998; Revision received: 16 November 1998; Accepted: 12 January 1999  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To evaluate the effect of pulmonary disease on diagnostic utility of spiral computed tomographic (CT) angiography in clinical practice. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Three hundred thirty-four patients, including 215 patients with pulmonary disease (group 1) and 119 patients with no history of respiratory disorder (group 2), were referred for thin-collimation CT angiography of the pulmonary circulation as the first-line diagnostic test. Patients with negative angiograms who had not received anticoagulation therapy and who could be clinically followed up at 3 months, 6 months, and 1 year were considered in the final study groups (n = 185); 135 patients had lung disease (group 3), and 50 patients had no history of a respiratory disorder (group 4). RESULTS: Between groups 3 and 4, no significant differences were found in the referral location, age, and risk factors. Confident evaluation of pulmonary arteries down to the subsegmental level was performed in 31 (23%) patients in group 3 and in 15 (30%) in group 4 (P =.5). Three episodes of acute pulmonary embolism (PE), all fatal, were diagnosed in group 3 patients; two cases occurred 14 days and one case occurred 6 months after the negative spiral CT scan. The negative predictive value of spiral CT angiography was 98% (175 of 178) in the study group in which follow-up was performed, with no significant difference between the values in groups 3 (98% [132 of 135]) and 4 (100% [50 of 50]). CONCLUSION: Underlying respiratory disease does not affect the negative predictive value of thin-collimation CT angiography, which appears to be a reliable tool in the work-up in this subgroup of patients with acute PE.  相似文献   



To evaluate the feasibility of 3D perfusion CT for predicting early treatment response in patients with liver metastasis from colorectal cancer.


Seventeen patients with colon cancer and liver metastasis were prospectively enroled to undergo perfusion CT and 18F-FDG-PET/CT before and after one-cycle of chemotherapy. Two radiologists and three nuclear medicine physicians measured various perfusion CT and PET/CT parameters, respectively from the largest hepatic metastasis. Baseline values and reduction rates of the parameters were compared between responders and nonresponders. Spearman correlation test was used to correlate perfusion CT and PET/CT parameters, using RECIST criteria as reference standard.


Nine patients responded to treatment, eight patients were nonresponders. Baseline SUVmean30 on PET/CT, reduction rates of 30% metabolic volume and 30% lesion glycolysis (LG30) on PET/CT and blood flow (BF) and flow extraction product (FEP) on perfusion CT after chemotherapy were significantly different between responders and nonresponders (P = 0.008–0.046). Reduction rates of BF (correlation coefficient = 0.630) and FEP (correlation coefficient = 0.578) significantly correlated with that of LG30 on PET/CT (P < 0.05).


CT perfusion parameters including BF and FEP may be used as early predictors of tumor response in patients with liver metastasis from colorectal cancer.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Myocardial perfusion single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) occasionally fails to detect coronary stenosis in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD). We evaluated coronary flow reserve (CFR) using oxygen 15-labeled water in areas with and without ischemia on technetium 99m tetrofosmin stress perfusion SPECT in patients with angiographically documented CAD. METHODS AND RESULTS: Twenty-seven patients with CAD and eleven age-matched normal subjects were studied. Baseline myocardial blood flow (MBF) and MBF during hyperemia induced by intravenous adenosine triphosphate infusion (0.16 mg. kg(-1). min(-1)) were determined with the use of O-15-labeled water positron emission tomography, and the CFR was calculated. Tc-99m tetrofosmin stress/rest SPECT was performed for comparison. On the basis of the results of coronary angiography and SPECT, coronary segments were divided into 3 types: segments with coronary stenosis and a perfusion abnormality on stress SPECT imaging (group A, n = 16), segments with coronary stenosis without a perfusion abnormality (group B, n = 42), and remote segments with no coronary stenosis or perfusion abnormality (group C, n = 18). Baseline MBF values were similar among the 3 groups. CFR in group A was lower (1.82 +/- 0.54) than in group B (2.22 +/- 0.87, P <.05), in group C (2.92 +/- 1.21, P <.01), and in normal segments (3.86 +/- 1.24, P <.001). CFR in group B was lower than in group C (P <.02) and in normal segments (P <.001). CFR in group C was lower than in normal segments (P <.02). CONCLUSIONS: Areas with a perfusion abnormality on stress SPECT had reduced CFR. In the areas without a perfusion abnormality and with coronary stenosis, lowering of CFR was intermediate between the areas with a perfusion abnormality and remote segments. Moreover, CFR was slightly, but significantly, lower in remote segments in patients with CAD compared with normal segments.  相似文献   

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