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This article explores factors that influence a nurse's choice between working in a rural and an urban area. Understanding how nurses make the choice of which type of environment is critical to addressing this shortage, especially in these hardest hit rural areas. A comprehensive literature review suggested a number of factors worthy of investigation. These factors were assessed through six focus groups and a survey. Results suggest that native geographic preferences dominate, but that value congruence, economics, work facilities and stress all play a significant role in the decision when choosing between an urban and rural work environment.  相似文献   

刘妙玲 《医疗设备信息》2008,23(1):114-114,107
本文介绍了一种一体化护理车的设计和应用。该护理车承载的抢救用品一应俱全,使医护人员在抢救病人时取用急救物品更方便、准确、快捷。  相似文献   

本文简述了对银屑病病人的中西医结合护理体会。重点提出了情志护理,辨证施护的具体实施方法。结果认为。经过认真观察,精心护理,及时调整,并持之以恒,可达到理想的治疗效果。  相似文献   

目的:探讨实施责任制整体护理工作模式的效果。方法:对病区20例护理人员按职称、学历、能力实行分层级管理,并按能力互补、经验互补原则平均分为2个责任小组,界定不同层级护士的岗位职责,落实责任制整体护理,即责任护士对分管的患者提供全面、全程的责任制护理措施,比较实施前后患者的满意度。结果:实施责任制整体护理工作模式后患者满意度较实施前明显提高,差异有统计学意义。结论:责任制整体护理工作模式是以整体护理理念,充分体现护理的价值观,增强了工作责任感,改善护患关系,可促进护理工作健康、有序地发展。  相似文献   

Abstract  By understanding the constructions of knowledge we currently label nursing theories as nursing ontologies, nurses can perceive these conceptualizations differently. Paul Ricoeur and Stephen White offer a conceptualization of ontology that differs from traditional, realist perspectives because they assume that a person's experience of a phenomenon (e.g., nursing) will change, but also maintain some stability. Discussing nursing ontologies, rather than nursing theories, might increase philosophy's status in nursing and may also more accurately reflect the experience of being a nurse.  相似文献   

根据未来战争的需求,我军机动卫勤力量呈多样化建设格局,野战综合手术队是我军机动性、专业性较强的卫勤力量之一,通常由联勤部队医院的外科手术医师和卫生员组成,执行加强保障任务.针对野战综合手术队卫生员担任护士岗位的实际,实行在任务医院在营训练护理技能的训练方法.强化培训内容,合理安排训练时间,使联勤部队卫生员快速适应综合手术队护士角色,为遂行使命任务提供保障.  相似文献   

提高两个满意度促进整体护理深入发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了提高病人对护理工作的满意度和护士对自己工作的满意度,促进整体护理深入发展,采用随机抽样的方法对浙江省24家三级医院、29家二级医院的整体、功能制护理病房的病人和护士进行了病人满意度、护士对自己工作满意度的调查。结果显示:二、三级医院病人满意度整体护理病房好于功能制护理病房,P<0.05。满意度调查还显示某些护理工作还不能满足病人的需求。无论二、三级医院,护士整体护理前后对自己工作满意度比较,整体护理后满意度显著提高,P<0.05,但心情舒畅方面不如整体护理前。  相似文献   

Abstract In this paper we suggest that it is a mistake to understand the current situation in nursing as primarily a problem of 'shortage', a problem which may be solved through supplying 'more nurses, faster'. This way of thinking is understood as reflecting an invalidation of nurses and nursing and, by fostering false beliefs about nursing, as functioning to exacerbate rather than resolve the current situation. Unlike many mainstream conceptualizations of the current situation in nursing, we begin by understanding the experiences and concerns of nurses as meaningful. Feminist and hermeneutic philosophies, as well as Foucauldian perspectives on discourse, encourage us to take seriously the gender relations of power through which nursing comes to be articulated and to cultivate ways of thinking which can generate more productive analyses of the current situation in nursing. Rather than accepting instrumental understandings of nursing as adequate, we question the everyday beliefs and assumptions, the dominant discourses at work both in the world and in ourselves, which allow the suffering of nurses to be thought irrelevant and their concerns to remain unheard. We theorize both why the suffering of nurses can be considered irrelevant in this way and the difference it would make were we to take the experiences of nurses seriously. This undertaking requires that we reflect on that which constrains – and enables – the ways we are able to write, speak and think about nursing.  相似文献   

目的:探讨社区综合护理模式对中山市农村孕妇知-信-行的改善效果。方法:选择2011年6月-2013年6月来本院产前检查的中山市农村户籍孕妇作为研究对象,将自愿参加综合护理干预的600名孕妇作为试验组,开展社区综合护理管理;另选取同时在本院产前检查不愿意参加试验的600名孕妇作为对照组,开展常规管理。对两组孕妇跟踪随访到产前1周,比较两组孕妇对孕产保健的相关知识、态度和行为的变化情况。结果:在管理前,两组孕产保健相关知识知晓情况均较低,其中产褥期保健知识、孕妇饮食和早产流产预防的知晓率最低,分别占18.0%、22.0%和23.4%。经社区综合护理管理后,试验组各项知晓率均高于85.0%,孕产保健相关态度和行为得到明显的改善,与管理前比较差异均有统计学意义(P〈0.05);对照组对部分孕产保健知识、态度和行为也有一定的改善,但试验组的干预效果明显优于对照组(P〈0.05)。结论:社区综合护理模式应用于农村孕妇管理效果满意,值得推广。  相似文献   

