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拟行经导管主动脉瓣置换术(TAVR)的患者具有高龄、合并疾病多及虚弱等复杂的临床特点,严重影响其预后。心脏康复可改善患者的生活质量,因此,开展适用于TAVR患者这一特殊群体的序贯综合心脏康复模式十分必要。基于此,现从TAVR的发展历程、TAVR患者复杂的临床特点以及序贯综合心脏康复模式的应用价值等方面阐述其必要性,为该模式的临床推广提供理论依据。  相似文献   

<正>心脏瓣膜病是临床非常常见的一类心血管疾病,常导致心力衰竭、心律失常、晕厥、甚至猝死,其发病、病因、诊治在发达国家和发展中国家有所不同。随着人口老龄化,瓣膜病的发病逐渐增加,构成比发生变化,老年瓣膜病在发病、治疗策略选择和康复上有其独自特点,再加上近年来新技术和器械的研发和创新,因此成为全世界关注的研究热点。1老年瓣膜病的流行病学美国人群调查研究结果显示,中度以上瓣膜病发病率为2.5%(经标化年龄和性别后),随着年龄的  相似文献   

主动脉瓣狭窄(AS)是常见的瓣膜性心脏病,随着老龄化进程加快,AS严重威胁我国居民的健康。大规模临床研究证实,经导管主动脉瓣置换术(TAVR)已成为外科手术高危、中危甚至低危AS患者的重要治疗手段。2021年欧洲心脏病学会(ESC)瓣膜性心脏病管理指南中TAVR和外科主动脉瓣置换术(SAVR)均为Ⅰ类推荐,将TAVR提到了与SAVR同等重要的地位。然而,由于TAVR术后患者衰弱、多种合并症等原因,术后体力活动水平仍较低,生活质量严重下降。心脏康复(CR)为心血管疾病患者提供全面、多学科的康复方案,目前各国指南均将CR列为心血管疾病防治的Ⅰ类推荐。研究表明CR为TAVR术后患者带来了一系列临床获益。本文旨在对目前国内外TAVR术后患者CR研究中的CR方案、临床获益证据和国内外相关临床指南或专家共识做一综述。  相似文献   

目的在国内首次将老年综合评估用于心脏康复及老年瓣膜病评估中,探讨老年综合评估在经导管主动脉瓣置换术(TAVR)患者心脏康复中的应用价值。方法应用老年综合评估指标初次评估43例拟行TAVR的患者,老年综合评估包括一般情况、认知功能、营养状态、活动能力、精神心理问题、虚弱程度、中医症状评分、左手及右手握力和5m步行试验。患者完成第1次老年综合评估后,即启动心脏康复,包括术前预康复、术后住院期间及出院后康复指导,并采用中西医结合方法。心脏康复治疗后1个月常规随访,比较心脏康复前后各指标差异。结果43例患者中,简易智能状态检查量表(MMSE)评分(25.44±2.26)分,轻度及以上认知功能障碍占60.47%;老年人微型营养评定量表评分(22.49±3.54)分,存在营养不良风险或营养不良占62.79%;Barthel指数评分(84.65±14.24)分,存在日常生活活动能力异常占93.02%;虚弱程度评分(2.89±0.99)分,明显虚弱占76.74%。33例患者心脏康复中,治疗后存在营养不良风险比例显著低于治疗前(24.2%vs 60.6%,P=0.006);虚弱程度评分[(1.50±0.97)分vs (3.17±1.00)分,P=0.000]和明显虚弱比例降低(33.3%vs 72.7%,P=0.003)。患者心脏康复治疗后较治疗前MMSE评分和握力增加,焦虑抑郁量表-焦虑分量表评分降低,差异虽无统计学意义(P0.05),但各项均有不同程度改善。结论老年综合评估可作为TAVR患者心脏康复的指导依据,以提高活动能力、调节情绪、预防患者认知功能下降,改善虚弱程度,并可作为心脏康复的效果评价指标。  相似文献   

