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The majority of platelet alloantigens are located on platelet glycoproteins IIb/IIIa. This report describes a codominant allelic system carried on the glycoprotein Ia/IIa complex, which we originally designated as Zava/Zavb but which is identical to the Bra/Brb system. Furthermore Zava was found to be identical to Hca. The alloantigens could not be detected using a direct binding enzyme immunoassay (EIA) with intact platelets, but were readily detected using a glycoprotein capture EIA and by radioimmunoprecipitation techniques. The two index cases (designated as homozygous Zava and Zavb) had alloantibodies against the corresponding antigen and did not react with their own platelets. Using these alloantibodies and a monoclonal antibody that reacts with the platelet glycoprotein Ia/IIa complex (12F1), we demonstrated that all Ia/IIa molecules carry either Zava or Zavb and we found that Zava and Zavb are on discrete populations of Ia/IIa. Following immunodepletion using either anti-Zava or anti-Zavb, all detectable Ia/IIa complexes from the respective homozygous platelets were removed. Immunodepletion of heterozygous Zava/Zavb with either anti-Zava or anti-Zavb did not reduce the amount of Ia/IIa complexes precipitable using the alternate alloantiserum. Population studies (n = 50) indicated the phenotypic frequency of Zava/Zava is less than 1%; Zava/Zavb is 18% and Zavb/Zavb is 82%. Four different alloantisera that had either anti-Zava or anti-Zavb reactivity also carried reactivity against the Baka or Bakb antigens which may suggest an association in the immune response to these alleles.  相似文献   

Du  X; Beutler  L; Ruan  C; Castaldi  PA; Berndt  MC 《Blood》1987,69(5):1524-1527
Two new murine monoclonal antibodies, AK 1 and SZ 1, reactive with the human platelet glycoprotein (GP) Ib-IX complex have been produced by the hybridoma technique. Both AK 1 and SZ 1 immunoprecipitated the GP Ib-IX complex from Triton X-100-solubilized, periodate-labeled platelets. With trypsinized, labeled platelets, AK 1, SZ 1, and FMC 25 (epitope on GP IX) immunoprecipitated a membrane-bound proteolytic fragment of the GP Ib-IX complex consisting of GP IX and an congruent to 25,000 mol wt remnant of the alpha-chain of GP lb disulfide-linked to the beta-subunit. Unexpectedly, although AK 1 and SZ 1 immunoprecipitated purified GP Ib-IX complex, neither antibody immunoprecipitated the individual components of this complex, GP Ib or GP IX. When GP Ib and GP IX were recombined, however, AK 1 and SZ 1 again immunoprecipitated the reformed complex, strongly suggesting that both antibodies were recognizing an epitope present only on the intact complex. Cross-blocking studies indicated that AK 1 and SZ 1 recognized a very similar or identical epitope that was proximal to the epitope for FMC 25. Both AK 1 and SZ 1 bound to a similar number of binding sites (congruent to 25,000) on intact platelets as monoclonal antibodies directed against either GP lb or GP IX. The combined data suggests that GP lb and GP IX are fully complexed in the intact platelet membrane.  相似文献   