Minority status within any larger group is often difficult. Lesbian nurses face a dilemma of choice—whether or not to come out of the closet to their colleagues and patients. This essay describes the professional reflections of one lesbian nurse.  相似文献   

通过应用应激理论护理一例骨肉瘤患者,提示护理人员应高度重视应激源引起的生理、心理和行为反应,探索有效的护理措施。帮助患者采取积极的应对方式,减轻或消除应激事件带来的不适反应,促进健康的恢复。  相似文献   

This article examines practical workplace issues and recent developments related to collective bargaining in the nursing profession, with emphasis on issues affected by recent reforms in the healthcare industry. Included are examples of issues most salient to nurses in their efforts to organize, given the reforms. An overview of recent developments in the political, legal, and local areas is also provided.  相似文献   

This study examines a community saturation program, a social marketing strategy, promoting abstinence education and evaluates the effects of this strategy on adolescents' attitudes and sexual behaviors. The study also examines components of the strategy to determine which program element was most influential. The Worth the Wait program was implemented in five counties in Texas beginning in 1999 for the first county and in 2000 and 2001 for the other four counties. A total of 2007 students in grades 7 through 12 were tracked and answered an end-of-the-year post-program survey after varying time periods of school program participation. Results indicate that a saturation program can be effective in reducing teen pregnancy.  相似文献   

我国护理服务价格一直处于较低水平,难以真正体现护理人员的劳务价值.同样,其他综合医疗服务项目的价格也不尽合理,不利于医疗机构的经济运行和发展.文章基于对上述现象的分析提出调整综合服务项目收费价格的一些建议.  相似文献   

品牌营销策略对医院发展影响的思考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
我国正处于医疗卫生改革时期,城市中型公立综合医院如何定位与发展被社会所关注。医院创建自身特色的医疗服务品牌,制定营销策略,探索医院形象建设,是中型医院立足医疗服务市场的重要举措。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to provide evidence for strategic planning regarding e-health development in U.S. hospitals. A content analysis of a representative sample of the U.S. hospital Web sites has revealed how U.S. hospitals have taken advantage of the 21 patient-oriented interactive tools identified in this study. Significant gaps between various types of hospitals have also been found. It is concluded that although the majority of the U.S. hospitals have adopted traditional functional tools, they need to make significant inroad in implementing the core e-business tools to serve their patients/users, making their Web sites more efficient marketing tools.  相似文献   

(Nutr Diet 2005;62:158–160) In the present paper we argue that despite the potential impact of dietetic practice on public health, the use of professional dietetic services appears to be stagnant. To redress this position, dietitians may need to increase their use of marketing activities to promote the value of the profession. We discuss the different roles of the Dietitians Association of Australia and of individual members in marketing activities, provide an overview of the key components of a marketing plan and strategy, and outline specific steps that dietitians can take to actively promote their services. We argue that promotion of the dietetic profession may ultimately contribute to better health through nutrition for the Australian population.  相似文献   

目的 探讨医护一体化护理在老年瓣膜置换术患者中的应用效果.方法 选取2018年4月至2020年4月在我院行瓣膜置换术的老年心脏瓣膜病患者68例,随机分为两组各34例.对照组采用常规护理,实验组采用医护一体化护理,比较两组护理前后的生活质量及护理满意度.结果 护理后,两组的SF-36各维度评分均显著高于护理前,且实验组的...  相似文献   

目的探讨综合式学习方法在中职学校基础护理学教学中的应用效果。方法选取108名中专护生为研究对象,采取简单随机分组的方法将其分为实验组和对照组,每组54人。实验组在基础护理教学中采取综合式教学法,对照组采取传统的示教法。结果实验组理论考试成绩、综合技能成绩、学生对基础护理学教学与考试方法的评价均高于对照组,差异有统计学意义。结论综合式教学方法有利于提高学生的学习兴趣、思维能力、理论成绩和综合技能。  相似文献   

Young adults are a key target age group for lifestyle behaviour change as adoption of healthier behaviours has the potential to impact long term health. This paper arises from a multi-disciplinary research project, Communicating Health, which aims to bridge the gap between nutritionists, media, and social marketing professionals to produce the tools that may be used to improve engagement with young adults and reduce the prevalence of obesity. The aim of this paper is to provide nuanced details of the psycho-behavioral characteristics of each of these Living and Eating for Health Segments (LEHS). The design and validation of the LEHS employed a four-stage mixed methods design underpinned by the Integrated Model of Behaviour Change and incorporating sequential formative, qualitative, and quantitative phases. This paper defines the psycho-behavioural characteristics of six distinct market segments: Lifestyle Mavens, Aspirational Healthy Eaters, Balanced-all Rounders, the Health Conscious, those Contemplating Another Day, and the Blissfully Unconcerned. These psycho-behavioural characteristics are important to understand to help build our capability in designing campaigns that are specifically and purposefully targeting these different market segments of young adults. Social marketing practices can enhance the utility of nutrition and health messages to young adults in order to engage them in adopting positive lifestyle change. Tailoring health promotions to the perceived needs of sub-groups or segments of young adults should lead to increased engagement and uptake of messages and cost-efficient use of health promotion budgets.  相似文献   

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