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The aim of this study was to compare the relative therapeutic efficacies of three different light sources for treating winter depression. A balanced incomplete block crossover design was employed, whereby all patients (n = 18) were randomly assigned to two out of the three treatment conditions: white, red and blue light. The degree of depression was assessed by the 21-item Hamilton Depression Rating Scale. The data suggest that at a photon density of 2.3 × 1015 photons/s/cm2, white light has greater therapeutic benefit than red or blue light. It is clear that a larger sample population should be tested to confirm this result. This preliminary finding indicates that light sources currently in use for phototherapy could not be improved by narrowing the wavelengths provided and shifting them towards either end of the visible spectrum.  相似文献   



Research studies on seasonal affective disorder (SAD) among immigrant populations are scarce. The objective of this article was to explore the associated risk and protective factors on prevalence of winter SAD (W-SAD), sub syndromal SAD (S-SAD) and Summer-SAD among five immigrant groups living in Oslo, Norway.


The Oslo Immigrants Health study (innvandrer HUBRO, 2002), is a large cross sectional epidemiological survey conducted among five of the largest immigrant groups living in Oslo. 1047 subjects were included in the analysis out of 3019 who participated in the survey. Mailed questionnaire which included selected items of the seasonal pattern assessment questionnaire (SPAQ), Hopkins symptom check list (HSCL) and other variables were used in the analysis.


The lowest levels of W-SAD were found among Sri Lankan men and women and the highest among Iranians. W-SAD was significantly associated with country of birth, younger age, smoking, presence of mental distress, frequent visits to general practitioner or psychiatrist, self reported poor health and presence of chronic disorders. S-SAD was significantly associated with country of birth, smoking and higher levels of alcohol consumption.


SPAQ was not culturally validated. Poor response rate (39.7%) can also be considered as a limitation.


Ethnic differences in W-SAD and S-SAD were observed. Sri Lankans had the lowest levels of W-SAD. However, there is a need for culturally validated instruments and further research must focus on exploring protective factors for SAD.  相似文献   

Summary 146 women and 44 men (out- and inpatients; treatment sample) with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD; winter type) were tested for gender differences in demographic, clinical and seasonal characteristics. Sex ratio in prevalence was (women : men) 3.6 : 1 in unipolar depressives and 2.4 : 1 in bipolars (I and II). Sex ratios varied also between different birth cohorts and men seemed to underreport symptoms. There was no significant difference in symptom-profiles in both genders, however a preponderance of increased eating and different food selection on a trend level occured in women. The female group suffered significantly more often from thyroid disorders and from greater mood variations because of dark and cloudy weather. Women referred themselves to our clinic significantly more frequently as compared to men. In summary gender differences in SAD were similar to those of non-seasonal depression: the extent of gender differences in the prevalence of affective disorders appears to depend on case criteria such as diagnosis (unipolar vs. bipolar), birth cohort and number of symptoms as minimum threshold for diagnosis. We support the idea of applying sex-specific diagnostic criteria for diagnosing depression on the basis of our data and of the literature.  相似文献   

Tryptophan hydroxylase (TPH) is the rate-limiting enzyme in the synthesis of 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT). An association study in bipolar affective disorder I or unipolar major affective disorder was performed by using a Bfa I restriction site polymorphism within intron 7 of the tryptophan hydroxylase gene. A total of 118 bipolar, 125 unipolar, and 437 control subjects were used in the study (1:3.7 bipolar:control, 1:3.5 unipolar:control). There were no significant differences in TPH allele or genotype frequencies between the affective disorder and control groups. In addition, bipolar and/or unipolar subjects with or without a history of suicide attempts were compared for the TPH polymorphism. No significant differences were found between suicidal and nonsuicidal groups in major affective disorder, in contrast to a previous study suggesting an association of this polymorphism with a history of suicide attempts among alcoholic violent offenders. Am. J. Med. Genet. (Neuropsychiatr. Genet.) 81:245–247, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Background: The need to develop supplementary or alternative treatments for seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is underscored by the significant minority (47%) of SAD patients that is refractory to light therapy, the persistence of residual symptoms despite light treatment, and poor long-term compliance with light use. Because preliminary studies suggest that cognitive and behavioral factors are involved in SAD, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) warrants investigation as a possible treatment option. Methods: We piloted a 6-week randomized clinical trial to compare a standard light therapy protocol; a novel, SAD-tailored, group CBT intervention; and their combination in ameliorating and remitting a current SAD episode and as prophylaxis against episode recurrence. Depressive symptom severity and remission rates were assessed at post-treatment and at a 1-year follow-up visit to examine long-term treatment durability. Results: CBT, light therapy, and their combination all demonstrated significant reductions in depressive symptoms on two different outcome measures. Remission rates varied by measure, but did not reach statistical significance. During the subsequent winter, CBT, particularly in combination with light therapy, appeared to improve long-term outcome regarding symptom severity, remission rates, and relapse rates. No CBT-treated participant, with or without light, experienced a full SAD relapse compared to over 60% of those treated with light alone. Limitations: These results should be viewed as preliminary and are limited by the small sample size (n=23) and lack of a control group. Conclusions: The nearly half of SAD patients who do not remit with light alone may benefit from CBT as an adjunct or alternative treatment, especially as a prophylaxis against episode recurrence.  相似文献   