Lam  SC; Plow  EF; Ginsberg  MH 《Blood》1989,73(6):1513-1518
Platelet membrane GPIIb is comprised of a disulfide-linked heavy chain (GPIIb(H)) and light chain (GPIIb(L)). We have examined the role of the two chains of GPIIb in the maintenance of the GPIIb-IIIa heterodimer and Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD) peptide-binding function. Lysates of surface radioiodinated platelets were treated with 1% 2-mercaptoethanol for 18 hours at 4 degrees C. Reduction of the interchain disulfide in GPIIb was followed by immunoprecipitation with antipeptide antibodies specific for GPIIb(H) or GPIIb(L). In addition to the GPIIb-IIIa complex, a polypeptide of 120 Kd was precipitated by anti-GPIIb(H) and a polypeptide of 23 Kd was precipitated by anti-GPIIb(L) from reduced platelet lysates. To determine whether GPIIb(H) or GPIIb(L) remained complexed with GPIIIa, reduced platelet lysates were immunoprecipitated with AP3, a monoclonal anti-GPIIIa antibody, resulting in the coimmunoprecipitation of GPIIb(H) but not GPIIb(L). Conversely, the monoclonal anti-GPIIb(H) antibody PMI-1 immunoprecipitated GPIIIa with GPIIb(H). Thus GPIIb(H) maintains its association with GPIIIa. Furthermore, the GPIIb(H)-IIIa complex retains its reactivity with AP2, a monoclonal antibody (MoAb) specific for the nondissociated GPIIb-IIIa complex. Affinity chromatography of reduced platelet lysates on immobilized KYGRGDS resulted in binding and specific elution of the GPIIb(H)-IIIa complex. These findings indicate that GPIIb(H) contains sufficient information for maintenance of a complex with GPIIIa and support of the binding of the heterodimer to RGD peptides.  相似文献   

Asch  AS; Leung  LL; Polley  MJ; Nachman  RL 《Blood》1985,66(4):926-934
The distribution of platelet thrombospondin (TSP), fibrinogen, and glycoproteins IIb-IIIa (GPIIb-IIIa) and GPIb were studied in resting and activated human platelets using frozen thin-section immunoelectron microscopy. In resting platelets, TSP and fibrinogen were found within alpha granules and not on the platelet surface. In unstimulated platelets, GPIIb-IIIa and GPIb were distributed diffusely over the platelet membrane as well as within the body of the platelets. Upon thrombin or A23187 stimulation, TSP, fibrinogen, and GPIIb-IIIa colocalized on the platelet membrane and the canalicular system as well as on pseudopodia and between adherent platelets. GPIb distribution was unchanged by platelet activation. The findings support the hypothesis that a macromolecular complex of TSP-fibrinogen and GPIIb-IIIa forms on the activated platelet membrane.  相似文献   

Engagement of platelet membrane glycoprotein (GP) Ib-IX-V by von Willebrand factor triggers Ca(++)-dependent activation of alphaIIbbeta3, resulting in (patho)physiological thrombus formation. It is demonstrated here that the cytoplasmic domain of GPIb-IX-V associates with cytosolic calmodulin. First, an anti-GPIbalpha antibody coimmunoprecipitated GPIb-IX and calmodulin from platelet lysates. Following platelet stimulation, calmodulin dissociated from GPIb-IX and, like the GPIb-IX-associated proteins 14-3-3zeta and p85, redistributed to the activated cytoskeleton. Second, a synthetic peptide based on the cytoplasmic sequence of GPIbbeta, R149-L167 (single-letter amino acid codes), affinity-isolated calmodulin from platelet cytosol in the presence of Ca(++) as confirmed by comigration with bovine calmodulin on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels, by sequence analysis, and by immunoreactivity with the use of an anticalmodulin antibody. The membrane-proximal GPIbbeta sequence was analogous to a previously reported calmodulin-binding sequence in the leukocyte adhesion receptor, L-selectin. In addition, the cytoplasmic sequence of GPV, K529-G544, was analogous to a calmodulin-binding IQ motif within the alpha1c subunit of L-type Ca(++) channels. Calmodulin coimmunoprecipitated with GPV from resting platelet lysates, but was dissociated in stimulated platelets. A GPV-related synthetic peptide also bound calmodulin and induced a Ca(++)-dependent shift on nondenaturing gels. Together, these results suggest separate regions of GPIb-IX-V can directly bind calmodulin, and this novel interaction potentially regulates aspects of GPIb-IX-V-dependent platelet activation. (Blood. 2001;98:681-687)  相似文献   