目的首次应用6min步行试验(6MWT)在经导管主动脉瓣置换术(TAVR)患者出院早期居家心脏康复中的指导价值。方法选择2019年1~4月阜外医院行TAVR的重度主动脉瓣狭窄或主动脉瓣反流患者36例,其中出院前行6MWT患者23例,2min步行试验患者2例,记录步行距离、试验前后血压、心率、血氧饱和度,步行过程中心电图变化及患者症状,以此为依据制定居家康复处方,指导患者出院后康复训练,1个月随访患者实际训练情况,比较分析改善情况。结果 23例患者6MWT过程中,未发生严重心律失常、急性心肌梗死、心力衰竭急性加重等事件。TAVR后1个月6MWT患者步行距离、试验前舒张压和试验后舒张压明显高于TAVR后6MWT患者[(344.05±81.49)mvs (276.87±83.69)m,P=0.001;(69.00±12.97)mm Hg(1mm Hg=0.133kPa)vs (65.32±7.96)mm Hg,P=0.039;(75.00±18.91)mm Hg vs (68.95±8.34)mm Hg,P=0.021]。结论 6MWT可作为TAVR患者早期居家运动康复处方制定的指导依据,以及居家运动康复效果的评价指标。  相似文献   

经导管主动脉瓣置换术(TAVR)已成为国内外指南推荐治疗老年主动脉瓣狭窄(AS)的一线治疗方案,也适用于AS合并不同严重程度主动脉瓣反流的患者,但在单纯主动脉瓣反流(PAR)中却不做常规推荐,传统外科主动脉瓣置换术仍然是治疗PAR的金标准。外科手术禁忌或高危PAR患者,常放弃外科手术治疗,选择保守治疗,而后者的死亡率更高。经股动脉TAVR(TF-TAVR)为其提供了一种替代治疗方案,尽管仍面临手术技术要求高、缺乏针对PAR的瓣膜系统和术后长期随访数据等挑战,但随着TAVR技术经验积累、新一代瓣膜系统的发展及长期随访数据的反馈,TF-TAVR治疗PAR逐渐被证实是一种安全、可行的外科手术替代治疗方式,本文对TF-TAVR治疗PAR实施要点、临床研究现状以及未来的发展进行综述。  相似文献   

目的:总结经导管主动脉瓣置换术(TAVR)治疗重度主动脉瓣狭窄(AS)的初步临床经验。方法:纳入2018年10月-2019年10月于我院接受TAVR治疗的重度AS患者21例,分析其临床资料、手术效果及并发症情况。结果:患者平均年龄(73.71±8.91)岁,男9例,女12例。手术成功率为100%,术后即刻主动脉瓣跨瓣压差较术前明显下降[(7.71±5.32) mmHg∶(100.19±30.13) mmHg,1 mmHg=0.133 kPa,P<0.01]。术中联合ECMO支持1例,联合经导管二尖瓣球囊扩张1例,联合经皮冠状动脉支架植入术(PCI)1例,瓣中瓣植入2例。术后消化道出血1例,永久性起搏器植入2例,发热2例,急性脑梗死1例,轻度瓣周漏11例,股动脉穿刺点处假性动脉瘤1例,临时起搏器置入处皮下血肿1例,死亡1例。术后30 d患者症状及心脏超声指标均改善。结论:TAVR治疗外科手术禁忌或高危重度主动脉瓣狭窄相对安全、有效。  相似文献   

自2017年欧洲心脏病学会/欧洲心胸外科协会关于心脏瓣膜病的管理指南发布以来,大量新的临床证据被积累.这些新证据使欧洲心脏病学会/欧洲心胸外科协会需要更新瓣膜病的管理指南.本文从经导管主动脉瓣置换术角度,解读2021年新指南所作出的更新.  相似文献   

目前经导管主动脉瓣置换术(TAVR)的运用已经从外科主动脉瓣置换术风险极高危或高危患者发展至中低危患者。随着TAVR运用的拓展,其相关并发症引起越来越广泛的关注。本文将对TAVR的并发症做一综述。  相似文献   