Untreated community volunteers (n = 66) with a significant reactive or neurotic depressive disorder were assessed at interview to determine predictors of improvement at 6 and at 20 weeks. The degree to which subjects improved by 6 weeks could be predicted by their pattern of improvement one week after initial interview and more definitely at the third week. Key baseline predictors of improvement both at 6 and at 20 week were the break-up of an intimate relationship in the preceding 12 months and weight loss, replicating findings in a study of depressive patients receiving psychiatric assessment and psychotherapy. Other isolated variables appeared to be predictors more of response to the non-specific therapeutic effects of the assessment process.  相似文献   

Background: To date, there has been only limited information on factors associated with seasonal changes in mood and behaviour experienced by a random sample of Australians living in a continental temperate climate region. This paper identifies socio-demographic, psychological and personality factors associated with reporting higher levels of seasonality. Method: Information on seasonal change using the Seasonal Pattern Assessment Questionnaire (SPAQ) was obtained from 7485 persons in three age groups. Age and sex differences in seasonality scores were examined. Those meeting probable caseness for seasonal affective disorder were identified and compared with less-seasonal participants on a range of state and trait measures. Results: Levels of seasonality reported by survey participants were comparable to those reported in northern hemisphere studies of randomly selected community samples. However, these levels were significantly lower than other key studies outside Australia and previous Australian findings. Compared with less-seasonal participants, those reporting seasonal change had more current depressive and anxiety symptoms and higher levels of negative affect, regardless of season of interview. Limitations: This study is likely to over-estimate the number of participants who meet requirements for caseness for seasonal affective disorder. Conclusion: Levels of seasonality experienced by a random sample of Australians living in a temperate climate are comparable to those reported by similar groups in the northern hemisphere. Importantly, this study found that those experiencing higher levels of seasonality had significantly more current depressive symptoms than less-seasonal participants across all seasons. These results raise questions about the usefulness of the SPAQ as a measure of seasonal variation in mood and behaviour.  相似文献   

The validity of the Seasonal Pattern Assessment Questionnaire (SPAQ) was examined by interviewing 81 individuals who had participated in an earlier community survey of seasonal affective disorder (SAD) in Iceland. When SAD and subsyndromal SAD (S-SAD) were combined into a ‘winter problem’ group, the questionnaire's sensitivity, specificity and positive predictive value for that group were 94%, 73% and 45%, respectively. The SPAQ discriminated poorly between SAD and S-SAD, and hence it had a poor case-finding ability for SAD. Clinical evaluation verified a diagnosis of SAD in individuals who had no previous information about this syndrome. The questionnaire furthermore identified a group of individuals who had generalized anxiety and marked seasonal variations. Clinical evaluation arrived at a similar prevalence rate of SAD as the questionnaire.  相似文献   

昆明市情感障碍流行病学调查   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的:了解昆明市情感障碍患病率。方法:采用分层容量比例概率随机抽样法,应用中文版复合性国际诊断交谈检查2.1版(CIDI-2.1)对该市≥15岁的居民5033人进行访谈,调查情感障碍的患病率,分析影响情感障碍的相关因素、起病年龄及共病情况。结果:情感障碍30天患病率为0.98%,12个月患病率为1.22%,终生患病率为1.89%,单因素分析结果显示,城镇居民、离婚/分居/丧偶人群、无业者、受教育程度较高者更易患抑郁症。多因素分析结果显示,家居农村、男性可能是情感障碍的保护因素。不同情感障碍亚型起病年龄不同,90%的双相情感障碍患者在25岁以前起病,情感恶劣在50岁以前存在起病风险,重性抑郁的起病风险持续终生。患有焦虑障碍和疼痛障碍可以增高情感障碍的患病风险。结论:情感障碍患病率低于国外同类研究而与国内研究接近,城镇居民、女性、独身、无业,受教育程度较高者有较高的患病风险,是干预的重点人群。  相似文献   