The glycoprotein I complex, consisting of two polypeptides of Mr 210,000 and 150,000, was isolated from human platelet membranes by wheat germ lectin affinity chromatography. Glycocalicin, a soluble loosely bound membrane glycoprotein of Mr 150,000 related to the glycoprotein I system, was also purified. The isolated polypeptides were radioiodinated in sodium dodecyl sulfate/polyacrylamide gels and digested with trypsin, and the labeled peptide digest was analyzed by two-dimensional high-voltage electrophoresis and thin-layer chromatography. The two polypeptides of Mr 210,000 and 150,000 in the glycoprotein I complex had essentially identical radioactive peptide maps. Glycocalicin had a completely different tryptic peptide map. These studies shed light on the molecular relationships of some of the components of the platelet membrane glycoprotein I system. The possibility is raised that the receptorlike function of the intrinsic platelet membrane glycoproteins may be related to the polymeric subunit associations of the constituent polypeptides.  相似文献   

Endothelial cells express surface molecules that are involved in cell- matrix interaction, including the vitronectin receptor and the fibronectin receptor, both members of a family of cell adhesion receptors (integrins). Here we provide evidence that endothelial cells express a membrane molecule, indistinguishable from the platelet VLA-2 complex, which is a collagen receptor and a member of the integrin family. To identify this endothelial molecule, we have used a monoclonal antibody, CLB-10G11, which recognizes the VLA-2 complex from platelets. The molecule recognized by CLB-10G11 from endothelial cells was characterized as follows. (1) The monoclonal antibody precipitated two proteins from surface-labeled endothelial cells that corresponded to the platelet VLA-2 subunits (glycoprotein Ia and IIa) as judged by one-dimensional sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and two-dimensional nonreduced/reduced SDS- PAGE. (2) Preclearing of endothelial cells with monoclonal antibody A- 1A5, an antibody that is directed against the common VLA beta subunit, removed all the CLB-10G11-binding material. (3) Crossed immunoelectrophoresis revealed that CLB-10G11 recognizes a single precipitation arc from either platelets or endothelial cells. Analysis of these two cell types in one gel again revealed one precipitation arc. The antigen of either cell type, recognized by CLB-10G11 could be precipitated by either polyclonal antiplatelet or polyclonal antiendothelial cell antiserum. Hence, it appears that endothelial cells express at least three different surface molecules (the vitronectin receptor, the fibronectin receptor and a collagen receptor), which may play an important role in controlling the anchorage of endothelial cells to the extracellular matrix.  相似文献   

Sae-Tung  G; Dong  JF; Lopez  JA 《Blood》1996,87(4):1361-1367
To evaluate the biosynthetic basis for decreased glycoprotein (GP) Ib- IX expression resulting from GP IX mutations described in three siblings with Bernard-Soulier syndrome, we introduced each mutation into the cDNA for GP IX by site-directed mutagenesis (GP IX Asp21 --> Gly and GP IX Asn45 --> Ser) and examined the associations of the mutants with the two other subunits of the GP Ib-IX complex in transfected cells. Unlike wild-type GP IX, neither of the mutants was able to increase GP Ib expression on the cell surface, either when transfected into Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) alpha beta cells or when cotransfected with GP Ib alpha and GP Ib beta into wild-type CHO cells. We also evaluated whether cotransfecting wild-type or mutant GP IX with GP Ib beta would result in the appearance of GP IX on the surface of the transfected cells; the wild-type protein was detected on the surface of the cells, whereas neither mutant reached the cell surface in appreciable quantities. Immunofluorescence microscopy of permeabilized cells revealed that the failure to express mutant GP IX on the cell surface did not result from failure to synthesize the polypeptide. Both mutants were detected in intracellular compartments, albeit at lower levels than the wild-type polypeptide (the fluorescence of cells expressing the GP IX Asp21 --> Gly was consistently the lowest). Direct evidence that the mutants associate poorly with Gp Ib beta was obtained of 35S-labeled cells transiently expressing GP Ib beta and wild-type or mutant GP IX. The amount of GP IX coprecipitated with GP Ib beta was greatly diminished in cells expressing either mutant. These findings suggest an important role for the conserved leucine-rich motif of GP IX in the association of this polypeptide with GP Ib beta and provide further evidence for the importance of GP IX in the stability of the GP-Ib-IX complex.  相似文献   