目的分析高危主动脉瓣重度狭窄患者经颈动脉途径行经导管主动脉瓣置换术(TAVR)治疗的安全性和有效性。方法选择2017年9月~2019年2月于北京阜外医院、空军军医大学西京医院、南昌大学第二附属医院、大连医科大学第一附属医院、北京医院经颈动脉途径TAVR的症状性重度主动脉瓣疾病患者21例,男性13例,年龄58~91(72.8±8.5)岁。对入选患者临床资料、手术方法及效果进行回顾性分析。结果 21例患者中,12例接受全麻手术,9例在局麻下完成手术。20例患者经右颈动脉途径TAVR,1例经左颈动脉行TAVR治疗。置入Venus A瓣膜20例,VitaFlowⅡ瓣膜1例。其中1例患者出现颈动脉血肿,经局部处理后,血肿吸收好转,其余患者手术过程顺利。21例患者均完成术后随访,其中2例患者出现Ⅲ度房室传导阻滞,行永久起搏器置入术。患者术后随访(30±7)d,均未发生短暂性脑缺血发作、脑卒中、血管并发症、心肌梗死、瓣周漏等不良事件。术后超声心动图显示,未见中量及以上反流;且术后1个月LVEF较术前明显改善[(61.44±6.48)%vs (51.90±13.17)%,P0.05];术后1周和术后1个月平均跨瓣压差较术前明显下降[(14.90±8.03)mm Hg(1mm Hg=0.133kPa)vs (59.48±22.43)mm Hg,P0.01;(13.11±8.45)mm Hg vs (59.48±22.43)mm Hg,P0.01]。结论对不适合行股动脉入路的患者以及主动脉瓣病变复杂,尤其是严重钙化、二叶式主动脉瓣患者、既往曾行二尖瓣瓣膜置换术的症状性重度主动脉瓣狭窄患者,实施经颈动脉途径TAVR安全有效。  相似文献   

  • When TAVR is performed with transfemoral percutaneous approach, local anesthesia, no routine post‐procedural intensive care admission, an early discharge (<3 days) can be adopted in most TAVR patients
  • Avoiding peri‐procedural complications and minimizing pace‐maker implantation rate are key to allow early patient discharge
  • When properly selected, patients discharged early have low discharge have low risk of adverse events and readmissions in the first 30 days



Our purpose was to examine the feasibility of implementing an ambulatory surveillance system for monitoring patients referred to cardiac rehabilitation following cardiac hospitalizations.


This study consists of 1208 consecutive referrals to cardiac rehabilitation between October 2007 and April 2008. Patient attendance at cardiac rehabilitation, waiting times for cardiac rehabilitation, and adverse events while waiting for cardiac rehabilitation were tracked by telephone surveillance by a nurse.


Among the 1208 consecutive patients referred, only 44.7% attended cardiac rehabilitation; 36.4% of referred patients were known not to have attended any cardiac rehabilitation, while an additional 18.9% of referred patients were lost to follow-up. Among the 456 referred patients who attended the cardiac rehabilitation program, 19 (4.2%) experienced an adverse event while in the queue (13 of which were for cardiovascular hospitalizations with no deaths), with mean waiting times of 20 days and 24 days among those without and with adverse events, respectively. Among the 440 referred patients who were known not to have attended any cardiac rehabilitation program, 114 (25.9%) had adverse clinical events while in the queue; 46 of these events required cardiac hospitalization and 8 patients died.


Ambulatory surveillance for cardiac rehabilitation referrals is feasible. The high adverse event rates in the queue, particularly among patients who are referred but who do not attend cardiac rehabilitation programs, underscores the importance of ambulatory referral surveillance systems for cardiac rehabilitation following cardiac hospitalizations.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe beneficial effects of pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) for patients with idiopathic pleuroparenchymal fibroelastosis (IPPFE) remain unknown. This study aimed to examine the efficacy, feasibility, and safety of PR for IPPFE.MethodsWe retrospectively investigated 25 patients with IPPFE referred for PR between April 2007 and March 2017. The PR mainly consisted of a 10-week exercise training program. The primary outcome was a change in 6-min walk distance (6MWD). Secondary outcomes included changes in dyspnea (transition dyspnea index [TDI]), anxiety and depression (hospital anxiety and depression scale [HADS]), and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) (St George's respiratory questionnaire [SGRQ]).ResultsThirteen patients participated in the PR program (PRP). Recurrent pneumothorax was the most common reason for patients not participating in the PRP. Four patients discontinued the PRP due to the recurrence of pneumothorax, new onset of pneumomediastinum, stroke, and another reason, respectively. Nine patients completed the PRP. Significant improvement was observed in 6MWD (median [interquartile range], 90 m [55–116 m]; P = 0.033). Clinically important improvements in the 6MWD, and TDI, HADS-anxiety, HADS-depression, and SGRQ total domain scores were observed in seven (78%), five (56%), four (44%), four (44%), and five (56%) of the nine patients, respectively.ConclusionsPatients with IPPFE benefited from PR in terms of exercise capacity, dyspnea, anxiety, depression, and HRQoL. Pneumothorax and pneumomediastinum may impede the implementation of a PRP for patients with IPPFE. While careful patient selection is required, PR may be an efficacious non-pharmacological approach for managing disabilities in patients with IPPFE.  相似文献   