The photoperiod model of seasonal affective disorder (SAD) suggests that SAD is caused by abnormal responses to seasonal changes in day length. Clarifying the utility of event-related brain potentials (ERPs) as diagnostic aids or measures of therapeutic efficacy in SAD requires understanding the range of naturally occurring seasonal patterns of variation in human responses. This investigation studied ERPs from non-patients (402 from men, 415 from women) during the pronounced photoperiod variation of the Alaskan subarctic where light availability ranges from 3.20 h in winter to 21.98 h in summer. ANOVA showed significant (P=0.03) main effect of photoperiod in the amplitude and latency of P300 responses, as well as a main effect of sensory modality (P=0.002). There was neither a main effect of gender, nor any significant gender-interactive effect in ERP responses. In clients with SAD, the ERP variability attributed to seasonal photoperiod remains to be clarified.  相似文献   

A family study of psychiatric diagnoses was performed in 29 children of bipolar patients and 37 children of normal controls, ages 6-17. There were no differences in major or minor affective diagnoses between the patient and control groups, but there was an increase of non-specific diagnoses in the patient group. Using DSM-III criteria, 10% of patients' children and 14% of controls' children had had at least one episode of major depression. This suggests that major depression in children is not familially related to adult bipolar major affective disorder. The observed prevalence of depression in childhood is increased when both direct interview of children and interview of parents are performed.  相似文献   



Unhelpful sleep-related cognitions play an important role in insomnia and major depressive disorder, but their role in seasonal affective disorder has not yet been explored. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine if individuals with seasonal affective disorder (SAD) have sleep-related cognitions similar to those with primary insomnia, and those with insomnia related to comorbid nonseasonal depression.


Participants (n=147) completed the Dysfunctional Beliefs and Attitudes about Sleep 16-item scale (DBAS-16) and the Structured Interview Guide for the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale, Seasonal Affective Disorder Version (SIGH-SAD), which assesses self reported sleep problems including early, middle, or late insomnia, and hypersomnia in the previous week. All participants were assessed in winter, and during an episode for those with a depressive disorder.


Individuals with SAD were more likely to report hypersomnia on the SIGH-SAD, as well as a combined presentation of hypersomnia and insomnia on the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). The SAD group reported DBAS-16 scores in the range associated with clinical sleep disturbance, and DBAS-16 scores were most strongly associated with reports of early insomnia, suggesting circadian misalignment.


Limitations include the self-report nature of the SIGH-SAD instrument on which insomnia and hypersomnia reports were based.


Future work could employ sleep- or chronobiological-focused interventions to improve clinical response in SAD.  相似文献   

Introduction. Studies of cognitive styles among euthymic people with bipolar affective disorder (BAD) without use of mood induction techniques to access those cognitive styles give misleading impressions of normality of those cognitions. The aim of this study was to assess dysfunctional attitudes of participants with BAD, and control participants with no previous psychiatric histories, after mood inductions.

Methods. Sad and happy moods were induced within 49 BAD and 37 controls. Dysfunctional attitudes were measured following mood inductions using the Dysfunctional Attitude Scale—short form (DAS-24), which has three subscales of achievement, interpersonal, and goal attainment.

Results. It was hypothesised that within BAD the sad mood induction would help in accessing dysfunctional attitudes in all three domains relative to the happy mood induction. This was supported. It was also hypothesised that the mood inductions would not affect dysfunctional attitudes within controls. This was supported. When diagnosis was entered as a between group variable, achievement dysfunctional attitudes were significantly higher in BAD compared to controls after a happy induction.