We describe a new mutation in glycoprotein IX (GPIX) in a patient with Bernard-Soulier syndrome (BSS). Sequencing of GPIX revealed a homozygous (T-->C) transition at nucleotide 1717 (GenBank/HUMGPIX/M80478), resulting in a Cys(8) (TGT)-->Arg (CGT) replacement in the mature peptide. DNA restriction enzyme analysis using BsaAI revealed that the patient was homozygous and that his parents were heterozygous for the defect. This mutation disrupts a putative disulphide bond between the Cys(8) and Cys(12) that would alter the secondary structure of GPIX and which probably accounts for the absence of the GPIb/IX/V complex from the platelet surface in this patient.  相似文献   

Michelson  AD; Barnard  MR 《Blood》1987,70(5):1673-1678
Platelet membrane glycoprotein Ib (GPIb) and the GPIIb-IIIa complex have central roles in the interaction of platelets with the plasma coagulation system, damaged vessel walls, and other platelets. We investigated the effects of thrombin on these glycoproteins. Monoclonal antibodies were used to assess platelet surface glycoproteins by flow cytometry, total platelet glycoprotein content by immunoassay, and glycoproteins released from platelets, also by immunoassay. Five new observations were made with regard to thrombin-induced changes in platelet membrane glycoproteins: (a) The marked decrease in platelet surface binding of antibodies directed at GPIb was not confined to antibodies directed at the von Willebrand factor binding site. (b) There was a marked decrease in platelet surface binding of an antibody directed at GPIX, with maintenance of the 1:1 ratio of platelet surface binding of antibodies directed at GPIb and GPIX. (c) Changes in platelet surface binding of antibodies were not restricted to a distinct subpopulation of platelets. (d) There was no associated platelet release of glycocalicin (a proteolytic fragment of GPIb). (e) There was no associated platelet release of the GPIIb-IIIa complex. These thrombin-induced changes may be important in modulating the reactivity of platelets with the damaged vessel wall and with each other.  相似文献   

Shattil  SJ; Brass  LF; Bennett  JS; Pandhi  P 《Blood》1985,66(1):92-98
The platelet membrane glycoproteins, IIb and IIIa, form a Ca2+- dependent heterodimer complex that functions as the fibrinogen receptor in activated platelets to mediate platelet aggregation. Little is known about factors that affect the IIb-IIIa complex within the platelet membrane. It has been observed that platelets incubated with ethylene glycol tetra-acetic acid (EGTA) at 37 degrees C are unable to aggregate or to bind monoclonal antibodies specific for the IIb-IIIa complex. To determine whether this is due to a dissociation of IIb from IIIa, we developed a method for quantitating the complex on nondenaturing, polyacrylamide gradient gels. Platelets were surface-labeled with 125I and then solubilized and electrophoresed in 0.2% Triton and 10 mmol/L CHAPS. Under these conditions and in the presence of 1 mmol/L Ca2+, glycoproteins IIb and IIIa migrated on the gels as a discrete band at Rf = 0.33. Protein that was eluted from this band bound to an immunoaffinity column specific for the IIb-IIIa complex. In contrast, when the IIb-IIIa complex was solubilized and then dissociated with EGTA, the discrete band at Rf = 0.33 was no longer present, and IIb and IIIa were now found in a broad band at Rf = 0.45 to 0.50. To study IIb and IIIa within the surface membrane, the 125I-labeled platelets were first incubated with 0.5 mmol/L EGTA (1 nmol/L free Ca2+) at 22 degrees C and then solubilized in the absence of EGTA. The IIb and IIIa from these platelets migrated at Rf = 0.33, indicating the presence of the intact IIb-IIIa complex. In contrast, when the platelets were incubated at 37 degrees C for one hour with the EGTA, the discrete band at Rf = 0.33 representing the IIb-IIIa complex gradually disappeared. This phenomenon could not be reversed by adding Ca2+ back to the platelets before solubilization and electrophoresis. This loss of the IIb-IIIa complex from intact platelets was accompanied by (a) a progressive and irreversible decrease in adenosine diphosphate (ADP)-induced platelet aggregation and (b) decreased binding of a complex-dependent monoclonal antibody to the platelets. These studies demonstrate that when platelets are exposed to low Ca2+ at 37 degrees C, the IIb-IIIa heterodimer complexes in their surface membranes are irreversibly disrupted. Because intact IIb-IIIa complexes are required for platelet aggregation, the loss of these complexes may account for the failure of these platelets to aggregate in response to ADP.  相似文献   