The long-term outcome of different methods of post-MI care hasbeen studied in two non-selected groups of MI patients: an interventiongroup (n = 147), participating in a cardiac rehabilitation (CR)programme, was compared to a reference group receiving standardcare (n = 158). The CR programme included a post-MI clinic,physical training, information on smoking and diet, and psychologicalsupport. After 5 years there was no difference in mortality (29.3 vs31.6%), but the recurrence rate of non-fatal MI (17.3 vs 33.3%P <0.05) and of total cardiac events (39.5 vs 53.2%, P <0.05) was lower in the intervention gro up, and more patientswere still at work (51.8 vs 27.4% P < 0.01). After 10 years there was a reduction in total (42.2 vs 57.6%P < 0.001) and cardiac mortality (36.7 vs 48.1% P < 0.001).Fewer patients in the intervention group suffered from non-fatalreinfarction (28.6 vs 39.9%, P < 0.001). Among those patientswho had not yet reached the age of retirement more patientshad resumed employment (58.6 vs 22.0% P < 0.05). We conclude, that the secondary preventive effect of the programmehas contributed to the higher rate of survival.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Smoking cessation is a priority for patients with cardiovascular disease (CVD). Smoking correlates and predictors were studied after CVD events in outpatient cardiac rehabilitation (OCR) with the aim of characterizing CVD patients at high risk for continued smoking. METHODS: Subjects hospitalized during 1996-2002 for CVD events were referred to OCR. Smoking prevalence was compared among OCR and non-OCR patients. Age, sex, body mass index, and working status (independent variables) were analyzed univariately among OCR and non-OCR smoking groups. Lipoproteins, CVD events, and health self-confidence (independent variables) were compared among OCR smoking groups. Multivariate analysis of OCR smoking groups was performed to elicit potential smoking predictors. RESULTS: Among the 472 OCR and 152 non-OCR patients, non-OCR status (30.5% vs 13.6%, P<.0002) and age younger than 55 years (P<.0002) correlated with current smoking. Male sex (19.4% vs 13%; P=.06) approached significant risk. For OCR patients, younger age (odds ratio [OR], 0.95; P=.003) and angina (OR, 13.7; P=.03), most strongly predicted current smoking. Among all the patients, more current smokers (37%) than former smokers (16.5%) returned to work (P=.0004). More current smokers (6.5%) were disabled than former smokers (1.4%) and never smokers (2.4%) (P<.0002). In the OCR group, the never smokers mean body mass index was the lowest (27.8 vs 29.1 for former smokers and 30.1 for current smokers (P< or =.006). Current smokers had the highest triglycerides and perceived that cardiac health did not significantly improve with OCR. CONCLUSIONS: Smoking with CVD was higher among non-OCR patients, those younger than 55 years, and those with angina. Current smoking status correlated with high triglycerides, poor health self-confidence, and more disability. Outpatient cardiac rehabilitation programs can identify patients at high risk for continued smoking on the basis of these characteristics and should consider new strategies to encourage their participation in smoking cessation and rehabilitation.  相似文献   

Plasma catecholamine concentrations were estimated in a group of 17 fasting patients immediately before and 3 days after cardiac catheterisation. At both times electrocardiograms were recorded and blood pressures, heart rates, and respiration rates measured. Control catecholamine values were established in a group of 10 male and 10 female volunteers, bled at the same time of day under the same conditions of nutrition and posture. Levels of adrenaline and noradrenaline were increased substantially before catheterisation; 3 days later, the values were comparable to those of the control group, though still marginally higher. The increments in catecholamine levels were independent of sex and of the presence or otherwise of persistent supraventricular arrhythmias. In spite of the considerably raised catecholamine levels, electrocardiographic patterns remained unchanged, as did the other physiological values. The absence of any relation between enhanced catecholamine secretion and physiological effects is considered to be the result either of enhanced parasympathetic activity or of adaptation to a prolonged period of stress.  相似文献   

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