Conclusions Both sad and happy moods provoked higher levels of dysfunctional attitudes within BAD. Euphoria may be related to elevated achievement dysfunctional attitudes, raising risk for mania.  相似文献   

A group of diseases are due to abnormal expansions of trinucleotide repeats. These diseases all affect the nervous system. In addition, they manifest the phenomenon of anticipation, in which the disease tends to present at an earlier age or with greater severity in successive generations. Many additional genes with trinucleotide repeats are believed to be expressed in the human brain. As anticipation has been reported in schizophrenia and bipolar affective disorder, we have examined allele distributions of 13 trinucleotide repeat-containing genes, many novel and all expressed in the brain, in genomic DNA from schizophrenic (n = 20–97) and bipolar affective disorder patients (23–30) and controls (n = 43–146). No evidence was obtained to implicate expanded alleles in these 13 genes as causal factors in these diseases. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The role of the immune system in mood disorders is predominately supported by studies in unipolar major depression. However activation of the immune system has also been demonstrated in bipolar mania. Our study examines pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines in both phases of bipolar affective disorder (BPAD). METHODS: Plasma concentrations of IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, TNF-alpha and sIL-6R were measured with enzyme linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) in patients with BPAD who were depressed, or manic and in healthy controls. RESULTS: Bipolar depression had significantly higher production of the pro-inflammatory cytokines, IL-8 (p < 0.001) and TNF-alpha (p < 0.05) compared to healthy subjects. The manic group also had increased production of IL-8 (p < 0.05) and TNF-alpha (p < 0.001) as compared to healthy subjects. Anti-inflammatory cytokine levels did not differ across the 3 groups. LIMITATIONS: A small sample size was studied. All patients remained on medication for this study. CONCLUSIONS: BPAD is associated with increased production of pro-inflammatory cytokines both in the manic and in the depressed phase as compared to healthy subjects. This is the first study, which examined both mania and bipolar depression.  相似文献   

Valid individualized case conceptualization methodologies, such as plan analysis, are rarely used for the psychotherapeutic treatment conceptualization and planning of bipolar affective disorder (BD), even if data do exist showing that psychotherapy interventions might be enhanced by applying such analyses for treatment planning for several groups of patients. We applied plan analysis as a research tool (Caspar, 1995) to N=30 inpatients presenting BD, who were interviewed twice. Our study aimed at producing a prototypical plan structure encompassing the most relevant data from the 30 individual case conceptualizations. Special focus was given to links with emotions and coping plans. Inter‐rater reliability of these plan analyses was considered sufficient. Results suggest the presence of two subtypes based on plananalytic principles: emotion control and relationship control, along with a mixed form. These subtypes are discussed with regard to inherent plananalytic conflicts, specific emotions and coping plans, as well as symptom level and type. Finally, conclusions are drawn for enhancing psychotherapeutic practice with BD patients, based on the motive‐oriented therapeutic relationship. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Clin Psychol 65: 1–16, 2009.  相似文献   

Psychomotor performance and memory were assessed in 6 patients with seasonal affective disorder following one week of daily administration of oral melatonin. No effect was noted on either vigilance or memory testing, but reaction time on a simple visual/tactile task was significantly reduced. Identical testing following a week of placebo administration showed no changes from baseline. Clinical status was monitored by both observer and self ratings; no clinical changes were detected that could account for the performance difference. The reaction time finding is in contrast to a previous report of a reaction time increase following melatonin administration. We discuss the possibility that this discrepancy is due to different dosages of melatonin administered or to the effects of melatonin on circadian rhythms of performance.  相似文献   

Disturbance in the dopamine neurotransmitter system has been implicated in the pathogenesis of affective disorder. In this study, we examine the possibility that functional variants of the recently cloned dopamine D4 receptor gene contribute to the genetic component of manic depression. The polymorphism, a 48 bp tandem repeat coding for part of the third cytoplasmic loop, was detected using a PCR based method. In a first sample of 57 patients and 59 controls, we found allele 7 to be in excess in the patients. In contrast, allele 3 was less frequent in patients. A second, larger sample of 90 patients and 91 controls was utilized to test these hypotheses. Data from the two samples were then pooled together for further analyses. We calculated the power of our samples, and if the frequency of 7 repeat allele obtained from sample 1 is true, i.e., 25% (28/114) for patients and 14% (16/118) for controls, then the power of the combined sample is 62% at 5% (two-tailed) significance level. However, both observations were not replicated; we therefore conclude that variations in this repeat at the DRD4 gene do not contribute to the genetic component of manic depression. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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