The platelet membrane receptor for bovine von Willebrand factor, platelet aggregating factor, has been reported to be a property of a soluble glycoprotein, glycocalicin, that is loosely attached to the platelet surface and represents one of the major glycoproteins of the platelet glycocalyx. The studies reported here, however, demonstrate that fractions from human platelets containing glycocalicin have no bovine von Willebrand factor receptor activity. Instead, only fractions containing platelet membranes have receptor activity. By using a nonionic detergent, Brij 99, active receptor can be solubilized from the membrane. Some quantitation of the intact or solubilized receptor activity is possible because the aggregation curves produced by mixtures of various dilutions of membranes and a constant concentration of standard normal bovine plasma are linear when plotted against the logarithm of the concentration of receptor. The dose-response curve obtained with Brij 99-solubilized membranes is not parallel to that obtained with intact membranes. Lectin-specificity studies of the bovine von Willebrand factor receptor, soluble in Brij 99, demonstrate binding to a wheat germ agglutinin-Sepharose 4B affinity gel but little or no binding to similar affinity gels of concanavalin A or Lens culinaris lectin. By using wheat germ agglutinin-Sepharose 4B as a lectin affinity column, partial purification of the receptor is possible. Stability studies of the receptor in intact membranes show essentially no loss of activity for at least 6 days when membranes are stored at 4 degrees C in buffers containing 1 mM EDTA. One freezing and thawing cycle results in minimal loss of initial activity but the receptor activity of the thawed material is less stable over time than is fresh material. Repeated freezing and thawing destroys the activity and, once lost, it can not be recovered, even with detergents.  相似文献   

Pidard  D; Didry  D; Kunicki  TJ; Nurden  AT 《Blood》1986,67(3):604-611
In agreement with previous studies, we observed that incubation of washed human platelets with EDTA at 37 degrees C for short periods caused an irreversible loss of their aggregation response to adenosine diphosphate and markedly diminished their capacity to bind fibrinogen. AP-2 is a monoclonal antibody that reacts with a determinant specific to the glycoprotein (GP) IIb-IIIa complex. We now report that in a direct binding assay, the number of sites for AP-2 on platelets incubated with EDTA at 37 degrees C fell to approximately 30% of those present on control platelets. This effect of EDTA was not observed at room temperature. Analysis of the treated platelets by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed normal amounts of GP IIb and GP IIIa. However, studies using crossed immunoelectrophoresis with 125I-AP-2, 125I-Tab (anti-GP IIb), or 125I- AP-3 (anti-GP IIIa) in intermediate gels showed that at 37 degrees C, EDTA was inducing an irreversible change in GP IIb-IIIa complexes. A reduction in size and probable dissociation of the GP IIb-IIIa precipitate was accompanied by the appearance of precipitates having the characteristics of those given by free GP IIb and free GP IIIa and the location of a major new cathodal precipitate, which bound Tab and AP-3 but not AP-2. Membrane modifications associated with the loss of antigenic determinants on GP IIb-IIIa may explain EDTA-induced loss of platelet aggregability at 37 degrees C.  相似文献   

Ezumi Y  Kodama K  Uchiyama T  Takayama H 《Blood》2002,99(9):3250-3255
The platelet collagen receptor glycoprotein (GP) VI-Fc receptor gamma-chain (FcRgamma) complex transduces signals in an immunoreceptorlike manner. We examined a role for the Triton X-100-insoluble membrane rafts in GPVI-FcRgamma complex signaling. Methyl-beta-cyclodextrin (MbetaCD)-induced disruption of the membrane rafts inhibited not only platelet aggregation and secretion but also tyrosine phosphorylation of signaling molecules on stimulation through the GPVI-FcRgamma complex. The GPVI-FcRgamma complex was constitutively associated with membrane rafts wherein the Src family kinases and LAT were also present. Their association was not affected by the complex engagement but was highly sensitive to MbetaCD treatment. Thus, we provide the first evidence that the GPVI-FcRgamma complex is constitutively and functionally associated with membrane rafts.  相似文献   

When patients with von Willebrand's disease were given a single injection of desmopressin (0.4 microg/kg body weight), there was a considerable increase in platelet reactivity (from 0.95 +/- 0.19 to 1.44 +/- 0.42; p = 0.0033). On flow cytometry, increased glycoprotein Ib/IX expression in the platelets was found after the desmopressin injection; when phycoerythrin-marked anti-CD62 antibodies were used, the mean fluorescence rose from 428.9 +/- 56.6 to 440.7 +/- 51.4 (p = 0.0056), and from 425.9 +/- 55.0 to 437.4 +/- 53.9 (p = 0.0018) when phycoerythrin-marked anti-thrombospondin antibodies were used.Apart from the rise in the von Willebrand factor, this could explain the increased platelet reactivity. However, the surface expression of CD62, CD63 and thrombospondin on platelets did not change following the desmopressin injection.  相似文献   

Dong  JF; Hyun  W; Lopez  JA 《Blood》1995,86(11):4175-4183
The glycoprotein (GP) Ib-IX complex mediates platelet aggregation in response to high shear forces by binding von Willebrand factor (vWF) in the plasma. We investigated the possibility that the complex could mediate a similar phenomenon if expressed in nonhematopoietic cells. When agitated on a tabletop shaker, CHO and L cells expressing the full complex formed large aggregates in the presence of vWF and the modulator ristocetin. When the rate of agitation was increased, aggregation occurred without added ristocetin and appeared to require only the application of a physical force. The aggregation was homophilic and temperature-dependent and required a functional ligand- binding subunit of the GP Ib-IX complex, GP Ib alpha. Posttranslational tyrosine sulfation of GP Ib alpha was required for aggregate formation and stability. Thus, aggregation of cells expressing the GP Ib-IX complex is a unique example of a ligand-receptor interaction induced by mechanical forces and demonstrates an important biological role for sulfation of tyrosine residues.  相似文献   

Platelet adhesion and aggregation at sites of vascular injury are critically dependent on the interaction between von Willebrand factor (VWF) and 2 major platelet adhesion receptors, glycoprotein (GP) Ib/V/IX and integrin alpha(IIb)beta(3). GP Ib/V/IX binding to VWF mediates platelet tethering and translocation, whereas activation of integrin alpha(IIb)beta(3) promotes cell arrest. To date, the signaling pathways used by the VWF-GP Ib/V/IX interaction to promote activation of integrin alpha(IIb)beta(3), particularly under shear, have remained poorly defined. In this study, the potential involvement of type 1 phosphoinositide (PI) 3-kinases in this process was investigated. Results show that platelet adhesion and spreading on immobilized VWF results in a specific increase in the PI 3-kinase lipid product, PtdIns(3,4)P(2). Under static conditions, inhibiting PI 3-kinase with LY294002 or wortmannin did not prevent platelet adhesion, integrin alpha(IIb)beta(3) activation, or platelet spreading although it significantly delayed the onset of these events. In contrast, PI 3-kinase inhibition under shear dramatically reduced both platelet adhesion and spreading. Real-time analysis of intracellular calcium demonstrated that under static conditions inhibiting PI 3-kinase delayed the onset of intracellular fluxes in adherent platelets, but did not affect the final magnitude of the calcium response. However, under shear, inhibiting PI 3-kinase dramatically reduced intracellular calcium mobilization and integrin alpha(IIb)beta(3) activation, resulting in impaired thrombus growth. The studies demonstrate a shear-dependent role for PI 3-kinase in promoting platelet adhesion on immobilized VWF. Under static conditions, platelets appear to mobilize intracellular calcium through both PI 3-kinase-dependent and -independent mechanisms, whereas under shear PI 3-kinase is indispensable for VWF-induced calcium release.  相似文献   

Munday AD  Berndt MC  Mitchell CA 《Blood》2000,96(2):577-584
The binding of von Willebrand factor (vWF) to glycoprotein (GP) Ib-IX-V stimulates transmembrane signaling events that lead to platelet adhesion and aggregation. Recent studies have revealed that the signaling protein 14-3-3 zeta binds directly to the cytoplasmic domain of GP Ib alpha. In this study, the dynamic association of 14-3-3 zeta with GP Ib-IX, the phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI 3-kinase), or both, was investigated in resting, thrombin, or vWF and botrocetin-stimulated platelets by analysis of discrete subcellular fractions. Results of this study demonstrate maximal coimmunoprecipitation of 14-3-3 zeta with GP Ib-IX in the nonstimulated cytosolic fraction and in the actin cytoskeletal fraction of thrombin- or vWF-stimulated human platelets. Immunoprecipitated 14-3-3 zeta or GP Ib from cytosolic fractions contained PI 3-kinase enzyme activity and an 85-kd polypeptide recognized by antibodies to the p85 subunit of PI 3-kinase. After platelet activation, the level of association between these species decreased in the cytosolic fraction. However, increased complex formation between 14-3-3 zeta and GP Ib-IX and between PI 3-kinase and GP Ib-IX was detected in actin cytoskeletal fractions derived from thrombin- or vWF-stimulated platelets. Recombinant glutathione S-transferase-14-3-3 zeta fusion protein (14-3-3 zeta-GST) inhibited affinity-captured PI 3-kinase enzyme activity up to 70% at 2 mcmol/L 14-3-3 zeta-GST. However, increasing concentrations up to 5 mcmol/L 14-3-3 zeta-GST resulted in the 3-fold enhancement of PI 3-kinase enzyme activity. We propose that the association between PI 3-kinase and 14-3-3 zeta with GP Ib-IX serves to promote the rapid translocation of these signaling proteins to the activated cytoskeleton, thereby regulating the formation of 3-position phosphoinositide-signaling molecules in this subcellular compartment. (Blood. 2000;96:577-584)  相似文献   

Bernard-Soulier syndrome (BSS) is a rare inherited bleeding disorder which is caused by a qualitative or quantitative abnormality of the platelet glycoprotein (GP) Ib/IX/V complex. We examined a patient with BSS to find a molecular basis for the defect underlying this disease. The propositus was a 39-year-old Japanese female with life-long bleeding diathesis. Sequence analysis of the GPIX gene revealed a T → C point mutation at nucleotide 1856 (EMBL, M80478), resulting in Phe55(TTT) → Ser(TCT) replacement. This substitution created a new Mnl I restriction site in the mutant allele. Restriction analysis revealed that the propositus was homozygous for this sequence, and the same mutation was not detected in 57 unrelated Japanese subjects. Since this mutation is located in the leucine-rich motif (LRM) of the GPIX polypeptide, the Phe55 → Ser substitution may result in an alteration of the LRM which leads to the impaired surface expression of GPIb/IX/V complex, a characteristic of BSS.  相似文献   

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